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Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Let's get ready to rumble!

Started by Celdia, November 01, 2011, 06:21:40 am


Rhyhorn, meanwhile, grumbles and runs his front hooves along the floor, bored out of his stone rhino skull.  He eventually pulls out the one item that the mages had Identified for him - the studded leather gauntlets - and eyes them.  Slowly, he slips a front hoof into the gauntlet's opening and it quickly changes shape, becoming fitted for stone-rhino-hooves and latching comfortably onto his front hoof!  He quickly repeats this with the other gauntlet and begins staring at the magical items with wonderment.


   Yvonne hums a random tune to herself as she darts around, fully intending to catch up to Nathalie and following her to Rhyhorn. But then, "Samson!" she cries joyously. "What'er you doin' 'ere?"
   The old, human man with stares up at the hyper pixie with unfocused eyes, but says nothing.
   "Are you stalkin' me?" Yvonne continues. "'Cause tha'd be hilarious."
   Samson grunts.
   "Well, lead the way then!"
   The drunkard nods and continues on his staggering path towards a local bar while the little sorceress begins telling him about her adventures. When the pair make it to the bar, the human takes a stool while the the fire Lirai sits nearby on the edge of the bar.   
   Yvonne tosses a gold on the counter. "Coffee fer me, beer fer 'im. she tells the barmaid. "An' keep 'em commin'" She turns back to Samson. "So, as I was sayin'..."
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


"Rhyhorn! Thera ya are!" She shouted, seeing him clank around the mage guild, "What are you doing?"


Arriving in the temple district, Hogarth looks around for the fanciest temple she could find. She figures since she can't read which temple it is anyways, find the fanciest one and tomato THAT one. She finds a place to lean and sit, and begins her idle barrage.
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


Rhyhorn perks up, glad for some comp'ny, and pulls out his chalkboard.  "Getting enchanted.  Take long time still."  Rhyhorn replies, before turning back to what he was doing previously - taking one of the magic leather gauntlets on and off his front hoof, though the wonderment of its constant shape-changing is dying down for the bored-as-derp rhino.


"Oh. Well that's boring," She says, "Some sparkling fellow gave us a job and we're to retrieve from stolen objects from some goblins. Bunch 'o magical items. The guy creeps me out, though."

Nathalie pats Rhy on the head and then goes to leave the store, "In the meantime, I'll go around town. I'll have to occupy my time somehow."


Rhyhorn sighs and attempts to wave goodbye to his friend with his gauntlet-gloved hoof, only to get yelled at by the mage to stop moving so goddamn much.  Rhyhorn sulks, sitting back on his stomach and hoping this guy would hurry it up already, mulling over the tidbits Nathalie gave him of their new job offer.


   "An' so I tol' 'im, it was 'is choice." Yvonne says as the several drunks around her await the conclusion.
   After several moments, one of the less sober ones asks, "Sho washy deshide?"
   The fire Lirai holds her arms up in a W. "Ain' it obvious? I'm 'ere, ain' I?"
   After another pause, one could almost hear the collective click in their booze-hazed minds. The riotous laughter that follows attracts a few other drunks.
   "How we doin'?" Yvonne asks the barmaid that comes to clear empty mugs. "Takin' int' account yer tip acourse."
   "Well..." The young woman starts.
   The tiny sprite interupts her by setting two more gold on the bar. "A round fer my new friends."
   This act causes a cheer to rise from the gathered men and women.
   "Tell ushnosher un..." A glassy eyed gnome slurs.
   Yvonne grins. "Well, this one time, at band camp..."
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Just a reminder for everyone - the Scene is going to end in about 9 hours or so. Try to have all your shopping done by then as we'll be moving onto the next segment of the game.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Rhyhorn, after many, many hours of absolutely appauling boredom, heads back to the Inn, his armor now finely enchanted by the Mages at the Mage's Guild, thankful he left as early as he did so that he could head back before nightfall.


Having used up all the tomatoes, Hogarth remains utterly unsatisfied. She's just plain bored. Frustrated, she storms away. She doesn't even have the heart to punch anything. She waits in a tavern near the inn, drinking ale and sneering at mages.
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


Rhyhorn pokes into the Inn, looking for his companions.  He decides to relax in the dining area, seeing everyone is still out, and lays on the floor in a corner of the Inn's main room, sipping down some ale and expending the second charge of his Healing Belt to repair his now-enchanted hide some more.  (Use the average roll for this heal please.)  Once the ale is drained, Rhyhorn begins bouncing the cup back and forth between his now-gauntleted front hooves.


Elia has been sitting in the Inn drawing, writing, and drinking tea.


   "... and whistled for a baboon." Yvonne completes yet another long-winded tale of epic adventures long since passed. Her audience by now is practically the entire bar and they clamor for more at the end of each tale. She revels in the limelight like the patrons enjoy their ale and whiskey. She graciously accepts offers of food and beer while happily reciprocating, not caring how much she spends. "Now, lemme tell ya 'bout the time my cousin an' I were in Nimiu..."

   A while later...
   "Is that the time?!" Yvonne physically recoils in surprise when she notices the hands on the water clock behind the bar. "Is that really how long I've been here?" she thinks to herself. "Sorry guys, I gottan early mornin' ahead a' me and I ain' even bathed today..."
   "One more!" a voice calls from the croud.
   Yvonne sighs "Alright, fine, ya' talked me inta it..." and tells the story of the forbidden love between a balor and a celestial charger, even providing details about the offspring.
   After settling her bill and excusing herself as politely as possible, she sets off back towards the Silver Coin. Not far from the door, she comes across Hogarth, also returning for the evening. "Hello, Hogarth!" she greets the barbarian elf warmly before cocking her head to the side like a bird. "Ya know, those burn marks jus' ain' goin' away, are they? Does 'ealin' magic not 'eal 'em good 'nuff?" She glances off to her side. "Oh, hello, Elia!" the fire pixie greets the human healer.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


"HAIL AND HONOR, friend Yvonne! The burn marks stay, as I cannot use magic myself, and I am deemed healthy enough, it seems." The berserker's face darkens at this statement, fists clenched slightly. "But enough of that! Let us go back to the inn and talk about how to best kill the goblins. I'm partial to chopping them apart, myself."
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Not wanting to shout across the Inn, Elia waves at Yvonne. She stands up and walks to the baths.


"But first, go on without me, friend Yvonne. These burns hurt more than any cut, and I need potion to heal, else I won't be at my best to do my job." The barbarian stomps off, so pissed she forgets to scream and yell and make up gods, angry she has to march back across town to purchase a Cure Light Wounds potion.
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


Rhyhorn lets out a roar to stop Hogarth from leaving, letting out a heavy sigh and rhino-galloping toward her, disappointed that the priestess left to bathe instead of tending to the Barbarian.  He moves over to Hogarth and expends his last use of his Healing Belt to cure her wounds.  (Take the average roll for this healing, please.)


Hogarth is surprised at first, something rare to see in a barbarian berserker, and stoops down to give the stone rhino a tight hug, and a slap on the back. "Friend Rhyhorn, you are a true warrior! Allow the orcs to pay you double for two days to carry my pack." Hogarth flips a full gold coin onto Rhyhorn's back, proving once and for all she knows nothing of mathematics.
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.