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FFT Arena Single Class Challenge AI Tournament

Started by Barren, December 20, 2012, 10:33:32 pm

The Damned

(Tiebreakers over already? Geez. Thanks, Barren.)

Ugh. I'm such an idiot for getting the tiebreaker maps mixed up. I don't know why I thought that Dokurider and the others from my Block were fighting at Volcano. I really need to focus better....

As I said on Youtube, finally, the idea of a threesome that I can get behind, especially since it made this go way quicker than I thought it would. Not much to say otherwise except that Toshiko mainly lost because she didn't get as luck with Talk Skill this time, at least when it came to Death Sentences and especially against Eternal. That was also the not insignificant factor of Charm actually screwing people over for Dokurider this time around, though I'm still a bit surprised that Death Sentence was overall, if only barely, a bigger factor than Charm was in his wins.

So it would seem that I was ultimately wrong about Eternal winning that Block, partly because of misreading the maps.

I wasn't wrong here though. The only thing that was really surprising was how often Lava Ball killed. I mean, seriously, I think this match had the first instance of Lava Ball ever instant killing in ARENA or, at best, only the second ever instance. ...And then it happened twice more within the span of about three minutes.

The hell is up with all the instant death in this tournament? Honestly, I'm kinda surprised Odin hasn't instant-killed someone yet.

Anyway, Avalanche might have been able to win in the third round if Raise 2 hadn't missed, but now we'll never know. Oh well.

I look forward to Block A vs. Block B more than Block C vs. Block D, but that's because, again, spellguns.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Wizards had a good run.  If one wizard had Projectile Guard and all others had less than 70 faith, Shell, or White Robes, I bet CT5Holy would have won.

Nice work, CT5Holy.  You didn't do so bad, after all.


January 22, 2013, 08:40:39 am #162 Last Edit: January 22, 2013, 08:51:31 am by Barren
With the semi finals upon us now it's time to analyze the top four teams in the SCC AI Tournament right now and how they managed to get to this point.

His summoner team without question is pretty strong with some minor issues because of the fact that this mage team can cover a lot of ground with their AoE attacks such as Lich, Cyclops and Odin. Of course Flare being their strongest attack, this team seemingly can't go wrong on offense. However they do have low HP and because of them being a high faith team any opponent that can get any OHKO in can put them under pressure.

But we have seen that Vigilanti's sandbag power had been effective with his fairy and raise 2. Not to mention that his undead summoner had been the key unit per say for his team because of the fact that she's the fastest on the team and that her death and frog spells are potential methods for convincing tide turners that can lead to victory. It's weakness I would think be that if it went up against a physical heavy team with mid to high move then they are in trouble because they cannot withstand powerful attacks up close. the further away these summoners are the better off they are.

Vigilanti's chances to win are good but not great overall because his opponent Dokurider has several tricks up his sleeve with his thieves two of them being undead and talk skill and punch art both inflicting death sentence can dismantle these summoners one by one. But we will have to see. Good luck Vigilanti.

His team of thieves are indeed cunning for the most part. The combination of speed, power and status allowed him to gain several advantages over his opponents. The thief team also has been in predicaments where they seemed to be on the verge of losing but his team has certainly proven that all it takes is one move to turn the whole match around like charm for instance and swing the momentum back in his favor. And with the record he has right now I expect his team to have little trouble advancing further.

However, the one flaw in his team would be the RNG. Let's face it, it likes to be fickle at times. Any false move on his part could cost him victory. Talk skill is another roll-the-dice type tactic where he's banking on them to hit. If they don't then at the right moment, he's very likely to lose. But otherwise I like his chances to win from here on out. Good luck Dokurider.

Here's a veteran that knows how make the best out of the classes he picks, or tries to anyways, but certainly did a effective job making chemist killers. The combination of magic guns + 108 gems + magic attack up + pilgrimage = over 250 magic projectile damage instantly. Simple as that. His team also has the speed advantage and has several means of healing including using magic guns themselves as healing. Aero has done a great job picking off opponent after opponent with guns. Simple philosophy: "Just stay back and take pot shots all day."

A couple of issues with this team however is first off, this team is vulnerable to projectile guard which we have seen in his encounter with Dol. Second there are setups that can withstand gun shots no matter how powerful they are (and we've only really seen that with again; his match with Dol). And last but not least, while they do have masamune and quickening to accelerate the speed advantage, he doesn't have reraise or any means of reraise which means once his chemists drop, it'll eventually become very hard to stay alive with their death clock going faster than normal.

My feelings on Aero's chances is at least above average because considering his opponent in the second semi final round while similar in some ways, is a lot more versatile than any other team in this tournament. Good luck AeroGP.

This archer team here while looks kind of silly on paper actually turned out to be a lot better than I'm sure some people thought; except for Malroth because he knew that this would be the setup that would work well for him. His archers are enough means of attacking and healing. Some of its strengths would be the use of haste 2 and cover fire because you can haste the entire squad and have cover fire do highest amount of damage it can (assuming that the RNG is being nice to him).

His ways of resurrection is also note worthy because his team runs best compat between the guys and girls because raise 2 and demi heals are very accurate which allows him to survive most onslaughts. Again some issues would be going up against a team with projectile guard and sometimes cover fire doing lower damage than it should. Or even blocking an element such as fire or ice. Plus also going up against teams that have pilgrimage can also be troublesome for his archers unless he can KO them quickly.

But otherwise considering his record, his team shouldn't have too many issues going further into the tournament. One last thing to note is his item bot archer can also can fight off undead units that blocks arrows or fire so he's not coming to any fight unarmed. Good luck Malroth.

It's anybody's guess but if I had to pick a winner in this tournament the favorite to me is Malroth. I might be right, I might be wrong but I do hope everyone enjoys the rest of the tournament. Thank you all for watching and again best of luck to the final 4 participants!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Quote from: Gaignun on January 22, 2013, 06:09:18 am
Wizards had a good run.  If one wizard had Projectile Guard and all others had less than 70 faith, Shell, or White Robes, I bet CT5Holy would have won.

More than half my damage was done by non evadable physical attacks neither white robe nor projectile guard would have affected the outcome much (although defensive up or auto protect might have)


Heh, I suppose, Gaignun. M-EV didn't actually do much to hinder me if memory serves.
That said, looking at my team again, why do I have a Santa Outfit instead of a White Robe? I don't have any Wind or Ice absorb shenanigans, although it is anti-Glacier Gun. Then again, that just means the rest of my team gets shot by Glacier Gunners, which is definitely worse.

I think the main issue was that Archers + Haste are way faster than my Wizards. That, and I could never pick off the crucial White Magic Archer.
Winner of the 1st FFT 1.3 AI Tourney


FUCK!!! there goes my chances to win! just when I was starting to get lucky. But seriously man, you played hard Doku and you won. I'm just thankful to making it this far. GG Dokurider.


You did very well, Vigilante. I was honestly worried that I'd lose because of your high damage AoE, and powerful single target spells, especially Flare and Frog. However, I just have to knock those Spellgunners down a peg.

I figured that Aero would win simply this was going to be a battle of who's better with the gun and Aero was quicker with the trigger and he simply had more gun. Aero was always able to get the first shots off and never let up. Meanwhile, Malroth had trouble damaging Aero altogether because of Santa Outfit and Flash Hats. Add in Quickening and Masamune and Malroth never really had a chance.


January 23, 2013, 06:24:15 pm #168 Last Edit: January 23, 2013, 06:30:45 pm by Malroth
Semifinal match 2

4 hits in a row with no 65% autopotion, 4 minimum damage cover fires in a row, 95% chance raise 2 missing  and multiple crits from the female chemists.
RNG hax ftw

Not to say aero diddn't have an incredible team just that the RNG skewing out a .05% worst case scenario  when i'm fighting one of the strongest teams out there really was a kick in the nuts.


Vigilanti was on the verge of winning round 2, but then those undead Thieves just had to get back up right before a 24% Death hit. Talk about timing. I'm also surprised that those Thieves actually did something useful instead of just hiding in a corner when they were in critical. 

RNG was against Malroth this entire match. Cover Fire could have made a difference, but too many times did it do minimum damage. 
  • Modding version: PSX


Oof, Vigilante was one Shiva away from sending it to round 3. I just checked though, and unfortunately Shiva was on the same Summoner with Flare. Doku's high evasion Thieves bought him enough time for the undead ones to come back, and Summoners' low HP allowed the undead Thief in critical to repeatedly OHKO the Summoner.
Winner of the 1st FFT 1.3 AI Tourney


AeroGP wins the finals.  Dokurider has no way of mitigating the spellgun damage.  He has one unit with Projectile Guard but it's an undead unit so he'll get eaten alive by the Chemist's potions.
My dreams can come true!


AeroGP wins the finals, everything else would be a huge suprise for me. His team has proven that he can beat even the greatest teams (like mine xD)- Which makes me a litle disappointed, since after all my Team could stil be the second beast Team of this Tournament.


I think Dokurider has a chance if the female Thief lands in some timely Talk Skill. Those undead Thieves are going to spend much of the match dead and it's pretty much up to the other 2 Thieves to hold out until they revive. Let's see what the RNG has in store for these 2... 
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Dokurider on January 24, 2013, 01:30:12 pm
Nobody believes in me whyyyyyy?

Dont take it personal. Its just a matter of missing Spellguns. : )


The end is here!!!

FFT Arena SCC AI Tournament Finals

I hope everyone enjoyed this tournament! Thank you very much for watching  :mrgreen:
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Just couldn't get lucky enough, man. Oh well, good game Aero.

Hey, so does anyone want to challenge some teams they didn't get to fight in this tourney? Just give a shout out and I can arrange something. I know I have some teams in mind...



AeroGP dominated the first two rounds with pure damage from spellguns. The next 2 rounds were different as the Chemists got separated and couldn't recover. The fourth round was just bad as they were reduced to sandbag in the corner while the Thieves lined up for the kills. The last round was on ARENA(quite fitting if you ask me) and I thought Dokurider had the initial advantage with the Chemists being separated from the start. However, the Chemists regrouped in just 1 turn and they took care of business from there.

Thanks for hosting the tournament, Barren!
  • Modding version: PSX