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Desperation --- Roleplay of Pairs

Started by Taichii, January 18, 2012, 02:48:37 am


ooc: :| might as well carry on with the confrontation here. Imagine a machine similar to Worker 8 here..

Slime ejects the axe for young Firkon. He grabs it and assumes a most defensive stance. The guardian lunges forward and Firkon leaps back CLANG!
The sword-strike is severe; Firkon is climbing up rocks practically running from this robot. This seems to be the only weakness; the automation strikes incredibly fast but moves rather slow. Firkon gets as far away from the automation as possible then uses geomancy; this gravitates a few sizable stalagmites onto the machine. Now that it is immobilized Firkon approaches. As soon as he is within reach the guardian swings, CLANG!CLANG!. He can't get in for a hit.
Slime is approaching as well. Firkon tries to get slime to grab it's sword arm. Steps back in the mean time and hits him with another chunk of stone via geomancy.
CLANG! The guardian slashes slime so hard he cuts him in half! The two slimes take their own shape and mount the giant machine. Seeming to seep into all the joints of the upper body and opening it up. Firkon dashes for this opportunity and strikes the guardian with all his might right in the upper chest. After many blows it finally is sparking and smoking. Coughing and out of breath in the miasma of electrical smoke and crunching gears Firkon finally completely demolishes the armored automation.
Slime and he rest for a bit. Slime's two peices soon osmotically rejoin. And the guardian turns into a treasure chest.
Firkon finds a guantlet inside. From the looks of it, it is of exorbitant value; emeralds adorn it's gilt silver and iron. He puts it on and soon feels quite a difference in the weight of his large axe. It feels about as heavy as the wooden swords he and Galen used to play fight with.
  • Modding version: PSX


   Both daggers strike their mark, forming a small cluster of hilts jutting out of Anita's abdomen. "Heh..." she utters, looking down at the triangle pattern of blood staining her white vestments. "Hehehe..." At least the rain should wash out most of the red, but the tears will have to be mended as soon as possible, or the garment may very well have to be replaced entirely. "Hahahaha~!" the girl's laughter becomes manic. "Yes!" she cries, ripping all three blades out of her side simultaneously. "More! More!" she cheers. She makes a grand sweeping motion with her arm as over a dozen obsidian replicas of the throwing knives appear along its path. "Such good presents, new friends!" she calls down to the men below. "Hope you like mine!" She shoves her other hand forward, sending the solidified aether out in a wide arc, hoping to catch at least a few of them in the path.

   Charon, meanwhile, calmly casts a healing spell on its charge's wounds. It will need a few spells to completely heal her, as the poison is quite voracious. However, the girl's own resistances should, at the very least, aid in this endeavor. It is not concerned just yet.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


As (5) neared the boy, the boy's blade transformed into a wolf. The transformation sent an intense shockwave throughout the alley, stopping (5) and the rest of the team in their tracks and bringing down the two walls to either side of them. The sounds of screams could be heard all around them as citizens hiding in those buildings got up and fled out the exits and out into the streets. The wolf came at (5), his massive maw grabbing hold of the man like he was a piece of meat. (5) showed only displeasure at the beast grabbing hold of him. He leveraged his Heat Knife into position and stabbed the beast in it's skull, the searing heat and sharp edge boring through the bone and to the brain.

The girl's knives rained down onto the remaining two standing. (1) had jumped away into the collapsed wall, but (7) was not so lucky. One had struck her side. The vile magic surging through her dropped her to the ground, unable to evade the boy's aura attack. It left her a smoking corpse.

Shortly afterwards, (6), (3) and (8) arrived in the alley, dismayed at the carnage wrecked. (1) was surprised at seeing them here but he was grateful they came. "(6)! (8)! Ready your gas bombs for the rooftops! (3)...work your charm." He threw a phoenix down at (7)'s corpse, bringing her back to life. "(7), try to talk to the boy." She rose like the undead, and after getting accustomed to living once again, she searched her mind for the right words, then she spoke:

"Honey, can you please stop for minute? I need to ask you something." she said sweetly, her words carrying an unusual weight to them, making them deeply compelling. Meanwhile, (3) looked the girl straight in the eyes and said, "Hey there Princess. Can you stop fighting for a minute for Daddy?" he did his best to look handsome; he gave her a smoldering look to complete the attempt to steal her heart.

Watching this all happen was (4), still on the rooftop across the alleyway, rattled at the carnage before him.

ooc: Yeah, (7) is a girl. That shouldn't change much at all, so deal with it.


Taichii's wolf howled as one of the ninjas plunged a hot knife through its head...
As it's element is the cold.. hot air steamed from the wound on its head...
The wolf felt a little dazed... it then inhaled deeply and withdrew a little. 

Taichii then, from above, noticed that more of the ninja's are coming.
He then commanded his wolf to find a way stall them...

The wolf then lunged forward and unleashed a breath. hails of white ice blew towards the ninja's that came....
the barrage of white ice covered the whole field with snow and it became slippery.

Taichii then commanded that his wolf turn back to normal..
The white wolf then jumped in the air, collapsing the walls that he went through, then reverted back into being a blade..
Taichii caught his blade and tries to summon his phoenix...
His eyes glowed with an inverted star.. But just as he was in the middle of summoning the phoenix, one of the ninja's who was just revived talked...
it was a girl..
"Honey, can you please stop for minute? I need to ask you something."
The ninja woman said..
Taichii stopped for a moment but with the phoenix still appearing and reappearing on the face of the scythe...
"What is it?" Taichii said aloud....
then a modulated voice came from the scythe...
"Look at her... such a fine young woman.. She's very tasty.. Come on.. give in to your instincts...
Let me take over..."  The sound of taichii's ancestor dwells on taichii's head...
"No! this is my mind.. my world! get out!" Taichii screamed...
"You can never get rid of me... i am you.. you are me.. we are one.. remember that..."
After that... his head got a Little lighter...

Taichii then decides to stop summoning
the phoenix for a while...
"It seems that whenever i use you.. you always try to take over me..." Taichii thought as he looked at his scythe..
He then summoned his great wolf again and covered Taichii and the little kid...

"Are you alright kid? Mommy's here.."
Taichii briefly said as his wolf howled again...

"What is it that you want lady?!"
Taichii screamed as he prepares for any attack that might hit them...
Taichii thought that "if we don't manage to defeat them, i will try to control the phoenix."
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   "D... Da... Daddy?" The word feels strange as it escapes Anita's lips. She blinks at the man below her. "Daddy!" She cries gleefully, teleporting over to tackle-hug him to the ground. Her double celebrates joyously, doing a little dance as it hovers in air. "Where have you been?" the girl ask. "I haven't seen you in so~~ long! How goes it? Oh, this is so great! Have you said 'hi' to Mama yet?" She points in the direction of Mama, barely pausing for breath.

   Charon remains silent, both audibly and telepathically, as its charge continues her rapid-fire barrage of questions to 'Daddy.' It does, however, continue to utilize its rejuvenating powers on her.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


(1) was pleased. (7) managed to interrupt the boy and the girl was putty in their hands. Unfortunately, the ally was now covered in ice, slick with rain. It would highly problematic to move on it. Furthermore, the wolf that (5) gored was back at the boy's side, no worse for the wear, ready to lunge at their throats as soon as he gave the word. (7) looked at (1) for her next move. (1) made a few motions that she seemed to understand. She turned to the boy and let him have it:

"You have a very interesting weapon there, young boy. I don't see a lot of people using a long handled scythe like yours. It must be difficult when enemies get in close inside where the blade can't get them anymore, but I suppose that's what the other blade is for. You handle that sword very well by the way. You block with it like it was a Knight Sword. But if I were to have something to block with, I would just use a shield because even if I could block as well as you could, it wouldn't stop magic or anything that was intangible or anything like that. But then again, you can just turn it into a wolf, so maybe it's not necessary? Maybe it can move so fast it can just snap those nasty mages up before they can get their magics off? I don't know, I wasn't there, but I can guess, right? My mom is always saying that I always talk about things I know nothing about, but what else am I supposed to do? I mean, come. On. She went on and on about that one time I was at that party where I thought..."

And she prattled on. And on. And on.

And on.

It's disengaging subject matter and boring yet hypnotic cadence was mind numbingly...sleep inducing. It didn't effect the beast as she could not communicate to the beast.

Meanwhile, (3) was surprised when the girl literally teleported to him. He didn't have time to be bewildered, so he continued to lay on the charm on the little girl in his arms: "Well Princess, I haven't gotten to talk to Mama yet. She...uh...he? looks like she's talking to those people right now, though, so we'll let them finish talking first. But first..." his face turned stern." Have been good while Daddy was anyway? Been staying out of trouble? Hmm?"

(4) was beginning to regain a hold on his nerves. He was now about to face the battle that was ahead of them. (5), (6), (8) and (1) readied their kunai for the wolf's second attack, (5) in particular was bouncing on his feet, ready to Jump and skewer that wolf again.


February 18, 2012, 09:10:20 am #126 Last Edit: February 18, 2012, 09:24:45 am by Taichii
As Taichii keeps on listening at the girl's voice...
he began to feel a little drowzy...
"Fool boy! Can't you see what she's trying to do?"
the voice of Taichii's ancestor said...

Taichii kept on listening to the girl..
As he yawned.. he then dove into the wolf's white fur...
"Comfy~" Taichii said...

Taichii's wolf howled. Taichii looked up and commanded his wolf.. "i'll leave it to you my friend"
Then he collapsed at the roof floor..

The white wolf then howled and inhaled deeply..
It lunged to the ground and howled ice hails.. pelting the ninjas..
As (7) covers for her face.. The wolf lunged and bit (7)'s waist.. nearly tearing her in two.
The wolf then looked behind and found (6) face to face.. It opened its huge mouth and exhaled an ice breath which at the dead distance, froze (6) in solid cold ice statue.

Taichii's wolf howls to try and wake up its master....

Meanwhile, in Taichii's Mind..

Taichii gets plunged into an ocean of blood..
He should be seeing only pure redness, but to his surprise, he can see clearly..
He then sees someone swim from below....
Taichii meets his ancestor face to face as it quickly up-floats.....
"Only a little more... Remember... I am you.. you are me.. We are one.. HAHAHAHAHA!"
Taichii's ancestor mumbled.
Taichii can't move a muscle.. "No!" Taichii shook his head.

The last thing that can be heard was his ancestor's evil laughter...
Please do share your ideas and suggestion for my project:

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   "Of *course* I've been a good girl." The girl's tone indicates she feels a bit hurt by the question. "Daddy should know Needa is a good girl. I'm *always* a good girl. Just ask Charon! I made lots of bad mans go away! I even got a throwing axe!" She proclaims with pride. "So when can we go home? I wanna go home with you and Mama. It's been soo~~ long since we've all been together like this. Let's go home, alright? Please? Pretty please?" She doesn't wait for a response as she continues her whiny begging. "Pretty please with sugar on top? Pretty please with bro~wn sugar on top?"

   Having healed its charge to the best of its abilities, Charon remains silent and observes the situation at hand.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


The wolf sprung off the rooftop, sending ice at (7). Being just revived, she could not withstand the barrage of ice and fell to the ground. The beast ripping her apart at the waist was merely a formality. (5) had predicted that it would go after (7) and was already in the air. As the beast froze (6) solid with it's icy breath, (5) was inches away from the beast's back. With a mighty lunge, he once again shoved his burning knife through the back of the beast's skull.

Confident that the strike killed the beast and the battle was over, he once again revived (7). This time, she got up with considerable difficulty. She struggled to keep her insides from spilling out the wound the monstrous wolf had torn her. (1) saw that (4) had finally regained his senses and had come down from the rooftops to assist. He ordered to have (4) attend to her. As she tried to walk to meet him, she realized that she could not walk across this ice, so she had to walk inside the demolished building to walk on it's non-slippery floors.

(1) then looked at the state (6) was in. His dog was pathetically digging at the ice that entombed his master. A phoenix down would not be able to revive him as long as the ice that encases him remains. Furthermore, he surmised that the guards were on their way to investigate, so he did not have time to chip him out of the ice. He would have to take more drastic measures. "(8), throw an explosive at (6). This way, boy!" (1) moved away towards the entrance of the ally, but still in the building in preparation. The dog immediately answered his beckoning and ran to (1)'s side.

When the rest of the team had found cover, (8) lobbed the bomb at the statue, exploding and shattering the ice that encased (6), leaving his still frozen body with a massive meaty crater at the site of impact. It had also dislodged some of the ice on the ally street, the chunks mixing with (6)'s fragments of frozen meat. As they returned from cover, (1) looked in the direction of (3) and his charmed captive.

"(3), how long can you keep her under? Can you interrogate her about Clayton?" "It's different for everybody, but it looks like I have some good compatibility with the girl. Maybe I could get something out of her." (3) turned to the anxious and wriggling girl in his arms. "Okay, okay, sweetheart, you've been very good and we'll go home in a minute, we just need...Mama to wake up." he said, clearly having pronoun trouble. He took her around the corner to prevent any complications from the next set of action about to be taken against the boy. "That nice man over there will get...Mama up. But first, why don't you tell me all about your trip, honey? When did you meet Mama?" his combination of looks and tone continued to attempt to keep the girl mesmerized. 

(1) gave the nod for (5) to finish the boy off. (5) nodded in firm acknowledgement and squatted low to the ground. He felt the power charge in his legs and with a practiced snap of his legs and body, he rocketed off the ground and over the building. He had the boy in his sights. It was understood that the combination of Oil and Sleep should be enough to kill the boy off. As he descended towards the boy, he took the knife in both hands, ready to drive his Heat Knife into the boy and ignite the oil still sticking to him.

As he neared, (5) had to admire how the oil shimmered with the colors of the rainbow off the boy's skin and clothing. The rain that pelted them both tried in vain to wash off the oil, only to uselessly gather into droplets on his person and drip off. To him, this boy's demise was art. Just yet another wonderful memory of burning men alive. He was alive. All of his passions were present at this one moment: fire and Jumping. He only regret was that he doesn't have a proper spear like the Dragoon in him wanted, The Heat Lance in particular crossed his mind. Well, a knife does have it's advantages...

ooc: oil and water do not mix. I try my hand at high literature, to everyone's ire.


February 19, 2012, 07:20:05 am #129 Last Edit: February 20, 2012, 04:35:59 pm by Lijj
  Firkon and the freshly reformed slime clamber up the collapsed stones back to the original lighted tunnel past the ruin. Upon reaching the top Firkon whirls around to the sound of again falling rock. Knowing he's near dead he moans out in despair as his suspicions were accurate; the menace of the stone gargoyle has returned. It swoops down like a bird of prey. The only thing Firkon can do is swing his new (light in-hand) axe at the monster. He does so and incredibly the gargoyle shatters into thousands of fragments instantly. His new axe when wielded with this emerald gilded gauntlet is apparently very mighty.
Or at least it is strong against the element stone. He rests next to slime for a bit as the gargoyle crystalizes. Hp Restored!...
  Feeling better than ever from the cool refreshment given by the crystal and the lingering flavor of victory they continue on. Within an hour or so there is effulgent glow of white light ahead. "It looks like we've made it through slime." Firkon gleefully picks up the pace as he's curious to see where they are going to end up.
  • Modding version: PSX


February 19, 2012, 08:15:57 am #130 Last Edit: February 20, 2012, 12:48:18 am by Taichii
The wolf sustained yet again another hard blow to the skull...
It reverted back into being a blade and fell into the alley floor..
The looming soul of the wolf still circles inside the blade,
ready to cast a mysterious hex to any enemy of his master who decides to pick it up.

As (5) was about to stab the boy with his heated knife and was about to land,
Taichii opened his eyes and hovered.... he briefly smiled and then laughed maniacally afterwards..
He grasped the hilt of his scythe and said...
"At last.. the real world..."
Taichii looked at the man that was about to stab him with a heated knife.. Taichii raised his right eyebrow.
(5) become shocked and wasn't able to respond.
Taichii let's out a small "meh~" then swings his scythe which decapitated (5)'s head...
The surging generation of dark red lightning surged through (5)'s veins burning his body and head to ashes.

The pendant on Taichii's chest glowed pure red.. Taichii started to ignite in dark flames...
melting the roof that he once stood on and releasing hot steam as droplets of rain comes in contact..
Taichii jumps below and grabbed the girl (7) who spoke with him a while ago..
"I must thank you for putting this fool boy to sleep.. in return, i have a gift for you...
a warm hug"

Taichii grabs (7) and hugs her... The girl screams in pain as she slowly gets toasted with demonic flames...
He then looked at (1)
"Hello there.. it seems you're their leader from what I've watched a while ago.. HAHA! Do you know who i am?!"
Taichii then noticed that he's between two different auras...
He looked at the man holding the kid... "Hoho.. That's a dangerous thing to do boy..."
Taichii said as he sees a familiar dark aura from the girl.. He then looked behind...
He found the blade with its frost aura..
"Hmp! Its about time you got leashed DOG!"
He walked towards the blade and held it... As he held the blade, it freezes his left hand which crept up slowly towards his shoulder..
As its energy is weak, The demonic aura of the ancestor overpowered it and stopped it from crawling into his chest.
He then looked at (1)... "Are you strong? Impress me" Taichii mocked (1)
And stood still in the end of the dark alley.

In Taichii's mind...
The Pure blood red ocean became purple... He felt weak..
"Don't give up.." He heard a modulated voice...
"Who's there?" Taichii whispered...
"You've a long way to go.. Don't give up now..."
Taichii raised his head and found a faint, yet visible glow....
He then observes from afar and thinks of what to do next..
Please do share your ideas and suggestion for my project:

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John drags his feet hoping to rest soon. He looks up and sees Dorter Trade City. "We're finally here." Michael is still fast asleep on the chocobo. As he looks towards his chocobo, he saids, "You can rest soon ," The chocobo got excited a little bit and rushed towards the gate. "Wait for me!" John begins to run to catch up with his chocobo.

As the begin to pass the gate a guard walks up to them. "Hold it, we got to check for anything illegal." He signal for two more guards to come help search the chocobo. They were directed to the side of the gate so others can enter. "Who's this?" One of the guards was refering to Michael passed out. "He is a friend, just sleeping." "I hope that's it." the guard said. Soon a soldier walked up. John begins to think, "Why is there a soldier here? Are they suspecting Michael to be a criminal?" The soldier shows the guard a parchment. "Sorry wrong guy." the guard walks up to John. "We're sorry we thought your friend was a murderer. Your friend doesn't fit the description." John let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks," he starts walking but turns back to the guard to ask a question, " Is there an Inn here?" "Tawny Traveler Inn is the only inn near this gate. Its down about five blocks."

John, Michael and the Chocobo begins heading towards the Tawny Traveler Inn.
  Check out my sprites


   "Mama..." Anita murmurs as a building suddenly obstructs her view. "Daddy, where're we going? I wanna stay by Mama."

   He isn't listening. He is still asking her questions.

   "Daddy... Mama..." Her indecision is obvious as her eyes shift back and forth between them. "Daddy... Mama..." She hasn't heard a word he has said since they rounded the corner. "M... Mama!" she finally cries and begins to squirm against his embrace.

   Charon does nothing. It neither aids nor hinders the girl's actions.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.

Mirthean Ascael

February 20, 2012, 12:31:36 pm #133 Last Edit: February 21, 2012, 10:00:22 am by Mirthean Ascael
Tawny Traveller Inn

Something doesn't feel right. There seemed to be a heavy aura draped over this part of town, but Mirthean wasn't exactly sure what it was, or what was causing it.

He took the back entrance, passing through the stockroom and stables, just to avoid getting drenched more in the morning rain. The path to the front desk was noticeably quiet though; which didn't seem normal for an Inn in this type of city.

     There was an apparent noise coming from a room nearby; Lots of it. Mirthean turned to a corner and followed the path which led toward the bathing area- it seems people have gathered here for some reason. The Mystic would be finding out soon enough was the reason was- something connected to the existence of the heavy aura he felt earlier.

"What has happened here?" He asked an Inn guest.

"A murder of some sort. Several women found lots of blood, human blood, over at the baths just now. One of the baths turned red almost." One of the guests said, looking quite shocked. "The Innkeeper said something about an earlier incident with someone looking for a certain house guest. But he wasn't sure what the intent was. But those in question seem to be missing already, including the body." He added.

"I see." Mirthean replied, as he went closer to the scene. "Has the proper authorities been notified about this?" He asked the Innkeeper; who was busy talking to the first witnesses of the scene.

The Innkeeper looked over to Mirthean's direction and said; "Ah yes. I sent a runner to the nearest outpost. But I doubt they would be able to help. There seems to be a criminal deadly enough to keep their hands full; and this one would probably just be filed under their lists, nothing more."

     Mirthean sighed, and went toward the Inn's lobby; checked in, fixed his belongings and went off to the room he reserved. He wanted to rest so badly; but the incident seemed to keep him from staying put.

He rested his head on the bed for a while, and took a deep breath. "Seems I'll be going out of my way again."

             Click for Character Sheet


February 20, 2012, 07:26:41 pm #134 Last Edit: February 20, 2012, 08:26:29 pm by st4rw4k3r
    As Clayton ran across the street, he heard the cries of his ambushers being silenced. Glad that he has taken his leave before the boy can take his revenge against him, he presses on leading the group down various alleyways. Soon, the groups trail twists and turns goes hopelessly convoluted. Not even a bird high in the sky could hope to follow them. While on their way to Clayton's house, they hear the sounds of a rushing force in front of them. "'It's the guards!" Clayton whispered. He knew if the guard caught him, at the very least he would lose valuable escape time.  "Get against the wall and grab onto me." he ordered. He put his back to the wall nearby and stretched his hands out in expectation.

    McCloud seemed to hesitate and looked over to Mother for his orders, she responded in a simple nod. Turning back to the boy, grabbed a hold of the boys hand and Mother to McCloud's.

    "It'll be fine, just stay perfectly still." Clayton whispered. As they collected against the wall, he closed his eyes and concentrated, summoning the image of the wall behind him, remembering every detail. The red coat of paint covering the bare planks of wood, the dirt underneath,... all taken into consideration. Getting the lighting and shadow just right was the hard part, but it being nighttime made it much easier on him. In a moment, the group's skin was covered with the image of the wall behind them. The roof ledge above keep them dry and more importantly, made it so Clayton did not have to manually render the rain falling normally. As they stood still, the guards ran frantically past them. When the guards had all past them, Clayton stuck his head out, listening and looking. Seeing that the coast was clear, he got up from the wall. "Let's get moving. There's a tunnel up ahead. We can slow the pace down once we get inside." They went down a few alleyways and across a few more streets before they found and entered into the tunnel. This tunnel was, once a city project, now abandoned half constructed. It now home to vagrants, who ignored the group. Evidence of rats and feral wildlife were everywhere. The roof of the tunnel leaked badly and in some spots, was bare sky.

    The vagrants inside hiding inside didn't even look up to see the group incoming. Their numbers thinned and disappeared the further they got into the tunnel. "Okay, we can slow down here a bit." Clayton said as he slowed down to a walk. He moved to the side of the tunnel to brace his hand against the wall as he walked along, the toll of today now evident to the world.

    "Places like these make me wish I carried a change of clothes" She followed Clayton to the side of the wall, very suspicious of him using the wall for support. "How long do you expect us to be in here?" She questioned Clayton.

    Clayton was annoyed by Mother's complaining, but answered. "This place is not my cup of tea either. And we should be out of here in an hour or so." If I don't collapse first he thought to himself.

    "Oh good." She paused for a moment and remembered something important. "I think it good for you to know, I have food and water. In the case you happen to need such."

    "I have both at my house, we don't need to be stopping here of all places. Once we get to my house, we can eat and rest there for a bit. Then we must leave immediately"

    Mother looks around before relying. "You are right; we'll just have to wait for water..."

    They pressed on into the tunnel, the structure inside growing increasingly jumbled and un-built as they walked on. Rats and insects scurried about in their path. The fauna however watched Clayton closely, sensing his weakness and hoping he would collapse and make for an easy meal. His gait was increasing unsteady as time went on, leaning more and more onto the wall for support as he moved.

    Mother noticed Clayton leaning more into the wall for support. "Clayton dear, do you need help?"

    "I'm fine. I'll be fine when we get to the house."

    Mother took another good long look at him. "Are there wounds I missed on you?"

    "I only had the stomach wound."

    "Are you sure? Can I check how the wound is?"

    He couldn't let his pride get the best of him, "Sure." He stopped and pulled up his shirt to reveal his wound. Mother walked closer to him to check the wound Clayton bore.

    "I do not see anything on the outside....." Mother places her cold hand on the wound and chants "Cure", in response her hand and his wound glow for a few seconds "Now. How does that feel, and don't lie, I can tell when you lie."

    Really now? His interest piqued at that challenge, but he can try later. "I feel better." He straightened out his stance, some stamina returning to him.

    "mhm." Mother looked at him unconvinced. "If you keep needing the wall, I'll have McCloud carry you."

    "I am good enough to make to my house. Once there, my tiredness will be irrelevant.' he said matter of factly.

    "Alright, then lets push onward."

    Clayton was growing increasingly agitated at this people. No one had even asked about his situation or why he was in it. He could not contain his irritation any longer. "Okay, what's the deal? Aren't any of you the least bit curious about me or why I was attacked?"  he turned to them.

    Mother looked surprised, McCloud looked hungry. "I actually thought about such" replied Mother "But I actually didn't care to ask you. Since we are trying to escape, I do want to focus at such instead of talking. And I only helped you because, well, that's what I do. I go out of my way to help others."

    "Well let me clarify the situation you are now caught up in."

    "Go ahead."

    "I was a member of a family of assassins specializing in poison. We were the strongest family of all the independent families and clans before the Black Platypus. But one day, we were attacked and conquered by them and I was captured. I had managed to fake my death and went into hiding for...8 years now? I don't know how, but today, they found me. These people are dangerous. They will not stop until they have my head and present to their leader."

    "They specialize in the art of poison and using their immunity to their advantage. They also have other kinds of assassins in their ranks."

    "I see. Well if that is the case what will you do?"

    "It's clear I can't run anymore, or hide."

    "Killing them all isn't an option either...."

    "It looks hopeless, doesn't it? Hm, I remember when I was young; my father was talking to his men of war about how to bring them down." Clayton's eyes grew distant as he remembered his youth. "He said that what holds the Black Platypus together is their leader. That the leaders of the individual clans under his helm hated one another and would break out in civil war if he died.'"

    "As per usual when it comes to large organizations. You know, you could kill the leader."

    "You can say that so easily, like he was just outside this tunnel." His eyes looked on wearily.
Let's not worry about that right now. We also have another problem. Do you remember that boy we left behind?"

    "I do infact."

    "He is actually some kind of monster. Or god. I'm not sure."

    Mother begins laughing at Clayton's last statement. "A god? That would be impossible!"

    "Then what do you call a boy that can summon towering wolves and can turn into a giant flaming phoenix? One, that I might add, burned down a part of Araguay Forest just coming into being. One, that sent a meteor that sent me fly across the better part of a forest. What would you call that? Anyways, I made an enemy out of...that. I tried to capture him for his sizable bounty.

    "I call that, a summoner."

    "This was no summon. He was like the very avatar of flame himself. And do summoners jump high enough to clear a forest clearing?"

    "I have heard of speared knights that can do such"

    "Or wield an giant scythe one handedly along with a knight sword like blade?"

    "Sounds like an interesting fellow"

    "Trust me, he is not of this world. And I made an enemy out of him."

    "Hmm. That now, I can believe. So it appears as though you are running from two things. But wait, I remembered seeing a girl on the roof. Might you know who she was?"

    "Oh right. Her. She is also some kind of demon or something. Do not be fooled by her childlike appearance. She is dangerous and is allies with that boy."

    "I see."

     "Her blades can kill just with a slightest touch."

    "How hard did the assassin's hit you?"

    "You're funny. Whether you believe me or not, stay away from them. They are being heavily pursued themselves. Very heavily. Like mobilizing an entire army after them."

    "Oh? Then neither shall pose us a problem as long as we meet them inside civilization."

    "That is a kind of heat we need to avoid at all costs. We can't be associated with them. We don't need the army tracking us too."

    "Well, then we should press on if we are to keep good distance from them."

    "You know they burned down the Araguay forest the other day looking for them. They are dead serious about tracking him down. I imagine they have word about his appearance in the city already are are heading down here right now. So we need to get out of the city before they lock down the city and declare martial law."

    "Well then, what are we waiting for. Let us get moving."

    Clayton was not pleased about them not taking his warnings about the boy and girl seriously. In retrospect, it does sound rather fantastical maybe this was all just a horrible nightmare? He would wake up and everything would be back to normal.

    As they moved on the tunnel began to brighten up again, Vagrants could be seen decorating the walls disinterested in what was going on around them. When they neared the exit of the tunnel, Clayton peeked his head out, looking for any danger seeing it was clear he stepped out.

    "Okay, we are almost there. It's pretty close, but we need to take the backstreets there." And with that, he led on. His path this time was much more straightforward. They were on the outskirts of the city, the mud brown gloom of the slum of Dorter was replaced by fresh vegetation intermingled with the stone of the road. The smell of dampness and death and decay was replaced with crisp air and the scent of rain. The clouds had begun to glow grey, indicating that dawn would be soon. They approached a modest, nondescript house, It's only notable feature was its wonderful garden. Rows of daffodils, azaleas, and other colorful flowers glowed softly against the grey of the sky. The lawn was freshly cut and clean. Not single patch of bare dirt to be seen. The yard wasn't very big, but it looked like it was maintained by a professional.

    "Wow amazing garden." Mother remarked "It's so colourful!"

    "Thanks. I'd like a bigger garden, but that would attract too much attention. A pond would be nice, too. Have some lilies and..." He began to trail off about his garden, imagining how it would all look.
    "You said you were an assassin, yes?"

    He snapped back. "Oh. Yes, I would be."

    "And you like, flowers?"

    "It's not that far-fetched. Many kinds of flowers are poisonous."

    "Not at all, I'm just a bit surprised. Although, poison is not quite what I imagined, but that works."

    "Many don't arrange them like I do. Or even care. Anyways, let's get inside."

    "Oh yes, I agree."

    He led them into his house. Compared to his garden, his house was drab and uninteresting. The furniture was frayed and screamed second hand. None of the couches or chairs came from the same set, only the presence of more potted flowers brightened the place up.

     "You may sit down for a while, while I get us something to eat." He said as he ambled to the kitchen around the corner out of view. He quickly ransacked through the pantry, he did not have the time or energy to cook.

    Mother nods and takes her place. McCloud placed the body he was carrying on the ground, and looked at the chairs trying to picture if it could hold his weight or not. Mother glanced at McCloud and quietly said. "I wonder how well he cooks."

    McCloud looked at her and replied in a whisper, "I hope it tastes good."

    Clayton pulled out many cans of many shapes and sizes and set them on the table. He pulled out apples and oranges and whatever fruit and vegetable he could find. "I don't have it in me to cook, so we'll just have to eat raw. Right, almost forgot the refreshments." Mother and McCloud were silent and just stared at the cans. He went back into the kitchen and brought out a keg of beer.

    "1 apple says that the liquid isn't water." Mother said to McCloud in a whisper.

    "Here, use this to open the cans." he tossed two kunai on the table. I'll get some mugs."

    McCloud reached over a picked up the kunai. He twirled it around on his finger, the Kunai flew off and hit the wall. Clayton came back with some clean mugs and put them in front of them. He shook his head in disapproval as went to pry the kunai out of the wall.

    "Whats on the menu today, drink wise?"

    "This is Tolrain Stout. It's okay."

    "oh..... I um, thank you"

    "Don't drink too much. We have to leave again."

    Mother took the beer, waiting for Clayton to turn around so that she could pour it into a plant. McCloud on the other hand downed the drink in the matter of seconds

    "If you don't want it, I can get you some water. Just don't pour it into my plants."

    "Oh no, its fine."

    "Ah, what do I care? I won't be coming back.

    On that note Mother hands the drink to McCloud, who drinks it just as fast as the first.

    "Well, I guess it's the thought that counts." He comes back to the table. "Then let's eat. I haven't eaten for half a day now." He said as he opened a can of chicken.

    "You're not going to eat that raw are you?"

    "I don't have time to cook, its fine. I won't get sick from it or anything."

    Mother stood up. "This is ridiculous." She scooped up all the canned goods in her robe and used it to carry them to the kitchen. "I have time to cook."

    "We don't have time for that."

    "I disbelieve."

    "Fine then. I'll be downstairs in my basement getting my stuff."

    "It is isn't it." She threw all the cans on the counter. "McCloud show him to and apple or two, you only get one though."

    "If you need me, yell for me but do not come down there. The basement's flooded with gas." McCloud frowned, but followed as Mother said and tossed Clayton an apple. And Partook one himself. Mother looked at what she has to use. Apples, Bread, water, beef, corn, potatoes, celery, tomatoes, onions, flour, and noodles.  Mother sighs at what she has to cook with. A large kettle. "McCloud looks like I am making crap in a bowl again!" She takes off her robe as to keep a fire hazard from happening and begins cutting veggies up.

    As Clayton walked to his basement, he noticed it was opened. "So they came to raid my place, eh? Honor among thieves..." he exasperated. As he walked downstairs, he saw the bodies of two dead burglars on the ground. Summing the sight up as two oafs getting their just reward, he got downstairs and walked right past them. He immediately walked up to a table, undressing as he walked, and pulled out his remaining kunai and whatever else was on his person and set them on his workbench. Knives and chemicals were scattered all over the place. To the side a peculiar glass box, it had gloves going inside of it and two prominent runes were on top and inside of it. He immediately sat down and got to work, beginning by pulling out a bunch of kunai and a bottle of liquid. He poured the liquid into a glass and dipped his kunai into it. He continued on in a bustle of activity, coating his knives and gathering up his premade poisons He then walked to a shelf with many reagents, taking them and bringing them to the glass box and set them on one of the runes. It glowed and the regents teleported into the box, the glass container was his alchemy station.  It was a vacuum inside so that the gases in his basement could not interfere with the alchemical reactions. He stuck his hands into the gloves and began to forge them together and ended up with many odd liquids and powders that he stuffed into vials and balls. When he was done with them, he placed on a rune inside and they teleported right back outside. He stuffed them into his pockets and other hideaways in his clothes. Pulling out his backpack, he started adding clothes, rope, and whatever else he needed. When he was all done, the last thing he needed was his knife.

    On his workbench prominently displayed was a blood red knife. It was very ornate with a strange curve to its handle and blade. He took it and looked at it longingly; it was an heirloom his mother had given him. She once said it was magical, but it has so far proven to be a nice paperweight. Its handle made it awkward to hold and could only thrust downward comfortably. The whole thing seemed to only be made for downward thrusts, its shape was cumbersome and difficult to conceal under his clothing, and the blade had a unique cutting pattern, problematic for an assassin that doesn't want a lot of murders attached to a single weapon. Overall, it was a crappy weapon, for an assassin. Which is why it usually stays here at home. He took the knife and inserted it into an artificial sheathe he had made for it as it didn't come with one, and placed in inside his coat. He was ready now, everything he needed was with him, except more potions, which could be bought with ease in the next city. He walked back upstairs, still ignoring the dead bodies on the ground

    "Are you almost done now?" he asked.

    "I'm boiling the vegetable ends and part we don't want to eat, into a broth. As that is going on I am making dumplings with the flour and eggs. As for the beef, I am marinating it with spices in McClouds helmet. I would estimate the food to be done in about 20-30 minutes she said as she calmly making dumplings. Oh right and I am using the bread to make toast."

    "That's an extremely important part!" McCloud cheered from across the room, who seems to have had decided to stand upright over risking breaking on of Clayton's chairs.

    "It's not your main meal though! So you will get a little bit as an appetizer, you will also be sharing with our host." McCloud became silent and frowned

    "I had saucer pans..."

    "Yeah, ones that were not clean. I also find it weird how I can't find soap for cleaning dishes here. I almost used a poison, hoping it would kill the germs. So instead I'm using Cipher's armour. Besides I use it for cooking all the time"

     "So won't use my pans, but you'll use your son's sweaty armor? And I ran out of soap last night. I was going to get more when I came back, but then I got wrapped up in nearly being killed."

    Dropping what she was doing, as though a timer went off that only she could hear, she ran to the helmet and used McCloud's gauntlet to pull the helmet closer to her.

    "My son? Pardon but do I look to be old enough to have him as my child."

    Clayton was shocked. "My mistake." he shrugged. He just wanted to sit down. So he sat down at the table silently.

    "And it's not sweaty, I boiled it before hand." She looked over at him. "Oh I wanted to ask you to gather herbs, spices, and natural healing plants you have here. If you don't have a bag for the plants, toss it in my bag. Never know when plants will help you. And when you get back food should be done."

    He resignedly got up and went outside to gather his plants from the back.

    "And I'll be able to tell you about myself some since you told me about you."

    He paused for a moment, then resumed going outside. Come to think of it, he didn't ask much about his new allies either. They seem to just help people without rhyme or reason. Only someone insane would have saved him from his execution. He thought about this as he dug his plants out. He had a sizable amount grown. It saved him some money growing his own. He stuffed them into a sack and went back inside.

    Mother was cutting up the meat and throwing it in the pot. She grabbed the dumplings and tossed them in after the meat was done. "Do you happen to have rosemary on you?"

     Clayton pulled out a stalk of rosemary and handed it to her.

    "Why thank you~" She cooed. She got right to pulling of the little leaf like parts of the herb and throwing them in the pot. After that she closed the lid to the pot and got straight to cleaning up her mess.

    Clayton walked back to the table and sat down again. He was tired he wanted nothing more but to rest. His body molded to the shape of the chair. It's been a while since I had guests he thought.

    "After this, I think we should all rest Clayton. I think your house is a good place to hide. I know Cipher and I are running off a few hours of sleep, but I know not of how long you have rested and since."

    He didn't like having to rest, not with what was hanging over his head. But he couldn't really protest anymore. He continued to stare vacantly at the table

    "So Clayton, you look young, how old are you?"

    "I am 20." he answered despondently

    "Interesting." She continued chatting. "I noticed your gardens artistic value. I can't help but wonder, have you ever wanted to be a florist?"

    "I would love to start my own gardening business one day." He corrects himself. "Loved to."

    "What happened?"

    "When I got away from the Black Platypus, I had nothing except how to garden and how to kill. And Gardening did not pay the bills. Only nobles were interested in having gardens. And they didn't sure want some no name kid running around their gardens. So, I became an assassin. And I sure now can't, can I?" He leaned back in disgust.

    "I think you can dear."

    "Kill the leader of the Black Platypus. How simple."

    "Well, you might not have to. But if it leads to that.... I'm s-" She was cut off, again the timer in her mind went off. She dashed to the pot and opened the lid. Steam poured out from the top of the pot, rolling in the air. She poured some water on some of the fire to dim it down more. Mother pulled out 2 bowls, and McCloud's helmet again. Dipping the one bowl in, she scooped up the insides, and handed it to Clayton with a spoon.

    "Thank you." Clayton said, taking the blow and utensil from Mother's hands.

    Doing the same with the helmet, she dipped it in the pot and handed it to McCloud.

    "You don't expect me to pray or anything, do you?" Questioned Clayton.

    "Hahaha, I may have been from a church, but I won't force you to pray to a false god." She left the last bowl next to the pot, and sat down next to Clayton.

    That false god comment raised an eyebrow, but he decided to file that away to ask another time.

    "Now is time for me to explain. And give you insight on me and McCloud's journey, life, and such. To start off, I'm going to go ahead and tell you. I'm a mediator, A speaker. A pacifist that believes that everything can be done without fighting. Or so I did. I was a little girl once, what a surprise, with a natural talent to talk. I could lie to anyone, charm anyone, and do whatever I wanted because I could simply do so. Many saw me as an amazing leader, others thought of me to be some royal descendant with amazing manipulation powers, my mother though, she saw my voice to be something else, and that something brought me to my priesthood. She got me to go to church, and in no time I memorized the entire bible. And before long, I was correcting the Bishop on his Preaching. I was quickly thrown into the church, and there I grew up for the rest of my life. That is, until a few years ago."

    "While I was in the church, lonely priest I was reading my "bible", and Knight came to the Church doors wounded. Under his shoulder looked to be a small 14 year old boy, supporting his wounded father. They were attacked by bandits. The father stayed at our church and we healed him, until that is, when the Bishop found his Father was a wanted criminal. He secretly gave the bandits a tip that he was in our church. So the bandits waltzed in, collected the man's head, and stabbed the Bishop for good measure."

    "Hphm. Treachery for treachery, I say."

    "Exactly. The boy came to be known as Cipher McCloud, who we were able to "heal his father's crimes" by making him a knight of our church, a paladin. The boy quickly became my best friend, despite the age difference, which by the way, is not too big, despite what many thing."

    McCloud handed Mother his helmet, and she hopped right up scooping more food in it for him. She handed it back and took her seat once more.

    "So we had to set in state a new bishop. And guess who the only one worth for it was. Me."

    "I see."

    "I was swiftly set as a bishop and took control of the church, well as much control as the bishop had, seeing as its higher ranked family member was the Arch Bishop. Anyway, I was the youngest Bishop ever to be. And most powerful preacher the church had ever seen. Years passed, about 10, and no events came. Nothing big that is. McCloud and I would screw around. I would preach on Sundays, take care of the people that came in, bless everyone. And McCloud sat by the entrance and ate."

    "Now I was a bishop for 10 years when a white haired man entered our Church. He was completely covered in blood. The arch bishop wasn't there at the time, so I ran the man to our back rooms, and tried to fix him up. I worked hard for hours, but nothing was working, healing him only seemed to make him worse. And later that night he died. But I was there, I was there to hear his last words. And I quote: "I curse this church, it will be an example to your priests and priestesses, on how the holy figure, how he scurries from darkness light a roach does from the light.""

    "You can likely imagine what happened next. The rumour spread fast that our church was cursed. Acolytes left our church. People stopped coming for preaching's. It was horrible.Yet funny"


    "I found it highly amusing that words were screwing with me this time. and not I to it. Yes I enjoyed how this man simply drove our cities church, into hell just by a few words." She looks at Clayton's almost empty bowl. "Would you like more?"

    "Sure" No need to be cheap tonight he thought.

    Mother took his bowl and dipped it in the pot, partaking its hot, meaty insides out into the bowl. And handed it back to him. "Enjoy. There's quite a lot." She told him while reaching for McCloud's helmet to do the same. She took her seat once more.

    "Now something happened. A year, exactly 365 days post the time of which the man ruined our church's name. One of our priestesses was found missing from her bed that morning. Rumours dove through the town and church faster than a falcon for its prey. "The curse has taken place", "She's dead", "More deaths shall come". Many rumours like that. And you know. They were all true. At exactly 2pm. We lost a priest, leaving one priestess left. I assured her nothing was going to happen to her, and that I would stay with her for the night. In truth, and I will not lie, I was actually looking to see how the priests were disappearing, more that to calm her. Around 10 that night, a figure went into the room where she slept, and in front of my face, as I hide in the shadows with my mantle.... The figure opened its gaping jaw, and stuffed her in its mouth. It made eating her look so easy, just one gulp. I didn't know what do to, but sit there. And watch. As the creature, ate her. and as it turned around, and as it exited the door, I followed. Luckily McCloud got up around this time, for a snack. The creature noticed him and went for him. It slashed at him, and McCloud fought back, with a baguette. Again, you can likely imagine what happened then. The baguette broke, and he was left unarmed, against some demon. I ran past him, still cloaked, and touched him giving him a "reraise", and hide behind the altar. I watched as the demon took McCloud and ripped into pieces by the creature. The demon ate some of him, then flew to the hall. I followed, half expecting it to go to the burial area. He did not. He went to the rooms where the priests would have stayed. Where I sleep, and where the Arch Bishop slept. As soon as I realized that, I picked up my speed and followed it, straight to my room."

    Clayton's eyes raised at this development

    "It was expecting me to me there. I didn't want it to find, that I was not there, so I picked up and apple, and threw it at the Arch Bishop's door. It turned and swept right to the door, and flung the door open. And what I saw in that room, I will never ever forget. My fellow brothers, and fellow sisters. Acolytes and Priests, ones that left, and one that stayed. They were there or at least, parts of them. The room was coated in sticky red blood, organs lay on the ground and worst of all. The Arch Bishop was not there. That's when it hit me. Where was the Arch Bishop the day that man came365 days ago? That demon, was the Arch Bishop. It was not an example the man was giving to god. He was telling me that there is no god. I then did the only thing I could think of then. I called out to him."

    "Father, where are you Father? All the priests are gone."

    "I ran into the hall, and threw my mantle on the ground. I turned around and the Arch Bishop, in his human form, was leaving his room heading, to me. I ran to him and acted to be deeply struck by the fact that the priests are all gone."

    "I heard noise, and ran out of my room to check on it. I found McCloud dead, and my sister and brothers too!"

    "I ran to him, and hugged him. He placed his arms around me."

    "Dear child" He started. "There is nothing to fear. You are safe with me. Come to my room, and you'll be safe there."

    "I took his hand like all good little girls do, and he lead me to his room. As we entered his room, I was taken aback. It was clean, normally set as it would be, as it should. He sat me down on his bed.  I began looking around the room, it couldn't have been cleaned so fast, I had to find proof that there was something going on, blood, a liver, anything would do. But it's what I didn't find that struck me.

    She got up and filled McCloud's "bowl" for the 3rd time. She sat back down and started again

    "I found no rosary around his neck nor did I see a bible. He looked at me, he must have known what I was looking for.

    "Something wrong child?"

    "I told him bluntly. "Where's your bible." "

    "He looked taken aback, but that smile crawled back on his face, he reach behind his back and pulled a book  out from the void behind him"

    "Here my child. This is your bible. I took it, and looked at it. I opened it and turned the pages. Everything was written in red ink. And the scripture is different from what I remembered."

    "Father, this isn't a bible."

    "Oh but it is. It's a book made from people who all collectively thought the same thing, hoped for it too. Isn't that the base of the bible? The collective wishes of others?" "

    "He stood up and walked to his window. The moons light shown on him and his shadow was cast in the figure of the demon, not of the human."

    "God. A simple word, for a simple thing. Religion, Collective wishes. Don't you not see. Religion is but false, it's all a bunch of crummy thoughts and wishes of other."

    "I pieced together his words in my mind. I then realized what he had meant when he said: "It's a book made from people who all collectively thought the same thing, hoped for it too". The book I am holding is literally made from them. This ink is blood, this leather is skin, this paper, all made from people. I am holding in my hands a book made from priests, acolytes, and who knows how many other followers. But, despite the fact I knew this, I couldn't put the book down. Everything he said to me was appealing, everything he said to me seemed true, it all felt right."

    "He kept talking"

    "If God were real, would he have let me do this? If God were actually real, then I would have be smite the day I was born. For God knows all, and sees all, and stands naught for evil."

    "He turned to me."

    "You have a gift child. One of speech. And I have a problem. A Problem with this God. I do not have the power you do to convince everyone of something. I will spare your life, and many others, if you help me. If you Join me."

    "I was being offered a deal, a deal from the Devil himself. I was in a room with the devil. Yet. Every word he spoke, seemed true. And if they are, if all his words were true. Then God is not real, and if so, then is there a devil? I pondered to myself these questions as the door was knocked down. There McCloud stood with his blade. He ran to the devil shaped shadow with his blade held high, ready to strike to kill. The devil took a step to the side, and McCloud went right out the window. The shock of McCloud suddenly appearing, pulled me out of the devil's trance. I stood up and turned to the devil."

    "I will agree to your terms, I said to him. But I will show you my loyalty, by slaying that paladin."

    "He smiled that creepy smile of his. "Good child, good. Go, slay him! And soon everyone will know the truth!"

    "I walked out his room, and into the hall, where I picked up my mantle and bolted. I went straight to McCloud's room and gathered two stones. I went to his barrels and read the label on them all. One of the was labeled, "Oil". Punching a hole in the top of the first item with one of McCloud's weapons, I knocked it to the floor, and pushed it out of his room. It poured it foul smelling liquid everywhere. I pushed it up the stairs, and out the door of the church and rolled it straight to McCloud. Who was just getting up. I handed him the rocks I was carrying with me. And he knew instantly what I was planning to do. The two stone I grabbed, flint and steel. He struck the flint and steel creating sparks above the spill of that foul liquid. As soon as the first spark hit the liquid, the entire trail light up and before I knew it, the entire place was burning. I couldn't help, but smile at it. McCloud started running away, I realized then what this "oil" was from. McCloud got this "oil" from bandits he kill, they were trying to break in and kill someone they wanted. The "oil" was specially made to look like oil and act like it, at least for a few moments. It would burn like oil, than explode."

    "I promise my church was not stock piling explosives."

    "Anyway, I turned and ran, McCloud following behind me. Then, BOOM, rocks, flaming wood, and coloured glass all went flying everywhere. We just kept running as far as we could. I only looked back once and when I did, the man was standing there in his window, far off in the distance. And I could tell, despite his head was no bigger than a carrot seed. I knew he was smiling, right at me. I shook my head, turned around, and we ran away, from everything."

    Mother cleared her throat. "Well dear, that's our story. At least the first part of it. So when you spoke of that kid being a god, and that girl a demon. I believe you. For I have stared the Devil himself, in the face, I held his hand, and lived under the same roof with him for many many years."

    "Thank you. I was beginning to believe I made the whole thing up."

    "I wish I made up what I saw myself."

    "And thank you for telling me about your predicament."

    "That probably somewhere there's a devil chasing me. Yeah not a problem."

    "I feel that I should explain my history in more depth as well. But perhaps another time."

    "I agree. We are losing possible rest every second we are awake, the sooner we sleep, the better."

    Clayton got up and grabbed his bowl and brought it to the sink. He cleaned it out for some reason. Why am I doing this? I'm not coming. He thought. McCloud waited behind Clayton so that he could rinse his helmet out. Well, there could be a good reason for this. We need to look like no one was here. Tomorrow. Wait until tomorrow. He finished cleaning his dish out and moved out of the way for McCloud.

    "I am off to bed now. I have a guest room just down the hallway here. Oh lead McCloud to it, I have more work to catch to."

    Clayton motioned McCloud to the guest room as he headed to his own room. The guest room looked like the rest of the upholstery in Clayton's house: cheap. Nothing matched a theme as all of it was procured on sale at different times in different places. McCloud followed to where Clayton motioned and found a guest room. McCloud grabbed two chairs, broke them in half, then laid them on the ground for a make shift bed. He got into his bed and fell right to sleep. Clayton did not care to comment on the knight's choice of sleeping. Not even caring that he seemed to sleep in his broken armor too. He walked to his bedroom. He took off his clothing, slipped under the covers of his bed and closed his eyes. He was so tired; he could not even immediately go to sleep. As if his body just had to marvel at it's own state first before going to sleep. But soon, his body lost its tension and before long, he was asleep.

    By the time everyone left the room, Mother scooped herself up some food, sat down, and ate. After finishing her meal, she gathered the mugs and went to rinse them along with her bowl. She covered the pot and went to her room. Upon entering she was not the least surprised to see the furniture was the same as all the other furniture. Mother was glad to see McCloud offered up the bed for her, and made his own. Mother took off the rest of the clothing she had on (since she took the robes off to cook) and crawled into bed she pulled her bag up to the bed, opened it and pulled out a book and began reading it. A special book made from a special red ink.


ooc: and now we continue Taichii and co.'s battle.

(1) was outraged. The boy had (5) and (7) reduced to ash, rendering them permanently dead. The boy was engulfed in flames and was speaking to him with an unnatural voice. "Maybe we should have left his extermination to the church after all?" He looked around, only (8) and (6) could help him now. The dog that was at (1)'s side was rushing to meet the boy head on.

(1) threw a phoenix down at (6)'s thawing corpse, reviving him. As he shambled back to life, it was clear that he could not engage in combat. He lurched upwards, parts of his body still frozen solid. The only reason he held onto his blade was because it was frozen to his hand. Reviving him was a joke.(1) looked at (8). He nodded in understanding and snuck up behind the boy, ready to impale him from behind. (1) began to move away, towards the exit in the building into the next alley.

(3), hearing the cries of his fellow teammates, immediately came back to the ally and saw for himself the carnage that was being wraught. Worse yet, removing her from seeing her 'Mama' was undoing the charm, but seeing the boy actually being attacked probably would have outright broken it. "S-Say, Princess, is it possible for you to calm Mama down a bit?" he desperately asked as gently as possible. (4) was also outside the alley, not sure what to do.


Taichii saw that the dog is rushing towards him...He began to walk towards the dog slowly as to estimate his move..A flash of shadow dashed and the droplets of rain formed as one of the ninjas sneaked up behind taichii..
Taichii immediately felt the presence of the dashing ninja...He turned around and saw the ninja was closing in for the stab. Taichii timed his movements and somersaulted into the air at the last moment. "Dogs.." He said as he swung his scythe three times after mere seconds.....

The ninja (8) could not stop his movement which stabbed the dog right through inside his mouth, the hand of the ninja impaling through the dog's neck and body.
As the ninja got shocked for what had happened, he looked above and saw streams of red lightning barraging towards him. The generation of intense red lightning which mixed with dark flame sliced through the ninja and the dog like a hot knife cutting a butter. The intense heat crept up their insides roasting their bodies.

Taichii then landed beneath the exit between (1) and (4). "Hello there.. i'm talking to you..." Taichii closed in on (1), levitating slowly like a ghost... Taichii moved his face close to (1)... "Do you believe in demons, May I ask?" Taichii stabbed his scythe through the cobble stoned road of dorter.... "You know... everyone dreams of being powerful... But at what cost?"
Taichii snickered and moved his hand towards (1)'s chest... "You know... for me... its such a burden...such a curse... i have lived for many years and grew bored of this world... Then it came to me.. Its time to give this boring world something new! I've ravaged towns, castles, cities, innocent beings, kings , heroes... At last.. This world was boring no more.."
Taichii's right hand pierced through (1)'s chest like a ghost running inside a wall.. He then felt (1)'s heartbeat..
"I'm at war with the world and every living soul in it...I have no heart! I feel no care... nor love... nor happiness... nor fear... nor pity! I am... empty. And I will live... forever."
Taichii slowly laughed in an evil manner as he slowly tightens his grip on the (1)'s heart.
Please do share your ideas and suggestion for my project:

Join our RP :)



   Anita stops struggling and stares at Daddy. "'Calm... Mama...'" She tilts her head to the side like a bird as she processes the request. Suddenly, a toothy grin splits her face. "Can do!" She proclaims proudly before teleporting. Her duplicate laughs hysterically and kicks its feet playfully. The girl appears immediately behind Mama and embraces him, pressing her cheek between his shoulder blades. "Be good now, Mama." She says gently.

   Charon continues its passive observation.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


February 23, 2012, 12:46:33 am #138 Last Edit: February 23, 2012, 07:38:53 am by DarkShade
It was the morning and soon John took his chocobo, with Michael on it sleeping, through the back
alleys to get to Tawny Traveler Inn. "Hmm I think we should go left." "WARK!" the chocobo insist of going right instead of left.  "Fine my feathery friend we will go your way. Soon they got lost and back tracked to the same spot earlier. " I told you we should gone left." "Wark." the chocobo kicks John and takes the lead going left this time. "God can't believe you kicked me." Soon they got to the inn. It was calm outside and John left Michael on his chocobo outside to go get a room. "Hmm, Tawny Traveler Inn. That's a weird name for an Inn." said John talking to himself.

As he enters the Inn he sees a merchant in the lobby sitting down, he continued to the counter to ask for a room. "Excuse me I'll like to buy a room." "Well hello there," the Inn keeper can out from the back. "How can I help you?" John told the man about him and his friend traveling to sell merchandise. The Inn Keeper sighed and began to talk, " Well we only have one room left and it's a runt. It's 100 coins." John agrees to the agreement, pays the Inn Keeper and went outside to get Michael but stops to talk to the Merchant sitting.

He walks up to the guy and says, "Hello there, my name is John Hawkins. How are you?"
  Check out my sprites


The fiend had his hand plunged into (1)'s heart. His chest had split open like a watermelon. His heart was struggling to maintain it's dying beat. His entire jaw hurt for some reason. His chest was exploding. It was imploding. His skin burned where his arm was plunged into him. (1) was seeing the end of his life. His mind went back in the past.

He remember a tale he read when he was young. About a hero that slayed a great demon. One that ate Poison Ninjas relentlessly. It would tunnel under a settlement, appear out of the ground, snatch his victims with terrible swiftness and dragged them to his lair to be consumed whole. One night, a great hero, Shojiro tracked the beast to his lair and tried to kill him in his sleep. The beast was not surprised and a great battle broke out.

The beast was too much for Shojiro and it had him pinned to the ground, ready to finish off the intruder. All Shojiro had left, was a Hyper Needle. He had intended to use it on himself as a last resort, but he could not use it on himself before the beast pinned him. Shojiro knew he was going to die, but he had an idea. The demon lived along side other many other demons just as strong and fast as he was. Only this one bothered to eat his people. If he used the needle on the beast, maybe it would be cut down by it's fellow demon in it's rampage?

With his last moment of life, he stabbed the beast with the Hyper Needle as the beast torn him apart. The beast, thanks to the effects of the needle, went berserk and attacked his demon fellows. They ganged up on him and torn the demon to pieces, inadvertently saving the lives of his people.

It was worth a shot. It was the only path to victory. For the glory of the Black Platypus and his and his team's ancestors, he would gladly sacrifice his life. "How could...someone like me understand...your mission?" he whispered to the boy who had his hand on his heart. "Maybe you should...tell that to the whole world...starting with this town?" As he spoke, he produced 5 Hyper Needles and plunged them into the the boy's flesh, injecting and filling him with even more bloodlust. Any attempt to regain his humanity was completely lost for now. "SHOJIRO!" he managed to yell, his voice reaching his last two teammates.

(3) and (4) heard (1)'s scream and saw him plunge those needles into the demon. They immediately understood the meaning and legend behind the name he just shouted. They were understandable anxious about what (1)'s last command entailed, but they knew now their lives were numbered in minutes, they could not shame their ancestors. To die to kill the enemy was among the greatest honors one could ever have. Their sacrifice today would not be forgotten. "Long live the Black Platypus." they both muttered and started to run. Meanwhile, (6) was still pathetically shambling in the alley, aimless and unaware of his surroundings.