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FFT: kind of

Started by Asmo X, July 08, 2011, 02:28:51 am

The Damned

(I'm against making all stat growths equal, personally, at least at present.)

Hmmm...yeah, it's probably best to remove 5 if you bring 3 back, especially since between 3 and 4, you only miss out on about half of what 5 could affect itself. FFMaster has a point in the Level 99 regard, even if I never understood the point of grinding to Level 99 anyway.

Quote from: Eternal248 on July 08, 2011, 09:29:39 pm
Speaking of Lucavi, they'll need to be given immunity to some debuffs they can currently be vulnerable to. *glares at Ultima II*

Oh, yeah, completely forgot that Altima/Ultima is originally vulnerable to Don't Act. I still find that rather hilarious.

But, yeah, that should probably change too. Or, at least, that particularly vulnerability should be removed. I'm not too keen on Lucavi being immune to EVERYTHING under sun, really. I'm also not to keen on making Lucavi completely immune to stat breaks, though that one I could get behind more easily considering half of them fight alone.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"

Asmo X

A lot has already been removed from this list via consensus; i just havent updated the OP yet. The equip change thing, boco, changes to sam. and sum. etc have already been dropped. I suggested something ages ago for another patch (cant remember which one) about dropping all the speed growths down so magic didn't become more and more useless as levels progressed. Any thoughts?

Also, I'd like to take away a bare minimum away from the player. I know how bad the +spd on "yell" can be at times, but it doesn't seem like top-tier problem. I'd like to see how it plays out after the other changes are in place.

OP now updated with some other suggestions


I agree with dropping speed growths down 100%. something from 6 speed(starting) to about 9-10 speed would be good. Something will need to be done to equipment though, such as Thief Hats, Secret Clothes and the Haste equips. Dropping the Charge Times on higher end spells would also be good. Charge I know needs an overhaul instantly (3 speed C+20 rofl, good work Square).

I'm willing to give Yell being the only +speed spell a go. It would keep Ramza unique and not so outshined once other people appear.

Mustadio could use some help I think. He is so pitiful in vanilla. Any ideas?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: Asmo X on July 09, 2011, 12:40:34 amI suggested something ages ago for another patch (cant remember which one) about dropping all the speed growths down so magic didn't become more and more useless as levels progressed. Any thoughts?

9001% concur'd.

Quote from: Asmo X on July 09, 2011, 12:40:34 amAlso, I'd like to take away a bare minimum away from the player. I know how bad the +spd on "yell" can be at times, but it doesn't seem like top-tier problem. I'd like to see how it plays out after the other changes are in place.

This is why I proposed using Xifanie's PA/MA/SP boost-restricting ASM.  When Yell can only boost SPD by 5 max, you can observe how it is in a slightly less abusive context and make a better decision on it.  You remove the high-end abuse (lol50 SPD, as well as lol99PA/MA) while still making the option exist in high enough quantities to be well-worth using if done correctly.

As for Abandon, there is an ASM hack that only makes it Evasion x1.5 which you can use as a very simple fix to the problem.  I'd highly recommend it because Abandon has a lot of issues and baggage that a 1.5x lessens without needing to do huge amounts of number juggling, which this patch seems to want to avoid if possible.


Any objections to the name FFT: KO? :P
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


I will show you the power of SARDIIIIINES!!!!

Asmo X

just waiting to get the allclear from a virus scare I had a couple of days ago and then I'm going to learn to insert some of these ASM hacks.

In the meantime, I thought of something else: making it impossible to remove all of gafgarion's items before he turns on you at Zirekile falls.

Dominic NY18

Any plans for squires? IIRC, in 1.3 they got buffed with a few of Ramza's unique skills (including Wish, which was a poor fit IMO).


IMO, squires should stay fairly bad. It fits the theme, they have just started out, and have no combat experience. If you still want them buffed though, maybe Heal could cover a few statii that White Magic Esuna doesn't cover like Stop. Dash/Throw Stone could be reworked to be a bit stronger as well I guess (simple formula edit). If we want to add new skills...

- 100% Hit for physical damage, some charge time (requires FDC's weapon rewrite and some other ASM)
- Self inflicting Berserk skill? To me, it fits the theme of Squire
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I like the idea that squire has a few unique abilities but nothing battle turning, and staying squire should not be good. You shouldn't be able to pwn with squires in chap 2/3 but still being able to utilize their skillset as a secondary should warrant a fair gain.

Joseph Strife

i think the same way as generalStrife does; Staying squire can't have any gains, but their skillsets can be a secondary option in your party. Maybe something an unevadable attack and somes regen or acumulate. just 1 or 2 unique abilities.
Gaffgarion: It's in the contract!
Ramza: Does your contract says: "When you find a former squire, that now is a Holy knight that has kidnapped a princess, in a bridge by a waterfall fighting a brigade you are supposed to kill everybody that helps him!"
Gaffgarion: ... Sure!
Ramza: ... Let me see your contract...
Gaffgarion: ... No...


Something needs to be done to Concentrate/2 Hands/2 Swords as well. No ideas though. Tweaking 2 Hands to be 1.5x damage is easy enough though.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: FFMaster on July 12, 2011, 10:58:46 pm
Something needs to be done to Concentrate/2 Hands/2 Swords as well. No ideas though. Tweaking 2 Hands to be 1.5x damage is easy enough though.

If the problem with concentrate is that it's OP, maybe just make it ignore one or more of the forms of evasion (mantles, shields, class evasion).
2 swords maybe just make swords unusable as 2 swords, leaving knives and ninjaswords. If there's some ASM that makes it so you can't equip 2 of the same item on one unit, that might be an idea as well? Who knows.
Ignorance itself is a crime! - Miluda


July 14, 2011, 10:58:31 pm #33 Last Edit: July 14, 2011, 11:04:40 pm by formerdeathcorps
Also, I'd like to take away a bare minimum away from the player. I know how bad the +spd on "yell" can be at times, but it doesn't seem like top-tier problem. I'd like to see how it plays out after the other changes are in place

AS fun as it is to discuss mechanics, Asmo's right.  The purpose of this hack is to ONLY fix what was blatantly broken, not insert the community's (or those with the loudest voices in this community's) pet ideas into every pore of this patch.  Some may argue then it's not "balanced" enough, but I don't quite think that's the only factor Asmo's going for.

That being said, if you all want my opinion....

Concentrate isn't OP, to be honest.  It's strong, but only when used in the context of concentrate + ATKUP or concentrate + 2 Swords or concentrate + break or concentrate as a specific setup counter.  Notice that as long as you don't follow 1.3's path and make concentrate innate on a job class, you should only have the latter two as "problems".  But Strategy 3) is hardly OP, and Strategy 4) is more of a means of countering what you otherwise can't hit thanks to abandon/weapon guard + high weapon/shield evasion + high mantle evasion.
Similarly, Abandon needs to be reworked.  I personally dislike how making your reflexes faster affects how big your shield is (and how knights, who are already very good, are the main beneficiaries of abandon) so I prefer a straight addition to C-EV (on top of the global C-EV hack), but I know others would disagree.
Lastly, for damage control reasons, just like how concentrate shouldn't be innate, neither should Two Hands, Two Swords, or Martial Arts.

Make the base accuracy on Two Swords 75% (not affected by concentrate) for all attacks flagged with ranged weapon.  This makes Two Swords effectively 1.5x but risk-tolerant players might adopt it for the occasional double hit (and the occasional double miss).

I suggested something ages ago for another patch (cant remember which one) about dropping all the speed growths down so magic didn't become more and more useless as levels progressed. Any thoughts?

Personally, I see no need.  A variance of between 10 to 15 base speed is usually enough at Level 99 provided:
A) Haste is changed to a fixed +SPD boost
B) No speed gaining skills are possible (with maybe a special job exception)
C) +SPD gear should not include weapons.  +SPD gear cannot grant more than +1 SPD or initial haste.  SPD should not influence most damage formulas.  +SPD gear should be crap at granting all other types of stats, but especially in granting HP/P-EV.  Similarly, the fastest classes shouldn't have high PA/MA growth or high HP (i.e. Ninja needs a PA nerf, monk needs to be slowed down and/or take a HP nerf...)
D) Charge times on spells are lowered to approximately 1.3 standards.
E) If you balance speed as between 10-15, you probably should equally set PA/MA (whichever stat is intended as maximal on a unit) to 10-15 as well.  Personally, I'd retard the C values a bit (i.e. range for humans is 50-75 for PAC/MAC and 85-120 for SPC) on all classes and leave the multipliers alone, but the alternate approach works too.  However, you probably don't want to mix both approaches because it increases the potential for min-maxing stats.

As for calculator, here's my idea:



Dispel Magic

Obviously, stat growths will be normalized (normal SPD, decent HP).
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.

The Damned

(Eh, I don't think much needs or can be done to Squire without drastically changing it. Just buff Throw Stone and Dash and...I can't even remember vanilla Squire originally has, actually.)

I agree that we probably shouldn't go overboard on the changes just because they could be changed for the better, but that raises the obvious question/problem: Where exactly should we (read: Asmo) draw the line? Obviously things can be detrimental to the game without breaking it--see Monk--but where exactly does the line to change potentially detrimental/braindead end?

Quote from: FFMaster on July 12, 2011, 10:58:46 pm
Something needs to be done to Concentrate/2 Hands/2 Swords as well. No ideas though. Tweaking 2 Hands to be 1.5x damage is easy enough though.

As much I've spoken out again Concentrate at times, nothing needs to be done to it's not innate for a generic class (that isn't Mime) like it is in 1.3.

2 Hands should be balanced out to 1.5 damage, while 2 Swords should have the 75% accuracy penalty if possible, which is still arguably probably less than it deserves given Ninja have it innate, but it's a start.

Quote from: Pierce on July 14, 2011, 08:16:51 pm2 swords maybe just make swords unusable as 2 swords, leaving knives and ninjaswords. If there's some ASM that makes it so you can't equip 2 of the same item on one unit, that might be an idea as well? Who knows.

That doesn't really change anything, though, especially since I'd argue that Ninja Swords are the most abusive of all weapons with 2 Swords, at least with the stupidity that is Spell Edge likely to stick around. (Since, unfortunately, Spell Edge doesn't "need" to change if Asmo is changing as little as possible.)
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Re: Concentrate, Two Swords, Two Hands:  I'll go on record and say that because of the mission statement, none of these skills need mechanical changes.  The only exception would be possibly having Blind override Concentrate, but otherwise.

Now, how to fix their issues?  First, remove innate Martial Arts from Monk and innate Two Swords from Ninja.  Why?  Whenever most people think of Martial Arts (or Two Swords) as broken, who do they think of?  They think of one of these classes equipping the Support from the other, "stacking" Two Swords and Martial Arts for a huge damage bonus.  (Or "stacking" either with Attack UP, but same difference.)  The common denominator is that these things are becoming broken because you're able to stack two huge bonuses together.  Remove the ability to stack, 90% of the problem is solved.  (Yes, this also means Samurai should NOT have innate Two Hands, etc.)  The only real repercussion from this change is that these classes may need their PA factors increased slightly to compensate, but that's nothing 5 seconds with a calculator can't fix.

The other problem that relates only to Two Swords is that Two Swords is "always" better than Two Hands.  This can be fixed by simply making things more distinct between them.  Weapons with higher WP (Spears, Knight Swords, Katana) should remain one-handed, but not be compatible with Two Swords, meaning the user's options with those weapons becomes Weapon + Shield, or Weapon alone.  This allows Two Hands to be focused as being the "power" Support of the pair.  This leaves weaker weapons - Daggers, Ninja Swords, Swords, etc. to be compatible with Two Swords.  You again forego your Shield, and because these weapons are weaker, you're getting less net bonus than using Two Hands in terms of damage, but you gain variance in proc, higher overall accuracy, and slightly more evasion due to two W-EV scores. 

Combine both of these with the fact that WP is in general seeing cuts (WP not exceeding 20) and both Two Hands and Two Swords are very much "fixed" with little actual work done - and because Two Swords and Martial Arts can't be stacked, Two Swords fists also become far less of an issue while Monk setups suddenly gain a ton more depth.


July 31, 2011, 03:57:15 am #36 Last Edit: July 31, 2011, 12:01:34 pm by Eternal248
Working on FFT: KO now. Chapter I enemies have been set to Party Level already. Doing skills now. This is what I have for skills so far. Thoughts?


Accumulate now costs 5 MP.
Accumulate's learn rate increased to 75%.
Dash now deals (1-5)*PA damage.
Dash's JP cost down to 50.
Dash's learn rate up to 100%.
Throw Stone now deals (1-3)*PA damage.
Throw Stone's JP cost up to 100.
Throw Stone's learn rate up to 90%.
Heal's JP cost down to 100.
Heal now cures Disable, Immobilize, and Sleep.
Yell is now MA+65% chance of imbuing Haste.
Cheer Up is now MA+75% chance of imbuing Regen.
Cheer Up's JP cost down to 150.
Wish's Range up to 3.
Scream boosts Brave by 20 on the user.
Scream's JP cost down to 200.
Ultima now deals F(MA*35) damage.
Ultima's MP cost is up to 40.
Ultima's CT up to 6.
Ultima can now be Counter Floodable.

Counter Tackle JP cost down to 100.
Counter Tackle learn rate increased to 75%.

Equip Axe JP cost down to 150.
Equip Axe learn rate up to 50%.
Monster Skill JP cost down to 100.
Monster Skill learn rate down to 0%.
Defend learn rate up to 90%.
Gained JP Up JP cost up to 600.
Gained JP Up learn rate down to 0%.

Move +1 JP cost up to 400.
Move +1 learn rate down to 25%.


Potion JP cost down to 0.
Hi-Potion learn rate up to 85%.
X-Potion learn rate up to 75%.
Ether JP cost down to 100.
Ether learn rate up to 85%.
Hi-Ether JP cost down to 300.
Hi-Ether learn rate up to 70%.
Elixir JP cost down to 500.
Elixir learn rate down to 0%.
Antidote JP cost down to 50.
Antidote learn rate up to 90%.
Eye Drop JP cost down to 50.
Eye Drop learn rate up to 90%.
Echo Grass JP cost down to 50.
Echo Grass learn rate up to 90%.
Maiden's Kiss JP cost down to 50.
Maiden's Kiss learn rate up to 90%.
Soft JP cost down to 50.
Soft learn rate up to 90%.
Holy Water JP cost down to 100.
Holy Water learn rate up to 75%.
Remedy JP cost down to 150.
Phoenix Down JP cost down to 50.
Phoenix Down learn rate up to 100%.

Auto Potion JP cost up to 500.

Throw Item JP cost down to 300.
Throw Item learn rate up to 65%.
Maintenance JP cost down to 150.
Maintenance learn rate up to 75%.
Equip Change JP cost up to 50.
Equip Change learn rate down to 0%.

Move-Find Item JP cost down to 50.
Move-Find Item learn rate down to 0%.


Head Break is now (PA+WP+55)%.
Head Break JP cost down to 250.
Head Break learn rate up to 75%.
Armor Break is now (PA+WP+45)%.
Armor Break HP cost down to 350.
Armor Break learn rate up to 65%.
Shield Break is now (PA+WP+65)%.
Shield Break JP cost down to 250.
Shield Break learn rate up to 75%.
Head Break is now (PA+WP+40)%.
Head Break JP cost down to 350.
Head Break learn rate up to 60%.
Magic Break learn rate up to 80%.
Speed Break is now (PA+50)% Add: Slow.
Speed Break learn rate up to 65%.
Power Break now decreases PA by 2.
Mind Break now decreases MA by 2.

Weapon Guard JP cost down to 100.
Weapon Guard learn rate up to 80%.

Equip Armor JP cost down to 400.
Equip Armor learn rate up to 60%.
Equip Shield learn rate up to 70%.
Equip Sword JP cost down to 250.
Equip Sword learn rate up to 70%.


All Charge CT halved.
Charge +1 JP cost down to 50.
Charge +1 learn rate up to 100%.
Charge +2 JP cost down to 100.
Charge +2 learn rate up to 90%.
Charge +3 JP cost down to 150.
Charge +3 learn rate up to 75%.
Charge +4 JP cost down to 200.
Charge +4 learn rate up to 65%.
Charge +5 learn rate up to 55%.
Charge +10 JP cost down to 550.
Charge +20 JP cost lowered to 750.

Speed Save JP cost lowered to 600.
Arrow Guard JP cost lowered to 350.
Arrow Guard learn rate up to 60%.

Equip Crossbow JP cost lowered to 250.
Equip Crossbow learn rate up to 65%.
Concentrate learn rate up to 55%.

Jump +1 JP cost lowered to 100.
Jump +1 learn rate up to 90%.


Cure MP cost down to 5.
Cure CT down to 3.
Cure learn rate up to 100%.
Cure 2 JP cost down to 150.
Cure 2 CT down to 4.
Cure 3 JP cost down to 300.
Cure 3 learn rate up to 70%.
Cure 3 MP cost up to 20.
Cure 3 CT down to 5.
Cure 4 JP cost down to 450.
Cure 4 learn rate up to 50%.
Cure 4 AoE up to 2.
Cure 4 CT down to 6.
Cure 4 MP cost up to 30.
Cure 4 no longer Learn on Hit.
Raise JP cost down to 150.
Raise learn rate up to 85%.
Raise is now Hit_F(MA+240)%
Raise 2 CT down to 7.
Raise 2 is now Hit_F(MA+190)%
Reraise JP cost down to 450.
Reraise learn rate up to 70%.
Reraise CT down to 6.
Reraise MP cost up to 20.
Reraise is now Hit_F(MA+190)%
Regen JP cost down to 200.
Regen learn rate up to 80%.
Regen MP cost up to 10.
Regen is not Hit_F(MA+235)%
Protect JP cost down to 50.
Protect learn rate up to 85%.
Protect CT down to 3.
Protect MP cost up to 10.
Protect is now Hit_F(MA+240)%
Protect 2 JP cost down to 350.
Protect 2 learn rate now 60%.
Protect 2 AoE up to 2.
Protect 2 will not hit enemies.
Protect 2 CT down to 6.
Protect 2 MP cost up to 25.
Protect 2 is no longer Learn on Hit.
Shell JP cost down to 50.
Shell learn rate up to 85%.
Shell CT down to 3.
Shell MP cost up to 10.
Shell is now Hit_F(MA+240)%
Shell 2 JP cost down to 350.
Shell 2 learn rate now 60%.
Shell 2 AoE up to 2.
Shell 2 will not hit enemies.
Shell 2 CT down to 6.
Shell 2 MP cost up to 25.
Shell 2 is no longer Learn on Hit.
Wall JP cost down to 200.
Wall learn rate up to 75%.
Wall MP cost down to 15.
Esuna JP cost up to 300.
Esuna learn rate up to 65%.
Esuna MP cost down to 15.
Esuna is now Hit_F(MA+210)%
Holy range down to 4.
Holy MP cost down to 50.

Regenerator JP cost down to 300.
Regenerator learn rate up to 60%.

Magic Defense Up JP cost down to 350.


Fire learn rate up to 100%.
Fire CT down to 3.
Fire MP cost down to 5.
Fire 2 learn rate up to 80%.
Fire 2 CT down to 4.
Fire 2 MP cost down to 10.
Fire 3 JP cost down to 350.
Fire 3 learn rate up to 60%.
Fire 3 CT down to 6.
Fire 3 MP cost down to 20.
Fire 4 JP cost down to 750.
Fire 4 learn rate up to 50%.
Fire 4 CT down to 8.
Fire 4 MP cost down to 50.
Fire 4 no longer Learn on Hit.
Bolt learn rate up to 100%.
Bolt CT down to 3.
Bolt MP cost down to 5.
Bolt 2 learn rate up to 80%.
Bolt 2 CT down to 4.
Bolt 2 MP cost down to 10.
Bolt 3 JP cost down to 350.
Bolt 3 learn rate up to 60%.
Bolt 3 CT down to 6.
Bolt 3 MP cost down to 20.
Bolt 4 JP cost down to 750.
Bolt 4 learn rate up to 50%.
Bolt 4 CT down to 8.
Bolt 4 MP cost down to 50.
Bolt 4 no longer Learn on Hit.
Ice learn rate up to 100%.
Ice CT down to 3.
Ice MP cost down to 5.
Ice 2 learn rate up to 80%.
Ice 2 CT down to 4.
Ice 2 MP cost down to 10.
Ice 3 JP cost down to 350.
Ice 3 learn rate up to 60%.
Ice 3 CT down to 6.
Ice 3 MP cost down to 20.
Ice 4 JP cost down to 750.
Ice 4 learn rate up to 50%.
Ice 4 CT down to 8.
Ice 4 MP cost down to 50.
Ice 4 no longer Learn on Hit.
Poison learn rate up to 90%.
Poison MP cost down to 5.
Poison is now Hit_F(MA+250)%
Frog JP cost lowered to 350.
Frog learn rate up to 70%.
Frog CT lowered to 4.
Frog MP cost up to 15.
Frog is now Hit_F(MA+150)%
Death JP cost down to 450.
Death learn rate up to 50%.
Death CT down to 6.
Death MP cost up to 25.
Death is now Dark elemental.
Death is now Hit_F(MA+120)%
Flare JP cost lowered to 600.
Flare range lowered to 4.
Flare CT lowered to 6.
Flare MP cost lowered to 50.
Flare is no longer evadeable.
Flare now deals F_(MA*50) damage.

Counter Magic JP cost lowered to 500.

Magic Attack Up JP cost lowered to 350.


Spin Fist JP cost down to 100.
Spin Fist AoE up to 2.
Spin Fist vertical up to 1.
Repeating Fist learn rate up to 75%.
Repeating Fist is no longer evadeable.
Wave Fist learn rate up to 70%.
Wave Fist is now ((PA+1)/2*PA)
Earth Slash JP cost down to 400.
Earth Slash learn rate up to 60%.
Earth Slash AoE down to 5.
Earth Slash vertical down to 1.
Earth slash is now evadeable.
Secret Fist learn rate up to 80%.
Secret Fist vertical up to 1.
Secret Fist is now Hit_(PA+50)%.
Secret Fist is now evadeable.
Stigma Magic learn rate up to 75%.
Stigma Magic now only hits the user.
Chakra JP down up to 300.
Chakra now only hits the user.
Revive JP cost down to 450.
Revive learn rate up to 70%.

HP Restore JP cost down to 400.
Counter learn rate up to 90%.
Hamedo JP cost lowered to 800.
Hamedo learn rate lowered to 40%.

Martial Arts JP cost increased to 300.

Move-HP Up learn rate increased to 65%.


Gil Taking JP cost up to 50.
Gil Taking learn rate up to 100%.
Gil Taking is now Hit_(SP+255)%
Gil Taking is no longer Blade Graspable.
Steal Heart JP cost up to 200.
Steal Heart learn rate up to 65%.
Steal Helmet JP cost down to 300.
Steal Helmet learn rate up to 75%.
Steal Helmet is no longer evadeable.
Steal Helmet is no longer Blade Graspable.
Steal Armor JP cost down to 350.
Steal Armor learn rate up to 55%.
Steal Armor is no longer evadeable.
Steal Armor is no longer Blade Graspable.
Steal Shield JP cost down to 300.
Steal Shield learn rate up to 65%.
Steal Shield is no longer evadeable.
Steal Shield is no longer Blade Graspable.
Steal Weapon JP cost down to 450.
Steal Weapon is no longer evadeable.
Steal Weapon is no longer Blade Graspable.
Steal Accessory learn rate up to 55%.
Steal Accessory is no longer evadeable.
Steal Accessory is no longer Blade Graspable.
Steal EXP learn rate down to 0%.

Caution learn rate up to 75%.
Gilgame Heart JP cost down to 50.
Gilgame Heart learn rate down to 0%.
Catch learn rate up to 60%.

Secret Hunt JP cost down to 100.
Secret Hunt learn rate down to 0%.

Move +2 JP cost up to 750.
Move +2 learn rate down to 35%.
Jump +2 JP cost down to 250.
Jump +2 learn rate up to 75%.


Blind is now Hit_F(MA+220)%
Blind MP cost up to 10.
Blind learn rate up to 90%.
Spell Absorb learn rate up to 80%.
Spell Absorb is now Hit_F(MA+200)%
Life Drain removed from skillset.
Pray Faith JP cost down to 300.
Pray Faith MP cost increased to 10.
Pray Faith learn rate up to 75%.
Pray Faith is now Hit_F(MA+175)%
Doubt Faith JP cost down to 300.
Doubt Faith MP cost increased to 10.
Doubt Faith learn rate up to 75%.
Doubt Faith is now Hit_F(MA+175)%
Zombie learn rate up to 60%.
Zombie CT down to 4.
Zombie is now Hit_F(MA+150)%
Silence Song JP cost increased to 200.
Silence Song learn rate increased to 75%.
Silence Song MP cost decreased to 15.
Blind Rage JP cost decreased to 200.
Blind Rage learn rate increased to 80%.
Blind Rage CT down to 3.
Blind Rage MP cost decreased to 10.
Blind Rage is now Hit_F(MA+180)%
Foxbird learn rate up to 80%.
Foxbird is now Hit_F(MA+220)% Add: Oil
Foxbird CT down to 3.
Foxbird AoE up to 1.
Foxbird MP cost decreased to 10.
Confusion Song JP cost decreased to 300.
Confusion Song learn rate increased to 70%.
Confusion Song AoE up to 1.
Confusion Song is now Hit_F(MA+160)%
Dispel Magic JP cost reduced to 200.
Dispel Magic learn rate increased to 80%.
Dispel Magic MP cost reduced to 15.
Dispel Magic is now Hit_F(MA+220)%
Paralyze JP cost increased to 250.
Paralyze learn rate increased to 65%.
Paralyze AoE down to 0.
Paralyze CT down to 4.
Paralyze MP cost up to 15.
Paralyze is now Hit_F(MA+190)%
Sleep JP cost down to 250.
Sleep learn rate up to 75%.
Sleep CT down to 4.
Sleep MP cost down to 20.
Sleep is not Hit_F(MA+190)%
Petrify JP cost down to 500.
Petrify learn rate up to 45%
Petrify CT down to 6.
Petrify MP cost up to 30.
Petrify is now Hit_F(MA+130)%

Absorb Used MP JP cost down to 150.
Absorb Used MP learn rate up to 80%.

Defense Up JP cost down to 350 JP.

Any Weather JP cost down to 50.
Any Weather learn rate down to 0%.
Move-MP Up learn rate up to 65%.


Haste JP cost up to 200.
Haste CT up to 3.
Haste MP cost up to 15.
Haste is now Hit_F(MA+210)%
Haste 2 JP cost down to 450.
Haste 2 learn rate up to 50%.
Haste 2 AoE up to 2.
Haste 2 MP cost up to 45.
Haste 2 is now Hit_F(MA+175)%
Haste 2 will not hit enemies.
Haste 2 is no longer Learn on Hit.
Slow JP cost up to 200.
Slow CT up to 3.
Slow MP cost up to 15.
Slow is now Hit_F(MA+210)%
Slow 2 JP cost down to 450.
Slow 2 learn rate up to 50%.
Slow 2 AoE up to 2.
Slow 2 MP cost up to 45.
Slow 2 is now Hit_F(MA+175)%
Slow 2 will not hit enemies.
Slow 2 is no longer Learn on Hit.
Stop JP cost up to 300.
Stop learn rate up to 65%.
Stop CT down to 5.
Stop MP cost up to 30.
Stop is not Hit_F(MA+150)%
Don't Move JP cost up to 250.
Don't Move learn rate up to 65%.
Don't Move range up to 4.
Don't Move AoE down to 0.
Don't Move CT up to 4.
Don't Move MP cost up to 15.
Float JP cost down to 150.
Float learn rate up to 80%.
Float MP cost up to 10.
Float is now Hit_F(MA+230)%.
Reflect JP cost down to 150.
Reflect learn rate up to 75%.
Reflect AoE up to 1.
Reflect CT up to 3.
Reflect MP cost down to 10.
Reflect is now Hit_F(MA+200)%
Quick JP cost down to 400.
Quick learn rate up to 60%.
Quick MP cost up to 25.
Quick is now Hit_F(MA+170)%
Demi JP cost down to 100.
Demi learn rate up to 90%.
Demi CT down to 4.
Demi MP cost down to 15.
Demi now deals 33% damage.
Demi is now Hit_F(MA+220)%
Demi is now Dark elemental.
Demi 2 JP cost down to 400.
Demi 2 learn rate up to 60%.
Demi 2 CT down to 6.
Demi 2 MP cost down to 45.
Demi 2 now deals 75% damage.
Demi 2 is now Hit_F(MA+160)%
Demi 2 is now Dark elemental.
Meteor JP cost down to 800.
Meteor learn rate up to 45%.
Meteor CT down to 9.
Meteor is now Dmg_F(MA+50)

Critical Quick JP cost down to 500.
Critical Quick learn rate up to 60%.
MP Switch JP cost up to 800.

Short Charge JP cost down to 650.
Short Charge learn rate up to 55%.

Teleport JP cost up to 1000.
Teleport learn rate down to 25%.
Float JP cost down to 250.
Float learn rate up to 80%.


All Geomancy JP cost down to 50.
All Geomancy learn rate up to 90%.
All Geomancy Range down to 4.
All Geomancy becomes evadeable.

Counter Flood learn rate up to 70%.

Attack Up JP cost down to 350.

Any Ground JP cost down to 150.
Any Ground learn rate down to 0%.
Walk on Lava JP cost down to 50.
Walk on Lava learn rate down to 0%.


Level Jump 2 JP cost down to 100.
Level Jump 2 learn rate up to 100%.
Level Jump 3 learn rate up to 75%.
Level Jump 4 learn rate up to 65%.
Level Jump 5 JP cost up to 650.
Level Jump 8 removed from skillset.
Vertical Jump 2 JP cost down to 50.
Vertical Jump 2 learn rate up to 100%.
Vertical Jump 3 JP cost down to 100.
Vertical Jump 3 learn rate up to 90%.
Vertical Jump 4 JP cost down to 200.
Vertical Jump 4 learn rate up to 75%.
Vertical Jump 5 JP cost down to 250.
Vertical Jump 5 learn rate up to 65%.
Vertical Jump 6 JP cost down to 400.
Vertical Jump 7 removed from skillset.
Vertical Jump 8 removed from skillset.

Dragon Spirit JP cost up to 750.

Equip Spear JP cost down to 300.
Equip Spear learn rate up to 60%.

Ignore Height JP cost up to 750.
Ignore Height learn rate down to 30%.


Invitation learn rate down to 0%.
Invitation range up to 4.
Persuade range up to 5.
Praise range up to 5.
Threaten range up to 5.
Preach range up to 5.
Solution range up to 5.
Death Sentence range up to 5.
Negotiate range up to 5.
Insult range up to 5.
Mimic Daravon range up to 5.
Mimic Daravon AoE down to 0.

Finger Guard JP cost down to 100.

Equip Gun JP cost down to 400.
Equip Gun learn rate up to 50%.
Train JP cost down to 150.
Train learn rate down to 0%.
Monster Talk learn rate down to 0%.


All Summons can now be Counter Magiced and Counter Flooded.
Moogle JP cost down to 100.
Shiva learn rate up to 80%.
Shiva MP cost up to 25.
Ramuh learn rate up to 80%.
Ramuh MP cost up to 25.
Ifrit MP cost up to 25.
Golem removed from skillset.
Carbunkle JP cost reduced to 250.
Carbunkle learn rate up to 75%.
Carbunkle is now Hit_F(MA+175)%
Bahamut JP cost reduced to 900.
Bahamut learn rate increased to 35%.
Bahamut AoE down to 2.
Bahamut is now Dmg_F(MA*43)
Bahamut is no longer Learn on Hit.
Odin learn rate up to 40%.
Odin AoE down to 2.
Odin MP cost up to 60.
Odin is now Dmg_F(MA*35) Add: Death
Odin is no longer Learn on Hit.
Leviathan JP cost down to 750.
Leviathan learn rate up to 45%.
Leviathan is now Dmg_F(MA*27).
Leviathan is no longer Learn on Hit.
Salamander JP cost down to 600.
Salamander learn rate up to 50%.
Salamander damages all enemies.
Salamander MP cost up to 55.
Salamander is Dmg_F(MA*21)
Salamander is no longer Learn on Hit.
Silf JP cost down to 350.
Silf MP cost up to 35.
Silf is now Dmg_F(MA*24) Add: Silence
Silf is now Wind elemental.
Fairy MP cost up to 30.
Fairy is now Hit_F(MA+140)% Add: Regen
Lich learn rate up to 50%.
Lich CT down to 8.
Lich MP cost up to 60.
Lich is no longer Learn on Hit.
Cyclops JP cost down to 200.
Cyclops learn rate up to 80.
Cyclops CT down to 4.
Cyclops MP cost down to 25.
Cyclops is now Dmg_F(MA*24)
Cyclops is now non-elemental.
Cyclops is no longer Learn on Hit.
Zodiac AoE is down to 2.

MP Restore JP cost down to 200.
MP Restore learn rate up to 80%.

Half of MP JP cost down to 500.


All Draw Outs affect both allies/enemies.
Asura is now Fire elemental.
Koutetsu is now Dark elemental.
Murasame is now Heal_(MA*8)
Heaven's Cloud is now Dmg_(MA*10)
Heaven's Cloud is now Wind elemental.
Kiyomori is now Protect or Shell.
Muramasa is now Dmg_(MA*14)
Kikiuchimoji range is now 4.
Masamune is now Haste or Regen.
Chirijiraden is now Dmg_(MA*20)

Meatbone Slash learn rate up to 75%.
Blade Grasp JP cost up to 1000.
Blade Grasp learn rate down to 0%.

Equip Katana JP cost down to 350.
Two Hands JP cost down to 700.
Two Hands learn rate up to 65%.

Move in Water JP cost down to 150.
Move in Water learn rate down to 0%.


Shuriken learn rate up to 100%.
Knife learn rate up to 90%.
Sword learn rate up to 60%.
Hammer removed from skillset.
Katana removed from skillset.
Ninja Sword learn rate up to 55%.
Axe removed from skillset.
Spear removed from skillset.
Stick removed from skillset.
Dictionary learn rate up to 65%.
Ball JP cost down to 50.
Ball learn rate up to 100%.

Sunken State JP cost up to 250.
Sunken State learn rate up to 80%.
Abandon JP cost up to 800.

Two Swords JP cost down to 750.
Two Swords learn rate up to 65%.

Move on Water JP cost down. to 150.
Move on Water learn rate down to 0%.


CT removed from skillset.
Level JP cost down to 300.
Level learn rate up to 75%.
EXP JP cost up to 300.
EXP learn rate up to 75%.
Height JP cost up to 300.
Height learn rate up to 75%.
Prime Number learn rate up to 75%.
5 JP cost up to 300.
5 learn rate up to 75%.
4 JP cost up to 300.
4 learn rate up to 75%.
3 removed from skillset.

Spells that can be Calculated:

Fire 2
Bolt 2
Ice 2
Cure 2
Dispel Magic
Don't Move
Doubt Faith
Blind Rage

Distribute JP cost down to 100.
Distribute learn rate down to 0%.
Damage Split JP cost up to 600.

Gained EXP Up JP cost down to 150.
Gained EXP Up learn rate down to 0%.

Move-Get EXP JP cost down to 200.
Move-Get EXP learn rate down to 0%.
Move-Get JP JP cost down to 300.
Move-Get JP learn rate down to 0%.


Witch Hunt learn rate up to 85%.
Wiznaibus JP cost up to 200.
Wiznaibus learn rate up to 65%.
Slow Dance JP cost up to 300.
Polka Polka JP cost up to 250.
Disillusion JP cost up to 250.
Nameless Dance JP cost up to 200.
Nameless Dance learn rate up to 75%.
Last Dance JP cost up to 350.

A Save JP cost up to 600.
A Save learn rate up to 75%.
Brave Up JP cost down to 200.
Brave Up JP cost up to 85%.

Jump +3 JP cost down to 300.
Jump +3 learn rate up to 65%.
Fly learn rate down to 30%.


Angel Song learn rate up to 85%.
Life Song JP cost up to 200.
Life Song learn rate up to 65%.
Cheer Song JP cost up to 300.
Battle Song JP cost up to 250.
Magic Song JP cost up to 250.
Nameless Song JP cost up to 200.
Nameless Song learn rate up to 75%.
Last Song JP cost up to 350.

MA Save JP cost up to 600.
MA Save learn rate up to 75%.
Faith Up JP cost down to 200.
Faith Up JP cost up to 85%.

Move +3 learn rate down to 30%.
Fly learn rate down to 30%.


All Holy Swordskills are now evadeable.
Stasis Sword range up to 3.
Stasis Sword MP cost up to 5.
Stasis Sword is now non-elemental.
Stasis Sword is now (PA*(WP+1)).
Split Punch MP cost up to 10.
Split Punch is now non-elemental.
Crush Punch MP cost up to 15.
Crush Punch is now non-elemental.
Lightning Stab MP cost up to 20.
Lightning Stab is now Thunder elemental.
Lightning Stab is now (PA*(WP+2)).
Holy Explosion MP cost up to 25.
Holy Explosion vertical down to 1.
Holy Explosion is now Holy elemental.
Holy Explosion is now (PA*(WP+3))


All Divine Swordskills are now evadeable.
All Divine Swordskills cost 20 MP.
All Divine Swordskills will not allow elements.


Dark Sword JP cost down to 0.
Dark Sword learn rate up to 100%.
Night Sword JP cost down to 0.
Night Sword learn rate up to 100%.
All Dark Swordskills are now evadeable.
All Dark Swordskills cost 10 MP.
All Dark Swordskills will not allow elements.


Magic Ruin CT down to 0.
Magic Ruin MP cost down to 5.
Speed Ruin CT down to 0.
Speed Ruin MP cost down to 5.
Power Ruin CT down to 0.
Power Ruin MP cost down to 5.
Mind Ruin CT down to 0.
Mind Ruin MP cost down to 5.


All Truth skills can now hit a max of 8 times.
All Truth skills now have 0 CT.
Heaven Thunder MP cost up to 5.
Asura MP cost up to 10.
Diamond Sword MP cost up to 15.
Hydragon Pit MP cost up to 20.
Space Storage MP cost up to 25.
Sky Demon MP cost up to 30.


All Untruth skills can now hit a max of 8 times.
All Untruth skills now have 0 CT.
Heaven Thunder Back MP cost up to 5.
Asura Back MP cost up to 10.
Diamond Sword Back MP cost up to 15.
Hydragon Pit Back MP Cost up to 20.
Space Storage Back MP cost up to 25.
Sky Demon Back MP cost up to 30.


Seal range down to 4.
Shadow Stitch range up to 6.
Stop Bracelet is now Hit_(SP+50) Add: Death
Stop Bracelet is now evadeable.
Allure is now Hit_(MA+75)%


Shock range down to 4.
Difference down to 3.
Difference CT up to 5.
Energy range up to 6.
Parasite CT up to 3.


Seal range down to 3.
Chicken Race range down to 4.
Hold Tight range up to 6.
Darkness range up to 6.
Lose Voice range down to 4.
Loss range down to 4.
Spell range down to 3.
Nightmare range down to 3.
Death Cold range down to 4.


All Bio spell MP costs down to 0.
All Bio spell CT down to 0.


All Angel of Death spell MP costs down to 0.
All Angel of Death spell CT down to 0.
All Angel of Death spells are evadeable.
Toad 2 AoE up to 2.
Toad 2 is now Hit_F(MA+150)%.
Gravi 2 range up to 5.
Gravi 2 AoE down to 0.
Flare 2 is now Dmg_F(MA*30).
Flare 2 is not evadeable.
Blind 2 AoE up to 2.
Blind 2 is now Hit_F(MA+255)%
Confuse 2 AoE up to 2.
Confuse 2 is now Hit_F(MA+170)%
Sleep 2 AoE up to 2.


Melt CT down to 6.
Melt MP cost down to 35.
Melt is now Dmg_F(MA*37) Add: Death Sentence
Tornado CT down to 6.
Tornado MP cost down to 35.
Tornado now inflicts Confuse.
Quake CT down to 6.
Quake MP cost down to 35.
Quake is now Dmg_F(MA*37) Add: Don't Move


Ultima CT down to 0.
Ultima MP cost down to 0.
All-Ultima CT down to 10.
All-Ultima MP cost down to 0.
Mute CT down to 0.
Mute is now Hit_F(MA+150)%.
Despair 2 CT down to 0.
Despair 2 is now Hit_F(MA+255)%
Return 2 CT down to 0.
Return 2 is now Hit_F(MA+170)%


Arm Aim CT is up to 4.
Arm Aim can no longer target the caster.
Leg Aim CT is up to 4.
Leg Aim can no longer target the caster.
Seal Evil CT is up to 4.
Seal Evil can no longer target the caster.
Seal Evil is now Hit_(SP+50)%


Blind learn rate up to 100%.
Aspel JP cost up to 200.
Aspel learn rate up to 65%.
Drain removed from skillset.
Faith learn rate down to 60%.
Innocent learn rate down to 60%.
Zombie JP cost up to 300.
Silence JP cost up to 200.
Silence learn rate down to 70%.
Berserk learn rate down to 70%.
Chicken removed from skillset.
Confuse JP cost up to 250.
Confuse learn rate down to 65%.
Despair JP cost down to 150.
Despair MP cost down to 10.
Don't Act JP cost up to 300.
Don't Act learn rate down to 50%.
Sleep JP cost up to 200.
Sleep learn rate down to 60%.
Break JP cost up to 500.
Break learn rate down to 45%.
Shock range down to 4.


Ice Bracelet is no longer evadeable.
Fire Bracelet is no longer evadeable.
Thunder Bracelet is no longer evadeable.
Dragon Tame range down to 4.
Dragon Care range up to 4.
Dragon Power Up now bestows Protect, Shell, and Haste to a dragon.
Dragon Level Up range up to 3.
Holy Bracelet JP cost down to 300.
Holy Bracelet learn rate down to 0%.
Holy Bracelet Range down to 2.
Holy Bracelet is now linear.
Holy Bracelet is now Dmg_(MA*17)


All Limit CT is 0.
Braver range is now 1.
Cross-Slash range is now 1.
Cross-Slash is now Dmg_(MA*10) Add: Stop
Blade Beam range is now 3.
Climhazzard range is now 1.
Meteorain JP cost is down to 550.
Meteorain AoE down to 1.
Meteorain is now Dmg_(MA*20)
Finish Touch JP cost is up to 700.
Finish Touch range is down to 1.
Finish Touch AoE is down to 0.
Omnislash range is now 1.
Omnislash AoE is down to 0.
Omnislash is now Dmg_(MA*25)
Cherry Blossom is now Dmg_(MA*20)
Cherry Blossom is now Fire, Ice, Thunder elemental.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817

The Damned

(My, you've been busy since 4:30 A.M.)

It shows how out of it I was when it took me a while to realize what FFT:KO meant despite the title. Although that might partly due to the fact that KO will ALWAYS stand for "Knockout" to me, so....

1. Squire: I'm guessing everything past Heal is still Ramza-only? Otherwise, all these changes seem reasonable.

2. Chemist: I can't say that I like Potion being free and Elixir being so cheap while Phoenix Down & Move-Find Item both cost 50. I'd say to make Potion cost 50, make Phoenix Down & Move-Find Item free and make Elixir cost 600. Even before my dislike of Elixir kicks in, I just find it quite odd that Auto-Potion and Elixir cost exact same amount.

3. Knight: Honestly, it seems like Weapon Guard should be free if it's not innate. Otherwise, I guess all changes fine--I'm glad to see that Speed Break is Slow-only now (even if Speed Save is still around). You have Head Break down twice, though; I'm guessing that the second instance is Weapon Break.

4. Archer: This is fine. I can't say I like it much that Speed Save is sticking around, but I doubt it's going anywhere unfortunately.

5. Priest: This seems fine from a glance, though that's a lot of changes smushed together. I'm surprised that you didn't make Holy unable to be evaded, though I guess that's because Priests shouldn't really be attack mages....

6. Wizard: This seems fine from a glance. I'm not really sure why you bothered making Death Dark elemental, though. I don't remember it working on Lucavi in vanilla and the only thing that would really affect would be having N-Kai Armlet halve its success rate. Then again, Death was like 900 JP in vanilla, right? I'm not sure I ever bought it or, at least, tried to use it more than once.

7. Monk: These changes are largely fine with me, though others might not like the changes to Stigma Magic and Chakra. Speaking of which, with regards to Stigma Magic, having it only target the self means it can't heal about half of the things it's "supposed" to heal, but given that I hate Monk and its free, I don't really care, personally. However, I just figured I should point that out.

8. Thief: I'm sure that people who try to steal from Elmdor will appreciate Steal no longer being affected by Blade Grasp. Damn that was annoying. Otherwise fine.

9. Oracle: Always good to see some love given to Dispel Magic. Maybe other people will use that thing now. Life Drain dying is...still annoying but needed, I guess. Need to see Paralyze become single-target only and Sleep get a decrease, I'm guessing because of Mediator; it says "not" instead of "now" by Sleep's percentage, though. Foxbird causing Oil now is good. It's going to need a name change, though, to something besides just "Oil" I hope.

10. Time Mage: Rather surprised that MP Switch would stick around (as available to both genders) and that Don't Move would be reduced to single-target, though I suppose can see the symmetry. Otherwise, I guess these changes are fine.

11. Geomancer: All necessary changes.

12. Lancer: I'm not really seeing why Jump Vertical 7 & 8 were removed or why Ignore Height is even more expensive now, but otherwise is this fine I guess.

13. Mediator: Increasing all of Talk Skill's ranges? I'm...not sure I agree with that, but I can see why you did that. I agree with the RSM changes at least.

14. Summoner: I'm going to assume you mean all offensive summons are affected by Counter Magic & Counter Flood and not things like Moogle, Carbunkle & Fairy. Golem being removed is necessary, though it makes me wonder even more why MP Switch gets to stick around.... I don't really agree with Salamander hitting everything or Odin having a chance of Death, though I can see why you did those things; the same with Silf being Wind elemental, but that's more because that hardly does anything aside from 108 Gems boost, though I guess it's something. Also, wasn't Cyclops already non-elemental? RSM-wise, I agree with MP Restore's change, but I think that Half of MP should cost at least a bit more. It might be fine at 500, though.

15. Samurai: I'm not sure why these are still unable to be dodged when Elemental becomes evadable, especially given that you barely nerfed Kikuichimo(n)ji. The other changes are fine, though I forget if you can get other Masamune. If not, then Haste OR Regen seems rather underwhelming for something will break on you almost a fifth of the time.

16. Ninja: Hmm...I guess you can't get more Masamune if you took away throw Katana from Ninja. While I can understand the reduction of its skill set, it seems odd to have kept Books around as throwing items over more pointy objects like Axes as amusing as throwing dictionaries in people faces is. RSM changes are fine.

17. Calculators: All these changes seem fine. Are Calculators going to keep their abysmal speed, though?

18. Dancer: I'm rather surprised you're letting Slow Dance stick around after the change to Speed Break. Not much to say besides that those it's weird to see Wiznaibus/With Knives become 200, even if I can understand why.

19. Bard: I'm rather surprised you're letting Cheer Song stick around after the change to Speed Break. Not much to say besides that those it's weird to see Life Song become 200, even if I can understand why.

20. Holy Knight: These changes all seem part for the course, though the fact that these are evadable makes Draw Out's continued lack of evasion seem even more weird.

21. Divine Knight: See above. What do you mean by "not allow elements"? Do you mean found a way for it not take the element of the sword even with the fix?

22. Dark Knight: See above.

23. Ark Knight: This is Zalbag, right? I guess these are fine.

24. Heaven Knight: I guess these are fine.

25. Hell Knight: I guess these are fine.

26. Assassin: That change to Stop Breath is probably necessary, though I'm somewhat surprised you didn't change Shadow Stitch or reduce its range given that Assassin's use it a lot more compared to Seal, which I think was glitched for them in vanilla due to AI Behavior. Otherwise, I guess these are fine.

27. Byblos: I guess these are fine.

28. Lucavi: That range on Hold Tight might be a bit much, especially if you're reducing normal Don't Move. Darkness probably needs it, though I can't recall Zalera ever using it, so something might be wrong with it. Otherwise, I guess these changes are fine.

29. Impure King: 0 MP is fine. 0 CT is...probably bad since it has the side effect of making the Gate of Limberry castle and Elidibs fights impossible what with the Apanda now having instant attacks. Just give Cuchuulain Non-Charge.

30. Angel of Death: These seem fine. You'll probably need to give Zalera a reason to use Darkness over these, though, evadable aspects aside. What was the range and AoE of Flare 2 again? It was AoE 1, right? (I don't have FFTPatcher currently open right now, obviously, and I can't open it for a bit.)

31. Regulator: These changes seem good, though I can rather easily see Melt backfiring given how idiotic the AI is when it comes to Death Sentence.

32. Bloody Angel: I'm...not really sure about these, mostly Return 2 and Mute being instant, though.

33. Engineer: These changes make sense. Won't they have the "act and then cancel by moving" problem, though?

34. Temple Knight: These seem fine. Although, I must admit that I'm curious why you just didn't make Chicken add Oil if you made Foxibrd do so. Was it allow Oracles to have at least one advantage over Beowulf?

35. Dragoner: These fine I suppose. Linear Holy Breath is a lot better than random Holy Breath in my opinion.

36. SOLDIER: The changes to Climhazzard and Finish Touch were necessary, especially if nothing has a CT anymore. I'm not sure about anything else, though, especially Cherry Blossom and Cross Slash having a chance to cause Stop.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


July 31, 2011, 04:32:38 pm #38 Last Edit: July 31, 2011, 04:50:20 pm by Eternal248
MP Switch/Move-MP Up:
MP Switch and Move-MP Up would be seperate if this were my patch alone... but since this is trying to stay true to Vanilla, I hesitated in breaking them up.

Foxbird would probably be remain the same name just to stay true to Vanilla. Elsewise, I'd probably rename it "Unction" or something to match FFTA2.

Vertical Jump 7/8 were mostly removed so that mages wouldn't be outclassed in reaching high-up enemies. I was tempted to keep them, and I don't see them really changing too much, so I wouldn't be averse to putting at least 7 back then. I like the idea of keeping 8 as Izlude-only, though.

Salamander is hit-all namely to keep it from being just a stronger version of Ifrit, and to differentiate it from Ifrit. Silf is pretty different now that it damages, instead of just adding Silence, and it gives Wind much needed representation. Half of MP could probably stand to be 600/650 JP. I'm undecided on it. We'll see what the others have to say.

IIRC, Draw Outs are hardcoded not to accept evasion, MP costs, and CT. I've run into the latter two issues when working on PW. If anything, maybe another nerf in damage would be in order? For Masamune, I was thinking of making it something like Haste/Reraise or something, but that seems a bit much.

As per FDC's suggestion, I wouldn't be averse to giving them normal Speed now that their skillsets are a bit more balanced.

Slow Dance/Cheer Song:
I'm fine with actual Speed modding on these simply because of how long it takes for the effects to stack up, as opposed to making them inflict Slow/Haste, which will almost always be good no matter when you use them.

You're absolutely right. Among other... oddities... Vanilla had Seal checked off as "Cancel Status" instead of "Add Status" under the AI flags. They should use it more now, hopefully.

Impure King:
I'm more worried about the MP costs than the CT, honestly, since we're trying to stay true to Vanilla here. I'd be okay with restoring the CT, if others here also agree with it.

Bloody Angel:
Mostly made them 0 CT so the AI wouldn't always be a sitting target for extra damage. Same reasoning for giving Bio 0 CT. She is the final boss, afterall.

I think FFM found a fix for that bug. I'll ask him later.

Temple Knight:
Oversight on my part. If we weren't sticking to Vanilla, I'd likely give him Swordskills using Geomancy's formula with the debuffs as a bonus or something.

I wish we had a decent PA formula we could use for these instead of MA. It'd make life much easier. Cherry Blossom is FFT's reference to Kjata, which is why it's tri-elemental now. The animation backs that up. Cross-Slash inflicts Paralysis in VII, so I wanted to not only reference that, but try and distinguish it a bit from Braver.

EDIT: Apparently Asmo's list has seperation of MP Switch/Move-MP Up, as well as killing Hamedo. I think I'll do those afterall then. Move-MP Up switched to Dancer (They move, afterall. They're dancers) MP Switch moved to Bard.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


July 31, 2011, 05:23:34 pm #39 Last Edit: July 31, 2011, 05:24:01 pm by RavenOfRazgriz
Quote from: Eternal248 on July 31, 2011, 04:32:38 pmLancers:
I like the idea of keeping 8 as Izlude-only, though.

The only map Izlude appears on has a max vertical difference of like 6 and a mean vertical difference of about 3-4.  Derpy Hooves...

Quote from: Eternal248 on July 31, 2011, 04:32:38 pmCalculator:
As per FDC's suggestion, I wouldn't be averse to giving them normal Speed now that their skillsets are a bit more balanced.

I don't like this Calculator set for a few reasons.  

1.  Calculatable tier 2 magic results in a lot of hurt still.
2.  Cure/Regen/Protect/Shell all but obviates White Magic.  

My recommendation for fixing this is switching the tier 2s with tier 1s, switching Protect/Shell with the far lesser used Reraise, and switching Doubt Faith with Pray Faith.  This allows the Calculator to boost itself if it wants to inflict more damage via Fire/etc., use of Reraise allows Priest to keep distinction with the more commonly used Protect/Shell, and the tier 1 innate magic is works well because it keeps the job controlled but also opens up combo potential between elements and Pray Faith.  I'd also toss Esuna in there to keep the 4-4-4-4 parity, since the fact it hits both teams lowers how much it obviates Priest drastically since a bad-status based team can't make good use of it, just as a positive-status based team can't make good use of Dispel.  Basically, keeps the Calculator with parity and having things for everyone, but makes only some of the Swiss Army Knife worthwhile based on your own team and forces you to think outside the box some to get the most bang for your buck, which is really the best way to balance out Math Skill personally.

Quote from: Eternal248 on July 31, 2011, 04:32:38 pmSOLDIER:
I wish we had a decent PA formula we could use for these instead of MA. It'd make life much easier. Cherry Blossom is FFT's reference to Kjata, which is why it's tri-elemental now. The animation backs that up. Cross-Slash inflicts Paralysis in VII, so I wanted to not only reference that, but try and distinguish it a bit from Braver.

Hey, you know Eternal, we do have a formula that makes perfect sense for Cloud and his Limit Breaks.  It's called 2D Dmg_PA*(WP+Y) 100% Add Status as Indexed.