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February 13, 2025, 11:40:57 pm


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Topics - 3lric

As The Lion War of the Lions was designed to be a patch as a starting point for future patches, I will be releasing the resources created to build it here. I will write a small tutorial on the correct order in which to build TLWotL, as well as how to use it's tools, including the Dark Knight hack, as well as provide a updated version of EVSP both here and in the EVSP thread.

(Resources) TLWotL Spreadsheets
(Tools) TLW Tools & Progs
1. Shishi New Sprites
2. Shishi Other Images Dump
3. Event Stuff
4. WotL Movies
5. Patcher Files
6. ASMs

The above list is how your TLW Resources folder should appear after extracting it. The Resources folder is not necessary for a new build, but instead, changing and updating several of the ASMs used in TLW. The Tools folder contains any special tools or programs used in building TLW

The other folders are numbered in order of when they should be patched. This is not entirely necessary, however, Event Stuff should always be patched before the Patcher Files folder, which should always be patched before the ASMs folder. As long as those 2 rules are followed, there should not be much issue.

The Tactext file must always be edited with the TLW - FFTText Editor excel sheet, and then exported with it's current settings, and then patched with Tactext .493 (or newest), both of which are found in the resources download below.


Since this folder is a bit more intense than the numbered folders, I'll go into a bit more depth here and say what each spreadsheet is used for.

TLW - ARH Generator Mini
Used in TLW for setting up Ashley Riots weapon/ability restrictions to only have 2 abilities at any time based on what weapon he is using.

TLW - Bravestory Bio Update Links
Used to remap some Bios for new or rearranged character slots.

TLW - Bravestory Records Editor
Contains the current setup for the Bravestory Record event calls used in TLW.

TLW - Extra Job Hack v1.19
Basically functions the same way as the job requirements do in FFTPatcher. Choose the requirements for your new job (by level) and set which job slot the male and female versions of said job are to use. Pretty self explanatory and user friendly, but if you have questions, ask, as no tutorial has been written for this tool as of yet.

TLW - FFT Conditionals v4
Contains and allows editing of the current TLW Event & Worldmap conditions.

TLW - Rumor's Table Spreadsheet
Contains the current setup for TLWs Rumors, as well as the extra rumors added from WotL.

TLW - Special Snowflakes v1.02
Currently setup to fix undead units, tutorial units and quite a few other things, allowing for more extensive job consolidation. Learn more about Special Snowflakes HERE

TLW - Unit Restriction
Current setup for unit restrictions for the extra sidequests added from WotL to TLW.

TLWotL - Alazlam Speech Editor 1.01
Tool used to remap and edit Alazlam's speech at the beginning of the game.

TLWotL - FFTText Editor v1.1
TLWotLs current text edits are contained, edited and exported through this. View the FFTText Editor thread for more info on how to use this.

TLWotL - FRAME.BIN Editor v1.03
Tool used to remap status names and words on the player stat cards

TLWotL - WLDTEX3 Editor v1.01
Tool used to edit the remap the worldmap titles and locations on the WLDTEX3 sheet
Since this folder is a bit more intense than the numbered folders, I'll go into a bit more depth here and say what each tool/folder is used for.

CDMage B5
Used for importing TEST.EVT into your image file.[/b]

EVSP TLWotL Edition
A program created by RavenOfRazgriz, for easy viewing and editing of event in FFT, complete with a command list, multi compile and decompile features and more. The version for TLW is a Unofficial update I did for version 2.0, which fixes a few issues in vanilla events, as well as includes the TLWotL events and test.evt file. This is not included in this pack due to size, but can be downloaded HERE

Attack.out Editor Special Awesome
A program created by RavenOfRazgriz, for easy editing of the Attack.out scenario settings, such as weather, script number, and squad setups. Not to be confused with the attack.out spreadsheet which also edits attack.out, but instead of the scenario settings, edits the event conditions.

FFTPatcher .482
Use this folder ONLY for [Data] xml patching. Shishi, Patcher and Tactext should not be used from this folder.
Note: This folder is actually located in the TLW ASM folder now, due to how ASM is patched with 2 different versions of FFTP now.

FFTPatcher .495 B1
Use the programs in this folder for applying the FFTPatcher file, Tactext file, as well as inserting sprites, graphics and [ASM] xml files. This folder also contains the all-so-important RESOURCES.ZIP, which has been fully modified for TLW. This will give your Shishi and FFTP the correct naming for all the TLW characters, ENTDs, Sprites, Jobs, and Abilities!
Note: This folder is actually located in the TLW ASM folder now, due to how ASM is patched with 2 different versions of FFTP now.




Used for Patching PPF Files to a clean image file.

This folder contains all the custom sprites in TLW, as well as their ID and TYPE. For Example, 3A - Aliste Type 1, should be inserted into sprite slot 3A in Shishi, and set to Type 1.

NOTE: You will need to expand your clean image with Shishi before adding all the sprites, if you are creating a build from scratch. However, as of .493 B7, Shishi no longer needs to increase your image size to expand the iso, fixing several bugs.

This folder is a full dump of the 'Other Images' tab in Shishi, for TLW. Use the included version of Shishi from the Tools folder, and then, while your image is loaded into Shishi, click the 'Other Images' tab, then at the top, to the right of the 'File' button, click on 'Image', then scroll down to 'Import all images...', direct this to the '2. TLW SHISHI OTHER IMAGES DUMP' folder and hit 'OK'. This will automatically import all images in this folder into the correct slots, which will automatically setup your EVTCHR, UNIT.BIN, WLDFACE, BONUS.BIN, etc, etc.

This folder contains the TEST.EVT for TLW. This can be imported by loading your image file into CDMage b5 as M2 (Mode 2), then in the event folder and right clicking on TEST.EVT and hitting import file after which you will navigate to the respective file and double click on it to overwrite it.

This folder is empty in these resources, as the files are too large to upload to the site in a rar file. Instead, you can download a movies ppf file using the link in the readme file in any release of TLW.

This folder only exists to keep everything in the same order as I use to build it on my own PC. You can also place the downloaded movie files into this folder as well if you'd like to keep everything the same as I do when creating a build of TLW.

This folder contains the FFTPatcher files. Both should be patched with the current newest version of FFTPatcher. TLW Tactext should only be edited with TLW - FFTText Editor and patched with Tactext from FFTPatcher .493 Beta 7 or newer.

NOTE: When opening file with tactext, if asked to load missing files from iso, click no.



Since this folder is a bit more intense than the other numbered folders, I'll go into a bit more depth here and say what each ASM is, and if applicable, what spreadsheet it comes from. This folder contains 2 different folders, due to a random error with newer versions of orgASM, some .xmls that are in hex instead of asm format, will fail to fully patch. Hence the split. .492 should only ever be used to patch the supplied ASMs, nothing more. I will explain both folders individually.

ASM (FFTP .493 B7)

Event Instruction Upgrade Hack v1.377.1.xml
Hack by Xifanie (fixed by Glain) to add more commands for events, vastly upgraded from it's original iteration. The xml also contains the Graphic Rewrite hack that is required for the Event Instruction Upgrade Hack

Glain - Benchhack & Requirements.xml
Hacks created by Glain to allow benching up to 10 units. This ASM hack also been updated to have a variable for roster size in order to be compatible with the Roster Expansion hack.
Note: Unlike previous versions of TLW Resources, the Roster is automatically set to 20 in this version.

TLW Barrage v3.2 & Formula 42.xml
3 Hacks created by Choto and fixed up by Pride and Talcall to edit both formulas 19 for the Barrage move to "(Hit#_(4) Dmg_(Weapon)/2)", and 46 Ashley Riots abilities to "Dmg_(PA*(WP+Y)/2) 100% status". Also includes the requires Weapon Strike Rewrite Hack.

TLW Bravestory Fix.xml
Hack by Glain used to fix variables being called when viewing bravestory scenes, after the scenes original event ID was altered from vanilla, and some other issues with bravestory function.

TLW Enemy Level Fix.xml
Hack by Glain to fix a derp with Enemy Levels.

TLW Formula 13 DK.xml
Hack by Talcall changing formula 13 to "Dmg_(PA*MA*(100-Faith)/100 + MaxHP/3) status 100% PE El" for use with Dark Knight abilities.
DATA (FFTP .492)

TLW 1E4 & 1E5 Become Adeptness & Sturdy.xml
Hacks created by Choto and migrated over from Jot5 to be used for the Dark Knight RSM moves in TLW.

TLW Ability Requirement Hack.xml
A mini version of the ARH hack, created by Choto(?) or Pride(?) to be used for Ashley Riot, without taking up as much space as the normal ARH. Editable in TLW - ARH Generator Mini.xls

TLW Altima Teleport.xml
Hack created by Xifanie to allow changing the Teleport Send/Arrive of Altima 1 and 2 to existing skills without effects attached, in order to free up 4 ability slots. This works in conjunction with the Extra Ability Effects hack.

TLW Attack & World Conditions.xml
XML of the TLW Conditionals v4 sheet created by Xifanie. This holds all of the event and worldmap conditional data. Basically, how scenes are called and when, in and out of battle. Editable in TLW - FFT Conditionals v4.xlsm

TLW ATTACK.OUT Event Data.xml
XML created using Attack.out Editor Special Awesome. This holds all your scenario data, such as event number, squad setup, intial music and weather for events, etc. Editable in Attack.out Editor Special Awesome

TLW Brave Story Bio Update Unit Links.xml
Hack by Xifanie to change which units, upon being removed, slain or leaving due to low brave/high faith, will change a Brave Story Bio variable, and which one.[/b]

TLW Bravestory Records Edits.xml
Hack by Elric to change which scene in called in the bravestory when reviewing records and choosing to re-watch a scene. Editable in TLW - Bravestory Records Editor.xls

TLW Credits and New Game Plus Event Data.xml
Hack by Xifanie to add the Credits and New Game+ events to TLW 2.0. These are not done via normal .txt files as you'd see with other events, and this ASM much be patched for the events to exist in the image.[/b]

TLW Difficulty Setting Level Alteration.xml
Hack by Xifanie for NG+ (No spoilers)[/b]

TLW Event Hardcodings.xml
Hacks by Xifanie to allow calling the ending movie scenes via event command, change the scenario ID that calls the 'This Game is Complete' upon victory, and change the ID of the event associated with calling the post credits scene.[/b]

TLW Factual Events.xml
Hack by Xifanie for to allowing the previously unused 'Facts' section of the bravestory to call events by pressing the 'Start' button. Used in TLW 2.0 for the Rendezvous Missions.[/b]

TLW Map 120.xml
Hack by Xifanie that loads 66 South Wall of Bethla Garrisson when MAP120 is selected in attack.out, but uses the map name in the last entry of MAPTITLE.BIN, which is normally garbled text. Used for the Undead Algus battle in TLW.

TLW Roster Expansion.xml
Hack made originally by Pokeytax, poked at a bit by xjamxx, and then completed by Xifanie to allow the player to fully utilize the 4 guest slots as if they were normal party slots, which brings the roster size up to 20. This is used in TLW as guests are not in formation in TLW.

TLW Rumor Edits.xml
Hack made by Pride to allow you to set what towns each rumor appears in once its variable is activated. Used in TLW to add in the extra rumors that trigger sidequests from WotL. Editable in TLW - Rumor's Table Spreadsheet.xls

TLW Sound Novels Function.xml
A tiny hack made by ??? that re-enables the ability to read the sound novels by pressing triangle when reading their description in the Treasures section of the Bravestory, after you have discovered them.

TLW Special Snowflakes.xml
Hack by Xifanie, used in TLW to force specific units to appear in battles they are required to be in for the additional sidequests from WotL. As well as restrict manual placement of said characters in these battles. Editable in TLW - Unit Restriction.xlsx

TLW Unit Restrictions.xml
Hack by Xifanie, used in TLW to force specific units to have stats like undead, or immune to invite, etc. Editable in TLW - Special Snowflakes.xlsx

TLWotL Alazlam Edits.xml
Hack by Elric & Xifanie to edit Alazlams intro speech[/b]

TLWotL WLDTEX3 Edits.xml
Hack by Elric to edit the mapping of the WLDTEX3 image, as well as the names placement on the worldmap.[/b]

Simple Oil Fix.xml
Hack by Orkney to fix Oil[/b]

TLWotL - Anti-Cheat.xml
Hacks by Glain to prevent Scroll & Duplication glitchs.[/b]

TLWotL - Mighty Sword - Breaking not mandatory.xml
Hack by Orkney to make monsters and naked units still get hurt by Mighty Sword abilities.[/b]

TLWotL FRAME.BIN Edits.xml
Hack by Elric to edit mapping of Frame.bin, as well as the placement of many status and player stat card texts[/b]

TLWotL Misc Hacks.xml
Hacks by Elric to do misc things, mostly menu width, mastered star locations, etc.[/b]

TLWotL Zodiac Calendar Mod 2.xml
Hack by Xifanie to make the game run off the Ivalician zodiac calendar. The game also starts on Aries 1 (march 15th) same as WotL does. Bug fixed by Orkney.[/b]

TLWotL Serial.xml
Hack created by Cerabow to easily change the serial of the image file. By default this has been changed to 'TLWL_942.21' but you may need to change it for your own mod using TLWotL as a base.

TLWotL MOVED - Extra Job - Dark Knight.xml
The big one. This hack created by Choto allows you to create a new, fully functioning Job Class for male and female (they can even be different jobs than each other!) TLWotL uses this to create the Dark Knight job. More info on this is available up above in the Resources folder section. Editable in TLWotL - Extra Job Hack v1.19.xlsx
Note: This version has had part of it relocated to another area due to an old ASM conflict that may or may not exist any longer. If you do decide to change this hack for your mod, make sure you have no conflicts when rebuilding from a xml created by the Extra Job spreadsheet.

By downloading these resources, you agree that when you use this as a base and release a project, that you have at the very least, read this thread and will credit those listed in the 'TLW Staff for Credits' thread, for the work they did in creating TLW.[/size]
Please use this topic for any bug reports on TLWotL 1.02 going forward.

While its great to hear about the bugs on discord, it will get lost.

The Lion War of the Lions 1.02

Welcome back fellow Hackticians! The time has finally come to release The Lion War of the Lions 1.0! This comes with all the benefits of the most current TLW, but includes all the WotL dialogue, names, menus, descriptions, chapter title images and more.

This has been a long time coming and we want to thank you all for your patience, I loath the WotL script so this was not an easy swallow for me to make! For sake of consistency and for those who have not played TLW, I will keep most of this thread the same as the normal TLW thread, so that all changes are still listed.

We know you will love all the new additions as much as we did creating them. The modding resources and full changelog will be released soon.
-The Lion War Team

WotL Event Ports
All events have been ported over from WotL and use the dialogue from WotL.
Full list of added events below.

Rendezvous Introduction
Wiegraf speaks to Rofel
Delita Battle w/ Ovelia at Falls (Battle)
Delita Battle 2 (Battle)
Delita & Ovelia Chat
Undead Algus Battle (Battle)
Kletian vs. Meliadoul
Agrias & Ovelia Reunion
Reis Kidnapped
Aliste Battle (Battle)
Bremondt Battle (Battle)
Agrias Birthday
Reis Rescued
Hokuten Battle (Battle)

New Events
In addition to the events ported from WotL, we needed to create some new events in some cases. Such as the Ashley Riot battle and post battle, or re-creating the Balthier cutscene as a prebattle event.
You can see a full list of new events below.

Ashley / Luso Battle (Battle)
Ashley / Luso Post-Battle
Balthier Battle (Battle + Balthier and Ramza talk)
Balthier Post-Battle
Credits Event
New Game + Event*
Treasure Selector**

If, like many, you never got to play the multiplayer content in WotL, now you have your chance! Newly included in TLW 2.0 are the Rendezvous missions in a single player format. Once unlocked these can be accessed from the Bonus Content menu in the Brave Story menu.
Due to sprite limitations, some enemies many not appear until a condition (usually killing another enemy) is met.
However this does help to combat the fact that you will never have 6 units or 2 Orlandus, 2 Reis, etc, as you would have had access to in WotL.

-No enemies can be invited in Rendezvous missions
-All stats and items are retained
-Losing results in Game Over
Chocobo DefenseChapter 1 - After Family Meeting
Chicken RaceChapter 2 - Start
Treasure HuntChapter 2 - Start
TeiohChapter 2 - After Zaland
Lost HeirloomChapter 2 - After Goug
The FeteChapter 3 - Start
Desert MinefieldChapter 3 - After Underground Book Strorage
LitteringChapter 3 - After Rescue Rafa
Shades of the PastChapter 4 - Start
The Shrine KnightsChapter 4 - After Rescue Orlandu
All-Star MeleeChapter 4 - Before Final Battle Series
The Guarded TempleActivated in New Game +
NightmaresActivated in New Game +
Brave StoryActivated in New Game +
An Ill WindActivated in New Game +

Custom Rendezvous
Because we had so much 'fun' porting over the Rendezvous missions, we decided to try our hand at creating a few of our own. Upon completion of the game, you will also unlock the following Rendezvous.

Be A BetaActivated Rendezvous Introduction
Mirror Match   Activated in New Game +
Of VagrantsActivated in New Game +

Treasure Wheel
In WotL there was a 'treasure wheel' that you'd get rewards from at the end of every Rendezvous battle. Nyzer custom built a completely new type of treasure wheel for TLW 2.0. You can see a video of it in action HERE
Given the complexity of this event, he was kind enough to write an explanation below.

Treasure Wheel Mechanics

1: Basics

The player will get to play the Treasure Wheel after every Rendezvous. Each Rendezvous has its own specific loot table (though Rendezvous that all unlock at the same time share the same loot tables). There are four categories of chests, each of which will have three chests: Weapons, Armor, Accessories, and Consumables.

Weapons, Armor, and Accessories will all award gear roughly near what the player's shop progression would have had at the time the Rendezvous unlocked.

Consumables, however, are really underwhelming - in testing, everyone wanted to avoid them. So the only Chemist Items in the Consumables chests are Elixirs, which are in every Rendezvous' loot table. However, you can also find other kinds of consumables - specifically, ninja throwing items such as shuriken, or katana for Samurai. Additionally, Consumables will almost always award multiple of an item, rather than just one.

2: Rare rewards

When the Treasure Wheel starts, there is a chance that one random chest will become a Rare Chest. There's also a small chance upon opening any Common Chest that it will spontaneously transform into a Rare Chest.

How a Rare Chest works changes depending on its color. A Silver Chest will offer treasure based on the next Rendezvous' loot table, whereas Gold Chests offer Rare treasure from the endgame that cannot be found in any common treasure sets.

Whether the player will find Gold or Silver chests depends on which Rendezvous they can do. Rare treasure will only be Silver until reaching Chapter 4, at which point it all becomes Gold. You can tell what kind of rares you'll get by the background and the music in the event - a silver background means you'll get Silver rares, and a golden background means you'll get Gold rares.

As well, once the player unlocks Gold Treasure Wheels, they will have the option to press Triangle to attempt to force a Common Chest to become a Gold Chest. Each attempt costs 25,000 gil. If an attempt fails, the odds of having the next attempt succeed are doubled.

3: Treasure scaling

There are two ways that older Rendezvous' Treasure Wheels are set to scale up to be useful to the player. The first is how Common Consumables are altered, and the second is how Rare Treasures are.

Common Consumables from older Rendezvous will no longer have katanas or ninja items. Instead, they will give the player a random amount of 1-10 Elixirs.

Rare Treasures will also scale up until after the start of Chapter 4. Until that point, a Rare in an older Treasure Wheel will be the same as the Rares in your current newest Treasure Wheel. So if you're in Chapter 3, and have just unlocked Desert Minefield, getting a Rare Treasure from Chapter 2's Chicken Race will give you loot from Chapter 3's Littering, just as a Rare in Desert Minefield would.

However, Rare Treasures will no longer scale up beyond the rare loot found in Chapter 4's Shades of the Past. Sorry, but you won't be seeing any Excaliburs from Chocobo Defense!

4: Number of chests

In most Treasure Wheels, the player will only be able to open three chests. However, doing a battle series, such as Shrine Knights or Bravestory, will allow the player to open more chests, as well as increasing the chances of getting a Rare Chest at the start of the Wheel, and the chances of finding a Rare Treasure from any Common Chest.

5: End

And that's that! Hopefully that helps you understand how the Treasure Wheel works. I did my best to make it feel like an engaging experience that gives the player enough control to avoid feeling like they're totally at the mercy of the RNG, without any one treasure category feeling worthless, and that every go at the Treasure Wheel feels worth your time without being ridiculously overpowered.

Now get out there and enjoy The Lion War!

Sounds Novels
Propositions [Errands] in Final Fantasy Tactics sometimes gave you unique prizes, which have no battle effect. Four of these prizes could be opened and revealed small games, the sound novels. The sound novels were not translated in the original US PSX release, nor in any subsequent releases of the game. They have a lot of text to translate.
Three of the four novel are playable in English in TLW 2.0. We are still looking for a translator for the last novel (not google translate).

Of course the bulk of TLW couldn't all fit into the above categories.
You can find a list of other changes TLW 2.0 makes, down below.
-Add Ashley Riot instead of Luso
-Add Dark Knight as a Generic Class
-Facts re-named to Bonus Content
-Roster size increased from 16 to 20
-Glain's Bench hack added to allow benching up to 10 units
-260 free event slots (compared to vanilla's 0)
-Completely re-organized ENTDs
-Update to FFTP newest version, no more FFTP .457 for tactext
-Item Attribute, Status Infliction, Job, Skillset and Sprite consolidation
-ENTDs rearranged in proper game over
-UWEntries added into FFTP, so 1 less sheet to edit
-Same as above for the Altima movement abilities
-Conditions updated to the new condition sheet structure, much easier if you are scared of hex
-Guest equipment is given as battle rewards in or around the time they leave your party

Other Changes from TLW to TLWotL
There were many things that had to be changed or adjusted to build TLWotL on top of TLW. Below are the bulk of those changes.
- Elmdor has maintenance
- Aliste has maintenance and rewards with a Genji Armor instead of Ribbon
- Bremondt rewards with a Zeus Mace instead of Ribbon
- Worldmap Town names have been updated
- Event, Bar, Soldier Office, Shop dialogue all updated to WotL
- All Chronicles/Bravestory sections updated to WotL
- WotL Rumors, Bios, Propositions, & other Chronicle dialogue has been justified
- Character, Ability, Job & Skillset names updated to WotL
- Skill JP Cost, Ticks and otherwise, updated to WotL
- Character growths updated to WotL
- Game now runs on Zodiac Calendar
- Game serial changed from TLW2_942.21 to TLWL_942.21
- Fixed Oil
- Mighty Sword can now damage monster and naked units
- Disables JP Scroll Glitch & Item Dupe Glitch
- Alazlam speech edited to mirror WotL
- Status names and character stat cards updated to WotL (Brave->Bravery) (At->ATK) etc
- Item stats icons updated to WotL (2H/1H)
- Anything else having to do with dialogue or words updated to WotL

NOTE: The tutorial is still vanilla due to the fact that no one uses it. It still works, just won't have anything updated outside of the Tutorial names themselves.
NOTE: Some shop or tavern dialogue may have been shortened in one way or another to make it fit.

-TLWotL 1.0 is not to be uploaded to any site outside of FFH without permission. Any use of TLWotL requires proper credits given where due.
-TLW will absolutely NOT work on TLWotL or vice versa!

You can also find the FAQs here and the bug reports here.
The Lion War / The Lion War 2.031 - Resources Download
September 30, 2021, 03:23:16 am
TLW 2.0x builds are NOT compatible with existing TLW 1.x builds, setups or otherwise.

As The Lion War was designed to be a patch as a starting point for future patches, I will be releasing the resources created to build it here. I will write a small tutorial on the correct order in which to build TLW, as well as how to use it's tools, including the Dark Knight hack, as well as provide a updated version of EVSP both here and in the EVSP thread.

(Resources) TLW Spreadsheets
(Tools) TLW Tools & Progs
1. Shishi New Sprites
2. Shishi Other Images Dump
3. Event Stuff
4. WotL Movies
5. Patcher Files
6. ASMs

The above list is how your TLW Resources folder should appear after extracting it. The Resources folder is not necessary for a new build, but instead, changing and updating several of the ASMs used in TLW. The Tools folder contains any special tools or programs used in building TLW

The other folders are numbered in order of when they should be patched. This is not entirely necessary, however, Event Stuff should always be patched before the Patcher Files folder, which should always be patched before the ASMs folder. As long as those 2 rules are followed, there should not be much issue.

The Tactext file must always be edited with the TLW - FFTText Editor excel sheet, and then exported with it's current settings, and then patched with Tactext .493 (or newest), both of which are found in the resources download below.


Since this folder is a bit more intense than the numbered folders, I'll go into a bit more depth here and say what each spreadsheet is used for.

TLW - ARH Generator Mini
Used in TLW for setting up Ashley Riots weapon/ability restrictions to only have 2 abilities at any time based on what weapon he is using.

TLW - Bravestory Bio Update Links
Used to remap some Bios for new or rearranged character slots.

TLW - Bravestory Records Editor
Contains the current setup for the Bravestory Record event calls used in TLW.

TLW - Extra Job Hack v1.19
Basically functions the same way as the job requirements do in FFTPatcher. Choose the requirements for your new job (by level) and set which job slot the male and female versions of said job are to use. Pretty self explanatory and user friendly, but if you have questions, ask, as no tutorial has been written for this tool as of yet.

TLW - FFT Conditionals v4
Contains and allows editing of the current TLW Event & Worldmap conditions.

TLW - FFTText Editor v1.1
TLWs current text edits are contained, edited and exported through this. View the FFTText Editor thread for more info on how to use this.

TLW - Rumor's Table Spreadsheet
Contains the current setup for TLWs Rumors, as well as the extra rumors added from WotL.

TLW - Special Snowflakes v1.02
Currently setup to fix undead units, tutorial units and quite a few other things, allowing for more extensive job consolidation. Learn more about Special Snowflakes HERE

TLW - Unit Restriction
Current setup for unit restrictions for the extra sidequests added from WotL to TLW.
Since this folder is a bit more intense than the numbered folders, I'll go into a bit more depth here and say what each tool/folder is used for.

CDMage B5
Used for importing TEST.EVT into your image file.[/b]

EVSP TLW Edition
A program created by RavenOfRazgriz, for easy viewing and editing of event in FFT, complete with a command list, multi compile and decompile features and more. The version for TLW is a Unofficial update I did for version 2.0, which fixes a few issues in vanilla events, as well as includes the TLW events and test.evt file. This is not included in this pack due to size, but can be downloaded HERE

Attack.out Editor Special Awesome
A program created by RavenOfRazgriz, for easy editing of the Attack.out scenario settings, such as weather, script number, and squad setups. Not to be confused with the attack.out spreadsheet which also edits attack.out, but instead of the scenario settings, edits the event conditions.

FFTPatcher .482
Use this folder ONLY for [Data] xml patching. Shishi, Patcher and Tactext should not be used from this folder.
Note: This folder is actually located in the TLW ASM folder now, due to how ASM is patched with 2 different versions of FFTP now.

FFTPatcher .495 B1
Use the programs in this folder for applying the FFTPatcher file, Tactext file, as well as inserting sprites, graphics and [ASM] xml files. This folder also contains the all-so-important RESOURCES.ZIP, which has been fully modified for TLW. This will give your Shishi and FFTP the correct naming for all the TLW characters, ENTDs, Sprites, Jobs, and Abilities!
Note: This folder is actually located in the TLW ASM folder now, due to how ASM is patched with 2 different versions of FFTP now.

Used for Patching PPF Files to a clean image file.

This folder contains all the custom sprites in TLW, as well as their ID and TYPE. For Example, 3A - Aliste Type 1, should be inserted into sprite slot 3A in Shishi, and set to Type 1.

NOTE: You will need to expand your clean image with Shishi before adding all the sprites, if you are creating a build from scratch. However, as of .493 B7, Shishi no longer needs to increase your image size to expand the iso, fixing several bugs.

This folder is a full dump of the 'Other Images' tab in Shishi, for TLW. Use the included version of Shishi from the Tools folder, and then, while your image is loaded into Shishi, click the 'Other Images' tab, then at the top, to the right of the 'File' button, click on 'Image', then scroll down to 'Import all images...', direct this to the '2. TLW SHISHI OTHER IMAGES DUMP' folder and hit 'OK'. This will automatically import all images in this folder into the correct slots, which will automatically setup your EVTCHR, UNIT.BIN, WLDFACE, BONUS.BIN, etc, etc.

This folder contains the TEST.EVT for TLW. This can be imported by loading your image file into CDMage b5 as M2 (Mode 2), then in the event folder and right clicking on TEST.EVT and hitting import file after which you will navigate to the respective file and double click on it to overwrite it.

This folder is empty in these resources, as the files are too large to upload to the site in a rar file. Instead, you can download a movies ppf file using the link in the readme file in any release of TLW.

This folder only exists to keep everything in the same order as I use to build it on my own PC. You can also place the downloaded movie files into this folder as well if you'd like to keep everything the same as I do when creating a build of TLW.

This folder contains the FFTPatcher files. Both should be patched with the current newest version of FFTPatcher. TLW Tactext should only be edited with TLW - FFTText Editor and patched with Tactext from FFTPatcher .493 Beta 7 or newer.

NOTE: When opening file with tactext, if asked to load missing files from iso, click no.

Since this folder is a bit more intense than the other numbered folders, I'll go into a bit more depth here and say what each ASM is, and if applicable, what spreadsheet it comes from. This folder contains 2 different folders, due to a random error with newer versions of orgASM, some .xmls that are in hex instead of asm format, will fail to fully patch. Hence the split. .492 should only ever be used to patch the supplied ASMs, nothing more. I will explain both folders individually.

ASM (FFTP .493 B7)

Event Instruction Upgrade Hack v1.377.1.xml
Hack by Xifanie (fixed by Glain) to add more commands for events, vastly upgraded from it's original iteration. The xml also contains the Graphic Rewrite hack that is required for the Event Instruction Upgrade Hack

Glain - Benchhack & Requirements.xml
Hacks created by Glain to allow benching up to 10 units. This ASM hack also been updated to have a variable for roster size in order to be compatible with the Roster Expansion hack.
Note: Unlike previous versions of TLW Resources, the Roster is automatically set to 20 in this version.

TLW Serial.xml
Hack created by Cerabow to easily change the serial of the image file. By default this has been changed to 'TLW2_942.21' but you may need to change it for your own mod using TLW as a base.

TLW Barrage v3.2 & Formula 42.xml
3 Hacks created by Choto and fixed up by Pride and Talcall to edit both formulas 19 for the Barrage move to "(Hit#_(4) Dmg_(Weapon)/2)", and 46 Ashley Riots abilities to "Dmg_(PA*(WP+Y)/2) 100% status". Also includes the requires Weapon Strike Rewrite Hack.

TLW Bravestory Fix.xml
Hack by Glain used to fix variables being called when viewing bravestory scenes, after the scenes original event ID was altered from vanilla, and some other issues with bravestory function.

TLW Enemy Level Fix.xml
Hack by Glain to fix a derp with Enemy Levels.

TLW Formula 13 DK.xml
Hack by Talcall changing formula 13 to "Dmg_(PA*MA*(100-Faith)/100 + MaxHP/3) status 100% PE El" for use with Dark Knight abilities.
DATA (FFTP .492)

TLW 1E4 & 1E5 Become Adeptness & Sturdy.xml
Hacks created by Choto and migrated over from Jot5 to be used for the Dark Knight RSM moves in TLW.

TLW Ability Requirement Hack.xml
A mini version of the ARH hack, created by Choto(?) or Pride(?) to be used for Ashley Riot, without taking up as much space as the normal ARH. Editable in TLW - ARH Generator Mini.xls

TLW Altima Teleport.xml
Hack created by Xifanie to allow changing the Teleport Send/Arrive of Altima 1 and 2 to existing skills without effects attached, in order to free up 4 ability slots. This works in conjunction with the Extra Ability Effects hack.

TLW Attack & World Conditions.xml
XML of the TLW Conditionals v4 sheet created by Xifanie. This holds all of the event and worldmap conditional data. Basically, how scenes are called and when, in and out of battle. Editable in TLW - FFT Conditionals v4.xlsm

TLW ATTACK.OUT Event Data.xml
XML created using Attack.out Editor Special Awesome. This holds all your scenario data, such as event number, squad setup, intial music and weather for events, etc. Editable in Attack.out Editor Special Awesome

TLW Brave Story Bio Update Unit Links.xml
Hack by Xifanie to change which units, upon being removed, slain or leaving due to low brave/high faith, will change a Brave Story Bio variable, and which one.[/b]

TLW Bravestory Records Edits.xml
Hack by Elric to change which scene in called in the bravestory when reviewing records and choosing to re-watch a scene. Editable in TLW - Bravestory Records Editor.xls

TLW Credits and New Game Plus Event Data.xml
Hack by Xifanie to add the Credits and New Game+ events to TLW 2.0. These are not done via normal .txt files as you'd see with other events, and this ASM much be patched for the events to exist in the image.[/b]

TLW Difficulty Setting Level Alteration.xml
Hack by Xifanie for NG+ (No spoilers)[/b]

TLW Event Hardcodings.xml
Hacks by Xifanie to allow calling the ending movie scenes via event command, change the scenario ID that calls the 'This Game is Complete' upon victory, and change the ID of the event associated with calling the post credits scene.[/b]

TLW Factual Events.xml
Hack by Xifanie for to allowing the previously unused 'Facts' section of the bravestory to call events by pressing the 'Start' button. Used in TLW 2.0 for the Rendezvous Missions.[/b]

TLW Map 120.xml
Hack by Xifanie that loads 66 South Wall of Bethla Garrisson when MAP120 is selected in attack.out, but uses the map name in the last entry of MAPTITLE.BIN, which is normally garbled text. Used for the Undead Algus battle in TLW.

TLW MOVED - Extra Job - Dark Knight.xml
The big one. This hack created by Choto allows you to create a new, fully functioning Job Class for male and female (they can even be different jobs than each other!) TLW uses this to create the Dark Knight job. More info on this is available up above in the Resources folder section. Editable in TLW - Extra Job Hack v1.19.xlsx
Note: This version has had part of it relocated to another area due to an old ASM conflict that may or may not exist any longer. If you do decide to change this hack for your mod, make sure you have no conflicts when rebuilding from a xml created by the Extra Job spreadsheet.

TLW Roster Expansion.xml
Hack made originally by Pokeytax, poked at a bit by xjamxx, and then completed by Xifanie to allow the player to fully utilize the 4 guest slots as if they were normal party slots, which brings the roster size up to 20. This is used in TLW as guests are not in formation in TLW.

TLW Rumor Edits.xml
Hack made by Pride to allow you to set what towns each rumor appears in once its variable is activated. Used in TLW to add in the extra rumors that trigger sidequests from WotL. Editable in TLW - Rumor's Table Spreadsheet.xls

TLW Sound Novels Function.xml
A tiny hack made by ??? that re-enables the ability to read the sound novels by pressing triangle when reading their description in the Treasures section of the Bravestory, after you have discovered them.

TLW Special Snowflakes.xml
Hack by Xifanie, used in TLW to force specific units to appear in battles they are required to be in for the additional sidequests from WotL. As well as restrict manual placement of said characters in these battles. Editable in TLW - Unit Restriction.xlsx

TLW Unit Restrictions.xml
Hack by Xifanie, used in TLW to force specific units to have stats like undead, or immune to invite, etc. Editable in TLW - Special Snowflakes.xlsx

By downloading these resources, you agree that when you use this as a base and release a project, that you have at the very least, read this thread and will credit those listed in the 'TLW Staff for Credits' thread, for the work they did in creating TLW.[/size]
Mod Reviews / [PSX] FFT - The Lion War 2.0
September 29, 2021, 11:55:50 pm
   The Lion War 2.0
  • Translation
  • Story Additions
  • Character Additions
  • Quality of Life Tweaks
  • Sound Novels
  • Rendezvous
  • Treasure Wheel
  • New Game +
  • Modding Resource

      Jump back into the world of Ivalice on your PS1 while enjoying much of the new content from WotL. All the extra events, scenes, characters*, battles including Rendezvous, 3 out of 4 full working Sound Novels. All scenes de-translated back into proper PS1 FFT dialogue. Enjoy the vanilla story like never before with the newly built Treasure Wheel for the added Rendezvous missions and for the first time ever New Game+!

*Luso has been replaced with Ashley Riot in this version, another patch version will include Luso at some point. Dark Knight is in the game as a new generic job, but Onion Knight is not in the game.

News / The Lion War 2.0 Released!
September 17, 2021, 03:01:14 am
The time have finally come for us to release The Lion War 2.0!

As many of you know, this has been in progress for a little over 8 years now and has been curated and consolidated in nearly every way we could find to do so. If you've forgotten what was in the original TLW, you can read more about this here and here.

As far as what you can now find in The Lion War 2.0, some of the heavy hitters are listed, or you can head over to the TLW 2.0 thread and download it yourself right now HERE!

(modding resources and documentation will be released 2 weeks after public release)

- New Game Plus
- Continue Plus
- All Rendezvous added as single player content
- New custom Treasure Wheel for Rendezvous
- Roster size increased from 16 to 20
- Bench hack added bringing total roster potential to 30
- Fixes to all previous bugs from TLW 1.XX
- Agrias Birthday available in all towns, not just Warjilis.
- The Intro and Opening movies are now a downloadable .ppf
- Guest equipment is given as battle rewards in or around the time they leave your party
- Item Attribute, Status Infliction, Job, Skillset and Sprite consolidation
- ENTDs rearranged in proper game order
- Complete event consolidation, 260 free event slots!
- Conditions v4 setup, adding tons of space for conditions
The Lion War / The Lion War 2.031 - DOWNLOAD HERE!!
September 17, 2021, 03:00:04 am

The Lion War 2.031
Welcome back fellow Hackticians! The time has finally come to release The Lion War 2.0! This comes with all the benefits of the original TLW, but with some neat new additions listed below.

This has been a long time coming and we want to thank you all for your patience! We know you will love all the new additions as much as we did creating them. The modding resources and full changelog will be released soon.
-The Lion War Team

WotL Event Ports
All events have been ported over from WotL and then re-written in PSX translation style dialogue.
Full list of added events below.

Rendezvous Introduction
Wiegraf speaks to Rofel
Delita Battle w/ Ovelia at Falls (Battle)
Delita Battle 2 (Battle)
Delita & Ovelia Chat
Undead Algus Battle (Battle)
Kletian vs. Meliadoul
Agrias & Ovelia Reunion
Reis Kidnapped
Aliste Battle (Battle)
Bremondt Battle (Battle)
Agrias Birthday
Reis Rescued
Hokuten Battle (Battle)

New Events
In addition to the events ported from WotL, we needed to create some new events in some cases. Such as the Ashley Riot battle and post battle, or re-creating the Balthier cutscene as a prebattle event.
You can see a full list of new events below.

Ashley / Luso Battle (Battle)
Ashley / Luso Post-Battle
Balthier Battle (Battle + Balthier and Ramza talk)
Balthier Post-Battle
Credits Event
New Game + Event*
Treasure Selector**

If, like many, you never got to play the multiplayer content in WotL, now you have your chance! Newly included in TLW 2.0 are the Rendezvous missions in a single player format. Once unlocked these can be accessed from the Bonus Content menu in the Brave Story menu.
Due to sprite limitations, some enemies many not appear until a condition (usually killing another enemy) is met.
However this does help to combat the fact that you will never have 6 units or 2 Orlandus, 2 Reis, etc, as you would have had access to in WotL.

-No enemies can be invited in Rendezvous missions
-All stats and items are retained
-Losing results in Game Over
Chocobo DefenseChapter 1 - After Family Meeting
Chicken RaceChapter 2 - Start
Treasure HuntChapter 2 - Start
TeiohChapter 2 - After Zaland
Lost HeirloomChapter 2 - After Goug
The FeteChapter 3 - Start
Desert MinefieldChapter 3 - After Underground Book Strorage
LitteringChapter 3 - After Rescue Rafa
Shades of the PastChapter 4 - Start
The Shrine KnightsChapter 4 - After Rescue Orlandu
All-Star MeleeChapter 4 - Before Final Battle Series
The Guarded TempleActivated in New Game +
NightmaresActivated in New Game +
Brave StoryActivated in New Game +
An Ill WindActivated in New Game +

Custom Rendezvous
Because we had so much 'fun' porting over the Rendezvous missions, we decided to try our hand at creating a few of our own. Upon completion of the game, you will also unlock the following Rendezvous.
Mirror MatchActivated in New Game +
Of VagrantsActivated in New Game +

Treasure Wheel
In WotL there was a 'treasure wheel' that you'd get rewards from at the end of every Rendezvous battle. Nyzer custom built a completely new type of treasure wheel for TLW 2.0. You can see a video of it in action HERE
Given the complexity of this event, he was kind enough to write an explanation below.

Treasure Wheel Mechanics

1: Basics

The player will get to play the Treasure Wheel after every Rendezvous. Each Rendezvous has its own specific loot table (though Rendezvous that all unlock at the same time share the same loot tables). There are four categories of chests, each of which will have three chests: Weapons, Armor, Accessories, and Consumables.

Weapons, Armor, and Accessories will all award gear roughly near what the player's shop progression would have had at the time the Rendezvous unlocked.

Consumables, however, are really underwhelming - in testing, everyone wanted to avoid them. So the only Chemist Items in the Consumables chests are Elixirs, which are in every Rendezvous' loot table. However, you can also find other kinds of consumables - specifically, ninja throwing items such as shuriken, or katana for Samurai. Additionally, Consumables will almost always award multiple of an item, rather than just one.

2: Rare rewards

When the Treasure Wheel starts, there is a chance that one random chest will become a Rare Chest. There's also a small chance upon opening any Common Chest that it will spontaneously transform into a Rare Chest.

How a Rare Chest works changes depending on its color. A Silver Chest will offer treasure based on the next Rendezvous' loot table, whereas Gold Chests offer Rare treasure from the endgame that cannot be found in any common treasure sets.

Whether the player will find Gold or Silver chests depends on which Rendezvous they can do. Rare treasure will only be Silver until reaching Chapter 4, at which point it all becomes Gold. You can tell what kind of rares you'll get by the background and the music in the event - a silver background means you'll get Silver rares, and a golden background means you'll get Gold rares.

As well, once the player unlocks Gold Treasure Wheels, they will have the option to press Triangle to attempt to force a Common Chest to become a Gold Chest. Each attempt costs 25,000 gil. If an attempt fails, the odds of having the next attempt succeed are doubled.

3: Treasure scaling

There are two ways that older Rendezvous' Treasure Wheels are set to scale up to be useful to the player. The first is how Common Consumables are altered, and the second is how Rare Treasures are.

Common Consumables from older Rendezvous will no longer have katanas or ninja items. Instead, they will give the player a random amount of 1-10 Elixirs.

Rare Treasures will also scale up until after the start of Chapter 4. Until that point, a Rare in an older Treasure Wheel will be the same as the Rares in your current newest Treasure Wheel. So if you're in Chapter 3, and have just unlocked Desert Minefield, getting a Rare Treasure from Chapter 2's Chicken Race will give you loot from Chapter 3's Littering, just as a Rare in Desert Minefield would.

However, Rare Treasures will no longer scale up beyond the rare loot found in Chapter 4's Shades of the Past. Sorry, but you won't be seeing any Excaliburs from Chocobo Defense!

4: Number of chests

In most Treasure Wheels, the player will only be able to open three chests. However, doing a battle series, such as Shrine Knights or Bravestory, will allow the player to open more chests, as well as increasing the chances of getting a Rare Chest at the start of the Wheel, and the chances of finding a Rare Treasure from any Common Chest.

5: End

And that's that! Hopefully that helps you understand how the Treasure Wheel works. I did my best to make it feel like an engaging experience that gives the player enough control to avoid feeling like they're totally at the mercy of the RNG, without any one treasure category feeling worthless, and that every go at the Treasure Wheel feels worth your time without being ridiculously overpowered.

Now get out there and enjoy The Lion War!

Sounds Novels
Propositions [Errands] in Final Fantasy Tactics sometimes gave you unique prizes, which have no battle effect. Four of these prizes could be opened and revealed small games, the sound novels. The sound novels were not translated in the original US PSX release, nor in any subsequent releases of the game. They have a lot of text to translate.
Three of the four novel are playable in English in TLW 2.0. We are still looking for a translator for the last novel (not google translate).

Of course the bulk of TLW couldn't all fit into the above categories.
You can find a list of other changes TLW 2.0 makes, down below.
-Add Ashley Riot instead of Luso
-Add Dark Knight as a Generic Class
-Facts re-named to Bonus Content
-Roster size increased from 16 to 20
-Glain's Bench hack added to allow benching up to 10 units
-260 free event slots (compared to vanilla's 0)
-Completely re-organized ENTDs
-Update to FFTP newest version, no more FFTP .457 for tactext
-Item Attribute, Status Infliction, Job, Skillset and Sprite consolidation
-ENTDs rearranged in proper game over
-UWEntries added into FFTP, so 1 less sheet to edit
-Same as above for the Altima movement abilities
-Conditions updated to the new condition sheet structure, much easier if you are scared of hex
-Guest equipment is given as battle rewards in or around the time they leave your party
-Fixed dark knight abilities/formulas
-Fixed Barrage elemental gun bug
-Fixed undead units and Zalera properly floating and/or having their undead appearance
-Agrias Birthday available in all towns, not just Warjilis.
- Fixed bug with Cloud/Aerith events dialogue
- Re-added song titles and descriptions to sound test menu
- Fixed issues in 3 Sound Novels that could have caused soft lock
- Fixed a bug with the difficulty hack affecting benched units level
- Fixed a Continue+ bug with biographies of some characters
- Fixed description on Bremondt's 'Holy Priest' job
- Fixed a bug in the Extra Job hack that derped Soldier Office confirm text
- Fixed som Bios not updating based on death/faith/brave leaving status
- Fixed descriptions for 'Iron Ripper' and 'Ignis Wheel'
- Fixed Beowulf stat save issue in the Bremondt battle
- Fixed the 'Guarded Temple' rendezvous from being unbeatable
- Fixed descriptions for MP and HP restore
- Fixed a bug with Float and Jump caused by consolidation
- Fixed a bug with victories triggering incorrectly
- Fixed a visual derp in the Balthier intro event
- Made Balthier's event compatible with Kori's edit of Dorter
- Fixed multiple bugs with 'Barrage'
- Fixed a bug with the offset for the Agrias Birthday event
- Fixed a bug with Bench data not being cleared before starting a new game
- Fixed a bug with the Difficulty Setting Level Alteration Hack
- Fixed a bug with Aliste's immunities
- Added Loot Wheel events for easier customization in custom patches
- Added new 'Be a Beta' rendezvous mission to Chapter 1
- Added optional fftp patch for random unit ID edits
- Fixed bug with mandalia choice effect at zeakdon
- Fixed link to movies in readme

-TLW 2.0 is not to be uploaded to any site outside of FFH without permission. Any use of TLW requires proper credits given where due.
-TLW 1.0 saves will absolutely NOT work on TLW 2.0

You can also find the FAQs here and the bug reports here.
The Lion War / The Lion War 2.031 - Bug Reports
September 17, 2021, 12:03:36 am
Please use this topic for any bug reports on TLW 2.031 going forward.

While its great to hear about the bugs on discord, it will get lost.

- Fixed bug with Cloud/Aerith events dialogue
- Re-added song titles and descriptions to sound test menu
- Fixed issues in 3 Sound Novels that could have caused soft lock
- Fixed a bug with the difficulty hack affecting benched units level
- Fixed a Continue+ bug with biographies of some characters
- Fixed description on Bremondt's 'Holy Priest' job
- Fixed a bug in the Extra Job hack that derped Soldier Office confirm text
- Fixed som Bios not updating based on death/faith/brave leaving status
- Fixed descriptions for 'Iron Ripper' and 'Ignis Wheel'
- Fixed Beowulf stat save issue in the Bremondt battle
- Fixed the 'Guarded Temple' rendezvous from being unbeatable
- Fixed descriptions for MP and HP restore
- Fixed a bug with Float and Jump caused by consolidation
- Fixed a bug with victories triggering incorrectly
- Fixed a visual derp in the Balthier intro event
- Made Balthier's event compatible with Kori's edit of Dorter
- Fixed multiple bugs with 'Barrage'
- Fixed a bug with the offset for the Agrias Birthday event
- Fixed a bug with Bench data not being cleared before starting a new game
- Fixed a bug with the Difficulty Setting Level Alteration Hack
- Fixed a bug with Aliste's immunities
- Added Loot Wheel events for easier customization in custom patches
- Added new 'Be a Beta' rendezvous mission to Chapter 1
- Added optional fftp patch for random unit ID edits
- Fixed a derp with the Fort Zeakdon battle based on decision at Mandalia
- Fixed link to movies in Readme
Completed Mods / Mod Index
July 25, 2020, 03:01:46 am

PSX Mods:

MOD NAME                                                        LATEST VERSION                AUTHOR                                          MOD TYPE
FFT - Journey of the Five1.97eElric & Team Jot5/XENAStory / Total Conversion
FFT - The Lion War1.06Elric & Team XENAExpansion
FFT - CCP (Celdia's Complete Patch)1.967CeldiaRework / Re-balance
FFT - CCP2 (Celdia's Complete Patch 2)BetaCeldiaRework / Re-balance
FFT - Arena1.43cPX_Timefordeath & FFMasterAI Tournament
FFT - Arena: Arrange Mode???saw2thAI Tournament
Call of PowerChapter 3KokojoStory / Total Conversion
Souls of DestinyChapter 3.5CONMANStory / Total Conversion
FFT - Complete.50 BetaCheetahTranslation (WotL)
FFT - Cerabow's Mod0.10.2584CerabowRework / Re-balance / Expansion
FFT - type r???ruwinRework / Re-balance
FFT - RebirthLink Currently DeadPaheejRework / Re-balance
FFT - Changeup Class???dastandyRework / Re-balance
FFT - Heroes???aacrokeRework / Re-balance
FFT - Kind Of2.6EternalRework / Re-balance
Laggy Fantasy Tactics???LaggyRework / Re-balance
FFT - Proper1.10bjohnmysterRework / Re-balance
Name Fix PatchFinalChronosplitText Fix
Monster Tactics???EmmyRework / Re-balance / Expansion
FFT - _____???KouramaRework / Re-balance
FFT - FFXI.1 BetaApathy ManRework / Re-balance
FFT - War of the Gods5.1Bastard Poetry & JonRework / Re-balance
FFT - Anti-BreakingBetaRfhRework / Re-balance

PSP Mods:

MOD NAME                                                        LATEST VERSION                AUTHOR                                          MOD TYPE
FFT - Valeria2.2Windows XRework / Re-balance
FFT - WotL Custom Mod???ForeclosureRework / Re-balance
FFT - Git Gud Lite Edition0.9.81IldonRework / Re-balance
FFT - Tides of Fate1.3.1.3Windows XRework / Re-balance
FFT - Kind Of2.6EternalRework / Re-balance
FFT - Kind Of: Critical Mode.9EternalRework / Re-balance
FFT - WotL into Arabic.99aq8fftTranslation (Arabic)
FFT - Vanilla Bean???Stories8106Rework / Re-balance

Alazlam Speech Editor 1.01 by Xifanie & Elric

To round up my new trio of tools, (which were primarily made due to a need for them for the WotL version of TLW) we would like to present you with, the Alazlam Speech Editor. This tool would have been in no way possible, without Xifanie's assistance. She basically built the whole thing, I just kind of put the things together, and made an XML tab. So huge kudos to her for this tool.

So let's start the whole tutorial thing one last time.

So to start, if you open the workbook, the first thing you'll see is this:

Looking at this, everything will not be quite as self explanatory as my other sheets, so let's go over everything like we did with those ones.

Image Buffer
The Image Buffer column is used to determine the current image overlay. Please note that you MUST set previous image, to remove the current image, before you can call another. This means you cannot call an image for every different page.

The File column determines which image you are using for your text. There are two images for the Alazlam text, and each can have 15 lines. The dropdown on this column lets you select between OPNTEX4/5. This will need to be selected for each new page, so the game knows which file to pull the line from. (Note, that this might actually be called OPNTEX3/4 depending on which version of shishi you use, but figuring out which two are the Alazlam speech is still pretty obvious)

The Line column determines the order that the lines in the OPNTEX4/5 section are displayed in. As you can see below. Line 0, then line 1, is the vanilla default, but swapping those two line numbers around, will change who the game displays this text. There is no reason you should need to change these, but the option to do so is there. (Note, only the first Line column is editable, the second line column (column O) is not editable.

OPNTEX4/5 Text
The OPENTEX4/5 column is used mainly as a guide for you to enter your new text edits and make the lines/pages/etc easier to track and work with. Everything in this column is what will be displayed in the Preview Text column based on the Line columns. (Note, while there is space for 16 lines on each of these 2 sheets, the 16th line is not accessible and will print garbage image data, so it was not added to this sheet for obvious reasons)

Pixel Length
The Pixel Length column is used for setting how many pixels each line should be. As you can see in the image below, vanilla starts at the first pixel of the sheet and counts to the right as such.

Lastly, if this is the first spreadsheet hack you've ever used (I would be very very confused if that was somehow the case), once your edits are made, youll need to click on the XML tab on the bottom of the workbook, and copy Column A, from A1 all the way down through A272. Copy, and then paste this into a blank .xml file. Don't have a .xml? Sure you do, make a new notepad document, paste the contents mentioned above, save the file with whatever name you want, and change the extension from .txt to .xml. Place this into the xml folder of FFTP, and then patch it to your FFT image using orgASM.
WLDTEX3 Editor 1.02 by Elric

In addition to the FRAME.BIN Editor I released yesterday, I've also made a similar editor for WLDTEX3. This is what we call the 3rd sheet in WLDTEX.TM2. Basically, this sheet will allow you to remap source image location, location on the map screen in-game and height/width of Town Names, Month Names, and the numbers 0-9 as well as the symbol /.

This sheet is even more straight forward than my FRAME.BIN editor sheet, as everything in this sheet functions the same way, so once again, when we open the sheet the first thing we should see is this:

What do
Below, we see the text used for Jan., copied from the WLDTEX3 editor.

Here we can see a screencap of the WLDTEX3 in GraphicsGale, notice that Jan. is highlighted and we see the XX,YY axis, which is the location of the image on the sheet, followed by the Width and Height. Notice that these numbers match up to the above image as well. Yes, the selection is larger than the word itself. Vanilla uses this make display adjustments, why this did this instead of just editing the XX,YY Axis, since we are able to do so, is beyond me, but it is what it is.

What about the first XX,YY though? Well, this is for where it is displayed on the worldmap itself. I won't go too much more into this, as we already have information on this HERE, thanks to Glain.
80093b20 - World Map Month Image Data (WLDCORE.BIN 0x2cb20)
Each month has one entry.
(Size per entry: 0x14 = 20 bytes)
(Entries for the numbers used for the day are located directly after the months.  11 entries corresponding to 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 /)
Offset (bytes): Notes
    0x00 (4): Number of images to display? (Default 1)
    0x04 (4): ? Affects display (Default 0x01000180)
    0x08 (4): ? Affects colors? (Default 0x01e60000)
    0x0c (1): Screen Location Offset X (Default 0x80 = 128)
    0x0d (1): Screen Location Offset Y (Default 0x80 = 128)

    0x0e (1): Palette? (Default 0) (Messed up colors if changed)
    0x0f (1): Flip
        0: Upright
        1: Vertical flipped
        2: Horizontal flipped
        3: Both flipped
    0x10 (1): Pixel Height (Default 12)
    0x11 (1): Pixel Width (Default 24)
    0x12 (1): Source Bitmap Y Location
    0x13 (1): Source Bitmap X Location

Lastly, if this is the first spreadsheet hack you've ever used (I would be very very confused if that was somehow the case), once your edits are made, youll need to click on the XML tab on the bottom of the workbook, and copy Column A, from A1 all the way down through A274. Copy, and then paste this into a blank .xml file. Don't have a .xml? Sure you do, make a new notepad document, paste the contents mentioned above, save the file with whatever name you want, and change the extension from .txt to .xml. Place this into the xml folder of FFTP, and then patch it to your FFT image using orgASM.

the end
FRAME.BIN Editor 1.02 by Elric

So since there was not an existing FRAME.BIN editor or tutorial, now that we have a Shishi that can proper import and export the file, I figured I would take all the info we had on the site and create a easy to use spreadsheet that anyone can use to remap the locations of the status effects as well as a few other aspects of the FRAME.BIN.

This is in no way currently complete. There is a lot of data that is called from FRAME.BIN which I have not yet location, but as of now, this will cover all the status' as well as things like 2 Hands Only, Both Hands, etc.

So to start, if you open the workbook, the first thing you'll see is this:

Looking at this, everything should be fairly self explanatory, but lets go over a few cells anyway.

Status Example
Below, we see the status Berserk, copied from the Frame.bin editor

Here we can see a screencap of the Frame.bin in GraphicsGale, notice that Berserk is highlighted and we see the XX,YY axis, which is the location of the image on the sheet, followed by the Width and Height. Notice that these numbers match up to the above image as well.

It is really that simple.

Bonus & New Status
As a bonus though, I have also included the ability to add up to 6 new status, and a toggle for Frog, which normally is turned off in vanilla, thanks to RetroTypes and some extensive knowledge I got from his own thread on FRAME.BIN.

In the image here below, we see a drop down menu at the end of the row for Frog. Vanilla setting is 00, or change to 30 to activate the post-attack image for Frog.

In the image here below, we see a drop down menu at the end of the row for BLANK. Vanilla setting is 00, or change to 1E, 1F, 20, 21, 22, or 23 to set a new status. Remember you can only use each one once. To the right of that column, you can see the default skills that these would activate on, once turned on. You can find more info about this in RetroTypes thread HERE

Both Hands/2 Hands Only/Etc. Example
What...? You're still here? Oh right, we haven't covered the display images for 1 Hand Only, 2 Hands Only, Both Hands and 2 Swords... Well, this is where things get a bit tricky... I have been able to find and figure out some of the data here, but some doesn't quite make sense to me yet, and seem to require 2 or even 3 different bytes at once. So currently, some of the XX axis cannot be edited. There is also a drop down menu to help 2 Swords specifically, in order to change 3 words (2)(Sword)(s), into 1 word (Sword) and allowing you to then edit the width, of course this would assume that you want to change 2 swords to something that was instead, only 1 word.

So due to the above, you'll have to currently work with what we have, and if you are able to find anything new in regards to this, or any image on the FRAME.BIN sheet, that isn't covered here, feel free to post about it, and I'll make sure to get it added in.

As we see above, when you select No in the drop down menu, then it will remain 3 words, of which you can edit each to varying degrees. When you instead select Yes in the drop down menu, this will automatically zero out the hex for words 2 and 3, and make a change that allows the width of the first word (2) to be edited without any extra derpage.

Lastly, if this is the first spreadsheet hack you've ever used (I would be very very confused if that was somehow the case), once your edits are made, youll need to click on the XML tab on the bottom of the workbook, and copy Column A, from A1 all the way down through A272. Copy, and then paste this into a blank .xml file. Don't have a .xml? Sure you do, make a new notepad document, paste the contents mentioned above, save the file with whatever name you want, and change the extension from .txt to .xml. Place this into the xml folder of FFTP, and then patch it to your FFT image using orgASM.

the end
News / New Hack to "Expand" Vanilla Roster!
July 02, 2020, 12:29:11 am
Hey everyone! Today I am very happy to announce that Glain has finished his newest hack which can finally help you get more than 16 units on the PS1 version of Final Fantasy Tactics, in fact it allows you to have up to 26 units, with one small catch. You'll have to bench 10 of those units.

In Glain's newest hack, titled 'Unit Bench Hack (10 extra unit slots!)' you have the ability to bench up to 10 of your units to create space for new units. Units can also be swapped out with Benched units, at the cost of the currently earned, but unspent JP. Of course you should not be expecting to be able to bench Ramza or Guest units, but you will also not be able to bench units who are set to Missing, currently on a proposition, or with ??? stats. Rule of thumb seems to be, if benching the unit would break the game, then you cannot bench that unit.

Why do we have to give up Unspent JP you may ask? Well, for space of course. Like everything awesome that is done here, space is always a concern. I am definitely not an ASMer, and won't pretend to know how this all works. However unspent JP was the easiest, or at least the least intrusive thing to get rid of while still retaining the remaining data and having enough space to bench 10 units, the alternative was keeping unspent JP and reducing the bench-able units to 6.

If you don't understand what unspent JP is, think of it like this. You had 154 JP, you used 150 of it on an ability, and have 4 left over that you cannot spend since nothing costs 4 JP. Those 4 JP are lost when benching a unit, so make sure to spend any JP you are able to before benching your unit!

All in all, this hack is a HUGE improvement to the current roster limitations. I cannot tell you how many times when I used to play Vanilla, that I wished I had more space for generics to do propositions, but that I could still keep some of my unique units on the back-burner. Glain has more than accomplished this! To go along with this hack, he has also released another new beta of FFTP .493, so be sure to check it out and show him some thanks!

You can find the 'Unit Bench Hack (10 extra unit slots!)' packed with the newest FFTP HERE, or you can download the updated Glain.xml HERE
New Project Ideas / FFTP Consolidation Project
May 14, 2020, 07:30:01 am
Something I've wanted to put together for a little while. This patch, (which also includes Celdia's Item Attribute and Inflict Status Consolidation Patch) fixes the Tutorial units, Undead units and Dead Units in the game, such as the undead knights in the Zalera battle, or Alma/Malak during the battles they are unconscious in. Using Xifanie's Special Snowflakes ASM, I was able to give these specific units the statuses they needed to still be vanilla, while being able to give them standard jobs instead of wasting job space by having a duplicate job with 1 difference like dead or undead.

At the same time, I have gone through and removed any job that is never seen in battle in game, and consolidated a few others into each other where we were able to do so. I've also done this with sprites and skillsets. As of now, this should be the most space we've freed up for more things in FFTP, I'll also include a premade version of Xifanie's extra abilities and Effects sheets, which will free up an additional 4 ability slots, and possibly consolidate the Bio abilities as well.

Currently, this is where we are at. I just need to do a quick run-thru the game this weekend to ensure everything is working as intended, which it should be, then I'll release it.

The current version is only for vanilla FFT. However a TLW version will be coming out when the next update for TLW comes out soon.
New Project Ideas / The Lion War - Recruits
April 30, 2020, 06:30:58 am

This is a mod I'm putting together using TLW as a base (TLW will be getting a update soon with a couple bug fixes as well).

When I was much younger, in 1998 or so, when I started playing Final Fantasy Tactics, we didn't have the type of internet we have today. If you were able to get online, and search info about a game, you would a lot of the times find rumors and ways to unlock 'secret' characters in many games. FFT was no exception to this. I remember reading many rumors about how to unlock Gafgarion, Elmdor, Zalbag, a Holy Archer class, another Worker type creature, and quite a bit more.

So since we have a bit of extra space and with a HUGE thanks to Xifanie's Event Instruction Upgrade Hack, I figured I'd finally put some of the old rumors into play. This is our attempt to add some more recruits into FFT using the existing Roster, without being completely lore breaking, or outside the realm of possibility (whatever that may be in a FF game). We will not be adding some characters like Olan or Balmafula, as they, lore wise, could not have been with Ramza at the final boss fight. Draclau and Zalmo are also out, due to their ties with the Church and that being such a big part of the plot of Ramza becoming a heretic.

After TLW and a lot of UWEntries work, we are able to add in 10 more units to be recruit-able. No, we have not added Roster space, but this mod aims to give YOU the option of who stays and who goes, by giving you a lot more options when it comes to unique classes. I mean Agrias is great and all, but are her and Meliadoul really needed once you get Orlandu?

In addition to this, we will also be adding a couple new battles, one of which is a new Lucavi battle to tie into the lore.

In the interest of making these uniques worth getting, I've done a bit of work on their skillsets. For example, while you fight Gafgarion, he would only have his vanilla skillset, but upon recruit, he would have access to all but the strongest of the Dark Knight moves from TLW. Likewise with Elmdor, since he would no longer be a vampire (don't worry, you'll get a undead vanilla unit with bloodsuck), he now has a primary skillset based on spirit abilities, and also joins as a level 8 samurai. These do not affect the vanilla battles at this point. There is lots more that will be done, but since this is a small patch, just for fun, there will not be any big ability or balance changes. This is primarily to expand your vanilla experience, as was TLW. Upon release, I may make the resources for this public as well, since they can just be copied into the TLW resources, but we shall see.

Anyway, enough droning on. Below are 3 of the completed event edits I've finished. Credits to Nyzer for scripting & V3rdeni for a lot of ideas, some EVTCHR work that you don't see in this video because I'm a scrub and didn't add it in yet, as well as some other sprite stuff that I have not finished making events for yet. Xifanie as well, for the event instruction upgrade hack, which allowed us to make choices and outcomes within the same event. So even with everything shown here, only 1 new event slot has been used, which was for Wiegraf.

-  1E4 & 1E5 Become Adeptness & Sturdy
  - RSM abilities for Dark Knight.  Hack by Choto

-  Ability Requirement Hack Lite
  - Used to setup Weapon Restrictions for Ashley Riot's abilities.  Hack by ??? (This version by either Pride or Xifanie)

-  Altima Teleport
  - Change Altima's assigned ability slots for  her Teleport/Movement.  Hack by Xifanie

-  Barrage & Weapon Strike Rewrite
  - Attacks 4 times with Equipped Weapon.  Hack by Choto

-  Bravestory Fix
  - Fixes the way Bravestory events are run by the game when. Needed due to Setup event removal.  Hack by Glain

-  Bravestory Records Edits
  - Used to edit the Event IDs linked to the Bravestory Records.  Hack by RavenOfRazgriz

-  Event Instruction Upgrade Hack
  - Grants extra commands for use in more complicated events.  Hack by Xifanie

-  Extra Ability Effects Hack
  - Used to remap Altima's Teleport moves to Jump abilities which don't call effects normally. Allowing 4 extra ability slots, used for Dark Knight.  Hack by Xifanie

-  Extra Generic Class Hack
  - Used to create Dark Knight job as a generic from Bard/Dancer unused Gender data. Made by Choto

-  Map 120 Edits
  - Used to allow us to display Inner Courtyard of Limberry Castle for Undead Algus Battle, by selecting Map 120 in Attack.out.  Hack by Xifanie

-  Rumors
  - Used to allow editing of Towns that Rumors appear in.  Hack by Pride

-  Unit Restrictions
  - Used to Restrict units in WotL Sidequests, in which the mandatory units are Guests.  Hack by Xifanie

-  Unlock Sound Novels
  - Unlocks the ability to play the Sound Novels, once acquired, in the Bravestory.  Hack by ???

-  UWEntries
  - Used to Setup Formation images & data for Balthier, Ashley Riot/Luso & Dark Knight.  Hack by Glain


-  Roster Hack
  - Completely normalizes the 4 Guest slots for generic use.  Hack not yet made

    001    001    Orbonne Prayer
    002    002    Orbonne Battle
    003    003    Orbonne Battle (Gafgarion and Agrias chat)
    004    004    Orbonne Battle (Abducting the Princess)
    005    005    Military Academy
    006    006    Gariland Fight
    007    007    Gariland Fight (Ramza, Delita, Thief Chat)
    008    008    Gariland Fight (Ramza talking about honest lives)
    009    009    Balbanes's Death
    00A    010    Mandalia Plains (Options Given)
    00B    011    Mandalia Plains (Algus First Turn)
    00C    012    Mandalia Plains (Algus KO'd Defeat Chosen)
    00D    013    Mandalia Plains (Victory)
    00E    014    Mandalia Plains (Algus Alive)
    00F    015    Introducing Algus
    010    016    Returning to Igros
    011    017    Family Meeting
    012    018    Sweegy Woods
    013    019    Sweegy Woods (Victory)
    014    020    Dorter Trade City1
    015    021    Dorter Trade City1 (Algus and Delita talk)
    016    022    Dorter Trade City1 (Victory)
    017    023    Interrogation
    018    024    Sand Rat Cellar
    019    025    Sand Rat Cellar (Victory)
    01A    026    Gustav vs. Wiegraf
    01B    027    Larg's Praise
    01C    028    Miluda1
    01D    029    Miluda1 (Miluda and Algus arguing)
    01E    030    Miluda1 (Delita talking)
    01F    031    Miluda1 (Victory)
    020    032    Releasing Miluda
    021    033    Attack on the Beoulves
    022    034    Meeting with bedridden Dycedarg + Expelling Algus
    023    035    Reed Whistle
    024    036    Miluda2
    025    037    Miluda2 (Delita bartering with Miluda)
    026    038    Miluda2 (Miluda 75% HP)
    027    039    Miluda2 (Ramza debating with Miluda)
    028    040    Miluda2 (Ramza pleading with Miluda)
    029    041    Miluda2 (Miluda's Death)
    02A    042    Wiegraf berating Golagros
    02B    043    Wiegraf1
    02C    044    Wiegraf1 (Delita, Ramza, Wiegraf talk)
    02D    045    Wiegraf1 (Ramza and Wiegraf debate)
    02E    046    Wiegraf1 (Ramza and Wiegraf talk)
    02F    047    Wiegraf1 (Victory)
    030    048    Finding Teta Missing
    031    049    Fort Zeakden
    032    050    Fort Zeakden (Algus, Ramza round 1)
    033    051    Fort Zeakden (Algus, Ramza round 2)
    034    052    Fort Zeakden (Algus, Ramza round 3)
    035    053    Fort Zeakden (Destroy Chosen at Mandalia)
    036    054    Mandalia Plains (Algus KO'd Save Chosen)
    037    055    Fort Zeakden (Delita's First Turn)
    038    056    Fort Zeakden (Algus, Delita round 1)
    039    057    Fort Zeakden (Ramza, Delita talking)
    03A    058    Fort Zeakden (Victory)
    03B    059    Partings
    03C    060    Chapter 2 Start
    03D    061    Dorter2
    03E    062    Dorter2 (Victory)
    03F    063    Deep Dungeon NOGIAS (Battle)
    040    064    Deep Dungeon Panel Found
    041    065    Deep Dungeon (Victory - Used for all Floors)
    042    066    Deep Dungeon TERMINATE (Battle)
    043    067    Deep Dungeon DELTA (Battle)
    044    068    Deep Dungeon VALKYRIES (Battle)
    045    069    Deep Dungeon MLAPAN (Battle)
    046    070    Deep Dungeon TIGER (Battle)
    047    071    Deep Dungeon BRIDGE (Battle)
    048    072    Deep Dungeon VOYAGE (Battle)
    049    073    Deep Dungeon HORROR (Battle)
    04A    074    Elidibs
    04B    075    Elidibs (Victory)
    04C    076    Deep Dungeon END (Battle)
    04D    077    Araguay Woods (Options Given)
    04E    078    Araguay Woods (Boco KO'd, Save Boco Chosen)
    04F    079    Araguay Woods (Victory)
    050    080    Zirekile Falls
    051    081    Zirekile Falls (Gafgarion and Agrias talk)
    052    082    Zirekile Falls (Gafgarion, Ramza, Delita, talk)
    053    083    Zirekile Falls (Delita, Ovelia talk)
    054    084    Zirekile Falls (Ovelia's Death)
    055    085    Zirekile Falls (Gafgarion and Ramza arguing)
    056    086    Zirekile Falls (Gafgarion retreat)
    057    087    Zirekile Falls (Victory)
    058    088    Ovelia Joins
    059    089    Zaland Fort City (Options Given)
    05A    090    Zaland Fort City (Mustadio KO'd, Kill Chosen)
    05B    091    Zaland Fort City (Victory)
    05C    092    Ramza, Mustadio, Agrias & Ovelia meeting
    05D    093    Ruins of Zaland
    05E    094    Bariaus Hill
    05F    095    Bariaus Hill (Victory)
    060    096    Dycedarg & Gafgarion Reunion
    061    097    Gate of Lionel Castle + Meeting with Draclau
    062    098    Besrodio Kidnapped
    063    099    Zigolis Swamp
    064    100    Zigolis Swamp (Victory)
    065    101    Goug Machine City Town
    066    102    Goug Machine City
    067    103    Goug Machine City (Victory)
    068    104    Besrodio Saved
    069    105    Warjilis Port
    06A    106    Draclau hires Gafgarion
    06B    107    Bariaus Valley
    06C    108    Bariaus Valley (Agrias and Ramza talk)
    06D    109    Bariaus Valley (Agrias Death)
    06E    110    Bariaus Valley (Victory)
    06F    111    Golgorand Execution Site
    070    112    Golgorand Execution Site (Gafgarion and Agrias talk)
    071    113    Golgorand Execution Site (Gafgarion and Ramza talk; first part)
    072    114    Golgorand Execution Site (Gafgarion and Ramza talk; second part)
    073    115    Golgorand Execution Site (Gafgarion and Ramza talk; third part)
    074    116    Golgorand Execution Site (Gafgarion, Agrias and Ramza talk)
    075    117    Golgorand Execution Site (Gafgarion retreats)
    076    118    Golgorand Execution Site (Victory)
    077    119    Wiegraf speaks to Rofel
    078    120    Substitute
    079    121    Lionel Castle Gate
    07A    122    Lionel Castle Gate (Ramza opens the gate)
    07B    123    Lionel Castle Gate (Gafgarion Death)
    07C    124    Lionel Castle Gate (Victory)
    07D    125    Delita Battle w/ Ovelia at Falls (Battle)
    07E    126    Delita Battle w/ Ovelia at Falls (Victory)
    07F    127    Inside of Lionel Castle (Opening + Queklain and Ramza talk)
    080    128    Inside of Lionel Castle (Victory)
    081    129    Gelwan's Death
    082    130    Chapter 3 Start
    083    131    Goland Coal City
    084    132    Goland Coal City (Olan Death)
    085    133    Goland Coal City (Victory)
    086    134    Goland Coal City post battle
    087    135    "Steel Ball Found!"
    088    136    Worker 8 Activated
    089    137    Time Machine Found!
    08A    138    Cloud Summoned
    08B    139    Zarghidas
    08C    140    Zarghidas (Cloud freaking out)
    08D    141    Zarghidas (Cloud Death)
    08E    142    Zarghidas (Victory)
    08F    143    Talk with Zalbag in Lesalia
    090    144    Outside Castle Gate in Lesalia; Zalmo 1
    091    145    Outside Castle Gate in Lesalia; Zalmo 1 (Zalmo and Ramza talk)
    092    146    Outside Castle Gate in Lesalia; Zalmo 1 (Alma and Ramza talk)
    093    147    Outside Castle Gate in Lesalia; Zalmo 1 (Victory)
    094    148    Outside Castle Gate in Lesalia; Talk with Alma
    095    149    Orbonne Monastery
    096    150    Underground Book Storage First Floor
    097    151    Underground Book Storage First Floor (Victory)
    098    152    Underground Book Storage Second Floor
    099    153    Underground Book Storage Second Floor (Izlude and Ramza talk; first part)
    09A    154    Underground Book Storage Second Floor (Izlude and Ramza talk; second part)
    09B    155    Underground Book Storage Second Floor (Victory)
    09C    156    Underground Book Storage Third Floor (Opening + Wiegraf talks)
    09D    157    Underground Book Storage Third Floor (Wiegraf and Ramza talk; first part)
    09E    158    Underground Book Storage Third Floor (Wiegraf and Ramza talk; second part)
    09F    159    Underground Book Storage Third Floor (Victory)
    0A0    160    Ashley / Luso Battle (Battle)
    0A1    161    Ashley / Luso Battle (Victory)
    0A2    162    Ashley / Luso Post-Battle
    0A3    163    Meet Velius
    0A4    164    Malak and the Scriptures
    0A5    165    Delita swears allegiance to Ovelia
    0A6    166    Grog Hill
    0A7    167    Grog Hill (Victory)
    0A8    168    Meet again with Olan
    0A9    169    Rescue Rafa
    0AA    170    Rescue Rafa (Malak and Ramza talk)
    0AB    171    Rescue Rafa (Malak, Ninja and Ramza talk)
    0AC    172    Rescue Rafa (Malak Retreat)
    0AD    173    Rescue Rafa (Rafa Death)
    0AE    174    Rescue Rafa (Victory)
    0AF    175    Delita Battle 2 (Battle)
    0B0    176    Delita Battle 2 (Victory)
    0B1    177    Exploding Frog
    0B2    178    Yuguo Woods
    0B3    179    Yuguo Woods (Victory)
    0B4    180    Barinten threatens Vormav
    0B5    181    Riovanes Castle Entrance
    0B6    182    Riovanes Castle Entrance (Rafa, Malak and Ramza talk)
    0B7    183    Riovanes Castle Entrance (Malak Defeated)
    0B8    184    Riovanes Castle Entrance (Rafa Defeated)
    0B9    185    Riovanes Castle Entrance (Victory)
    0BA    186    "Escaping Alma"
    0BB    187    Inside of Riovanes Castle
    0BC    188    Inside of Riovanes Castle (Wiegraf and Ramza talk)
    0BD    189    Inside of Riovanes Castle (Here comes Velius)
    0BE    190    Inside of Riovanes Castle (Victory)
    0BF    191    Ajora's vessel
    0C0    192    Rooftop of Riovanes Castle
    0C1    193    Rooftop of Riovanes Castle (Rafa Death)
    0C2    194    Rooftop of Riovanes Castle (Victory)
    0C3    195    Reviving Malak
    0C4    196    Searching for Alma
    0C5    197    Underground Book Storage Fourth Floor
    0C6    198    Underground Book Storage Fourth Floor (Victory)
    0C7    199    Underground Book Storage Fifth Floor
    0C8    200    Underground Book Storage Fifth Floor (Rofel and Ramza talk)
    0C9    201    Underground Book Storage Fifth Floor (Victory)
    0CA    202    "Entrance to the other world"
    0CB    203    Murond Death City (Opening + Kletian and Ramza talk)
    0CC    204    Murond Death City (Kletian and Ramza talk)
    0CD    205    Murond Death City (Victory)
    0CE    206    Lost Sacred Precincts
    0CF    207    Lost Sacred Precincts (Balk and Ramza talk)
    0D0    208    Lost Sacred Precincts (Victory)
    0D1    209    Graveyard of Airships
    0D2    210    Graveyard of Airships (Hashmalum and Ramza talk)
    0D3    211    Graveyard of Airships (Victory)
    0D4    212    Graveyard of Airships
    0D5    213    Graveyard of Airships (Here comes Altima 2)
    0D6    214    Graveyard of Airships (Victory)
    0D7    215    "Those Who Squirm in Darkness"
    0D8    216    "A Man with the Holy Stone"
    0D9    217    Doguola Pass
    0DA    218    Doguola Pass (Victory)
    0DB    219    Bervenia Free City
    0DC    220    Bervenia Free City (Meliadoul and Ramza talk first part)
    0DD    221    Bervenia Free City (Meliadoul and Ramza talk second)
    0DE    222    Bervenia Free City (Meliadoul and Ramza talk third part)
    0DF    223    Bervenia Free City (Victory)
    0E0    224    Delita & Ovelia Chat
    0E1    225    Finath River
    0E2    226    Finath River (Victory)
    0E3    227    "Delita's Thoughts"
    0E4    228    Zalmo II
    0E5    229    Zalmo II (Zalmo and Delita talk)
    0E6    230    Zalmo II (Zalmo and Ramza talk)
    0E7    231    Zalmo II (Victory)
    0E8    232    "Unstoppable Cog"
    0E9    233    Balk I
    0EA    234    Balk I (Balk and Ramza talk)
    0EB    235    Balk I (Victory)
    0EC    236    "Seized T.G. Cid"
    0ED    237    South Wall of Bethla Garrison
    0EE    238    South Wall of Bethla Garrison (Victory)
    0EF    239    Things Obtained NG+ Version
    0F0    240    North Wall of Bethla Garrison
    0F1    241    North Wall of Bethla Garrison (Victory)
    0F2    242    "Assassination of Prince Larg"
    0F3    243    Bethla Sluice (Opening)
    0F4    244    Bethla Sluice (First lever; left)
    0F5    245    Bethla Sluice (Second lever; left)
    0F6    246    Bethla Sluice (First lever; right)
    0F7    247    Bethla Sluice (Second lever; right)
    0F8    248    "Rescue of Cid"
    0F9    249    "Prince Goltana's Final Moments"
    0FA    250    Germinas Peak
    0FB    251    Germinas Peak (Victory)
    0FC    252    Poeskas Lake
    0FD    253    Poeskas Lake (Victory)
    0FE    254    "Ambition of Dycedarg"
    0FF    255    Outside of Limberry Castle
    100    256    Outside of Limberry Castle (Victory)
    101    257    "Men of Odd Appearance"
    102    258    Elmdor II
    103    259    Elmdor II (Ultima Demon Celia)
    104    260    Elmdor II (Ultima Demon Lede)
    105    261    Elmdor II (Victory)
    106    262    Undead Algus Battle (Battle + Ramza first Turn)
    107    263    Undead Algus Battle (Algus first Turn)
    108    264    Undead Algus Battle (Algus 25% HP?)
    109    265    Undead Algus Battle (Victory)
    10A    266    Zalera
    10B    267    Zalera (Zalera, Meliadoul and Ramza talk)
    10C    268    Zalera (Meliadoul and Ramza talk)
    10D    269    Zalera (Victory)
    10E    270    "The Mystery of Lucavi"
    10F    271    "Delita's Betrayal"
    110    272    "Delita's Betrayal"
    111    273    "Mosfungus"
    112    274    At the Gate of the Beoulve Castle
    113    275    Adramelk
    114    276    Adramelk (Zalbag and Ramza talk)
    115    277    Adramelk (Dycedarg and Zalbag talk)
    116    278    Adramelk (Here comes Adramelk)
    117    279    Adramelk (Victory)
    118    280    "Funeral's Final Moments"
    119    281    St. Murond Temple
    11A    282    St. Murond Temple (Victory)
    11B    283    Hall of St. Murond Temple
    11C    284    Hall of St. Murond Temple (Vormav and Meliadoul talk)
    11D    285    Hall of St. Murond Temple (Vormav and Ramza talk)
    11E    286    Hall of St. Murond Temple (Victory)
    11F    287    Chapel of St. Murond Temple
    120    288    Chapel of St. Murond Temple (Zalbag and Ramza talk; first part [Ramza first turn])
    121    289    Chapel of St. Murond Temple (Zalbag and Ramza talk; second part [Zalbag 50%- HP])
    122    290    Chapel of St. Murond Temple (Victory)
    123    291    "Requiem"
    124    292    Zarghidas (Options Given - Xif's New Awesome Event)
    125    293    Bar: Deep Dungeon
    126    294    Bar: Goland Coal City (Options Given )
    127    295    Coillery Underground - Third Floor (Battle)
    128    296    New Game+? (Options Given)
    129    297    Coillery Underground - Third Floor (Victory)
    12A    298    Coillery Underground - Second Floor (Battle)
    12B    299    "Things Obtained"
    12C    300    Coillery Underground - Second Floor (Victory)
    12D    301    Coillery Underground - First Floor (Battle)
    12E    302    Coillery Underground - First Floor (Victory)
    12F    303    Underground Passage in Goland (Battle)
    130    304    Underground Passage in Goland (Reis's Death)
    131    305    Underground Passage in Goland (Victory)
    132    306    Underground Passage in Goland (Post-Battle)
    133    307    Nelveska Temple
    134    308    Nelveska Temple (Worker 7 recharging)
    135    309    Nelveska Temple (Victory)
    136    310    "Reis' Curse"
    137    311    Balthier Battle (Battle + Balthier and Ramza talk)
    138    312    Balthier Battle (Victory)
    139    313    Balthier Post-Battle
    13A    314    New Game+? Chosen "YES"
    13B    315    New Game+? Chosen "NO"
    13C    316    Kletian vs. Meliadoul (Battle)
    13D    317    Kletian vs. Meliadoul (Meliadoul Turn)
    13E    318    Kletian vs. Meliadoul (Victory)
    13F    319    Agrias & Ovelia Reunion
    140    320    Reis Kidnapped
    141    321    Aliste Battle (Battle)
    142    322    Aliste Battle (Beowulf Turn)
    143    323    Aliste Battle (Aliste Turn)
    144    324    Aliste Battle (Aliste below 50-25% HP?)
    145    325    Aliste Battle (Victory - Aliste Dies)
    146    326    Agrias Birthday
    147    327    "Reunion and Beyond..."
    148    328    Bremondt Battle (Battle)
    149    329    Bremondt Battle (Beowulf Turn)
    14A    330    Bremondt Battle (Bremondt Transform)
    14B    331    Bremondt Battle (Victory - Bremondt Dies)
    14C    332    Reis Rescued
    14D    333    Hokuten Battle (Battle + Ramza's Turn)
    14E    334    Hokuten Battle (Victory)
    14F    335    "Reunion and Beyond..." NG+ Version
    150    336    Araguay Woods (Boco KO'd, Defeat Enemies Chosen)
    151    337    Zaland Fort City (Mustadio KO'd, Save Chosen)
    152    338    WOTL Zirekile Ovelia Death
    153    339    WOTL Abandoned Church Ovelia Death
    190    400    Random Battle Template (Setup)
    191    401    Random Battle Template (Initiate)
    192    402    Random Battle Template (Victory)
    193    403    *None*
    194    404    Game Over Event
    195    405    *None*
    196    406    *None*
    197    407    *None*
    198    408    *None*
    199    409    *None*
    19A    410    Tutorial - (Battlefield Control) (Setup)
    19B    411    Tutorial - {Battlefield Control}
    19C    412    Tutorial - (Battle) (Setup)
    19D    413    Tutorial - {Battle}
    19E    414    Tutorial - (Move and Act) (Setup)
    19F    415    Tutorial - {Move and Act}
    1A0    416    Tutorial - (Charge Time Battle) (Setup)
    1A1    417    Tutorial - {Charge Time Battle}
    1A2    418    Tutorial - (How to Cast Spells) (Setup)
    1A3    419    Tutorial - {How to Cast Spells}
    1A4    420    Tutorial - (Abnormal Status) (Setup)
    1A5    421    Tutorial - {Abnormal Status}
    1A6    422    Tutorial - (On-Line Help) (Setup)
    1A7    423    Tutorial - {On-Line Help}
    1A8    424    Tutorial - (Options) (Setup)
    1A9    425    Tutorial - {Options}
    1EB    491    *None*
    1EC    492    *None*
    1ED    493    *None*
    1EE    494    *None*
    1EF    495    *None*
    1F0    496    *None*
    1F1    497    *None*
    1F2    498    *None*
    1F3    499    *None*
Wiegraf Speaks to Rofel
  - Walking onto Bariaus Valley after Golgorand battle.

Delita Battle with Ovelia at Zirekile
Delita Battle with Ovelia at Zirekile (Victory)
  - After killing Gafgarion at Lionel Gate, before Queklain battle.

Ashley Riot or Luso Battle
Ashley Riot or Luso Battle (Victory)
Ashley Riot or Luso Post Battle
  - Plays on desert after Orbonne battles in Chapter 3.

Delita Battle 2
Delita Battle 2 (Victory)
  - Plays when leaving Yardow after saving Rafa.

Delita & Ovelia Chat
  - Plays when leaving Bervenia after Meliadoul battle.

Things Obtained NG+ Version
  - For use with the eventual addition of New Game +. Currently dummied out.

Undead Algus Battle (Battle + Ramza first Turn)
Undead Algus Battle (Algus first Turn)
Undead Algus Battle (Algus 25% HP?)
Undead Algus Battle (Victory)
  - Plays between the Elmdor and Valera battles at Limberry.

New Game+ (Options Given)
New Game+ (Yes Chosen)
New Game+ (No Chosen)
  - For use with the eventual addition of New Game +. Currently dummied out.

Balthier Battle (Battle + Balthier and Ramza talk)
Balthier Battle (Victory)
Balthier Post-Battle
  - Custom event made to recreate WotL cutscene
  - Plays when walking off Dorter in Chapter 4 if the following conditions are met:
  - Read "Rash of Thefts" rumor on Gariland then "A Call for Guards on Dorter, after Bervenia Battle

Kletian vs. Meliadoul (Battle)
Kletian vs. Meliadoul (Meliadoul Turn)
Kletian vs. Meliadoul (Victory)
  - Plays on Gariland in Chapter 4 after Limberry Battles if Meliadoul is in your Party

Agrias & Ovelia Reunion
  - Plays on Zeltennia in Chapter 4 after Murond Battles if Agrias is in your Party

Reis Kidnapped
  - Plays when walking on Lionel in Chapter 4 if the following conditions are met:
  - Have Human Reis and Beowulf in your party.
  - Beat Bervenia battle and read "Lionels New Liege Lord" at one of several cities.

Aliste Battle (Battle)
Aliste Battle (Beowulf Turn)
Aliste Battle (Aliste Turn)
Aliste Battle (Aliste below 50-25% HP?)
Aliste Battle (Victory - Aliste Dies)
  - Battle series connected to Reis Kidnapped Event.
  - Plays after Reis Kidnapped.

Bremondt Battle (Battle)
Bremondt Battle (Beowulf Turn)
Bremondt Battle (Bremondt Transform)
Bremondt Battle (Victory - Bremondt Dies)
  - Battle series connected to Reis Kidnapped Event.
  - Plays after Aliste Battle

Reis Rescued
  - Connected to Reis Kidnapped Event.
  - Plays after Bremondt Battle

Hokuten Battle (Battle + Ramza's Turn)
Hokuten Battle (Victory)
  - Plays when walking on Thieves Fort in Chapter 4 if the following conditions are met:
  - Have seen Ovelia & Agrias Reunion scene.
  - Read Disorder in the Order rumor at Garliand or Igros.
  - Have Agrias in your Party

Agrias Birthday
  - Plays when walking on Warjilis in Chapter 4 if the following conditions are met:
  - Have Mustadio in your Party.
  - Have Agrias in your Party.
  - Have Lavian in your Party.
  - Have Alicia in your Party.
  - Have atleast 500,000 Gil.
  - Date needs to be June 22nd when landing on Warjilis

"Reunion and Beyond..." NG+ Version
  - For use with the eventual addition of New Game +. Currently dummied out.
  - Now send to Formation screen after save, before Battle Formation.

Mandalia Plains (Options Given)
Mandalia Plains (Destroy Corps. Chosen)
Mandalia Plains (Save Algus Chosen)
  - Combined in to 1 Event.

Meeting with Bedridden Dycedarg
Expelling Algus
  - Combined in to 1 Event.

Araguay Woods (Options Given)
Araguay Woods (Kill Enemies Chosen)
Araguay Woods (Save Boco Chosen)
  - Combined in to 1 Event.

Gate of Lionel Castle
Meeting with Draclau
  - Combined in to 1 Event.

Besrodio Kidnapped
  - Bravestory on scene in Vanilla. Now plays after Meeting with Draclau.

Inside of Lionel Castle
Inside of Lionel Castle (Queklain and Ramza talk)
  - Combined in to 1 Event.

Underground Book Storage Third Floor
Underground Book Storage Third Floor (Wiegraf talk)
  - Combined in to 1 Event.

Malak and the Scriptures (Options Given)
Malak and the Scriptures (Yes Chosen)
Malak and the Scriptures (No Chosen)
  - Combined in to 1 Event.

Murond Death City
Murond Death City (Kletian and Ramza talk)
  - Combined in to 1 Event.

Zarghidas (Options Given - Xif's New Awesome Event)
Zarghidas (Don't Buy Flower Chosen)
Zarghidas (Buy Flower Chosen)
  - New conditions added by Xifanie if you don't have any Gil or a few other things.

Bar: Goland Coal City (Options Given)
Bar: Goland Coal City (Refuse Beowulf's Invitation Chosen)
Bar: Goland Coal City (Accept Beowulf's invitation Chosen)
  - Combined in to 1 Event.

Graveyard of Airships (Victory)
  - Changed Effect number in conjunction with ASM to relocate Altima's movement Teleports, by Xif
009B unchecks REQUIRES SWORD requirement to Stasis Sword as required by ARH Lite
009C unchecks REQUIRES SWORD requirement to Split Punch as required by ARH Lite
009D unchecks REQUIRES SWORD requirement to Crush Punch as required by ARH Lite
009E unchecks REQUIRES SWORD requirement to Lightning Stab as required by ARH Lite
009F unchecks REQUIRES SWORD requirement to Holy Explosion as required by ARH Lite
00A0 unchecks REQUIRES SWORD requirement to Shellburst Stab as required by ARH Lite
00A1 unchecks REQUIRES SWORD requirement to Blastar Punch as required by ARH Lite
00A2 unchecks REQUIRES SWORD requirement to Hellcry Punch as required by ARH Lite
00A3 unchecks REQUIRES SWORD requirement to Icewolf Bite as required by ARH Lite
00A4 unchecks REQUIRES SWORD requirement to Dark Sword as required by ARH Lite
00A5 unchecks REQUIRES SWORD requirement to Night Sword as required by ARH Lite
00EA unchecks REQUIRES SWORD requirement to Blind as required by ARH Lite
00EB unchecks REQUIRES SWORD requirement to Aspel as required by ARH Lite
00EC unchecks REQUIRES SWORD requirement to Drain as required by ARH Lite
00ED unchecks REQUIRES SWORD requirement to Faith as required by ARH Lite
00EE unchecks REQUIRES SWORD requirement to Innocent as required by ARH Lite
00EF unchecks REQUIRES SWORD requirement to Zombie as required by ARH Lite
00F0 unchecks REQUIRES SWORD requirement to Silence as required by ARH Lite
00F1 unchecks REQUIRES SWORD requirement to Berserk as required by ARH Lite
00F2 unchecks REQUIRES SWORD requirement to Chicken as required by ARH Lite
00F3 unchecks REQUIRES SWORD requirement to Confuse as required by ARH Lite
00F4 unchecks REQUIRES SWORD requirement to Dispair as required by ARH Lite
00F5 unchecks REQUIRES SWORD requirement to Don't Act as required by ARH Lite
00F6 unchecks REQUIRES SWORD requirement to Sleep as required by ARH Lite
00F7 unchecks REQUIRES SWORD requirement to Break as required by ARH Lite
0100 unchecks REQUIRES SWORD requirement to Shock as required by ARH Lite
0101 unchecks REQUIRES MATERIA BLADE requirement to Braver as required by ARH Lite
0102 unchecks REQUIRES MATERIA BLADE requirement to Cross Slash as required by ARH Lite
0103 unchecks REQUIRES MATERIA BLADE requirement to Blade Beam as required by ARH Lite
0104 unchecks REQUIRES MATERIA BLADE requirement to Climhazzard as required by ARH Lite
0105 unchecks REQUIRES MATERIA BLADE requirement to Meteorain as required by ARH Lite
0106 unchecks REQUIRES MATERIA BLADE requirement to Finish Touch as required by ARH Lite
0107 unchecks REQUIRES MATERIA BLADE requirement to Omnislash as required by ARH Lite
0108 unchecks REQUIRES MATERIA BLADE requirement to Cherry Blossom as required by ARH Lite
0028 becomes (Dark Knight) Crushing Blow
002D becomes (Balthier) Barrage
00B8 becomes (Dark Knight) Abyssal Blade
00DB becomes (Dark Knight) Unholy Sacrifice
00DC becomes UNUSED
0165 becomes (Ashley Riot) Shadowweave
0166 becomes (Ashley Riot) Wyrm Scorn
0167 becomes (Ashley Riot) Vile Scar
0168 becomes (Ashley Riot) Cherry Ronde
0169 becomes (Ashley Riot) Iron Ripper
016A becomes (Ashley Riot) Ignis Wheel
016B becomes (Ashley Riot) Ruination
016C becomes (Ashley Riot) Scythe Wind
016D becomes (Ashley Riot) Brimstone Hail
016E becomes (Ashley Riot) Sanctus Flare
01E4 becomes (Dark Knight) Adeptness
01E5 becomes (Dark Knight) Sturdy
100 - Orbonne Prayer & BS
10B - Bedridden Dycedarg & Expelling Algus & BS
110 - Ch2 Start Orbonne Monastary
111 - Ovelia Joins BS
112 - Ramza, Mustadio, Agrias, Ovelia Meet BS
113 - Ruins of Zaland
116 - Lionel Gate & Meet Draclau & BS
11E - Ch2 Start Orbonne Monastary BS
12D - Exploding Frog BS
14A - Bar Goland Coal City
180 - Sweegy Woods
181 - Dorter Trade City 1
182 - Sand Rat Cellar
183 - Orbonne Battle
184 - Gariland Fight
185 - Mandalia Plains Battle
188 - Military Academy
18B - Miluda 1
18F - Miluda 2
190 - Wiegraf 1
191 - Fort Zeakdon
193 - Dorter 2
194 - Araguay Woods
195 - Zirekile Falls
196 - Ovelia Joins
197 - Zaland Fort City
198 - Ramza, Mustadio, Agrias, Ovelia Meet BS
199 - Bariaus Hill
19A - Zigolis Swap
19B - Goug Machine City
1A4 - Outside Lesalia Gate Zalmo 1
1AC - Rescue Rafa
1AD - Exploding Frog
1AE - Yuguo Woods
1AF - Riovanes Castle Entrance
1CF - Colliery Underground Third Floor
1D0 - Colliery Underground Second Floor
1D1 - Colliery Underground First Floor
1D2 - Underground Passage in Goland
1D3 - Underground Passage in Goland Post
1DC - Weigraf talks to Rofel
1DD - Delita & Ovelia Battle 1
1DE - Delita & Ovelia Battle 2
1DF - Balthier Post Battle
1E0 - Balthier Battle
1E1 - Ashley Riot/Luso Post Battle
1E2 - Ashley Riot/Luso Battle
1E3 - Delita & Ovelia Chat
1E4 - Undead Algus Battle
1E5 - Kletian vs. Meliadoul
1E6 - Agrias & Ovelia Reunion
1E7 - Reis Kidnapped
1E8 - Aliste Battle
1E9 - Bremondt Battle
1EA - Reis Rescued
1EB - Battle with Hokuten
1EC - Present for Agrias
19 - Sky Pirate replaces Heaven Knight (Guest)
34 - Riskbreaker or Game Hunter replaces Holy Knight (Guest)
37 - Dark Knight (Female) replaces Wizard (Unused)
38 - Dark Knight (Male) Oracle (Unused)
39 - Crusader replaces Oracle (Unused)
3A - Temple Knight replaces Blank
3B - Holy Priest replaces Blank
92 - Dark Dragon replaces Blank
93 - Death Knight replaces Blank
94 - Lich replaces Blank
21 - Break Arts/Hunt replaces Holy Sword (Guest)
2D - Plunder replaces Truth (Guest)
4D - Darkness replaces Blank
19 - Balthier replaces Rafa (Guest)
34 - Ashley Riot replaces Agrias (Guest)
37 - Dark Knight (Female) replaces Male Wizard (Dupe)
38 - Dark Knight (Male) replaces Male Oracle (Dupe)
39 - Crusader replaces Male Squire (Dupe) (For Ashley Event)
3A - Aliste replaces Celia (Unused)
3B - Bremondt replaces Lede (Unused)
57 - Dark Dragon Bremondt replaces Male Squire (Dupe)
5D - Death Knight Algus replaces ??? (Unused)
5E - Sword in Stone replaces ??? (Unused)
5F - Lich replaces ??? (Unused)
Sheet 17 (Unused) is now Balthier EVTCHR
Sheet 26 now contains extra frames for Reis (Human)
Sheet 112 (Dupe) is now Balthier EVTCHR
Sheet 122 (Dupe) now contains extra frames for Mustadio & Agrias
Sheet 123 (Dupe) now contains extra frames for Mustadio & Agrias
Condition 16 - Defeat Bremondt replaces Defeat Wiegraf (Dupe)
Condition 29 - Defeat Aliste replaces Save Reis (Dupe)
Condition 32 - Defeat Dycedarg replaces Defeat Dycedarg's Elder Brother (Derp)
9 - Ashley Riot/Luso replaces ? (Young Simon?)
10 - Balthier replaces ? (Bald Priest Bro)
11 - Dark Knight Female replaces (Simon)
12 - Dark Knight Male replaces ?
9 - Ashley Riot/Luso replaces ? (Young Simon?)
10 - Balthier replaces ? (Bald Priest Bro)
11 - Dark Knight Female replaces (Simon)
12 - Dark Knight Male replaces ?
98 - Aliste replaces Unused
99 - Bremondt replaces Unused
OPENBK1 - New Title Screen replaces Old Title Screen
#32 - Japanese Translated/Picture Fixed by Angel for Sound Novel
#33 - Japanese Translated/Picture Fixed by Angel for Sound Novel
#34 - Japanese Translated/Picture Fixed by Angel for Sound Novel
#35 - Japanese Translated/Picture Fixed by Angel for Sound Novel
#36 - Japanese Translated/Picture Fixed by Angel for Sound Novel
#37 - Japanese Translated/Picture Fixed by Angel for Sound Novel
#38 - Japanese Translated/Picture Fixed by Angel for Sound Novel
#39 - Japanese Translated/Picture Fixed by Angel for Sound Novel
#40 - Japanese Translated/Picture Fixed by Angel for Sound Novel
#86 - Typo Fixed by Angel for Sound Novel
#88 - Japanese Translated/Picture Fixed by Angel for Sound Novel
#89 - Japanese Translated/Picture Fixed by Angel for Sound Novel
#90 - Japanese Translated/Picture Fixed by Angel for Sound Novel
#94 - Typo Fixed by Angel for Sound Novel
#123 - Japanese Translated/Picture Fix by Angel for Sound Novel
#128 - Japanese Translated/Picture Fix by Angel for Sound Novel
#130 - Fixed weirdness of writing style by Angel for Sound Novel
Replaced Vanilla Logo with FFHacktics Logo
120 - (Garbled name) -- Sloped Checkboard, blank, replaced with image to display Inner Courtyard of Limberry Castle
1.  For every Sidequest (except recruiting Luso/Ashley, though that's not really a sidequest), you MUST be in Chapter 4.

2a.  At the start of Chapter 4, if you have Mustadio, you can immediately go to Goug to discover the Steel Ball.

2b.  Any time in Chapter 4 after reading the Ghosts of Colliery Rumor, you can immediately go to Lesalia Imperial Capital to meet Beowulf, then head to the Colliery to find Reis.

(These are NOT linked.)

3a.  Any time after completing 2a and 2b, if you have Mustadio, you can immediately go to Goug to revive Worker 8.

3b.  Any time after completing 2b and advancing the plot to at least Zeltennia Castle, you can read the rumor to open Nevleska Temple, then head there to battle Worker 7.

(These are NOT linked.)

4a.  Any time after completing 3a, if Mustadio is in your party, you can discover the deactivated Time Machine.

4b.  Any time after completing 3b, if Beowulf and Dragon Reis are in your party, you can go to Nevleska Temple to transform Dragon Reis back to Human Reis.

(These are NOT linked.)

5a.  Any time after completing 4a, if Mustadio is in your party, you can Summon Cloud via the Time Machine.

5b.  Any time after completing 4b, after reading the Lionel's New Liege Lord Rumor, you can go to Lionel Castle to face Bremondt and kill or recruit Aliste.
(These are NOT linked.)

6.  Any time after completing 5a and viewing the Flower scene, you can go to Zarghidas Trade City to Save and Recruit Cloud & Aerith.
2. After opening Murond Holy Place, if Agrias is in your party, you can head to Zeltennia Castle to meet Ovelia.

3. After completing 2, you can read the Disorder in the Order Rumor and complete the bonus battle at Thieves' Fort.
2. Any time after routing Meliadoul at Bervenia Free City, you can read the Rumor Rash of Thefts followed by A Call for Guards.

3. After completing 2, you can head to Dorter Trade City to back up and recruit Balthier.
2. Any time in Chapter 4, you can head to Warjilis Trade City on Agrias' Birthday (June 22nd) with 500,000 Gil if Lavian, Alicia, Agrias and Mustadio are in your party to view the scene where Mustadio gives Agrias a birthday present.  (This present will most likely be changed to one of the Perfume items existing in Vanilla FFT, such as the Setiemson.)
2. Any time in Chapter 4 you can head to Lesalia if Wiegraf is in your party you can complete the bonus battle with Jerik at Lesalia's back gate.

3. After completing 2, if you have Meliadoul, head to Dorter for the bonus battle against Kletian, and meet with/recruit Jerik.

4. Any time after completing 3a, if you have Worker 8, and have read the rumor (TBD) at (TBD), you can immediately go to Warjilis to view the Proto-Worker scene and have the Taurus stone stolen.

5. After completing 4, if you have Worker 8, head to Thieves Fort to meet Zero, battle Duma and recruit Proto-Worker.


1. You do not need Mustadio at any point to fully resolve the Beowulf and Reis quest line, including the new content. (You obviously need Beowulf and Reis to do anything after fighting Worker 7, though.) However, you DO need Mustadio to obtain Worker 8 and Cloud.

2. You can complete every sidequest that does not require unlock locations beyond Zarghidas Trade City before viewing the "flower scene".  Cloud can be recruited as soon as that scene is viewed in addition to his normal requirements.

This means that the vanilla sidequests can in many cases actually be completed even earlier than they could be in War of the Lions, and that there's slightly less emphasis on Mustadio, meaning you do not need to maintain him as a party member if you're not interested in the sidequests he's directly involved in and don't want to use him otherwise.
-  Additional WotL Rumors added for Sidequest activation
-  Additional WotL Biographies added for Beowulf, Reis, Aliste & Bremondt
-  Translated Diary of Nanai
-  Translated Wyuvle
-  Translated M-Fiction Novel
-  Translated & Added in Generic Unit Quotes

-  FFTOP.STR - Updated to WotL Movie
-  FFTST.STR - Updated to WotL Movie
-  ATTACK.OUT - Rebuilt to remove Setup Events & Add WotL Events
-  TEST.EVT - Rebuilt to remove Setup Events & Add WotL Events
-  Worldmap Conditions - Rebuilt to remove Setup Events & Add WotL Events

Here is a current progress image which lists all the planned recruit-able characters, which also show where I'm at currently with the events.

So, what all is needed to be finished for this mod to be completed?
Green means finished, yellow is in progress, red is not yet started

- Biographies rearranged
- New Biographies written for new joining chars, existing Biography edits and Leaving: Faith/Brave/Dismissed/Dead quotes
- UW Entries work
- Sprite and Job rearranging and ENTD updating
- Joining Events and additional edits
- Extra Scenes
- Proper name for the mod and Title Screen edit
Hacking/Patching Tools / Rumor Table Editor
April 21, 2020, 02:32:42 am
Rumor Table Editor
This sheet let's you set which rumors appear in which towns. Most of this should be pretty self explanatory, but we will cover the basics anyway. There is already a TLW version of this sheet in the TLW Resources file. The tutorial still applies for that version, but you won't need to download this one if you have that one already.

In the highlighted bits in the picture below, 1 = True, 0 = False
For Example, if I wanted to make the 'Ghost of Colliery' rumor readable in Bervenia Free City, I would put a 1 in column D, Row 22.

After you've made your adjustments, you can click on the xml tab, copy/paste the contents into a .xml and patch with orgASM.
Mod Reviews / [PSX] FFT - The Lion War (version 1)
April 10, 2020, 11:14:32 pm
The Lion War
  • Translation
  • Story Additions
  • Character Additions
  • Quality of Life Tweaks
  • Sound Novels

Jump back into the world of Ivalice on your PS1 while enjoying much of the new content from WotL. All the extra events, scenes, characters*, battles and for the first time ever, 3 out of 4 full working Sound Novels, and more! All de-translated back into proper PS1 FFT dialogue. 

*Luso has been replaced with Ashley Riot in this version, another patch version will include Luso at some point. Dark Knight is in the game as a new generic job, but Onion Knight is not in the game.

Mod Reviews / [PSX] Journey of the Five - Chapter 1
April 10, 2020, 11:09:24 pm
Journey of the Five
  • Brand New Story
  • New Mechanics
  • Quality of Life Tweaks
  • Easter Eggs

Cloud, Link, Snake and Dante get summoned into Ivalice?! That's so cliché! Play as Ramza a year after he's gone into hiding, and along with his new best buddies, unravel the mystery of their dimensional transportation while facing perilous threats from other worlds like Ivalice has never seen before! Enjoy the new Mark system inspired by FFXII!

News / The Lion War Resources Released!!
December 03, 2019, 06:08:06 am
The resources for The Lion War, have finally come along far enough to become public. I know several people have been waiting to use TLW as a base patch to build upon, and now they can do exactly that!
Download the resources for The Lion War HERE

In addition to that, The Lion War 1.04 has released today as well, which fixes nearly every still existing bug that I know about.
Check out The Lion War v1.04 HERE

And lastly, since some bugs existed in a couple events in EasyVent 2.0, I released a Unofficial update to EasyVent. EasyVent 2.1 fixes a few events with incorrect commands that would cause the game to freeze. In addition to that, I've added the TEST.EVT from TLW, as well as added it's events to the event directory that was made for TLW before EVSP 2.0 was released.
Upgrade to the Unofficial EasyVent Super Perfect 2.1 HERE
The Lion War / The Lion War 2.03 & TLWotL FAQs
September 28, 2019, 08:59:34 am
This will be updated as new questions come up, currently I'm just posting what I project to be the most asked questions.

What emulator should I use?
Psxfin or Duckstation are recommended. Other emulators have incompatibility issues.

I can't see the Guests in my party, what gives?
Those four Guest slots are converted to normal party slots, expanding the base roster size from 16 to 20. As a result, Guests never actually join the party. You'll still get their normal starting gear as War Trophies as the game goes on, though.

How do I get to see the Agrias Birthday Event?
You need to land on any Town or Castle on June 22nd, with at least 50,000 gil and both Mustadio & Agrias in your party, unbenched.

We don't have the derpy extremely OP lipstick item in the PSX version, what do I get for the Agrias Birthday event?
A permanent +10% PA/MA based on her current raw stats.

I can only use 2 of Ashley Riot's moves! Help!
Yes, while Ashley Riot has 10 abilities in his skillset, he can only use 2 at a time, based on the type of weapon he has equipped. You can view the specific weapon requirements in the ability descriptions. This is why Ashley Riot comes with innate Equip/Change.

What are the requirements to unlock the Dark Knight job?
Level 8 Knight & Level 8 Wizard.

Why can't I preview the Dark Knight as a male when a female has unlocked it, or vice versa?
The Extra Job hack we use uses the Unused Gender data from Bard and Dancer to create the additional class. As such, you will not see Dark Knight for preview on female when unlocking it as a male, and vice versa. This is not a bug. It's the way the hack functions.

Why doesn't the Dark Knight spillover JP seem to work correctly?
As mentioned in the previous question, the DK jobs are making use of the Bard and Dancer slots. The female DK is the female Bard, and the male DK is the male Dancer. To fix this would have required something along the lines of turning the Bard into the Male DK, then making the Bard become one of the "new" jobs. While that might have looked better from a player standpoint, it would likely have caused some confusion for modding purposes, since TLW is supposed to be a base mod for others to build from. Information in the wiki about where the Bard's data is would no longer be accurate, for example.

Is the Onion Knight generic job in this mod?
No, it isn't. The Dark Knight job was hard enough to add on its own, and besides, the WotL functionality of the Onion Knight was so awful, there really isn't any interest in including it even if it was feasible to work on it.

Did you guys add in the increased JP cost for abilities and such from WotL?
Only in TLWotL.

Will the new items from WotL ever be in TLW?
Very unlikely. There is currently no way to expand inventory space, and even in WotL those items can't be distributed like normal ones due to the weird way they were added in. On top of that, those items are unnecessarily OP as it is, so we don't consider them vital to the FFT experience.

I learned every ability in a job, but it's not showing up as Mastered - what gives?
Beat the game to find out more.

Barrage is doing things differently than it does in WotL.
Correct. The code for Barrage was not copied & pasted directly from WotL - it was made from scratch for TLW. Known differences (for the 2.03 version of the hack) are:
  • Magic gun spell effects do not play. (This is in order to avoid a previous bug where the first hit worked like normal, but further hits just cast the entire spell, AoE range and all.) This does not affect its damage.
  • Special spells do not proc, like when using Holy Lance. This can lower its potential damage.
  • Barrage is evadable in TLW. This can lower its potential damage.
  • Barrage's damage is boosted by Doublehand in TLW. This can double its damage.
Known differences in previous versions are:
  • Each hit did full damage instead of half damage.
  • After hitting the target once, the rest of the hits became unevadable.

When do the Rendezvous battles unlock, and what rewards do we get for beating them?
See here for the list of Treasure Wheel loot.

What are the changes between TLW and TLWotL?
  • The use of the WotL script, except in the Tutorials, since they're so rarely used.
  • Abilities' JP costs, Charge Time, and power have been reverted to the JP/WotL levels, rather than the PSX US levels.
  • Job stats have been reverted to the JP/WotL levels, rather than the PSX US levels.
  • The JP scroll glitch, outfitter duplication glitch, and Oil glitch have all been fixed.
  • Meliadoul's skills will now hit monsters & humans without gear in that slot. (They still say "Rent", however, and will continue to do so until and unless a better hack presents itself in the future.)
  • The random hit skills in Rapha, Marach, and Reis' skillsets have been buffed. They have a higher number of maximum hits, and have had their Vertical AoE range reduced to simulate WotL's increased chances of hitting the center tile since there wasn't a hack available for that effect.
  • Enemies that had Maintenance/Safeguard in the JP/WotL versions now have it again. No stealing Elmdore's Genji Gear in TLWotL - go grind dem Rendezvous.
[old resource thread, please refer to new thread as this one is no longer supported]
News / The Lion War v1.06 Released!
September 28, 2019, 08:38:16 am
After many years of work (and admittedly some downtime) Final Fantasy Tactics - The Lion War is finally released for the public!

Please make sure to read the ENTIRE description, as well as the README.txt (or nfo). If you have any questions, please post them, and report any bugs you may find, as this is version 1.00 of the public TLW release, and no matter how many testers you have, things do sometimes get overlooked.

You can download The Lion War NOW, by clicking THIS LINK
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / For Anyone Using A Loader
September 22, 2019, 01:39:29 am
Anyone who may be using something like RetroPie or Launchbox to play Jot5, has permission to use this. Not sure if I posted it before or not. TLW work is wrapping up, so Jot5 will be in full swing again soon

New Project Ideas / MOVED: FFT - The Lion War
September 21, 2019, 06:34:35 pm
All bugs will be added to this post for easy tracking for fixes


Current Bugs
- Zalera does not float in his battle, even though he has the float status.
  - (Cause currently unknown, suspected to be the event slot itself. Not Related to ASM, Event or lack of Setup event.)
- M. Portrait function may be compromised for custom mods. Needs further testing


- Bug that caused game to freeze on certain emulators when switching skills or abilities on female characters has been fixed
- Derp in Ashley Riots recruitment event where it said 'Im' instead of 'I'm' has been fixed.

- Mednafen should no longer freeze when switching a female units job.
- Dark Knight should properly appear in the job wheel as a preview for units that havent gotten it, when a unit of the same-sex unlocks it
- Dark Knight Ports will now show on their generic unit quotes.
- Dark Knight JP no longer goes solely to Squire when doing propositions.
- Lancers Jump move is no longer derped out.
- Ninjas Throwing Ball moves are no longer derped out.
- Secondary skillsets on Dark Knights should be fixed.
- Fixes/Edits to the Balthier event.
- Fixes to the Dark Knight ability descriptions
- Fixes to the Dark Knight ability effect areas and animations
- Fixes to some of Ashley Riot's abilities
- Agrias Birthday Event now adds a free Setiemson to your inventory after completion

- Fixes to Balthier Event
- Fixes Balk II Mid-Battle Dialogue Event
- Fixes Altima's Teleport Animations
- Fixes Deep Dungeon Formation issues
- Fixes to Dark Knight Animations
- Fixes to Dark Knight Spell Descriptions
- Adds Dark Knight Spell Quotes
- Can now use 4 Units in Bremondt battle instead of 3

- Fixes to the Agrias Birthday Day Event Script
- Agrias birthday now properly adds 1 Setiemson, rather than setting your count to 1
- Dark Knight should have proper descriptions in all places now

- Fixes units not being able to learn new abilities.


- Fixes game crash when release female units or monsters.
- Fixed issue with a vanilla save that could cause a derp on load.
- Updated 3 'DEFEAT' screens with the proper font.
- Fixed Simon's biography image in the bravestory.
- Fix to Sluice event (Retrotypes)
- Fix to Cloud event, wasn't unlocking Cloud's biography (Retrotypes)
- Swapped Simon and Bremondt in the Bravestory.
- Fixed issue with Miluda's portrait in her post battle scene.
- Added special snowflakes to help consolidation
- Fixed tutorial
- Consolidated Jobs, Skillsets & Sprites
- Consolidated Item Attributes & Inflict Status (Celdia)
The Lion War / [old]The Lion War 1.06 - DOWNLOAD HERE!
September 21, 2019, 06:20:31 pm

Have you ever wanted to see the extra content in War of the Lions, but couldn't stand the slowdown, or the weird, faux old
English speak? Did you ever hear of Japanese content that was cut from the English release of FFT, and wonder why we never got
to see any of it? Do you hate the DEB 'feature' from vanilla? If so, then Final Fantasy Tactics - The Lion War, has you covered!

Finally after years of production and many many scrapped and remade builds, The Lion War is finally available for download!
Featuring all of the extra scenes and battles with De-WotLized speech, intro and opening movies and extra units from War of the Lions,
with the addition of Ashley Riot instead of Luso. You can even get Dark Knights as a generic class in The Lion War!

In addition to the above, we've changed up the vanilla sidequest requirements a bit. See the Changelog thread for more info on this.

This is also the first mod to have fully functioning, english sound novels working in game! That's right, no softlocking, or google translate here.
We currently have 3 of the 4 novels, tested and curated over several years, completely functional, and we have a translator working on
getting the 4th one in proper english as well.

This is also the first mod to ever have the translated generic unit quotes added back in for all generic units in the game.
This feature, like the Sound Novels, was dummied out of the english version of the game, and never included in WotL. You can now
click start on any units name in the formation window to see their unique quote.

A lot of work went into making this all function correctly, and for anyone who wants to use TLW as a base for their own FFT mod, resources
will soon be supplied for a full build. We've also saved you ~130 event slots, so you can easily expand upon the story, add marks,
or whatever else you may want to use the space for.

In addition to all the Event Space that TLW already cleared up, we've also integrated in the FFTP Consolidation Project!
This means more freed up jobs, skillsets, item attributes, inflict status and more!
For more info on the FFTP Consolidation Project, read the thread HERE.

This mod must be patched to an UNEXPANDED .bin/.iso/.img file.
Make sure to read the README.txt (or .nfo) to learn how to install the two ported WotL Movies

As with all initial releases of mods, there will likely be a bug or two lingering. Make sure to post any you find in the Bug Reporting Thread!!

(NOTE: New Game Plus is not yet complete for TLW, as we are perfectionists, and don't like releasing things in a half-arsed manner,
so the initial release will not contain this. A new Roster hack is still in the works as well, which will also be released at a later date.)
The Lion War / TLW Staff for Credits
September 21, 2019, 05:46:42 pm
So you want to use TLW as a base for your mod? Cool. Make sure to add the people in this thread to the credits section of your mod.

Any mod that uses TLW as a base, or aspects of it, must be hosted on FFH. It can be posted on other sites, but it must also be posted on FFH as well.

TLW Staff

  • Attack.out Rebuild, Spreadsheet & GUI
  • Worldmap Rebuild
  • WotL Event Additions & Fixes
  • Mod Organization
  • Vanilla Event Fixes and Jumps
  • ASM Setup, Application & Testing
  • Sound Novel fixes and Implimentation
  • Bugtesting

  • Initial Attack.out Rebuild, Spreadsheet & GUI
  • Initial Worldmap Rebuild
  • Sidequest Changes & WotL Implimentation

  • ASM - Altima Teleport
  • ASM - Event Instruction Upgrade Hack
  • ASM - Extra Abilities Effects Hack
  • ASM - Map 120 Edits
  • ASM - Unit Restriction & Guests in Randoms
  • New Game Plus Work (not yet complete)
  • Squashing some bugs

  • De-WotLize Dialogue in WotL Event Ports
  • Translated & Fixed Sound Novel Images
  • Title Screen & Lead-in frames from WotL Movie to Title Screen

  • ASM - Rumor Edits
  • ASM - ARH Lite - TLW Edition

  • ASM - 1E4 & 1E5 Become Adeptness & Sturdy
  • ASM - Barrage & Weapon Strike Rewrite
  • ASM - Extra Generic Class

  • ASM - Bravestory Fix
  • ASM - UWEntries

  • Sprite Fixes & Edits

  • New Ashley Riot Sprite

  • WotL Opening & Intro Movie Ports

  • WotL Event Fixes

  • Allowing merge of her ISIA patch for Consolidation.

  • Several event fixes.

  • Nyzer
  • HebrewToYou
  • Blue
  • Ansehelm
  • NinjaWeazel
  • Retrotypes
News / TLW Beta Testing Submissions
September 17, 2019, 08:06:23 pm
It's just about time to start the FFT - The Lion War, beta test, there is still a couple minor bugs, and we need your help to locate and document them!

I have already made a spreadsheet to track nearly everything added to the game, so that would be filled out while playing the game, and making saves between each battle.

For more details, please PM me on this site!

- Member of FFH for at least 1 year & has at least made some posts or contributed to the site in some way in the past.
- Mostly the person must be trustworthy so I know they aren't going to leak anything until the release is finalized.
Spriting / Sprite Thread Links
September 12, 2019, 03:46:09 am
Decided to make one of these threads as I noticed that we sorely neglected the spriting section back when Raven and I redid all the link threads. If anyone else has any links to spriting threads that should be shared, post them here and I will add them, and then remove the link to keep the thread as clean as possible.

Also, note that some images from these threads have been removed or lost, so if anyone happens to have them still in a backup somewhere (I know I have some), let me know and I'll edit the posts associated with them and add the images in. Thanks!

Member Specific Sprite Threads
Silent One
Theultrawolf 2

Spriting Contest
Ivalicians Abroad

Journey of the Five Chapter 1
7 Ports in 7 Days
Non-FFT Modding / Elric's Fallout 4 Mods
October 29, 2018, 09:35:22 am
I know this thread won't get much attention, nor do I expect it to, but since it is a collection of other works I have done, I thought I would share it here as well.


STS Base Game (Core mod for Scrap that Settlement!)        PS4 | XB1
STS Vault Tec Workshop (addon for STS)  PS4 | XB1
STS Nuka World (addon for STS)  PS4 | XB1
STS Far Harbor (addon for STS)  PS4 | XB1
STS Automatron (addon for STS)  PS4 | XB1
STS All-In-One  PS4 | XB1
STS Extras - Living & Dead (Base Game)  PS4 | XB1
STS Extras - Living & Dead (Season Pass)  PS4 | XB1

For more info, see the FAQs HERE

The list of remaining addons/versions is as follows:

    STS: Structures, Walkways, Light Sources & Idle Markers
    STS: Structures, Walkways, Light Sources & Idle Markers: Season Pass Edition
    STS: Bonuses (includes STS: Structures, Walkways, etc + Living & Dead)
    STS: AIO GOLD (includes AIO &  STS: Bonuses)


PAWA Base Game (Power Armored Wasteland Adventures)  PS4 | XB1
PAWA Collectibles  PS4 | XB1
PAWA AWKCR 4.0+ Compatibility Patch  XB1
PAWA Bounty Hunting  Still in Development
PAWA Brotherhood of Steel Restructure  Still in Development

PAWA is a mod that does quite a few things, including but not limited to adding 100+ new Paintjobs/Coatings for Power Armor & Much More!
FAQs for this mod can be found HERE


Cages Overhauled & More (Wasteland Workshop)                 PS4 | XB1
Cages Overhauled & More (Season Pass)  PS4 | XB1

This mod adds hundreds of new cages to catch just about everything in the wasteland and in varying sizes.
FAQs for this mod can be found HERE


Manufacturing Overhauled (Contraptions)  PS4
Manufacturing Overhauled (Season Pass)                             PS4

This mod adds ~60 new Builders for the Contraptions, giving you much more freedom when it comes to factory builds.
FAQs for this mod can be found HERE


Standalone Shipment Packager                                            PS4 | XB1

A standalone version of the Shipment Packager, which normally only comes with Manufacturing Overhauled (by request).


Power Armor Frame Crafting & Moving (Base Game)  PS4 | XB1
Power Armor Frame Crafting & Moving (Season Pass)           PS4 | XB1

The main function of this mod is actually that it lets you not only scrap frames to create new ones, but that it also lets you pick up and move power armor frames around in your settlements. I know some other mods do this, but most of those only work with the frames you are able to create via the mod itself, rather than all the frames in the game.


Wild Plants, Drinks & Chems for Settlements (Base Game)  PS4 | XB1
Wild Plants, Drinks & Chems for Settlements (Season Pass)  PS4 | XB1

My first Fallout 4 mod. This mod allows you to plant wild plants in your settlements, craft any alcohol, soda or chem, that wasn't previously craftable, as well as their ice cold variants.


Whispering Pines                                                                 Still in Development

This is a story/new worldspace mod loosely based on Silent Hill. We've currently got a worldspace built, along with a town layout and a large portion of the town itself, as well as many interior cells and quite a bit of navmeshing. There is still much to be done, but we are moving along steadily.