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Twinees' Sprites

Started by Twinees, September 19, 2009, 09:59:13 am


Wowza! Way to get this project going Twinees. With those tweeks from Smash this is now an FFXII instead of FFTA Numuu.
Current Projects:


Great work, you guys. I like Smash's changes to the sprite: this toned-down version leaves a lot of room for future spriters. Anyways, keep up the good work.


Very nice. Looks great and looking forward.
Kindly upload the images to other image hosting sites. I can't view imageshack. Thanks.


Wow nice smash. im really liking the ear, and yes, i agree with making the walk with the 3 colours then adding detail later.
  • Modding version: PSX


Then let us hurry. I'll take care of the portrait and walking frames. Both of us shuld at least make a frame or two a day. I'll get the front walk and portrait covered today.
You already working on the back frames?

By the 15th, there should at least be 1/3rd of the sheet done, along with portrait and concept art.
Updates should be DAILY


In a sprite proyect, motivation could die in any second. For the sake of the proyect, we'd better work fast. My experience on this tells me so.


You have my unnecessary seal of approval. Work hard and work fast, fellas.

I cannot wait to see the portrait on this thing. Ahh, the giddiness is killing me.


i dont care for non humes but i think it looks great for what it is. keep it up
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


Definitely looking forward to this.
Kindly upload the images to other image hosting sites. I can't view imageshack. Thanks.



Rough sketches atm, shading still needs fixes

@smash also, there is an unneccessary black on the eye, so it could easily be replaced with the darkest brown.
  • Modding version: PSX


For the walking frames, there's too much shadow on the back and beneath his left arm, in my opinion. And is it just me or does he look a little too hunched over or like he's marching or something? I dunno. Great work though. I can tell that this'll be legendary.


His back angle isn't right. Notice that his head is shown more on his left than right. His hunchback should block both sides of his head, not one.
Kindly upload the images to other image hosting sites. I can't view imageshack. Thanks.



I haven't tested these yet. Gif please?


For his rear view: His far arm is way too high, that is why he looks like a hunch back.
Current Projects:



edit: I added the basic GIF, 1 frame is misaligned.


Next time, please use the FFT spriting format. Put your BMP in ShiShi, use the Animator.  If Animator is not sufficient to give you good enough results, then post a BMP file with proper alignments I'll make the GIF (won't take me more than 60 seconds). Alternatively, you can also PM me the screenshots (preferably full screen, so I can do action scripted crops on them so I wouldn't have to manually align your sprite) and I'll upload the GIF here. The reason for putting into ShiShi format is because ShiShi gives you the Walking Animation Curve (note how the character is moved 1-2 pixels up and down during the walking phases). I do not know exactly how that works outside of ShiShi so any GIF that I can make for you will not have the Curve.

This is what I am referring to:


bouncy, bouncy.

Looks good smash.

@R999 to make them bounce up and down, just move them up 1/2 pixels. easy :)
  • Modding version: PSX


June 15, 2010, 03:58:29 am #375 Last Edit: June 15, 2010, 05:32:22 am by R999
@Twinees: Oh nice! Did you manage to find out how many pixels to move on which frame?  I just realize I could find out about that easily (*puts on todo list*). But even in your GIF it's not aligned properly. Right now, I am sure if the misalignment is causing his Left (our Right) leg to be moving a bit too far (or if the Contact frame needs work). It's as if he's dancing rather than Walking. Fist/Hand rotation is awkward (maybe just 1 frame). Tail and Ear movement is very impressive.


wow that looks great, and i hate nu-mous lol... but i have to hand it to u
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


Well, it actually just move one pixel by one pixel. Simple. All the gifs I made curves, as they look more natural rather than staying stiffly with just moving arms and legs.
Kindly upload the images to other image hosting sites. I can't view imageshack. Thanks.


Looks good to me, but what do I know? How's it going with those back frames, twinees? Are you trying to clean 'em up, or have you moved on to different poses? And where's that portrait?! I kid; keep up the good work, fellas.


Wow this is turning out so nice, You guys make a great team. <3

I wish i had some crits to offer, but as of right now its looking good. ( From my perspective anyways. )
  • Modding version: PSX