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Quote from: kenchidag on Today at 03:36:04 amGood Afternoon FFT Hacktics community,

Im fairly new to using custom sprites, and frankly I had success in changing the sprite of a squire male to a Sephiroth Sprite. However, on the first battle in FFT in Chapter 1, there was a glitch in which that the enemy squires became Sephiroth shadows. I dont understand what happen and tried gooogling my problem nothing seems to pop. This was in FFT psx version. It seems like when I import the Sephiroth Sprite to Shishi Sprite Editor it automatically rewrites it and the Sprite pallette for Sprite #2-5 are gone, and then when I revert it back to the original Squire Sprites, it becomes okay.

Did I miss something in Editing it? Any help is much appreciated.
Thank you very much.

Sprites can have multiple palettes, editable in an image editor like graphicsgale. Custom sprites you find here on the forums will likely only have 1 palette because they're often meant for unique characters, not generic units. Enemy generic units use palettes 2-5 in vanilla, so you'd have to add colors to those palettes for those units to display correctly.
FFT TLW ReMixed / Re: ReMixed Bug Reports
August 30, 2024, 10:09:31 pm
Quote from: Mutteo on August 28, 2024, 09:20:27 pmYou're right, it was on my end, sorry about that.  I still like to use epsxe when I emulate games, and for some reason setting the cpu to Interpreter mode broke the game in those places.  I tested it out on the Dynarec setting and it didn't do that. 

espxe is explicitly not recommended in the TLW FAQ because it causes a lot of issues with multiple hacks in TLW, and thus ReMixed. It'll break the RDV treasure wheel as well, iirc. psxfin and duckstation are confirmed to work bug-free
Help! / Re: Blue Mage Cannot Cast Learned Skills
August 22, 2024, 02:50:03 am
You'll need to go to the action menu tab and change the calculator skillset to be a normal type instead of mathematics. Not sure that's the only thing you'll need to do, but that's a definite change you'll need to make.
Help! / Re: Can't get new skills
August 10, 2024, 03:36:04 am
It looks like you're in the "view abilities" menu, not the "learn abilities" menu. When viewing a unit, press triangle to open a menu where you can alter your unit's equipment, abilities, etc.
Attaching abilities to items isn't something that you can do with the patcher, no. You'd have to write some custom ASM code to get that, and even then it's been tried before with mixed results at best. If you really wanna give it a go, look into the ALMA spreadsheet, it has a tab for it iirc, but know that it will very likely cause a lot of other issues
We updated the instructions on discord to show the settings option needed to enable reactions as shown in my screenshot above. Try toggling that and see if you can then gain your role(s)
Quote from: Mogget77 on May 24, 2024, 08:37:13 pmI'm not sure what I am doing wrong at this point.
Clicked the server invite link and entered the server as normal.
All fields in the available channels state "You Do not have permission to send messages in this server."
Responding to the bot only opens a DMs channel.
Server speciffic emotes do not work in bot's DMs channel.
I can't seem to be able to react to anything to gain a role in the server.

(Using Discord's website to do this, I cannot run the app on my potato computer.)

In the #roles channel, simply click the emote that corresponds to the version of FFT you plan on playing/modding
Quote from: Krendall on April 15, 2024, 10:35:26 amI am working on using FFTPatcher on an ISO of War of the Lions. I had previously applied the WotL Tweak patch, primarily to remove the slowdown issues. After applying some of the changes I made with FFTPatcher, I found the slowdown came back. Is there a way I can use FFTPatcher without losing the slowdown fix?

EDIT: Never mind, I figured it out. I just have to reapply the slowdown patch with FFTorgASM.

You can also use the patcher itself to ensure the slowdown patch is applied, it's a checkbox in the "patch wotl iso" popup, in the bottom right above the button to locate the iso you want to patch. Either way works though
Quote from: Wiegraf Jr. on April 04, 2024, 12:13:15 amSo I added a handful of ASM with FFTorgASM and now when the enemy monsters counter me they also damage themselves by the same amount? Lol can I fix this?
We would need to know what all you patched, and if you looked at the hacks in the conflict checker to make sure they dont overwrite each other. Any conflicts mean you WILL have issues. Also, if you're patching on top of anything except a vanilla ISO, you're also likely to break things, so you cant just add hacks on top of mods unless they're explicitly stated to be compatible.
Quote from: El Piedras on April 02, 2024, 10:18:30 amI'm importing text from a PSX ISO patched with the WotL translation because that's what I want to use as base. I didn't add any text, just changed numbers in item/ability descriptions to match my balance tweaks. I save it as a .ffttext file, import it, and try to patch the ISO (I tried with both a clean one and the one already patched with the WotL script). The patching process takes more than 10 minutes and just gives a DTE error at the end. I'm using FFTactext 0.497.

Edit: Just realized this is a thread for the FFTPatcher program... Sorry, I searched FFTactext help and this thread showed up. There's already a lot of posts with similar problems about FFTactext so I don't know where to ask about this.

Assuming your ISO isnt on an old HDD or something, tactext taking a long time likely means your ISO is fragmented, you can run a defrag program on it to help with that. As for the DTE error, that means you added too much text to that section, so it cant fit it all into the space allotted. You'll have to cut something out of whatever section it gives that error for.
Tutorials and Learning / Re: Tutorial Requests
April 04, 2024, 02:34:09 am
Quote from: Ramza_purist on March 30, 2024, 11:02:28 pmDo you have a link or know where I can find it?
It is included in the suite, under glain.xml in orgASM, called "Enforce Level Caps".

Quote from: ComplexMessiah on April 01, 2024, 02:35:31 pmI have several questions. First i would like to change a item into a materia blade. Second I would like to be able to add spells to arithmancy (clouds limits, divine ultima, quake, tornado, Midgardsormr Grand cross, unholy darkness.) Secondly i made a new skill set and when assigned to another job it automatically learns those skills. I wish for it to like a standard class.  Third, if possible i would like to remove the male requirement for bards. Also i need to add to the move find pool items above FF in hex.
Most of what you're trying to do is nearly impossible, unfortunately. Not sure what you mean by "changing an item into a materia blade" when that item already exists, unless you mean something like adding additional bonuses to it like ff7 did with adding materia to weapons, but if so that's in the "nearly impossible" category. Adding additional skillsets to Math skill is also super complicated, as it's pretty hardcoded, so that's probably out too. The auto-learned skills are because you have to make sure the unit has that skillset as its job's primary skillset, if a unit has a skillset equipped that they dont normally have access to, it defaults to treating every ability as learned. The bard class not being gender locked is a pretty complicated process, as it's checked in a LOT of places, but TLW's extra job hack might be your answer, as it allows the use of the female bard and male dancer data, so you'd be able to make a female bard that way. And finally, adding additional items will likely never happen for the psx version, as loading more than one byte for item IDs would have to be altered everywhere items are referenced, AND the data table for items would have to be expanded, which there isnt room for. If you want new items, you're gonna have to replace old ones.
Help! / Re: Is my project even Vaiable
March 28, 2024, 07:00:26 am
Quote from: ComplexMessiah on March 27, 2024, 09:36:56 pmSo i am reasonable new to this modding. I have managed to make basic patches and ran a few test patches. So now i want to go to the next level and make a full on patch with some more major changed. So i am going to outline to the basic concepts of what exactly i want and then ask do to make it happen and preferable the tools needed to do so. first i will list the tools i have and the version i wish to mod:
PSP: War of the lions.
FFTPatcher (v0.497.0)

So this project is split into three main sections. Jobs, Items and reverting my current version into a different version.
I wish to add two new jobs to the wheels one with a mediocre requirement of level 5 white and black mage. The other requiring master summoner, black mage, white mage, level 8 calc and 5 of orator and mystic. I wish for these jobs to be generic jobs and be placed on the wheel. The only other thing of note is the larger job i wish to be a meta job and pull from pre existing spells like calculator.
I wish to add a few new items. I think the hardest of all is a new Materia blade, I would also like to add that to deep dungeon in the "Move find" pool. Additionally that weapon will require a new damage formula and sprite.

I am currently use the PSP version and wish to change it to the IOS or android version as i believe the changes made there are the most pragmatic way of playing this version.  additionally would like to add a QOL feature of memory of cursor.

These are big sweeping changes there will also be a lot of minor changes that i can expect to escalate into larger issues. Over all is this even viable with modding tools around or will it be a waste of my time.

Welcome! Glad to hear you've already been playing with some of the tools, as that's always the first thing I tell people to do when considering starting the modding process.

To start, I'll point out that modding the psp version limits your options in terms of tools available to you, as our psx documentation is much greater than the psp counterpart. Modding the mobile versions is completely out of the question, at least for anyone here. The only thing we have for mobile is a save editor. The psp version is moddable, but again, you'll be handicapping yourself a bit. The new features are tempting, but most of the psp content has already been added to the psx version via The Lion War mods.

Regardless of which platform you choose, adding items or jobs is not currently possible (other than TLW adding the Dark Knight in, which was crazy complicated and cannot be expanded further). So for both items and jobs, you'll have to replace existing ones with your new concept pieces.

Sprites can be altered/replaced as well, although I'm not sure about the smaller things like weapon icons and the like for psp. Pretty much any image can be modified in the psx version though.

Things like new damage formulas would require minor ASM hacks, and those can be made and inserted into either version.

Making any job work like calculator is a pretty big undertaking, and while it's not impossible, I'd consider it mostly off the table unless you replace calc to accomplish it, or dive decently deep into ASM hacking.

I think I answered everything you asked but if you want more clarification or have more questions, let us know!
The Lion War / Re: The Lion War 2.031 - Bug Reports
March 07, 2024, 02:51:30 am
Quote from: SuccuBelle on March 06, 2024, 12:17:50 amEdit: So I saw someone else had a similar problem when using these two mods together, so I re-patched a copy with just TLW on it, and I got a similar but different error. This time, the background was present during the text crawl (it was not before), and when it froze, instead of playing the music endlessly, it just played one note endlessly.

Hello, I am playing TLW on Duckstation with the QOL Patch. I am at the battle with Cu Chulainn, and the battle plays out as normal, but after the cutscene with Delita and the text crawl, when the game goes to a black screen, it never loads the next screen, and the music continues to play ad infinitum. I'm pretty sure it's some sort of emulation issue, but I don't know what to try. It has crashed 4 times.

If you're applying the whole QoL pack, you need to reapply the EIUH from the TLW resources after patching the QoL, as it says in the QoL thread. So base ISO -> TLW -> QoL -> EIUH hack. If you're still getting errors after that, let us know.
Spriting / Re: welln's Sprites
February 06, 2024, 12:33:45 pm
Great work! Love everything you've put together so far, keep it up!
Help! / Re: Force level 1.
January 17, 2024, 03:54:03 am
Couple different options included in the patcher suite's default xmls, yeah. Xif has one that is just a flat level cap, which would probably be the best option for this case. Just search her xml for "Maximum levelup". Glain also has one that sets limits per story chapter, called "Enforce Level Caps", if you wanna have some more control over it.
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: ASM Requests
January 01, 2024, 10:42:56 pm
Quote from: JEETKUNJO on December 31, 2023, 10:19:39 pmHello, first of all : I must thanks a lot this community, you made the modding accessible to everyone with all thoses tools !
I'm actually making the game the way i always wanted to : having some npcs playable and  rebalancing some overpowered classes,
but I'm stuck at a point, I'd like to add a " transform" skill, i used the base of the " moldball virus" that transform you into a morbol, i swapped the morbol sprite with the desired character , if the character is loaded in the map it works, but i have two problems and i think i need to modify the formula of the molball virus spell to fix that , it's not possible with FFTpatcher so i have to , i suppose go into the " battle.bin" file and find the offset of the molball virus spell and modify the hex value right?

If this is the way to go I'd like to know if anyone know the actual location of molball virus spell, and if there is a way to modify it, because there is 3 problems with the actual skill:

1/ it make the character go back to lvl 1
2/ its not usable on heroes, only generic
3/ it doesnt seems to work with autocast

So I'd like to know if anyone have an idea about this, is this possible to make the spell so i can AUTOcast it with a hero character, and not going down to lvl 1?

I'm not asking for anyone to do it for me, but since i never modified the game data directly with hex editor for FFT, I'm kinda lost when i try to localize the spell im looking for and the needed values,

Thanks in advance

Welcome to FFH!

For the Morbol Virus, you'll need to edit the damage formula associated with that skill, formula 58, found HERE.

You'll see in the routine that this is designed to always miss on non-generic targets, so removing that check would allow it to be cast on unique units.

As for why the target is getting their level reset, I'm not aware of where the game would be doing that, perhaps someone else can speak to that.

And not sure what you mean by "autocast"? Are you trying to make it a reaction ability?

Feel free to reach out in our Discord as well!
FFT TLW ReMixed / Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
December 22, 2023, 02:27:42 am
Very cool, great work Nyzer! Lots of new QoL for everyone to enjoy, I'm excited to give it a go  :D
The Lion War / Re: The Lion War 2.031 - DOWNLOAD HERE!!
December 17, 2023, 12:46:56 am
Quote from: ChuckyMclove on December 14, 2023, 01:30:03 pmI have a question which one should I download? "The Lion War of the Lions v1.02.7z", Or "The Lion War v2.031.7z"

which is more updated? or better version? Are there many differences from one to the other?

Pliss Help-me

TLW is all of the PSP content, added to the PSX version, modified to resemble the rest of the PSX content. Dialogue of WotL-specific content is redone to not be flowery and whatnot.

TLWotL takes TLW and makes all of it resemble the PSP version as much as possible. All the text/dialogue, the JP costs of abilities, the calendar, etc, all match WotL.

As for which to play, the biggest question is just which of the original versions did you like more? If you didnt play either, or dont have a preference between them, then the general consensus around here is to go with the PSX dialogue, and thus, TLW. Both have all the same content, so you wont miss out on anything regardless of which you choose.

Also, please dont double post the same thing across multiple threads. Thank you, and enjoy whichever version you end up playing!
Help! / Re: Android Saved Data not exist on new phone?
November 12, 2023, 04:01:49 pm
Quote from: heretik on November 09, 2023, 02:10:43 amHi, I played on android phone (purchased from playstore), and after changed to new phone my saved data is not synced to the new phone.
Is there a way to move my saved data to the new phone?  or to anywhere/ emulator/ anything so I can continue the game?

Please help. Thanks.
Unless you're willing to root your phone or purchase some decently complicated backup software and fiddle with extracting files from a backup, your saves on mobile devices are not transferable, unfortunately. If you switch phones, you lose the save. Granted, if you're no longer using the old phone, rooting it may not be a particularly big issue, but even then you'd have to root the new phone to move the saves to that, otherwise you'd just have them on a PC where you could use an android emulator to resume your save. Sorry friend.  :/

Now is a good time to recommend getting a PSP or PSX emulator on your new phone, and trying out one of the many awesome mods we have available here on the site though! The save wouldnt have been compatible anyway, so if you're going to have to start a new game, I'd definitely try out something new.
Completed Mods / Re: War of the Lions Tweak v2.52
November 12, 2023, 03:55:15 pm
Quote from: Stephen on November 08, 2023, 06:16:48 pmIs this compatible with the "Final Fantasy Tactics: Alternate Map Pack"?  Or any map packs?   Thanks for the great mod

The Alternate Map Pack is a mod for the PSX version of FFT, it will not work if applied to the PSP version of the game. I'm not sure exactly how much has been attempted/completed when it comes to getting file replacements working for PSP, but if you were going to do this at all, you'd have to replace the individual map files within the PSP fftpack, assuming they didnt add more hardcoding to that stuff. For now, I'd consider them not compatible.