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Desperation --- Roleplay of Pairs

Started by Taichii, January 18, 2012, 02:48:37 am


"Okay fine, we can treat.  But let us find a safer place than this. . . it's far too wet tonight to be out anyway.
Once we got moving your boyfriends can be free to go."
She said with the same toothy grin.
"Besides there are bound to be more gangs wandering the streets tonight."
She started walking towards a different alley, there was a sign nearby reading 'Lowtown ->'
"So what is this you have to offer. . .?"


"No." Clayton stood his ground, "I have to follow them for that exact reason. I have to make sure they make it to HQ."


April 22, 2012, 06:01:02 pm #202 Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 07:19:32 pm by mucus
"Okay fine.  Tsh.  I knew I shoulda stayed home tonight.  Don't expect to leave my sight,  you owe me. . . "
She ducks into the alley, not losing eye contact with Clayton.
"My name's Vicky, by the way.  You go first though." She says, gesturing to the once again moving thieves.


"Very well. Follow me. Try to stay as close to me as possible." With that, he pressed himself against the wall, turning himself and the girl invisible.

As the gang reanimated, they continued running for a bit until they collectively realized their sense of time was off. "Is it just me or did...something just happen now?" O'Bannon asked. "I think we just got Stopped." said Pat. "No way. How'd it happen?" said Tatoolo. "I dunno. Maybe we stepped on a Stop trap?" It was the best explanation he could offer. "But he that were true, then why hasn't the Bastards caught up with us and why ain't we dead meat yet?" "Maybe we...just got lucky?" Pat suggested with a cheesy smile. "We're still in front of the Bastard's bar." Saionji had observed. "Shit, that right! Look, we don't know why it happened, or how we're still in one piece, but let's just count it up to fate smiling on us and just get the hell out of here before our luck runs out." "Right." they all agreed in unison. They then started towards HQ to fence their goods, trailed by two invisible followers.


Finally, the Pals at the Tavern's HQ. The Pally Tavern was one of the largest taverns in Dorter. In it's back, was a single door that lead to the Pal's primary fencing operation. This is where most of the Pal's stolen goods went to be distributed and where it's thieves went to be compensated for. "I never thought I'd make it here." thought Clayton as he stalked closer to the gang, ready to slip in as they did. "I need to go in with them as well. I'm warning you now in case you're going to lose your guts. And I'm not helping you steal anything here either."


April 23, 2012, 11:54:57 am #205 Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 12:06:10 pm by mucus
"Okay then let's go in."
Vicky says, sticking close behind.
She had not broken into anybody's headquarters for several years now, instead relying on petty theft.
She inhaled deeply and could smell the familiar smell of perfumes, they probably ran a ring for those.
"You sure?  I'd love to get my hands on some of those perfumes."
She zipped her lips as they entered the compound.
     She woke up several hours later.  The courtyard lay in ruin... crystals littered the ground.
     Still dazed form the impact she stumbled to her feet.  She looked around frantically for her fallen friend. . .
     It was clearly too late at this point though.
     "Up there!" a voice yelled.
     Having run out of any energy to cast spells Vicky was a sitting duck.
     'I'll have to rely on my other skills' she thought to herself.
     'Yoohoo!  Sexy boys, I'm up here!~'
     The men below were a bit surprsised by the tone in her voice, she was so alluring to them.
     "Okay miss, we'll be up in just a minute to help you!"
     The castle guards had no clue what was about to transpire.  If they had, they probably would have just executed her on the spot.
     They scurried about, looking for some sort of pass through the rubble, eventually they cleared out a path to her position.
     She was perched atop a mound of broken stone and dirt, it was slowly crumbling and if she didn't get down soon, she'd likely fall to her death.
     'Oh you guys are so strong!  Please hurry and help me!'
     They had no clue that she was the one who commited the attack.
     'Oh watch out!'
     A large brick fell from the mound, causing the whole pile to shift.
     Eventually one of the men got to her. . .and her plan was already in motion
     'Oh my!  Aren't you a strong paladin?'
     Blushing the guard responded "Well, it's all part of the training"
     'Actually, you're pretty cute too!'
     "Well thank you ma'am!"
     'Maybe you should help me out. . . I think we could work something out that you would really enjoy!'
     The man smiled. . ."I don't know what you mean. . . "
     'Why don't you take your sword and kill those other guards?'
     "With pleasure!"

Hopefully, this will be an easy in-easy out kind of thing, she thought as she and Clayton slipped into the HQ.


April 23, 2012, 03:05:52 pm #206 Last Edit: April 27, 2012, 11:08:37 pm by Taichii
Taichii patted mikoto and lulu's head before proceeding...
He cant seem to figure out why mikoto and lulu's expressions looked troubled... but Taichii just shrugged it off.. and thought that they were getting tired.. He then looked back at Anita..
Taichii then smiled with glee..
"alright then dear Anita.. you know the rules~~ I'll count to 30 alright?" Taichii said as he pokes anita's nose...
"Yes mama!"

As soon as Taichii covered his eyes and started counting... he immediately heard sounds.. notifying him that Anita has started moving..
He tried to peek at wherever anita is going... but after a few seconds he heard...

"Mama, no peeking~~!"

Taichii smiled in embarassment and covered his eyes back again...

"twenty one... twenty two... twenty three..."

"It's almost 30" Taichii thought... he then pictured in his mind what the swampy area looked like before he s  tarted counting...
the bushes? the trees? little holes? under the swamp? she is little, yes... she could fit anywhere... this could give taichii a hard time finsing her...

"Twenty nine----- Thirthy~~!"
"Ready or not here i come!"
Taichii exclaimed as he uncovered his eyes and started to roam around...
he went to the near bushes and searched for anita beneath the thick bushes... "Hmm.. not here.."
He then looked up... he jumped high into the trees, searching for a shadow or maybe an image of a little girl..
He jumped and searched at the thick branches... he couldn't find her anywhere.... but he heard a faint giggle..
He then spots something move a little in the swamp...
"There you are... You can't hide from mama~~.."
he then jumped towards that area and grabbed it...
Taichii's eyes widened as he noticed that it was a dead guy....
He threw it away and panicked a little as he felt like a hand touched his legs but flowed down the lower swamp area..
Taichii jumped in the air and freaked out like a cockroach has landed on his face...
He then landed at the swamp shore...
"This is bad..." Taichii said as he saw bodies dumped in the swamped area...
"Could it be that someone is here to ambush us?"
Taichii thought... he unsheathed his blade and his eyes turned slitty...

OOC: sorry if this became a bit too ordinary.. i would like to add a twist in this post but i had a problem in real life with my gf  and i cant seem to focus well into writing so... sorry guys..
a bit too sad and distracted at the moment. *sigh*
Please do share your ideas and suggestion for my project:

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OOC: Italicize words is Michael in his dream and normal words are in the real world .

A hour has past, maybe two. Michael couldn't tell the difference while they walk in the thick forest they where in. Michael growing  tired  with every step and unable to focus that much. John and Mirthean talking about trading goods and other stuff Michael didn't understand and kept walking in front of him and soon they heard Michael fell. They both turn around and John rushed to help him saying "Michael you okay?" Michael was down on the ground trying to get up. "I'm okay lets contin..." John interrupted him saying, "No you need to rest, Your body is exhausted." John ask Mirthean to head for an open spot in the forest to make camp. Mirthean nodded and continued to find a open area. John open his bag to grab a potion, it was reddish color. "what is that John?" Michael questioned. "Its... a strength potion. You need to use it to gain your strength back to get you to the camp." Michael drank the potion and John help Michael up and they began to walk.

A couple of minutes Mirthean found John and Michael and took them to an area where they can camp for the night. Mirthean and John began setting the camp while Michael was sitting on a log. Slowly as things continued Michael started to dose off and not so long Michael was on the floor sleeping next to the fire.

Michael found himself walking towards nothing, the only things he saw was the color green, brown and blue. Everything was blurry and he barely heard anything. As seconds turn minutes and minutes turn to hours, Michael started to see more stuff and hearing things as well. He can see the grass and and trees and sky well but other things were blurry and then he saw a figure ahead of him and heard something from it. "hurry up son!" Michael was confused on what it said, but continued to walk forward to the figure and finally heard it, It was his father. "Hurry up son I can't wait to show you the gift in Limberry. Michael was a kid now in the clothes he always had back then. He rushed towards his dad and smiled with relief. "Is this a dream I'm in?" Michael thought to himself for a while until his dad regain his focus. "Now son, this year if you can find my treasure box you can get everything in it, Okay?" Michael tried to say okay, but didn't hear his voice. He was a little frighten from what just happened. But his dad had the look on him like he actually heard the words. "Well son, this year as your birthday present I'll give you a hint, it's near the inn." They walked towards Limberry as happy as they could ever been.

Soon things got blurry and everything faded away. Michael regain his form and was wondering in a pitch black area. The place slowly gained color and form, It was the place where he met the little girl from the ninja. But this time saw himself and the others in the scene. He wandered why he is reoccurring this memory, Like somehow it was important to him. He then realize who else was there. At first all he seen was the ninja and girl and then there was another person he remembered him from the incident form Dorter, the guy was holding the girl flying away. "Why do I need to know this?" Michael yelled and fell to the floor. Then grew his Father appeared. "Michael you need to wake up." but Michael was stun on the ground.

Back in the real world John began to talk to Mirthean about things if they found the thing that was flying away. "Mirthean, if we ever find the thing carrying the girl Michael found, what will you do?" Mirthean didn't say anything about it and talked about something else.

John looked a Micheal and hope the potion he drank will help him remember his past. "John!" Mirthean yell to get his attention. John looked at him and said, "Sorry I just hoped the potion I gave Michael would help him, "What was in it?" Mirthean asked politely. "It was a sleeping potion. I had to lie to him to get him to drink it." Mirthean was shocked a little wondering why he made him drink something like that.

Michael was sitting on the floor of an inn with his father, but his father didn't sound normal. "Son you need to wake up." Michael looked at him and ask a question. " Who are you?" The person told Michael what he didn't want to hear. "I'm your father." "No your not!" Michael yelled at it with anger, "I know my father, but I don't know you." but as soon as he finished talking the figure disappeared. The scenery changed. There was three doors with a word on each of them. The First door had the word Doubt, the second door had Lies, and the third had Truth on it. He stood there for a while and then opened the door of Doubt.

The memories of his past flooded in to fast and things began to fit into sequences. The memories he saw were all the things he personally doubt in his past and other memories that didn't belong to him. He hurried and shut the door. Shock on what he just saw he questioned himself to open the next door, but continued to do so. The door of Lies was tricky to open. He couldn't figure on how to open it. The door knob wasn't the thing preventing if from being opened. So he walked to the next door and it had a lock on it. He wonder around thinking of what to do next.

John got up and from sitting and told Mirthean he was going to find food with his Chocobo. "I'll be back soon Mirthean." they walked away from the fire and was soon surrounded in darkness. " Well Kojo where should we go?" "Wark!" Kojo pointed in west. They found a creek and began harpooning for food. "Kojo, go down stream to catch the fish that I miss" An hour later they going the a bag full of fish and headed back to camp. John immediately heard something in the forest. "Who's there?" No answer was giving back. John wonder if they should leave as soon as Michael wakes up or as soon as John gets back to camp.

Michael was laying on the floor and began getting tired. He heard a noise from a fire pit. And looked around he saw nothing but the door's. His mind was slowly drifting back to the real world but felt to weak to get up and do anything. All he did was stay on the ground and slowly shut his eyes.

John got back to the camp and fixed food for Mirthean and himself. Kojo ate the rest of fishes they didn't cook. "Hey John I'm going to bed." Mirthean said while heading to the tent he made. "Me too. I'll sleep out here okay. Everyone went to bed and waited for the next day to come around. John wondered if it was day time or night. the forest was to thick to tell.
  Check out my sprites


April 25, 2012, 05:31:15 am #208 Last Edit: April 25, 2012, 04:59:23 pm by Dokurider
HQ was rather empty today. Last night's events made most of HQ's breadwinners hesitant to take advantage of the city lockdown out of it's ominous nature. Hugging the walls, Clayton and the girl followed the gang through the reception area and into the actual center itself. The fencing compound was littered with random empty crates lying around. It's shelf were arranged with more purpose, shelving many of the ill gotten goods. Monster skins, organs, and body parts lay on work tables, surrounded by skinning knives, pots of chemicals, and other poaching tools. It was dank and dusty with a bare stone floor that needed sweeping badly. They ended up going through the center and to the room in the back belonging to the senior fencer. He was a rough looking man that looked like he was hastily chiseled out of stone especially his prominent eye brow ridge. He was taking inventory in expectation of a slow day of business.

He greeted the party. "Well what do we have here? Pat, what brings your gang here?" "Well, Yeager, the city lockdown didn't shake us up as much as it did the Bastards because we just knocked over one of it's bars!" Pat said, handing Yeager various knickknacks and semi-valuables from the bar. Yeager rolled his eyes. "You guys? Hitting a bar? Way to shake things up." Yeager looked them over, mentally calculating the approximate worth of each item he was handed and casually setting them aside onto a nearby table. "Oh and we cribbed this from some rich fuck wandering around." chimed in Tatoolo.

As he reached into the bag for the clothes, Clayton concentrated and once again, transformed the ninja uniform into an elegant dress. In contrast to the dull knickknacks Pat was handing him, Yeager eyes shot open at the dress. Even someone off the street could see it was worth a fortune. "Wow, you actually brought me something worthwhile for once." Yeager exclaimed, taking the dress and looking it over, it's craftsmanship readily apparent. "You hit the jackpot today, boys. You get 5000 for the dress and, uh, let's say, 700 for the rest of the crap you brought me." He took the dress and put it into a nearby vault alongside the other valuables that couldn't just be left laying around.

As he wrote them a slip so they can get their money, Yeager continued. "Now listen up, after you get your cash, go straight home. Ain't a good time to be getting into trouble. They'll send ya up for a long goddamn time if they catch you. Don't you dare drink a drop until you're off the streets, got it?" "No worries, boss. We'll be good. You don't have to tell us twice." Pat tried to assure Yeager. "I'm being fucking serious here. Some bad shit went down last night and some guards ended up dead. You know when some of their own goes down, guards get really brutal. No fucking around." "Okay, okay, we're gonna go straight home anyways. Sheesh." "Fine, then get out here. I don't wanna see your mugs again until this all blows over."

Clayton and the girl had already headed outside when Yeager put the dress away. Leaning against the wall, Clayton breathed in relief knowing the most difficult task of today was finally over. "Listen, I'm not done yet. I need to follow these guys home, then I have a few more errands to run."


As Clayton watched the crew hock their goods to Yeager, Vicky slipped away and was hastily tucking various objects of worth into her cloak.
She kept a watchful eye on everyone, knowing that one slip-up could spell doom for her and her companion.
"These well do nicely..." she thought as she tucked several bags of Gil into the cloak.
As Yeager took the dress, Vicky's eyes darted towards it.  Something about it seemed wonderful and foreboding all at once.
Her mind continued "...but I wonder what else they have hidden away..." she nearly knocked a large paring knife from one of the tables.
Quickly grabbing the knife from the edge, she darted back to Clayton's side, neatly tucking the weapon into a pouch on her back.
"Not bad for one night's work though..." she smiled, and focused on Tatoolo and his cohorts, feigning that she had watched the whole time.


Trailing the thieves to their home was uneventful. Clayton and the girl followed them to their hideout somewhere in the slums, located not too far from the Pally Tavern. Mentally indexing the thieves' abode, he was done dealing with them, hopefully for good. It was now time for Clayton to go back to where he stashed his items. Despite the constant presences of guards, Clayton could finally relax, no longer having to play keep up.

"I'm actually going to fill you in on what's been going on lately, stranger." Clayton said, his volume mindful of being overheard by guards, yet relaxed. "To start with, I've been wanted by the Black Platypus for a long time, since I was young. I managed to avoid being pursued because I faked my death. They figured out I was alive just recently, and in cooperation with the Pals at the Tavern, my former employers, they ambushed me after I brought a bounty into the city."

"Who my bounty was is also very important. I had managed to capture Taichii, currently the most wanted man in Limberry. They really want him bad, too. I'm sure you've seen all of the wanted posters of him everywhere. And let me tell you, he's wanted for a damn good reason. To start with, he is a vampire and particularly powerful one. Jumping over trees in a single bound, summoning wolves and phoenixes, literally turning people to ash, ripping out hearts, what he does even the highest royal mages and the templars of the church could not do easily. He must the harbinger of end times, no individual should ever wield that much power. He also has a companion with him, a little girl. She is also some kind of demon. Her magic blades can kill with just a single touch. It doesn't even need to cut the body to kill."

"I don't know why Limberry wants Taichii, but it can't be any good. I would recommend that you stay away from Taichii. Not only is he being pursued by Limberry, the Church, and the Black Platypus, he'd probably make a meal out of you. He's already drank blood from some of the men that ambushed me. In fact, he was the one responsible for destroying that city block near Tawny Traveler Inn. Worse of all, all of his pursuers are coming here to Dorter. Limberry will making getting around or even out of the city nearly impossible, the Church is going to have the city quarantined for vampirism and the Black Platypus is coming to find out what happened to the squad it sent to kill me, and they are about to get very pissed off. I would recommend you leave town for a few days. I'm leaving tonight."

They had finally made it to the trash heaps where Clayton hid his stash. "So any questions, Miss?" he asked while digging through the heap for his items.


It was morning on Mt. Zirekile. The sun had yet to get over the mountain, so the cult woke in the mountain's shadow, cold and hungry. The Anisuasor had the congregation fan out over the area to try to rustle up some kind of meal for today. Thanks to the slope of the mountain making moving around difficult and treacherous, their altitude made vegetation sparse and game well hidden. Even the river offered little in the way of food. Everyone had to make do with a scant handful of berries and meat they received. At least getting food for the chocobos was easier and much more successful, being able to subsist on plants unedible to man.

Still hungry, they continued their march to the top of Mt. Zirekile, following the river upstream. Still weak from yesterday's hike and the terrain being just as unforgiving as it was yesterday, their pace had slowed down to a crawl. More people had joined the chocobo pulled carts. Sprained ankles, hard falls, and just being too tired to go on anymore, the reasons piled up as the members piled into the carts like firewood.

In spite of the straits they were all in, a good portion of the congregation were still incredibly excited to finally meet the Savior. Fervently, they encouraged their faltering members by reciting passages and scripture from memory. They admired the picturesque scenery provided by the mountain and excitedly pointing out the various wildlife occasionally seen watching them warily in the distance. Even the most downtrodden member of the cult were merely worried that their constitution won't hold out in time to make to the Savior. Not a single member even considered just how insane any of this was.

They had finally reached the source of the river, Zirekile Falls. For once, the ground had leveled off, only to go straight up. They faced a sheer cliff now, if they wanted to go any farther, they would have to climb. The Anisuasor decided that he, along with some of his body guard and Guardians, would scale the cliff, while the rest of the congregation wait for them to return, gathering food and resting. The Anisuasor scaled the cliff with surprisingly little problem, climbing on par with his more physically inclined members. When they all gotten over the cliff, they continued to the top of the mountain. Along the way, they encountered a little cabin. The Anisuasor thought it would be a good idea to see if anyone was home, if only to ask if they saw anything relating to the Savior.

As they approached the cabin, they saw, leaning against the side of the house, a rusted blade and scythe. It had to be a sign! Could this be where the Savior went? Excitedly, they knocked on the door, to no response. Peering though the window, they saw no one home. They tried to open the door to find it unlocked. Any sort of trepidation over barging into the house, supposedly the house of their Savior, was overridden. Looking around, they noticed that some one was here not too long ago, given the age of the ashes in the fireplace and the smell of chicken faintly lingering in the house. Seeing maintained blades and scythes in the cabin only confirmed the occupant knew the Savior, or possible was the Savior himself. In the kitchen table, they found a note, sent from Limberry:


"We believe we might have found the Savior's house." Said the Anisuasor over dinner, generating a wave of excitement throughout the listeners. While the Anisuasor and his party were away, the rest of the congregation once again foraged for food. The more favorable terrain, being able to rest for a little while and being able to search for a longer time produced a more substantial meal to hand out. It still wasn't a completely filling meal, but it was much better than breakfast. "Unfortunately, we believe that he might be in danger." The wave of excitement was replaced by breath stopping dread. "We found a note in his cabin from Limberry that his father is being held hostage. Now, I don't know who could possible do such a thing or why, but all I know is that we must help our Savior. First thing tomorrow, we head out to Limberry. With the aid of our brothers and sisters in Limberry, hopefully we can help the Savior before it's too late. For now, we must eat and rest up for the journey ahead. Good night, my flock and may the Blade protect."


Mandalia Plains was littered with healthy knee high grass that sways beautifully in the wind and standing rock formations. As Quint was walking through the Plains en route to Gariland, he noticed in the distance was an agitated man quickly walking back and forth to the immediate side of one of the rocks. As Quint drew closer, he noticed that he was naked. He looked like he was having an intense conversation to no one in particular, alternating between quiet muttering and explosive shouting. His topic of conversation was absolutely indiscernible. His movements and body language were wildly exaggerated; he looked he would wriggle out of his body at any minute. His face was covered in blood, originating from his nostrils.

As he continued to pace back and forth, his eyes happen to intersect with Quint's position. His bloodshot eyes widened, his breathing elevating for a moment, then turning his back to Quint to mutter to himself, seemingly in desperation. He tone wildly swinging from raging paranoia, to nearly breaking out in tears. After a awkward moment of his back rising and falling furiously, suddenly, he charges Quint, roaring and hands outstretched, fingers tipped with blood. 


Dark clouds rolled over the plains, a cold wind blowing. Quint would need to arrive at the city or find shelter before the coming storm if he were to stay warm. He had just taken solace in the calm that was the aftermath of a good romp when he spotted what he hoped was a person in front of him. He was not green to those...touched in the head, but this one was different. Usually those who were crazed stuck to the cities where they could at least beg for food, but this one stood a couple miles away from anything, mumbling. Quint frowned. With the city only about an hour away, and his head still dully aching, he could not afford another rough scrap. When the man turned his back, he reflexively took a stance, his bag dropping with a audible thud. His time on the poorer streets of Leslia taught him quickly to never take your eye off of anyone, especially those who are in a birthday suit.

Quint wouldn't even get a word out from behind clenched teeth before the man attacked, charging with a fury that generally only came from beasts. Taken aback by both his fatigue and the enemy's speed, Quint would barely get an arm up to block the initial swipe of his enemy's limb, countering by performing a hip toss, using the man's forward momentum to turn him over on his back. He still didn't want a huge altercation, with both the cold and rain descending upon both, a small mist engulfing the air. Quint wanted this over, fast. He tried to keep his weight on the opponent with a knee, but sweat and nature's water might play a factor..


The man found himself pinned to the ground underneath Quint's knee. As he ripped and clawed at the offending thigh, he started thrusting and wriggling his chest furiously to try to get his knee off. Eventually, while attacking Quint's leg, he accidentally clips Quint's male weak point, finally sending him sprawling. The man moves to quickly crawl over him and pummel Quint with seemingly otherworldly force.


A struggle would ensue, natural. The two would spin a few times before the blows to his leg became a perhaps unintentional blow to the berries , causing Quint to force a break, he sprawling to even get back to his knees. Stuck between a level of shock and utter rage, he grabbed himself with the left hand and tried to stand, quickly finding that his knees were taking the rest of the day off, causing him to slump back down onto his shins. It's never easy.. His teeth would start to grind, even the molars looking for a way out of this mess. Quint found himself up against an unknown person with unknown motives in a foreign land, and no support. Lacking healing or shelter or even legs to stand on, he found himself a little scared, fearful of the unknown. With his opponent quickly returning for the attack, a familiar sound filled Quint's mind.

Don't be afraid.. A voice whispered to him in the coming dark. His head was dizzy, vision doubled, the man ahead of him ready for the attack. Quint's fist shook then, memories of the past coupled with the urgency of the moment forcing his hand. Pulling his right arm back, Quint focused his pain and frustration into his fist, shooting it forward with a mighty power! His attack was sudden, so it wasn't completely accurate, but the strength of it was much stronger than what he could accomplish without this sudden stress.


The blast of aura didn't even faze the man, even when it hit him square on. He felt no pain, he felt no discomfort, he only felt the urge to destroy whoever's in front of him. He had now moved up to Quint and began to pummel him furiously.


Half second would pass before the first punch from the imaginary clothed man connected with Quint's cheek, but in that frame there was an exhausted, bewildered face greeting the five fingers at his face.
Who is this guy?!

Good news, he had something else overriding the pain in his groin. A series of powerful yet clumsy blows rained down, forcing his attention on defense. With it tough to mount an offense, Quint rolled onto his back, enemy on top. Certainly wasn't the most...comfortable position, it dampened the strikes a touch, which would barely save him from being knocked out cold. When it rains, it pours.

Bad news, there wasn't anything that didn't hurt, save..

A bullish grunt came from Quint, both nostrils flaring as they gathered air. In a flash he brought his hands onto the fiend's skull, pulling both fighters heads together in a clash! Quint had lost all his chivalry a few minutes ago when the squirrel bashed his nuts, so this blow would not only be led by the temple, but with such crushing strength it would briefly matched that of a Minotaurus, utterly devastating.


Quint had delivered a incredible head butt to the man, hitting with a grotesque thud that echoed through their local area. Such a blow would have ended a normal man, but unbelievably, he still draws breath. However, he has stopped fighting now, his eyes staring through Quint's head. It seems all he is capable of doing is breathing, as his breathing has reached an insane rate, his diaphram was practically oscillating. As Quint let him go, he slowly collapsed to the ground, first to his knees, then went completely flat on his back. He breathing finally started to slow down, and eventually stopped, leaving him a steaming corpse.


Easily audiable over the now steady rain and rumbles of thunder were two sets of pants. One from Quint, who was slumped over, rapidly blinking over widened to regain his composure, and the unknown assailant who thankfully fell down, gasping like a fish in air.

First, assessment. Head ringing like church bells, nether regions still paralyzing at a slight touch, chest pressed in a vice. Breathing was erratic, but possible, and slowly the world came back into vision, what little there was left with the setting sun obscured by spotted clouds on the horizon. His fights were over, but it had wasted much time between himself, Gariland, and a series of heavy storms that were infamous in the region.

Carefully rising to his feet, Quint took one last look at his enemy, lazily spitting a bloody chunk of saliva towards him. It would be at least until the morning that he would even look back on this fatal brawl, right now he had to make sure of his own survival. With winds and rain biting at his rapidly cooling skin, Quint scanned the area for anything temporary and found a small campfire under a cave not too far from the two's battleground; perhaps where the maniac was lying in wait? A slow tromp through muddy and high grass lead to a small cave that kept the winds at bay, and a warm fire to evaporate the water drenching Quint's clothes and skin. Taking no heed to basic camping etiquette, he passed out a few feet away the campfire, body exhausted, mind to weary to worry.