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June 02, 2024, 12:21:33 pm


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Messages - 3lric

Quote from: HippeusOmega on May 02, 2024, 05:07:19 pmHad a question related to installing the movies. Is that only so the intro from the psp plays at the start of the psx version? Because I noticed none of the other cinematic play and was just curious on this.

Both the intro, and the opening movie to the game. That's it. Should be stated in the readme.
Quote from: FFFanatic on May 03, 2024, 01:01:32 amYeah, it feels like the mod team didn't really look over the job reports at all. Incorrect solutions to jobs and overflowong text are a constant. Also, supee minor and unimportant bug, but when comtinuing a game from the title screen, all the dates have the letter 'A' in the 10s column of the date instead of the correct number. example: Leo A7 instead of Leo 17. They show correctly when saving or loading from in game as opposed to the title screen though. Playing on real hardware through and ODE.

We did, and the error was identified a long time ago. And fixed. I've just not had the time or will to update it until all bug reports are in, because if i do, itll be the last time i ever do.
Map Editing / Re: Maps by Bladegrasp
April 26, 2024, 04:18:32 pm
somehow missed these before. Great job. Custom maps are some of the coolest things to see, from an event standpoint especially XD
Quote from: El Piedras on April 03, 2024, 10:33:51 pmFirst of all, thank you a lot for doing something like this and specially for releasing the resources. I understand most people around here hate the WotL text and this version of the hack is likely to receive a lot less attention/updates as a result, but there's a major issue I'd like to point out.

I noticed the resources pack of TLWoTL has a warning about FFTactext. From what I understand you basically are stuck with whatever text you patch the game since you can't save a .fftactext once you import the missing files from an already patched ISO. This is a big deal for me because I intend to change the numbers of several descriptions to match my balance changes, but want to use the non-engrish WotL translation as base.

I checked the resources of the regular 2.03 TLW and there isn't this warning so I assume FFTactext works fine there. I just wanted to ask if there's a possibility that FFTactext compatibility will be fixed in the future or if it's an inherent problem with the way some assets were translated to the WotL script. As much as I can't stand the original translation (not the "casual" style per se but rather the obvious mistakes and odd naming/wording choices), at this point I feel forced to get back to it since the one standalone WotL translation patch that I could find also renders FFTactext unusable...

You shouldnt be using tactext to do anything but patch, the text editor spreadsheet is where you edit the text.
Quote from: Krice on April 02, 2024, 06:41:00 pmFirst off I want to thank you 3lric for making a mod that perfect an already perfect game for me. Like most other people here, FFT is my favorite game and the PSP added some really amazing things. You really put in the work to make this mod kick ass. Its reinspired me to run the game through again and try out some builds i never had the chance to run while I was playing the psp version. My friend and i fell through before we hit end game and i wasn't able to get the late game badass weapons. Now is the time! I did have a few questions. The first thing i noticed was when I played chocobo defense in chapter one i could only use 3 units but as soon as I hit chapter 2 i could put in 5. Not sure if this was a me thing or what but i was mainly running 2 custom units and Ramza only. The loot table is different to the psp version and I'm wondering what has all changed? is it just the scaling? Are the psp items in this mod like the rendezvous only weapons? I also like Ashley's abilities but was wondering if there was a formula for his damage with his abilities. Last i noticed i cant master a few other classes that you can in vanilla and the WotL version such as time mage. Is teleport 2 obtainable or is it in a permeant state of not being able to be mastered? Thanks again and really you rock!

Edit: So at the time i wrote this i had sunk about 20ish hours into the game and grinded out most of my characters. (not yet endgame) I was excited for the new game plus and decided to quickly finish the game after a little more grinding. After 30 hours i can gladly say my questions were all answered minus the rendezvous chocobo defense question. This mod is the best and im so glad i can sink so many more hours into the game. However i did set it up for my phone so i can play at work and i might have carpal tunnel in my thumbs soon. XD I'm also going to make a copy of the game and try to edit it so i can do some custom sprites. Thanks again! My gaming life finally feels complete.

Hey thanks man! I'm kinda persona non grata around here at this point but ill do my best to answer what I can off the top of my head.

There was a LOT of folks involved in this project, I'm just the frontman for it, as I am with most projects I work on. It would not have been possible by myself and we all appreciate your kind words.

1) For the chocobo defense, I've actually never heard of this issue. If someone else reading this can comment on that, I would appreciate it, as I'm working on a final final update with the 4th sound novel, and would like to get all bugs squashed, as I don't intend to ever revisit this mod again once it's out. (unless the update breaks more things, which they always do...) The squad ID shouldn't be changing for any Rendezvous, regardless of chapter, so i really have no idea how that could happen.

2) The loot table is the PSX version, unless you mean the Treasure Wheel for the Rendezvous, which was a wonderful work by Nyzer, he made a post somewhere in this section with the values and such iirc. Nothing from the vanilla stuff was changed other than a few things regarding guests.

3) It looks like everything else was answered when you finished the game lol

"Thanks again! My gaming life finally feels complete."

This comment right here, is exactly why we do what we do, and I am glad to have been a part of providing that to people, who like us, have a special attachment to this game.
Quote from: Timcappy on March 03, 2024, 08:42:30 pmHeya, Im new on this mod thingy, I am trying to download the 2.0 file but whenever I finished downloading it and checking, it is always blank, I am using winrar and whenever I open the file, there isnt anything in it.

1) Your antivirus might be derping it, for whatever reason (it's not a virus)
2) Your internet could be derping it
3) Third thing here

Try to download the patch on another device and tranfer it to the device you are wanting to patch it with, instead.
Quote from: Leomillia on March 21, 2024, 09:44:23 pmGuys, I tested this mod on my Nintendo Wii using the Wiistation emulator. It works 100% so far. Thank you very much!

Thank you for the report. I love that that emulator is still going strong. I used it and a classic controller pro to play the PS1 version of Diablo to completion years ago. No, I don't have a good reason for why one would do that either.
New Project Ideas / Re: The Lion War - Recruits
March 12, 2024, 03:37:27 am
Quote from: Daisy on March 08, 2024, 02:40:03 pmAny news on this? ^^ i feel like your mod would break the fft world in replayability <3

Still working on it.
The Lion War / Re: The Lion War 2.031 - DOWNLOAD HERE!!
February 26, 2024, 07:56:03 am
Quote from: Behemoth_ on February 25, 2024, 09:07:33 amHi, I'm having a real problem with this mod. This is the first time I've modded a game before. I've gone through the process correctly - patched the mod to a clean rom and uploaded it to the steam deck. It loads fine but the problem is that all the characters are about 5 spaces off where they should be. The shadows are in the right place but the characters are not. I thought this might be a glitch in the opening sequence (with the princesss and gafarrion) but once the battle commences, the same problem persists- characters in the wrong place, some of them floating. I cant seem to find anyone else having this problem so is it something i did or is it a simple fix? Sorry if this is a little confusing to understand i can upload some pictures if you like.

Use a different emulator
Original script, hands down. There is a reason it's called The Lion War of the Lions, because it's a joke lol.

Also, while I thank you, it's not just mine, I had a whole team to create TLW and TLWotL alongside me.
Quote from: King_Goblyn on January 30, 2024, 11:36:03 amWill this work on my PSX ODE? If I load it up? Or is this just for use with a PS1 Emulator on PC?

Works fine on PSIO and Xstation
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Chapter 2 Progress Log
January 06, 2024, 12:39:39 am
Quote from: Griggs on January 05, 2024, 07:50:09 pmI've been lurking on this project for 10 years. I don't even remember how chapter 1 played out it's been so long. If ya'll ain't canned it by now I'm really just wondering when we're going to see or hear real actual progress, or the unfortunate (but understandable) news that it's dead. Bc I do at least remember loving chapter 1, but I'd also like to know if I'll still be alive for chapter 2 at this point fellas.

I would still like to finish it yes. The last few years have been rough and I had to take a break from a lot of things. That has now changed, however, due to my own past indecisiveness or damage I caused, the band is not currently together, and reconsiliation is paramount to Jot5 ever getting finished. I cant pretend that its something I could so alone. The scope is too large.

So like, maybe one day? Idk
The Lion War / Re: The Lion War 2.031 - Bug Reports
December 27, 2023, 10:22:09 pm
Quote from: Yaegami on December 27, 2023, 05:39:56 amI play that at ch 1 and after play be a beta at ch 2, when i win it just freeze like that.
Also skill for Monk and Thief have bug. I already have all monk and thief skill, but not master it

The second part is not a bug. You havent gotten far enough. Please do a bit of reading into what you are playing.
New Project Ideas / Re: The Lion War - Recruits
December 27, 2023, 01:46:50 am
Quote from: sutebenukun on November 30, 2023, 09:25:00 pmIt is currently on an indefinite hold, I hope Elric will be able to work on it again but if not at least we have this thread to inspire others to do something similar to his vision. In any case, if you are reading this Elric, I hope you are doing well!

I will be working on recruits again, as I cannot work on Jot5 in it's current state without reconciliation. This project wasn't something difficult, was mostly easy and outside of the mercenary stuff, which was already in progress when I stopped, a good bulk of the work was already done.

I will likely be hosting it elsewhere, but I'll make sure it gets linked back here by someone in the future when I have more to show.
Completed Mods / Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
December 26, 2023, 04:41:56 am
Well done
The Lion War / Re: The Lion War 2.031 - Bug Reports
December 25, 2023, 01:25:09 am
Quote from: Yaegami on December 22, 2023, 10:15:45 amis it just me or Rendezvous - Be A Beta have a bug? The enemies always revive again and said he can't defeated if her ally still alive. But i already kill all her allies

I've not seen any other reports of this. Nyzer did pretty extensive testing on it, so I kinda doubt it's broken. Can you share a screenshot or video or something?
The Lion War / Re: The Lion War 2.031 - Bug Reports
December 16, 2023, 07:07:46 am
Quote from: Nyzer on December 16, 2023, 01:01:38 amDiscovery: The Brave Story bug with a unit starting a round with 1 HP is because of using InflictStatus to put a dead Lucavi into the critical animation before exploding them. InflictStatus resurrections prepare the unit to be set to 1 HP when battle resumes, and apparently, that's not when the current sub-event ends, but when the game runs out of sub-events to run. Since switching to the next round is set to immediately follow this revival, the game holds onto that "set the unit in this slot to 1 HP" command until the new round begins.

This is fixable by using UnitAnim and SoundEffect instead of InflictStatus.

Thank you
The Lion War / Re: The Lion War 2.031 - DOWNLOAD HERE!!
November 23, 2023, 09:00:04 am
Quote from: Carnack on November 22, 2023, 05:04:21 pmHello there,

I am digging up some nostalgia and wanted to give this hack/build a run.  I was wondering if there were any changes to job stat growths or not.  I.E. Ninja still has the best speed stat growth, or if Ramza's squire job is now broken for stat growth.  I have seen that before.

Regardless, thank you for all your efforts.

It's vanilla
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Chapter 2 Progress Log
October 24, 2023, 12:44:40 pm
Quote from: Voxian on October 22, 2023, 10:54:02 amI'm sorry to ask this, but just spent a few hours reading the forums and discord. is it safe to assume this project is at least on hold, if not canceled? I hope I'm wrong, and just missed a post or update somewhere because I've been looking forward to continuing the story.

Its not cancelled. Its just currently on hold while the team sorts its shit out.
Late reply, however, you cannot start a project with it in mind that you need other people to finish it.

You start the project, show you arw willing to put in the work and if people like it, they will accept requests for help.