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Curse of the Viper Forum RPG - Capture Dat Flag!

Started by RavenOfRazgriz, May 10, 2011, 06:06:43 am


Wesley, excited about his first day, slowly but casually enters the hangar and gives it his nod of approval.

"Hmm," he thinks aloud. "Very Spartan."

Looking around, he quickly notices his own mobile suit, a Zaku, mounted up and undergoing repair and fittings. He nods with approval once again. "Quite the machine," he says aloud.

The next thing he notices is the rest of the pilots. So these are the veterans, he thinks to himself. Maybe I should go introduce myself. He walks over to the nearest one to see an odd, attractive green-haired woman standing by her suit.

"You must be May. I'm still new here, but I'd like to introduce myself. My name's Wesley. Wesley Tress. How do you do?"
  • Modding version: PSX


Buliwyf carefully eases his battered machine into its dock, ensuring all the clamps are sealed before popping his cockpit and climbing free.  He stretches and twists, a few popping sounds coming from his back and shoulders, before slipping into a mechanics harness and beginning the slow inspection of his baby.  "Not sure how much power that sumbitch had at his disposal, but I haven't been thrown around like that since we hauled in that school of Arcturian megasharks..." The grizzled old fisherman grumbles almost as much as the framework of his machine as he covers every inch of her, checking for damaged or weakened parts.


Name:  Linear Leylande [Combat Title: None.]
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Birth Place: Australia.

Appearance / Clothing: A heavy silvery leather coat frequently envelopes her standard-issue combat uniform, a touch of home and a reminder to her goals, quite the companion to her lavender-colored hair, streaking behind her shoulders in a straight flow down to mid-back, parted evenly and precisely, revealing her piercing grey-eyed gaze and sharp facial features, her tall stature accentuating her cool attitude well. approx. height. 1.78 meters.

History / Background: Shortly after her birth in Australia, when Linear was around the age of four or five, the growing tensions between the sharply opposing ideologies of her father and mother inevitably lead to a divide in their relations, her mother gravitating toward and eventually wresting custody of her beloved baby sister, Lyra, while she was stolen away by her father, who promptly transported the two of them to the frigid wastes of southern Greenland, where she was raised as a research assistant, taught in a scientific, methodical manner, indoctrinated daily by her Zeon-supporting father, until finally the fateful day came that she was to be recruited to a new unit on the faraway lunar colony of Side 3, sent there by the wishes of her father, despite her inexperience, so that she would "see the world from above in Zeon's way" so she was told.

The journey was tumultuous and the difficulty she faced adjusting to life in space was never fully surmounted, her preference for cold conditions proved to be a boon to her often poorly heated surroundings, but even so she never let the smiling face of her beloved Lyra leave her mind, etched as it was onto her thoughts as she trudged through each battle, growing more and more determined and precise, learning the technique of keeping her intense emotions cold even in the heat of battle. It wasn't long before she became known as the Icy Reaper, her unique style of battle using a utility crane mounted on her Zaku's left arm to ensnare her foes and draw them in for devastating melee attacks struck fear and admiration in her observers on the battlefield. Those who were fortunate enough to call themselves her allies remarked with what chilling alacrity she seemed to strike, "like frozen death."

As thus, it was inevitable that when news of Australia's destruction at the hands of Zeon malfeasance reached her ears, her heart grew cold with the realization that her father's ideals were a naive dream of a paradise lost to the greed-drowned hearts of their leaders. Zeon would fill the universe with naught but strife, but regardless, bringing them to their knees from the inside out was a possibility that would keep her alive, keep her with Zeon, thinking with a forward direction until her goal was met or her energy exhausted.

Her surprise when she discovered her sister not only survived Australia's demise but was even a pilot for Zeon's forces was beyond description, but only steeled her resolve to join her loved one's similar cause and put an end to the fighting between the two factions once and for all, and realize not the stagnant, nostalgic dream of the past, that of her father, but to carve out a new future, a world she could trust that Lyra would be safe in. Although her actions in battle are only now beginning to warm with the presence of her sister at her side, her idealized impressions of her have not cooled with time, and she exhibits a certain motherly attitude toward her, overprotective and affectionate, quick to act with sometimes impulsive decisiveness to ensure her safety.

----------Mobile Suit Info---[Total Cost: 450]------

MS-05B Zaku I

Cost: 130 points.

HP: 35
Speed: 10
Armor: 10
Booster Speed: 20
Booster Jump Fuel: 2
Clamp Count: 3
Clamp Locations: 1 on the side of each hip, 1 under the booster pack.
Special Properties:

Built in Armaments:

Right Hand:
105mm Machine Gun:
Power: 1 per bullet.
Ammo: 100 rounds per clip.
Range: Medium.
Reserve Clips?: Yes.
Special Properties:
--Full-Auto Fire: Fires any number of rounds, can fire up to the remaining clip size per action.
Size: <Small>
Cost: 50 points.

Heavy Shield:
HP: 20
Armor: 15
Reserve Clips?: No.
Special Properties:
--Arm Mount: Mounts to a Mobile Suit's Right or Left Arm, over any existing Mounts, leaving the hand free to use.
--Unclampable: Cannot be equipped to a Mobile Suit's Clamp.
--Sword Holster: Can holster 1 Heat Sword inside it, handle extending out the bottom of the shield.
Size: <Large>
Cost: 90 points.

Left Hand:
None - Doublehanding Equipped Weapon.

Worker Zaku Forearm Crane:
Build the hook and winch of the MS-06W Worker Zaku into the Mobile Suit's forearm.  Can be cast out and pulled in.  Effective range is 5 squares, but Close Combat Skill is always applied.
Mount Location: Arm.
Cost: 40 points.

Heat Sword:
Power: 16 per slash.
Ammo: Infinite.
Range: Proximal.
Reserve Clips?: No.
Special Properties:
--Superheated Blade: Cuts through armor and shields, melting them.  Units that are hit and survive have far weaker armor in the affected areas.
Size: <Medium>
Cost: 70 points.

Right Hip Clamp:
Sturm Faust (x2):
Power: 12 per Sturm Faust.
Ammo: 1 per Sturm Faust.
Range: Long.
Reserve Clips?: No.
Special Properties:
--Explosive Rounds: Rounds tear armor and cause splash damage.
--Heat-Seeker: Rounds curve somewhat as they fly, improving accuracy over great distances.
--Grab 'n Fire: Weapon is not "switched" to, but rather pulled and fired from its clamp directly when needed, following the same rules as weapon reloading.
Size: <Small>
Cost: 30 points.

Left Hip Clamp:
Sturm Faust (x2):
Power: 12 per Sturm Faust.
Ammo: 1 per Sturm Faust.
Range: Long.
Reserve Clips?: No.
Special Properties:
--Explosive Rounds: Rounds tear armor and cause splash damage.
--Heat-Seeker: Rounds curve somewhat as they fly, improving accuracy over great distances.
--Grab 'n Fire: Weapon is not "switched" to, but rather pulled and fired from its clamp directly when needed, following the same rules as weapon reloading.
Size: <Small>
Cost: 30 points.

Back Hip Clamp:
105mm Machine gun ammo clip.
Come watch my stream at www.livestream.com/nostalgia_gaming ! Comedy and video games abound! From classic to modern, we stream it there, with full voice commentary and music~


Rellia's swiss-cheese'd suit rests inside the hangar. With a quick pop, it opens up, revealing a young woman with snowy silver hair carrying a dead body. A very dead body. A giant hole where his stomach used to be dead body. Rellia looks around, curious as to who would like to take this corpse from her. She sees the new recruit a smiles wickedly. She jumps down from her cockpit and walks over to the young boy.
"Hey there!" she very out-of-character-ly greets Wesley. A smile from ear to ear plastered on her face.
Before he can even respond, she adds on, "Here, take this to the sick bay---or something!" and throws the dead body at him, landing the body in such a way that Wesley's head is inside his stomach hole, then giggles and disappears.
She calls back just before leaving, "if anybody needs me, I'll be in my room! And hurry up with transporting that dead body!"


Wesley cries out in shock as the body lands on him. After tossing it onto the ground, Wesley looks back at the girl who tossed it.

"...What the hell just happened?" Wesley asks to no one in particular, startled. "And what do I do with this?" he asks as he looks at the body. "What did I just get myself into...?"
  • Modding version: PSX



Okay seriously people.  I know ya'll aren't familiar with Gundam but I would like to clarify something.  Despite being an anime, Gundam is not like the usual modern anime.  It was a very realistic scifi universe.

That's realistic.  I know we're playing roles but I truly doubt average soldiers behave like this.  This is a serious war, for serious reasons.  The colonies want freedom from the oppression and control of the Earth Federation.  That is your purpose here.  You want freedom for you, your families, your friends, or just for humanity's sake alone.  It is for people, not against them.

This isn't just some silly romp with giant robots.  At least pretend to be emotionally invested and effected by the loss of human life?  Some of you may have never even killed anyone before joining the Desert Cobras.

I say this not just for myself, but for the person running the game. 


Firstly, please don't act like this. It's very unbecoming.
Secondly, Rellia is a heartless bitch. This has been established since the very first mission and by the fact that she's a f*cking assassin.
Thirdly, this is a comedy RP. Get over it.


Quote from: Dunkelritter Luna on February 14, 2012, 06:12:04 pm
Firstly, please don't act like this. It's very unbecoming.
Secondly, Rellia is a heartless bitch. This has been established since the very first mission and by the fact that she's a f*cking assassin.
Thirdly, this is a comedy RP. Get over it.


1. I asked her to post for me because I had to leave for a while and didn't want to forget, this has been bugging me since the giant HEY LET'S TACKLE MAY farce and I know she knows enough about the game setting to make the above post without me coaching her.  She also worded it far more elegantly than I would've bothered to.

2. That's not actually directed at you much.  You've already talked to me about the more outlandish things you were doing before anyway and we worked it out.

3. This is not a comedy RP.  We had to deal with a farce because people were being retarded, now people can stop being retarded and get some 4srs up this shit.

Now I need to shower, then I will get some RP-related things set up since you kids took off and started before I even set the scene or adjusted whose in/out the party.  The words of the gamemaster hath been spoketh.  Now, time to get wet.


SHOP NOTES:  I had incorrect images for the MS-06K Zaku Cannon and YMS-07A Prototype Gouf, and the wrong Boosting Speed listed for the MS-06K Zaku Cannon.  All this has been corrected.

OOC: And now, back on track!  I'll "officially" open the free-RP at this point.  Since Durbs jumped the gun, anyone whose not a returning member of the team can feel free to participate in the free-RP as someone whose currently waiting assignment or reassignment to a new squadron once they've decided on their backstory, loadout, etc., and I'll handle party composition in a day or two so you guys can officially know whose who.  I'm considering expanding the amount of players in the game to 8, though, so there's a chance most everyone will get in.

And now, I'll do our no-longer-so-official-opening of the Free RP with something randomname and I whipped up.


As his team disembarks their machines and seem to play hackeysack with a guy who apparently took a vulcan round to the gut, Atrius docks his battered Zaku II.  Only one deployment with his new Commander Type, and it's already a wreck.  Sieg probably won't be letting him off easy after this one, for sure.  As he steps out and looks around, he notices some fresh Zakus in the hangar, along with one in particular whose vivid and... loud paint scheme couldn't be forgotten.  Atrius shakes his head in disbelief for a moment as he turns away from the machine to walk down the catwalk.  "...Definitely not." he mutters to himself, beginning to walk.

"Is this irony or just shitty, Commander Atrius?" an incredibly soft yet pissy-sounding voice says as footsteps begin approaching from behind.  Atrius turns and sees a long-and-raven-haired woman standing behind him, her uniform's top tied around her waist by its sleeves and large aviator sunglasses set on her face, whose looks match her soft voice.  Her left arm and shoulder are missing, replaced by cybernetics.  Atrius gives the woman a once-over, his face colored with a bit of disbelief. "Rin...? What happened to you?"

""War happened." Rin replies, sliding down her aviators to reveal that her left eye and part of the left side of her face have also been replaced with bionics.  "I'm sure you'll be glad to know that Kyle Evan is dead.  You two never did get along.  Pissing contest between snipers?"  She takes a step forward as she speaks, causing Atrius to take a step back.  "I didn't like him.  Doesn't mean I wanted to see him dead." Atrius replies, turning to lean against the catwalk's railing and folding his arms in front of him. 

"Well then you'll take this news worse." Rin says, turning to look him in the eye. "The rest of them are dead too.  You and I are the only surviving members of the Horses, even if you did leave for your own squad."   She sets her aviators back on her face properly before continuing. "On top of that, High Command decided being outmatched and ambushed by cowardly Feddies was somehow my fault and demoted me.  I'm apparently to serve under you now."  She pouts and hmphs, folding her own arms.  Atrius looks to her awkwardly for a moment, not really sure how to respond.  "I'm... sorry?"

"No point in being sorry.  But if you think you're going to get to boss me around, ha!  You've got another thing coming.  My demotion was unjust crap." Rin grins cruelly at the thoughts forming in her head. "I should still be in recovery, but you know, I just can't wait to try out my new equipment.  People like me, born out in the colonies... We take to this technology like a fish to water!  Besides, I want revenge.  If I see those Feddie fucks again, I'll slice 'em up..."  She holds her grin for a moment, uncrossing her arms to rub her hands together almost comically as Atrius replies. "If that's how it is... don't push yourself too hard.  I don't want to be the lone Horse."

"If one of us is gonna die, it'd be you, squishy boy." Rin replies, her face turning playful as she pokes her now-Commander in the stomach before looking up at his machine. "Seems like you haven't been having an easy time either." she comments, noticing the wreck that's a result of getting bitch-slapped with a bazooka.  "Never is an easy time." Atrius merely replies, keeping the details scarce.

Rin suddenly pulls off her sunglasses and nearly presses her face right up to Atrius', clearly invading some personal space. "I can tell by that look that it was an absolute trainwreck." she comments, switching to a playful tonee as she continues, "Don't think you can hide your tells from me, my little venomous snakey wakey~...  Why don't you share the tale with your Commander? To her jabs for info, Atrius closes his eyes and sighs for a moment, leaning further back against the railing to get a bit more space from Rin. "You're not my Commander any more, Rin."

"Oh come now~, won't you humor me for old time's sake?" She continues, not relenting on her pursuit for information. Atrius sighs again and finally decides to relent a few details. "We encountered a black enemy Mobile Suit of considerable power, armor sturdy enough to make the 120mm machine gun bounce off and a generator powerful enough to overpower a Zaku II with one hand." Atrius explains to her, causing Rin to pull back a little. "Sounds harsh... But surely with a full group of great Zeon Pride you could've overwhelmed it?  Where was the rest of your squad?"

"We were fighting it six on one, but all of our Zakus were essentially fragged and out of ammo." Atrius explains.  "The machine guns had no effect and we didn't have ammo for much of anything else."  Of course, Rin needs to take the moment to gloat her skills to her former subordinate as she turns to face away from him. "I bet if I'd been there, that horrible Black Beast would've been scrap metal and shame."  Atrius sighs again, deciding to finally massage her ego a little to try and get her off his case.  "If you could've gotten through the first two skirmishes in better shape than we did, maybe."

"You know my specialty is not getting hit~." she replies playfully as she glances back at him.  "Does that include snow storms when you can't see the trees in front of your face?" Atrius asks, trying to paint a better image of the situation for her, though her reply is as energetic and confident as ever. "Of course it does!" she says, backing herself up against him in a manner that may require him to need an adult. "You know, I think I'm going to enjoy having you behind me again~."

"I'm sure you will..." Atrius says as he lets out a final exasperated sigh, his hands being thrown up in the air in every form but literally. "Now show me your squad!  I want to see if they're even worth bothering with!" Rin demands, in reply to his complacency.  He begins trying to slip out from behind her, doing his best to rub against her as little as possible while he does.  "Right this way, then..." he says, slipping his hands into his overcoat and leading Rin down the catwalk toward where the other members of the squadron are docked.


Deciding the Cap'n will be a much more entertaining debriefing then those suits always trying to pry for more details, and seeing as he looks preoccupied with someone much more interesting then the suits, she makes her way over towards him to greet him after she punched in her requests at the desk. She catches up to him as he is making his way over towards, apparently the rest of the team anyway, she feels she made the right decision. "Hiya Cap'n s-I mean Atrius.... um... sir? That sure was quite the mission don't you agree? I'm still not quite sure what to make of that mess...." she trails off looking around quickly, before inspecting this part-metal woman before her, not sure which hand to shake given her... modifications, deciding the right hand is probably still the best bet, sticking it out infront of her, the left metal arm giving her mild chills "I'm Lyra by the way pleasure to meet you! You two look awfully familiar together. Something I don't know?" She shoots Atrius a knowing look, sending him a silly wink, before dancing back and forth a bit more, looking to see who else is in the area. "So will she be joining us? Or is she just a friend you were taking out to lunch?"
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


Rin's eyes narrow under her sunglasses.  With a quick movement, she replies to the outstretched hand from Lyra with a swift grab with her bionic arm, yanking the woman up like a doll.  She glances over the body of the girl with a knowing look.  "Hmm.  Don't look like much." Rin releases Lyra.  "You any good in a fight?  A real fight, not just ones with suits."


Buliwyf looks down from his machine, wrench in hand.  "I sure hope you've got a replacement arm in your locker, whoever you are.  Cuz if you touch my squadmate again I'm gonna feed you the one you lay on her."  The grizzled old man hits his harness release and drops to the deck with a solid thud of work boots on steel.  "Your call.  I'd just as soon get back to work, but I can spare a minute to kick your ass out the nearest airlock if you feel froggy."


Finishing her inspection of her new charge, satisfied in its performance and ability to stay together, Expatrus steps out of the ship and leans against it, relaxing and surveying the situation through a haze of smoke. She sees the bionic woman lift a frail looking MS pilot up single handed, and shakes her head. Her eyes drift to the corpse on the ground and spits her cigar out, hacking and coughing out of disgust and horror while keeping an arm on the plane. She's come to really care for the Zeon people's plight during her years of flight experience, and feels pride in being part of the forces, but she'll never get used to the grisly sight of mankind going mad.

She collects herself and her bags, heads back in the ship, and leans back in the pilot chair, closing her eyes and thinks back to other times and different places.
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


Rin smiles at the old man's words.  She takes off her sunglasses dramatically and places them on Atrius's face like they belong there.  She motions the man forward with a wolfish grin.  "If you wanna dance, by all means come at me~."  She licks her lips like a big cat before the pounce.


Atrius sighs as Rin sets her glasses on his face, pressing his face into his palm for a moment.   Then, knowing only one way to stop this from going out of hand, he does something he hasn't done in quite a long time - pulls back and punches ex-Commander Rin straight in the face.


Rin is slammed on the face, causing her to stagger.  Then she grins, eyes widened while Atrius's fist is still planted in her face.  Jumping back, she counters with a kick aimed at his face, before ducking down and using her right arm to aim a punch straight to his gut.  After all, if she landed with her left, she might actually hurt the guy!


"Lady, I don't even know you.  But I just got back from the field and I haven't had a beer yet and so help me God if you keep fucking with the people that cover my ass I will roll you up into a little ball, tuck you behind a locker, and leave you there for maintenance to find."  He turns to Atrius after the punch. "And if this belongs to you, Sir, I'd respectfully request you keep a better leash on it."


Atrius, used to his ex-Commander's fighting style, pulls back to dodge the kick, but isn't quite fast enough to dodge the gut-punch, only able to pull back enough to stop it from being a deep hit.  He grabs her arm with both of his, turning on his heel to pull her up and over and toss her to the ground on the opposite side of him.  "Do we really need to do this right now, Rin?" he asks, clearly a bit annoyed at her antics and brushing off Buliwyf's leash-quipp.


A long-nailed, elegant hand comes to rest gently against the small of Lyra's back, catching and supporting the petite girl in an encompassing way, as Linear's firm-heeled boots click loudly with her imposing steps as she traverses the empty space between the edge of the docking bay and the two women whose eyes are locked in furious gazes.  Her hand traces a sweeping motion across Lyra's small form as if to push her behind, into the thick, shadowy folds of her trailing coat as she kneels for a moment, speaking to her, filled with a strange nostalgic feeling as her hand brushes circumspectly across her uniform.

"Are you alright? Can't have my new squadmates tossed around, mmm?" she says with a level, mild tone, sharpening significantly as she rises and ducks down just in time to avoid the forward strike from a dignified gentleman, perhaps a captain, aimed at Rin, stepping backwards in one graceful motion, finally standing behind Lyra as she twists her fingers together, laced behind her head, watching the fight proceed as the combative woman across from him seems to be readying herself.

"Pleasure to meet both of you, and here I thought I'd be placed in a force with cohesive allies... lets not fight, shall we?"
Come watch my stream at www.livestream.com/nostalgia_gaming ! Comedy and video games abound! From classic to modern, we stream it there, with full voice commentary and music~


With a great twist of her new arm toy, Rin breaks his toss.  She counters his counter by getting behind him, and kicking his legs out from under him.  Rin proceeds to sit on her new boss.  "Any time is a good time to practice.  Good reflexes out of the cockpit improves reflexes in.  And I must say, your reflexes are terrible, my snakey wakey~.  Haven't you been sparring with your subordinates?  Or am I just so good that I always get on top of you?"