JOBSTTS.OUT 001e4ed0 - 001e4f78

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Revision as of 07:40, 21 May 2024 by Sardek (talk | contribs)
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001e4ed0:   beq r4,r0,0x001e4f74 #skip routine if r4 is 0
001e4ed4:   addu r2,r0,r0        #clear r2
001e4ed8:   lui r2,0x801f
001e4edc:   lbu r2,0x0044(r2)    #r2 = byte at 0x801f0044
001e4ee0:   nop
001e4ee4:   beq r2,r0,0x001e4f00 #jump forward if r2 is empty
001e4ee8:   addu r7,r0,r0        #clear r7
001e4eec:   ori r2,r0,0x0007     #r2 = 7
001e4ef0:   lui r1,0x801f
001e4ef4:   sw r2,0x0048(r1)     #store 7 in 0x801f0048
001e4ef8:   lui r1,0x801f
001e4efc:   sb r0,0x0044(r1)     #clear 0x801f0044
001e4f00:   addiu r4,r4,-0x0001  #r4--
001e4f04:   addiu r2,r0,-0x0001  #r2 = -1
001e4f08:   beq r4,r2,0x001e4f74 #end routine if r4 is -1
001e4f0c:   addu r2,r7,r0        #r7 is return value
001e4f10:   ori r10,r0,0x0001    #r10 is 1
001e4f14:   ori r9,r0,0x0007     #r9 is 7
001e4f18:   addiu r8,r0,-0x0001  #r8 is -1
001e4f1c:   lui r6,0x8020
001e4f20:   lw r6,-0x58ec(r6)    #r6 = word at 0x801fa714
001e4f24:   lui r3,0x801f
001e4f28:   lw r3,0x0048(r3)     #r3 = word at 0x801f0048 (could be 7?)
001e4f2c:   lbu r2,0x0000(r6)    #r2 = value pointed at from 0x801fa714 pointer
001e4f30:   addiu r5,r3,-0x0001  #r5 = r3 - 1
001e4f34:   lui r1,0x801f
001e4f38:   sw r5,0x0048(r1)     #store r5 at 0x801f0048
001e4f3c:   srav r2,r2,r3        #rightshift r2 by r3 bytes (could be 7?)
001e4f40:   andi r2,r2,0x0001    #r2 = far right byte
001e4f44:   beq r2,r0,0x001e4f50 #skip if r2 is odd
001e4f48:   sllv r2,r10,r4       #r2 = r10 leftshifted r4
001e4f4c:   or r7,r7,r2          #r7 = r7 U r2
001e4f50:   bgez r5,0x001e4f6c   #skip down if r5 is positive
001e4f54:   addiu r4,r4,-0x0001  #r4--
001e4f58:   addiu r2,r6,0x0001   #r2 is r6 + 1
001e4f5c:   lui r1,0x801f
001e4f60:   sw r9,0x0048(r1)     #store r9 in 0x801f0048
001e4f64:   lui r1,0x8020
001e4f68:   sw r2,-0x58ec(r1)    #store r2 in 0x801fa714
001e4f6c:   bne r4,r8,0x001e4f1c #loop if r4 and r8 aren't equal
001e4f70:   addu r2,r7,r0        #return value is r7
001e4f74:   jr r31               
001e4f78:   nop