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FFT Arena Single Class Challenge AI Tournament

Started by Barren, December 20, 2012, 10:33:32 pm


Well, I'm doomed to fail. So it won't be me.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Never expected Avalanche to make it so far. I've probably underrated Geomancers a bit there.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


January 14, 2013, 04:28:01 am #122 Last Edit: January 14, 2013, 04:37:56 am by Dokurider
Sure thing

Celdia vs Taichii: Sorry Taichii, but Celdia's taking this. Your poor little Scholars are just too frail. It's just going to be a repeat of what happened to Vigilanti

VireBlaze vs Vigilanti: Vilgilanti because Vireblaze's Samurai can't handle the Summoner's AoE.

DomieV vs Jumza: I'm leaning toward Jumza, because Witch Hunt's going to go through those Paladin's MP. But those Dancers are going to have a tough time breaking down those Paladin's with their evade and just being doughy bastards in general.

Reks vs Toshiko: Sorry Reks, Toshiko's gonna take this one. Reks' damage output just isn't good enough or fast enough to stop jupi from midcharging him.

The Damned vs reinoe: Honestly kind of a toss up, but I think the Damned might be able to win if he can repeat what he did to Reks.

Eternal vs Dokurider: ME! MEMEMEMEMEME!

AeroGP vs Avalanche: This is going to be the match to watch. However, I think Avalanche is going to have some trouble surviving those gun shots because of his high Faith.

Dol vs TrueLight: Dol might end up getting overwhelmed by Truelight's ninjas because they're pretty likely to midcharge his Raise 2/Fairys. His MA samurai might be able to keep those ninjas at bay though.

Pride vs Angelus: I think Angelus is going to take this simply because Pride's Priests just can't take a lot of punishment, and Angelus has the range advantage with faster spells.

NinjaWeazel vs Otabo: Otabo wins because his team is just nasty.

CT5Holy vs Malroth: Spellguns vs frail high faith wizards? Can't really say it's going to go CT5's way here.

RavenOfRazgriz vs formerdeathcorps: This'll be a fun fight. I'm favoring that FDC's punches through Raven's teams and keeps them down. It doesn't help that half his team is immune to Kiyomori, the crux of Raven's war machine, and the other half can AoE heal it away, for a net gain in actions.


Celdia vs Taichii

Lethal match that was closer than expected but in the end Celdia's team was faster and had more units capable of onshotting members of the opposing team. Earth absorb was also a big factor in her win since it effectively halved Taichii's offensive options and forced some scholars to skip turns instead of spamming lores.

Vireblaze vs Vigilante

Death and flare are pretty much a hard counter for a team with no Raise 2,  Phoenix down + potions don't cut it for healing 1hkos unless you significantly outspeed your opponent

Domie V Vs Jumza

Witch hunt was good, Nameless dance useless like always  Both teams ended up with 1 member capable of instantly killing any member of the opponent squad with 3 units forced on full time support duities, but Domie V had much better passive healing and resurection so he survived long enough for Decap  to do its work

The Damned

January 14, 2013, 10:34:34 pm #125 Last Edit: January 14, 2013, 10:48:10 pm by The Damned
(I feel like I've forgotten to comment on some of the matches on Youtube still....)

Damn it, we're on to Round 4 already? I'm so slow....

Oh well, I guess that means I'll have to make my match reviews concise for once. Shame...since I can't be concise:

VireBlaze vs. DomieV: I'm actually not sure why I'm that surprised that VireBlaze won here, perhaps because this was the first match where his Koutetsu Samurai actually got both hit people and hit for "full" damage at 100 Brave. Given they both lack AoE outside of Arthur's now-dubious Ice-elemental Southern Cross, I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised; DomieV might have won the first round if Arthur still had his Chaos Blade, but alas. [/nag]

Speaking of Arthur, that series of dodges at the beginning of the first around was rather amusing. I guess he reallly won't allow anyone not named Merlin to take him from behind.

Jumza vs. Taichii: Oh, right. "Concise". Uh, right. This match was basically determined as soon as Nameless Dance inflicted Silence on Taichii, which goes to show that not every mage blocks Silence.

Celdia vs. Vigilanti: Geez, it's like Celdia basically mugged Vigilanti for his luck in a dark alley before this match happened. Pretty much everything that could go wrong for Vigilanti against her did save either team using Death, which is also amusing since they're only two teams with Death and it didn't pop up at all.

Eternal vs. Myself: Not sure why I thought this ass-kicking happened in Round 4. Oh well, better to have it out of the way. Between Mediators being faster than average, having spellguns & Auto Potion, Time Mage's having crappy HP & damage options especially against Auto Potion and my bad luck, I already knew I was going to get mauled. Seriously, I got Oiled three times out of the four that Short Edge didn't just kill the unit and Projectile Guard only worked once, so...yeah. Slaughtered.

Reks vs. reinoe: It was this match that allowed me to realize that Reks's damage overall is surprisingly weak given his usual teams, especially the poor White Magic Bard. I honestly hadn't realized his entire team had 40 Brave/Fury before this match; reinoe's team just decided to be sadistic about that revelation with the overkill status, especially at the end.

Toshiko vs. Dokurider: Admittedly, like with VireBlaze, I was suprised that Toshiko took thisagainst a team I xpected to win. I suppose I shouldn't have been though given that, as I said after she wailed on me, Innate Two Swords is just damn strong even with "inferior" female Ninja. That Ninja have higher than average speed also allowed for Cursed Ring revival to be less of a factor.

AeroGP vs. Pride: High Faith units vs. spellguns. Next.

Avalanche vs. TrueLight: TrueLight being able to win the first round made think it was possible for Avalanche's team to finally lose in his block (against someone that wasn't AeroGP). ...And then Erza quickly proved useless against in subsequent rounds, disproving that.

Dol vs. Angelus: Ugh. Draw Out vs. Lore. Wonderful to see the already ubiquitous Masamune over and over against between repeated Earth Dragons and Shadows Shades. Oh well. At least it wasn't as long as Dol's match against AeroGP and the win was admittedly unexpected yet "earned". I just do without seeing that damn animation again.

formerdeathcorps vs. NinjaWeazel: The latter's team has issues. We've been over this.

RavenofRazgriz vs. Malroth: Raven was pretty screwed off the bat with fighting a spellgun using team since all of them have guns that can hit at least one of his units for double damage. It just happened to be the fiery Blaze Gun here. That first round might have gone a lot differently if whatever Lancer was near the Hawk's Eye Archer has stepped in the way and took that arrow (& its Poison & Oil) for Draco Sintara; I'm pretty sure that's possible, but then again, it was a longbow and that unit would have been two panels away.... Regardless, it probably won't have changed much for Raven in the subsequent times since his team needs time to set-up, which it can't do against 100% accurate attacks.

CT5Holy vs. Otabo: Yeah. This was close despite the Salamanders of the second and third rounds. I still wonder what would have happened if Sand Storm was procing Berserk instead of Stop still in general since it also came up in TrueLight's fight in this Round against Avalanche....

And for predictions since I've yet to watch the last videos of Block A:

Celdia vs. Taichii: Although it's good for Taichii to be able to fight a team that doesn't absorb Dark and that has relatively high Faith overall, I see Celdia winning this. If only because she hits harder over all, Death Wish's Tornado doesn't "work" on half of her units, Yunita & Aire have Throw Stone and Brandt & Jusqua have PA Save, which loves Lore. It's still possible for Taichii to win rather than being a "wash", but he's going need to get lucky with Bio 2s causing Frog and/or Demi 2 hitting multiple people & K.O.ing them or sending them into Critical. Winner: Celdia.

Vireblaze vs. Vigilanti: This match, on the other hand, is a "wash". Not only do none of VireBlaze's units have AoE, but they also all lack none  M-EV and distance aside from the weak crossbow-using Samurai. On top of that, half of his team can't even really touch Belgemine due to her Dark Absorb. So...yeah. Vigilanti goes 3-1 instead of 4-0 after Celdia stole all his luck last round since he doesn't need luck here. Winner: Vigilanti.

DomieV vs. Jumza: This is the closest round of the Block, but I ultimately see Jumza taking it, partly for reasons that Dokurider pointed out about Witch Hunt. With Witch Hunt and Move-MP UP not really countering it with Knight's paltry MP supply, George the Balance Paladin becomes utterly toothless, so this is essentially a 3v3. I say that because while I expect Nameless Dance to make a difference, if not the difference after de-fanging George, through Slow & Oil, she usually ends up useless in quicker matches and I expect this to be the longest match of the Block, which is why it's possible DomieV for to still win. Winner: Jumza.

Reks vs. Toshiko: Toshiko's probably winning this since Reks's team has surprisingly large damage problems as it is before the fact that even "joke" Ninja/Kunoichi still hurt enters into things. Additionally, they're faster than him and he's been getting mid-charged as it is. ...Yeah. Dokurider summed this up accurately. Winner: Toshiko.

Myself vs. reinoe: Hmmm...this could go either way, especially since I have such shitty luck. Countdown being effective here will be crucial for me to win since two of reinoe's team has 9 Speed, which means that her Stop can be interrupted. Thankfully, she's immune to Silence, so she's not automatically useless like she was last round or close-to-it like against Toshiko. Still, I don't have any Don't Act protection and I tend to get brutalized when it comes to AoE status anything and Paralyze is easily one of the best spells Oracle has even before Short Charge figures in. Then again, Bleed is actually a threat to this team unlike the other two, even as weak as her Shadow Shade has been.... Honestly, it's kind of a toss-up. I expect this to be the closest match of the tournament, in the sense of who can win at least since I don't expect this will go for very long one way or the other.

All I know is that whoever loses is going to lose not because of damage (right off the bat), but because they got status'd into oblivion. Winner: Statuses.

Eternal vs. Dokurider: This match is rather swingy as well, though here it's due to massive damage and instant status rather than who ends up looking like they got Bad Breath'd like myself vs. reinoe. Eternal has the advantage here though, not just because of Spellguns & Mimic Daravon, but because even if he loses to Dokurider, probably through a combination of Charms and overhand & overhead stabs, Eternal still gets a re-match right away via Tiebreaker. In the tiebreaker, Eternal has the advantage on the long map even more than usual with it being Volcano, so...yeah. Dokurider might win this battle, but it's against him to win the "war" against Eternal.

This, of course, provided Toshiko doesn't fight either one of them again first since it would likely be a three-way tie with Reks probably losing again here. Winner: Eternal (ultimately).

AeroGP vs. Avalanche: AeroGP will probably be Avalanche's only (repeated) loss just because Spellguns and Quickening are that powerful. It doesn't exactly help that Avalanche completely lacks Projectile Guard & White Robes while having extremely high Faith all around. Even if his two units with MA Save have Setiemson, that doesn't stop the two female gunners from picking them off (repeatedly). It also doesn't help that, off the top of my head, all of three of the maps that they're supposed to fight off don't have any "special" or potentially damanging terrain to Counter Flood with, though the female Chemists would likely just heal it away anyway, so....

As with Eternal vs. Dokurider, Avalanche seems also disadvantaged by the fact that he'll likely have to fight AeroGP again for the tiebreaker. Only that in this instance, it's the winner who actually have the advantage (unless he has to fight Dol again first, then we all lose). Winner: AeroGP (ultimately).

Dol vs. TrueLight: A battle between bitter thematic enemies! ...That will probably be decided almost solely by how horribly Kagesougi screws over Dol or doesn't and how ineffectual Erza is again since those two Platina Daggers aren't "cutting" it by themselves, especially against Raise 2. Shrug. I see Dol winning this if only because he has a lot more lasting power. So outside of both his resurrection units going down around the same time, he has a lot more room for error than TrueLight having to depend upon Abandon for him to not go into Critical or Dead. Winner: Dol.

Pride vs. Angelus: Angelus wins this between Pride having high Faith and relying upon non-Short Charge Holy as the backbone of his offense. Normally, non-Short Charge Holy would be fine since his team has shown, even with its problems, that it's absurdly powerful (while still being faster than Flare & Lore). Of course, two of Angelus's units have Short Charge and his team has way more staying power. Similarly, Pride auto-loses the large map because Four-Lore is "wonderful" like that. So goes into the small & medium maps having to win both and worry about getting Quaked to death en masse, especially on the short map, which is probably what's going to happen. This especially since the AI is terrifically stupid about negating its M-EV just to charge a spell it knows it can't get off in time. Winner: Angelus.

NinjaWeazel vs. Otabo: Otabo wins this rather easily because his team is rather strong as it is and NinjaWeazel's team understandably has problems for a newcomer. Enough said. Winner: Otabo.

CT5Holy vs. Malroth: Malroth likely wins this one because Spellguns, CT5Holy's lack of Projectile Guard & White Robes and being the only person to use a Blaze Gun, which means that he can actually shoot all of CT5Holy's team instead of just half of it. This isn't a complete waste just because, depending on who dies on CT5Holy's team, his team might not spend that much time trying to futilely "sandbag" and thus Malroth might get "nuked" or put to sleep by them. Well, if Aegis Shields don't eat Black Magic for breakfast like they usually do. Malroth definitely has the advantage here. Winner: Malroth.

RavenofRazgriz vs. formerdeathcorps: Like Dokurider said, this should make for a fun match. Unlike Dokurider, I'll have to side with Raven here, if only because, like Otabo, formerdeathcorps's team has been getting screwed over (or doing especially stupid things) and I don't expect that to suddenly stop. This especially when half of Raven's team doesn't care about Earth, the other half refuses to remain dead, all of them have shields, Draco Sintara could choose Cheer Song first (or only) & hit with it and fdc's team has less healing than one would "expect".

If formerdeathcorps can manage to flatten Raven off the initial encounter, then he can definitely win, especially since all his units have naturally higher speed than average, so less worry about equipment-based revival biting him in the ass. If he doesn't...then, well, Raven likely wins after a while. At least fdc doesn't have to worry about getting "randomed out" by Meatbone Slash unless his FS Bag Monks decide to be unspeakably dumb and not use Repeating Fist; well, that or Meatbone Slash triggers off Repeating Fist, which, actually, I think it does.... Winner: RavenofRazgriz.

Quote from: FFMaster on January 14, 2013, 04:22:08 am
Never expected Avalanche to make it so far. I've probably underrated Geomancers a bit there.

No "probably" about it. Between their good stats, having better than average movement, having access to shields & good equipment options despite "only" two weapon options and making good Draw Out bots when Draw Out's still arguably the best skillset without revival, it isn't too terribly surprising. Given that M-EV is still relatively "rare" (in use) and Chirijiraden hurts on top of all of his teams attacks being instant and having a range of at least 6 when combined with his natural Move...yeah.

*whisper*Revise Geomancer stats and/or Draw Out accordingly.*whisper*
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


QuoteI still wonder what would have happened if Sand Storm was procing Berserk instead of Stop still in general since it also came up in TrueLight's fight in this Round against Avalanche....

Probably the same result. Stop or Berserk would've made that wizard nigh useless regardless.

The Damned

January 15, 2013, 12:34:26 am #127 Last Edit: January 15, 2013, 02:48:39 am by The Damned
(...I forgot what I was going to put in the parenthetical this time.)

Ugh. Youtube is acting up. Again. So I can't comment on anything right now.

Haha, the ending to that first round, especially after Brandt survived at 1 HP and still had Reraise waiting to go off. Other than that, things went as "planned", especially with Death being so...generous.

Hmmm...maybe that thing is fine as it is. ...Nah, it could stand to be cheaper.

I do have to wonder why Brandt (or was it Jusqua) chose to Poison Bow the Death-targeted male Scholar in the third round rather than the female Scholar charging Demi 2 though. It seemed like he was in range....

Again, as predicted. Poor VireBlaze just didn't have anywhere near the damage spread and capability Vigilanti had, so he got walled by something as simple as a Summoner managing to deflect two attacks in a row.

Beyond that, I find it rather appropriate that Otherworld plays while an Undead Summoner kicks someone's ass.

"Yunalesca used Megadeath!"

Hmmm...this didn't go as predicted, though it was the closest match that I expected anyway since it came down to Nameless Dance's fickleness and Titan getting past M-EV, which it never really did.

But...uh, hey. Arthur using an Ice Brand with Kaiser Plate finally paid off. (Barely.)

Oh, right. I was going to chide Celdia jokingly for making it so that every mage team had finally lost by the time last Round ended.

Quote from: Otabo on January 15, 2013, 12:11:17 am
Probably the same result. Stop or Berserk would've made that wizard nigh useless regardless.

I'm pretty sure that Wizard was one that blocked Berserk because of Reflect Ring, so...yeah.

He probably wouldn't have won from what he said, but between that and TERMINATE technically being a "large" map, it just was/is going to nag me even if everyone else is fine with it.

Pay me no mind as usual.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Quote from: The Damned on January 15, 2013, 12:34:26 am

Oh, right. I was going to chide Celdia jokingly for making it so that every mage team had finally lost by the time last Round ended.

And you won't hear me complaining about this leading to a rematch with Vigilanti's Summoners. :D Funny thing is, I chose Squires kind of as a joke because I didn't think they'd be terribly effective. I know I'm not going all the way in this but I'm happy they're putting up some solid resistance.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Quote from: Celdia on January 15, 2013, 01:50:52 am
And you won't hear me complaining about this leading to a rematch with Vigilanti's Summoners. :D Funny thing is, I chose Squires kind of as a joke because I didn't think they'd be terribly effective. I know I'm not going all the way in this but I'm happy they're putting up some solid resistance.

Somehow with the way this tournament and our block just shaped up, I guess we're facing each other again. You won't get so lucky this time! *shakes his fist*

lol, but seriously good luck Celdia, may the more vicious team emerge victorious

The Damned

(Well, Youtube seems like it's finally letting people add comments again. Hurray.)

I see that Squire's stigma from vanilla and 1.3 have followed it into ARENA. Shame.

Quote from: Celdia on January 15, 2013, 01:50:52 am
Funny thing is, I chose Squires kind of as a joke because I didn't think they'd be terribly effective.

The above aside, I'm not sure why you thought that considering that Squire's easily have the best equipment options after classes that get (Spell) Guns innately and maybe Ninjato. Additionally, they have decent stats and have Concentrate back now, so their only real problem is currently having crappy revival & no Movement and a mediocre skill-set because of it and a few other issues. They still have revival though and pretty much everything that's keeping Basic Skill mediocre sans the movement looks like it's getting fixed going into version 139.

So I suspect, win or lose this whole thing, Squires and Basic Skill will end up seeing a lot more use come version 139.

Quote from: Celdia on January 15, 2013, 01:50:52 amI know I'm not going all the way in this but I'm happy they're putting up some solid resistance.

Yeah, one of the spellgun teams will likely end up winning, especially since Malroth's probably going to go 4-0 in Block D, which seems like it will thus be the only Block without a tie-breaker.

Sad but true.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Quote from: Vigilanti on January 15, 2013, 06:49:12 am
lol, but seriously good luck Celdia, may the more vicious team emerge victorious

Indeed. Here's hoping for a bit more of a show than last time.

Quote from: The Damned on January 15, 2013, 03:59:00 pm
I'm not sure why you thought that...

Quote from: The Damned on January 15, 2013, 03:59:00 pm...their only real problem is currently having crappy revival & no Movement and a mediocre skill-set because of it and a few other issues.

Yeah, mostly that.

  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


it might not be that clearcut,  Unlike the other spellgun using teams i'm not running Magic attack up or pilgramage so my damage output is half theirs so I can't 1shot anything without faith or oil  but those wizards can 1 shot me with flares holy and death.


Yeah but range + faster + M-EV = I lose. Well, it could turn out to be something like against fdc (since his units were also faster than mine), but yeah, M-EV + you have an 11 speed guy and M-EV, M-EV, M-EV goddammit I lose.

All my wizards get 2-shotted. A high damage Cover Fire could possibly even OHKO. I may have a chance, but you're definitely favored.
Winner of the 1st FFT 1.3 AI Tourney


Went as expected, but at least I got a round in. GG Toshiko!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Reks deals surprising middling damage considering how high of an MA bards have. Reks' team ultimately doesn't not mesh well with itself. In particular, Lore was a bad choice because not only do bards already have map wide spells, but Reks had to equip absorbing clothes to make Lore work, diminishing their effectiveness. Lore is difficult to use if you don't have tanky units establishing a front line, and Bards are anything but tanky.

Demi 2 + Shower Shade = Critical. It allowed the Damned to easily pressure Reinoe's team and eventually overwhelm his team. Comet shouldn't be underestimated because it's a great finisher and many kinds of units have trouble finishing off weakned units efficiently.

THEY SAID I COULDN'T DO IT. THEY SAID I WAS A BUM. Yeah Cursed Ring is a bitch.

The Damned

(Thanks for the celerity, Barren.)

Don't worry, Dokurider. You're still a bum in my heart.

Something amusing I finally noted by the time Reks vs. Toshiko ended: Block B is the only block to have no team with any units that have or are naturally capable of wearing heavy armor. Another helpful explanation for why a "joke" team is beating the hell out of everyone.

Well, despite going 0-4, he at least finally won around despite Beguile's horrible accuracy. It helped that Ninja grouped up. After that though....

I still don't understand why the invisible Ninja suddenly decided to be in love with Weapon Break, especially since, Ancient Sword aside, none of Reks' team's physical offense was remotely threatening. That kind of prolonged things unnecessarily.

Damn, I kinda wanted this to be more even and back and forth. See? Even when I win, I can find something to bitch about.

For instance, I knew that Haste would be pretty much useless yet decided to indulge in it anyway. I wonder if not using that would have allowed me to beat Toshiko....

Anyway, yeah, the first round was pretty much solely decided by me having Shadow Shade on a long map against high Faith units that mostly didn't absorb Dark. While it didn't do terribly much damage due to no real boosts, it basically finished off people that Comet or Demi (2) injured. Hell, reinoe's Oracles didn't even get any status spells off that round due to it and Comet.

The second round was a lot better for him and he probably could have won it had that Stop not hit both characters. The Raise 2 hitting Bleed would have helped, but it probably wouldn't have helped as much as just avoiding getting Stopped en masse since Bleed's guaranteed to come back unlike other two units that got turned Undead.

Oh well....

Good game, reinoe.

Like I said on Youtube, I feel like an idiot for not noticing Terror Blade had Projectile Guard this entire time. It's probably because Eternal is the only person with any type of projectile weapon in our entire division. It didn't really help Terror Blade anyway; Cursed Ring did.

Yeah, Cursed Ring really made the difference here as I expected, though I thought that Mediators having better than average speed would make that a bit less of factor. I suppose it doesn't help that "only" two of Eternal's teams have distance weapons. So the other two have to close in, which makes them vulnerable to revival back-stabbing while also having to deal with the living Thief's "BS" between Speed Ruin, Steal Charm & Talk Skill.

Speaking of Talk Skill, I'm still kinda surprised that Death Sentence was arguably the biggest status factor in that fight despite Oil, Sleep, Charm, Don't Act & Berserk flying around.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


yes doku indeed XD my hp was just way low for them to one hit me haha... GG
well congrats mistress celdie~ haha please do beat he others~♥
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I don't envy Barren's decision on how he's going to resolve the three way tie that came out of block B.
My dreams can come true!