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Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Let's get ready to rumble!

Started by Celdia, November 01, 2011, 06:21:40 am


Rhyhorn nods, motioning to the stack of things on his back that were already loaded and ready to go, before fumbling around for his writing setup. "Doing that now.  Then Trader's Guild to trade useless things in."


   Yvonne spends the entire trip to the guildhouse theorizing what she believes, or more likely hopes, the yet-to-be-identified items are and why she believes said theories. Most involve a small story about some adventure she had been on prior to meeting up with the current group. Some sound like she is making things up on the spot. While still other ideas earn the a variety of strange looks from passersby who would not be faulted for questioning the winged woman's sanity.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Hogarth excuses herself from the table stomps out the inn and goes for another busy day of wandering the streets. She heads to the temple district, but sans any vegetables to throw.
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


Rhyhorn slowly nods, entertaining the fey's wild theories as they enter the Mage's Guild.  He finds a mage able to Detect his goods, laying them down along with the 5 gold required to check them out.   (Luckily, I got Celdia to give me the Checks on these last night!)  The mage tells Rhyhorn that the Crystal, the Rope, the Wand, and the Potions are all magical, and Rhyhorn slides them man 300 more gp, motioning for the Crystal, Rope, and Wand to be further Identified.  After getting them Identified, Rhyhorn returns everything to his Pack Saddle one at a time as best a rhino can, waiting on whatever the fey's business may be before leaving.


   "What about the scroll?" Yvonne asks, glancing back at 's chest in the cart of ALL THE THINGS. "It must 'ave some powerful spells on i' if even I cou'n' figure 'em out."
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Hogarth's bored. Her wandering has resulted in nothing interesting. No fights to get into, no gossip to investigate, no rotten fruit to throw at buildings. She wanders to the Mage's Guild, where some small part of her puny barbarian brain remembers that she should get her axe enchanted. It makes things die faster.

She strolls into the Mage's Guild, obvious contempt scowled on her face. She grabs her axe, and drops it heavily on the counter. "Make it better." she growls out, trying to mimic Rhyhorn's gravely, Tom Waits-esque voice to make herself seem more menacing. She drops her coin purse and takes the proper amount out.
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


   "An' the wand?" Yvonne does not wait for Rhyhorn to chalk his response. "What of the wand? What delectable spell does it cast? Oh, I 'ope i's a fireball wand! Please let it be a fireball wand!"
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Xun returns to the inn the following morning, only to discover his allies have seemingly all left for the moment.  Pausing a moment to request a kettle of hot water from the serving girl, he takes a seat at a table with a good view of the room and waits.  For now there is tea, and the journey will resume as time demands and his compatriots return.


   "Bless?" The flighty fairy wrinkles her nose like she had smelled something strange. "Ain' that a divine spell? Hrmph... Give it to the buggy." She crosses her arms, dissatisfied with the results.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Rhyhorn finishes stowing his goods and erases his chalkboard after the pixie's dissatisfied reaction.  "Going to Trader's Guild now, must exchange many goods." he writes, before stowing his chalk and heading on out the door.  Rhyhorn still had many things to do, and time was pressing if he wanted them all done today.


   "Exchange 'em fer plat'num?" Yvonne's eyes light up. "Cozwin did 'ave some other in'erestin' things the last time I was there..." She thinks aloud. "I shou' really give 'im a visit. But first, I go wi' you ta get the money!"
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Rhyhorn nods.  Platinum, indeed.  ALL THE PLATINUM.  He sets off with his fey companion down the street, heading for the Trader's Guild that would make all their platinum-inspired dreams come true.


   Yvonne cuts off whatever she was telling Rhyhorn and sniffs the air. Suddenly, she jerks her head to the right, then to the left, all the while her eyes dart back and forth as though seeking an elusive shadow. As she drifts down the street, her entire body follows suit, making her look like a puppet with tangled strings. Finally, her seeking eyes settle upon her quarry and she makes a beeline for it. The fire lirai tackles a clump of drying herbs hanging upside down from a hook. Her weight pulls them free and she falls, less-than-gracefully onto the ledge of the cart. Gripping the plant stalks tightly against herself using her elbows and knees, she uses her hands to rub the leaves and flowers against her face. A gentle sound of contentment emanates from her throat.
   To anyone who knows anything about plants, the herbs in question may appear strange. As the leaves rustle against one another, the vibrant yellows and oranges make them appear to be burning. The scarlet flowers appear to be prickly but do not seem to be bothering the fey currently cuddling them. There is no green to be seen and they seem to smolder with an otherworldly aura.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Having finished her meal, Nathalie hung around by the cart, fiddling with her stuff without any goal or reason, just passing time until something big came up again. She heard Yvonne talk about the scroll in her chest, and so took it out in preparation for the little pixie asking for it.


Rhyhorn stares at the pixie as she fiddles with her strange, fey catnip plant thing for a moment.  After watching her behavior for a moment, he approaches her and nudges her gently with his horn, trying to snap her attention back to the world around her, worried that this might be some weird drug or something taking hold of her.


   The cart's vendor seems as confused as Rhyhorn. "Uhm..." She starts, unsure what to say.
   Wihout speaking, or opening her eyes, but still purring, Yvonne holds out a platinum coin.
   The vendor accepts the money and retrieves her change, all the while wondering how she can clear her counter for future customers.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


After Yvonne has received her change, Rhyhorn takes the issue of the mesmerized pixie on the counter into his own hands... er... paws... er... hooves, grabbing the back of the fey's shirt with his mouth, picking her up off the counter and carrying her away with her freshly-bought feynip after a confused and slightly embarrassed nod to the equally confused vendor.


   Yvonne barely seems to notice the fact that she is being carried by Rhyhorn. She continues to clutch the herbs and bombinate complacently.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Rhyhorn makes his way to the Trader's Guild, setting Yvonne gently into an empty pocket on his Exotic Pack Saddle and adjusting his wares before heading in.  After some time in line, Rhyhorn begins pulling out the things that remain and need selling - the silver crown and the Masterwork Chain Shirt - and begin piling all the to-be-converted money onto the counter, along with Xavier's writ of credit.