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Messages - Jumza

Reach The Future / Re: Need save blocks to save game
September 20, 2023, 12:58:33 pm
Is your memory card full? I haven't encountered this but that's what it sounds like. Try removing some save games or getting a fresh memory card file!
Quote from: Sev7N on August 21, 2023, 06:40:08 pmHi, I have a doubt, I just finished playing the current version, and I saved right before the last battle (I wish I did not do that D: ), can I play from the point I just saved on future versions, like when chapter 2 comes out?

PS: try adding a "continue playing" feature just like "The Lion War of the Lions", a way to return us to the last place before the final events, it would help a lot should anyone find themselves in the same situation as I do.

Thanks for your attention :)

Hey! The game specifically tells you to save in a separate slot before the final save appears to try and help people avoid this, but I'm sorry if your save file is stuck! If you have a save that is at the Border Gate you can go into the Minigames section and manually activate the Time Warp to go back though.

Continuing from Chapter 2 depends on whether or not I change anything in Chapter 1 (kind of behind the scenes, gameflow logic-wise) when Chapter 2 releases. I can't make any guarantees sadly.
Quote from: FreeBlock on August 11, 2023, 08:32:42 pmasking for the smallest spoiler:: Please lol

At the 4th....time reset i believe, but on the 3rd, i completed every single area, and was only on the 17th, which enabled me to hit every open spot. But....ya did another reset. ((But it had some slightly new text))

How do we know we completed chapter 1? i guess would be the question.

When you complete chapter 1 fully, you will know ;)

To complete the chapter, you have to Save Celia, complete every Mairsil's Mission (there are 3), then return to Castle Garris before time is up.
Reach The Future / Re: RTF Chapter 1 Bug Reports
August 02, 2023, 12:40:19 pm
This is sick as hell!! I'd love to hear more about this set up, super cool
Reach The Future / Re: RTF Chapter 1 Bug Reports
July 28, 2023, 02:44:44 pm
Unfortunately I am not well equipped to help with Emulator troubleshooting! I hope someone else can help you out
Map Editing / Re: Maps by Bladegrasp
July 16, 2023, 10:38:06 pm
This is awesome! Gives big Metal Gear Solid vibes, like it would be fun to sneak around in.
Quote from: bladegrasp on July 02, 2023, 09:17:54 pmTo Jumza: I caught your Youtube video by accident and was blown away. Now that I'm playing the mod (just past Arden Slums) I'm even more impressed. You have clearly put a lot of thought (and work) into this mod, the sheer amount of new abilities and completely new story make this like a whole separate title. Only the basic battle mechanics and graphics remain from FFT. FYI the play-through has been super smooth so far. Thank you for your efforts, we are looking forward to Chapter 2 !

Thank you so much for the kind words! It was a lot of work for sure, but totally worth it! FFT provided me with the best bones I could've asked for for making a project like this.
Reach The Future / Re: RTF Chapter 1 Bug Reports
June 19, 2023, 10:35:33 am
Quote from: DanCo01 on June 15, 2023, 10:10:57 amI am using duckstation with latest update i have patched the rom and downloaded from your official release page and i cannot get past the title screen everything freezes

I saw in the download topic that you changed some settings that fixed this, mind listing what you changed in case other people have the same issue?
Reach The Future / Re: RTF Chapter 1 Bug Reports
June 13, 2023, 04:21:52 pm
Quote from: Xifanie on June 10, 2023, 05:43:07 amGuy permanently left after
I killed Kinnan's gf
in 1.05
I was able to gather some gysalh greens and save the girl despite being
in the same loop that I  killed her after she turned undead
I was able to trigger the series of events leading to the attack on
the Kingdom, with Celia in my party, despite having never saved her that loop
Dynamic Punch is 1 range and 0 damage

I believe these were all fixed in 1.06? But I will double check.
Dynamic Punch, although it does not say so (how did I miss literally half the ability descriptions and the other half have mistakes) is TarMaxHP - TarCurHP in damage (so it deals whatever HP they are missing in damage). So it would appear to do 0 on a target with full HP!

There will eventually be a 1.1 update where I hit on all the text I missed (and spelling mistakes and the like).
Reach The Future / Re: RTF Chapter 1 Bug Reports
June 07, 2023, 10:54:40 pm
Thank you for the reports!! I will have to look into all of that. For the Granary, I've had multiple people tell me about this Move Find issue now. I've seen someone on stream get an item so it seems weirdly inconsistent. For the effects not happening until the mid battle, that is also strange!! What emulator are you playing on?
Reach The Future / Re: RTF Chapter 1 Bug Reports
June 03, 2023, 10:57:07 pm
Quote from: Kaiden on June 03, 2023, 04:44:22 pmHello, idk if that was reported already , but on mini games, the classic mode challenges , the game freeze everythime i try  there , im using the duckstation,

beside that i would know if  it have a way to pass throug  that part is blocked by some female knight,

also im doing videos about the mod, i would ask if i can keep doing it or not, sorry to ask things that is not bug related , but im new to forum.. sorry ! ^^

No worries! You can also DM me here or on the Discord if you have more general questions, especially if you are making content. Are you on the latest version? The classic mode bug (specifically for Maine) was fixed a while ago. If you are and still having issues let me know.

In regards to the Knight blocking the way:
The camera rotates to show the cave on the map. That's a strong hint as to what to do. Try approaching the other cave you've seen in Tathewood during a battle!
Reach The Future / Re: RTF Chapter 1 Bug Reports
May 31, 2023, 01:20:44 pm
Quote from: cntrdctn86 on May 30, 2023, 09:06:06 pmWell, this was a weird one. I did a time warp (through mini games) in Serenham after finishing the side stuff over there so I could get the salesman, and it went through the Princess introduction again... and now I have 2 of her in my unit list.

A fix should be coming for this in 1.05, for now I suppose either enjoy your double unit or boot one from the party! Thank you for the report.
Reach The Future / Re: RTF Chapter 1 Bug Reports
May 29, 2023, 01:36:09 am
Quote from: cntrdctn86 on May 29, 2023, 12:38:22 amTried it again on 1.02. This time it started with enemy's turn, immediately froze when the cursor went to the enemy who's turn it was. Also, enemy is level 28. Soft cap 20 only applies to hero team =*(

New version v1.03 is out now and has a fix for this bug! Thank you again for the report.

Level cap is intended for the player team, and is meant to be occasionally broken by enemies. Though it should be 25 for the player. Please let me know if this is not the case
Reach The Future / Re: RTF Chapter 1 Bug Reports
May 28, 2023, 10:46:16 am
Quote from: cntrdctn86 on May 28, 2023, 01:28:55 amUsing SwanStation through retroarch, getting a freeze in the 2nd map of main character's classic mini game as soon as I try to attack an enemy. Might be because swanstation isn't on the approved list.

I will investigate this! Let me know if you have crashes anywhere else on Swanstation as well

EDIT: It looks like this is a problem for everything! I am working on a fix
Reach The Future / Re: RTF Chapter 1 Bug Reports
May 28, 2023, 10:38:44 am
Quote from: tales on May 27, 2023, 08:32:55 pmHey,
Dont know if this is a bug or an emulator problem (i'm using pSX v1.13) but when i start a triple triads game controls stop working and game freezes waiting for me to do something.

Hey! I cannot reproduce this problem with pSX v1.13, as that's what I did all the development and testing of Triple Triad with. Any other circumstances that lead up to this? Using an external controller maybe? It should continue reading inputs as normal.
Reach The Future / RTF Chapter 1 Bug Reports
May 26, 2023, 03:35:44 pm
I'm like 50% sure I don't make mistakes, so if you find a bug please report it here! I will address things as they come up.

And thank you for bearing with me! If you've been playing you know this is a complicated mod, there are bound to be errors here and there!
Most up to date version: v1.06 (released June 5th)

I hope you all enjoy playing it as much as I did making it! Download link at the bottom of this post!


Duckstation - Fully tested and compatible!

pSXv1.13 - Fully tested and compatible!

ePSXe - PC versions of this emulator do not run certain instructions as expected resulting in some strange behaviour sometimes. I do not recommend using this emulator to play this mod. Mobile versions of ePSXe, while not yet tested, may fare better in this regard.

An actual PS1 Console - I haven't managed to get this working yet, but it's on the to do list!

Other - Your preferred emulator not on the list? Try playing the mod and report back to me so I can update it!

For applying the PPF I recommend using the online tool found here https://www.marcrobledo.com/RomPatcher.js/ as I have found that PPF-O-Matic takes quite a while to apply this particular PPF, whereas this site takes a few seconds.

Previous Version Download Counts:
  • v1.0 - 171
  • v1.01 (hotfix) - 12
  • v1.02 (hotfix) - 38
  • v1.03 (hotfix) - 23
  • v1.04 (hotfix) - 77
  • v1.05 (hotfix) - 83
  • TOTAL - 404
The Lion War / Re: The Lion War 2.031 - Bug Reports
March 19, 2023, 07:33:26 pm
Quote from: aroon on March 18, 2023, 11:57:03 pmI don't understand. If Monster Skill isn't broken what am I doing wrong?

You've got all the info! It has only ever worked on adjacent units, the description is worded a little misleadingly (by 3 tiles it means adjacent and up to a height difference of 3).

From the FFT Battle Mechanics Guide

"[Monster Skill] - 200 JP, Squire
Monsters standing on squares adjacent to you will have access to a new
skill (vertical tolerance 3).  This will have no effect if you are
Berserk, Confused, or Unable to Fight."
Help! / Re: Controls WILL not work at all
March 05, 2023, 09:36:53 pm
There is a thread about that on the TLW board specifically pertaining to Duckstation if you want to give that emulator another go. https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=12946.0
pSXfin should also very easily play TLW out of the box with no issues
Spriting / Re: On using custom sprites
December 31, 2022, 12:49:04 pm
The general rule is that any sprite on this site is fair game for use in mods as long as all artists involved are credited properly. If you want you may also reach out to the creators and ask for their permission. Generally sprites that people don't want others to use are not posted here!