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☢ ☢ ☢ FFT Arena AI Tournament Season 2 ☢ ☢ ☢

Started by CT5Holy, July 05, 2013, 03:03:08 am


Your turn CT5Holy! I know the game audio sound on my new lap top is a bit off and quite loud but it does run the emulator much much better. Overall, not perfect but not bad either

FFT Arena AI Tournament Season 2 Match 8 - CT5Holy vs Garland

FFT Arena AI Tournament Season 2 Match 9 - LightningHax vs Eternal

FFT Arena AI Tournament Season 2 Match 10 - Wiz vs Malroth
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


No surprises here  Wiz has the strongest team in the tournament by a good margin combined with the luck of the gods. 
I figured I had about a 30-35% chance of winning any indivual match which put my overall chances of progressing past Wiz in the winners bracket around 15%.

My only regret is that i diddn't get a CT5 holy anylisis of my team


You put up a great fight in that first round though Malroth, it was fun to watch and I really thought you were going to win. Everything closer to the end just started missing for you and then those Mediators started using berserk... It was a good fight over all, I bet you'll stomp some people in the other bracket.
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


Wait. Where's Match 11? Angelus vs Dokurider?

CT5's vids are Matches 12-14?

I need to know who wins 11. It'll determine whether I go to the loser's bracket next round or not.

Your odds of pulling off Arm Aim & Weapon breaks were that of roughly coin flips (47-~53%).
In order to take R1, you pretty much would've had to land every Head & Weapon Break + Arm Aim, and the odds of that occurring were pretty low. Granted, I dodged 3+ Weapon Breaks in a row with Richter, but I'm certain that was only due to him having Black Costume to absorb the Blaze Gun shot as opposed to Rubber Rubber costume, which he should've had on. Had that been the case, he probably would've been attacked more likely than getting his weapon broken. Nevertheless, you put me on guard for a bit, but only until berserk screwed it all up.

And again, S2 may be the "strongest overall" (That's up for serious debate), but seeing as how Kagesougi Ninjas with Hidden Knives and Attack UP + Cursed Ring Whores are running rampant, I'm certain they're going to get knocked out by one of those glaring counters. Breaks and status inflictors are other options as well, but they're not as difficult to deal with imo (Berserk via Insult with Darkness & Poison thanks to Kiyomori = Incapacitation)

You got a couple of aesthetics mixed up that I noticed, so here they are...

- Charlotte Aulin
- Jonathan Morris

^, bold represents the change in name

- Richter Belmont (Thief with Steal Accessory & Echo Grass) has a Rubber Costume, not Black Costume.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown



Well as you said in your post that would have changed the outcome of the match so the fairest thing would be to just go with the unit as played and keep your win wrong costume and all since you're not relying on any paticular combination of absorbtions.  If the team is changed then We'd have to watch you kill me via poison damage all over agian and nobody wants that.

In order to win I'd have had to get 2x 200+damage Cover fire's that hit 2+ units or a a couple of Armour breaks or greased bolts on your thieves before your second berserk hit,  the odds of that are somewhat low  but slightly more plausable than relying on the headbreaks and arm aims my units seemed to choose instead.


Match 11 is coming tomorrow, I guess CT5Holy just wanted to get the matches done to get things moving along. I forgot that Match 11 was my responsibility. I'll rectify that mistake tomorrow so apologies in advance
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Quote from: Wiz on July 10, 2013, 10:31:49 pm

You got a couple of aesthetics mixed up that I noticed, so here they are...

- Charlotte Aulin
- Jonathan Morris

^, bold represents the change in name

- Richter Belmont (Thief with Steal Accessory & Echo Grass) has a Rubber Costume, not Black Costume.

Got it
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


The whole wardrobe malfunction is kinda weird.  It doesn't matter this match at all.  But there's a slim possibility it could have an effect on matches in the future.  Since everyone involved acknowledges that it doesn't have any bearing on this match can't we just correct the Thief's equip with with Rubber Costume now and move on? 
My dreams can come true!


But from now on the matches needed to be uploaded in order so things won't get out of hand
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Quote from: reinoe on July 10, 2013, 11:58:58 pm
The whole wardrobe malfunction is kinda weird.  It doesn't matter this match at all.  But there's a slim possibility it could have an effect on matches in the future.  Since everyone involved acknowledges that it doesn't have any bearing on this match can't we just correct the Thief's equip with with Rubber Costume now and move on?

It actually had a pretty great affect on the outcome especially on the first map,   2 units that would have been vunerable to a boosted blaze gun and Demi2 with the new equipment was instead invunerable to those attacks forcing weapon breaks and arm aim's instead.


As expected... Do I make a video out of this? I wish I could :(
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
I evolved... into a stick figure. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj-yTyoVpYIdcdIPw8SP5rw
Pokemon Fantasy Tactics - A treat for FFT fans! http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=10984.msg207542


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


That I did not inticipate mate. My Double Handed Air Knife Ninja went crazy. But I'm sure Wiz has my number in this one. I don't expect my luck to go on forever. But GG Doku, that was a fun fight

The Damned

(Not that I've watched the video yet, but you have my sympathies for having to narrate Dokurider's tournament matches given the nature of his team.)

Not that I've watched any video past the seventh one yet, being a bit too "bummed out" for various reasons over the past two days. Might as well do my match commentary for videos 4-7 first and then try to catch up by tonight.

These will be "concise" for once.

Quote from: Barren on July 09, 2013, 09:56:40 am
FFT Arena AI Tournament Season 2 Match 5 - The Damned vs Otabo

FFT Arena AI Tournament Season 2 Match 6 - the frisky dingo vs Jumza

FFT Arena AI Tournament Season 2 Match 7 - Shadowstrike vs DarkxFatal

I'll do woodenbandman's first since I didn't do that.

Despite Avalanche accidentally sabotaging his own efforts in various ways, including having Refute on the Dancer, he was basically guaranteed to win this just because current Hidden Knife is rather dumb.

With Hidden Knife, Screamin' Larry and friends just kinda got rushed down while having to actually deal with evasion on their own end. Additionally, while Avalanche's team doesn't exactly deal stellar damage, they also got more out of hitting and were guaranteed to hit, while only Gloryholetta--ugh--really had much has much in the way of damage on woodenbandman's team (if you don't have Faith). Maybe if she had Repeating Fist instead of Wiznaibus, then woodenbandman might have won just because she hits pretty damn hard and she wouldn't have wasted her relatively few turns alive activating Auto Potion.

It didn't exactly help woodenbandman's team really hit any status procs, though Avalanche didn't really hit that many either--it just helped that when he did them, it was usually Don't Act.

It's kinda boring the first loser's match is going to be a rematch already and one that woodenbandman's team is almost guaranteed to win.

Ugh. I'm such an idiot, as per usual. Why did I buy Bullrush? The Squire won't kill himself with it, obviously, but he's basically useless now since he won't use anything but that since Bullrush apparently isn't affected by Fury...which I didn't realize until that match. I'd noticed it seemed...off, but I hadn't realized in what aspect.

Sigh. We really need to make a list of what's actually affected by Fury and Faith probably. Regardless, I guess my team is now a good example how having just one extra move can screw up your entire plan, especially when that entire plan is already...dubious; I probably should have gone with that revision of the Ice team since I can't test anything still without bugging Dokurider....

(Also a good example of how Monks' current formulas are...irksome at higher PAs. I'll be so glad when those aren't quadratic anymore.)

Other than being really bummed out about that, my team actually didn't do too poorly, if only because Sleep lasts too damn long. (At least not when it isn't being dispelled by the eternal pain in my ass that is Stigma Magic--why does that cost less JP than Heal and only half as much as Esuna despite being instant again?)

I had forgotten, however, that the A.I. won't use Silence Song unless they can interrupt something, so the Geomancer never got Silenced like I thought she might be considering that Oracle kept going before her due to my stupid Thief Hat. Though even without that, Silence Song still would have been nigh-useless here, if only because I was first before Otabo, so those two would just been "Speed-tied" the entire time.

Speaking of Oracle missteps, I probably should have given him something other than Faith Rod, since that didn't really seem to matter in the grand scheme of things. Probably could have given him another Rod--like Poison Rod--or a Book. Also perhaps should have given him Undead instead of Blind Rage, even if Blind Rage was "helpful".

Shell 2 sure as hell wasn't, but that's only because I never realized just how much of an insane accuracy gap there is between Haste & Slow and Haste 2 & Slow 2. I think even with the Shell on, it was still hitting someone for 100%, which is...absurd, both that it's possible and that I never noticed. So Slow 2 could probably stand to lose some accuracy in 1.39 for all that we're already changing Time Mage around so.

Regardless, for all that kvetching, I can't fault Otabo for having an actually good team, especially since it makes good use of Don't Move. I seriously underestimated just how annoying his Paladin would be. Good game Otabo.

Really not much to say here except that there was less Kagesougi that I expected, especially in the first round due to Jumza's Archers acting...weird up by the altar.

Other than that, even with the frisky dingo getting fortunate enough to hit Death Sentences against the Archers, he could never take them down quickly enough to avoid getting eaten up by Kagesougi. Understandable since he kept getting really unlucky with Kagesougi's stupid Don't Act proc on top having to deal with the current stupidity of Ultimus Bow + Kagesougi + Concentrate in the first place without Projectile Guard to deal with that. This combined with focusing on Jumza's other units, who could also heal themselves for a lot, before the Archers due to their lower HP spelled their doom.

That said, looking at the frisky dingo's team, I somewhat expect my team to gets its ass kicked, if only because he has Stigma Magic and Counter Flood while all I have is bad luck--not the ability--and far more Sleep than him. Still, he doesn't have Maiden's Kiss, so I guess that helps me a lot, especially with my Squire acting stupid.

I hadn't even noticed Shadowstrike's team had three spellguns on it until the first fight of this match. Not really much to say here except stuff like this is exactly why I was wondering why weren't banning stuff like Spellguns or Quickening or Cursed Ring.

Oh well.

Looking at DarkxFatal's team, his team seems decent enough, though it's difficult to tell given what little we saw of it not being in futile healing mode. I'm not quite sure why the Priest is in front or why he's using a Male Wizard if only has Raise instead of Raise 2, but meh.

I probably won't start in on the new matches until like...two and a half hours from now. Maybe.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


lol I didn't think anyone was carrying DS, let alone I was going up against one. That's pretty much my Fulcrum's only weakness.


The mediator gave Berzerk to the worst possible candidate just because Doku's team is deliberately trying to spite my predictions.  Does it make me petty to think the A.I. modifies its behavior just to screw me over?  So my predicted tournament winner doesn't make it through the first match.  Well I suck at predictions, and this tournament confirms it.

I was initially worried about the matchup.  Listening to CT5HOLY describe his team was definitely intimidating because DomieV has some serious potential power on his team.  I regained my confidence once the archer one shotted the Priest.

Earth Clothes for Strengthening Kikuichimonji.  I strongly considered Black Costume on my Archer, but I surmised that "magical" damage is more likely to hurt me via Lightning, especially with Reks running around.  His team can potentially beat any team in Arena that's not running hard counters.  I definitely thought about it Black Costume on my Archer.  I changed some compats and equips around though.  I was fine with 50 Faith on the bard too because he has MA save.  Sure increasing the reaction by 5% isn't much but I did think about it.  The 50 faith on the Ninja is quite inexcusable though.

Well that went as expected.  But I am saddened that none of our new players made it out of the first round.

What a great match.  And for Truelght to win on Zeklaus Desert?  Quite masterful.  Well my predictions for this tournament are screwed.  Still, Reks can potentially tear through the loser's bracket.  Also matchups!  Reks was screwed.  Good thing this tourny is double elims.

Well this a great match.  Huge damage flying everywhere.  That's the most non-sleep non-oil damage I've ever seen.  Once again seniority wins.  Sigh.  I wanna see an upset damnit.  Actually Angelus over Dokurider is an upset to me, but I don't think that really counts.
My dreams can come true!


Now your blood travels through the veins of our history
It bursts forth in boiling black clouds from the wrists of kings


This matchup wasn't very favorable for me as Ahong's physical units quickly became capable of delivering OHKO's to my 400 hp Lancers, and as Ct5Holy pointed out, one of the main weaknesses of my team is the lack of strong resurrection. Oddly enough Ahong's team ended up having this same weakness which caught me completely by surprise, those missed Raise 2's are almost definitely responsible for my victory. Moving 2nd and getting the jump on the paladin and archer was also helpful. I believe in all three rounds my lancers managed to take them out rather quickly which helped me get some early momentum, though in the first 2 rounds Ahong was able to bounce back and make a match out of it.

Really ended up being a fairly entertaining slugfest. GG Ahong, and good luck.