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Random and DD battle suggestions - 32% Complete!

Started by philsov, April 11, 2010, 06:09:07 pm

The Damned

With an equipment list, these become a bit easier to think of.

Speaking of lists, I have to ask that, when you get the time philsov, you please update the beginning part of the Ability thread with "Doom" and "Expire" or whatever it was that you decided for Oracle and Time Mage. Also, could you please disescribe what exactly the 0 CT abilities for the magic classes are. I kind of can't remember what any of them were except for "Quell", I believe it was.

Anyway, here's an idea that I'm ashamed I didn't think of earlier. Maybe because it doesn't fit in my patch:

  • Thunder and Lightning! OR In A Game with Eastern Elements, Why Shouldn't You? - Eh, it should really be "Fuijin and Raijin" but considering that you already said you weren't really adding elementals to things and there are basically no wind attacks.... Besides, I suppose I don't want people getting the idea I liked FFVIII. Heh. Anyway, going with that idea I mentioned earlier of perhaps trying to use more ??? type characters in random battles (without them being inane to the point of taking forever to kill and thus getting a bunch of [probably] unwanted EXP). So I figure this should be a battle of relatively moderate difficulty against a ??? Oracle (Thunder) and a ??? Ninja (Lightning). Both should have Move-MP UP Movement; they might both want Maintenance if you want to do this late enough in the game and just decide to give both of them Rubber Costumes. I have more specific suggestion set-ups, but I'll put them in spoilers below this to save a lot of room. As for where this should be, I'm thinking that any Eastern random spot would be fine. If you want to do it early, then I think Bariuas Valley would perhaps be best. It's too bad we can't control the weather, though, since then this battle could be made so that it only occurs when there's a thunderstorm (or a thunderstorm always occurs when it comes up).

I figure, since you say that you're willing to do custom skill sets then I might as well start taking advantage of that:

Weapon: Bloody Strings (or any Instrument, really)
Head: Golden Hairpin
Armor: White Robe
Accessory: Reflect Ring (or Wizard Mantle)

Skill Set 1: Thunder Magic (See below)
Skill Set 2: Jump
Reaction: MA Save (or, provided that seems too nasty on something that willing likely have at least 1000 HP, Counter Magic or Sunken State or even Finger Guard would do)
Support: Short Charge (since Non-Charge would probably broken be on the primary magic-user)
Movement: Move-MP Up

For quite a while, I've been trying to think of elemental magic sets that were thematic with the elemental they're supposed to represent. Since Thunder isn't really an element unto itself, it seems especially appropriate that the majority of it would end up being status magic. Hence the Oracle. That said, Oracles don't have some status magic, so they need some help from Time Magic. Similarly, All Magic is a boring (untrue) name, so Thunder Magic it is, which is slightly better and at least fitting (even if the player won't be able to actually see the skill set name). In truth, provided this happened late enough in the game (since a lot of the Easternmost areas are only accessed then), it could probably stand to include some Fear abilities, namely Lose Voice, Hold Tight and Spell:

  • Silence Song
  • Quell
  • Berserk
  • Dispel Magic
  • Spell Absorb
  • Petrify
  • Paralyze
  • Don't Move
  • Slow
  • Stop
  • Quick
  • Raise (goes with the echo theme since Lightning's more likely to die before Thunder and they otherwise don't have healing, though arguably it's more fitting for Lightning)
  • Sudden Cry (since Thunder needs at least one "spell" that isn't affected by Reflect and, hey, more places to get Blue Magic from is never bad)

I guess you could make Lightning the Ninja female for laughs, but I honestly don't care about sex. I can't remember if your Ninja have Two Swords innately still. Provided they don't, then Two Swords should be the Support.

Right Hand: Ninja Edge (or which ever Ninja Blade ends up having Don't Act since I believe I suggested switching Don't Act with Ninja Knife)
Left Hand: Ninja Knife (see above except replace all instances of "Don't Act" with "Don't Move")
Head: Green Beret (provided this happens early enough; otherwise replace with Thief Hat or even Black Hood)
Armor: Earth Clothes (or Black Robe if you just want to hack on items)
Accessory: Rubber Shoes (if Rubber Costume is the armor, then instead go with Sprint Shoes)

Skillset 1: Throw
Skillset 2: Lightning Magic (see below)
Reaction: Critical Quick (or, provided that's too nasty on something that's going to have close to 1000 HP at least, then either Catch or Arrow Guard or even Weapon Guard [since I can't recall if you were going to give that to everyone innately] seems fine)
Support: Non-Charge (I don't think that should be broken with Ninja's MA; otherwise, Short Charge)
Movement: Move-MP Up

As aforementioned under Thunder Magic, I feel elemental set-ups should stick to the feelings and images that said elemental invokes. Obviously this is a lot easier to do with elementals that already part of the game's system since you can just fill-up the skill set mostly with skills of the appropriate element. That said, I feel they should have some non-elemental abilities to get around Absorbing or Nulling or even Halving equipment. Again, there also aren't that many Lightning abilities since you didn't add any. Although perhaps should be named "All Lightning" or something since some of the abilities I'm going to propose aren't magical.

  • Bolt
  • Bolt 2
  • Bolt 3
  • Ramuh
  • Paralyze (might be slightly too powerful with Non-Charge, though it isn't guaranteed to hit and costs MP unlike Chicken Race)
  • Don't Move
  • Haste (might be slightly too powerful with Non-Charge)
  • Quick (ONLY if Non-Charge is not the Support, otherwise....)
  • Comet (maybe; I forget if you said you were giving Time Mage this; maybe I'm just thinking of my own patch; I guess you could just use Choco Meteor/Comet regardless)
  • Odin (maybe; reasoning for this spell, besides the "need" for a non-elemental damaging spell that I know exists, is that it's sort of a reference back to FFVI where Odin became Raiden/Raijin. Still, mass instant Odin, even with low-ish to moderate MA seems potentially unfair.)
  • Death (maybe; again, this might be too powerful with Non-Charge, though it's again not as powerful as another option in that it is affected by Shell, is absorbed by Undead and, unlike Stop Breath (Stop Bracelet), has abysmal accuracy & costs MP. Its only benefit over Stop Breath is the range. Still, I could see the AI stupidly trying to spam this and running itself out of MP a lot more quickly than I would like, even with Short Charge. So maybe it should be left out simply for AI stupidity....)
  • Shield Break (not a spell but perhaps just an additional way of giving Lightning a way to get around Diamond Shield; it also takes advantage of Two Swords.)
  • Armor Break (see above)
  • Helmet Break (see above, though this isn't really necessary)
  • Weapon Break (see above, though this is easily the least necessary)
  • Steal Accessory (for those pesky Rubber Shoes; besides, all the speed is just begging for some type of Steal ability and Accessories are the only piece of equipment that can't be Broken [by generics])

And we've managed to potentially hit 16, even if Lightning doesn't need more than 10 of these really.

My, that took far longer than I intended.

Regardless, there are perhaps some problems with this, especially since I still haven't really given the ENTD a whirl and it thus largely still mystifies me.

The particular problem was something that was mentioned a while ago. I believe that someone--LastingDawn IIRC--mentioned that Immortal "status" acts up with Equipment. I'm not exactly sure what meant. That said, if Immortal multiples HP by ten after taking Equipment into account (which it shouldn't) instead of before (like I believe it does/should), then that could indeed be trouble just because I don't want these guys suddenly having 2000 or even 3000 HP. A bit above 1000 HP seems fair enough and is the most these "mid-bosses" should have.

Outside of that, I also now sort of want to suggest a Amaterasu, Tsukiyomi & Susannoo battle for DD, but none of those gods get along and even if 5v1v1v1 was possible, I don't think it'd be that interesting (unless you managed to find some way to prevent the player from sneaking off and just waiting to pick whoever is left standing).
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Well there's two things:

Immortal status: Makes the character immune to a variety of negative status like death, petrify, invite, charm, knockback... and a few others.

??? status:  THIS multiplies HP/MP by 10.  HP/MP granting gear will get in the way of this and cap the unit out at 999 -- which is both a good and bad thing depending on desired application.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.

The Damned

(Damn. It seems like every time the website acts up for me I'm in the middle of a post.)

Ah, yes, it would seem that ??? is what I meant, though Immortal status wouldn't be bad either since there's only two of them. I suppose the MP thing could be a problem, especially since I couldn't remember it, but that can be made rather unimportant by just not giving Lightning stronger spells like Odin or Death or even Bolt 3. Gear capping them at 999 is perfect, though, especially if there are no other problems.

Regardless, I'll have to remember that.

Anyway, I had a suggestion, but I still need it to test it out (surprise surprise), so here is a replacement for now:

  • Who Wants to Live Forever? OR There Can Only Be Nine! - Yet another Undead-involved battle, but since PX didn't exactly specify his plans (and I have almost no idea what Plant vs. Zombies is gameplay-wise), I do not feel as guilty. Anyway, you'd get a Guest (Immortal?) Bard with a sword versus a legion of Skeletons and Ghosts (preferably the ones with Zombie Touch, though Sleep Touch or 1.3 Grease Touch is fine too), led by an Undead Knight. The Undead Knight should have Defense Armlet accessory always so as to avoid Seal Evil, but otherwise regards to equipment I couldn't really care less. Since this would most likely be late game, it'd likely have to be something good. Since I'm not quite sure what, if anything, you're changing with poaching, you could even make this a way to get extra Defenders or whatever. Anyway, his primary skill set would be Corrupt Sword (see below) with Item Secondary, Weapon Guard Reaction (MP Restore if everyone innately has Weapon Guard), either Throw Item or Maintenance Support and Move +2 Movement. I see this going down at Poekas, though Yuguo or Doldobar (or whatever that swamp that has no story relevance is called) would also be fine.

Basically, Corrupt Blade is a Darker and Edgier version of Dark Sword.... Well, not really. It's just meant to have all of the basic Knight skills, both Dark Sword skills (since you still haven't elaborated on what else you gave Gaff, though both Dark Sword and Night Sword are doubtless enough since the Undead Knight has more back up), Blood Suck and Seal Evil in one place; also Dash for the Hell of it.

I guess I don't really need to make a list for this since that pretty much sums it up.

Man, I really need to stop going to TVTropes....
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"

The Damned


I really don't know why I didn't think of this earlier either. Although, it does make me realize that I am not entirely certain what happens with Two Swords and Sword Skills; I'm pretty sure Two Swords doesn't cause them to double-cast.

  • Samurai vs. Ninja! OR Why Do People Pluralize Those? - What? You were expecting Pirates? This is obviously meant to be a 5v5v5 battle, most likely at Germinas Peak. Both groups would have a leader with access to a special class secondary--no new special skill sets need for this one; also, as far as I'm concerned, I'm going to consider that all the samurai are male and all the ninja are female (and thus kunoichi). The Samurai Leader should have Rune Blade (unless you going to use that ASM for being able to use Katana and Ninja Blades for Swordskills as well, then Heaven's Cloud is fine), Draw Out Primary, Mighty Sword Secondary, Catch Reaction and Maintenance Support. The Ninja Leader should have a Flame Sabre in the primary hand & an Ice Brand in the secondary hand, Throw Primary, Temple Sword Secondary, Counter Magic Reaction and Maintenance Support.

I'm not really dead set on anything besides that, though it could also be kind of cool to set-up further dichotomies. For instance, doing something like making it so that a Samurai with a Longbow is the counterpart/opposite of a Ninja with a Crossbow or vice versa; it could see much the same for Sticks vs. Spears, Katana vs. Ninja Blades and Martial Arts vs. Guns (or Martial Arts vs. Martial Arts). Beyond that, it seems like it probably be rather appropriate if one of the Ninja had Throw Item Support and was the designated healer for that team; not sure what the Samurai counterpart of this would be. Short-Charge or Non-Charge White Magic? (Non-Charge White Magic just seems like it's asking for Holy or Raise 2 abuse, though.)

I'll probably suggest a few more Eastern encounters with some frequency for a while simply due to the fact that I have no room for them in my patch.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


More random DD thoughts:

SPARTAAAAA - Swarm of enemies, and you have like... a two person party.  good luck.

Duelist's Revenge - Weigraf and Gaf, revived, against your one lone unit.

Blue Mage's Reprieve: Chocobo, Goblin, Ahriman, Bomb, Ghost, Tree, Skeleton, Dragon, Bull, Behemoth, and Impure King.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


For Sparta, you should start your two man team in a space only reachable by the front, an echo of the Battle of Thermopylae.  Also, make a lone path to get around behind them as well, but only for one unit.  Bonus is you have a zodiac beast of some sort (impure king?) be the first to get around the back.  Or ditch the movie nods and keep it more historical.
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.

The Damned

Ugh, Zeus no. Can we not bring the Sparta meme into this? 300 was a pretty horrible movie as it was--one of the few reasons that one might like that movie would be if they wanted to sex Gerard Butler since he's nearly nude with his fake CGI abs throughout the majority of the movie. I'm hardly one to make homophobic remarks, but 300 is pretty damn gay in addition to its mind-number stupidity. Not that I can ultimately stop you, but...just no, please.

...Anyway, that rant aside, I'm assuming that all the opponents in "Blue Mage's Reprieve" would use the same sprite (Blue Mage, I'm guessing), with Impure King as the Leader. Is this correct?

I'm also assuming that Duelist's Revenge would be a DD fight since you were saying that you wanted to have 1-person fights.

Hmmm...thinking about it, I have a non-Eastern battle that I'd like to see. Although it seems like all of those are revolving around plants...:

  • What a Sourmouth! OR Do Want Me To Get the Soap? - I'll make this a simple fight for once. 3 Marlboros (maybe one of each "level") alongside 4 Mediators and 2 Thieves, perhaps with an even gender split. Maybe even have a Blue Mage with slightly customized Blue Magic that has access to Bad Breath, though that may confuse people.... Regardless, the key "aspect" of this fight would be to ensure that the humans have immunity to most, if not all, of Bad Breath's effects; there could perhaps be a potential emphasis on Confusion status (since Talk Skill, Steal, Battle Skill and Dance are pretty much only skillsets that can take advantage of that status, especially for the AI). You want to give all of them Maintenance Support since it might just be easiest to put Ribbons on all of them, especially since they would outnumber you almost 2-1 anyway.

I'm think Lenalia Plateau would be a fine place for this, though really any place is fine. I just wanted to stop suggesting battlefields that were the few forests/woods and lakes and swamps in the game. Although this makes me want to suggest a Volcano battle now....
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


QuoteNot that I can ultimately stop you, but...just no, please

ha.  Its just a name, really, but I'm soooo having a one or two person party against a swarm of enemies fight.  Its not like I'm going to have archers and grenaders and lancers and squires with a Sagat-like boss >_>.

Quote...Anyway, that rant aside, I'm assuming that all the opponents in "Blue Mage's Reprieve" would use the same sprite (Blue Mage, I'm guessing), with Impure King as the Leader. Is this correct?

Correct.  Enemy sprite limit is 4 in most situations so one needs to get crafty for larger scale fights.  I can fiddle with palletes, at least to help distinguish slightly.  Perhaps unique sprite for quekalin, a traditional BM, and then another sprite for all the monsters will a palette array.  I haven't crept into the DD for full entd stuff, yet.

QuoteI just wanted to stop suggesting battlefields that were the few forests/woods and lakes and swamps in the game.

Heh.  Map themes are quite welcome, go to town.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.

The Damned

Quote from: "philsov"ha.  Its just a name, really, but I'm soooo having a one or two person party against a swarm of enemies fight.

Oh, that's fine then.

QuoteIts not like I'm going to have archers and grenaders and lancers and squires with a Sagat-like boss >_>.

Ugh. Why did I picture Sagat giving Ramza an awkward backrub rather than the more obvious Tiger Uppercut to the face? FML.

QuoteCorrect.  Enemy sprite limit is 4 in most situations so one needs to get crafty for larger scale fights.  I can fiddle with palletes, at least to help distinguish slightly.  Perhaps unique sprite for quekalin, a traditional BM, and then another sprite for all the monsters will a palette array.  I haven't crept into the DD for full entd stuff, yet.

Yes, I'm quite aware of the sprite limitation despite having not messed with the ENTD much myself.

QuoteHeh.  Map themes are quite welcome, go to town.

Still, there needs to be other stuff suggested for more maps, even if it's more "generic" fights or maps.

That said, I forget if I've asked you this before: Are you planning to do the same thing with Doldobar that you plan to do with Volcano? As in make "super-tough" battles there since you're not required to go through it. (Although everyone does since it's much quicker than going all way around back through Poeskas and such just to get to Igros.)

Similarly, I forget if you've said what you're doing with Cloud and the Materia Blade, if you've said anything. Did you want him to join your party with the Materia Blade? Or was that someone else?

Regardless, let me suggest the obvious battle at Volcano that I already hate myself for suggesting:

  • Sephiroth! OR Sigh, why do people love One Winged Angel? - Now that did I think about it, when you said that ??? characters level out at 999 with equipment, did you mean they do so if the equipment would normally give them life (like most pieces of armor)? Or even if you only gave them a weapon, like Masamune? Since Mr. Roth kind of wants Masamune. I would suggest making him Soldier class and giving Soldier class Innate Maintenance (since there's really no reason for the Materia Blade to get broken if that's the only thing it's really good for); might even want to give Soldier Innate Two Hands and perhaps even Innate Move on Lava (if the Materia Blade is still at Volcano). Obviously with a Materia Blade of his own, he can't use whatever Cloud's skill set is called in FFT. (Limit? The name escapes me right now.) However, we both know that you make something be a class and then have an entirely different primary skill set. (So why am I explaining this?) Anyway, Green Materia Primary, Despair Secondary, PA Save Reaction, Short Charge Support and Fly Movement.

Not sure if he should have back up, but I couldn't really care much less about Sephiroth, so....

Meant to be collection of spells that were in FF7 as Green Materia outside of the necessary "I SUMMON METEOR!"

  • Fire 2
  • Ice 2
  • Bolt 2
  • Poison (or which ever Bio has a chance to cause Poison)
  • Frog
  • Cure 4
  • Wall
  • Haste
  • Demi
  • Demi 2
  • Meteor

Basically just Fear plus Talk Skill since Sephiroth loves to spew solipsistic BS. Could just be straight Fear or straight Talk Skill Secondary, really.

I had another idea to recommend besides this, but I need to test it out myself first. I hope I finally get around to testing things again today.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


QuoteAre you planning to do the same thing with Doldobar that you plan to do with Volcano?

Moreso Doldobar than the Volcano, in that the volcano spawns at the start of chapter 4 and the swamp is only there after Elmdor.  That will be the bountiful land of poaching goods, because I strongly dislike the current incarnation of poaching in that most of the best gear in the game is found after queklain with enough resets/time.  The fights in the swamps (plus some other chapter 4 rares) will contain poaching goods as stealables or war trophies or move-finds or something.

So... while poaching is getting smashed into the ground, I think its better in terms of game progression.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.

The Damned

Works for me. Although I guess that means Thief loses something else.

So, about that weapon on ??? characters thing, does that limit their HP?

Regardless, I thought of obvious support characters for that Volcano battle I just suggested:

  • Kadaj - Mediator w/ Summon Magic Secondary, Regenerator, Magic Attack Up and Move-MP Up; Rune Blade/Golden Hairpin/Earth Clothes/108 Gems.
  • Loz - Monk w/ Steal Secondary, Dragon Spirit, Attack UP and Move-HP Up; fists/Twist Headband/Earth Clothes/Rubber Shoes.
  • Yazoo - Archer w/ Battle Skill Secondary, Meatbone Slash, Defense UP and Fly; Romanda Gun/Thief Hat/Earth Clothes/Elf Mantle.

They can all be Immortals with Elmdor sprites for all I care.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


nah; just HP boosting equips.  Accessories, weapons, and shields can go onto ??? units without blips.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.

The Damned

Geez, it's been more than a month since anything got posted in here. At least I don't feel so bad....

Anyway, I just had an idea for a fight to take place before that optional Colliery path with Beowulf as a way to either experience it without having to use nearly go for it or as way to "practice". That and it'd be kind of funny to see an Ice Dragon in the desert (though IIRC, since it's been months since I've played, so I don't remember if you come from Zeklaus when it first becomes available):

  • Time was frozen, today! OR Did you know about the Mpemba effect? - This is going to try to be a more normal team (though I still don't know what you're doing with monsters and some other classes). One leader male Time Mage with Elemental Secondary or Summon Magic Secondary, one female Wizard with Summon Magic Secondary (Leviathan, Shiva, maybe other things), one male or female Chemist (Hi-Ether, X-Potion, Phoenix Down, Remedy, maybe other things) with perhaps Yin-Yang Magic secondary (for Undead) or Elemental if the leader doesn't have it and two Ice Dragons. It would be a fair-ish 5 v 5 otherwise.

I'm going to be concise about it for once. No need to be a control freak like always.

Ice Shields might be nice since we can cheat equipment on to the AI without having to waste slots on the appropriate Equip skill (if one exists), though finding a legitimate way to use Ice Shields would be "better".
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


LOL at that FF4 battle. I'll fight that battle all day.


I was thinking about a random, and I came up with two ideas for mandalia plains.

#1. I was thinking about fighting knights from Igros castle. This would be a chapter 2 and after battle, and it would happen coming from gariland.

The fight would consist of knights from igros, patrolling or something. The big deal about these knights is that (you can put however many you want, probably 5-6) they are all tanks. 40 faith, 70 brave, Battle skill with no secondary, HP restore, Defense up, move HP up. They would all having tanking armor (probably just set to random) but have a set shield so they will always have one instead of a defender. This might sound generic, but the idea is that they are almost like guards or something, all the same.

#2. Another mandalia fight but this one is when you come from Igros. It is meager death corps guys still scraping around, available in chapter 1 and on. It would just be generic archer, knight, 2 squires, and a chemist. Just have random equipment, except the chemist must have some kind of dagger (as death corps would not have a gun) and they should have set RSM. I was thinking Arrowguard concentrate move +1 for the archer, weapon guard attack up move +1 for the knight, one squire would have weapon guard defense up and move HP up while the other squire would be female (all other enemies are male) with white magic secondary arrow guard magic attack up move MP up, and the chemist would simply be all random except for the dagger. Random brave, and faith for all.
-- Attention Citizens, this is the Computer. 2 + 2 now equals 3.9999238849009985. Please recalibrate your equipment.

My youtube Channel
My 1.3 Playthough (Complete)
My Final fantasy I Blind playthrough


Both very good ideas Gotwald!  The Igros crew may have to wait until post chapter 1, though.  There's a limited number of random battles in chapter 1 and I need to make sure some monsters are around for blue magic funsies.  Thank you!

Aaaanyways, quite thoroughly updated the first page in this topic to include all suggestions thus far and a tally thus far.

Still need to input monster gimme battles a la easytype and Blue-mage friendly fights, which is another good 10% right there O.o

edit:  Also digging through


11x Steel Giant

Ahhh, nostalgia.

edit:  Damn, Damned had a field day in that topic too.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


+ monster gimme battles
+ early chapter 1 fights for blue magic funsies -- still need follow through on chapter 2+ and monster availability scaling
+ some more DD fights
+ Bad Desert fight a la

31% baby!
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


I thought of another one!

"Highway Robbery" Bed desert or zeklaus. The idea is that the battle contains thieves (4) who start VERY close to you (and by very it could even possibly be adjacent to you, as they would be robbing you). They would need to know most, if not all, of the steal skill set.  One might have item, the rest with either no secondary or as described. RSM are 1: Weapon guard, concentrate, move +2, 2: Abandon, defense up, move +1 (this thief should have a mantle preset, and be female), 3: punch art, Counter, martial arts, jump +2, 4:  HP restore, Maintenance, move HP up, along with sprint shoes and a strong ninja sword. As support, 2 caster types should be in back, White mage and blue mage. The white mage (who is female) should have counter magic, short charge, and move MP up, with black magic secondary, random equips. The blue mage should have some blue magic (whichever way you can give it to him), and geomancy, along with also boasting a heavy armor piece and a MA boosting head piece (probably circlet), with hamedo, magic attack up, Move +2, and having a set shield.
-- Attention Citizens, this is the Computer. 2 + 2 now equals 3.9999238849009985. Please recalibrate your equipment.

My youtube Channel
My 1.3 Playthough (Complete)
My Final fantasy I Blind playthrough


Lord of the dance: Either sweegy or araguay woods

Basically, a performer with 5 mimes on his team. The mimes start in a row behind him.
Like this.

The performer has float, defense up, damage split, with summon magic secondary. He has random weapon, but he has a wizard robe, along with a circlet (even though he can't use heavy armor, but for a bit of strength) and comes with a 108 Gems.

The mimes all have feather boots, even though the boots disappear out of combat they have the boots so they can float and this (somehow) affects the dancing magic kind of.

The point is the mimicked dancing and the mimes to add to damage.
-- Attention Citizens, this is the Computer. 2 + 2 now equals 3.9999238849009985. Please recalibrate your equipment.

My youtube Channel
My 1.3 Playthough (Complete)
My Final fantasy I Blind playthrough


Mandalia plains. FALLEN WARRIORS!

The point is that you are fighting the former members of the death corps who lost their lives and are unable to rest.

All undead, generic archer, black mage, knight, 2 squires, and a chemist. Chemist cannot have a gun.
They can be set to all random equipment, and this battle should only be available in chapter 2 and later.

The reason for random equipment is because the undead would have simply scavenged equipment (and you can't say that they haven't murdered anyone else).

To avoid triple posting,

Fear the squires!

In anykind of mountainy peaky area, either doguola pass or germinas peak.

Basically, 5 squires. The thing about the squires is that they all have strong RSM, and have very good skills.

Each squire has a different weapon, so each can use their special squire skill. They all must be immortal. Squires are as follows:
A)Rune blade, Aegis shield, Thief hat, Black costume, diamond armlet, Geomancy, Meatbone slash, defense up, move +1 Br 80 Fa 40
B)Zorlin shape, Diamond shield, Flash hat, black costume, (whatever adds 1 move), Throw, Blade grasp, concentrate, Move HP up Br 80 Fa 40
C)Scorpian tail, Venetian shield, Maximillion, Robe of lords, genji gauntlet, (insert skillset from wizards in yuguo story battle with dak hold and stuff), MP switch, Maintinence, Move MP up Br 50 Fa 70
D)Poison bow, Diamond shield, Thief hat, black costume, Sprint shoes, sword spirit (for masamune and chiri), Damage split, Magic defend up, move HP up, Br 70 Fa 70
E)Slasher, nothing, Twist headband, Power sleeve, Bracer, Time magic, Weapon guard, Attack up, Move +1 Br 50 Fa 70

The point is for them to just be scary squires. If it is too hard, you can always tone it down, or make it a rare fight.
-- Attention Citizens, this is the Computer. 2 + 2 now equals 3.9999238849009985. Please recalibrate your equipment.

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My 1.3 Playthough (Complete)
My Final fantasy I Blind playthrough