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Map Editor: Ganesha 0.60 Released

Started by gomtuu, March 12, 2009, 01:40:11 pm


Quote from: "jimmyjw88"Is there a way to cover those blanks? Sorry such noob question ^^
to get rid of the blank spots, you need to cover them with two sides of the polygon

Basically, take the two ends, and lower their height, so that the tile is slanted
or you can even raise the side of the tile next to it, so that one is slanted

you cant add flat surfaces yet, to fill in the blank spots, you have to pull other tiles and mesh them together kinda :P


I want the next version of this. A Add/Remove polygon feature. The palette would be cool too but I think it can wait.
I wouldn't bother with speed either right now, it's not slow at all on my computer (except loading)

That's the best I could do right now without being able to add polygons; and it looks like shit
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


Quote from: "Zodiac"it looks like shit

Are you talking about the stretched texture? If you adjust the UV coordinates for those polygons so they cover a larger area of texture space, you can probably get that to look better. Try outputting the texture if you haven't already. Then you can open it up in an image editor and try to find a good area to use as the texture for your polygons.

In any case, I'm still working on Ganesha. I have a few quick interface improvements to make, and then adding/removing polygons will be my next priority.


Kindly upload the images to other image hosting sites. I can't view imageshack. Thanks.


Quote from: "Pickle Girl Fanboy"Reinstalled it, same thing.  Am I missing a dll or something?

Possibly. I found a post on the Panda3D forums that says Panda3D 1.6.2 (the version Ganesha uses) was accidentally built with a .NET Framework 3.5 dependency. Try installing .NET Framework 3.5 and see if that fixes it.



I'm wondering if I have to use a single polygon for each panel? It's odd, at school I found the keyboard button to show the walkable/unwalkable tiles but now I can't find it again... I really want to make my bridge walkable.
EDIT: Woops, don't mind me; I just never noticed the instruction page; it was easy.

I managed to do a bit better this time. I didn't notice the vector problem for one of my polygons until I tested in-game since it's basically just grey in Ganesha right now.
Simple edit is simple:
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


Hello, I have a small problem too, with my completly new  computer.

Any Ideas ? I just downloaded DirectX

With net framework :

I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Quote from: "Zodiac"I'm wondering if I have to use a single polygon for each panel?
You don't absolutely have to, but the map will act a little funny if you don't: Each polygon can be associated with a terrain tile, which is what the Terrain X and Terrain Z fields in the polygon edit window are for. (Note: these fields don't quite display the correct information in 0.40, but this is fixed in the latest dev. version.) This information is used by the game when it highlights tiles you can move to or tiles that will be affected by a spell or ability. If your polygon represents a tile you can move to (or part of a tile you can move to), then you should assign it Terrain X and Terrain Z values that match that tile's X and Z coordinates (the latest dev. version shows you what these values are when you click a terrain tile). So the problem with having a polygon that spans two terrain tiles is that, when the game goes to highlight tiles, it'll highlight that whole polygon as if it were one tile of terrain... Does that make sense? I find this part difficult to explain.

Quote from: "Kokojo"Hello, I have a small problem too, with my completly new  computer.
Looks like the same error Pickle Girl Fanboy is getting. Try using Microsoft Update to install .NET Framework 3.5. Panda3D is not supposed to require this, but it does because they made a mistake when they built it, apparently. :(


Soon as you get polygon adding/removing implemented, I'll be all over this.
  • Modding version: PSX


Hey there, took me a while.

Also, zodiac...

Red is where I sacrified some polygons.

Blue is where I put them.

You can see the result : I streched the texture.
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Ganesha 0.55 is out!


Now adds polygons and resizes terrain! See the changelog for a full list of new features. The instructions have been updated, too.


Oh man so exciting. I really need to make time to get cracking on my map, I could actually essentially finish it at this rate. Great work Gomtuu!
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By the way, map 098 is mine to complete.
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


Quote from: "Zodiac"By the way, map 098 is mine to complete.

Awesome Zodiac. These complete maps will definitely make it into FFT:C. I'm thinking we could have a contest for the best custom maps to make it into FFT:C as well to replace the unfinished glitched maps.

Did you fix the bug where those last 5 maps weren't viewable Gomtuu?
Current Projects:


Shit...this is great, gomtuu. Awesome.
Kindly upload the images to other image hosting sites. I can't view imageshack. Thanks.


Well I have done the first step (the easy one) of creating a fully custom map that I have had bouncing around in my head for a good 6 months or more. I started with just setting up the tile layout of the entire map as seen below. I'm guessing it should all work, though I don't know how FFT handles roofs, which this map has a lot of. If you look at my sketches in the original maps section you might be able to understand this concept a bit better. So while this map is technically functional as is, I haven't edited any polygons at all so that isn't going to be a bit wonky majorly.

On that note I had an idea Gomtuu. What if you could create new polygons designated by four corners of a tile? You can easily calculate the theoretical coordinates of any corner of a tile, and create a polygon with any set coordinates, so it is just a matter of an interface to choose which corners of what tiles you want to be which point of the polygon. It seems like a pretty straight forward way of drawing polygons very quickly.
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Bad news, everyone.

When you create a new polygon that is not black... it will not appear, simple as that. As soon as it is given texture, it will not appear. I have loads of problems with that... we are gonna have to wait.
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Nice progress so far, Cheetah! Is there really enough space under that roof for characters? It looks a little low, but maybe it's just hard to tell because of the axonometric projection.

I do plan to add some features to make it easier to move polygons around tile-by-tile, at least. And maybe something to generate polygons automatically for a given terrain tile. It's just a matter of adding the interface elements to do that.

Kokojo is right that Ganesha 0.55 has a bug that causes it to create new polygons incorrectly. Apparently some of the bits of polygon texture data that I don't understand (and that seem to be the same for every textured polygon in every map) are actually important after all. Ganesha 0.55 sets these values to 0 instead of the usual values. This doesn't always cause the polygon to be invisible: when I was initially testing the add-polygon feature, my polygons looked funny, but I figured it was a palette thing and didn't pay too much attention to it.

Anyway, I've fixed this and a few other bugs in the latest development version, so I expect to release 0.56 (or so) soon.

Edit: I've also noticed that black polygons have an unexpected side-effect that you'll need to watch out for when editing or creating maps: They always appear in front of textured polygons, even if they're actually behind them. There will be more on this in the instructions when I release the new version.


Gomtuu, you might be right about there not being enough room. It is only a height of 3 under there. That is probably enough for the chocobo corral, but I might need to raise the roof of the main building especially for visibility under there.

Yeah a few more tools for polygon creation and things will really explode. I'm glad you figured out the polygon information so quickly. What were those previously unknown bytes for?
Current Projects:


Quote from: "Cheetah"What were those previously unknown bytes for?
Who said anything about previously? :) I might be able to figure what they're for with more in-game testing, but like I said, it seems like they're always the same from what I've gathered so far, so I'm not sure there's any point in changing them.