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Quote from: alamone on February 07, 2025, 08:43:10 amHi, I've been playing this mod on latest Duckstation, it's been working fine for the most part.  I have a minor bug where the help text window has a transparent diagonal line when in the shop.  Also, I can't seem to duplicate this reliably, but story battle at Dugeura Pass in Ch. 4 once loaded bugged with no floor textures.  It might have been an issue with Duckstation and save states though.

Help window:

This has been fixed, but I haven't updated the game in a long time. Been working through a non-google translated version of the 4th sound novel to add and haven't gotten around to finishing it yet, due to lack of testers for it. If/when I updated it again, that issue won't exist anymore.

The 2nd thing you mentioned is not a TLW issue, that's something wonky with your emulator, hence the randomness of it and you not being able to replicate it.
Spriting / Re: Blank Templates with subframe outlines
January 24, 2025, 01:28:23 pm
Neat! Can I ask how you made these?
Spam / Re: Is this Spam?
January 24, 2025, 12:00:04 pm
^ What Nyzer said.

I made this tutorial when I was starting out, 14 years ago. I'm no longer a active member of this site (though i still check it weekly), and there are far far better tutorials and people vastly more knowledgeable about these things than I am.

This tutorial should probably be archived tbh.
The Lion War / Re: RetroAchievements Support
January 16, 2025, 08:39:44 pm
I like this idea a lot. I have extremely severe ADHD and achievements always scratch an itch for me. If you come up with some good ones, you may even give me a reason to play through TLW as a player for the first time, now that the nightmares of running through the game 5 times a day for months on end, have finally faded.

Hope to see more on this.
You can get Ultima in the Rendezvous missions, with the appropriate units that would have the ability.
The Lion War / Re: The Lion War 2.031 - DOWNLOAD HERE!!
November 28, 2024, 01:54:24 pm
Quote from: aliguu on November 28, 2024, 05:28:20 amhi there
i used "Final Fantasy Tactics - The War of the Lions (USA) (PSN)" iso file (ULUS10297_1.00)     PLUS    the 2.031 ppf.
I patched the 2 files with ppf-o-matic.

however the new iso create can not be loaded by ppsspp- says file corrupted...

what am i doing wrong?

TLW and TLWotL are PS1 games that add the PSP content...
Quote from: TheRaGe1969 on September 09, 2024, 09:01:10 pmWell, i used CodeBreaker codes and they work fine, i added all weapons/items and although they are not part of this hack, i have weapons such as Excalibur and Masamune, they don't give the abilities they have in the OG game like Excalibur`s haste, but they are really strong, all my chars are using Earth Clothes so if i run it to those pesky turtles i just laugh at their earth attack (i didn't want to cheat but like i said, im not going to go fight all that stuff the "legit" way again, i spent 40 hours leveling everyone to 80+... so you see im kinda upset i wasted all that time for nothing.)

If you wasted time getting to level 80 in chapter 1, again thats on you, you can only be upset with yourself my friend.

Using items literally not available in chapter 1, means they are either vanilla in everything but name, or are simply not coded at all, so yeah, thats not gonna work quite as youd expect.
The amount of rearranging ASMs we had to do to get most working in Jot5 to begin with and knowing the huge amount of kanji space we use in the OG release, I doubt youll have much success, but smart encounters will indeed work fine.
Quote from: ampulegado on August 25, 2024, 11:44:04 amSo I've been playing lots of tabletop lately. I was wondering if we could have a new version of the summoner.
The summoner in old FF didn't really summon any creatures, they were just spellcasters with their spells having cool cutscenes. I was wondering if someone could make a modified version where the summoner actually has a bonded eidolon and the eidolon stays in battle for the entire fight.
You pick between an angel, demon, elemental or beast, and you actually have an extra unit with you in the initiative order, having its own abilities and leveling up as the summoner does.

I'm not sure how it would work gameplay wise since I don't have experience with modding. I was thinking between two possibilities.
 1. When you get a summoner you get an extra unit that you put in the unit selection screen
 2. You don't get an extra unit and the summoner needs to do a ritual in battle to call its bonded eidolon and fight along side you.

Hell you don't even need to have it animated, you can just recycle the eidolon's sprite and make it smaller to fit one square.
You don't have to remove or replace the old summoner, just having it as an extra alternate version would work.

Most no one here had experience in modding when joining. Thats why the forum and discord are for (assuming it is still active) TLW is a base mod for building your own mod. It's highly unlikely requests will be fullfilled.
Quote from: DarkVoidMage on August 10, 2024, 03:30:37 pmHello all ^^ I am currently watching ProJared's playthrough through this and it looks very awsome so far ^^. I wanted to ask though, if the Chapter 1 is "self-contained" or not (as in, does the chapter contain a full story, or does it contain cliffhanger(s) for the next chapters?). The reason i ask for this is, because as far as i have seen, progress on further chapters is currently on a hold for an unknown time. I completly understand that large projects like this take a lot of time and effort, and i dont want to stress anyone here, i just wanted to know, if i should play Chapter 1 if there is a potential risk of the story never finishing, or if the game is self-contained enough, that its not a big deal if the other Chapters come out/are played or not.

(I dont know if its better to ask this as a new question, or if i should have posted in the post about Chapter 2, sorry if it was the wrong decision ^^')

I don't want to spoil anything by answering the questions on how Ch1 ends.

I'd still like to finish the mod one day, but that's up to more than just me at this point.
Quote from: TheRaGe1969 on August 26, 2024, 01:48:43 amPoison is useless in the current fight i am now (that is if Rad even get the ability, because he gets random abilities every time i redo the fight), the morbols have regenerator, and that offsets the poison, so its not advised to hit them, but they are spamming bad breath giving me 3-5 status ailments, there is also an undead there, immune to poison... the only one that get affected by poison is the werewolf, but it doesn't matter, he still get close enough and kills everyone with just one hit...

And again... im level 80+, with crap equipment that gives me crap bonuses... the monsters at this point have tons of HP, in the fight im now its cool to hit a morbol with a long bow for like 40-60 damage, trying to inflict poison, only for the monster to activate regnerator, remove the poison and every round it heals for nearly 100 HP...

It also affects the random battles, i have to choose my fights, meaning that i have to restart the game if i see certain combination of monsters on the field because they have so much healing power its ridiculous...

Quote from: Nyzer on August 26, 2024, 02:15:13 amYou're not... meant to BE above level 80. Not even close. And since this mod is from 2013, it predates hacks like level capping per chapter.

This ^

You are literally in Chapter 1... I appreciate the enthusiasm, but I mean, what the hell man? lol

The King of Ivalice / Re: Patch Information
August 03, 2024, 04:54:51 pm
Quote from: Pyro-1234 on August 01, 2024, 01:46:43 amI loved the game, the difficulty in general it was nice, maybe the enemy teams spammed a little too much phoenix downs, and I have 2 questions, first, my game will not allow me to save ingame, it freezes in checking memory card with the message blinking, I am playing the game in a PCSx emulator, I managed to go on on save states, the second question, is it possible to add Link's character with the sprites and all as a whole character for a base game?

You posted in the wrong place. KoI is dead. You have an issue with your emulator.
Quote from: TheRaGe1969 on August 01, 2024, 10:11:12 pmI dont know how you beat this game, the very first fight against monsters is just way too hard, the monsters just have way too much healing power, it has been impossible for me to beat that fight without cheating... and after using cheats i kinda lost interest in playing this hack... (whats with the stupid captcha?)

It's not impossible, you are just too stuck to traditional vanilla mechanics. Let go of that and play different.
Quote from: budgieflame99 on August 03, 2024, 12:29:49 pmhey! has anyone had any trouble with the treasure wheel on this mod, mine won't let me move or access the chests..

probably your emulator or a dirty image being patched, it works fine.
The Lion War / Re: The Lion War 2.031 - Bug Reports
July 20, 2024, 03:11:38 am
Quote from: genki ian on July 19, 2024, 11:42:30 pmAfter patching TLW 2.031 onto my og iso, guests no longer appear in the "formation" setup screen even though guests appear like normal in later versions of TLW like TLW ReMixed when I patched that mod onto my og iso. So in that case...

Since there seems to be no downside tradeoffs of letting guests appear in the formation setup screen again like normal PSX/PSP FFT versions to learn/equip JP abilities as guests etc, then is it possible to copy the modding/hacking solution for this from TLW ReMixed as a bugfix for rolling out into any new upgraded version of TLW beyond 2.031 ? :)

I'd try fixing it myself if nobody feels that it's a positive improvement for TLW... But when I tried following your TLW 2.031 "Resources" tutorial thread on this board, at the 3. TLW EVENT STUFF Step of patching the og iso I get the error message "❌ Cannot create temporary folder" when trying to open the iso as a "M2/2352 track" in CDmage b5 :( Not to mention multiple "warning" notices in Shishi about sprites sharing an SPR with lists of 0x values... :/

Remixed is a mod using TLW as a base, what it does has no barring on what TLW should or should not do. Guests are not in formation in TLW or TLWotL.

It's not broken and TLW has always stated that it would do this, for over 10 years at this point. It is built around this. As of right now, I am not taking any requests for someone else to update the mod, as I am already currently doing so to include the last sound novel. However, guests will not be returning to formation.

The Lion War / Re: The Lion War 2.031 - Bug Reports
July 17, 2024, 04:10:49 am
Quote from: keo on July 15, 2024, 01:49:25 amHello,

I'm using The Lion War v2.031.7 on Duckstation (android), and when I go to Learn menu, the skills don't show the JP requeriment for them, they stay in gray out, not showing MP, speed and JP

Is it a bug or normal??

You only need to post in 1 thread. And no, this isn't normal. Either your settings or borked, or your image file is borked.
Quote from: FFFanatic on May 09, 2024, 02:45:19 amWell it's cool to hear it is still in the works. I found another bug. On real hardware using a Terraonion M.O.D.E. the Nanai's histories sound novel freezes the game at the point where Tango reaches for his wife's arm. Went through it twice. Flat out freeze requiring a hard reset.

Can you screencap the page and post it here? I will look into it as I am working on getting the last sound novel into the game.
Quote from: Inzoum on May 17, 2024, 08:16:55 amThe last time I played FFT was with Cheetah's FFT: Complete mod, because I honestly prefer the new translation from War of the Lions PSP port. Ironically, I played this on a CFW PSP, and it was the best thing ever. No slowdown, good quality audio, cool spellcasting speech. I honestly felt this was the best way to play the game (more so than the PSP version, at least!).

Now that Retroarch is available on iPad, I'm picking this up again and trying out this ridiculously-named mod, which I believe has the highest potential of being my absolute definitive favourite way to play the game. Amazing work! I just can't believe how much of WoTL you were able to retrofit into the PSX version, it's just bonkers.

I added the Innate "Gained JP Up" ASM hack as well as the one that lets you send out unique characters on errands to free up support abilities and alleviate roster crowdedness. They're great ASM hacks to completement this mod.

Congrats on making such a polished patch!

EDIT: I actually meant to post this in the "Lion War Of The Lions" thread, I must have had too many tabs open. Oh well. Great work on both of these nonetheless!

Glad you enjoyed it, thank you.