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Messages - DarthFutuza

Help! / Re: Battle Event Editing
April 21, 2020, 10:42:53 am
Quote from: Elric on March 10, 2020, 06:26:50 amYou cant use the tutorial events. Those slots are not useable as we previously thought... You can use TLW, is has a lot of free event slots.
Aww darn.  Well I guess that works, how did you guys manage to free additional event slots while also adding more?
Help! / Re: Battle Event Editing
March 10, 2020, 02:19:24 am
So after reading more posts on the forums and doing more searches it looks like there's no way to add new events given that the scenario list is full and the unused ones are apparently unusable (at least without doing some very drastic assembly hacking which is probably not worth the work to me) :(  I can however, replace the tutorial events so there's at least some room to work with since that won't affect the main game itself.  Guess I'll try that first. :)
Help! / Re: Battle Event Editing
March 08, 2020, 12:52:07 am
Hmmm, okay.  I think I figured out what I was doing wrong.  I was trying to find a matching scenario for 491-499 for the events, but it only goes up to 01EA(490 - Bethla Garrison Sluice Hint) in the editor.  I suppose I have to reuse a previously existing scenario then?  Is there anyway to create new Attack.out data/scenarios for unused events like 0195 or 0491?  (I'm trying to add content to the original game, without breaking it as much as possible.)

This is a small event so I could probably just use ChangeMap() if there's no other options.
Help! / Re: Battle Event Editing
March 08, 2020, 12:14:55 am
Hello. So I got another two questions, that I'm sure is easy for you guys, but I can't seem to find the information I'm looking for.  How do you load a specific map for a new event/scenario?

Say I wanted to do something like: player arrives at location (say Warjilis) and certain variable is set to 1, load an event, but load it at a location other than Warjilis?  eg: Load the event at Nelveska Temple. 

Eg something like:
0100 B000 0100 1900 EC01 0200
//if var == 1, load 0x1EC, fadein
How would I add the right map to the cmd?  Or should I just do that right at the beginning of the event being loaded with:
//rest of planned event

My second question, is how to add the Join After Event prompt to an event?  (I know I can do it with premade events that are listed in the ENTD tab of the FFTPatcher, but what about for new events?)
News / Re: Welcome to Our New Server!
March 03, 2020, 02:10:28 pm
Quote from: Xifanie on March 03, 2020, 01:21:39 pm@DarthFutuza
I just fixed the first one (not super happy about the solution, but it works), that one I didn't know about, unlike the others... lots of bugs are to be expected, and it is probably going to take me many more weeks to a few months to fix everything on my own unless my health drastically improves within that time frame.

At the same time, this isn't the biggest priority for me right now as I need to focus on things that make me relaxed/happy. Debugging CSS for hours, just like most things I do for FFH that doesn't involve directly interacting with people, is very stressful to me.

EDIT: I was also delirious when I typed that, so I don't know if I said anything off/weird
Oh yeah no worries, I wasn't expecting a fix this soon haha!  I'm just going to leave bugs I find in this thread to try to be helpful in helping you find issues, don't feel like you gotta do em asap, just whenever you get to it. :)
News / Re: Welcome to Our New Server!
March 03, 2020, 11:09:32 am
Quote from: Xifanie on March 02, 2020, 04:02:18 pmYou can change the theme here: https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=theme;sa=pick
Ah there it is, thanks.

FFT theme seems to be mostly working, so good job so far.  There's a couple of issues I'm noticing if this is the place to point them out.  Quotes in some cases seem to be overflowing beyond the containing div, eg: here, its probably related to having code blocks in the same post looking at the CSS.  Go up/go down buttons don't have their text vertically centered like the rest of the buttons do, eg: this.  The 'forum profile' section is still white colored.  I'm sure there's other things, but that's just what stood out on first glance.  Oh I also think its weird to have the blue color for link underlines.  I'd probably just use red if you have to have underlines.

EDIT: View Recent Posts is also unstyled.
News / Re: Welcome to Our New Server!
March 02, 2020, 02:00:36 pm
Just as a suggestion I'd just do it as a user selectable themes, that way we can have a dark theme or whatever later on too if we wanted.  (Where the FFT style theme is the default one for all users when its finished, but they can manually select a different one).  Maybe include the FFT forum theme when it looks somewhat passable as a "beta" theme user's can select while you work on it?  Also, you might want to still use the hack based on userid so the forum can remember what the user's last selected theme was, rather than getting rid of it entirely.
News / Re: Welcome to Our New Server!
March 02, 2020, 11:41:30 am
Hooray https!  Thanks Xix.

Quote from: Xifanie on February 18, 2020, 07:36:51 amAnd we could definitely use whatever help we can get to re-create the old FFT-style theme.
It looks like SMF mostly just is a css theme and some php we'd need to recreate?  I might be able to help with that, but I should probably see how much time it takes to install SMF on a test site and create a new theme first before I volunteer myself.  Right now, I'm looking at wayback machine as a reference to get stuff like this which works, but maybe you already have something set up?

I've noticed some important threads, such as this don't have quite working spoilers like they used to, probably related to what RetroTypes just mentioned.
Help! / Re: Extracting Class Growth and Multipliers
November 26, 2019, 05:47:45 pm
You can use the FFTPatcher to extract this information.  Just start a new PSP patch, to view each jobs multiplier. 

@Elric  I wrote a partial brave story editing tutorial, if you want to add it/use it/correct it as part of your tutorials here.  There's probably some mistakes in it, and I didn't cover anything except for a very brief part of it (don't cover treasure, scenes, etc.) but you're welcome to use it if you think it'll help with that Brave Story tutorial that's coming soon™ :P  Also if anyone else see's any issues, let me know and I'll edit/fix it.
Editing Brave Story Bio Entries
Version: 1.0.02
Updated: 03/02/2020

Tools You'll Need:
  • FFTactext
  • ATTACK.OUT Editor Special Awesome 2.0
  • CDMage
These tools can all be found here.

Preface: This tutorial assumes you've already got a little event editing experience (prerequisite) and that your mod is being built on the vanilla psx game with no other expected conflicts.  The tutorial assumes that you want to leave the vanilla game as intact as possible.  It assumes your art assets are already ready to go (such as your portraits).

1) Plan out which brave story slot to use.  Refer to the wiki's variable list and find a slot that is unused.  As an example, we'll be using id: $3C (Flag1020) at address 0x03FC.  It isn't currently in use and is right next to Daravon making it nice and easy to find, since it is only offset by 1.  Keep in mind that each entry is 16 bits (and uses one of those bits as a null separator), this will come in use later on.

2) Plan out your bio entry text.  Open up FFTactext and navigate to character bios4.  But first an explanation, bios1-4 refers to which chapter the bios gets updated.  Technically this can be done in a different chapter as long as you use the right variables (eg: You can update someone in chapter 1 even though you stored their data in bios4), that said its poorly organized and I wouldn't recommend you do that unless you're really squeezing the game for every last bit and have absolutely no memory left anywhere else.  No one can help you if you do that.  For the purposes of this tutorial, we'll be using one from bios4, because it has the most empty space and gives us room to play around.  Okay let's jump down to entry #193.  Why 193?  It is offset from the entry for Daravon by 16 and thus easier to find for a tutorial, remember in step 1 I said it'd come in use later?  This is it.  So we'd take a look at the previous entry (Daravon is at 209), and subtract (16*our offset) from that position.  In this situation, we're only offset by 1, so that comes out to 209-(16*1) == 193.  Easy right? 

Another note.  If you want to have multiple brave entry edits throughout the course of your mod/story, you need to reserve room for that to happen and its probably going to make it easiest on you if each separate entry is right next to the other.  This way, when it comes time to edit the variables in the game, you just have to increase the value of that brave story entry by 1 to change the entry to the next version of it.  An example: Say that you want to update Meliadoul's entry after fighting her dad and she confirms the truth that he's turned into a monster.  You would then just have to add one more entry within that reserved 16 spaces (again actually 15, since we can't use position 0 as it serves as a null separator) after the current ones.  There may be a good reason for not having brave story entries right next to each other, such as in the case of adding conditional brave story entries which depend on a player's choice as to which one appears, but in most cases you'll want to just make it easy on yourself and do them right next to each other.

One more thing Jackie! So you're probably thinking, "Cool, I can have 15 stages in a character's brave story".  Not exactly...there's an issue with how the base game set things up.  See the picture below:
We're going with Mel's brave entry again as an example.  Her entry starts at 209 (again technically 208, but that's the null separator I'm talking about).  You can see it explains how she doesn't like Ramza at first cause she thought he killed her brother, blah blah blah.  The next entry (210), is basically the same thing, but is updated for what happens in the story - Mel see's a giant demon mosquito and decides Ramza isn't completely crazy.  Just like what I explained earlier. So if you wanted to have another update for her after facing her father, you'd stick the new update to her brave story right there at 211.  But what if you're sad that Ramza doesn't get anybody to love him and you notice that Mel's of marriageable age and now comfortable around Ramza without wearing perfume?  Ah okay, well after making a bunch of extra events and telling the great love ballad of RamzaXMeliadoul, you've managed to update her brave story entry 9 more times.  Huh.  We're about to run into problem, slot 220 is already occupied, by...wait what?  Meliadoul defects due to circumstances?  Alas, the game has elected to sink your ship for being way too long.  Basically the next 4 entries are reserved for what happens when a unit leaves, such as if you dismiss them, make them go to church too much, or let them turn into a crystal, etc.  Thus you can only update brave story profile entries 11 times.  It'll still let you use those extra slots technically...but that's usually going to break the game or result in nonsensical entries.  And seriously your shipping story is too long.  Brevity is the soul of wit.  Speaking of which...

3) Edit your bio entry text.  We're ready to finally add in a character bio.  For your brand new character let's take a look at Meliadoul's entry as an example:
{0xEC14}         Meliadoul Tingel (Age:{0xE4}){Newline}
          Temple Knight of the Murond Glabados Church.{Newline}
          Daughter of Temple Knight, Vormav.{Newline}
 Her brother, {SP}Izlude, is {SP}thought to {SP}have been {SP}killed by{Newline}
Vormav. To avenge for the death of Izlude, she is after{Newline}
you though.

So that first code bit is the wldface.bin entry (Meliadoul's entry is #14 and you can check it by opening up the wldface.bin file using FFTEVGRP).  So if we're making a new character, just pick an unused slot such as #8 or #9, etc.) and replace it with {0xEC$$} where the $$ is the portrait number in the wldface.bin entry, then you can upload the appropriate portrait later to overwrite that slot. {0xE4} is a stand in for a variable representing that character's age.  You might notice there's a bunch of blank space, this helps separate the text from the image.  The first two lines also have separator space between the image and the text (its 10 spaces), so you should probably copy that pattern (if you want it to look like everyone else's Brave Story entry and not have stupidly different formatting).  You can fit about 55 characters on a normal line, but make sure to only do at most 45 on the first two lines (since otherwise it'll run into the profile image).  I don't know what {SP} is yet, but I'll update this once I do.  I have a theory its just a space, (so you can use double spacing) but I'm not sure since it seems sort of arbitrary.

Anyway go ahead and make an entry.  Also, if you want the unit to have bravestory person entries that reflect when they're fired/killed/etc, be sure to add entries for the last 4 slots.

4) Add the name to the Bio Entry.  Alright, in TacText switch to "Person".  We now need to add the name of the person that shows up in the menu of names under person in the game.  So remember how we're just ahead of Daravon, find him in the list and go up 16.  That should put you on 961 (Daravon's on 977) for the first text entry, go ahead and copy and paste the name of your new character into the 16 fields.  Be sure to leave the null separators between your character and Daravon's, and any previous entries.  961-975 in this example should all have been modified.  I'm not sure if you actually need all 15 of those fields, but the base game does this for all of its characters, so we probably should too.

5) Save as a .ftttext and then go ahead and patch your iso.  Remember to always keep a backup of your original iso/work before you apply changes just in case something goes wrong..

6) Setup the event..  Open up EasyVent Editor Super Perfect 2.0 and load up one of the game's default events that would appropriate to stick your character in.  As an example, instead of using just a new character, I'm going to both edit Mel's brave entry and add a new one for the new character.  So, I'll be picking #448 (Hall of St. Murond Temple Vormav and Meliadoul talk) as my event to edit.  Make whatever changes to the event you need to (see other tutorials for help with that), and then at the end before the dialogue part starts, and just before the last EventEnd() cmd happens, I'll add the following.
//increase Mel's bravestory entry by 1

//set our bravestory entry for our new character to 1
This will first, increase Mel's bravestory one more time, so that she can stop having daddy issues in her bravestory bio.  Then it will first set the variable for our new character to 0 (we do this just in case it wasn't already 0, because it hasn't ever been initialized there's no guarantee it isn't some random number) using the ZERO cmd, then we add 1 to it, to set it to 1.  This will activate our brave story entry for the new character.  (Just a reminder, we used x03FC because that was what slot picked in step 1 for our new character, and Mel's is 03ED).

7) Apply the patch.  Alright that's pretty much it, you made it through.  Go ahead and compile and save your event, then apply it like you would any other event and patch your iso with the new event.  Then go ahead and load up the game and test it to see if it works.  Good luck!

Let me know if I've gotten anything wrong, or need to make any corrections and I'll be happy to update the tutorial.  Hope it helps someone.
Help! / Re: Battle Event Editing
November 26, 2019, 03:00:15 am
So I figured out 2) myself, I think I'll make a tutorial when I have some time since there isn't a pre-existing one that I know about.  It turns out it's easy pezy. 
Found an error in one of the events supplied with this editor.  In ".\Event Directories\Final Fantasy Tactics - PSX\316 Lost Sacred Precints (Balk and Ramza talk).txt"

Contains the following:

//Remove the previous line if you wish not to override the offset in CONFIG.INI.
//Remove the previous line if you wish text to compile directly after instructions.


//Message x01
{font:00}You turned into one of{br}
Lucavi's too...{br}
You'd sink that low just{br}
to live?{br}
What a pity!!{end}

//Message x02
{font:00}It's pretty nice, kid.{br}
I'm finally a real human being!{end}

//Message x03
{font:00}I wouldn't call selling your{br}
soul to the devil human!{end}

//Message x04
{font:00}I'm above 'death'.{br}
At the top of the human race.   {br}
Now I don't have to endure{br}
unjust treatment by you{br}
I've won true 'freedom'!{br}
I'm a true 'human being'!{br}
I will be treated 'equally' now!!{end}

//Message x05
{font:00}A real 'human being'?{br}
Don't make me laugh!!{br}
How valuable is a 'freedom'{br}
you didn't earn yourself?{br}
The moment 'pride' is lost,{br}
'freedom' is also lost...!!{br}
You lost your freedom when{br}
you lost your pride and{br}
'Equality's not something{br}
you're given! It's something{br}
you fight for!!{br}
Any 'freedom' gotten from{br}
Lucavi isn't true freedom!{end}

//Message x06

The dialogue should begin with message one, but instead on line 15 has the following:
Meaning that the dialogue begins with having Ramza deliver message 2 (supposed to be Balk's line), skipping his first line and then the whole thing is offset.  This will freeze up the game, as the wrong units are delivering the wrong messages by the end of the dialogue.  There might be more issues with that particular dialogue, but that part at least is messed up in the current distribution of EasyVent Editor.  (This event works fine in the vanilla game).

EDIT: I wanted to test it to make sure, hence the delay, but you can just replace the event with the following to fix it:

//Remove the previous line if you wish not to override the offset in CONFIG.INI.
//Remove the previous line if you wish text to compile directly after instructions.


//Message x01
{font:00}You turned into one of{br}
Lucavi's too...{br}
You'd sink that low just{br}
to live?{br}
What a pity!!{end}

//Message x02
{font:00}It's pretty nice, kid.{br}
I'm finally a real human being!{end}

//Message x03
{font:00}I wouldn't call selling your{br}
soul to the devil human!{end}

//Message x04
{font:00}I'm above 'death'.{br}
At the top of the human race.   {br}
Now I don't have to endure{br}
unjust treatment by you{br}
I've won true 'freedom'!{br}
I'm a true 'human being'!{br}
I will be treated 'equally' now!!{end}

//Message x05
{font:00}A real 'human being'?{br}
Don't make me laugh!!{br}
How valuable is a 'freedom'{br}
you didn't earn yourself?{br}
The moment 'pride' is lost,{br}
'freedom' is also lost...!!{br}
You lost your freedom when{br}
you lost your pride and{br}
'Equality's not something{br}
you're given! It's something{br}
you fight for!!{br}
Any 'freedom' gotten from{br}
Lucavi isn't true freedom!{end}

Help! / Re: Battle Event Editing
November 22, 2019, 01:09:17 pm
Quote from: Nyzer on November 22, 2019, 01:04:54 pm
1) SET is only available with the upgrade, but other commands such as ZERO and ADD are just available normally.

Ah perfect, thanks Nyzer, I guess I missed all those logic commands.  I can just use traditional register style AND/ORS then to edit it.  Well then the set one is just extra fancy stuff that's not really needed.   :)
Help! / Re: Battle Event Editing
November 22, 2019, 12:31:10 pm
I figured I'd just keep going with this topic since I'm editing my event again to try and add some more features and have more event questions.

1) I wanted to try adding another new event, but I wanted to set a variable that I can have the world instructions check for when a map is visited.  That said I'm not sure how to actually set that variable.  There's a SETVar (175) option available in EasyVent Editor, that appears to do what I want, but it mentions that I have to have an event instruction upgrade hack.  I was just wondering if the hack is necessary to set variables, or if there's a simpler way/another tool that could be used just for editing variables before I bother adding the hack?  Information is just so scattered and there's a ton of out of date stuff that's been replaced with newer methods I thought I should just check first, before I go ahead.  Nyzer answered this.  :)  Use the add/AND/or etc cmds silly.

2) Is there a Brave Story editing tutorial somewhere?  I just want to add a new character entry and update a previously existing one with more info as a result of my new event.  I noticed Elric mentioned it was coming soon, but I couldn't find anything else.  I suppose this probably works with some variation on the SETVar command, where I activate one of the unused slots to 'reveal' it and then use tacttext to supply the text? Solved.  See here.

3) Is there any information available on using rumors to trigger events/changing what rumors show up in the bar/adding new rumors that when listened to, set/modify variables?  (Sorta like how the vanilla game did it with the Beowulf/Cloud/Reis sidequest)?  I imagine that's probably pretty similar to the previous question, of setting the variable to change which rumors show up, along with a little extra something somewhere to tell the game to check if the player bothered reading the rumor.
Bugs and Suggestions / Re: HTTPS?
November 21, 2019, 07:44:28 pm
Ah, I see.  I'm sorry to hear that about the NDD, that sounds really rough to deal with.  I wonder if maybe you could help ease some of the workload off of yourself by hiring a professional to do it, members might even be willing to put together a small crowd-funding thing for such an event.  Get the site a Merry St. Ajoristmas gift or whatever you want to theme it around. 

I personally love the theme, but I'd never choose it over an insecure website.  Perhaps, if its just a matter of adjusting css and some configuration files to fit a new forum software theme, I could help with re-implementing the hacktics theme, though I can't say I know too much about making a forum themes, I've done plenty of websites before.  (I do admittedly avoid making forum web page stuff though cause I hate dealing with most forum software).  I dunno maybe you could hold a poll and see what people say.  Thanks for the info though, I appreciate the update. 
The Lion War / Re: The Lion War - FAQs
November 21, 2019, 04:04:48 am
For those who are apparently as blind as me.
Bugs and Suggestions / HTTPS?
November 20, 2019, 11:47:00 pm
So the FFHacktics site certificate evidently expired back in 2017, was just curious if you guys knew about Let's Encrypt?  They'll let you get free SSL/TLS certs so you can enable https or whatever, and its fairly easy to use (Github pages uses it for example).  Seems sorta important to me since there's an actual sign in option (on the forums for example) that isn't being being encrypted, which would allow someone to steal credentials, etc. in transit.  I dunno what the setup on the forums backend software is are exactly (looks like an ancient version of SMF), but I can't imagine it would be too difficult to get https enabled on the site.

Oh geez this reads like an ad doesn't it?  Lol.  Well anyway, just wanted to throw that out there, cause like its 2019 and https is a thing that doesn't really cost money anymore.
The Lion War / Re: The Lion War - FAQs
November 20, 2019, 11:21:01 pm
There's no onion knights right?  Also is there a full change log/feature list somewhere or is digging through this thread basically it?
Help! / Re: Battle Event Editing
March 21, 2019, 03:25:23 pm
I might try that next, but what I had in mind for my changes isn't really that big of a scope to require new map stuff.

Thanks to your help I was able to get the last bit of what I was missing working and I understand attack.out pretty well.  Now I just have to add details and polish things up.  Maybe add one more event depending on how ambitious I'm feeling.

Woo, battle events.