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Desperation --- Roleplay of Pairs

Started by Taichii, January 18, 2012, 02:48:37 am


   "Why did you do that?" Anita asks from behind Not-the-Mama as her duplicate appears to stare at soaked hands. "What is that stuff?" Irritation begins to creep into her voice as the man continues his shenanigans. "What did Mama do to you?" she repeats her question, more demanding this time. "Don't think I won't scream again." She holds her still bleeding hands out before indicating the other wounds across her body. "Who do you think they'll believe?" Assuming anyone comes that is...
   A soft snap of a twig catches her attention and she quickly dismisses her wings. She does not, however, look away from the man before her, instead, offering a strange smile.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


February 02, 2012, 12:29:49 am #81 Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 12:36:55 am by Dokurider
Clayton sighed as put his vial of tranquilizer in his front pocket away and pulled out his last ball of chloroform. "Here, let me show you." he said shoving the ball into her face and detonating it while tossing multiple illusion chloroform balls in every which direction feasible surrounding him and the girl. They explode everywhere.


Taichii began to dream again.
He found himself in a place surrounded with fire.
Suddenly... A slimy creature made of blood crept towards him.
The slimy creature then floated in the air and grew wings. It suddenly shifted into a figure that was familiar earlier... His phoenix, But with an inverted star in its forehead.
The creature then screeched and generated red lightning from its beak... Taichii got confused...
"Hey... stop... what are you-" Before he could finish his question, the phoenix blasted taichii with its red hot fire blast generated with red lightning...
Taichii gets thrown off at a large distance...
The phoenix screeched in the air and flew over him in circles... It flapped its wings again and unleashed a meteor storm.
Taichii screamed in pain as he gets pounded by one meteor and another.

Suddenly, the figure of his "ancestor" appeared standing above the phoenix.
"Pain! HAHAHA It's what keeps you human"
"Release it all!"

Taichii still stood up with every ounce of strength he has left... gritting his teeth in pain.
Taichii screamed...

"Then you leave me no choice..."
The Figure of his ancestor faded into a spirit form and merged with the phoenix... Then the inferno became larger...
Figures of different kinds of monsters, beast and dragons appeared at the infernal dungeon...
Taichii Fainted once again as he sees the phoenix screeching and a mirage of his ancestor, laughing in an evil manner."

Meanwhile in the real world...
Taichii's Eyes opened. His eyes were pure bloodshot...
He then laughed " HAHAHAHAHA! Will my bloodline be under these weak creatures?!"
Dark Aura manifested around him as his scythe Glowed and Black lightning Generated around him.

Taichii was possessed...

OOC: okay guys you post first :D this will be continued later LOL
Please do share your ideas and suggestion for my project:

Join our RP :)



After the ball of Chloroform explodes, L instinctively runs in and grabs the girl to get her away from the area to keep her safe. As he grabs her, he tells her, "Don't panic." He then sets her down on the ground away from where the explosion happened and ask. "I won't hurt you. I'm here to help." He waits for the girl to talk back.
  Check out my sprites


Firkon perks up when he hears the roar of Zirekile Falls. As they approach it in an increasing pace he thinks 'One of my specialties, these falls are chocked full of power'. Firkon can feel the rumbling mass deep in his core. He playfully manipulates the white water and blasts Slime with a stream of pressure from one of the falls. Slime makes a cloud of thick steam from the water. Firkon runs forward lilting about and drinking in bits from a pool. Slime keeps going up the ridge. Firkon shouts after Slime "Hey, where are you going?" He runs up after slime and finds Slime entering a large cave entrance among some interesting ruins. Firkon stops for a second to take in his surroundings then clambers in after Slime.
  • Modding version: PSX


A torrent of water is thrown forward at my duty, and I immediately take action, the defender empowering me and creating a barrier of pure will around Mira and myself. The barrier of light splitting the water and sending it down the hallway behind. I split the stream with a powerful splitting force from a Kikuichimonji.
I rush forward with a divine light projecting itself against Undine's water. As I near, a string of light forms itself, and holy missiles strike forth from a sky not seen, striking the Contract followed by my own Defender's blade and Kikuichimonji's short range earth wave, sending Undine staggering backwards.


February 02, 2012, 09:57:04 pm #86 Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 01:26:53 am by Ryqoshay
   "Not-the-Mama is trying to kidnap Mama!" Anita cries, pointing at the two figures in the cloud. "Please help Mama!" Then almost as an afterthought, she adds, "Don't kill Not-the-Mama, he still hasn't answered my question."
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


February 03, 2012, 02:56:00 am #87 Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 03:18:56 am by Taichii
Taichii was completely possessed..
His smirk represented pure evil.
"Weak life forms.. such pathetic creatures!"
A modulated voice came from inside taichii.

Taichii's figure slowly transformed into that of his ancestor.
As he slammed the hilt of the scythe into the ground a wave of hot air streamed.
The ancestral figure raised his scythe.
The figure slowly turned back into taichii's original form as the mysterious dark aura around him crept up to the scythe.
Taichii collapsed and returned at the state of which he was in a while ago.
The scythe, still floating in the air, glowed bright red.. in a matter of moments, the scythe exploded which unleashed the phoenix within... The phoenix that came out has an inverted star on its forehead.
It grabbed taichii with its talons tightly and flapped its fiery wings.
The phoenix hovered in circles scorching each tree it passes.

Meanwhile back in taichii's dream..
Taichii is in a dungeon filled with beasts.
A dragon flew in the air and unleashed a fire breath..
Taichii was still in pain so he could only roll..
The stream of flame caught taichii's legs.
He screamed once again.. Suddenly, a large Behemoth stepped on his stomach..
Taichii coughed up blood... He couldnt bear it anymore.. He was about to give up..
Taichii cried... "is this everything? i have lived long and hard just to die like this?."
He closed his eyes and saw a vision..
His phoenix is crying while scorching the forest.. The ancestral figure's spirit is laughing above the phoenix..
"Is this happening for real?" Taichii looked below and saw The ninja man, the little kid and another man covered with a cloak.
"No.. They'll get hurt! Phoenix stop!" Taichii screamed.. but the phoenix just screeched back.

He opened his eyes only to see that the behemoth lifts one of its foot.
He thought that this was the end. He closed his eyes as the foot was about to fall. He then saw an image of his father. "Never Give Up." "Fight my boy.. Fight!" "Fight for freedom"
a tear ran down his face. "Dad..." Taichii whispered.
Suddenly, the bright red pendant on his chest. glowed blue.
He opened his eyes and saw that the fiery figures around his area started to freeze...
The behemoth above him also froze.. suddenly a crack along its lifted knee appeared which made the huge feet fall. Taichii could not evade it.. he just covered his face...and closed his eyes...

Meanwhile in the real world...
The ancestral spirit inside the phoenix started to sense that something is wrong...
The inverted star is slowly fading away..
"How could he?! No..!" A modulated screech from the phoenix echoed in the dark morning.
The phoenix stopped circling the area and flapped its wings very hard... meteorite came falling from its wings and fell towards the area that he was in a while ago.
The phoenix screeched again and headed west... still scorching its path...

Back in the dreamworld..
Taichii heard a something break.
He opened his eyes and saw a great red wolf... It howled and turned white.
"You still have me." A voice spoke from inside the wolf. "I will always protect you.."
The wolf held out its paw towards taichii..
Taichii reached for the paw and held it.
He felt a gentle breeze of cold air around his face.
Taichii then stood up and to his surprise, some of the damages on his body have recovered.
He looked back on the white wolf.. "Thank you. Crimson."
A voice once again came out from the wolf.  "Remember.. It's pain that reminds you that you're alive."
Taichii nodded and rode Crimson.
Crimson jumped very high and broke out through the vast darkness from below... They saw a light and headed towards it.

Back in the real world..
"What's Happening?!" The ancestral spirit slowly fades away...
"This Can't Be!" It screamed.
"Get the hell out of my scythe!"
Taichii's eyes glowed blue and threw his blade into the chest of the phoenix.
The Blade transformed into a great WHITE wolf and grabbed the phoenix...
The two huge beast...and taichii,, fell from the air....
The phoenix got slammed to the ground... The wolf howled and bit the phoenix on the neck...
The phoenix then screeched and melted slowly back into a scythe.... "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!"
Was the last voice echoing out from the scythe. The wolf then slowly reverted back into the blade...
Taichii tried to stand up.. but he couldn't... He looked at his stomach and saw that the phoenix's talon had scratched his abdomen.
Taichii's head began to feel heavy...Taichii gasped.. And then his consciousness faded again.
Near the city walls, beside his scythe and blade.
The araguay forest looked like a bonfire in the middle of the dark morning.
Please do share your ideas and suggestion for my project:

Join our RP :)



February 03, 2012, 05:46:46 am #88 Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 03:12:22 pm by Dokurider
The gas expanded to reveal no one in front of Clayton. He had wasted his last ball. It didn't really matter why anymore. So what if the man watching us whipped right in front of me and grabbed her just as I detonated it? They were worthless anyways. "Then there is nothing more I can do." he thought as he stood there. "They cannot attack me and I cannot attack them. I suppose then I just walk off then and they can tag along."

As he started to walk off, the boy's body began that dark aura again. "Oh shit, I knew I should have-" Just as he started to reach for his tranquilizer, electricity surged through Clayton from the boy. It wasn't a new feeling to him as his fiancée had given him worser shocks, but the current still neutralized his movement. All he could do was watch as an inferno surrounded him.

The heat was blistering and the current that just went through him put Clayton on a knee. The sound of the forest around him burning and the roar of the flames itself filled his ears. "This is, how it ends? Or am I already dead? At least they put on a show for me." Clayton had contemplated the many ways he could die. He was trying to adjusting to his imminent death by being grateful for such a grandeur death.

The boy had risen off of Clayton and was now above the treetops. The boy's voice was now booming and bearing down on anyone underneath him. He was transforming into a fiery demon. Even if Clayton could hear what he was saying, he didn't really care. "What was I doing this for, anyways?" he mumbled to nobody. The heat was cooking him alive. Memories of his life had began to flash by. His training, his status, his escape, his jobs, his familiy, his love. Only the last two were worth remembering to him. "Mayumi."

Right, that's what he was doing all this for. All the killing and treachery and lies and suffering was all for. And he threw it all away just for the sake of triumph. "Was it worth regretting my actions?" he thought. "I challenge the world to overcome what it can throw at me. But if this is what it can do to me, then why go on when the world can crush you so utterly without even realizing it? Destroying the Black Platypus would be like defeating a god, and I couldn't do that. I just wanted to see her one more time..."

A loud screech somehow makes it through the rage of the inferno and catches his attention. The boy, now burning up the night sky as a phoenix, seemed to be flapping about frantically. It seemed it's feathers were falling off. No, those were meteors, and one was headed directly at Clayton. The last of his energy had been automatically summoned to his legs as he tried to jump away. He had avoided getting directly hit by the meteor but the shockwave reached him immediately. The sound and force of the meteor hitting the earth hit him hard and he blacked out.

He was flying. That's what it felt like as he opened his eyes. He was treated to a specular view of the night sky, only marred by a column of smoke. "I'm dead, aren't I? I've been separated from my body. I must be flying to judgment now. Am I supposed to feel the wind blowing past me then?" He looked down and saw the forest below him. "I couldn't really be-" He touched himself. "If I am, then I should do something about before I fall to the ground." he thought with little urgency, even as he begun to slow down. This weightlessness felt great.

His mind snapped back when he began to fall. "Oh shit, I'm falling. If I'm lucky, I might be able to catch one of those trees." he began to weigh his options mentally. "But I can't leave things to chance. Can't I do something?" he frantically felt his person for a moment before finding his hand on his rope. "The rope! I can use it to lasso on a tree and slow myself down!"

He quickly snaked it out of his pocket pulled out a kunai. He quickly made his rope into a massive lasso and wrapped some of the slack around his hands and waist. He spotted what he thought was a suitable tree and threw his lasso over the treetop and a ways down the trunk. He stopped violently as the rope went tight as he gave out a glutteral yell. The force had made his hands slip, making the rope burn across his whole body. It felt like he was going to get ripped in half or break his back. If his rope or the bending tree don't give, his arms would, he thought.

The tree pulled back against Clayton's trajectory and sent him flying against the tree. Clayton struggled to get his feet to meet the trunk instead of his body. The impact of the tree against his legs was almost shattering. But being hurled off of heights for his training had helped him cope with the impact better than most. The shockwave of aching didn't go away as Clayton failed to gain a hand full of tree to stop himself from falling straight down. As he fell, he grabbed the rope and tried to prepare himself for the stop. The rope wrapped around his waist stopping him was the softest impact of the night, but it still elicited a ugly sound from his inner core.

He unwrapped himself from the rope and climbed onto the tree. He pulled out two kunais and begun to slowly climb downwards, driving them into the bark. He was faster at climbing than this, but he was in bad shape this time. As he neared the ground, he pulled his kunai out of the tree and jumped off. Where was he? He didn't know and didn't really care and just began to walk aimlessly.

Tonight was an absolute nightmare. It was something out of a child's tale. He couldn't even tell the guys at the bar half of what had happened to him just now. He was barely on my feet. His mind was a fog. He could not think about anything. He was tired and shaking from the cold of the night and pain he was in. The temptation to just drop on the ground and hope he isn't eaten when he wakes grows appealing with every step.

Eventually, he stumbles on a clearing. "This looks familiar." the thought drifted through his mind briefly. And it was. This was, Dorter? That didn't surprise him as much as what he saw next. Just a few feet away from him lay a familiar face. "It couldn't be..." his disbelief allowed him to solder out of his exhaustion and over to the body. It was the boy. Just laying there.

"No, I'm leaving. This boy has been nothing but bad luck. Grabbing him now will be the death of me. I've had enough." he started to storm off. But he the further he tried to go, the stronger the image of victory got.

He just.



He couldn't just throw him over his shoulder like he did before. He opted to just drag him along like a child would drag a sack instead. Clayton's body had now gotten lighter with as much energy as his damaged body could offer. "What's the worst that could happen? He seems completely out of it now. No more transformations. Just 15 more minutes with this walking disaster and I'll never have to see him again." He managed to smile as he left the smoking and burning horizon behind him, the checkpoint into Dorter just ahead dragging his quarry along with the enthusiasm of a zombie catching the scent of fresh meat.

OoC: I just divided up my post into multiple parts for easier reading.


February 03, 2012, 11:52:36 am #89 Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 04:24:54 pm by DarkShade
As the girl tells L not to kill not-the-Mama, L grabs his katana. "I'll do my best okay, just stay here." L hears a screech and starts to smell something. It was fire. L could tell that the fire was starting to burn rapidly so he hurried and told the girl, "We have to go, the forest is on fire." L picks the girl up and starts running away from the fire.

It took a while until they exited into a patch cleared in the forest. L, tired as much as anybody running a marathon, starts to collapse. He set the girl down and told her, "I'm sorry I could not save the one you wanted me to save, but he and the other guy could have gotten out already." L eyes started to close and then he completely collapsed. L was on the ground sleeping, soon drifting into a weird dream like state in his mind. What was happening was that he was recalling a horrible memory.

      It was late July, L was a young teenager trying to collect wood for the fire his dad and sister made. They were camping in the woods like they always do during July. It was a family bond they had, until a tragic event occurred during the night L slept. Before he went to bed, his carelessly thought if he use all the wood in the fire pit, the fire will stay up longer. He overloaded the fire pit and went to bed in his tent. Later that same night, L was woken by a scream from his sister. He look out of his tent and saw the fire pit grew out of control. "Micheal help!" He sister kept screaming L's first name. Her tent was engulfed in the flames and his dad was trying to save her. "Anna I'm coming for you!" His father screamed towards her tent and then looks over to L. "Run for help Micheal," and the the fire pit exploded and Micheal couldn't see his dad nor his sister's tent. L starts running to get help and started to cry. He got to the village a saw his dad's friend and told him whats going on. The guy and a bunch of his friends left to go get his family. Later that night the fire went out, which cause and a huge part of the woods to become a field. The guy walked up to L and told him, "Son, your Father is going to rest at the inn. He was burned." "What about my sister!" L cried to the guy. "We couldn't find her." Then more fragments of different memories starts flooding is his mind and then it was complete darkness.  

While L slept he forgot everything about reality, even the girl. He was unaware if she stayed or not.
  Check out my sprites


   Anita stares, gap mouthed, as Mama soars into the air, leaving a trail of flames behind. The kind man who had dragged her away from the gas cloud grabs her and starts running away from the fire.


   Xiao Mei!

   The girl teleports.

   "I have to go now." Her image tells her benefactor, still in his arms. "Thank you for your help." It adds before fading.

   Meanwhile, the real Anita places herself a decent distance from Not-the-Mama and the evil cloud of badness. Just after her duplicate blinks out, she summons her wings and begins an alternating combo of flying and teleporting to reach the tree in which she left Charon and her belongings. Much to her relief, the forest on this side of the hill has been untouched by Mama's amazing pyromaniacal display.

   "Miss Anita." Charon says aloud, now that its charge is within earshot and there does not appear to be other witnesses. "Observation: Wounded. Statement: Some magic recovered." It comes as no surprise to the sentient scythe that the girl ignores it as it uses its limited resources to ameliorate her injuries. It is well aware that she would recover on her own in time, but so long as it has the means to expedite the healing process, it shall.

   Anita finishes changing quickly back into her robes and manacles. "Let's go find Mama!" she proclaims, strapping her guardian to her back. Cradling her beloved panda in her arms, she takes to the air, following the blazing trail.

   By strange coincidence, it would appear to be heading towards the trade city that had been her intended destination. Perhaps, if she hurries, she could get to Mama before the tenacious Not-the-Mama.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


What was supposed to be 5 minutes of walking had at least doubled with Clayton's glacial pace. Nevertheless, he almost at the city checkpoint into the city. As he approached the checkpoint Clayton could make out all the guards posted. There were at least two Archers up in their settlements looking out at the horizon absentmindedly. There were various incoming citizens and merchants idling chatting nearby. At the gate, the two Knight guards began to approach Clayton as he neared. The curious sight of a battered man ineptly dragging along what appeared to be a dead body of some sorts required some inquiry.


February 04, 2012, 05:29:53 am #92 Last Edit: February 05, 2012, 09:07:17 pm by DarkShade
L soon starts moving and then smells the fire again "Anna!!!" he screams her name while looking around him. Soon he realize what is going on. "I see the girl left." He then sees a small part of the fire near him. "Damn the I been out that long," He grabs his weapon and Yells "Jet Kreuz!" a pillar of rock forms from underneath him and he looks around to see the opening of the Forest. L only saw a good opening down south, so he jumps off the pillar and quickly runs that way.

L exits the forest with a sigh of relief. He was tired of running. looking all around him, he ends up seeing a familiar face again. It was John who he help get to the falls. "L, are you okay?" L looks towards him and said "Yes, I'm exhausted but I'm okay. There is a fire in the forest." L then sees an tall yellowish animal behind him. "What is that behind you?" "John look behind him and then back to L, "This is a chocobo my friend. It is helping me with my trading." L starts to remember all kinds off different chocobos he met. John then ask L, "I'm heading to Dortor, do you want to come along?" L gets up and follows John to Dortor.
  Check out my sprites


   Playing a strange version of leapfrog with her images, Anita is able to traverse a considerable distance in a relatively short time. Of course, not having to deal with land obstacles helps as well. Before long, she can see the gates of the trade city... and the line to get through. She remains out of direct line of sight from the gate as she considers her normal method of entry; turning invisible, flying high over the walls and landing in some vacant ally or other dark place. But...

   She spies Not-the-Mama dragging Mama along through the line. A pair of guards approach, likely curious about their condition. Perhaps...

   Anita drops behind cover before she dismisses her wings. She then breaks into a full run towards Mama.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


The guards that nearing Clayton knew him, or rather, knew of him. He had no known job and regularly hung out with the Pals at the Tavern. He was obviously a member and a respected one at that. However, they have never been able to pin anything on him. They suspect his involvement with various high profile murders in Dorter and it wouldn't be a stretch to assume around the country as well. He was criminal scum and the sooner he was behind bars or preferably executed, the better for society; but smart scum.

But if he was so smart, what was he doing dragging a dead body right into the checkpoint. Something smelled fishy and it wasn't just him. Perhaps desperation, judging by the looks of him. If it was exactly the way it looks, he can finally get put away. But as they drew nearer, everything was making less sense. The man had a bounce in his step, even in his visibly battered state and his face was... It was all unusual to say the least.  The only thing to do is confront him about it.

"Okay Ironhide, what are you bringing into my city?" the senior guard firmly demanded. "Well captain..." Clayton started nonchalantly, when from behind him, a little girl was sprinting full speed right at them.


   Anita runs up to group. "I found her!" She proclaims proudly, holding up her stuffed toy up to Not-the-Mama and grinning like only a child can. "Sorry I dropped her..." She turns to the guard. "Hi, Mr. Guard-type-man!" she greets cheerfully. "Can we go in now? I wanna see if I can find a shop that sells turkey jerky!"
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


This was getting stranger by the minute. Ironside has no known family and lives alone. What was he doing with a child all of a sudden? Clayton had a look of annoyance on him as he pulled away from the girl. "First of all, officer. I do not know this girl at all. She's a beggar that's been hounding me for the entire trip. Please get rid of her. Secondly..." He grabbed the body's hair and pulled it up to reveal the face of Taichii, the most wanted man in Hokuten!

The two guards were completely taken aback. "I-but-It's Taichii!" The sleepy guards above and in the barracks instantly snapped to attention at the mention of this name and came to gawk. When they recovered, the senior guard continued. "Well, Ironside, I didn't know you did bounty work?" "First time." Clayton beamed. "And last time." his face instantly fell. "It must be hard doing a honest day's work. Naturally, I assume you'll will be able to provide the proper proof that you are permitted to hunt in Lesalia." "Indeed." The local forger did an excellent job on my license. "As for you, little girl..." He looked at her.

He knew he wasn't getting the whole story at all. However, he felt that this girl should not be hanging around a man with such an ill reputation, especially one that didn't seem to want her. "I think it's best you come with us. You must be very tired." he said as gently as possible, reassuring her with a hand on her shoulder. "Here, these nice men will get you to a bed and something to eat." Hey, while you're giving out favor, could I get a ride to headquarters?" Just as the captain was going give him a harsh look for being so brash, one of the guards spoke up. "Hey, I could give you a ride down there." He was already mounted on a chocobo with a cart attached. "Really? Thank you. I don't think I could have made it down there on my own. I am exhausted." He tossed the boy in the cart, then dragged himself inside.

As they pulled away, he was waving goodbye in the most smarmiest way possible.

"By the way, can you drop me off at my house after I turn him in?" Clayton breezily asked the guard as pulled away from the checkpoint. "Yeah... Sure."

Clayton finally breathed a sigh of genuine relief. He closed his eyes, letting them finally relax. His weary body sank into the cart, spine molding to its flatness with no resistance. Even the rain bearing down on him and the lack of smoothness of the ride could not stop him from starting to slip into a slumber. As he relaxed, his mind began to wander absentmindedly for a while, making a checklist of things that needed to be done tomorrow. Then an nagging question sprung to mind. "What happened to the other bounty hunters?"

"I never encountered a single person out there that was out for his bounty. I could not have been that fortunate: they couldn't have all just looked in the wrong place. The ones I know are pretty good, and while I have an edge on them, I still find it unlikely that at least one of them could have followed the same string of logic and camped by the water." Clayton was puzzled. "In any case, it's a good thing I found him because any other hunter that would have found him would have been butchered." "Wait a minute." A frightening thought had seized him out of nearly going to sleep. "What if they DID find him before I did? It's just that..."

Taichii killed them all.

"Oh. Gods." The very thought sets Clayton upright. "I just subdued a monster." He had just brought a vicious monster that's going to break out and massacre the entire town. "No wonder they sent an army after this boy" he thought. Just as he was looking at this boy, this demon, trying to decide what to do, the cart stopped in the slums. "Hey, this isn't headquart-" Plinck. A kunai just hit him in the stomach.

The guard overturned the cart, dumping Clayton and the boy over and into a puddle and took off on his chocobo. Clayton looked down at the familiar make of the kunai and then smelled the fumes coming out of his wounds. It was poisoned and this stuff was powerful. If it wasn't for his resistance to poison, he would've be dead in minutes. However, the poison was powerful enough to overcome his resistance. Truthfully, his examination wasn't necessary; he already knew who threw it. A deep yet firm voice rang out.

"Clayton Mizuhara. We have finally found you." It was them. The Black Platypus. He managed to pick himself up to see that he was surrounded. The leader and a few other were on the rooftops looking down on him. On the street he could see a few more behind and in front of him, one was flanked by two war dogs. He could also see some of the local cutthroats among their ranks as well. He even recognized some of them as regulars at the Tavern. "It was a set up. This whole trip was a sham. All my work was...for nothing." This had killed him harder than what was coming to him.

"Your evasion of the hand of death is pathetic and shameful. Then again, what can anyone expect from a truly pathetic illegitimate such as yourself? Clayton the Pathetic. An absolute disgrace to his family. He only survived because he was the only one of two heirs of the family. I'm surprised that poison hasn't already killed you. Consider this a posthumous service to your family." His voice and words went out one ear and out the other, burning everything in between.

He continued. "No one has ever ever escaped justice and no one ever will: you are no exception. We are in every dark corner you can hid in. Run away and we stab you in the back. Look behind you and we stab you in front. There is and was no escape. We were always a step ahead of you. Your actions were nothing but a folly and the dream of a fool. Now die a coward's death. Any last words?"

Clayton merely laid there as if he was already dead. "No? Then it is time to end your end." A large and muscular ninja approached the both of them walking up to them to snap Clayton's neck. "We will also thank you for capturing this boy for us. Take some solace in knowing that at least you died having done at least something for the Clan. Congratulations Clayton on your last minute usefulness and goodbye."


February 05, 2012, 06:53:47 am #97 Last Edit: February 05, 2012, 07:12:18 am by Lijj
To the left of what looks to Firkon like the easier path is a barely visible patch of rock and crystal formations. Slime glides through all these obstacles as if it's nothing but Firkon falls behind as the light diminishes. Slime stops & seems to sense Firkon's trouble because now the cavern is lighted. Slime glows a bright orange color illuminating Firkon's path. This aslo stirs up the bats and an arhiman! Which swoops down on Firkon. Firkon is hit pretty hard but manages to get up and pull out his goblin's hatchet, a small axe. Ahriman hangs menacingly from the vaulted ceiling eyeing Firkon then swoops down. Firkon parries and hits the beast in the cranium or enlarged eyelid. This continues until finally the beast falls. Firkon isn't quite strong enough and took a bit of damage. Slime is in his mind telling him to move yet Firkon insists on waiting for the ahriman to crystalize. Replenished after a moment the two carry on.
"Slime, I'd better learn how to use potions soon and maybe procure a decent sized axe." Firkon says.
"Where are we going anyway?" Firkon listens in a meditative silence for Slime's thoughts to manifest.. 'It's a shortcut, we would have run into trouble on the surface.' is the fuzzy information that Firkon manages to glean from the strange form of discourse they share. Firkon suddenly realizes how deep they've gone; the cragginess seems to give way as they step upon an open platform. There is some sort of structure in the distance.. Slime lights brighter and Firkon sees how immense the cavern is. The structure is pretty big too, just dwarfed by the ceiling of the cavern. There is something inscribed on the portico of the structure. It's some form of Ivalician.. but indecipherable. 'Must be ancient' Firkon considers. Suddenly he hears some noise like a battle echoing It seems to be coming from pretty far away and from the direction they came from. Doubting anyone would want to venture through the scabrous path he had just; he soon ignores the distraction.
(OOC it's probably Luna up there battling)

  • Modding version: PSX


Undine launches multiple lances of steel ice at me, and with a quick turn of the blade, they're parried...
"Oh!" Mira yelps behind me, one pierced for true, striking me through the stomach. I fell to the ground, the sharp pain finally kicking in and making me groan. I could see a stream of blood fall from my body as Undine begins charging yet another attack, gathering a ball of ice-based mana into her hand.
Behind me Mira appeared to be charging a healing spell... "Ammit" I whispered to myself... A large pillar of ice formed over her, ready to strike down and crush both of us. She launched it at us, multiple more spikes of ice following, when shining force came about... yet another holy sprung forward and shattered the attack... a glorious mist and dust of sparkling frost surrounded us.
I dropped my Defender and drew Ama No Murkamo, ready for the next attack as Mira begins casting once again.


February 05, 2012, 09:16:54 pm #99 Last Edit: March 23, 2012, 09:02:34 am by Ryqoshay
   "Beggar?!" Anita repeats indignantly. "I am not a beggar!" She continues to protest the label until one of the guards shoots her a look that only grownups use.

   All kids know and despise the "Quiet, the adults are talking" look.

   Anita responds by jutting her lower jaw out and huffing irritably.

   And now, Not-the-Mama is loading Mama into a cart!

   She begins to protest more, and tries to follow, but is stopped by a guard putting his hand on her shoulder.

   "Hey, kid, what's the rush?" He asks gently. "A little girl like yourself  shouldn't be hanging around the likes of him."

   "I am *not* a kid!" The girl retorts, promptly disproving it by sticking out her tongue. "And I'm not a beggar either!" She points to her unmarred vestments. "Do beggars wear stuff like this?"

   "No, I suppose not." He nods but doesn't release her. "Say, what is a child like you doing with such a large weapon? You could hurt your..."

   "Mama gave it to me!" Anita cuts him off. "And I'm not a child!"

   "So, where is your mother?" He seems anxious to be rid of the bothersome girl.

   Anita points angrily after the now-departed cart.

   As far as he is concerned, she means somewhere already in the city. "Alright, alright," he finally says, "run along now, and find your mother."

   "Yup! Yup!" She calls over her shoulder, scampering away.

   "And don't go wandering on your own and get lost!" He calls after her as he moves to the next party of travels waiting to enter.

   "Uh-huh!" She keeps running. "Mohhh..." she groans to herself after a determining that she has lost the path. "Stupid guard-guy..." she mutters.

   It was time for a bird's eye view. She seeks out the dark shadows of a nearby ally and disappears into them. A few spells later and she is gliding like a ghost high above the rooftops. If anyone was paying close enough attention, they may notice a strange blockage of the falling droplets of rain, but most people don't look that far up on a rainy day such as this.

   Normally, Anita loved the rain, but when it hindered her invisibility, it became an annoyance.

   From this vantage point, it doesn't take her long to spot the familiar chocobo and rider... without the cart... and running... How strange... Did Not-the-Mama already reach his destination and keep the cart, or...?

   No, there they are. And it looks like they made some friends.

   Anita descends rapidly and alights silently on the edge of a roof not far from some of Mr. Kidnapper's friends. The distance should be sufficient so as to avoid detection even in the rain, and especially since everyone's focus seems to be on those below.

   "Congratulations Clayton," one of the new friends was saying, "on your last minute usefulness and goodbye."
Hurry down the chimney tonight.