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Wolfran's Sprites: Testing some stuffs

Started by Wolfran, March 27, 2010, 12:23:14 pm


I don't think Claws will work in the first place, in-game they will clash with normal weapons.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Ok so No claws for WK. Now I can work in my wolf sprite. Btw thanks for your comments.
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I am lookin forward to see this Wolf, port looks great.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I like that wolf portrait as well. makes me want to replace the panthers with wolves
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


which do you think is better?[attachment=0:1z0f1fro]wolves.PNG[/attachment:1z0f1fro]
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I think it is flat, on both of these, and nose looks weird. Anyway I like the left one more.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Yeah I know, It was a quick edit because I had to go to college. But tomorrow I'll fix it.
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Damn, thats not bad! Use the first one in the future. The shading is a bit weird, and I agree the nose looks strange, but this has great potential. No one really does too many monster sprites, which is sad, but like Zozma said, I would replace panthers too. Wolves were more commonplace in FF1 than panthers, I have no idea why they didn't make any to begin with. Good job Wolfran! ;)
There ain't no gettin' offa this train we on!


[attachment=0:ocoqeryd]Wolf 2.0.PNG[/attachment:ocoqeryd]It's time for a real bad-ass wolf like the RO's one.
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The shading still looks poor, especially that back let.  Your current avy looks better than the one you have in that image.  Way better.


I disagree with Silvas, the one you are working on needs to be corrected, but it looks cooler. Silvas is right, the shading sucks and also right now you don't have a color for the nose, you can't use the background black otherwise it will fade into the background. I like the look of the whole growling getting ready to eat some meat snout and eyes and shape of the fur.
There ain't no gettin' offa this train we on!


I like this newer portrait more as well, it just need to be corrected and made into FFT style. Though I have no idea where to start. Sprite looks flat, but heaf looks way better, I suggest taking over Cuar's body, adding this head, and erase those things above his legs(I never knew what those was), do not change shading at all.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I think those are supposed to be spots, why they didn't use tiger stripes or just have nothing is the mystery of SquareEnix, none will know, mwhahaha!
There ain't no gettin' offa this train we on!


UPDATE !!!![attachment=0:31lzr2zo]'s head 2.1.PNG[/attachment:31lzr2zo]
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I feel like the mouth should be darker and that there should be more contrast between the light and dark shades, but it looks pretty good overall.


Exactly as mav says. His ear facing us most could use a little more definition too.
I like the more feral idea
  • Modding version: PSX


This is a great improvement Wolfran, keep it up.
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The head reminds me of the wolves in the Tactics Ogre game on the SNES. Use maybe 1 of the black pixel on the ear facing us, just to see it better. Haha, no more panthers soon!
There ain't no gettin' offa this train we on!


I'll be a Panther Slayer :( . But Mav is right it's look better.
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Nice improvements Wolfran, this is looking very promising. I'm seeing a hell hound in the works.
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