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Official Mark Ideas Thread

Started by 3lric, May 08, 2013, 02:39:29 am


Elric,  as always first class. Your event editing skills are out of the box!! Really can't wait for the next installment!! Great work mate!!
  • Modding version: PSX
Kotetsu Quad Killer!!


:D thanx Argy! It's been some time, hope all is well :)
  • Modding version: PSX

Zero Dozer

December 30, 2014, 08:22:36 pm #62 Last Edit: December 30, 2014, 09:13:46 pm by Zero Dozer
Hey, Damned, for your idea on Cloud's Persona fight, why not give him the Fusion Sword? If it is possible, of course.

Also, I was researching and had an idea of my own.

Made Of Flames

"Strange rumors have been appearing about a serpent-like dragon seemingly composed of fire and magma, who's been dominating the Bervennia Volcano over the last weeks. Although there was never any legend of any ancient creature sleeping at the volcano, people who managed to see it from afar says that it emerged and started defending the place as it was its own home. This also involves the trade route going directly through the volcano, which makes trading between the regions of Fovoham and Lesalia a lot harder."

Hard - Very Hard

Bervennia Volcano

Volvagia x1: I don't know if there's any serpentine dragon custom sprite around, but it would be cool to have a fiery of its kind, you know, something that could look like the boss from Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Is it isn't possible, a Red Dragon sprite edited to look more "fiery" than normal will do.
Absorbs Fire, Immune to Earth and Lightning, Strong against Wind, Light and Dark, Normal damage from Water, Weak against Ice. It's a boss to keep you in your toes and to keep yourself geared.
It will move almost always into Lava spaces, and will have a stronger version of the Lava Ball Geomancy ability. Also, he could have a Fire Breath attack with four-tile range. I mean it to be a dangerous boss if you're not adequately geared.

Red Dragon x3
Explosive x3

A Flame Shield, or some Fire-elemental weapon, and circa 30.000 Gil.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


That's way to much money for a Mark :P

At this point, you'd still only be getting maybe 5,000 - 6,000 gil for something like that.

I did some messing around with the dragon palette for about 5 minutes to try to come up with a palette for this, since we won't get a custom sprite for it.

  • Modding version: PSX

Zero Dozer

December 31, 2014, 08:22:37 am #64 Last Edit: December 31, 2014, 01:45:36 pm by Zero Dozer
Seems brighter, it looks good, Elric.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Beautiful palette. I wonder if it may be too dark in game though. If you guys need more palettes churned out for this project, let me know; I think it's the one thing I might be able to contribute decently. I'll also try to post a mark or two or three soon.

Great project, guys. Keep up the good work.

Plan C

December 31, 2014, 06:02:16 pm #66 Last Edit: December 31, 2014, 09:48:22 pm by Xifanie
Oppressor of Orphans

Backstory: A strange demon looking creature keeps torturing the local orphanages (which became even more commonplace after the Lion War) and has been known to abduct orphans for an unknown plot. Ramza and Co. must push this fiend back to give the orphans a peace of mind, as they have had many hardships already.

(This can open up a 2nd mark which you follow the creature back to its lair. There you find the one responsible for the creatures summoning and one behind the unknown plot.)

Difficulty: Medium/Hard

***Phunbaba teleports away after defeat

Location of Mark: Lesalia or Zeltennia
Location of Battle: A small type of town such as Goland, Bervenia, Zarghidas, etc.

Enemies: 1x Ultima Demon or Unique Demon sprite (green in color)

Name: Phunbaba or Humbaba ( whatever translation preferred )

HP/MP/BR/FA: all ???

Innate: Brawler, Short Charge, Counter

Immune to All status effects besides Poison
Absorbs Lightning elemental magic

Demon Arts (includes skills listed below)

-Blowfish (strengthened version of 1000 needles that was in 1.3)
-Baba Breath (Non elemental breath + auto knock back)
-Solar Plex (Hard, Physical damage)
-All variations of Bolt Magic (If possible, can cast on himself to heal)

Reward: Whatever seems fitting for the time of use in game

Cease the Chaos

Backstory: Ramza and Co. follow the creature back to whence it came. There they find the one responsible behind the creatures appearance, and master of the plot that is revealed. His plan to acquire the ability to wield world altering magics requires the sacrifice of pure souls that have experienced loss. Children being the easiest source of a pure soul and being a orphan at that, fulfills both requirements for his bidding. This megalomaniac must be stopped before more innocent orphans are caught in this evil plot.

Difficulty: Hard/Very Hard

Location of Mark: Same place as the 1st
Location of Battle: Perhaps a Deep Dungeon map or something similar to the Underground Passage in Goland

Enemies 1x Phunbaba 1x Chaos Mage -Hooded Stranger/Mage/Mediator type sprite (black robes)

**Phunbaba retains all same innates, absorbs and skillsets as previous mark

Name: Gideon

HP/MP/BR/FA: all ???

Innate: Short Charge, Starts with auto DBarrier
Immune to all status effects besides Dont Move and Dispel

Oppression (includes skills listed below)
Chaos Magic (includes skills listed below)
Split Damage
Double Magic
Master Teleport

**Oppression skill set includes a handful but not all of Lucavi type abilities (Fear/Dread skillset) such as Dont Act, Dont Move, Petrify, Stop and Sleep (Double Magic doesnt work with these)

**Chaos Magic skill set includes (Double Magic does work with these)
- Dark Barrier (MBarrier for Phunbaba and himself)
- Dark Aura (Gives Phunbaba Defending)
- Dispel Rain (Chance to dispel all buffs in range)
- Chaos Ball (Basically Demi)
- Chaos Wave (Basically Demi 2)

Rewards: Whatever seems fitting for the time of use in game

The Damned

(Personally, "Phunbaba" just makes me think of Pumba from Lion King. That may just be me though.)

So, Zero Dozer's post reminded me that I had a vague idea for a Mark lying around since this August that I still had yet to post. I figure I might as well do that now what with it being so close to New Year's, not like that actually means anything. At the buzzer...:

*references Street Sharks, Jabberjaw, Three Ninjas, vaguely the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise and Surf Ninjas and (sigh) Ryan Locthe and, technically, even more vaguely 1980s slang, the 1990s, frat boy culture (but I repeat myself) and surfer culture in general* (Has three links in the first three references.)

...And They Call Themselves "Street Sharks"

"Recently, band of four young hooligans in black pajamas have been rushing through the streets of Dorter and its nearby area, causing a terrible ruckus. Due to the relatively harmless nature of most of their pranks and activities, the King's forces have not seen fit to deal with them as of yet unfortunately. They are far actually harmless, though, since they have at least some proficiency in the styles of the East among other things. Additionally, there been recent rumors that they were heading to Volcano in the attempt to make it erupt. Whether credible or not, such claims should be investigated and dealt with accordingly."

*Ramza and his team of badasses stride forth onto the molten planes of Bervenia, whereupon they find Three four Ninja milling and jumping about with three Bombs floating lazily nearby. One of the Ninja stops in his tracks, looking straight at Ramza.*

Ninja #1: "Hmmm...my keen, totally sweet Ninja senses tell me we have an audience."

*Ninja #1 turns around then turns back to Ramza, as if seeing him for the first time*

Ninja #1: "Aha!"

*The other Ninja turn to look out Ramza too now; the three Bombs couldn't care much less*

Ninja #2: "Hey, you're right, Ripster! Your 'Xtreme!' Ninja senses have done it once again!"

Ninja #1/Ripster: "Hey, what can I say, Bends? I'm just awesome like that."

Ninja #3: "Don't you mean...you're 'jawesome like that'?"

Ninja #4: "Haha! Alright! Excellent pun bro!"

Ninja #3: "Jeah!"

*Ripster & Bends and Ninja #3 & Ninja #4 turn to "high-five" each other while one can easily imagine Ramza and co. getting incredibly confused*

Ramza: "...Right. Would you guys happen to be the ones who call themselves the 'Street Sharks'?"

*all Ninja turn back to Ramza*

Ripster: "Oh, right. You're still here, Audience Bro Guy. So you've heard of us then?"

Ramza: "Vaguely, yes."

Ninja #4: "Sweet!"

Ramza: "Not so much, actually. I'm here to investigate claims that you're planning to make Bervenia Volcano erupt. Is there any truth to that?"

Ripster: "Totally! If you want get in on it, that's mondo cool and all, but we only have enough boards for ourselves. I hope you brought your own."

Ramza: "...Boards? Please start from the beginning. Why do you want to make the volcano erupt? What possible good could from that?"

Ripster: "Only the world's most extreme surfing, of course. We can't really get any good waves up here even with my Geomancy and use of the Bombs that Jabberjaw tamed."

Ninja #3/Jabberjaw: "That's me!"

Ramza: ".... Please, if you would, tell me I have this correct: You want to cause a volcanic eruption. Just so you can surf. On lava. Briefly. In the extremely unlikely case you don't instantly die. ...Is that correct?"

Ripster: "Pretty much, bro. That's spot on. Good plan, isn't it?"

Ramza: "Wa--no! No, it is not a good plan! It is the exact opposite of a good plan!"

Bends: "Wow. Really harsh vibes there, trashing my plan and all."

*Ripster turns to Bends*

Ripster: "I know, right? Some people are just rude like that."

*Ripster turns back to Ramza*

Ripster: "Okay, Mr. Buzzkill Bro, if you don't want to join us, then why are you here? To stop us or something?"

Ramza: "Yes. With words preferably, though I'll use force if I have to do so. I can't let you endanger innocent people, especially for your own thrill-seeking."

Ripster: "Man, I figured it might come to this. So the new king finally took notice of us, did he?"

Ramza: "No, Del--he didn't. I'm just a concerned citizen is all."

Ripster: "...Okay then. Mr. Concerned Citizen, let's make a deal. If you can prove your strong enough, then we'll stop. Otherwise, we're going to pop this top until it just doesn't stop and you're going to get more than burned if you stay here without a board."

*Ripster turns to the others*

Ripster: "Alright! Street Sharks roll call!"

Bends: "Bends! The brainy one!"

Jabberjaw: "Jabberjaw! The jokey one!"

Streex: "Streex! The speedy one!"

*Ripster turns back to Ramza*

Ripster: "And Ripster, their leader, the muscly main man!"

Ramza: "...Sigh. So be it then."

Medium - Well-done

Bervenia Volcano

4x (Immortal?) Ninja, all with Surf Move on Lava as their Movement and probably Absorb: Fire gear of some kind:

Ripster - Has Geomancy secondary and Attack Up.
Bends - Has Item secondary and Throw Item.
Jabberjaw - Has Talk Skill secondary and Monster Skill Monster Talk. (Oh, right. Monster Skill doesn't exist anymore.)
Streex - Has Draw Out secondary and Magic Attack Up.

1x Explosive named "Rocky"
1x Grenade named "Colt"
1x Bomb named "Tum Tum"

*Ninja are all face down, but start to get up back*

Ripster: "Ow. My coolness hurts."

Jabberjaw: "Know that feeling, bro. My everything hurts."

Shreex: "Wiped out before we got started."

Bends: "Man, this plan blew up in our faces and not in the way we wanted."

*all the Ninja look at Ramza*

Ripster: "Man, you are a lot stronger than you look, Mr. Buzzkill. Who exactly are you?"

Ramza: "Like I said, I'm just a concerned citizen. Now, run along and don't try this again. Volcanos are dangerous to be around as it is. Just stick with regular surfing if you want thrills."

Ripster: "Yes, mom."

*Ripster turns to the others*

Ripster: "Man, let's go you guys. Maybe we can catch some waves out by Igros or something."

*Street Sharks teleport out, only to get mauled to death a kraken off-screen days later, explaining why they're never heard from again*

Ramza: "Honestly, kids these days."

Additional Conditions:
You must be a bad enough dude(tte) to rescue the President.

Something xtreme! This most likely means something related to Ninja like Ninjato or Shuriken since I've heard it told that "ninja are totally sweet", which is clearly the same thing as "xtreme!".

I was so tempted to try to fit in a "jet" reference to West Side Story despite both still never seeing/reading that--I know--and already feeling this was silly and anachronistic enough with all the talk of surfing in medieval-ish fantasy Europe. Oh well.

Good to see things are progressing steadily.

Quote from: Zero Dozer on December 30, 2014, 08:22:36 pm
Hey, Damned, for your idea on Cloud's Persona fight, why not give him the Fusion Sword? If it is possible, of course.

Probably because I have no idea what "the Fusion Sword" is even a reference to and because I have no control over what's actually in-game, as much as I've suggested things/cluttered up the thread. Shrug.

I'm rather a dilettante despite the number of things I reference. No surprise there. Only Persona games I've actually touched are the very first one and the first Persona 4 Arena unfortunately.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"

Zero Dozer

The Fusion Sword is a blade Cloud started using after Final Fantasy VII, after he left the Buster Sword as a gravestone for Zack. http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Fusion_Swords
It is composed of six blades mounted into a single sword, and Cloud performs an enhanced version of his Omnislash with it.

Also, you should play Persona 3 and Persona 4 anytime. They're fantastic games and you would get a hell lot of ideas from them.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Thanks for all the recent submissions guys, I always love reading these. I'll have more comments after I wakeup again.

@TheDamned, when I saw the street sharks post, I thought for sure it was going to be an Earthbound reference lol
  • Modding version: PSX

Zero Dozer

Quote from: Elric on January 01, 2015, 12:40:41 pm
Thanks for all the recent submissions guys, I always love reading these. I'll have more comments after I wakeup again.

@TheDamned, when I saw the street sharks post, I thought for sure it was going to be an Earthbound reference lol

I think he thought on Jackass when he made this one.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

The Damned

(I can't really look at wikia on this ancient computer anymore but just from your description, Zero Dozer, "The Fusion Sword" sounds like it's the silly-looking sword that Cloud uses to Omnislash at the end of Advent Child. A quick check before the wikia gives my desktop a heart attack verifies that. Good to know.

Also, I totally would play Persona 3 and Persona 4, despite already having been utterly spoiled to both plots of them, if I had any money. That should show my destitution and stringent budget given how cheap both of them are by now.)

No, it's not a reference to Jackass, considering I never watched that show and have about as much respect for it as I do Sephiroth, meaning none; I don't have anything against the people in it though--just the stupid concept of the show itself. Honestly, I completely forgot Jackass even existed until you mentioned it. Regardless, I would have clearly said it was referencing it if I was given how bloated I can make my reference pools. For the record, the only things I ever really watched on MTV were the cartoons like Daria and maybe some episodes of The Real World and that was ages ago.

Everything in that particular over(t)ly silly mark is at least something I've seen too, even (ugh) Three Ninjas and Jabberjaw, with Surf Ninjas being the possible exception. It's meant more to be an overly silly, semi-affectionate riff on both the 1990s and America's (continued) love of ninja. I probably would have even referenced Naruto if I didn't detest that series.

As for Earthbound's "Sharks", I just completely forgot about them as well. Feel free to add a reference to them if you want, Elric, provided you even use that mark at all. As I've said before, it's your--that's plural, damn English--game after all. I'm just throwing (silly) ideas out there, especially ones that I probably can't or won't use myself if I ever get around to finishing anything.

Anyway, since I don't like posting in here without posting a mark if I can avoid it, here, have a quick, simple mark for once:

*references the neurological phenomenon of blindsight with the title itself coming verbatim from a line on The Daily Show* (Has one link to explain what blindsight is; I personally find it fascinating.)

20/20 Blindsight

"A letter has been circulating the bars lately, though no one has of yet verified its veracity. It reads: 'Dear patrons, I am a desperate widow in Goug at my wit's end. Before this sounds like a sordid solicitation for companionship, let it be known I am making this plea for my daughter's sake. She has recently been stricken by a type of blindness that can be nothing save for some supernatural affliction beyond even the magics of the East for she perceives still without seeming to actually see. I fear...her father has returned from his...resting place in Bed Desert, where he fell during the recent war. His eyesight was failing even before he deployed, though he kept it a secret, so I think this is his way of contacting me. I also swear that I have...heard his voice. No one in the city believes me though! Even with the ghosts of Zigolis so close! Please! ...Help us. I beg of you.'  - Abigail"


Goug Machine City

1x Undead Engineer
4x Ghosts of any class, though if any of them can add Undead, I'd prefer that one be used...

Additional Conditions:

A bunch of Eye Drops and a small amount of Gil. She's a widow after all.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


I've always wished I could play the Phantom Thief Zero propositions in the original game. Something like a mountainous map with a thief at the top and some other soldiers with a terrain advantage, maybe some archers and some cool gear to snag either during or after the fight. I picture something with a bridge that connects one landmass with a more mountainous landmass. Something that would make Ignore Height and teleport a great skill to use. Probably have to make the map custom which I don't know if you would be open to.

Other great items I really liked was from the mod Call of Power, the poison sword Terminus Est and the poison bow. They would be great rewards especially in late game.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You have allies... Friends that would risk their lives, and I am one of them.


March 01, 2015, 04:24:59 pm #73 Last Edit: March 01, 2015, 05:34:01 pm by Elric
Phantom Thief Zero already makes appearances in Jot5. However, it is unlikely that I will be making any more custom maps. They take took long to do and you have to sacrifice a map to do so.

As for items, these are actually already decided on :P
  • Modding version: PSX


March 10, 2015, 09:24:44 pm #74 Last Edit: March 10, 2015, 09:45:50 pm by Zolias
May be my second post, but I do have a possible idea, if nobody else mentioned it.  Based on a Creepypasta, I think.

Terror of the Woods

"There have been rumors spreading of a strange creature wandering Sweegy Woods at night lately.  It's said to look almost human-like, except for its eyes, which glimmer in the dark, and its hands, which is said to have claws that are as deadly as swords.  Now, I'm not one to believe mere rumors, but there have been reports of large claw marks on some trees in Sweegy Woods, hence the search for someone willing to find, and possibly subdue, the creature; if it even exists."

Very Hard - That's gonna be hurting for the next week!

Sweegy Woods.

x1 Rake (whatever sprite + class would be best suited, if not a custom one)

Definitely should have something to do with slashing and clawing, maybe something like Rend Shield and Armor, if possible to do so without a weapon, along with something like the Skeleton's attack + poison (forgot the name); if you can't do the Rend skills without a sword, then add other skills that would suit it.  Also should have the Monk's Barehand(?) so it's strong w/o a weapon, Counter, and over 999 HP; probably best saved for something like a very late chapter.  Also should be Monster gender, obviously


Gil, useful assorted items, possibly some weapons + armor, but ultimately up to you guys.

While I don't expect it to be used, due to not everything being able to, I hope I at least gave a good idea.  If I see it, I know I'll definitely be pretty happy.  Also, can't wait to see what happens in Ch.2 :p


June 25, 2015, 07:03:08 pm #75 Last Edit: June 25, 2015, 07:49:16 pm by RayKamiya
well I think I should at leas contribute a Mark Idea or two XD

I have added personal Thoughts and notes at the end of these that explane my inspiration for them.

Sleepless Souls

Bar Notice:
Ever Since the Hokuten put down the remaining bands of the Death Corps, and the events at Fort Zeakden countless spirits have been reported at the old Fort.
Strangely it looks like someone has been doing repairs to the fort over time and sightings of a man and young girl have been reported.
Roomers are abound that the man is a Necromancer who is playing with the bodies of the fallen soldiers at the fort and using them for Unholy ends.
The Church has offered up a large reward for his head as his evil magic must be stopped.

Upon arriving at Fort Zeakden Ramza sees the scene where Algus Murders Teta play out, as he laments about what has happened here an old man wearing ragged Robes exits the Fort, He tells the party to leave as the spirits are restless and many are looking for vengeance, But before Ramza can ask about the Necromancer A familiar voice is heard and Algus appears on the battle field and berates Ramza on his friendship with Delita, Algus says he wishes to Murder Teta again to make Ramza feel Helpless like he did Delita when Teta exits the fort and Ramza looks up with shock as she was supposed to be dead.

Algus sees her and aims a crossbow at her but Teta uses an explosion spell to Interrupt Algus' attack as she says "Algus' spirit has been very active lately... we must send him to the other side..." Before they could do so Algus starts to gather all his rage and transforms into a Death Knight and summons the spirits of the Fallen Death corps Members from the fort saying "I will use these animals as I see fit to kill you all!!"

Very Hard- Algus is a death knight with some nasty abilities accompanied by Golagros' Ghost, and the ghost of several other Death corps members, all are undead versions of their jobs and are at a high level.

Should be obvious but Fort Zeakden

Boss: Algus A Death Knight with the abilities: Night sword, Dark sword, Icewolf Bite, Shellbust stab, Dispel sword, and Death.
Golagros Undead Knight
and 6 other undead random enemies with the Death corps Pallet.

Tellah (here's a blast from the past, that and I couldn't think up a name) Holy Priest
Teta: Cleric (Limited abilities compared to Alma)

5000 Gold, Various Items and equipment.

-Personal Thoughts-
I thought of this as something I wanted to do in Final fantasy tactics where Teta was on the Brink of death when the Holy Priest came to prepare the bodies of the fallen for burial but came upon Teta who was still alive from her wounds, his followers helped to fix the fort and to bury the dead and to help care for the wounded Teta who was very touch and go, I had thought about a storyline or side quest where you find the Phoenix Materia/Magicite etc and use it to bring her spirit back akin to Rachel from FF6 temporarily, but I thought against it.

I also thought about getting a Sprite done of Teta as an Angel Knight from Tactics Ogre and have her locked as that class but able to learn some skills via JP or have limited Job options but I didn't think that would work to well still I think the story itself and the enemies and guests can be modified to fit the needs of the story.

Blast From the past 1

Strange Warriors have arrived in Goug and Claim to be the Fabled "Warriors of Light".
So Far they have not been very welcomed here as they are getting in our way of life by constantly fighting many of the Chocobo's we raise to help transport our goods and the Machines we dig up, Please put the chase to these People.

Easy - Med as these guys are just starting off...


Fighter (Squire)
Black Belt (Monk)
Thief (Rogue)
Black Mage (Wizard)
White Mage (Priest)
Red Mage (Redguard)


-Personal Thoughts-
A guilty fun battle i thought of where the "warriors of light" Invade Ivalice and cause some light hearted trouble and get beat up for it.
I also wanted to do squeal jobs as the "Heroes of light" Upgrade their classes and are further made fun of because they don't understand how Ivalice works.

Hunt the Dark Dragon Tiamat



Goland Coal City

Boss: Tiamat Dark Dragon
x2 Dragons
x2 Blue Dragons
x2 Red Dragons
x3 Hydra's

The Holy Dragon Awakens

We unearthed a seal in Goug and released a Holy Dragon, it does not seem to be attacking anyone but it seems agitated by something in the Slums Can you investigate?


Goug Slums

Ultima Demon
x3 Archaic demons
x3 Apanda's

-Personal Notes-
What can I say? I'm a glutton for punishment and these fights would be very punishing.


Yugo Woods has been known for its hauntings and spirits, but now Nightmareish creatures have invaded and are causing trouble for local Spiritualists as they cannot send these demons back to the afterlife.

You will kill me when you see the enemies...

All the Zodiac bosses

Bragging rights?

-personal thought-
Yeah still bitter at the fact that I could NEVER find anyone to do the nightmare missions on War of the Lions with... worse is at high levels my team and my partner got WREAKED by the bosses and I want satisfaction...


1. We actually already have (sortof) 3 things like this already being done :P 2 of the ones you mentioned are a lot like 2 marks that appear in Ch2, and 1 of them is a lot like a Story battle in Chapter 2

2. When making marks is always best to consider sprite space. If we can get away with using a different palette it's always preferable over a different sprite. Though of course it would have to be written in a way that a new palette makes sense, rather than just making a new palette and calling it a completely different type of monster (which comes off a bit cheap)
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Elric on July 02, 2015, 11:19:56 pm
1. We actually already have (sortof) 3 things like this already being done :P 2 of the ones you mentioned are a lot like 2 marks that appear in Ch2, and 1 of them is a lot like a Story battle in Chapter 2

2. When making marks is always best to consider sprite space. If we can get away with using a different palette it's always preferable over a different sprite. Though of course it would have to be written in a way that a new palette makes sense, rather than just making a new palette and calling it a completely different type of monster (which comes off a bit cheap)

oh wow O.o okay...

well if modifications need to be done then that's fine xD like I said these are some suggestions I have and if they need to be edited for space then so be it xD


February 13, 2016, 12:03:03 am #78 Last Edit: February 13, 2016, 12:16:14 am by Xujints
I'm not sure if an idea like this has already been submitted, but here goes.

Story: Ramza's Bloody Palace

"Every once in a while, travelers would hear sounds of some-kind of conflict happening at (insert castle name here) castle. Many have tried to explain these battles, even the local guards, but all have found no evidence of even the slightest hint of conflict."

Upon arriving at the castle, the party is greeted by a ghost that takes an interest in them. The ghost offers a challenge to the group, Ramza is wary of the Ghost, but when the Ghost sweetens the deal by offering grand prizes and some encouragement by Dante, he agrees. The Ghost tells the group they don't have to worry about dying as they will be fighting in spirit, hence why no one ever sees the battles. He vanishes, reminding them to have fun.

Upon winning the first battle, the ghost rewards the party and said that it was most entertaining and that they can return anytime to try to win more prizes, at the cost of fighting more. To return to the Ghost, one simply needs listen to the rumor again. Upon losing, the ghost returns and sends the heroes on their way, suggesting they return later when they become stronger.

Special notes:
A 'curse' prevents the party from reviving fallen comrades, but healing from all sources is buffed by 1.5. Health is carried over from the last battle into the next. The condition for victory is clear a certain number of battles that is selected at the start of the Mark. This Mark can be completed any number of times, but be warned, once you complete a specific number of floors you need to complete two or more next time before you can go lower. Example: If a player has the option of 1 to 5 battles and picks two and succeeds, they have to complete 4 or 5 battles before they can pick two or lower again. The Player can quit at any time by selecting wait for all party members in a row, thus forfeiting their prizes.

Heaven and Hell.

Igros Castle (Or another castle with a few maps inside.)

Varies depending on the floor. Almost any random encounter enemy can be faced.


Varries depending on the player's level and how many battles they complete.


Quote from: Xujints on February 13, 2016, 12:03:03 am
I'm not sure if an idea like this has already been submitted, but here goes.

Story: Ramza's Bloody Palace

"Every once in a while, travelers would hear sounds of some-kind of conflict happening at (insert castle name here) castle. Many have tried to explain these battles, even the local guards, but all have found no evidence of even the slightest hint of conflict."

Upon arriving at the castle, the party is greeted by a ghost that takes an interest in them. The ghost offers a challenge to the group, Ramza is wary of the Ghost, but when the Ghost sweetens the deal by offering grand prizes and some encouragement by Dante, he agrees. The Ghost tells the group they don't have to worry about dying as they will be fighting in spirit, hence why no one ever sees the battles. He vanishes, reminding them to have fun.

Upon winning the first battle, the ghost rewards the party and said that it was most entertaining and that they can return anytime to try to win more prizes, at the cost of fighting more. To return to the Ghost, one simply needs listen to the rumor again. Upon losing, the ghost returns and sends the heroes on their way, suggesting they return later when they become stronger.

Special notes:
A 'curse' prevents the party from reviving fallen comrades, but healing from all sources is buffed by 1.5. Health is carried over from the last battle into the next. The condition for victory is clear a certain number of battles that is selected at the start of the Mark. This Mark can be completed any number of times, but be warned, once you complete a specific number of floors you need to complete two or more next time before you can go lower. Example: If a player has the option of 1 to 5 battles and picks two and succeeds, they have to complete 4 or 5 battles before they can pick two or lower again. The Player can quit at any time by selecting wait for all party members in a row, thus forfeiting their prizes.

Heaven and Hell.

Igros Castle (Or another castle with a few maps inside.)

Varies depending on the floor. Almost any random encounter enemy can be faced.


Varries depending on the player's level and how many battles they complete.

I like this idea in order to add an arena into the game. Maybe be only able to access a certain amount of times per chapter as not to get too overpowered or just leave it until late game. I always hated it when a game gives you some awesome piece of equipment just to have it be kind of pointless because you don't really need it or you don't have enough game left to play to really get the value out of it. Gotta love the Arena!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You have allies... Friends that would risk their lives, and I am one of them.