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June 01, 2024, 10:26:50 pm


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Spriting / Portrait and Formation Screen ...
Last post by Khatmar - May 21, 2024, 01:40:30 pm
Hello, this is one of my first posts. Basically, I tried replacing Cloud with the custom Advent Children sprite that is available on hackticks and I even followed Celdias guide on spriting (this one here) but whatever I do, the changes I made just do not appear in game. I can get the battle sprite to change, but not the portrait and neither the formation screen sprite. They are always vanilla.

I even checked the ISO with other viewers (and other Shishi versions) and the portrait and formation screen sprite both appear to what I changed them to (but not in game).

Is it... save incompatible? Do I have to start a new game for the new sprite to show up? That doesnt make logical sense (but stranger things have happened). Could someone please help me out? Any assistance would be much appreciated.
Help! / Re: I accidently overwritten D...
Last post by Blade12 - May 20, 2024, 04:15:50 pm
Yeah I fixed it now, took like 5 minutes. Thanks.
Help! / Re: I accidently overwritten D...
Last post by Nyzer - May 20, 2024, 03:32:35 pm
You can just get the sprite from an unmodded version of vanilla FFT.

If you overwrote your only copy of it, consider this a valuable lesson learned at no real cost - get yourself another copy and make sure you always keep backups going forward.
Help! / I accidently overwritten Delit...
Last post by Blade12 - May 20, 2024, 02:43:55 pm
Hey just got into hacking or modding FFT, while changing sprites on Ramza to Ramza merc sprite, I accidently overwritten Delita's ch 2/3 sprite in the shishi editor thingy with the Ramza merc sprite. I tried downloading the original DILY02 from the resources section in the sprites section where it shows the story mode character sprites on the main site here at hacktics but it does nothing and cannot revert to original.

Does any have a backup sprite and bmp I can use to revert him to his original story/battle sprite as I don't wanna have two Ramza merc sprite on the battlefield during those story missions were he joins as guest and is a playable character for one battle.

Delita's ch 1 and ch 4 sprite are still in their original state, so no worries there just his ch 2/3 i mucked up due newbie error.
FFTA/FFTA2 Hacking / Change Initial Black Mage on F...
Last post by YPeled - May 19, 2024, 10:04:08 am
Hello! I'm using the Nightmare module to change the default party in FFTA2. I want to make a Viera only run + Luso, but I have a problem: in the tutorial i'm obligated to use Fire with the Black Mage, and Black Mage isn't a Viera Jobs. I tried using the Red Mage with Fire learned, but nothing has worked.

I already change all the party member except that **** Nu Mou, so if someone can help me with this, i could be happy again jajaja.

Thank You, and sorry if you didn't understand something, English is'nt my first Language.
FFTA/FFTA2 Hacking / Re: [FFTA2] Removing Quest Req...
Last post by Shrikesnest - May 19, 2024, 12:44:22 am
I'm intensely curious about this, too. This is something I really want to put in the Shrike patch but couldn't figure out. Ideally it'd be cool to be able to remove quest requirements on all jobs except Heritor.
FFTA/FFTA2 Hacking / [FFTA2] Removing Quest Require...
Last post by gaygoyle - May 18, 2024, 10:55:23 pm

I'm interested in either finding (or making myself) a mod for FFTA2 that opens the unlocks right from the start without utilizing Action Replay, just because I want to re-experience the game in 2024 without having to spend tens of hours to get all the features. I have downloaded the Nightmare modules, but some jobs (like Parivir) have 0x00 in their "Quest requirement" hex despite Parivir very much having a quest requirement. I feel somewhat out of my depth.

Any ideas or simple solutions?

War of the Lions Hacking / Re: I tested Multiplayer with ...
Last post by beeZZy0310 - May 18, 2024, 03:28:27 pm
Has anyone confirmed multiplayer works on the new iOS PPSSPP version?
Completed Mods / Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed [...
Last post by Nyzer - May 18, 2024, 03:26:30 pm
Quote from: Aelyat on May 16, 2024, 06:14:12 amHey!
Is there a possibility for a The Lion War of the Lions Remix, per chance?
Would love to see TLWL mod version with those QoL changes done here.

Quote from: Nyzer on April 06, 2024, 12:30:16 pmIt's my preferred script as well, but I chose not to use it at first because TLWotL has a few more ASM hacks, and others that were moved, and last I checked, that caused them to have compatibility issues with some of the Quality of Life hacks.

It wasn't until I was done the bulk of the work on ReMixed that I finally got my foot in the door with ASM hacking - before then, I'd tried on several occasions to follow along with what the hacks were doing to attempt to sort of understand them, but couldn't - just because of different kinds of formatting and documentation, I think. Not knowing how to convert hex code to ASM, or named registers to standard ones, or how some offsets were relative to their sector while others were specific to RAM, meant that most of the hacks I tried to read or compare the code for were total gibberish to me, and without anything to anchor myself to while I tried to figure out the format, it went nowhere. But after being told about how some hacks' offsets do use RAM offsets that need no conversion, and after looking into a hack that was in the same format used by the wiki, things finally started to click.

Things snowballed from there, and now I'm quite comfortable making and editing ASM hacks. But making it with the WotL script would have required more work at the end, and I didn't want it to have to wait until the new year to release. I've also always wanted to have a toggle that the player can choose at the start, that picks between the two different scripts for events and changes units' name IDs and custom nicknames. Stuff like ability and location names would still be locked to only one option, but a separate Tactext patch if someone really wanted the original PSX stuff wouldn't be too much to have around.

So it's on the list, but because of the work that would be involved in it, and the work that was already involved in ReMixed, and a lot of other work that ended up wasted, I haven't had enough motivation to get started on it yet. I expect I will eventually, but I can't bring myself to start a task that'll take a few weeks to do when I've mostly just been knocking off a smaller one-night task once every week or two and haven't even been able to feel inspired enough to do slightly bigger things that would take about a day and a half or something.
War of the Lions Hacking / appearance randomizer mod requ...
Last post by Himbo - May 18, 2024, 02:38:59 am
Hi! Sorry, I'm new to posting on this forum though I've loved playing so many of the mods here. I hope I'm posting in the right place/format.

Would it be possible to have an appearance randomizer or customizer, meaning that generic units would have randomized hair/eye color and skin tones? The all-blonde party is fine, but I think it would be even cooler to have characters that looked visually unique that carried over through job changes. So for example, a generic unit that could have brown skin, gray eyes, and red hair consistently whether they're a knight, white mage, etc. But a different generic character could have tan skin, blue hair, and brown eyes etc. That way, you could have multiple units of the same class that still look visually distinct. I feel like that would be really fun in terms of immersion and personal attachment to units.

Would there be a practical way to randomize unit appearance that way if we decided on a pool of colors for the randomizer to draw from? and if not, would it be possible to have an in-game hex code customization option for hair eyes and skin?

If both of those would be too difficult, I suppose just spicing up the standard job sprites and portraits with new static combinations of hair/eye/skin colors would still be nice. As long as it's within reason and suits the in-game palette; I wouldn't want something too unrealistic like neon purple skin or oversaturated hair that would clash w the rest of the game. but human skintones and fun hair colors like a plum, muted pink, a chartreuse or turquoise would be cool, as long as it matches the slightly sepia tone ~parchment~ art style.
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