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Desperation - A new beginning

Started by st4rw4k3r, October 30, 2012, 02:39:32 am


October 30, 2012, 02:39:32 am Last Edit: November 27, 2012, 10:21:32 pm by st4rw4k3r
        Tearing and pulling apart, the sky ripped open as though it was made of cloth. He tumbled out of this newly crafted rift in the sky, meeting a bush on the ground, leaves exploding out from under his body, littering the grass and flowers that lay resting peacefully. The shock from the impact shot throughout his body, leaving it limp and dazed. And as quickly as it came, the rift sewed itself up, and vanished.
        Having seen the impact, but not the destruction and recreation of the sky, a lady approached the boy that now laid a daze in the bush; leaves resting on his head.
        "Child? Might you require some assistance?" Inquired the lady. Her words met no response. She brought her hand to the boy's face, brushing the leaves aside. Suddenly, he jumped upright and faced the lady. His eyes quickly changed to ones of uncertainty as he stood there looking. His eyes widened with his mouth as words began to form from his mouth.
        "Where is she!" He exclaimed.
        She was taken aback a little by the boy's question, and answered carefully. "Where is who, child? I have not seen anyone out here but us two."
        Silence fell again as the boy tried to remember who it was he was looking for. He searched for quite a while before finally pulling a mental image out of his mind of a girl.
        "She has medium length hair" he said, gesturing to his shoulders. "One eye is blueish-grey, the other is black. She's young, hyper, and..." he trails off while his mind looks for more detail to grab for. "Oh! She refers to me as mama."
        "I have not seen any girls around here lately, nor do I believe I have seen anyone with those colours of eyes, or differently coloured eyes at that. But, child, take no offense from my words. How is your head feeling?"
        "I don't know" He replied. His eyes shut and his mouth opened. "I feel like I am missing part of me..." his mouth trailed off and his body limp; he passed out.
        "Oh my!" exclaimed the woman. She bent over the boy, placing her hand on his forehead, feeling for his temperature. "Warm... Not a fever then," she deducted. "Well I best get him inside the church."


From a never ending darkness, a scene dyed in sepia started to be visualized... A wolf and a scythe turned into entities with hands and feet ... in mere moments , they reveal their true form as ladies of red and white. one had fiery wings like that of the legendary creature, phoenix and one has 9 white tails like those of the long extinct kyubis.

in their middle... is Taichii which seems to be on a convulsion of some sort... for a while... the soul of his ancestor was pushed out of his body....
"What's this? I am free? hahaha!"
"Elise!" Shouted the kyubi like princess ... "We must not let him escape!"
The phoenix like entity smiled... "let's do it like back then."

The ancestor laughed maniacally... The phoenix's wings started to glow... and after some incantations, she opened her arms and released an inferno blast which continued to rise its temperature... The kyubi's tails and eyes glows pure white... and for a second, time stopped... she pointed her finger at the ancestor and from the tip of her finger, a silvery ice beam was released .. moments later, she opened her hand which turned the ice beam into a very strong hail of ice, wind and water.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh~!" The ancestor screams as his motions are bounded one by one...
As the two entities release their mystical powers on the ancestor... it merges and starts to seal the ancestor slowly...
"Fate, it's working!" Said the phoenix princess...
"Only a little more Elise!" Fate acknowledged...
The ancestor's screams of pain started to become a small chuckle then an evil laughter...
The two entities were dumbfounded... "Why is he laughing?" Elise , now starting to become confused.
"No Elise! don't hesitate!" Screamed fate...
"That same old puny trick can never seal me again..."  The ancestor stated and cracks started to form on his arms.... he broke his limbs one by one and regrew them back...
"No!" both the girls screamed....

The ancestor opened his hand and pointed it at them and taichii .. dark matter starts to form as it sucks all the negativity inside the passage ... "protect taichii!" Both the girls covered taichii as the ancestor was about to fire... and then... a moment of silence... Fate looked up and saw that the ancestor has stopped moving.... "Elise look!" Elise stood up and flew towards the ancestor... and found that there is a very pretty girl that encrypted markings on the back of his neck.
"Was it you who stopped him?" Elise asked...
"I need not say any word.. i only came here to pass and dont want danger..."
The girl opened an invisibility barrier which hid a body of a human and two moogles... "See you on the other side...." She said..  and then pulled the barrier and went in a separate way...
"Fate, im losing energy.... " Elise said as she started to pant...
"Yes Elise.. let's ret..." Fate had not finished her words as she reverted back into a blade... so did Elise which turned into the scythe moments after....

The vision started to blur.. and slowly... fades into black...
Taichii started to feel a gentle breeze of wind on his face....
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"Could we have gone anywhere but here? The Dark Wood of all places?" Koa pleaded to Mayumi, clinging behind her at all times. The forest now surrounding them had little light coming down on the floor, but the shadowy outlines of the trees surrounding them showed nothing but barren branches. Instead of a canopy of leaves blocking out the sunlight Mayumi and Koa had to flee, an awful miasma blanketed the top of the forest, invading their throat and lungs. Unfamiliar chattering and hollering were constantly and suddenly erupting around them, causing Koa to cling to Mayumi ever closer.

"This is only place we could have escaped to." Mayumi answered calmly, focused entirely on listening to the surrounding darkness. She towered over Koa's small frightened stature. "Do you have anything can do something about this darkness?"

"Oh! I have flares, but..."


"I only brought ten...Oh I knew I should have brought more." she bemoaned. "I mean we were going by the Dark Woods, but I couldn't carry anymore than that. Of all the things I thought we needed..." Holding her head in frustration, she was beside herself.

"That's ten more than I thought you have brought. You did well, don't worry. How long do they last?"

"About 45 minutes or so."

"That's over 7 hours of light. That's excellent. We should save them for when we approach the heart of the forest." Or in danger, Mayumi did not add, trying to ease Koa's nerves. "But why don't we light one up now? We're safe from the guard now."

Koa nodded in agreement, taking off her oversized backpack to search her backpack, then producing a stick attached to what looks like a very long cattail head. "Light it please?"

With a quick touch of her finger, a spark leapt from her and lit the flare. It hissed to life, releasing a blinding light. "That wasn't supposed to be that bright!" Koa exclaimed while turning her gaze. After recovering from the flash from the torch, they took a good look at their environment.

The ground they stood on was covered in mold, lichen and mushrooms. What little ground that appeared though the fungal blanket had a slimy texture to it. The surrounding trees may as well have stayed unlit because they were jet black. Occasional clouds of shadow would ominously drift by. Little else could be ascertained beyond their immediate area. The flare did surprisingly little to beat back the surrounding abyss they are now fully aware of. They looked up to behold a dark sky above them. It stood only mere stories away from them, coming claustrophobically close to crushing and consuming them.

All the light has done for them is confirm the horror surrounding them. Koa was now rattling, and even Mayumi wore a grim expression. "Oh, what have we gotten into?" Koa whispered to Mayumi, gripping her tightly.

Mayumi pulled Koa to her side. "I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you, Koa. We are going to make it out, even if it means killing every living thing in these woods." As comforting as Mayumi was trying to be, she was still rather rough with her, gripping her uncomfortably tight, then almost slamming her into her side. Nevertheless, Koa was used to this treatment and appreciated her sentiments, awkward they may be. Mayumi redoubled her vigilant scanning of the woods. The light aided her little, forcing her to devote her attention to listening to everything around her as they ventured deeper into the woods.


It had been just been half an hour and the flare had already burnt out. However instead of permitting another flare to be lit, Mayumi decided that the flares should be saved for the heart of the woods. As dark as it was, at least some daylight made it though the haze above them. But as Koa began to complain and beg, Mayumi felt danger starting to surround them and immediately shushed her.

Mayumi stood perfectly still. Despite training her ears for the slightest sound, nothing was giving itself away. Her instincts, honed to precision to detect the enemy since she was a little girl, rarely went off without reason. She knew that there was something out there. She could not see farther than a few yards around her; perhaps it was time for some extra light. Cautiously, she bent down to Koa's ear. "Get a flare out." she whispered. Nodding in affirmation, Koa pulled the flare she was about to have lit earlier and held it out for Mayumi to light. Hands trained to reach for her kunai and prepared this time for a powerful flash of light, she quickly flicked her hand over the flare and lit it with a tiny, yet concise spark leaping from her finger. Once again, the flare exploded with light, immediately extending the visible area around them and revealing what had been following the two.

Gangly humanoids squealed and hissed in response to their sudden exposure of light. As they fled into the darkness, Mayumi identified them as the dark elves that live in these wood. Before they had a chance to flee into the unpenetrable darkness, Mayumi draw a handful of kunai and flung them at high speeds at the withdrawing dark elves in one almost instant action. The kunai found their marks, downing two of the elves.

The rest had scattered back into the element of darkness, now chattering angrily and preparing a counterattack. Mayumi prepared herself for a difficult battle. Now freely giving away their positions, Mayumi could at least now pinpoint where they're hiding in the darkness and fish for hits with her kunai. But just as she was preparing to draw more kunai to throw...


November 13, 2012, 01:19:04 pm #4 Last Edit: November 14, 2012, 07:21:10 am by Taichii
An eerie sound echoes as the sky turns dark....  The crows scatter away from the trees as a soft wave of quake shook the dark forest grounds... As the eerie screech-like sound gets louder, a hole started to rip apart the dark sky.. Its edge glows brightly but inside the rift, lies a never ending darkness... The radiant edge glows and shines its radiance upon the black forest holes.... The evil creatures that dwell within scour away and hides from the light...  The rift widens for a moment and spits out four entities.... For a moment... the four entities hovered in the air.. and as the dimensional rift closes.... the eerie sound stopped.. The dark sky returns back to normal as the portal closes... A shadow of a girl entity was enveloped by the sunlight and slowly fades as it was absorbed by the tall entity.... It grabs the two other lesser of its kind as they start to fall... As they descend from the sky, the entity sparked and ignited in blue flame... They shoot into the forest trees, setting fire to every tree they pass... moments later... the tall entity lands five feet away from two human beings... The blue flame started to fade. the fire burned the trees and its huge branches that made the forest shrouded in darkness .. As the leaves started to burn and turn to ashes it gave an opening for the light to pass upon the dark forest... The light slowly passes through the entities... Which revealed the figure of a male human body and two small, white moogles in his arms...
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In a tree, much higher than most would dare to climb, sat Ryan, softly snoring while sound asleep despite being in such an ominous place as the Dark Wood. Green Runes floated around him in the air, illuminating the otherwise dark area where few rays of daylight shone, the magic forming them however was almost gone as Ryan had been asleep for a very long while, some dimmed, some disappeared, and others began to crack and the magic spell surrounding him weakened. Ryan finally awoke to find the final rune of his protective spell dissolve before him, "Well, *Yawn* it was about time I woke up anyway." Ryan looked down, expecting to see nothing but a solid black shadow, however his eyes met something else. A flash of light erupted not too far away, catching Ryan by complete surprise, he jerked his head back around, only to be met with a tree branch into his face. And Ryan began to fall.
Ryan, in no mood to see the ground in a hurry quickly took out his staff, another green rune appeared under him slowing his descent, stopping him just soon enough for him to be sitting a very short distance from the ground. But the spell did not last very long, and Ryan soon found himself on the ground with a very sore back.
"I wonder what that was..." Ryan wondered aloud, he got up and turned, his full attention now on the people he saw in the distance with the light. Curiosity got the better of him, and he crept closer to the relative safety of a large tree trunk, and watched as the scene unfolded before his eyes...
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


Still dazed from the violence of sound and light just now, Mayumi wasn't entirely sure of what she is seeing. A strangely dressed man now stood in front of her with two...white creatures in each arm, standing in the epicenter of the impact. Despite his concealing face mask and otherwise otherworldly appearence, he didn't seem threatening or aggressive. Training and logic told her to leave immediately, but her curiousity had pinned her on the spot so tightly, she couldn't even utter a word to break the silence. Even Koa couldn't pull herself away from this sight. Mayumi was stuck in anticipation, hand gripping metal tightly, body coiled like a spring, gaze literally unblinking, all she could hope for was that she was ready for what was going to happen next.


"Crap...... Crap crap crap CRAP!"

Balthazar ran for his life from a group of stampeding chocobos, from whom he'd stolen many down feathers. They were after him because, as he was leaving, he broke an egg, and incited their wrath.

"Leave.... Me.... Alone.... You..... Stupid..... Birds....."

Beginning to tire, Balthazar did the only thing he could to get away; He lept, and using his magic to keep him aloft, bounded several hundred yards, well ahead of the angry chocobos. He kept leaping as such, until he was sure he'd left the stampede far behind. Leaning against a large stone to catch his breath and gain his bearings, he realized he'd gone further than intended. Instead of ending up in the plain where he'd camped, he was at the edge of a dark-looking forest.

Curiousity soon got the better of Balthazar, and he wandered in. Not long after he'd entered the forest, in the distance he noticed a very bright flash and explosion of sound. Balthazar lept several feet into the air at this, and making sure it wasn't anything after himself, slowly moved torwards the source of the light and noise.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


"Wake up..." Rai heard a woman's voice, as he felt a soft, warm hand caress his face... "Wake up, Rai..."
He slowly opens his eyes and sees a blurred figure of a girl.... As his vision starts to set, the blurry figure fades... Everything started to get dark... "W...Who? What?" Rai felt two soft things on his chest.... he looks below... "Carl... Ardin.. Are you alright?" Rai says as he raised his body and sits up... He placed the two moogles on his lap... "I am kupo alright... but i dont know kupo, about brother Carl... " Ardin said as he checks on Carl... Carl moans a little and then goes back to being unconscious...
"We need to find help quick..." Rai said as he places carl down gently on the leaves on the ground and uses his chroma sword as a cane as he tried to stand up...
"But kupo... You are hurt too... " Ardin said as he pointed out a huge gash on Rai's left leg...
"This is noth...uggh" Rai had not finished his sentence as his left leg fails to remain standing and falls on the ground shoulder first...
Carl turned around as he did not want to see Rai's face when in pain... And as he turned around... he got surprised at what he saw...
"R..Rai kupo~!" "Humans!" Ardin exclaimed as he ran back towards Carl and Rai..
Rai rolls around and heads the direction of the humans.... He saw a figure of two girls... "H..help---" as he was about to finish his sentence... he saw something jump behind the girls.... "Behind you!" Rai shouted...
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Taichii's head felt heavy... he slowly opens his eyes and started to focus on his breathing... "yes that's it... inhale... exhale... inhale.. exhale...Wait.. where am i?" Taichii exclaims as his eyes widened.. he supported his head and then proceeded to sit up.
He tilts his eyes from left to right... White and pale blue colored walls... Old fashioned furnitures, Wooden chairs, A table and a vase filled with white tulips... A simple white door , paintings on the walls and curtains hanging beside him... He looked at the white cloth that lingered on his skin.... "A white robe huh..." An image of a girl with white vestments flashed in his head which sent him staring forward for seconds...

"I need to go..." said Taichii as he felt a part of his chest ache... like he misses somebody... He stood up still holding his head and opened the cabinets.... After opening 3 of the cabinets, on the rightmost one he found his clothes, his blade and scythe...
Taichii got into his clothes and along the way to the door he stopped and looked at the white tulips.... Taichii picked one out and found it odd...
"Hmm? Tulips doesn't have a smell..." He though as he closes his eyes and his nose embraces the lovely scent of the unusual white tulip on his fingers...
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        She had successfully brought the boy into her room. Laying him on her bed, she then took his weapons and some clothing off him that would make laying down uncomfortable, placing the items in her cabinets, all but his bag. Interested in what type of person this boy was, she went through his bag. Almost instantly her eyes were drawn to a book in his bag, she had always enjoyed books. She pulled the book out of the bag and gazed at the cover of the book. Symbols were written across the book, symbols that she didn't understand. She opened the book and flipped through the pages. It had more of these unrecognizable symbols and pictures to add to the writing, but before she could continue pursuing the book, someone knocked on the door. She jumped up and ran to the door, opening it partly to see who it was.
        "Oh!" cried the figure, whom was quickly identified as her friend, Ellen. "I knew you would be in here. Where have you been sister? The High Priest Father has been looking for you!" her words halted when she noticed the boy on the bed. "What do we have here?"
        "A boy" she opened the door wider and walked through it, closing it behind her. "A sleeping boy."
        "You know very well as I sister Ma-"
        "Thats quite enough. I will hear none of that name, begone."
        "I.. I am sorry dear sister. I forget what that names bears for you."
        "I too am sorry. I know you meant no harm dear sister Ellen. I overreacted." She looked down at the boy after finishing her words. "You must excuse me, this boy is in need of attention. I will to heal him up, despite the wishes of Edgar."
        "You still show no respect for the Father. Calling him by his first name all the time will get you nowhere good."
        "You have no need to lecture me. I know what my actions bring, but those will not stop me. I care not what that evil man thinks, I shall lend none of my respect to him."
        "Indeed" echoed Ellen. "Once you draw the line between just and injust, you fight the injust to no end. This I have learn from being around you for so long."
        "No one deserves to be harmed or harm. I will fight for justice over injustice anyday."
        "Then you would enjoy hearing this my sister. Your little incident last night, was useless. The act will continue."
        The woman's face became completely barren of emotion upon hearing the news. "I feared this would happen." She glanced over to the boy. "I'm going to focus on him now, you should go."
        "Rebelling by healing him won't calm your raging emotions sister. When are you going to finally snap?"
        The woman turned to face Ellen. "Let us hope it will not be soon. I'll see you later Ellen, at dinner."
        "You have my blessing sister. Good luck."
        "Thank you, Ellen"
        Ellen turned around, and went down the spiral stairs of the tower. The woman stood there waiting until she knew Ellen was gone. The door to the tower closed, echoed, signaling that Ellen had left. The woman turned to the door and placed her hand on it, but did not push the door open. She listened carefully to the sounds within the room, in case the boy had awaken, sure enough, the boy had. There was movement within the room, and talking.
        "Hmm? Tulips doesn't have a smell..."
        Hearing this the woman reacted quickly. She opened the door and announced her presence to him.
        "And where do you think you are going young man? You have yet to receive my blessings."
        The flowers bent over in the young man's presence, they lost their colour and died.


Wasting no time on acting on the boy's warning, Mayumi pivoted instantly, throwing kunai with one arm as she deftly swung Koa behind her to safety with her other arm. The kunai exploded out of her hand, screeching and screaming through the air at what ever was unfortunate enough to be behind her at superhuman speeds.


Balthazar had evaded the knife ONLY because he had already ducked after the explosion. Dropping even lower to the ground, he layed there, unmoving as he listened for movement.

After a moment, he stood, VERY slowly, to check and see what had thrown the knife at him. He was surprised to see two girls, though in the dark he couldn't tell their ages.

Using a trick he'd learned in the slums of a city halfway built underground, he allowed his hand to catch fire. The flames did not burn him, but merely provided a usable amount of light.

"My goodness..... What might you young girls be doing in this dreary place? And, sorry if I scared you or anything, but you wouldn't happen to know what caused that.... Well, commotion not too long ago?"
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Ryan was confused to say the least. Not only had 4 strangers appeared into the scene, but 2 of them appeared to be some sort of small white animal which he couldn't quite see very well, another, despite the fact that he was nearly killed seconds before had approached the two girls and was asking them something. Unsure of his next move Ryan decided to back up a bit, he doubted he would have the agility to dodge one of those knives should one be thrown his way. However as Ryan tried get up and walk away, he tripped over a small weed and fell to the ground with a loud CRASH. He got up and stood there, very still, hoping the nearby strangers had not heard him.
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


A man, a human man, had let out a cry and fell to the ground. It seems she had hit him. A tracker, perhaps? No, they couldn't have gotten one good enough to follow her into the forest on such short notice. As she was thinking, a light had appeared about where she threw her kunai at.

"My goodness..... What might you young girls be doing in this dreary place? And, sorry if I scared you or anything, but you wouldn't happen to know what caused that.... Well, commotion not too long ago?"

As he stepped closer, the light from Koa's flare and the other light had overlapped and allowed Mayumi to see him. Despite his hand being on fire, he didn't seem to be in any distress or pain. While not seemingly a dangerous type, it was still rather bizarre to encounter a stranger out here in these godforsaken woods.

"You don't seem like a threat..." Mayumi said cautiously, looking him over to affirm her judgment. "We were just about to ask this boy about that commotion." She stepped to the side, revealing Rai standing there with those two puffy white creatures.


Rai's covered Ardin and Carl immediately as he saw the eyes of one of the girls, change expression. In split seconds, the girl turned around which sent her hair flipping around and released a projectile from her hands... The area became silent. Rai's breathing slows down as his gaze followed the kunai that was released... It was almost felt like a trance... As the kunai slowed down on his vision... after moments, he could hear his breathing... and the silent tone that was left from the flying kunai started to burst with a scream , those like wails of a banshee.... The Kunai, piercing the leaves that fell through its path and releases waves of aura in the air as it generates more velocity...
His gaze shifted from the kunai towards the entity that fell from the sky... Rai stabbed the ground with his chroma sword and tries to stand up... The entity created fire from the palm of his hands, revealing his form.. a human male...
The male walked towards the two girls and started a conversation... Rai on the otherhand, talks to Ardin... "Take care of Carl, something is not right..."
"I will, Kupo!" Ardin acknowledges...
Rai took a step forward, enduring the pain on his leg..... "Who might you all be?" Rai said as he tilts his head from left to right... gazing at the three humans in front of him... Rai gets something out of his pocket and revealed a few pieces of gold...
"If you came for money, please... We dont have much.. but please do help my friend, i will do whatever it takes.... please help him..." Rai said pointing at the white moogle who lays resting on the dark forest floors....

Suddenly, they heard a loud crash from the trees behind the two moogles...
"Ardin! Carl!" Rai shouted as he struggled to move back towards their direction.... Ardin took Carl's knife and guards him...
Eerie screeches started to be heard along the trees beside the three humans....
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Taichii's eyes glinted as the white tulip turns black and lost its life.... "It really is sad... That they dont live long enough for me to admire their beauty up close..." Taichii said as he moved back towards the bed and sat in a blink of an eye... He wanted to intimidate the lady... he didn't know why but he had the urge of instinct to do so.

"I am Taichii Soul-Cross.. I dont know how i got here... and I think I forgot some things... Mind if i ask where this place is?"
Taichii said irritated.. he doesn't know why he is irritated... but as he started to pant... he heard a voice...

"Give in to your instincts... You can't stop yourself... You know you have to.. You have to feed..."  Said a voice in an evil manner...
"Who are you?!" Taichii screamed out of nowhere... As the mind games stopped he found himself staring at the woman who is at the edge of the door of the room. He thought that he might have scared her...
"Oh no.. no.. i'm sorry.. im not myself.. please don't be afraid..." Taichii said as he stood up.. suddenly his hands starts to shake.. his throat
starts to feel dry... His body moved on its own... and in another split second he is in front of the lady.. Taichii caressed the lady's face...
"What a beautiful skin you have..." Taichii said unconsciously as he runs his fingers from the girls face towards the girls neck... Taichii felt her pulse... and that made him more crazy... He smiled in an evil manner and revealed his fangs as he laughs...
An image flashed back at Taichii's head... Taichii stood in his tracks and fell down to the floor... As the headache again rattles him in pain...
After a moment, the pain subsides and Taichii returns to normal... He looked at the girl and apologized.... "I'm sorry.. i really am not myself... i really dont know what is happening.. what i know is.. i think.. i need to find.. a little girl... do you know of anything about a little girl?"
Taichii doesnt know how to explain it as he knows that there are a lot of little girls in the whole world...
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        Frozen with a mix of thoughts, she took a moment to fully digest what went on there. His lightning movements and his way of touch was so surprising, and his words most flattering, yet they were frightening. As he pulled away from her with the same speed as he came to her, the trance that he so heavily, so easily laid upon her left. The book fell from her hands as she stammered for words. This boy that sat in front of her, his name was Taichii, Tachii Soul-Cross.
       "My.. What an introduction there." she said jokingly.
       As to remove her mind from the thoughts, she bent down to pick up the book that laid in it's scandalous nature, opened wide for all eyes to see. It could not be helped that in picking up the book that she bore victim to it's exposed interior. A man, she had seen in the book, was bent over a young lady's neck. The picture would have been slightly sweet, seeming to tell of two lovers, if it weren't for the red drops that laid on the man's cheek, and the woman's neck. It took no scholar to tell what this picture foretold. The book was pulled up the her chest, and her hands wrapped around the book, holding tightly to it. She began to speak to the boy, in hopes of some light innuendo to spare her from this madness.
       "You spoke of not remembering? I'm not surprised since you fell from such a height. I didn't have time to heal you either, you are still, or at least should be in pain. Although..." she paused for a moment. "I do not know if my healings work on, your kind."


Upon hearing the girl's words, then the crash, Bal's own knives seemed to appear out of thin air into his hands. In reality, it was simply hard to see him pull both out of the dual-sheath he had inside his longcoat, but he WAS fast.

The heatless flame had not gone out, and covered the sword-breaker in his left hand, making the weapon appear to be ablaze.

For a second, if his face had been visible, the others might have been shocked to see a ferocity not often seen in humans. Then Balthazar saw what had made the sound, sighed deeply and sheathed his knives in a fluid motion, and spoke out.

"Might want to be careful, you gave us all quite the scare. Now then, come over here so we can see you properly."
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


"Might want to be careful, you gave us all quite the scare. Now then, come over here so we can see you properly."

Ryan was at a loss for words, and actions. There stood a group of people, it appeared as though each and every one of them could kill him in half a second if provoked. Should he run, he could trip again. 
"Guess I should do what they say..."

Ryan approached the group. He was glad one of them had addressed him rather than throwing a knife at him. He immediately noticed that the one who had talked was on fire, strangely enough, he didn't seem to be in pain, and that one of the little white things, was wielding a knife.
"Uhm, Hi... A-Are you ok?" Ryan forced out of himself, he wanted to talk, but didn't want to say anything that would get him killed, as this seemed the normal reaction for this group.
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.