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FFT:ASM'd -- Demo Download

Started by philsov, April 11, 2010, 05:16:54 pm


April 11, 2010, 05:16:54 pm Last Edit: January 05, 2011, 06:25:48 pm by philsov
Download Patch Here!

FFT:ASM'd is a patch with an emphasis on party placement and seeks to include a variety of previously unimplemented hacks into its manifest.  The most obvious change is an across-the-board slash in base movement (it's 2 now!) and ranged abilities (now most of them have 3 range).  Additionally all units gain a degree of physical defense with the presence of innate weapon guard and global class evasion (50% on sides, 25% from behind).  Past that this patch also includes the Blue Mage class, gives the Archer class a unique skillset, and adds additional abilities and nuances to the already existing other skillsets like reformed AoE for summon magic and draw out, differing damage from elemental, and 0-charge time spells for all the mage classes.  

Demo for a patch that is long overdo, I'm happy to announce the preliminary chapter 1 of this project. Please download and enjoy. There is still much to be done, but I do enjoy a good tease.

NOTE: The objective of Thieves Fort, Lenalia Plateau, and the Windmill shed are to defeat all enemies.

Patching instructions:

Download the above ppf file. Using the PPF-o-matic utility, found here:


Apply this ppf onto a clean, unpatched iso and then be patient.

Known bugs in demo:
Sprite bug in magic city gariland academy.
Improper "defeat XXX" objectives
Blue Mage actually able to learn 2 abilities from JP -_-
Bombs (many monsters, really) with too much MA
text edits for knives, battle boots, pierce, salve, steal sanity, jolt, blue mage, new Items
Miluda's a MAN, BABY
charge time on fire, fire2
Weigraf's statis sword has a 100% stop rate
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


I guess this would be the best place to put any bugs that were found, and here are some right off the bat.

-In the first battle, Ramza has shock as part of his learnable skill list, not sure if that is intentional.
-Philsov the knight has charge as secondary, and used poison volley at a range, even though he was using a sword. Not sure if this is intentional or not either.

So far, that seems to be the only things questionable during the first fight. I'll post more if I find them.

Magic city gariland:
The first squire (the one who talks) has charge and poison volley, and tried to do a spell quote, but there was no text in the box.

Text stuff:
Battle boots still say move +1
Knives all still say 1 speed

Mandalia plains:
Execute showed a 67% hit ratio when it is supposed to be un-evadable.

Fire casts faster than bolt or ice.
-- Attention Citizens, this is the Computer. 2 + 2 now equals 3.9999238849009985. Please recalibrate your equipment.

My youtube Channel
My 1.3 Playthough (Complete)
My Final fantasy I Blind playthrough


Bug report time.  Played/streamed from Orbonne Monastery to Sand Rat Cellar, and currently delirious from being overtired.

Stuff - Ramza has Shock! in his learnable skillset.  I'm pretty sure I know why this is and that you just messed up pushing a couple buttons / not finished your editing yet.

Cripple NEEDS TO BE REMOVED.  While inflicting Charging on the enemy works fine, it causes the AI to move sluggishly slow (probably because it's trying to figure out *what* that unit is Charging) and then it seems to always end up ignoring the Charging unit because it deems it a non-threat (as its Charging something that seems like it's taking so many turns it doesn't even appear on the CT list).  It was a fun idea, but it isn't going to work.

Fire is set to 3/4/6 CT for Fire 1/2/3 instead of the 4/5/6 that Bolt and Ice are set to.  This caused me a lot of problems at Dorter Trade City, actually.  Fix please, especially since I distinctly remember mentioning this problem to you *twice* in the original thread when playing the oooold Beta Patch.

Salve's description when you press the Select says it costs 12 MP when it only costs 8.

Several abilities that seem like they should be doing a "Weapon strike" animation (such as Blind Blow) show the punching animation.

When used, the Thief's new skill displays "Muddle" during battle, but is listed as "Steal Sanity" on the Ability List.  (If you don't get what I mean, think of Lich vs Rich.)

Delita still can't equip Shields.  He also can't equip any female only items, looking in FFTPatcher, though that's not a big deal.  =p

I haven't bought it yet, but the new instant-Bolt spell is listed as "Joly" instead of "Jolt".  Unsure if it's intentional or not.

Blue Mage's prerequisites list "Level 3 Knight, Level 3 Wizard" when you press Select on it, but these are not the actual prerequisites.  [I won't list the actual ones for the people who don't want spoilers.]  I didn't really check the others yet, though, but I recommend looking over what you listed all the different prerequisites as vs what they really are.

There were some Item description errors, such as Move +1 on Battle Boots.  

Execute displayed chance to hit values below 100, but I never actually missed with it the times I used it so I don't know if that's just a display error or not.

I *think* that's everything.  Not entirely sure, though, my head's all spinny atm.


Orbonne Monastery.  This was cool and easy enough.  The median difficulty between 1.3 and vanilla's intro fight made it easy to get used to the lowered move rates / etc. without making the fight impossible.

Gariland Magic City.  For the sprite error during the intro, it seems the two that bug out are what are originally a female Squire and male Chemist above Ramza and Delita.  I think you can easily solve this by making the Squire and Chemist you get among your initial six correspond to those places and genders in the formation, as the other four don't seem to bug out at all from what I saw.  In the battle, however, you made a goof.  I brought in my Knight, Archer, Wizard, and Priest alongside Delita and Ramza... and my Priest suddenly turned into Missingno!  Make the female Squire that appears here into a male one.  I think that should fix the problem, if I remember the enemy formation correctly.  It was a fun fight though, but I'm not sure if that's due to or in spite of the fact my Priest looked like a Missingno made out of Priest-palette frogs with a really trippy transvestite Wizard portrait.

Mandalia Plains, another fairly simple fight from what my delirious head can remember of it.  Nothing struck me as too out of the ordinary here, and the fight wasn't too hard or anything, so yeah.

Sweegy Woods.  "Attack" command on monsters, kind of!  Outside the fact the bombs were oneshotting my poor Wizard (partially my fault, she was in out of date equips), this fight wasn't that bad either.

Dorter Trade City.  Ugh.  

First, the changing of where the Formation goes was clever and a nice change, but the Archer starting right above them almost ensured all three units were Poisoned, and as mentioned before, the fast-casting Fire spells were making my life hell, since there were instantcasting in situations I'm pretty sure the other two didn't, as I knew mine were the few times I could get decent spells off due to the CT stagger.  Outside of that, this fight wasn't too bad really and the Formation change was a nice touch and really a double-edged sword in the end I think is fine once Fire is fixed.  A bit on the hard side, but once I updated my equipment and made sure all my characters could revive in a pinch I was fine.  It's funny, in vanilla and 1.3, that house is a huge advantage, but in ASM'd its almost a liability because everyone gets clumped up there then raped by Black Magic and Poison Volley, heh.

Sand Rat Cellar.  Not that bad either.  For this one, I actually recommend separating the enemies some, and possibly starting the player units further back / closer to the far corner of the map.  I trapped most of the enemies very easily at the upper entrance due to 2 Move, spammed Poison Volley and Black Magic to maul everything, and actually killed the two Knights in such a way that I had to wait for them to Crystal before anyone on my team could get inside because Algus refused to go in.  Pushing our units back a bit and spreading theirs out a bit more should make this fight fine, right now it's just really easy to turn it into a clusterfuck then spam AoE to win, even moreso than it is in Vanilla due to Move-MP UP so early.

That's when I nearly passed out, called the stream for the night, and began typing this.  Next time I play/stream it's Thieves Fort time.


Man, I try and fine-comb everything but alas.

Shock is a mislabel for Pierce, a new squire ability that's a double-panel PA * WP strike.

I still need to add spell quotes >_>.

Execute... can't be unevadeable sadly.  I hijacked the death formula and while the coeffecient is maxed its still ultimately faith based and warped by compat.

Fire is an oddity, dunno what caused those to numbers to be reduced but thanks for letting me know.

Yes, I noticed the same thing with cripple.  Back to the drawing board =\

Typo with jolT

As for the gariland sprite bug, that's just a result of the 9 sprite limit... I can reduce it by making the female knight who enters a female archer, so much that the only guy still glitching out is the male priest.

Bombs... are a whoopsy on my part.  I messed with their MA so I could mess with the flame attack coeffecient for the blue mage, and neglected to take level 4 MA into account -_-
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.

The Damned

The male priest didn't really glitch out when I used him in battle, but then I again, I did use the Male Squire, so I guess I was within the limits because I was consciously thinking about it.

Yeah, Bombs, from my testing them, do a hell of a lot damage with MA anything early on.

RavenofRazgriz also pointed out the "Joly = Jolt?" thing.


There are a couple things that I've noticed myself that he didn't mention:

  • Dual Kiss and Turtle Shell have mixed up descriptions.
  • I'm sure you know, but Poison Volley doesn't have an actual quote. It also seems to hit 100% of the time no matter what.

I'm only up to Mandalia (which I haven't actually played), so it hasn't been much.

There was something that I thought I would mention, not so much more because it's a glitch but rather because it seems to be rather noticeable even earlier on: It seems like you (accidentally?) made Item even more powerful since, due to the Throw Item, Items can literally go twice the range of most units AND hit 100%. I know this isn't a fault of your own and I'm not sure what you can do to fix it since I know if you take away Throw Item from Chemists then they won't be able to equip it. But not everyone likes to use range units like I do and the other revival methods so far--Wish and Raise--are uncertain compared to Phoenix Down.

Speaking of Wish, I do find it rather odd that it's not 100 considering it heals less than Phoenix Down AND you have to be right next to the person. I almost lost my Archer last night because the female Chemist decided to be a sandbagging bitch early.

Just something to think about.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Quote from: "philsov"Bombs... are a whoopsy on my part.  I messed with their MA so I could mess with the flame attack coeffecient for the blue mage, and neglected to take level 4 MA into account -_-

It's not that big a deal, since it took what I think was Good Compat from the Bombs to actually land a one shot on my Leather Hat / Clothing Wizard.  It wasn't really that bad for everyone else, since they had a bit higher HP despite also wearing Leather Hat / Clothing.

Quote from: "The Damned"Dual Kiss and Turtle Shell have mixed up descriptions.

I mentioned that in the other thread with the previous ASM'd beta, so I thought he fixed it.  >_>


Quote from: "The Damned"I'm sure you know, but Poison Volley doesn't have an actual quote. It also seems to hit 100% of the time no matter what.

It's not 100%.  I've had it go as low as 75%, and yes, it does get blocked.  You were just having a string of good compat, I believe.

Quote from: "The Damned"There was something that I thought I would mention, not so much more because it's a glitch but rather because it seems to be rather noticeable even earlier on: It seems like you (accidentally?) made Item even more powerful since, due to the Throw Item, Items can literally go twice the range of most units AND hit 100%. I know this isn't a fault of your own and I'm not sure what you can do to fix it since I know if you take away Throw Item from Chemists then they won't be able to equip it. But not everyone likes to use range units like I do and the other revival methods so far--Wish and Raise--are uncertain compared to Phoenix Down.

He could do what Eternal did and make Items cost an arm and a leg.  They're better, but when Potions cost 300 and Phoenix Downs 3000, have fun trying to use them.  :D

The Damned

Well that would solve the problem for the player, but not the computer, which is honestly what I'm more worried about since so far there's no way to limit the amount of items that the computer can have.

Thank you for the information on Poison Volley. I guess it has been good compatibility.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


So I got up to Thieves Fort last night and I took some snapshots of my journey so far.


Highlights include:

Name TBA?

Seph24 in this patch?

Miludia's a trap.

The Damned

Minor update since I only got on battle in (at Mandalia) before Secretary came on, which is something that I've been wanting to see.

That needless bit of information aside, there were a couple of things that I've noticed:

  • I think that RavenofRazgriz has pointed this out before, but it seems rather impossible to Save Algus if you choose the second option (especially since the it's the less assholish one and there's no longer [permanent] incentive for picking the first one). He just moves too little and doesn't have enough HP. You can't really get to him unless maybe you start a Chemist right near him.
  • Steal Sanity/Muddle might have too much of a hit rate considering that Confusion doesn't wear off and, unlike Steal Heart, it isn't bound by sex like Steal Heart.
  • Last thing of note would be that Battle Boots currently don't do anything, do they? They're still listed as Move +1, but...yeah.

I'll try to get through more by tomorrow's end.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Played Thieve's Fort, hunting down Blue Magic.

Small Mantle and Oak Staff display wrong evasion values when checking their descriptions with the select button.

Blue Magic is fucking powerful.

On the select menu, when it says what can equip what, "Sg" is still used indicating "Sage", instead of a "BM" to indicate Blue Mage.

Miluda's a woman in a man's body. The fight itself didn't have any problems, though.

The main problem I've had with low movement ranges so far is that it's very hard to get my own units spread out to avoid AoE, and many times I find some units can't even move in some directions because the combination of 2 move and a REALLY small PBF make it impossible for them to even start spread out or spread out in a favorable way once started.   I'd recommend making sure there are as few "compact" PBF screens as possible due to this, since where you place characters means more... when there's barely room to place them on the screen it becomes a real bother as their own placement, low move, terrain can easily block off half the directions they can move, and it gets really annoying to have to press "Wait" because the unit on the far left got their turn before the two units next to her.  (That happened to me on Mandalia Plains a few times during random battles, and the terrain and PBF made it impossible for me to avoid locking in a unit like that.)   It's mostly annoying because the enemy party doesn't have this issue, so by the time you've separated your units from each other they're usually breathing down your neck.  Once the battling starts, the 2 move thing is usually fine and welcome unless corpses begin to mount up all around a character, it's just those times before it on maps that have bad PBF / starting terrain combinations that really become irksome.


Finally got time to DL this :)
I'll give it a try later and comment here, and also point out any bugs that haven't been mentioned here.

I'll point out that Ad-Aware detected your ppf-o-matic as malware and didn't let me use it =/
I downloaded the one from the 1.3 section and works fine. Don't know how that happened =P

The Damned

So, I finally got around to playing again, just finished Dorter a minute ago after having to Reset 1 once because of getting hit by everything under the sun.

...Ugh. Suddenly, I'm not sure if this lowered movement thing is going to work at all, at least with current inability to alter maps.

Dorter is the first "good" example of this. Even with the "merciful" formation divide to start near the Long Bow rooftop Archer that would otherwise be Shiva and Fire being a lot faster than it should be and Poison Volley always hitting me (though part of that may just be the RNG hating me), this fight is now just stupid.

You're either damned if you do or damned if you don't between the AoE concerns that Raven talked about, the sheer range of half of the other team, your Guests being idiots like usual (even more so this time around since their movement is limited to, so they're even more likely to move next to you right before the Wizard's turn...), the Wizard with White Magic having Move-MP Up and Archers double-turning me. Are Archers supposed to have 7 Speed? At level 5?

I've never been so annoyed to see Yell. I don't remember the other team using it nearly as much (at all, really) as it has ASM'd so far. (Beginning to fucking hate Yell, to be quite frank.)

I honestly don't think I would have won if it wasn't for having made Ramza into a Blue Mage earlier today (by doing two randoms in Mandalia, once from the West and once from the East--I was trying to see if the fights were different from 1.3; they currently aren't0) being able to OHKO the Wizards with mistakenly available Thunder Breath.

I hate having to win like that, but I'm sure as hell not going to do it again. I'm REALLY not looking forward to Algus now...or Dorter II...or Zirekile. Basically anything with really high verticals in addition to the movement restrictions.

Speaking of which, has there been anything you've changed with regards to the (later) Chapters? I know you said that you didn't really touch the text--I noticed that Delita still says the "seem" annoyance that he does.

All that said, I will endeavor to play through it for a good while, at least until FDC comes out with his next patch and/or I end up wanting to play 1.3 again.

P.S. I noticed that you made Equip Spear into Equip Polearms. Would there be anyway that you make that particular ASM available...?

P.P.S. I actually failed to notice something with regards to the Chemist ability mix-up: Dual Kiss, Turtle Shell AND Shade of Grey are all mixed-up, not just the former two. The items themselves seem to have the right description, though Turtle Shell is not currently available for confirmation.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Quote from: "The Damned"You're either damned if you do or damned if you don't between the AoE concerns that Raven talked about, the sheer range of half of the other team, your Guests being idiots like usual (even more so this time around since their movement is limited to, so they're even more likely to move next to you right before the Wizard's turn...), the Wizard with White Magic having Move-MP Up and Archers double-turning me. Are Archers supposed to have 7 Speed? At level 5?

I'm going to guess that's because he hasn't touched the Speed multipliers yet.  Archers do have the second highest generic Speed multiplier though looking at them in Patcher, so yeah, that happens.  I just checked my Level 5 Delita to confirm since Speed Growth itself is flatlined for all the playable classes.

I think the upper team needs a bigger PBF in regards to Dorter.  Most of the difficulty in this fight for me came from getting 3 Poisoned units on the first turn.  I had one run where she did something besides use Poison and I won without too much difficulty because things like Move-MP UP work both ways.  The speed-cast Fires were really the only other difficulty hurdle for me, and that's something that's going to be fixed so eh.

I'd go for removing Move-MP UP on those mages though if only because of how early it is - and the fact they have it and higher tier Black Magics you won't be able to get for a while due to the JP cost.  Stupid Fire 2 With Tier 1 Spell Casting Times probably caused the majority of my resetting alongside the nigh-unavoidable Turn 1 Poison Volley on 3 units.

Quote from: "The Damned"I've never been so annoyed to see Yell. I don't remember the other team using it nearly as much (at all, really) as it has ASM'd so far. (Beginning to fucking hate Yell, to be quite frank.)

That's because the other team doesn't have Yell if you're not playing ASM'd!

Even then, it's not been so bad for me.  Them using Yell and me not caring all that much has really been the main thing that's had me thinking that Initial: Haste would be okay to leave in.  It just doesn't seem worth it for me to use Yell on characters so far unless it's someone I need to get into the fray or something quickly.

Quote from: "The Damned"I hate having to win like that, but I'm sure as hell not going to do it again. I'm REALLY not looking forward to Algus now...or Dorter II...or Zirekile. Basically anything with really high verticals in addition to the movement restrictions.

Heh... Zirekile Falls is definitely going to be redesigned based on what I've experienced so far, though I think he's going to be doing another party split up there for some reason.  I'm actually not as worried about the other two yet, myself, though I won't be able to finish up Chapter 1 until Thursday night.

The Damned

Quote from: "RavenOfRazgriz"I think the upper team needs a bigger PBF in regards to Dorter.  Most of the difficulty in this fight for me came from getting 3 Poisoned units on the first turn.  I had one run where she did something besides use Poison and I won without too much difficulty because things like Move-MP UP work both ways.  The speed-cast Fires were really the only other difficulty hurdle for me, and that's something that's going to be fixed so eh.

Yeah. Only problem with that is that I didn't bring any Mages to fight outside of Ramza (who kept dying) and Delita (who stayed dead the one he died) because I figured that I probably won't be able to one-shot the mages or anywhere near them with the Archer up-top doing 30 to people and Aiming for 40.

One shouldn't necessarily have to be bring makes to win, especially so early on. I could understand if this Chapter 4 (hell, I'd be THRILLED if this was Chapter 4 considering how useless a lot of magic generally becomes) or Deep Dungeon, so....

I think I only won because I decided to Condemn her instead of Throw Stone off the roof with my Monk.
Speaking of Condemn, has anyone gotten Counter Condemn to go off (whether through a Monk or a Goblin)? I know the RNG hates me but dear Ramuh.

Quote from: "The Damned"That's because the other team doesn't have Yell if you're not playing ASM'd!

Oh, right. It's Ramza-only in 1.3.

And don't get wrong me. I don't find it annoying because it's overpowered (yet); I find it annoying since it's pretty much ALWAYS the computers first action AND it never fails.

Seeing like literally dozens of times in the same fight gets rather tiresome, especially when you always get hit by 67% (read: 99%) Speed Ruins like I do.

Quick EDIT: I guess I might as well edit this in here since there's no point double-posting.

I suppose that my biggest actual qualm with everyone having access to Instant Haste that  can even target the self is that it kind of goes against one of the main points of the patch in that it screws with the Speed that ASM'd tries so hard to control  between the (eventually) lowered speed and Time Mage being one of the last classes you'll get (unless you really try for it).  In addition to that, it kind of screws up attempts to stagger since Haste wears off so quickly early on. Kind of annoying to have your mage Wait and then be forced to Wait again since you don't want to get smacked in the fact that person that suddenly can mid-charge you.

In addition to that, it seems like it might even obviate Time Mage's Haste, at least on low-Faith units. Sure, it only targets one unit, but it's guaranteed to work unlike Haste and it has the same CT (if not less) than Haste will have. Also, as RavenofRazgriz mentioned (and as everyone should know), it's not like you need to Haste everyone on your team most of the time anyway.

Sorry, it's just really bugging me. At least with the movement, I know it's something that I'll have to adjust to (even if it looks like it ultimately may not work out) and something I can control. With Yell, I can't do anything to stop people from Yelling at themselves (which I have always thought looks kind of stupid, but that's a whole 'nother issue that I've already addressed in my patch).
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Quote from: "RavenOfRazgriz"The main problem I've had with low movement ranges so far is that it's very hard to get my own units spread out to avoid AoE, and many times I find some units can't even move in some directions because the combination of 2 move and a REALLY small PBF make it impossible for them to even start spread out or spread out in a favorable way once started.  

Thieves Fort in particular is fun with this, as that little two-panel moat is now, in fact, a moat, and you need 4 jump to scale either wall.  :).  I'll fix their multiplier back down to 110.

QuoteI don't remember the other team using it nearly as much (at all, really) as it has ASM'd so far.

Well with their default starting positions they can't just rush up and start attacking things, and the AI loves to haste when there's nothing else to do.  

As for the ability itself, it's actually quite balanced.  One consumes a turn to perform the action (80 CT), and then at 6 speed gains... 78 CT during haste's duration.  Mind, its a one in the bush, two in the barrel type scenario but yell's cheap and you can slap that on all of your party as well to perk up in the early stages of battle.  Making it not target self would be a good twist though, I admit.

Regarding Dorter 1, I probably need to shave off the black mage's skillset (only ele1's, no 2's) and then give one of the archer chicks equip melee set with a forced sword or something.  Should tweak it right where I'd like it to be.  

QuoteP.S. I noticed that you made Equip Spear into Equip Polearms. Would there be anyway that you make that particular ASM available...?


Go to town :)

Otherwise, the exact information is:

Spear to Spear + Stick:
0x4CB1F 94
0x4CB2B A4
0x4CB25 80

Enables the secondary (next) table and then you add in 80 for sticks.


@ everything else posted:  Keep it up!  Great to hear battle feedback and various bugs.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Quote from: "philsov"Confusion lasts 30 ticks

How did you manage to hack that?  I couldn't seem to do that in mine.  Just changing the CT from 0 to 30 in FFTPatcher doesn't work because there are only so many spots in BATTLE.BIN to keep track of CTs for status effects.
See here: http://www.ffhacktics.com/wiki/Formula_Hacking (5D through 6C)
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


its one of those things I just input into patcher thinking itd work.

If it is in fact more hardcoded to infinite duration, I can scale back muddle slightly.  But if I go much farther it's in the "worthless" pit.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Quote from: "The Damned"Yeah. Only problem with that is that I didn't bring any Mages to fight outside of Ramza (who kept dying) and Delita (who stayed dead the one he died) because I figured that I probably won't be able to one-shot the mages or anywhere near them with the Archer up-top doing 30 to people and Aiming for 40.

One shouldn't necessarily have to be bring makes to win, especially so early on. I could understand if this Chapter 4 (hell, I'd be THRILLED if this was Chapter 4 considering how useless a lot of magic generally becomes) or Deep Dungeon, so....

I think I only won because I decided to Condemn her instead of Throw Stone off the roof with my Monk.

Heh.  I still only had the basic six Jobs when I did this fight, so I bombarded her with Fire and an arrow round to kill her on the first turn and moved everyone to the front of the building to have a trench war with the other team.  That damn Poison Volley still was a bitch, though.

I think you described your own main problem though - you had all your mages on the ground and your melee on the building, which seems very counterproductive.
Quote from: "The Damned"Speaking of Condemn, has anyone gotten Counter Condemn to go off (whether through a Monk or a Goblin)? I know the RNG hates me but dear Ramuh.

I just unlocked Monk finishing up my off-screen Blue Magic farming before Miluda II, so next time I play I'll remember to play around with it once I get the JP for it.  Meanwhile, entire party with Damage Split and Auto Potion gogogo.

Aside: I actually like the new Job Tree a lot now that I messed with it and remembered how easy it is to get Job Level 3 with classes that actually have skills.  Knowing what I was doing, I have all of the first two tiers open at Level 7, so someone fumbling around can probably get the Jobs open easily enough as long as they use the select button and figure out the relation between Job Tier 1 and Job Tier 2.  I also like how a lot of Jobs have between 1 and 2 action commands for 0 JP, and think you should toss some to the classes you left out of the love (Mediator, Oracle, Monk from what I've seen so far).  I mean, I know those classes don't have expensive skills, but Geomancer got a free skill and they're all cheap skills as well so it seems unfair to leave those classes out.  Giving most to all classes at least one free skill is an excellent idea since it helps every class be usable out-of-the-box.

Quote from: "The Damned"Seeing like literally dozens of times in the same fight gets rather tiresome, especially when you always get hit by 67% (read: 99%) Speed Ruins like I do.

"Destroy all time!  Speed Ruin!"

Quote from: "philsov"Thieves Fort in particular is fun with this, as that little two-panel moat is now, in fact, a moat, and you need 4 jump to scale either wall.  :).  I'll fix their multiplier back down to 110.

I'm guessing this means the guys with 120 multiplier are going down to 115 to keep things in scale? =p

Quote from: "philsov"Making it not target self would be a good twist though, I admit.

I'd say do this.  The description even explicitly says you yell at an ally to hurry up, IIRC, not at yourself.  It'd still keep the buffed Squire skillset as a nice supporting secondary without making it self-spammy and annoying to be against (since it is annoying to see Yell every turn even if it's not a problem balance-wise).  It'd also (mostly) remove one of the easiest remaining ways of cheesing Wiegraf III in the solo with Ramza.  Birds, stones, KFC, etc.

Quote from: "philsov"Regarding Dorter 1, I probably need to shave off the black mage's skillset (only ele1's, no 2's) and then give one of the archer chicks equip melee set with a forced sword or something.  Should tweak it right where I'd like it to be.

Getting rid of either Ele2s or Move-MP UP should be enough once Fire is fixed.  It's doable when you don't eat the T1 Poison Volley, sure, but it's an odd and far-too-early difficulty spike if your intended audience is who I think it is.

Quote from: "philsov"its one of those things I just input into patcher thinking itd work.

If it is in fact more hardcoded to infinite duration, I can scale back muddle slightly. But if I go much farther it's in the "worthless" pit.

Maybe it's just me, but Muddle doesn't bother me much when I play.

Then again, I usually don't mind getting hit with a Charm most of the time either, so eh.