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Latest revision as of 04:24, 27 May 2023

This is a list of the mod serials used for each FFT mod that use a different serial than vanilla.

Please make sure the serial number is also not used by any official game listed here: https://psxdatacenter.com/ntsc-u_list.html

Mod Name Serial Memory Card ID
(Vanilla) SCUS_942.21 BASCUS-94221FFT
The Lion War TLW2_942.21 BATLW2-94221FFT
Journey of the Five JOTF_942.21 BAJOTF-94221FFT
Cerabow's Mod CERA_942.21 BACERA-94221FFT
Pride's Mod GOUG_942.21 BAGOUG-94221FFT
Call of Power Remake COPR_942.21 BACOPR-94221FFT
Reach The Future RTFJ_942.21 BARTFJ-94221FFT

PSX EXE Serial

Savestate name and associations are generated based on this serial number.


Must match CD Index PSX EXE Filename.

ISO Hex Address File Offset Default Value
0x0000D376 0x0000000E SCUS_942.21

CD Index PSX EXE Filename

Savestate name and associations are generated based on this serial number.

File: NONE-Reserved space. See: https://ffhacktics.com/wiki/CD_Index

Must match PSX EXE Serial.

ISO Hex Address Default Value
0x0000CC9D SCUS_942.21

Memory Card ID Locations

These allow to have save files that interact exclusively with the given mod's ISO.

One set is used for detecting the right save IDs, and the other for saving the right IDs to the memory card.

You can simply execute a Replace All 94221 to another value in your ISO with your favorite Hex Editor to save yourself some trouble.


ISO Hex Address File Offset Default Value
0x00635718 0x00000000 BASCUS-94221FFTO
0x0063572C 0x00000014 BASCUS-94221FFTN
0x00635740 0x00000028 BASCUS-94221FFTM
0x00635754 0x0000003C BASCUS-94221FFTL
0x00635768 0x00000050 BASCUS-94221FFTK
0x0063577C 0x00000064 BASCUS-94221FFTJ
0x00635790 0x00000078 BASCUS-94221FFTI
0x006357A4 0x0000008C BASCUS-94221FFTH
0x006357B8 0x000000A0 BASCUS-94221FFTG
0x006357CC 0x000000B4 BASCUS-94221FFTF
0x006357E0 0x000000C8 BASCUS-94221FFTE
0x006357F4 0x000000DC BASCUS-94221FFTD
0x00635808 0x000000F0 BASCUS-94221FFTC
0x0063581C 0x00000104 BASCUS-94221FFTB
0x00635830 0x00000118 BASCUS-94221FFTA


ISO Hex Address File Offset Default Value
0x0BD004C4 0x000000BC BASCUS-94221FFTO
0x0BD004D8 0x000000D0 BASCUS-94221FFTN
0x0BD004EC 0x000000E4 BASCUS-94221FFTM
0x0BD00500 0x000000F8 BASCUS-94221FFTL
0x0BD00514 0x0000010C BASCUS-94221FFTK
0x0BD00528 0x00000120 BASCUS-94221FFTJ
0x0BD0053C 0x00000134 BASCUS-94221FFTI
0x0BD00550 0x00000148 BASCUS-94221FFTH
0x0BD00564 0x0000015C BASCUS-94221FFTG
0x0BD00578 0x00000170 BASCUS-94221FFTF
0x0BD0058C 0x00000184 BASCUS-94221FFTE
0x0BD005A0 0x00000198 BASCUS-94221FFTD
0x0BD005B4 0x000001AC BASCUS-94221FFTC
0x0BD005C8 0x000001C0 BASCUS-94221FFTB
0x0BD005DC 0x000001D4 BASCUS-94221FFTA