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Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Let's get ready to rumble!

Started by Celdia, November 01, 2011, 06:21:40 am


Elia walks into the Mages Guild and begins to browse for items she wants.

1x Pearl of Speech (Sylvan Pearl) 300gp
1x Bracers of Armour 1000gp

Sub Total = 1300 gp
Discount = 750 gp
Total = 550 gp = 40pp 150gp

Elia takes out 40pp and 50 gp, and gives it to the vendor. She grabs her items, and puts the bracers on, then places the Pearl on her tongue.


   "But of course, milady Lirai." The kindly old man replies, pointing out his supply of special sized scrolls. "I do cater to fey of 'shorter stature' from time to time, but my selection is quite limited, I'm afraid. One needs small hands to scribe such fine characters, and there are a few others such as yourself around here I could persuade to assist me. So, if you are willing to wait a day per scroll, I can have them make just about any scroll you want."
   The fey of 'shorter stature' in question laughs and repeats the phrase before extending a hand. "Yvonne Scintillae Incendam, sorcerer extraordinaire." She introduces herself.
   The elderly man accepts her hand gently between his thumb and forefinger. "Cozwin Thropper, retired wizard and now 'vendor extraordinaire.'" He mimics her prideful tone, earning another laugh from her. "Pleased to make thy acquaintance."
   "Likewise." Yvonne replies, grinning broadly.
   "So, any particular spell you had in mind for the scroll?"
   "Uh-huh." the fire sprite says with a nod. "On'a my friends out there got 'urt pretty badly when we fough' tha' rogue fire elemental guy, an' it looks like normnal ol' healin' spells don' work good on 'im, ya know."
   "I see, so you're the Lirai from that group."
   "Yup yup! That I am!" A singsong reply.
   "Word has it the Lady Novell has granted each of you seven hundred and fifty gold in credit here."
   The flame fey's eyes widen. "Tha's a lotta scrolls..."
   Cozwin chuckles. "Indeed." He agrees. "Thirty, to be exact. But for that price, you may as well invest in a wand that has fifty charges, thus, effectively giving you twenty free uses."
   "Or, you may get one with only ten charges for one hundred and fifty gold, giving you four free charges. However, bear in mind, they both weigh the same."
   "I shall assume the friend you mentioned is the stone rhino who so bravely pinned the elemental."
   "Uh-huh, but how'd you know?"
   "Word travels fast around the guildhouse."
   "I see." She pauses before knocking the side of her head. "Oh yeah... magic..."
   "Yes, well, if normal heal spells do not work efficiently, perhaps the spell that the warforged use would be more appropriate."
   "Ya' got any repair wands?"
   "But of course."
   "Lirai sized?"
   "I am afraid not, all my wands are the same size."
   "Just think of them as quarterstaves."
   "Hrm..." Yvonne considers the idea for a moment. "Alright, fine, lemme see wha'cha got..."
   "With pleasure." Cozwin says, retrieving his stock of various wands so the Lirai may make her selection. "I shall inform the other vendors that you have received your reward."
   "Awww..." the pyre pixie pouts playfully. "Do ya gotta?"
   The two laugh at the joke.
   "On another note," the retired wizard starts, "rumor has it your first attack against the elemental was with fire."
   "I fight everithin' with fire." The sorcerer huffs. "Or at least I *did*..."
   "But, surely, you, a fire mage, should know those things are immune to fire."
   "Oh, they are?" She blinks. "Well, tha' explains a lot..."
   "You've never seen one before?" the old man seems surprised.
   "A'course I have *seen* one, I jus' never 'ad ta *fight* one before. I was usually friends wi' 'em, back home." She explains, her eyes turning upward and left as she recounts the events. "My best friend growin' up was a fire elemental by the name a' Monte-Blanc, though I got along wi' 'is older sister, Imo, as well. Their mother, Halifax, would invite me over to their place for meals and sleepovers all the time. Those were good times... Looking back, the whole Harbour family was amazing."
   "A family?"
   "Of fire elementals?"
   "Yeah, why?"
   "Nothing, I'm just... surprised is all." Cozwin seems incredulous but doesn't press the issue.
   A thought occurs to Yvonne and she thumps a closed fits into an open palm. "I shou' find the guy who summoned tha' beast an' see if I c'n 'ave 'im teach me how to summon Monty so 'e c'n meet my other friends. I think they'd like 'im. 'E's a lot friendlier than the one we just banished."
   The elderly vendor looks like he is about to say something before thinking the better of it.
   "Welp, thank ye' fer the stuff!" the fire Lirai says cheerfully after a moment of silence.
   "Of course, thank you for your business, milady Incendam."
   The flame fey clutches her purchase tight, reveling in the in minute auras they give off. She turns and sees a rocky rhino across the way. "Hey! Rhyhorn!" She calls, flying over. "Looky, looky!" she holds a small stick in front of his face.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Elia, with her new equip, looks around for her friends. She spots Yvonne and Rhyhorn talking, so she casually walks over to them. "Hello. I'm all done with my shopping. How about you two?"


"That is certainly a useful belt!" Nathalie says, "So, in exchange for..." Nathalie was interrupted soon after she began her sentence by the rambunctious fairy and a new face, female, running toward them.

"You're quite popular with the ladies, Rhyhorn," She said, absolutely astounded.


Rhyhorn nods about his Belt's usefulness, before Yvonne flies right up to his face, waving the stick at him.  He stares at it quizzically, furrowing his non-existent rhino brow to try and figure out what she bought.  Not being a wand-user, he hadn't even given them a cursory glance-over, more pre-occupied with getting the loot Identified and finding out about setting up an appointment to get his armor enchanted in the 'morrow, since he knew that to be a long process.  He tilts his head, looking at the wand in Yvonne's hand curiously as Elia walks over, her greeting not breaking his wonderment at all as he waited for Yvonne to explain the usefulness of the stick to him with a child-like curious expression.


   "It's a wand!" Yvonne proclaims proudly. "A magic wand! It does magic things!" She spins it in one hand like an oversized baton.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Rhyhorn continues to tilt his head quizzically, now tilting it to the opposite side.  Even he wasn't oblivious to the fact it was a wand, but he had no clue why the pixie was so enthralled and happy to show him specifically.


Elia looks at the cheerful Fairy. "My you see happy Madam, what magic might that wand have enchanted on it?"


   As the wand is ill-suited to be twirled in such a fashion, she quickly loses control of it and the heavy end clips her in the jaw. "Outh!" she utters, before scrambling to keep the thing from tumbling to the floor. "Bith ma tongth..." she whines, hugging the wand close. Her movements, however, loosened the four other similar sticks she had jammed between her backpack and her back. "Mohhh..." she continues to complain, shifting to straighten them so she doesn't lose them as well. After a moment, she looks up at Elia. "Wha' wath the quethion?"
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Trying to stop from laughing at the poor Lirai, Elia restates her question. "Oh Madam, I was just wondering what types of magic wands you got."


Nathalie taps her foot quietly, and with rhythm, to the cheerful banter between the pixie and the new girl, which is her way to vehemently express frustration of being ignored. Drudging up all the lady-like behavior in her, she interrupted their conversation. "Well! I'd just hate to break up this magical reunion, but it is to my knowledge you all have rooms at an inn somewhere?" What she mistook for feigned politeness was mostly just a sharp tongue, however.


"It appears this conversation will have to be finished later, perhaps in our room?" Says Elia to Yvonne. She then turns to face the lady that interpreted her conversation. "Yes? We have inn rooms, but I do not believe that you have a room with us or a place to sleep if you are with us. Seeing as you came with Rhyhorn and Yvonne I assume you know one of the two." Elia crosses her arms. "If you are with us, I would assume that you go sleep with them, unless that is you want to buy your own room."


   Yvonne moves her sore jaw like a cow chewing cud and making several other strange faces in the process.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


"Rhyhorn. We're old friends; business partners, even," She replied, her lips pursed and narrowed and her responses curt, "Just as long as everyone's kept up to speed. And acknowledged."

Nathalie dropped one hand by her side, and another firmly on her hip, staring the other girl down, ""I'm Nathalie. And you are?"


Not getting a response from Rhyhorn, Hogarth wanders around, and notices a leather, heavy belt. "SHOPKEEP!" she bellows, causing the vendor and potion jars to rattle and tremble. "I demand to know what this belt does." Nervously, the vendor stutters out the magic properties of the Belt of One Mighty Blow. It's not the one she pointed at, but the vendor decides, from the look of her, it'd be the one she'd want anyways. "Give to Hogarth." she says through gritted teeth, narrowing her eyes and plunking down 75 platinum to cover the difference after store credit is applied. Grabbing the belt and fitting it on, she climbs in Rhyhorn's cart, flips a single gold coin at the chest, and falls asleep, exhausted from battle, muttering "I am one of all the things..."

Her snoring is loud and obnoxious.
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


November 21, 2011, 01:26:10 am #275 Last Edit: November 21, 2011, 01:26:32 am by RavenOfRazgriz
Rhyhorn, having had enough experience with women in his short lifetime, begins to slink away from this situation between Elia, Nathalie, and Yvonne, and goes find a mage with whom he can set up an appointment to get his armor enchanted tomorrow, as there's likely not enough daylight to get it done today.

(Yes, I actually want a Stealth Check to get away before this bitchfight begins.  Rhyhorn no want involve.)


Elia shows her teeth in a sort of smile. "You amuse me Kid." She puts her arms down, and holds her hands together. "Elia Cryonae, Travelling Priest of Odin." Elia lets go of her hands to bow. She reaches into her pouch and pulls out 4gp, and hands them to Nathalie. "Her take this to the Inn, tell lady at the counter that you are with Elia and Yvonne's group.  Get yourself a room." Elia asks a walking by mage for a paper and pencil. He looks at her puzzled, by hands her some. Elia thanks him and begins drawing a quick, detail-less map to the inn that they are staying at. She passes it the Nathalie. "Here you go."


Nathalie takes the gold from Elia, and pockets it slowly. "Well, Patsy, the feeling is mutual," Nathalie brushed off her arm, and kicked the toe of her boot on the ground before continuing to respond, "And, I think I might just save the loose change, take this clearly-drawn-with-the-skill-of-the-most-talented-artists-of-the-nearest-orphange and bunk with an already paying occupant of the inn--Rhyhorn, how does that sound?"

Nathalie smiled wide, though her eyes were akin to hawks', transfixed toward Elia.


   "Hey! Rhyhorn! Where ya goin'?" Yvonne calls after the departing rhino.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Meanwhile, Rhyhorn steps on the feet of several people and nearly knocks over a poor mage by accident trying very, very poorly to sneak away from the entire situation, leaving a very obvious and easy to follow trail in his wake.  Eventually, he reaches a mage able to enchant his armor, more than eager to agree to do so after some chalkboard-exchange just to get the rhino to stop breaking everything.  It doesn't help, though, as Rhyhorn continues to "sneak" around the outer wall of the Mage's Guild to try and get to the front door in utter desperation.  He hears Yvonne's call and blows it off, flinching for a second, but continuing his poor attempt to sneak away.