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September 20, 2024, 09:34:26 pm


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FFT: ASM'D main info/discussion

Started by philsov, October 11, 2009, 04:38:12 pm


Speaking of, Phil, are you still working on it? This board's been sadly quiet for a while. :(
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


not much recently, no.  Been sidetracked more with the 'escape from murond' idea than anything else.

As for the quietness, heh -- all that's left is solo grinding with ENTD/attack.out followthrough so there hasn't been much to announce or present.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Yeah, I feel you on that. Let me know if you need any help with the Murond Escape patch. I'm busy with Newtype stuff, but I'd not mind helping you with that, too. :)
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


If it makes you feel better I am really liking what you are doing with this patch and am excited to hear progress.
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Same here. I was pretty hyped up about playing this TBH.


Hey philsov, is there anything that you would need assistance with this patch? I would love to see this finished, so if there is anything I can do to help, let me know...

If/when this patch is complete, would there be some kind of master guide available? I only ask because while the growths are very straight forward, the multipliers haven't been set in stone yet, and I am wondering if that kind of information we would have access to.
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Quotewould there be some kind of master guide available

Oh, yes.  Whenever I sit down to work on this I have like 7 different things open at once, one of which is a master info spreadsheet.  (which is also a hindrance, this way I can't sit down for 20 minutes at a time and grindily work on this -- I'm bursty :) )

QuoteHey philsov, is there anything that you would need assistance with this patch? I would love to see this finished, so if there is anything I can do to help, let me know...


1) Random battle mapping.  So far I've gone through all the maps in the game and given images proper X/Y coordinates for ENTD editing ease -- Zodiac's maps, while awesome for all other applications, suck from a perfectly vertical view which is how I do things sadly.  I've also noted default party starting locations for all storyline fights.  But, I have yet to note where the party spawns for all random fights.  For example, I know where Mandalia East (save Algus) starting points are, but I don't know the location in terms of X/Y of how the party starts out from Igros (West) or from Thieves Fort (south).  I can provide an endgame save that has the map unlocked if you need.  With this info I can also release these maps for anyone else's ENTD editing ease.
2) Battle ideas.  I've got most of the bosses mapped out, and decent progress on the storyline fights, but randoms and DD fights could use some major brainstorming -- not to mention a special space for the late-game difficult but not impossible battles for advanced gear.  Randoms can be arbitrary as hell, but arbirary as hell from different sources is more entertaining because if I do it all solo I fear they'll all be too similar.

3) Monster Skill ideas - I did a moderate monster overhaul but am drained for ideas for Monster Skills, specifically.  I'll post monster info so far soonish.  They are going to be similar to 1.3's in nature and function, with additional twists from other FF sources -- like Squids get a Rub ability to outright kill people, a Bull Demon is able to cast Holy, Ghosts are able to Possess people as a channeled charm ability, some monsters gain an attack skill with a 25% status proc, etc.

4) Animation/effect help.  There is a whole bunch of new abilities for generics, specials, and bosses alike.  If anyone is interested in doing a bunch of trial and error to make these look at the very least acceptable (no singing animation to hit someone over the head with an axe, e.g.) or preferably outright awesome, please let me know so I can generate a patch/savegame to concentrate all these new abilities into a few single skillsets
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


I'm in the same boat with you on number 4. Sadly, with the Wiki down, that makes it that much harder. :(
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Quote from: "philsov"1) Random battle mapping.  So far I've gone through all the maps in the game and given images proper X/Y coordinates for ENTD editing ease -- Zodiac's maps, while awesome for all other applications, suck from a perfectly vertical view which is how I do things sadly.  I've also noted default party starting locations for all storyline fights.  But, I have yet to note where the party spawns for all random fights.  For example, I know where Mandalia East (save Algus) starting points are, but I don't know the location in terms of X/Y of how the party starts out from Igros (West) or from Thieves Fort (south).  I can provide an endgame save that has the map unlocked if you need.  With this info I can also release these maps for anyone else's ENTD editing ease.

This is something that is time consuming, but I just might be able to grind and help with. Although, I have 2 questions:

1) Do you mean all the starting positions you can choose for your party members during the loadout screen? Like, the 8 spaces in Sweegy woods, all being marked by individual x/y coordinates? IE, Saying the starting position for a map would be (14,5) (14,6) (14,7) (14,8) (14,9) (15,5) (15,6) (15,7) (15,8) (15,9)?

2) Do you have a link to the easy to read vertical maps?

I will be able to do this, and give out random ideas (although it may take time for me to get started, as finals are a few days away) on ENTD randoms, so as long as there is no rush I look forward to helping.
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My Final fantasy I Blind playthrough


Quote1) Do you mean all the starting positions you can choose for your party members during the loadout screen?

Yup.  14,5 : 15:9 notation works just as well.

2) Sure, here's the attachment.  They're older maps, having exchanged hands like 3 times up this point and were mostly made by Zodiac's bestest fwiend in the whole wide worrrrld.  Obviously needs polish, but the blue dots are (default) storyline locations and yellows/off colors.  On some maps I got lazy and just circled the outline block, but eh.  I just dotted them up in paint, heh.  You're free to do the same, just use a different color and include a note on the map image on what's what.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Two finals down, two to go. I will probably start after the next final is over (my last is physics and I'm not studying for that joke course), so I wanted to get a quick confirmation on two things.

#1. The maps you want done are:
Mandalia plains (West south east)
Fovoham plains (West south east)
Lenalia Plateau (North south)
Sweegy woods (east west)
Zeklaus desert (East west south)
Bervenia Volcano (North south)
Yuguo woods (East west)
Arauguay woods (East west)
Zirkile falls (East west south)
Barius hill (North south)
Zigolis swamp (east west)
Barius Valley (North west south)
Grog Hill (North east south)
Doguola Pass (East west)
Bed Desert (North South)
Finath River (east west)
Germinas peak (North south)
Poeskas lake (East west)
Doldobar swamp (East west)

Did I miss anything? Also, sorry if I get the east/west or something wrong (as in, what I call east is actually north, sometimes it is just hard to say).

#2. Would you prefer just data on all the maps, like a document with the starting locations in nice bracket notation, or would you like updated map files, or would you like both?
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My youtube Channel
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My Final fantasy I Blind playthrough


1)*loads up game*

yup, thats all the green dots and locations!

2) Well, they'll ultimately become updated map files, so a document is unnecessary unless that's how you're doing it initially, in which case its more of a "may as well" deal.  Would prefer maps (I'm visual) if its all the same to you though :D
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


I got started, and am almost half way done (I hope you don't mind updated maps, it's easier than text notation :) )

Although, funny thing... I never even saw most of the 1.3 randoms, and I am kinda impressed. Fighting ramza, Olan, and then just randoms with tonnes and enemies.

What is weird is that I was doing bervenia, and have been actually just doing the randoms after they are mapped to get some JP for special characters, and Rafa (as a chemist) goes up to the top of the rock to snipe some guys with her magic gun, and I find a materia blade? Is this normal?
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My youtube Channel
My 1.3 Playthough (Complete)
My Final fantasy I Blind playthrough


Quote from: "Gotwald"What is weird is that I was doing bervenia, and have been actually just doing the randoms after they are mapped to get some JP for special characters, and Rafa (as a chemist) goes up to the top of the rock to snipe some guys with her magic gun, and I find a materia blade? Is this normal?

In 1.3?  Yes.  Chemists have innate Move-Find Item and Materia Blade is the Move-Find Item on the uppermost spot of the volcano.


I love updated maps!  Just... include a key or something please.  Yellow = East, or something will suffice.  

QuoteI never even saw most of the 1.3 randoms, and I am kinda impressed.

Indeed.  A lot of effort went into them, and I don't think a majority of the playerbase has seen em for fear of their levels being affected (or they just hate randoms...)
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Quote from: "philsov"I love updated maps!  Just... include a key or something please.  Yellow = East, or something will suffice.  

Which is being done, and I should be done all the maps sometime this afternoon.

With regards to random ideas, do they all have to have the fancy names like others have posted? Or would enemies, map, and general map placement suffice?
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My youtube Channel
My 1.3 Playthough (Complete)
My Final fantasy I Blind playthrough


Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


I am completed!

Everything should be handy dandy, and if you see an error let me know and I can fix it post haste. I double checked all the positions, so they are right, but if I missed a map or you want me to add something, let me know.

A few odities though; Ramza learned ultima at finath river from and ultima demon, there was a battle in bed desert with assassins, a 3 way battle in germinas WITH Lezales (which I stole a setiemson from woo!), ran into a squire named Kanbabrif who turned me into liquid,  Lezales and the whole starter crew at zirkile who stomped me into the dirt, and found something called "deep dungeon".

Anyway, enough off topic ranting, here you go.
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My youtube Channel
My 1.3 Playthough (Complete)
My Final fantasy I Blind playthrough


Woo hoo!

Thank you very much Gotwald :D

@ your randoms -- heh, yeah.  Lotta fun little fights there.  Kanbabrif is a fan-made video by Bastard Poetry, a member here.  "More broken than Math Skill Orlandu with Worker 8's tied to his feet", if I remember the quote correctly.

QuoteThe Chronicles of Kanbabrif


Part I / The Villain of Ivalice

Created by Bastard Poetry
Release Date: June 11th, 2008
Running Time: 33:25


Download Windows Media version:

http://www.vimeo.com/download/video:799 ... 3ddaa65727

1280x720, 271.16MB

Part II / Zhargidan Lament (TRAILER)

SNEAK PEEK - Scene 5 (Rough draft)

Deep Dungeon... is where the big boys play.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.