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February 18, 2025, 05:06:39 pm


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Map Editor: Ganesha 0.60 Released

Started by gomtuu, March 12, 2009, 01:40:11 pm


I work on Ganesha on two different computers (home and office), and they both pull the data from a Subversion repository on a third computer, so it's not likely I'll lose it. :)


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Kindly upload the images to other image hosting sites. I can't view imageshack. Thanks.


A new release is coming soon. This one will actually be useful! Ganesha can now edit polygon data and terrain data within the GUI, so making small adjustments to maps is pretty easy. To demonstrate, I made a dip in the walkway in front of Orbonne Monastery:


And here's a preview of the Edit Terrain window:


Quote from: "Cheetah"Are these values in decimal now too?!?!?!
Yes! :oops:


Holyshit!!! This is just FREAKING SWEET man!!!
Great job, gomtuu. Really great job. ^^
Kindly upload the images to other image hosting sites. I can't view imageshack. Thanks.


Cheetah has a good feeling. You are getting me motivated to spend a bit more time hacking Gomtuu, this is awesome.
Current Projects:


Outstanding! Keep it up and you'll be ushering in a new age of FFT hacking!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

Asmo X

Oh my god

Edit: The word filter seriously sucks some balls.


Holy crap, this is monumental. Great work, Gomtuu.


epic! one step closer to full editing! :)


/cautious enthusiasm

QuoteKeep it up and you'll be ushering in a new age of FFT hacking!
  • Modding version: PSX


Progress continues on Ganesha. I felt like I was on a roll for the past few days, so I focused on adding new features rather than getting things ready for a release. This means Ganesha now edits polygon visibility angles, textures, texture palettes, lights, and the background gradient. :( Patience!




*Cannot wait*

*Goes  to sleep saying one less day*
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


I'm preparing to eject fluids when this baby comes out! ^_^
(No you pervert! Not *those* kinds of fluids!)
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I would prefer to wait for new features rather than quick release with only little can do. ^^
Kindly upload the images to other image hosting sites. I can't view imageshack. Thanks.


OMG all those hours of getting the freaking backgrounds looking correct for Chronicles of Kanbabrif is now doable in minutes. That is freaking sweet. Those are major steps towards being able to complete the incomplete maps as well. Editing textures is so huge too. You think you will be adding inserting polygons anytimes soon? Even this progress is huge, but with polygons almost anything could be done. Oh and importing exporting the textures is still totally doable yeah?
Current Projects:


Ganesha 0.40 has been released!


Be sure to check out the instructions:


Let me know if you find any bugs! I'm sure there are a lot of them. :) One new feature in this version is that, even if you run Ganesha by clicking the icon (not from the command line), any errors that occur should stay on the screen instead of disappearing quickly.

Have fun!



Updates for Cheetah on his Mac running through Parallels.
1) I can't stop the map from spinning because I don't have a clickable mouse wheel... So an alternative way of stopping the map from spinning would be awesome, because right now I can't really edit easily.
2) Definitely choppy.
3) Editable polygons!!!!!!!!!

4) OMG so sweet
5) What is "A" in the palette selection?
Current Projects:


These edits were done in about 40 minutes, including time to learn the editor

Sand Rat Cellar - in game 1

Sand Rat Cellar - in Game 2

Sand Rat Cellar - In Editor

Granted, its very hard to tell how drastically this is changed (other than the hill inside the building), but all the texture edits, switching and pallete changes are working~


Im having a problem with ganesha I open my GNS file and it sais this...
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.