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FFT Arena 1.44b - Download available here

Started by Kurosabes, May 11, 2019, 08:10:30 pm


May 11, 2019, 08:10:30 pm Last Edit: April 27, 2024, 10:15:36 am by Kurosabes Reason: Image fix

Patch 1.44b

FFT: Arena is a tournament-style patch, which pits AI-controlled teams of 4 versus one another. Units are always level 35, make use of balanced versions of vanilla equipment, skills, and jobs, with some new ones, as well. The patch is strictly AI versus AI.

The primary goals of Arena are:
1) To create a balanced playing field for AI battles;
2) To ensure that players have fun whilst watching and making teams; and
3) To be a seamless system for a (future) singleplayer mode.

Patch a clean (vanilla) ISO with the PPF file that's within the RAR file at the end of this post.

Use PPF-o-matic to patch the PPF, which is also included in the RAR file.
Known compatible emulators: ePSXe (2.0.2 recommended), pSX 1.13, DuckStation. The following are currently not compatible: PCSX-R and Mednafen.

OS 10.4+: Use the Multipatch tool found in the Tools wiki section.
OS 9: Use PPF-o-matic found in the Tools wiki section.
Known compatible emulators: openEMU, DuckStation. It's likely that you will need to update the CUE file to run the game properly. You may use this CUE Generator to automatically create a CUE compatible with the BIN file.

How to play (WIP)
Currently, the only way to play is to create a card file with the Memory Card Generator spreadsheet included in the download (requires Excel 2007 or higher). Pick teams or create your own, then generate the card and load the save file. This sends you to the Deep Dungeon, where you can select any map in the game to fight in an automated 4 vs 4 team battle. An update is in the works to allow creation of teams through the game.

Useful links

Beginner's Guide to FFT Arena (if new, start here!)

Gameplay videos
Go to the last page for videos of more recent patches.

Master Guide
In-depth guide covering all of the game's information.

AI Team Building Guide 2.0
A guide to understand how the AI plays out, and how to make best use of it.

Team submissions
Submit teams here if you wish for them to be featured in videos. You may also download a card generator at the end of that link's post, which contains more up-to-date teams to fight against than the one here.

Discord server
This server is dedicated to FFT Arena.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Kurosabes#0312


May 11, 2019, 08:11:43 pm #1 Last Edit: May 21, 2022, 01:11:01 pm by WKW


Punch Art (Monk)
13 --> 10 Y

Ninjutsu (Ninja)
3 --> 7 Y
Hits 4 times --> Hits 2 times

White Magic (Priest)
Raise 2
15 --> 14 Y
4 --> 6 CT
36 --> 45 MP


20 --> 22% AI Priority

19 --> 20% AI Priority

Removed on death (reverted 1.44 change)
32 --> 24 CT


- Attack command and other weapon damage abilities (e.g. Houkouton, Hawk's Eye) that are elemental will now dispel Oil
- Revive and Phoenix Blade use Physical multipliers instead of magical
- Berserk uses the correct damage multiplier (it was 150% instead of 133%)


- Reworked Mystic Knight's palettes to better represent their team color. See the color changes below:
<-- Old
--> New

Note: Yellow team color is currently unavailable.

Male Mystic Knight

Female Mystic Knight

Note on portraits: The portraits don't accurately represent the sprites anymore because, unfortunately, the cape shares the same color as the portrait background so it can't be colored.


- Fixed Strength Tonic targeting issue
- Summoners were unable to equip books
- Counter Tackle wasn't using its special Bullrush
- Fixed Seraph's text description

Other changes

- Added text for the controllable test maps

- Fixed a game crash at the start of turns

Patch 144 (2022-03-27) (links to Arena Wiki)

Patch 143c (2020-01-02) (links to Arena Wiki)

- Fixed a bug with X-Potion that caused soft game crashes.
- Auto-Potion now works.
- Brave Suit absorbs Water as intended.

Changelog taken from:

Chance to react: ((Brave + Faith) / 2)% --> (Brave + Faith - 40)%.
Two Hands: 170% --> 150% damage modifier.
Two Swords --> "Two Weapons": 80% --> 75% damage modifier.
Berserk: 150% --> 133% damage modifier.
Luck Up: 150% --> 200% proc chance.
Weapon evasion is no longer innate.

Innates: Lost Throw Item (see Abilities).

124 // 114 --> 136 // 125 HP.
87 // 100 --> 105 // 120 MP.

95 // 108 --> 87 // 100 MP.

105 // 120 --> 95 // 108 MP.

140 // 128 --> 132 // 121 HP.

132 // 121 --> 140 // 128 HP.

136 // 125 --> 124 // 114 HP.
Equipment: Lost Ninjatos.

Black Magic
Douse: 0 --> 1 AoE, 0 --> 1 Vertical, 4 --> 2 CT, and 12 --> 18 MP.
Speed -1: 250 --> 150 JP.

Nurse: Hit (PA+80)% --> Hit (100)%, Heal (25)% --> Heal (35)%, and no longer adds Regen.
Iron Will: 6 --> 24 MP, and Add: Protect and Shell --> Add: Protect and Regen.

Move +1: 400 --> 250 JP.

Heal: 12 --> 18 MP, 150 --> 250 JP, and Hit_(100)% --> Hit_(PA+80)%.
Maintenance: 200 --> 150 JP.
(NEW) Weapon Guard (150 JP): Unlocks weapon evasion and allows to evade while charging.

Item has become a default skillset. This means it now supports all ability mods (Range, MP costs, Silenceable, etc.)

All of Item is Silenceable.
1 --> 4 range.
Phoenix Down: Heal (1-19) --> Heal (5)%, and 25% --> 5% HP Damage to Undead.
Throw Item: Removed from the game (it no longer serves any function).

Kieru --> "Toumei".
Fushin --> "Mushin".
Tsumazuku: 200 --> 150 JP.
Shuriken: 150 --> 100 JP.
Suiton: 25% Add: Charm and Haste --> 25% Add: Frog.
Raiton: 200 --> 150 JP.
Misogi: 100 --> 150 JP.

Miasma: 3 --> 2 CT, 12 --> 18 MP, Random: Darkness, Don't Move, Oil or Slow --> Random: Darkness, Don't Move or Slow.
Drain Blade --> "Drain Strike": Regular --> Linear targeting, 2 --> 3 CT, and AbsHP_(Brave(PA*WP)) --> AbsHP_(Brave(PA*10)).
Osmose Blade --> "Osmose Strike": Regular --> Linear targeting, and AbsMP_(Brave(PA*WP)) --> AbsMP_(Brave(PA*10)).
Overwhelm: 300 --> 400 JP.

Quickening: 12 --> 21 MP.

Talk Skill
Flee: 100 --> 0 JP.

Time Magic
Awareness: Can no longer evade while Charging.

White Magic
Protect: 2 --> 4 CT, and Hit (100)% --> Hit Faith(MA+85)%.
Shell: 2 --> 4 CT, and Hit (100)% --> Hit Faith(MA+85)%.
Esuna: Gained Cancel: Charm.
Petrify: 4 --> 3 Range, 4 --> 5 CT, and 18 --> 36 MP.

Yin Yang Magic
Primal Resist: 300 --> 200 JP.

Vampire Diary: 12 --> 11 WP.
Seductress: 11 --> 10 WP , 5% --> 0% W-EV, and 33% --> 25% Add: Charm.
Necronomicon: 12 --> 11 WP.
Monster Tome --> "Monster Tactics".
Omnilex: 5% --> 0% W-EV.

Guns no longer ignore evasion.

Peacemaker: Becomes Forced 2 hands.
Flare Gun: Removed from the game.

Genji Shield: Removed from the game.

Genji Helmet: 92 --> 84 HP.
Mythril Helmet: 108 --> 116 HP.

Thief Hat: 76 --> 68 HP.
Green Beret: 100 --> 108 HP.

Golden Hairpin: 72 --> 80 HP, and 124 --> 112 MP.
Twist Headband: 88 --> 52 MP, and 2 PA --> 3 PA bonus.
Coronet: 100 --> 64 MP, and 2 MA --> 3 MA bonus.
Focus Band: 92 --> 40 MP, and 1 PA, 1 MA --> 2 PA, 2 MA bonus.
Royal Headpiece: 36 --> 28 HP, 104 --> 56 MP, and 1 Speed --> 1 PA, 1 MA and 1 Speed bonus.
Combat Sight: 60 --> 64 HP, 96 --> 64 MP, and 1 Move, 1 Jump --> 2 Move, 2 Jump bonus.
Chakra Band: 44 --> 52 HP, 104 --> 80 MP, and gained Berserk immunity.
Lamia's Tiara: 52 --> 60 HP, 92 --> 68 MP, and gained Charm immunity.
Demon Horn: 60 --> 68 HP, 80 --> 56 MP, and gained Don't Act immunity.
Ribbon: 40 --> 48 HP, 96 --> 72 MP, and gained Darkness immunity.

Genji Armor: 104 --> 96 HP.
Mythril Armor: 120 --> 128 HP.

Secret Clothes: 84 --> 76 HP.
Mythril Vest: 108 --> 116 HP.

Robe of Lords: 92 --> 100 HP, and 92 --> 80 MP.
Knight Garb: 68 --> 52 HP, 56 --> 44 MP, and 2 PA --> 3 PA bonus.
Wizard Robe: 60 --> 44 HP, 68 --> 56 MP, and 2 MA --> 3 MA bonus.
Red Robe: 84 --> 68 HP, 56 --> 32 MP, and 1 PA, 1 MA --> 2 PA, 2 MA bonus.
Light Robe: 56 --> 36 HP, 72 --> 44 MP, and 1 Speed --> 1 PA, 1 MA, 1 Speed bonus.
Traveler's Garb: 76 --> 72 HP, 68 --> 48 MP, and 1 Move, 1 Jump --> 2 Move, 2 Jump bonus.
Chameleon Robe: 80 --> 88 HP, and 72 --> 60 MP.
White Robe: 84 --> 92 HP, and 68 --> 56 MP.
Reaper's Robe: Gained (back) Absorb: Holy.

Hyper Shoes: Removed from the game.

Protect: AI will now consider adding the status at any HP level.
Shell: AI will now consider adding the status at any HP level.

Petrify: -70% --> -90% AI priority.

Yell and Cheer Up did not have Vertical thresholds.
Charm was very rarely being removed by the AI. (Possibly other statuses like Don't Move were affected, but this was the most noticeable.)
Updated description text for Ninja (job), Round Shield, and Maiden's Kiss.
Awareness and Abandon no longer overwrite the reaction slot during battle. (Unsure if that prevented the original reaction from triggering or it was just a visual bug)
Added 'Evade with motion' to Shuriken and Southern Cross.
Some Male Archer palettes have color changes.

        • Fixed JP cost of MP Restore.
        • Thieves still had innate Flee.
        • Knockout had 0% chance to add Sleep.
        • Primal Boost and Primal Resist now have text.
        • Fixed descriptions of RSM abilities.
        • Removed obscure text that caused game crashes in Formation Screen menus.

        • Squires were not supposed to be able to equip helmets and armor.
        • Oracles can correctly equip books.
        • Genji Shield was 10% P-EV/M-EV when it's supposed to be 5%.
        • Douse had the wrong animation.
        • AI should recognize Cone AoE a little more.

This has been a long wait, but 1.43 is now here. Hopefully this will entertain you guys for a while before the inevitable 1.43a.

You can also view the changelog on the Arena Wiki here.

• Best/worst compatibility multiplier goes from +/- 25% to 12.5%, and Good/Bad from +/- 12.5% to 6.25%.
• Attack UP: 133% --> 125% XA modifier.
• Magic Attack UP: 133% --> 125% XA modifier.
• Two Hands: 175% --> 170% XA modifier.
• All jobs' base PA and MA now add up to 18, except for Mime and Geomancer, which are 20.
• All jobs' base MP have been increased across the board (with a few exceptions).
• Defensive abilities (except Cure 1-3) are no longer reflectable.
• Global C-EV is removed from the game. Jobs' C-EV are adjusted to reflect this change.
• Shields, head and body equipment have been reworked.
• Non-cloak accessories had their evasion lowered.
• There are a couple changes to the core function of some skillsets. This is only partial; more skillsets will receive similar treatment.
• RSM have been reorganised so that most jobs have one of each. Plus a couple additions and removals.
• Silence returns to the game. It prevents the inflicted unit from using defensive support abilities. Exception is Item, and that will change later.
• Transparent, Berserk, Darkness, Frog, Undead and Silence are given a CT.
• Poison, Don't Move, Protect and Shell are no longer removed on death.


• 154 // 144 --> 160 // 146 HP.
• 28 // 30 --> 77 // 88 MP.
• 10 // 8 --> 11 // 9 PA.
• 4 // 6 --> 7 // 9 MA.
• Equipment: Gains Helmets.


• 165 // 154 --> 176 // 162 HP.
• 28 // 30 --> 53 // 60 MA.
• 10 // 8 --> 12 // 10 PA.
• 4 // 6 --> 6 // 8 MA.
• 9 --> 8 Speed.
• 5% --> 20% C-EV.


• 165 // 154 --> 184 // 169 HP.
• 28 // 30 --> 91 // 104 MP.
• 12 // 10 --> 13 // 11 PA.
• 6 --> 7 MA (female).
• 9 --> 8 Speed.
• 10% --> 35% C-EV.
• Equipment: Gained Hats.


• 154 // 125 --> 148 // 120 HP.
• 43 // 77 --> 60 // 92 MP.
• 11 // 9 --> 10 // 12 PA.
• 8 --> 9 Speed.
• 10% // 20% --> 15% // 15% C-EV.
• Equipment: Loses Ninjatos.


• 113 // 106 --> 124 // 114 HP.
• 43 // 46 --> 87 // 100 MP.
• 9 // 7 --> 11 // 9 PA.
• 4 // 6 --> 7 // 9 MA.
• 15% --> 30% C-EV.
• Equipment: Gains Katanas and Headpieces.
• Innates: Loses Two Swords.


• 185 // 173 --> 188 // 172 HP.
• 24 // 25 --> 67 // 76 MP.
• 10 // 8 --> 11 // 9 PA.
• 5 // 6 --> 7 // 9 MA.
• 5% --> 10% C-EV.


• 165 // 154 --> 152 // 139 HP.
• 62 // 67 --> 73 // 84 MP.
• 9 // 7 --> 12 // 10 PA.
• 7 // 9 --> 6 // 8 MA.
• 3 --> 4 Move.
• 5% --> 15% C-EV.


• 154 // 144 --> 164 // 151 HP.
• 77 // 82 --> 56 // 64 MP.
• 8 // 6 --> 10 // 8 PA.
• 6 // 8 --> 8 // 10 MA.
• 3 --> 4 Jump.
• 5% --> 10% C-EV.


• 144 // 135 --> 168 // 154 HP.
• 57 // 61 --> 60 // 68 MP.
• 10 // 8 --> 11 // 9 PA.
• 8 // 10 --> 9 // 11 MA.
• 10% --> 20% C-EV.
• Equipment: Gains Headpieces.


• 113 // 106 --> 116 // 107 HP.
• 96 // 103 --> 112 // 128 MP.
• 30% --> 40% C-EV.


• 134 // 125 --> 144 // 132 HP.
• 43 // 46 --> 84 // 96 MP.
• 9 // 7 --> 10 // 8 PA.
• 9 // 11 --> 8 // 10 MA.
• 10% --> 25% C-EV.
• Equipment: Gains Headpieces.


• 134 --> 136 HP (male).
• 19 // 20 --> 63 // 72 MP.
• 9 // 7 --> 10 // 8 PA.
• 4 // 6 --> 8 // 10 MA.
• 20% --> 30% C-EV.
• Innates: Loses Flee.


• 165 // 154 --> 180 // 165 HP.
• 57 // 61 --> 70 // 80 MP.
• 8 // 6 --> 9 // 7 PA.
• 7 // 9 --> 9 // 11 MA.
• 9 --> 8 Speed.
• 5% --> 20% C-EV.


• 154 // 144 --> 172 // 158 HP.
• 72 // 77 --> 95 // 108 MP.
• 7 --> 8 PA (male).
• 8 // 10 --> 10 // 12 MA.
• 3 --> 4 Move.
• 5% --> 25% C-EV.
• Equipment: Gains Books and Headpieces.
• Innates: Loses Any Weather.


• 134 // 125 --> 156 // 143 HP.
• 77 // 82 --> 105 // 120 MP.
• 8 // 6 --> 9 // 7 PA.
• 8 // 10 --> 9 // 11 MA.
• 8 --> 9 Speed.
• 5% --> 20% C-EV.
• Equipment: Gains Headpieces.


• 123 // 115 --> 140 // 128 HP.
• 72 // 77 --> 98 // 112 MP.
• 9 // 7 --> 8 // 6 PA.
• 9 // 11 --> 10 // 12 MA.
• 8 --> 9 Speed.
• 5% --> 30% C-EV.
• Equipment: Gains Clothing.


• 113 // 106 --> 132 // 121 HP.
• 111 // 118 --> 115 // 132 MP.
• 6 // 4 --> 8 // 6 PA.
• 9 // 11 --> 10 // 12 MA.
• 5% --> 15% C-EV.
• Equipment: Gains Headpieces.


• 113 // 106 --> 120 // 110 HP.
• 72 // 77 --> 109 // 124 MP.
• 6 // 4 --> 9 // 7 PA.
• 7 // 9 --> 9 // 11 MA.
• 3 --> 4 Jump.
• 5% --> 10% C-EV.


• 113 // 106 --> 128 // 117 HP.
• 82 // 87 --> 102 // 116 MP.
• 6 // 4 --> 7 // 5 PA.
• 10 // 12 --> 11 // 13 MA.
• 5% --> 10% C-EV.
• Equipment: Gains Headpieces.



• Silenceable: None.

• Leg Aim: 0 --> 6 MP.
• Arm Aim: 0 --> 9 MP.
• Cobra Strike: 0 --> 3 MP.
• Seal Evil: 0 --> 6 MP.
• Execute: 0 --> 3 MP.
• Head Break: 0 --> 9 MP.
• Armor Break: 0 --> 9 MP.
• Shield Break: 0 --> 6 MP.


• Critical Quick: Gained from Thief.
• PA Save: Gained from Mystic Knight.
• Desperation: Gained from Samurai.
• Speed Save: Moved to Thief.
• Projectile Guard: Removed from the game.
• Range +1: Moved to Summoner.



• Jump's damage formula: Dmg_Brave(PA * WP) --> Dmg_Brave(Weapon * 5 / 4).

• Silenceable: None.


• Overwhelm: Gained from Mystic Knight.
• Brave Up: Moved to Mystic Knight.
• Concentrate: Moved to Mystic Knight.



• Silenceable: Stigma Magic, Chakra, Revive.


• Chrono Trigger: Gained from Time Mage.
• Attack UP: Gained from Geomancer.
• HP Restore: Moved to Samurai.



• Silenceable: Amplified Raise, Amplified Cure, Amplified Dispel.

• All 'Amps', and Miasma: Regular --> Cone targeting, and 2 --> 1 Range (Cone AoE is fixed at 1 Range).

• Amplified Dispel: CA + CM --> CC + CM.
• Amplified Bio: 2 --> 3 AoE, 12 --> 18 MP, Dark --> Non-elemental, CA + CM --> CA + CM + CC, and 33% Add: Poison --> 33% Add: Silence.
• Amplified Bolt: CA + CM --> CA + CM + CC.
• Amplified Ice: CA + CM --> CA + CM + CC.
• Amplified Water: 6 --> 12 MP, and CA + CM --> CA + CM + CC.
• Miasma: Hit_(PA+70)% --> Hit_(PA+75)%.
• Divine Strike --> "Drain Blade": Gained from Paladin. 2 --> 3 Range, 12 --> 18 MP, 4 --> 2 CT, and CA + CM --> CA + CM + CC.
• Hallowed Strike --> "Osmose Blade": Gained from Paladin. 2 --> 3 Range, and CA + CM --> CA + CM + CC.
• Shock: Moved to Paladin.
• Amplified Ultima: Removed from the game.


• Brave Up: Gained from Lancer.
• Concentrate: Gained from Lancer.
• Fly: Gained from Summon Magic.
• PA Save: Moved to Archer.
• MA Save: Moved to Mediator.
• Overwhelm: Moved to Lancer.



• Silenceable: Accumulate, Focus, Yell, Cheer Up, Heal, Wish.

• Accumulate: Displays a different effect.
• Throw Grime: 0 --> 9 MP, and Hit_(PA+50)% --> Hit_(PA+55)%.
• Throw Sand: 0 --> 1 AoE.
• Yell: 3 directions --> Regular targeting, 2 --> 1 AoE, 150 --> 200 JP, 6 --> 9 MP, and Hit_(100%) --> Hit_(PA+70)%, but can now hit the caster, and 2 --> 3 Vertical. Displays a different effect.
• Cheer Up: 3 directions --> Regular targeting, 2 --> 1 AoE, 100 --> 200 JP, 12 --> 15 MP and Hit_(100)% --> Hit_(PA+65)%, but can now hit the caster, and 2 --> 3 Vertical. Displays a different effect.

• R/S/M:

• Equip Weapon --> "X-Equip": Unlocks all equipment. 250 --> 400 JP.
• Maintenance: Gained from Chemist.
• Luck UP: Moved to Geomancer.
• Defend: Moved to Paladin.



• Silenceable: Kieru, Misogi.

• (NEW) Kieru: 0 Range, 0 AoE, 0 CT, 24 MP, 100% Add: Transparent, 300 JP.
• Doubt Faith --> "Fushin": Gained from Oracle. 6 --> 7 Range, 2 --> 0 CT, 6 --> 15 MP, Hit_Faith(MA+80)% --> Hit_(PA+70)%, Magical --> No evade, CC + CM --> CC, and 150 --> 200 JP.
• Meiton: Infinite --> ^ 3 Vertical, 12 --> 21 MP, PA * 10 --> PA * 9, and CC + CM --> CA + CM + CC.
• Fuuton: 0 --> 2 CT, 18 --> 24 MP, and CC + CM --> CA + CM + CC.
• Suiton: 12 --> 18 MP, and CC + CM --> CA + CM + CC.
• Raiton: CC --> CA + CC.
• Houkouton: CC + CM --> CA + CM + CC.
• Misogi: 0 --> 12 MP.
• Heretic: Removed from the game.


• Two Swords: 300 --> 250 JP.
• Abandon: Becomes a movement, and 3/2 --> 4/3 bonus to evasion.
• Move -1: Moved to Priest.



• Silenceable: Lay on Hands, Nurse, Transfusion, Iron Will, Reraise.

• Lay on Hands: 50 --> 40% healing, and 200 --> 250 JP.
• Nurse: 6 --> 12 MP, and PA+255 --> PA+80% hit chance, and 33 --> 25% healing.
• Transfusion: 0 --> 9 MP.
• Reraise: No longer Reflectable and can now hit the caster.
• (NEW) Mental Break: 1 Range, 0 AoE, ^2 Vertical, 3 CT, 15 MP, Hit_(PA+45)%, Add: Berserk, CA, CC, P-evade, 200 JP.
• Shock: Gained from Mystic Knight: CA + CM --> CA + CC.
• Southern Cross: 250 --> 200 JP.
• Hallowed Strike: Moved to Mystic Knight.
• Divine Strike: Moved to Mystic Knight.


• Distribute: Gained from Scholar.
• Defense UP: Gained from Oracle.
• Defend: Gained from Squire.
• Equip Armor: Removed from the game.



• Silenceable: None (Currently not possible).

• Antidote: Cancel: Petrify - Darkness - Poison --> Cancel: Darkness - Silence - Poison, and 100 --> 150 JP.
• Echo Grass --> "Calm Grass".
• Maiden's Kiss: Cancel: Frog - Sleep --> Cancel: Frog - Petrify - Sleep.


• (NEW) Speed +1: Movement which Increases user's Speed by 1 (does not increase as you walk). 500 JP.
• Maintenance: Moved to Squire.



• All Geomancies: 20% --> 25% proc chance, and Dmg_((PA+2)/2 * MA) --> Dmg_(PA/2 * MA), and CC + CM --> CA + CM + CC.

• Silenceable: None.

• Pitfall: Removed from the game (merged into Local Quake).
• Water Ball: Removed from the game (merged into Quicksand).
• Sand Storm: Removed from the game (merged into Quicksand).
• Gusty Wind: Removed from the game (merged into Kamaitachi).
• Blizzard: Removed from the game (merged into Hell Ivy).
• Lava Ball: Removed from the game (merged into Hell Ivy).


• MP Switch: Gained from Summoner.
• Luck UP: Gained from Squire.
• Move +1: Gained from Thief.
• Awareness: Moved to Time Mage.
• Equip Shield: Removed from the game.
• Attack UP: Moved to Monk.



• Silenceable: Murasame, Masamune.

• Asura: 6 --> 15 MP, and CC --> CA + CC.
• Kotetsu: 12 --> 21 MP.
• Bizen Boat: 12 --> 21 MP.
• Murasame: 12 --> 24 MP.
• Heaven's Cloud: 6 --> 15 MP, and CC --> CA + CC.
• Kiyomori: 6 --> 18 MP, and CC --> CA + CC.
• Muramasa: 6 --> 12 MP, and CC --> CA + CC.
• Kikuichimonji: 12 --> 18 MP.
• Masamune: 6 --> 12 MP, and Add: Haste --> Add: Float, Haste.
• Chirijiraden: 12 --> 18 MP.


• HP Restore: Gained from Monk.
• Two Hands: 175% --> 170% XA modifier, and 300 --> 250 JP.
• Float: Gained from Time Mage.
• Desperation: Moved to Archer.



• Silenceable: Quickening.

• Sucker Punch --> "Knockout": 150 --> 200 JP, 0 --> 9 MP, Dmg_Brave(SP*12) --> Dmg_Brave(SP*10), and gains 33% Add: Sleep.
• Steal Heart: 0 --> 12 MP.
• Steal Weapon: CA --> CA + CC.
• Steal Accessory: CA --> CA + CC.
• Magic Ruin: CC + CM --> CA + CC + CM.
• Speed Ruin: CC + CM --> CA + CC + CM.


• Speed Save: Gained from Archer.
• Move-HP UP: Gained from Scholar.
• Critical Quick: Moved to Archer.
• Move +1: Moved to Geomancer.
• Flee: Moved to Mediator.



• Silenceable: Warn, Refute, Battle Orders, Pathos Speech.

• All Talk Skill abilities (except Battle Orders and Pathos Speech) are temporarily changed to be Faith-based. They accept Magic Attack UP, and will affect sleeping units.

• Blackmail: Hit_(60 - Speed) --> Hit_Faith(MA+55)%, and CM --> CC, CM.
• Warn: CM --> No Counter, and 150 --> 100 JP.
• Stall: Hit_(55 - Speed) --> Hit_Faith(MA+50)%, CM --> CC, CM, and 250 --> 200 JP.
• Preach: Hit_(85 - Speed) --> Hit_Faith(MA+80)%, and CM --> CC.
• Solution: Removed from the game. (may come back after AFS.)
• Death Sentence --> "Condemn": Hit_(55 - Speed) --> Hit_Faith(MA+40)%, CM --> CC, CM, and 200 --> 250 JP.
• Refute: Hit_(70 - Speed) --> Hit_Faith(MA+70)%, CM --> CC, CM, and 250 --> 300 JP.
• Insult: Hit_(60 - Speed) --> Hit_Faith(MA+50)%, and CM --> CC, CM.
• Mimic Daravon: Removed from the game.


• MA Save: Gained from Mystic Knight.
• Flee: Gained from Thief.



• Silenceable: None.

• Douse: Moved to Wizard.
• Spell Absorb: 0 --> 1 CT. Uses shortened animation.
• Life Drain: 0 --> 2 CT. Uses shortened animation.
• Pray Faith: 5 --> 6 Range, 0 --> 1 AoE, 2 --> 0 CT, and 12 --> 21 MP. Uses shortened animation.
• Doubt Faith: Moved to Ninja.
• Zombie: 3 --> 1 CT. Uses shortened animation.
• (NEW) Darkness: 5 Range, 2 AoE, 3 Vertical, 2 CT, 12 MP, Hit_Faith(MA+85)%, Add: Darkness, 100 JP.
• Don't Move: Gained from Time Mage. 3 --> 2 CT.
• Poison: Gained from Wizard.
• Sleep: 4 --> 3 CT. Uses shortened animation.
• Doubt Faith: Moved to Ninja.
• Blind Rage: Moved to Paladin.
• Beguile: Removed from the game.
• Paralyze: Removed from the game.
• Petrify: Moved to Priest.


• Faith Up: Gained from Scholar.
• (NEW) Primal Resist: Support that decreases the duration of status effects by 50% when equipped.
• Absorb MP: Moved to Priest.
• Defense UP: Moved to Paladin.



• Silenceable: Cure, Cure 2, Cure 3, Cure 4, Raise, Raise 2, Protect, Shell, Wall, Esuna.

• Wall: No longer Reflectable.
• Esuna: No longer Reflectable.


• Absorb MP: Gained from Oracle.
• Move -1: Gained from Ninja.
• Counter Magic: Moved to Scholar.



• Silenceable: Regen, Mad Science, Convection.

• Regen: 4 --> 5 Range, 1 --> 2 Vertical, 0 --> 4 CT, 12 --> 21 MP, Hit_F(MA+100)% --> Hit_F(MA+80)%, and 150 --> 200 JP.
• Mbarrier --> "Mad Science": 4 --> 6 Range, 3 --> 2 CT, 18 --> 27 MP, Hit_F(MA+75)% --> Hit_F(MA+70)%, Add: Haste, Reflect, Reraise --> Add: Float, Reflect, Reraise, and 250 --> 200 JP.
• Convection: 5 --> 6 Range, 2 --> 0 CT, 100% Add: Float, Transparent --> 100% Add: Transparent.
• Spellbreaker: Removed from the game (for now).
• Bio --> "Crude Bio": 1 --> 2 AoE, 1 --> 2 Vertical, 12 --> 18 MP, No longer hits caster, Dmg_Faith(MA * 7) --> Dmg_Faith(MA * 6), 20% Add: Poison --> 33% Add: Oil, and 100 --> 200 JP.
• Bio 2 --> "Toxic Bio": 1 --> 2 AoE, 2 --> 3 Vertical, 18 --> 24 MP, No longer hits caster, Dmg_Faith(MA * 9) --> Dmg_Faith(MA * 7), 20% Add: Oil --> 33% Add: Poison, and 150 --> 200 JP.
• Bio 3 --> "Plague Bio": 1 --> 2 AoE, 3 --> 4 Vertical, 24 --> 30 MP, No longer hits caster, Dark elemental --> Non-elemental, Dmg_Faith(MA * 11) --> Dmg_Faith(MA * 9), and 20% --> 33% Add: Undead.
• Melt: Linear --> Regular: 5 Range, 2 AoE, 2 Vertical, 0 --> 2 CT, 12 --> 15 MP, Fire --> Non-elemental, and DmgMP_Faith(MA * 8) --> DmgMP_Faith(MA * 5).
• Tornado --> "Magic Twister": 3 --> 5 Range, and Wind --> All elements.
• (NEW) Omniblast: 6 Range, 4 CT, 33 MP, All elements, Dmg_Faith(MA * 14), No Evade, No Reflect.
• Quake: Removed from the skillset (still exists for Dwarven Fan).
• Flare: Removed from the skillset (still exists for Flare Gun).


• Counter Magic: Gained from Priest.
• Third of MP: Gained from Summoner.
• Teleport: Gained from Wizard.
• Distribute: Moved to Paladin.
• Faith Up: Moved to Oracle.
• Regenerator: Moved to Wizard.
• Move-HP UP: Moved to Thief.
• Move = 0: Removed from the game.



• Silenceable: Moogle, Fairy, Carbunkle.


• MP Restore: Gained from Wizard.
• Range +1: Gained from Archer.
• MP Switch: Moved to Geomancer.
• Third of MP: Moved to Scholar.
• Fly: Moved to Mystic Knight.



• Silenceable: Haste, Haste 2, Return.

• Haste: No longer Reflectable.
• Meteorain: 3 --> 4 Range, 1 --> 3 Vertical, 4 --> 3 CT, 200 --> 150 JP, 100 --> 125 damage, and 24 --> 30 MP. No longer follows target.
• Return: No longer Reflectable.
• Don't Move: Moved to Oracle.


• Awareness: Gained from Geomancer. Becomes a Movement.
• (NEW) Primal Boost: Support that increases duration of status effects by 50% when equipped.
• Chrono Trigger: Moved to Monk.
• Float: Moved to Samurai.



• Silenceable: None.

• Fire: 18 --> 21 MP, Dmg_Faith(MA*8) --> Dmg_Faith(MA*9), and 100 --> 150 JP.
• Bolt: 12 --> 15 MP, Dmg_Faith(MA*8) --> Dmg_Faith(MA*9), and 100 --> 150 JP.
• Ice: 18 --> 24 MP, Dmg_Faith(MA*10) --> Dmg_Faith(MA*11), and 100 --> 150 JP.
• Water: 3 --> 5 Vertical, 24 --> 21 MP, Dmg_Faith(MA*9) --> Dmg_Faith(MA*10), and 100 --> 150 JP.
• Nether Water: 7 --> 5 Vertical, and 12 --> 18 MP.
• Dark Holy: 400 --> 300 JP.
• Douse: Gained from Oracle.
• (NEW) Silence: 5 Range, 1 AoE, 2 Vertical, 1 CT, 12 MP, Hit_Faith(MA+85)% M-EV, Add: Silence, Reflectable, CM+CC, 150 JP.
• Fire 2: Removed from the game.
• Bolt 2: Removed from the game.
• Ice 2: Removed from the game.
• Water 2: Removed from the skillset (still exists for Rain Bow).
• Poison: Moved to Oracle.


• Regenerator: Gained from Scholar.
• (NEW) Speed -1: Movement which decreases user Speed by 1. 250 JP cost.
• MP Restore: Moved to Summoner.
• Teleport: Moved to Scholar.


• Gambler's Axe: 9 --> 10 WP, 30% --> 20% W-EV, and Yes 2 Weapons.
• Hydraxe --> "Glaciaxe": 12 --> 13 WP, 30% --> 0% W-EV, and Yes 2 Weapons.
• Tomahawk: 10 --> 11 WP, and 10% --> 0% W-EV.
• Light Axe: Moved to Spears.


• (NEW) U Bag: 8 WP, +1 PA, +1 MA, Yes Two Hands, Yes 2 Weapons.
• (NEW) J Bag: 8 WP, +1 Move, +1 Jump, Yes Two Hands, Yes 2 Weapons.
• C Bag: 5 --> 8 WP.
• FS Bag: 5 --> 8 WP.
• H Bag: 5 --> 8 WP.


• All books: Direct --> Arc targeting, and Forced 2 Hands.

• Madlemgen --> "Omnilex": 12 --> 11 WP, 15% --> 5% W-EV, and 3 --> 5 Range.
• Monster Dict --> "Bestiary": 14 --> 13 WP, 25% --> 20% W-EV, and 3 --> 6 Range.
• Necronomicon: 20% --> 10% W-EV, and 3 --> 5 Range.
• Seductress: 12 --> 11 WP, 15% --> 5% W-EV, and 3 --> 4 Range.
• Vampire Diary: 13 --> 12 WP, 20% --> 0% W-EV, and 3 --> 4 Range.
• Battle Dict: Removed from the game.
• Papyrus Plate: Removed from the game.


• Atma Bow: Moved to Longbows.
• Bow Gun: Removed from the game.


• Scorpion Tail: 10 --> 12 WP, and lost Random: Darkness or Don't Move.
• Vesper: 10 --> 9 WP, gained Strengthen: Holy, lost Initial: Reflect, and Immune: Oil --> Immune: Innocent.


• Flare Gun: 8 --> 10 WP, and 18 --> 15 YA.


• No changes.


• Throwing Knife: 12 --> 11 WP, 15% --> 0% W-EV, and 33% Add: Death Sentence --> 50% Cast: Paralyze.
• Zorlin Shape: Damages MP instead of HP.
• Mage Masher: Removed from the game.
• Repel Knife: Removed from the game.


• All Knight Swords: Unevadeable, but they lose 1 WP across the board. However due to a technical issue, Ultima Weapon will remain evadeable at this time. Do note that this only affects Attack. Evadeable abilities used with a Knight Sword remain evadeable.

• Ragnarok: 10% --> 20% W-EV, gained +1 Jump, gained Immune: Frog, and Always: Shell --> Initial: Shell.
• Save the Queen: 10% --> 20% W-EV, gained +1 Move, and Always: Protect --> Initial: Protect.
• Tournesol: 16 --> 14 WP, 20% --> 30% W-EV, became Fire elemental, gained Immune: Slow, and Initial: Haste and Regen --> Initial: Haste.
• Ultima Weapon: 14 WP, 20 W-EV, 1 Range, +2 MA, 50% Cast: Ultima, and Forced Two Hands.
• Enhancer: Removed from the game.


• Atma Bow: 50% Cast: Atma --> 33% Cast: Atma.


• (NEW) Hidden Blade: 9 WP, 0% W-EV, 1 Range, Always: Transparent, Yes Two Hands, Yes Two Weapons.
• Iga Knife --> "Iga Edge": 10 --> 11 WP, 10% --> 25% W-EV, lost +1 MA bonus, and 50% Cast: Local Quake --> 33% Cast: Quake.
• Koga Knife --> "Koga Edge": 10 --> 12 WP, 10% --> 20% W-EV, lost +1 MA bonus, gained Immune: Darkness, gained Initial: Reflect, and no longer casts Lava Ball.
• Orochi: Gained +1 MA bonus.
• Sasuke Knife --> "Sasuke Blade": 15 --> 11 WP, Yes Two Hands, and Yes Two Weapons.
• Short Edge: 33% Add: Oil --> 50% Cast: Douse.
• Spell Edge: 100% Add: Faith --> 100% Cast: Pray Faith.
• Taki Knife --> "Taki Blade": 10% --> 15% W-EV, lost +1 MA bonus, and 50% Cast: Water Ball --> 25% Cast: Frog.


• Dwarven Fan: 50% Cast: Quake --> 50% Cast: Local Quake.
• Octagon Rod: Removed from the game.


• Dragon Whisker: 10% --> 20% W-EV, and lost +1 Move bonus.
• Ice Lance: 10 --> 12 WP, lost Immune: Poison, and lost Initial: Regen.
• Javelin: 8 --> 10 WP, 15% --> 0% W-EV, and 33% Add: Stop --> 33% Add: Don't Move.
• Light Axe --> "Holy Lance": 9 WP, 10% W-EV, Holy elemental, +2 PA, 67% Cast: Dia, Yes Two Hands.
• Obelisk: +2 PA --> +2 MA bonus, gained Immune: Silence, and Yes Two Hands.
• Vaulting Lance: 20% --> 10% W-EV, gained +1 Move bonus, and +2 Jump --> +1 Jump.
• Kain's Lance: Removed from the game.


• Black Staff: 33% Cast: Bio 3 --> 50% Cast: Demi.
• Slumber Staff --> "Dream Watcher": 10% --> 20% W-EV, Wind --> Water elemental, and 67% Cast: Sleep 2 --> 50% Cast: Sleep.
• Nirvana: Removed from the game.


• Coral Sword: 11 --> 10 WP, 15 --> 20% W-EV, loses 1 PA bonus, gains 67% Cast: Poison, and Yes Two Weapons.
• Ultima Weapon: Moved to Knight Swords.


• Escutcheon II --> "Zod Escutcheon".
• Genji Shield --> "Heavy Shield": 10 --> 0% M-EV.
• Aegis Shield: 10 --> 0% P-EV.
• Swift Plate --> "Genji Shield": Loses its immunities.
• Secular Shield --> "Lunar Buckler": Gains 1 Move and 1 Jump, Immune: Critical, Dead, Death Sentence, Faith --> Immune: Faith.
• Gory Plate --> "Sanguine Shield": 15 --> 5% M-EV, but gains 1 PA and 1 MA.
• Crystal Shield: 20 --> 30% P-EV.
• Gold Shield --> "Thunder Shield": 15 --> 25% P-EV, 15 --> 0% M-EV, and gained Half: Wind.
• Platina Shield --> "Paladin Shield": 15 --> 20% P-EV, 15 --> 5% M-EV, and gained Half: Dark.
• Flame Shield: 15 --> 10% M-EV, but gained Half: Water.
• Ice Shield: 15 --> 10% P-EV, and gained Half: Earth.
• Wyvern Shield: 15 --> 0% P-EV, 15 --> 25% M-EV, and gained Half: Ice.
• Diamond Shield --> "Demon Shield": 15 --> 5% P-EV, but 15 --> 20% M-EV, and gained Half: Fire.
• Dewdrop Shield --> "Coral Shield": 15 --> 10% P-EV, but gained Half: Lightning.
• Round Shield: 15 --> 10% M-EV, and gained Half: Holy.
• Kaiser Plate: Removed from the game.


• Grand Helmet: 160 --> 140 HP, and 0 --> 20 MP.
• Barbuta --> "Cross Helmet": 120 --> 104 HP, and 1 PA --> 2 PA.
• Circlet: 120 --> 96 HP, 0 --> 12 MP, and 1 MA --> 2 MA.
• (NEW) Kaiser Helm: 116 HP, 8 MP, 1 PA, 1 MA.
• Genji Helmet: 75 --> 92 HP, and 0 --> 16 MP.
• Mythril Helmet: 110 --> 108 HP, and 0 --> 20 MP.
• Crystal Helmet: 100 --> 128 HP, and gains Immune: Charm and Darkness, but loses Strengthen: Holy, Lightning and Water.
• Diamond Helmet: 115 --> 124 HP, and Immune: Don't Act and Sleep --> Immune: Don't Act and Undead.
• Gold Helmet: 105 --> 116 HP, and Immune: Berserk, Darkness, Frog and Petrify --> Immune: Berserk and Frog.
• Platina Helmet --> "Platinum Helmet": 95 --> 120 HP, Immune: Oil, Poison, Slow and Stop --> Immune: Oil and Stop.


• Black Hood: 110 --> 120 HP, and 30 --> 52 MP.
• Headgear: 80 --> 88 HP, and 0 --> 28 MP.
• Holy Miter --> "Triangle Hat": 0 --> 40 MP.
• Ritual Hat --> "Red Cap": 90 --> 108 HP, and 25 --> 20 MP.
• Thief Hat: 70 --> 76 HP, and 0 --> 44 MP.
• Green Beret: 90 --> 100 HP, and 20 --> 32 MP.
• Flash Hat: 40 --> 32 MP, loses Immune: Reflect, gains Strengthen: Lightning and Wind, and gains Half: Lightning and Wind.
• (NEW) Ritual Hat: 96 HP, 40 MP, Strengthen: Dark and Holy, Half: Dark and Holy.
• (NEW) Dragon Coif: 104 HP, 28 MP, Strengthen: Fire and Water, Half: Fire and Water.
• (NEW) Alpine Hood: 108 HP, 20 MP, Strengthen: Earth and Ice, Half: Earth and Ice.
• Feather Cap: Removed from the game.
• Golden Hairpin: Moved to Headpieces.
• Thick Hood: Removed from the game.


Headpieces are an expansion of Headbands. They are the MP counterpart of Helmets and the head equivalent of Robes. Jobs that can equip them are: Monk, Ninja, Geomancer, Mime, Samurai, Oracle, Priest, Summoner and Wizard.

• Golden Hairpin: 60 --> 72 HP, and 90 --> 124 MP.
• (NEW) Twist Headband: 48 HP, 88 MP, 2 PA.
• (NEW) Coronet: 40 HP, 100 MP, 2 MA.
• Focus Band: 70 --> 64 HP, and 70 --> 92 MP.
• (NEW) Royal Band: 36 HP, 104 MP, 1 Speed.
• Marvel Band --> "Combat Sight": 40 --> 96 MP, and 2 Move --> 1 Move, 1 Jump.
• Chakra Band: 70 --> 44 HP, 25 --> 104 MP, and Immune: Darkness, Don't Act, Frog, Stop, Undead --> Immune: Faith, Petrify, Slow.
• (NEW) Lamia's Tiara: 52 HP, 92 MP, Immune: Don't Move, Silence, Poison.
• Choice Band --> "Demon Horn": 70 --> 60 HP, 25 --> 80 MP, and Immune: Charm, Berserk, Dead, Death Sentence, Sleep --> Immune: Dead, Death Sentence, Innocent.
• (NEW) Ribbon: 40 HP, 96 MP, Immune: Frog, Oil, Sleep, Undead.


• Maximillian: 165 --> 152 HP.
• (NEW) Chain Mail: 104 HP, 2 PA.
• (NEW) Minerva Plate: 104 HP, 2 MA.
• Carabini Mail --> "Carabineer Mail": 125 --> 120 HP, and 1 PA --> 1 PA, 1 MA.
• Genji Armor: 85 --> 104 HP.
• Mythril Armor: 145 --> 120 HP, 25 --> 0 MP, and gains 1 Move, 1 Jump.
• Plate Mail --> "Life Armor": 90 --> 112 HP, Always: Regen --> Initial: Regen, and gains Immune: Sleep.
• (NEW) Shadow Plate: 120 HP, Initial: Transparent, Immune: Slow.
• Reflect Mail: 155 --> 128 HP, and Immune: Critical --> Immune: Critical, Don't Move.
• (NEW) Force Armor: 136 HP, Initial: Float, and Immune: Faith, Innocent.
• Crystal Armor: Removed from the game.
• Diamond Armor: Removed from the game.
• Gold Armor: Removed from the game.
• Platina Armor: Removed from the game.


• Brigandine: 130 --> 132 HP, and 10 --> 32 MP.
• Power Sleeve: 90 --> 96 HP, and 0 --> 12 MP.
• Wizard Outfit: 90 --> 88 HP, and 0 --> 24 MP.
• Leather Vest --> "Jijutsu Outfit": 105 --> 116 HP, and 30 --> 8 MP.
• Secret Clothes: 80 --> 84 HP, and 0 --> 28 MP.
• (NEW) Mythril Vest: 108 HP, 20 MP, 1 Move, 1 Jump.
• Black Costume --> "Demon Vest": 105 --> 112 HP, 15 --> 24 MP, and Absorb: Dark, Wind --> Absorb: Dark, Holy.
• Rubber Costume: 95 --> 116 HP, 25 --> 20 MP, and Absorb: Lightning, Water --> Absorb: Lightning, Wind.
• Brave Suit: 95 --> 120 HP, 25 --> 12 MP, and Absorb: Fire, Ice --> Absorb: Fire, Water.
• Mirage Vest --> "Earth Clothes": 105 --> 124 HP, 15 --> 8 MP, and Absorb: Earth, Holy --> Absorb: Earth, Ice.


• Robe of Lords: 75 --> 92 HP , and 115 --> 92 MP.
• Knight Robe --> "Knight Garb": 45 --> 68 HP, and 55 --> 56 MP.
• Wizard Robe: 70 --> 60 HP, and 40 --> 68 MP.
• Linen Robe --> "Red Robe": 95 --> 84 HP, 45 --> 56 MP, and 1 MA --> 1 PA, 1 MA.
• (NEW) Light Robe: 56 HP, 72 MP, 1 Speed.
• (NEW) Traveler's Garb: 76 HP, 68 MP, 1 Move, 1 Jump.
• Magus Robe --> "Sage Robe": 60 --> 68 HP, 50 --> 80 MP, and Strengthen: Dark, Earth, Ice, Water --> Strengthen: Earth, Ice, Lightning, Wind.
• Black Robe: 60 --> 72 HP, 50 --> 72 MP, and Strengthen: Fire, Holy, Lightning, Wind --> Strengthen: Dark, Fire, Holy, Water.
• Gaia Robe --> "Chameleon Robe": 70 --> 80 HP, 30 --> 72 MP, and Half: Dark, Earth, Ice, Water --> Half: Earth, Ice, Lightning, Wind.
• Cultist Robe --> "White Robe": 70 --> 84 HP, 30 --> 68 MP, and Half: Fire, Holy, Lightning, Wind --> Half: Dark, Fire, Holy, Water.
• Reaper's Robe: 65 --> 76 HP, 50 --> 68 MP, and loses Absorb: Holy.


• Aqua Treks: 10% --> 5% P-EV, and 15% --> 10% M-EV.
• Hyper Shoes: Always: Poison --> Always: Haste, loses 2 Speed bonus, and loses all immunities.
• Sandstorm Treks: 10% --> 5% P-EV, and 15% --> 10% M-EV.

• Genji Gauntlet: 30% --> 20% M-EV.
• Power Wrist: 30% --> 20% P-EV.

• Magic Ring --> "Silver Ring": 10% --> 0% P-EV, 15% --> 0% M-EV, and Immune: Undead --> Immune: Sleep, Undead.
• Tough Ring --> "Thunder Ring": 10% --> 5% P-EV, and 15% --> 10% M-EV.

• Defense Armlet --> "Blaze Armlet": 10% --> 5% P-EV, and 15% --> 10% M-EV.
• Diamond Armlet --> "Titan's Bangle": 10% --> 0% P-EV, 15% --> 0% M-EV, gains 1 PA and 1 MA, and Immune: Oil --> Immune: Faith.
• Jade Armlet --> "Aurora Armlet": 10% --> 0% P-EV, 15% --> 0% M-EV, and Immune: Frog --> Immune: Berserk, Frog.
• N-Kai Armlet: 10% --> 5% P-EV, and 15% --> 10% M-EV.

• Small Mantle --> "White Cape": 15% --> 10% P-EV, and Immune: Frog, Sleep --> Immune: Frog, Silence.
• Dracula Mantle: 15% --> 10% M-EV.
• Feather Mantle: 30% --> 35% P-EV, and 20% --> 15% M-EV.
• Vanish Mantle --> "Vanish Cloak": 10% --> 20% P-EV, 10% --> 0% M-EV, and gains Initial: Transparent.

• Chantage: Immune: Poison, Undead --> Immune: Innocent, Poison.
• Setiemson --> "Septieme".

With the exception of Frog, statuses can no longer be re-inflicted while they are active.


• Defending: 39% --> 20% AI priority.
• Float: 9% --> 20% AI priority.
• Haste: 15% --> 20% AI priority.
• Protect: 20% --> 30% AI priority, and can not be inflicted when Frogged.
• Reflect: 40 --> 48 CT, and can not be inflicted when Silenced.
• Regen: 64 --> 60 CT.
• Reraise: 40% --> 30% AI priority.
• Shell: 20% --> 30% AI priority, and can not be inflicted when Frogged.
• Transparent: Dispels after acting --> 40 CT, and 30% --> 20% AI priority.


• Berserk: Infinite --> 32 CT, 30% --> -41% AI priority, and can not be inflicted when Sleeping.
• Charm: -50% --> -60% AI priority.
• Darkness: Infinite --> 64 CT.
• Dead: No longer cancels Don't Move, Poison, Protect and Shell.
• Death Sentence: -80% --> -60% AI priority.
• Don't Move: 24 --> 32 CT.
• Faith: 5% --> -20% AI priority.
• Frog: Infinite --> 48 CT, -41% --> -60% AI priority, and cancels Protect and Shell when inflicted.
• Innocent: -5% --> -30% AI priority.
• Oil: -39 --> -50% AI priority.
• Petrify: -91% --> -70% AI priority.
• Poison: 64 --> 60 CT, and -20% --> -30% AI priority.
• (NEW) Silence: Prevents target from using defensive support abilities. 48 CT, -50% AI priority, and Cancels Reflect when inflicted.
• Sleep: 40 --> 32 CT, -30% --> -40% AI priority, and cancels Berserk when inflicted.
• Stop: -70% --> -60% AI priority.
• Undead: Infinite --> 128 CT, and -30% --> -40% AI priority.


• Map 099 - Lesalia City: New starting positions.
• Map 115 - Banished Fort: New starting positions.
• Map 116 - Arena: New starting positions.


• Quicksilver can now be absorbed/halved and doubles damage on an oiled unit.
• Lore skillset will now trigger counters properly (e.g. Counter Magic Bio).
• AI will now see that Death is reflectable.
• AI may now use Return to cure Death Sentence.
• AI will no longer use Pray Faith or Preach on DS'd units.
• AI may use Frog on themselves or allies if they are frogged and have the ability learned (They only used it on enemies).


• The Mime's job description now shows the correct stats.
• Most of the summons will display different names when cast.
• Maps 117, 118 and 119 are no longer shown on the map list (they can still be selected).

Patch 142c (2018-09-17) (links to Arena Wiki)

Patch 142 to 142b changelogs can be found here. (currently unavailable)

Patch 140 and 141 changes can be found here.

Older changelogs can be found here.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Kurosabes#0312


Patch 1.43b now available. 1.43a has the bulk of the changes.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Kurosabes#0312


  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Kurosabes#0312


March 27, 2022, 03:52:37 pm #4 Last Edit: April 06, 2022, 06:33:31 pm by White Knight Wiegraf
Patch 1.44 released, it includes Arena's ASM hacks

- The game may crash at the start of a unit's turn
- Strength Tonic still targets enemies
- Memcardgen will read the Leap RSM as a Squire skill

Edit: Patch is now 1.44b, which fixed a few more bugs.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Kurosabes#0312