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Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Let's get ready to rumble!

Started by Celdia, November 01, 2011, 06:21:40 am


   "Hrm..." Yvonne looks around the marketplace. "What else can I fit in there?" After a moment, her eyes settle upon something she has never owned for as long as her memory serves. Without hesitation, she buys it. Giggling to herself, she sets her bag down on the counter and begins to work her purchase into her haversack. "By Norrick's coin, it works!" she exclaims, folding the bag's flap over and returning it to her back. Giddy with glee, she continues her shopping spree.

I am terrified that I both know what that purchase was and by the reaction to it. -__-
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


If everyone is finished making their purchases, I'll hit the fast-forward button and we can move up to somewhere where I can begin to pretend this game has a plot again. :P

Just drop a quick OOC post or PM me.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


((Hogarth has her shiny new enchanted axe, she's happy to move on))
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


While practicing her the delicate form of wand-ery, Nathalie also picked up a fashionable, yet useful, Healing Belt to further supplement her parlaying into actual battle instead of sheepishly hiding away in the back. She puts it on in the way any fashionista would and finally stops spending money in order to conserve it.


   "Something else..." Yvonne's excitement is most certainly not short lived, but she has a nagging feeling that she could still do better. She spends at least an hour or two searching the shops for this 'something else.' When she finally finds it, she ends up buying it even before testing to makes sure it will indeed work.
   Carefully, she tests the edges of the main compartment; they appear to be pliable enough. Thus, with enough ceremony to embarrass the shopkeep and attract the attention of several customers, the tiny fey shoves her new purchase in her haversack.
   "Krieger's horn!" she cheers. "I love this bag!"
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


A scared, obviously novice mage is shoved out of the Mage's Guild with Hogarth's axe in tow, the doors slamming behind him. Trembling, he approaches the barbarian and proffers the greatnessaxe. "H-h-here's your enchanted axe.. mmmmma-amOHGODDON'THURTME." He puts it in her hand and flees back to the doors, pounding and screaming to be let back in.

Hogarth wordlessly stands up, holding the axe and checking its balance. She saunters over and brings it down upon a pile of chopped wood next to the panicking mage. The wood nearly explodes from the force and power of the axe. Walking away laughing as hard as she can, she sheathes the axe and goes back to the inn.
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


Finally got the character sheets updated. Have a look over here and tell me if I missed any of your gear or you think anything looks out of place and we'll try to get it sorted out.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


(Is now a good time to fastforward a bit to our leaving town, or is there anything else for us to do in Tevinar?  Asking mostly because we've been kind of stagnant since we got here and I'm not seeing anything else to be done here.)


   There was still some daylight left, so Yvonne made her way back to the Mage Guild. There was something she needed to check. She had been unable to test her newly acquired magicks on the peaceful trip back to town. Surely, the guildhouse of the magical community of Tevinar would have what she sought.
   "A place to practice your new spells?" Cozwin asked. "But of course." He gave her directions and told her who to ask for.
   As she made her way to her destination, she searched her soul for the awakened powers. She was also under the impression that some of her existing spells had become stronger. She had been casting a lot in the last week or so, so these changes did not come as a surprise. Well, the fact that she had changed was no surprise, what the changes actually were remained to be seen.
   First and foremost, was Kelgore's Fire Bolt. The other caster types always insisted it was 'his' bolt she used, but she believed the spell was her own. She was not a wizard or any other mage that had to study the works of others to wield an external force. No, her power came from within as was very much her own. It defined her as much as she defined it. Yvonne's Fire Bolt did indeed bear a strong resemblance to Kelgore's in both form and function, but she had never heard of him until others mentioned him upon seeing her spell.
   These thoughts crossed her mind as she was lead deep into the bowels of the guildhouse. She passed various rooms of all shapes and sizes, all set up for the practice of the arcane arts. There were devices to be locked and unlocked, others to be repaired or destroyed. Areas for illusions and disguises, and still others for summoning or enchanting. However, the area the attendant was leading was one set up more like one archers would use for practice: a firing range.
   Without hesitation, Yvonne summons a small globule of liquid-hot magma and lets it fly at the first target she saw. She whistles in awe as the wooden stand in obliterated utterly.
   Next up is her less-loved, but still useful Magic Missile. She cannot deny her surprise when two arcane arrows appear beside her forearm instead of just one. As an experiment, she designates two boards down range. Sure enough, the two projectiles make unerring paths to strike their marks.
   "Not bad." The small sorceress admits. "Not bad at all."
   Now it was time for one of the new spells. She has to dig a bit deeper than normal as she has before as she has never used it before. The sensation is quite similar to her Electric Jolt spell so she designates similar verbal and somatic components. Unlike the jolt, however, that arced off her finger to strike a nearby opponent, this new spell balls up in her palm before launching forward, leaving a trail of ozone odor. It is also noticeably more powerful.
   "Not fire," the flame fey comments, "but I suppose it may prove useful sometime."
   She continues testing her spells for quite some time, nearly depleting herself in the process. The intrinsic part of her very being, her fire Elemental Blast, was more impressive than before, but the rest of her spells did not seem to have changed at all.
   For the better part of an hour, she pries at the stubborn thing asleep in her soul. Her efforts, unfortunately, are in vain as whatever it was did not so much as budge. She was beginning to doubt its existence. Perhaps she had just imagined it in her excitement about everything else.
   The practice session is not a complete loss, however. She had gained valuable understanding of her magic, and by extension, herself. To improve her mood, she exhausts herself of Fire Bolts, destroying more stands of painted wood and parchment.
   Finally satisfied with how things had turned out, Yvonne pays her dues and heads back towards the Silver Coin. It was time for another glorious soak in their baths and a wonderful feast in their dining hall. She hums happily to herself as she flies.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Apologies for my tardiness here. I'll admit I'm not entirely sure how to set up the next section of the game and I've been a little writer's blocked. I shall try to do some fast-forwarding here...

A Few Days Later...

          Having collected all of your purchases of magical doodads and enchantments, you find yourselves once again in the common room of the Silver Coin at a table with Xavier. He has verified the authenticity of all of the apparatuses you were hired to locate and is once again hiring you to now deliver them to Master Mewdha, far to the South in Western Kellem. The maenad speaks as he finishes writing out a scroll, "I expect you will be able to find your way there without problem since Rhyhorn knows the location. As for payment on the delivery itself, you'll have to work that out with the master yourselves. I haven't any further credit to extend while still having funds to fulfill the rest of my duties on this trip. Here." Pleased with his writing, he rolls the scroll up and seals it with some soft wax from a nearby candle and hands the rolled parchment to Rhyhorn. "Please see that the master gets that. Its just a summary of my activities since I left him some months ago. Knowing that its traveling in trusted han...mouth, I feel I can send more detailed information than through other channels and I'm happy to take advantage of the situation for that. I'm sure Master Mewdha will be pleased to see both you and my missive." Smiling, he stands up from the table and collects his few things, setting them all back into his satchel, making ready to leave. "I wish you a safe journey. No doubt you still have some preparations to make before venturing out. Is there anything else you need to ask of me before I take my leave?" The last question is obviously addressed to you as a group, though he does look mildly anxious to be on his way.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Rhyhorn stashes Xavier's parchment onto his Exotic Pack Saddle, so that it would not get lost or ruined amongst ALL THE THINGS.  Later, it would need to go into his Locked Chest, clearly.  Rhyhorn nods a negative to Xavier's question then looks to the others, expecting one of them to give Xavier a... less than typical answer.  About treasure.  Or Wizards.  Or Wizards with treasure.  Or sparkly pricks.  Who the hell knows anymore?


   Yvonne raises her hand but does not wait to be acknowledged. "There won' be any more caves, righ'?"
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


          Xavier chuckles, "No, I can't imagine there would be unless you chose to go into another of your own accord. My master is quite fond of living above ground and there's no reason for your route to take you underground at all."
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Rhyhorn nods reassuringly to the pixie as well -there would be no caves along the route Rhyhorn intended to travel, grabbing up his chalk to write.  "No caves.  Just sky and trees and mountains and grass."


"But we can go into caves if we want to, right?" The barbarian stares straight at Xavier, eyes as wide as she can get them, never blinking or breaking eye contact.
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


          The psion replies to Hogarth while wearing an expression of bewilderment, wondering if perhaps the elf woman has had too much coffee already this morning, "Ah, there is certainly nothing compelling you to stay out of them except perhaps the sprite's discomfort with the idea. I honestly can't think of what would even prompt such a question after pointing out that any reason to do so would be a choice of your own...unless you somehow think that I could be influencing your decisions from miles away."
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Hogarth's paranoia kicks in, and she narrows her eyes, puts the wolf head further over the top of her head so it's hiding her eyes a bit, hunches over, and prowls to the other end of the bar.

Did Hogarth just :tinfoil: ? o_o
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


Xun takes this all in with a sort of detached calm.  And when nobody asks the one rather obvious question, he is left to do so.  "What sort of dangers along the way?  We travel much to new place, go through many area.  Any warnings you can give?"


          "If you stay to the major trade roads while you're in Verun the worst danger you would face I think is highwaymen of a sort you all can easily manage. Were I you though I would steer clear of any military forces until you crossed the border. Even a party of your size and skill may have some problems holding off one of Lord Vormir's "conscription" teams. They know better than to impede traders on business - scare away the trade and you scare away their coin and goods together - but they're not above taking any other able-bodied people into service by force." Xavier pauses to give the question further thought before continuing. "There are always natural hazards, of course, but nothing comes to mind that should be any serious obstacle for you all."
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0