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June 16, 2024, 04:36:14 am


Started by Taichii, January 17, 2012, 02:02:12 am


i'll post after ryqoshay :)
Please do share your ideas and suggestion for my project:

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Or I'll post tomorrow, today was kind of a rough day...


I'll explain more tomorrow.. Who want's to kill Firkon and take his awesome guantlet which makes his large, heavy axe feel as light as balsa wood? Slime you could try to destroy for fun, but good luck; fully destroying the liquid crystal entity is impossible mwhahaha.
  • Modding version: PSX


Well, me and st4r made another wall of text. I'll have it up sometime today.

Do Illusionists dream of Illusionary sheep?


*raise hand for adopting slime for the meantime* XD
Please do share your ideas and suggestion for my project:

Join our RP :)



Don't fret pendejos, I will post a summary in a minute.


March 18, 2012, 07:04:35 am #486 Last Edit: March 18, 2012, 07:17:52 am by Dokurider
tl;dr version

It's morning, everyone wakes up and has breakfast, whether leftovers from dinner or containing 100% of your daily recommended skull and bones poison. Plans to made to depart for Sand Rat Cellar by sundown to hide until the coppers cool off. Just before they start to head out, Mother gives Clayton a surprise early birthday gift of the monk ninja guy Clayton ganked in the inn baths and proceeds to revive him.

Clayton doesn't quite like his gift and he proceeds to try to gift him back to the afterlife, but he didn't have the receipt, so he just gets pinned down by Zero. Mother smothers and mothers the brutha, but Clayton's had it with Mother's constant friendship speeches. So Mother summons the power of a catholic preacher and puts him to sleep. Clayton is sent to his room/man lair/basement without internet and vidya game. Too bad it's too toxic in there for Zero to place him properly, so he is unceremoniously tossed on the stairs like a used Playboy magazine.

Mothers holds off on her Orwellian plot to brainwash the monk when she realizes Zero put zero effort into placing Clayton. Realizing that you can't send a knight to do a woman's job, she braves Clayton's lair to send him to bed properly. The smell of rotten Doritos, Mountain Dew, Red Bull, neck beard and sweaty nerd ass nearly kills her, but she braves though. While dragging him along, Clayton begins to dream, unfortunately he starts subconsciously projecting his dreams in illusion form, exposing his wet dreams for the world to see.

Directed by Quentin Tarantino and available in iMax 3d, Clayton dreams briefly about his past, albeit in a fragmented and incomprehensible fashion, and you can thank co-director David Lynch for contributing his artistic visions. Attempts are made at pulling your heartstrings, but it probably just makes you want to pull your life support or pull out the world's tiniest violin instead. Mother sets him down and waits 60 CT for Clayton to wake. Or she can just kick him and not bank on regen to keep her alive. End scene.


Nothing really happened. Mothers nag, ninjas eat nasty shit, niqqas get madd, and illusionists need to wear foil caps lest people see their wet dreams.

Also nice try st4r, trying to take credit for my kill, but I'm on the ball, mang.


don't forget SAW's torture scenes
Please do share your ideas and suggestion for my project:

Join our RP :)



March 19, 2012, 10:11:58 am #488 Last Edit: March 19, 2012, 03:25:45 pm by formerdeathcorps
All right.  Some comments on the combat scene.

1) Can we all agree that if a weapon transforms into something and is then destroyed in that form (the way Taichii's wolf was), he can't transform that weapon again until the next battle?  Just like how we wouldn't allow an indestructible character, we shouldn't allow THIS.

2) During battle, please don't break the fourth wall.  In other words, please don't:
A) Have enemy units refer to their own subordinates as 1) (I'm sure that's not the name their parents gave them)
B) Describe the usage of enemy skills solely by their FFT names (Stigma Magic or Chakra) rather than by their effects
C) Dead bodies turning into crystals (and then writing HP Restored! when you step on them)
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


March 19, 2012, 11:34:33 am #489 Last Edit: March 19, 2012, 12:22:28 pm by formerdeathcorps
Things I liked:

1) Steal Heart being a process.
2) ST4R's character bio post!
3) Doku's last dream sequence.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


agree with number 1 and sorry guys XD
Please do share your ideas and suggestion for my project:

Join our RP :)



Fine, I will give them actual names next time.


He... he lives!

Also, I shall indeed endeavor to avoid an all out breach of the fourth wall... but don't blame me if I toy with it a bit, lean on it, paint it, stare at it, hang a lampshade on it...
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Quote from: Ryqoshay on March 19, 2012, 08:10:07 pm
Also, I shall indeed endeavor to avoid an all out breach of the fourth wall... but don't blame me if I toy with it a bit, lean on it, paint it, stare at it, hang a lampshade on it...

Indeed, but you do it with humor and overall, it reflects on the discernment ability of your character.  Some other people were doing it way too bluntly and matter-of-factly.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


alright :D so my work orientation is 2 hours from now XD and its a full 8 hour orientation XD
i'll be back later tonight :D
i'll post after ryqoshay XD
Please do share your ideas and suggestion for my project:

Join our RP :)


The Damned

(DISCLAIMER: Despite the fact that I am about to inundate you all with questions, there is no guarantee that I'll actually join this, especially any time soon, for multiple on-going reasons.)

Having read through this entire thread last night and having reread the original post just now, there are still (quite a few) questions I am curious about when it comes to this. My apologies in advance given that some of this might be overly technical or things that really only "need" to be known when or if they arise; also my apologies given that I haven't read the actual on-going RP and some of this may have been already answered there, even if only implicitly.

I'm just going to use spoilers here so it doesn't clog up the thread:

1. So, despite realizing that the roles available are not restricted to the jobs that have (historically) shown up throughout Final Fantasy, if we are to give a detailed description of our character(s), it would be best to at least describe them in like terms of one or two given the openness so present? Or can we use/compare them to other classes from other games, even if others might not know what they are, so long as we adequately explain things and, more importantly, it fits into the world?

1.a. Of FF classes that have existed, we should generally stick to generic human ones, correct?
1.a.i. Would it also be correct to assume that we should stick to humans in general as our main characters? While I understand we can have "pet" characters or inanimate "puppets" and while I have no intention of playing a catgirl (ugh), I wish to clarify since it might be interesting playing like, say, a goblin or something. (Again, not that I intend to.)

1.a.ii. Even if "no" is the answer to the above, it would generally be okay to play as a human/Hume version of a one of the non-Hume classes exclusive to FFT:A with the exact same movesets and restrictions as those? For instance, would it be okay to play a human Bishop that could use Water, Aero and the like? (Although, I'd imagine that even if "yes" is the answer to this, Morpher would probably have to be excluded considering....)

1.b. Of generic classes that have existed, would it also be correct to assume that classes that were pretty damn broken--forgive my eloquence--in their home game, such as FFT's Calculator or FFV's Chemist (even though they need[ed] components) or FFT:A's Assassin (or its Juggler or its Morpher or...) are also off-limits? That or that they would need such heavy modification as to only be those classes in name only? (Like Dokurider's illusionist, but in reverse.)

1.c. Of generic classes, should we try to make sure that our character(s) are still basically capable of being classified by a combination of only two or maybe three (if, say, playing someone with Red Magick or something) classes? Or do we have more room so long as we aren't "godmodding" and completely obviating other characters (by design)?

1.d. Related to the above, should make sure that our "main" class or the main function of class is significantly different from characters already existing and still active? Say that I wanted to make an Oracle (or Oracle-esque character) who, instead of dabbling in Chemistry, dabbled in White Magick. Would this be allowable given that Mirthean Ascael's character is a Oracle with a healing secondary? If not allowable, would it become allowable as long as the secondary "class" wasn't a healing one?

2. Are we allowed to learn things or should we assume that everything our character is going to learn, they already know? If allowed to learn things, are there any periods of time that we are not allowed to say we learned something new, so as avoid potential(ly constant) deus ex machina situations, even if we made a list of moves that had learned and not yet learned?

2a. While this is more a class-related question, it fits more here: What of Blue Mages and Blue Magick? Given their inability to learn anything on their own, should we assume that they've learned all they're going to learn on creation? Do they even fit into the world of this RP given that the presence of even just one would drastically affect the RP, necessitating the more frequent appearance of monsters just so they could learn something?

3. Would it be correct to assume having a character with an Aeon-function like FFX's Yuna is verboten despite it being off-shoot/variation of the typical Summoner class? Or would it be acceptable so long as the Summoner could be attacked even if the Aeon is present? Or the Summoner only had one or two Aeons at most rather than amount equal to the size of a small army? Or if there was some (sizeable) drawback for the Summoner when or if the Aeon was defeated, such as also losing consciousness or being unable to summon again for a while ala formerdeathcorp's proposal above the wolf?

4. Equipment and gil-wise, despite not having anything statted, how do we "upgrade" or even just replace equipment? Are we even allowed to "upgrade" or, I suppose I should say since they're aren't any stats, to change equipment? Such as to start out with a longbow and then buy a crossbow and shield? Or is equipment strictly to be interacted with on a replacement basis only?

5. May I get clarification for the ban on "'mortal' units with infinite revival abilities"? Do you only mean units that can be killed but otherwise resurrect regardless of circumstance whenever death happens? Or do you also mean units that can revive others "infinitely"?

5.a. How are revival abilities like Raise supposed to be treated anyway? Being able only to restore consciousness and prevent/treat concussions? Or being able to actually restore significant, otherwise fatal wounds as long as the person is more or less intact? I mean, yes, I figure it probably wouldn't work for things where people are cleanly behead or bisected or left in pieces with some pieces missing. However, outside of rather obvious "this character is ash" situations, it seems quite hazy, especially when combined with the above; it's hazy to the point where if I joined I probably wouldn't play a unit with healing just to avoid the headache it may cause without clarification. (I guess this extends to Reraise status, if that even still exists.)

6. Similarly, may I get clarification that "the only time this rule can be relaxed is when someone plays as the antagonist, but only to the degree of advancing the plot and keeping the other players interested"? Are we talking about an overarching antagonist? Or just "someone decides to play devil's advocate (in character) because things have stalled plot-wise"? Or something else?

...Yeah. Most, if not all, of that could probably be answered with "use your judgment", but before I join anything--if I joined at all--with regards to this, for the most part this would be stuff that I'd like to know about.

Yeah. I suck the fun out of things without even being involved.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Characters up for grabs; since I'm leaving for a while soon and have a lot of work to do in the meantime:

Firkon, from fir cone () is a Geomancer primarily with basic Geomancy Lvl. 5. He was raised in a semi secret society of sorts where some esoteric geomancy is kept within their tradition. So he also has unknown  skills (to the outside world beyond his village), but nothing too fancy; he's young 15 and wasn't too high up in the society. Though he is advanced for his age in the field compared to the avg. person in the study of Geomancy.
He has developing fighting skills and has got a major boost from the gauntlet he found in the cave he ventured through.. it seems as if Slime guided him to that, which makes wielding an axe way to big for him no problem.
Slime's origins are pretty much unknown and its abilities can be improvised with. It seems to be magma elemental (if that's even an element heheh).
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Dokurider on March 06, 2012, 12:58:51 pm
Speaking of Monty Python, all Holy Grail jokes will be met with the pain of death.

Thank you. Glad someone stated that >. >


What Lijj!
But you did so much for your character!


boss lijj :D
please do post before you go :D
we'll be waiting for you have a safe trip :D
Please do share your ideas and suggestion for my project:

Join our RP :)