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Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Let's get ready to rumble!

Started by Celdia, November 01, 2011, 06:21:40 am


   Yvonne watches from the doorway and crosses her arms. "Hmph..." she huffs "Why d' warriors always gotta ignore their wounds? Wha's wrong with jus' admit'n' yer hurt? Yer jus' gonna get yerself killed with tha' mentality."
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Rhyhorn says nothing of the Barbarian's poor mathematics, her payment more than adequate enough, just happy to see her rage quelled.  He then takes his way up the stairs, skipping the bath today to get a nice long nap before the work begins once more on the following day.


   "G'night Rhyhorn! Sleep tight! Don' let the pyrebugs bite!"
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


"Friend Yvonne, this is why you will often find warriors traveling with healers. The comradery, the trust, two people working together to TOPPLE ALL THOSE BEFORE THEM! It's not a warrior's way to admit weakness, just as it is not a wizard's way to stay and fight with their hands, with HONOR AND GLORY" she bellows, throwing her head back and balling up fists.
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


   Yvonne sighs and uncrosses her arms. "Jus' don' go dyin' on us, alright?"
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


"Fear not, small one. I am a mere 134 years old! I have too many things to kill and do before I am sent to my eternal glory."
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


Scene Closed

Since I've got it ready, we'll be jumping right into the next part now.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


          After another night at the Silver Coin, you ready yourselves for the travel into the Verunian Marshlands. Your first day of overland travel is slowed a bit by uneven terrain and more than a few soggy points in the landscape, but you manage to press on without incident. However, the morning of the second day dawns grey, windy and cold as a storm blows in from the very direction you are headed in, slowing your progress significantly. You press on past dusk - as the sun is setting earlier each night and your party isn't quite tired enough to stop - looking for a place to set up camp. As you break free of a heavily wooded section of the marshes, thinking you've come upon a suitable clearing to make camp, you hear something come whistling through the air in your direction. Suddenly, embedded not more than a couple feet in front of you is a crude javelin stuck in the soft earth.
         You pull up short beside some thick bushes beset with vines but realize too late that you've happened upon the goblins' camp! From just to the North of you comes angry, high-pitched shouting in Goblin. There in the shadows you can see a small group of goblins brandishing ugly-looking morningstars and pointing in your direction. It seems the battle is on!

Battle Pane Start

Objective: Reach the cave mouth and get inside! (marked by the X on the map.)
Bonus Objective: "It is a secret to everybody!" (Will be revealed at the end of the battle.)
Weather: After dusk, dark and cloudy.
Terrain: Varied.

Terrain Notes: You can't see over those big hedges, nor are they passable unless you want to spend an entire Turn hacking your way through one. The rock piles are passable, if slowly (or you can try to leap over them) but they will grant the goblins Cover (Defense Bonus) if you try to attack them from the opposite side of them. To pass safely over the logs crossing the river you must dedicate a whole Action to that movement or else face an Athletics check to not fall into the water. The   fall isn't far but the water is cold and it will penalize you for the remainder of the battle.

Lightning Notes: Rhyhorn, Elia, Nathalie and Xun can only see clearly in the brightest circle of light around Rhyhorn. (To my knowledge, no one else is carrying a light source. Feel free to correct me on this if you are.) Yvonne and Hogarth have low-light vision and can see normally to the edges of the greyed out circle. Anything in the darkest area can't be seen by anyone in the party. Trying to attack at range into the darkness (that joke is going to come up again this battle, isn't it?) will inflict penalties to your attacks.

Knowledge Check: Goblins have Darkvision! This means that they can see through that darkest area on the map so beware attacks from the shadows!

Posting for this Turn ends in about 48 hours, (Saturday, Nov. 26th, 4am EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

HP: 43/43
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 20/20
Defense: 17
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 6

HP: 44/44
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 23/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/8
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 17
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Seeing two goblins out in the darkness, Hogarth speeds silently between the large hedge and the rockpile, whipping out her greatnessaxe (Action 1) and bearing it around on Goblin 2 (Action 2). Seeing Goblin 1, she throws two of her throwing axes at it to prevent it from rushing her. (Actions 3 and 4)
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


(OOC NOTE TO EVERYONE:  Our light source is the pair of Everburning Torches I have strapped to Rhyhorn's body, if anyone forgot, so our light source is going to move as I move around the map.  Be prepared to compensate for this as you plan your turns, or pull out some form of light source of your own if needed.)

Rhyhorn rears up, pulling a Greatsword from his back (1) and into his mouth, carefully but hurriedly moving to the Goblin directly in front of him (I17), using a Roar and bringing down his Horn Attack on the Goblin. (3, Focus lost.)  Then, if the Goblin lives, Rhyhorn takes a swing at it with his mouth-held Greatsword.  If another Goblin approaches Rhyhorn for melee combat and the first Goblin is dead, Rhyhorn attacks that Goblin with his Greatsword instead.  If no Goblins are in Rhyhorn's melee range, Rhyhorn takes the time to Regain his Focus.  (4)

Action 1) Draw my Greatsword.
Action 2) Move to I17.
Action 3) Use a Roar-boosted Horn Attack on Goblin 5.
Action 4-A) Use a melee attack on Goblin 5 with my Greatsword.
Action 4-B) Use a melee attack on a different offending Goblin with my Greatsword.
Action 4-C) Concentrate to Regain my Focus.


   "Watch out!" Yvonne calls and points out the locations of several goblins attempting to hide just outside the brightest light of Rhyhorn's torches. She knows the humans cannot see as well as her or the elf, but is not sure about the rhino. (1) "Sentry mode: Activated." She raises her arm and four will-o'-wisp-like lights blink into existence near one of the goblins. (2, 3) "Hello, friend..." she coos as she ascends. (4) Upon reaching her desired altitude, she quickly prepares her favorite opening spell, holding it at ready in one hand as she makes a sweeping motion with her hand. The lights below obey her command and move.

1: Cast Dancing Lights over Goblin 5.
2, 3: Fly strait up 12 panels.
4a: Scan current, visible, live targets. If any has an obvious means of ranged combat, skip to step 4c.
4b: Move Dancing Lights in an 'arcing' path to I15, J14, J13, L11, N11, N8, J8, I9.  If any new goblins are discovered, hold lights and skip to step 4c.
4c: say "Target acquired." and cast Kelgore's Fire Bolt, favoring a target with prepared ranged attack. If target is still alive, hold lights and end turn. If target is dead, continue path.
4d: Scan current, visible, live targets. If any has an obvious means of ranged combat, return to step 4c. If all current, visible targets are dead, and Kelgor's Fire Bolt has not been cast, say "Target lost."
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


QuoteBefore casting Kelgore's Fire Bolt, say: "Target aquired." If Kelgore's Fire Bolt is not cast, say "Target lost." at end of turn.

You are fucking insane.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Quote from: Celdia on November 24, 2011, 03:49:35 pm
You are fucking insane.

((I'm strangely comfortable with it...))

Quote from: CeldiaClick.

((I edited my post, so hopefully it makes a *bit* more sense, even if it is still less-than-sane...))
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


"I may know their language, but goblins are vile creatures..." She murmured, hopping onto the edge of Rhyhorn's cart and sitting on the edge, with both access to her chest and the ability to be mobile and shoot incoming goblins. She sits on the edge, her legs hanging off the back and her arms gripped tightly to the crossbow, ready for any imminent danger.

Action 1) Hop on to the cart.
Action 2) Hold action, and fire on any incoming goblins that may come into range.
Action 3) Same as Action 2.
Action 4) Same as Action 2. If enemy dies, "reload" crossbow ammo by dipping into the chest.


((Tired sorry for the bad turn))

Elia casts resistance on herself, 1) and follows Rhyhorn, but stops following a little ways off. 2)

1) Cast Resistance on Elia
2) Move to K17
3a) If goblin there, punch
3b) If any nearby friends need heal get to them and try to heal
3c) If none of those, move up 2 (K15)
4a) If goblin there, punch
4b) If any nearby friends need heal get to them and try to heal
4c) If none of those then hold position


  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Turn 1 Resolution

         "Watch out!" Yvonne calls in alert, directing everyone's attention to the goblins in the shadows at the edge of the torchlight. "Sentry mode: Activated." she intones gravely, gesturing with practiced motions and causing a small group of magical lights to manifest beyond the stone rhino and over the head of one of the goblins. One her spell is firmly established, she ascends quickly to get a better view of the surrounding area.
         Rhyhorn, seeing his target clearly illuminated, reaches back and draws a greatsword from its sheath with his mouth while Nathalie vaults into the back of the cart with ALL THE THINGS, readying her crossbow as they trundle on ahead towards the goblin. "I may know their language, but goblins are vile creatures..." she says with appropriate disdain. Further in the distance, more of the foul goblinoids appear from beyond the thick hedges, javelins in hand. A pair of them cast the projectiles high, one going wide and getting stick in the ground, but the other grazing Nathalie and drawing blood. She raises her crossbow to return fire but the shot fall short, burying the heavy bolt into the ground. She quickly reloads as Rhyhorn slowly closes the distance between them. Further behind, Elia pauses long enough to place a protective ward upon herself and slowly follows behind the cart, ready to aid her allies.
         As the stone rhino reaches his destination, the goblin crouched behind the small rock pile lunges forward with his crude morningstar, but the weapon bounces off the stone beast's hide ineffectually. In response, Rhyhorn emits an terrifying roar without ever loosing the blade from his jaw, swinging it around in an awkward arc that completely catches the goblin off-guard, severing its torso in half from waist to shoulder while completely destroying its armor in the process. Behind him, steady in the now still cart, Nathalie fires another bolt at a distant goblin trying to hide behind another rock pile, but the bolt smashes on the rock. Frustrated, she reloads the weapon with swift fingers and takes aim once more. This time her shot rings true and catches the goblin dead in the throat, causing it to pitch backwards violently, leaving it on the ground as still as a stone. A gentle glow of light from beside her and an easing of pain alerts her that Elia is channeling some gentle healing power into the wound left by the goblin's javelin. After the healing power has finished knitting the wound closed, Elia moves North between the thick plant-life, seeking more enemies. However, to her misfortune, she happens upon one. A goblin, hiding beneath the foliage of the hedge slashes wildly at her legs and strikes soundly, wounding the priestess deeply.
         Meanwhile, Hogarth has charged North and into the shadows while Rhyhorn and company moved away to the West. Drawing her heavy axe, she dashes forward and attempts to rend limbs from body on the closest goblin she could see. In the midst of her charge, from beyond her target, comes a well-placed javelin throw that strikes and tears her flesh. Closing with the small, beastly creature, she brings her axe down with tremendous force only to find her target has dodged nimbly aside and is swinging his own spiked weapon at her, but failing to penetrate the hides she wears. Now finding herself in nearly full-dark, she hears more goblins approaching from all sides. Raising her axe again, she swings and fells the goblin before her as three more close in to take its place, swarming around her. The small goblinoids quickly begin to pound on her with their morningstars, each swing drawing more blood from her as the jagged spikes pierce her muscled flesh. The darkness around her does little to aid her own offense and she swings at the small crowd of goblins but strikes only air. From the West, the magical lights conjured by Yvonne slowly sweep into the area, revealing her opponents more clearly, but far too late as the damage has already been done. From above, Yvonne can be heard musing to herself, "Hello, friend..." as her gaze alights on a still-distant goblin from where the barbarian is caught in a savage melee. "Target acquired." says the pixie as with a sweep of her hand, a blazing bolt of flame soars towards the earth and incinerates a goblin who stood beside a bush with a javelin in its hand, poised to throw. Both the goblin and the javelin fall lifelessly to the ground. However, just beyond that one, standing on a high rise of dirt, yet another goblin is lofting a javelin towards Hogarth, but the projectile gets caught uselessly in the shrubbery between it and its target.
         Xun, on the other hand, finds himself contemplating the value of pacifism, and is left in the darkness. He is likely to be eaten by a grue.

Objective: Reach the cave mouth and get inside! (marked by the X on the map.)
Bonus Objective: "It is a secret to everybody!" (Will be revealed at the end of the battle.)
Weather: After dusk, dark and cloudy.
Terrain: Varied.

Terrain Notes: You can't see over those big hedges, nor are they passable unless you want to spend an entire Turn hacking your way through one. The rock piles are passable, if slowly (or you can try to leap over them) but they will grant the goblins Cover (Defense Bonus) if you try to attack them from the opposite side of them. To pass safely over the logs crossing the river you must dedicate a whole Action to that movement or else face an Athletics check to not fall into the water. The   fall isn't far but the water is cold and it will penalize you for the remainder of the battle.

Lightning Notes: Rhyhorn, Elia, Nathalie and Xun can only see clearly in the brightest circle of light around Rhyhorn. (To my knowledge, no one else is carrying a light source. Feel free to correct me on this if you are.) Yvonne and Hogarth have low-light vision and can see normally to the edges of the greyed out circle. Anything in the darkest area can't be seen by anyone in the party. Trying to attack at range into the darkness (that joke is going to come up again this battle, isn't it?) will inflict penalties to your attacks.

Knowledge Check: Goblins have Darkvision! This means that they can see through that darkest area on the map so beware attacks from the shadows!

Posting for this Turn ends in about 48 hours, (Monday, Nov. 28th, 6am EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

HP: 43/43
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 14/20
Defense: 17
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 6

HP: 22/44
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 23/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/8
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 17
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

~Powers Expended this Turn~
Rhyhorn: Roar (Lost Focus, Failed to regain focus)
Elia: Resistance, Cure Minor Wounds
Yvonne: Dancing Lights, Kelgore's Fire Bolt
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Unable to back up due to his cart, Rhyhorn instead continues upon his Greatsword warpath, bringing it down on the Goblin directly in front of him until it's no longer a threat before turning his attention to the other assailing Goblin and doing the same.  Once both Goblins are defeated, Rhyhorn moves forward and begins rounding the corner toward the log slowly, his cart going ba-bump as it drives over one of the defeated Goblins.  Assuming no other Goblins attempt to attack the rhino, he waits directly in front of the log, not wanting to attempt to cross it while his cart is hitched to him with clearly visible Goblin(s) on the other side.

Action 1) Goblin 10.
Action 2-A) If Goblin 10 yet lives, Goblin 10.
Action 2-B) Goblin 8.
Action 3-A) If either Goblin lives, , prioritizing Goblin 10.
Action 3-B) If any other Goblins run up, .
Action 3-C) Move to D12.
Action 4-A) If any Goblins are in melee range, .
Action 4-B) If Movement to D12 has not begun, Move to D12.
Action 4-C) Regain Focus.

Note: = Greatsword attack.


Elia shrieks in pain from the wound, but forces her mind to put the pain aside, so she may focus at the matter at hand. She turns to the goblin to greet him with a fist to the face. 1) The she pulls her left fist up, cutting it square in the jaw. 2)

1) Punch Lethal Damage to Goblin 17
2) Punch Lethal Damage to Goblin 17
3a) If Goblin 17 is still alive, awake, or able to attack. Keep Punching it.
3b) If Goblin 17 is dead, knocked out, or unable to attack. Move to Q14, going back the way she came.
4a) If 3a) was followed, and Goblin 17 is dead, knocked out, or unable to attack. Follow step 3b).
4b) If 3a) was followed, and the Goblin 17 is alive, awake, or able to attack. Punch it more!
4c) If at Q14: Cast Cure Light Wounds on Hogarth


Xun moves swiftly through the darkness, taking on how his allies have handled the initial stage of the skirmish.  Sword in hand, he steps up beside Hogarth (1,2) and unleashes a flurry of cuts at one of the goblins (3) before turning and drawing a swift series of lines on Hogarth's armor with an ink-stained finger. (4)

1,2) Move to r13, enter protective stance.
3) attack goblin 12 with Word of Binding, Defense bonus to Hogarth if it hits
4) Rune of Mending on Hogarth