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Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Let's get ready to rumble!

Started by Celdia, November 01, 2011, 06:21:40 am


November 17, 2011, 01:05:01 am #160 Last Edit: November 17, 2011, 01:05:35 am by Celdia
As we're are nearing the cut-off time for the Scene and Seap has gotten himself into a bit of trouble, I leave it to party vote for how we continue. The options are currently Wait, which means I add another 24 hours to the time limit on this Scene to attempt to let Seap get out of this situation and rejoin the group before they continue South; or Leave, which is as simple as it sounds - the game continues and the party leaves Seap behind, which likely means the rest of his Scene may continue 'off-camera' in PMs. I'll take majority rule on this one. 4 votes either way will decide how things progress.

Other suggestions will also be taken under consideration.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


November 17, 2011, 01:06:52 am #161 Last Edit: November 17, 2011, 01:07:36 am by Celdia


(Going to vote for leave here, there's nothing we can do here and if he gets off in any reasonable amount of time, our shitty caravan moves slow enough for him to catch up with a bit of sprinting.  I have no vested interest in fucking with people we can do nothing against, or standing around twiddling our thumbs like idiots.)


((Leave. I can't see Hogarth getting to chop any more things into tiny cubes anytime during this scene.))
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


((Leave. The time limit is up for the scene. I know Yvonne is impatient, but I am not. I can amuse myself posting about her boredom or posting about her battles. It truly matters not to me. However, the time limit has still been reached. It is time to move on.))
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Alright, that's majority.

          "Blast it all, I can't be waiting around here all day." Lejun curses irritably. "Much as I hate to leave a man behind, the world will not wait. I was late enough getting on the road as it is and I don't have more time to waste here." The gnome calls out to the rest of the party, "We're moving out. The bard will just have to catch up to us. Come on."
          As he pulls the first wagon away from the clearing beside the fort, he notices a young man in the uniform of a military aide tending to a line of warhorses with barding and saddles fit for soldiers. "You there! Ostler! If your Captain deems to let my man free, you be sure to tell him that Master Berus'll be wintering over in Tevinar if he wants to collect his pay." The merchant flips a gold coin to the young man who deftly catches it in one hand and nods his agreement.
          "Easily done, ser merchant. Fair tradin' to ye." he responds, pocketing the coin quickly before returning to his duty. Lejun just cracks the reins to urge the oxen forward onto the trade road and into the slow moving traffic headed South.

Scene Closed

Next update will hopefully be up before I head to bed in the morning.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


November 17, 2011, 04:29:17 am #166 Last Edit: November 17, 2011, 04:48:47 am by Celdia

Scene 3 Start

         After only a few more hours of travel, your party arrives at the border-city of Tevinar. Certainly not the largest of cities, it is still a fairly bustling community mostly contained within stone walls that stand a fair bit shorter than those of the fort on the border. You find yourselves cresting a small hill as you approach the city, giving you a good view of the expanse of it and making it clear to you that the Verunian Trade Road bisects the city fully, continuing South straight on through. A modestly large river cuts across the city perpendicular to the trade road, easily explaining why Tevinar is located here.
         Lejun guides his wagon along the wide city streets, following the majority of the other traffic down some stone-paved lanes to what appears to be an entire section of the city devoted to places serving food and drink or offering lodging. Pulling up in front of a large, four-story inn with a freshly painted sign hanging over the door that reads "The Silver Coin" with a picture of the same beneath the words. "Gref, go find the stableboy and get the wagons settled." the merchant says, opening the heavy chest beneath the driver's bench. He collects a few small leather pouches before re-locking the chest and hopping down from the wagon. He approaches you with a wide smile on hi face.
         "For having not worked together before, you lot managed well enough. As promised, here's your pay." He quickly distributes the pouches of coins to each of you while Gref is busy leading the oxen and wagons into a stable behind the inn. "If you find yourself still around here after the Spring melt, you've got guaranteed work with me as guards should you want it. Its an offer I find myself making each year but rarely does anyone take me up on it. You adventurous types never do hang around." He sighs resignedly but his smile persists. "It has been a pleasure and I hope you each can find somewhere to stay warm for the Winter. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to be checking in with my contact here and setting up meetings with my buyers. Safe paths to you all." With a little wave, the gnome departs for the interior of the Silver Coin.

Job Complete! Payment: 200 GP Each!

Welcome to Tevinar! A bit different from the last Scene, this is a City Scene. What does that mean? Well, you now have options to do and move about freely. There are various things to see and do in a city and you're welcome to investigate any of them. Here is a short list (in no particular order) of major points of interest in the city:

- Mercenaries' Guild: Pretty much the go-to place for hireswords looking for work. There are various forms of work to be found here, for a fee.
- Temple District: Many of the major religions of Sephyr have representation here in one form or another. Go here to get your piousness on.
- Marketplace: All sanctioned public trade takes place here. Not the place for the private sale of goods. Many kinds of shops can be found, just ask.
- Slums: Only ne'er-do-wells, the brave or the foolish go here. If you're looking for something illegal, it can probably be found here - as could a knife in the gut.
- Mages' Guild: The center for all things magical, locally speaking. If you require a spellcasting performed or a specific magical trinket made, this is where to go.
- River Port: Small trading vessels do come up the Tevinar River from the coast with various trade goods while others with export go out from here.
- Traders' Guild: With the exception of maybe Rhyhorn, this place is nothing more than a moneychanger for most of you. Yes there is a fee, no I won't tell you how much because it changes depending on how much of what you're getting changed. Just remember that ashop owner likely isn't going to accept 200,000 copper pieces for something.

You can also go looking for other things that may be of more pressing importance to your characters so don't be afraid to ask for things or places not on the list. You never know what will be available in a city unless you ask. Because of the nature of a City Scene, you can and likely will split up to do your own things. When I respond to individuals or groups with things going on, your name(s) will be at the top of the post so keep an eye out for those. Another thing about a City Scene is there is the chance for a combined set of Scene and Battle Panes happening simultaneously should anyone run into trouble.

Due to the unique and somewhat awkward nature of the City Scene, this one will be open for posting for one week (Thursday, Nov. 24th, 4am.) or until the party is assembled and ready to move on collectively to somewhere else. If you all decide you want the Scene to end before the planned end, let me know. As I think I said at the outset of this mad gaming experiment, I run a player-driven game. You tell me what you want to do and I'll let you know what the options are. I have no grand over-arcing plot for you all to follow, no railroad tracks to ride - you write your own story by interacting with the world you're in. So by all means, go and interact! ^_^
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


   "Bye-bye Mr. Lejun!" Yvonne calls, waving childishly. "May the fire's warmth always be with you!" She then turns to look down the street and her eyes go wide. "Such a pretty city!" she practically squeals. "I wonder if they 'ave a flower shop..." She swings the leather pouch happily, only to have its momentum pull her off course. "Eh-heh..." She lets out an embarrassed laugh. "Maybe a money changer first..."
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Rhyhorn nods to Lejun as he accepts his payment, stowing it away on his Pack Saddle.  Remembering the earnings from the Orc ambush earlier still sitting in his cart, Rhyhorn sets out for the Trader's Guild to trade in the hundred and fifty some-odd pounds of Silver and Copper for Gold to make splitting them between himself and the others easier in addition to checking in to see if he could find any more decent work.


November 17, 2011, 02:24:48 pm #169 Last Edit: November 17, 2011, 02:46:25 pm by Ryqoshay
   Yvonne blinks as a thought occurs to her. "Hey! Rhyhorn!" she calls after the departing sentient rock creature. "Listen! I thin' we all ou'tt'a check in 'ere fer t'night so we c'n wait fer Leaky an' give 'im 'is share. Plus we still gotta figure out what ta do 'bout those pretty gems and ot'er stuff, ya know. Or mebe we c'n leave Leaky's share with Mr. Lejun, 'e seems trustworthy 'nough, don'cha think?" She smiles winningly.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Rhyhorn stops, taking a minute to write on his chalkboard in reply to the pixie.  "Still need trade in coin first.  Too heavy to share now."  He holds it in his mouth long enough for the pixie to read while beginning his walk to the Trader's Guild again, letting it drop to its usual resting place after being sure Yvonne read it.


November 17, 2011, 03:37:44 pm #171 Last Edit: November 17, 2011, 09:51:53 pm by Ryqoshay
   "Oh believe you me, I know we gotta do some money changin.'" the flame fairy says, holding up the leather coin purse from Lejun that is easily a quarter her own size. "I don' know why 'e coul'n'a paid us in platinum..." She grumbles "Tell ya what, why don' I check us in, then I'll catch up wi' ya at the money chanin' guys. I'ma gon' share a room with Elia so's I c'n start teachin' 'er Sylvan. Then I'ma gon' ta see if I c'n find me a flower vender. Work fer you?"
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Rhyhorn nods in agreement, taking a second to wipe his chalkboard clean before continuing off toward the Trader's Guild to cash in ALL THE COPPER and ALL THE SILVER into some much easier to carry ALL THE GOLD and/or ALL THE PLATINUM while the pixie goes off to check us in.


Hogarth has always hated temple districts in major hubs. In her decades of travel, she has never found one that has recognized her barbarian gods. Not the revered God of Blood Domogn, the respected Goddess of Pillage Esaliya, not even the much-jeered at "god" of the harvest Sven. She avoids the area out of pure spite. "I will catch up with you later, friends! Friend firebug, make sure to stop by the place to do the thing. I have important business I have to see to." She actually has no such business. She heads to the Marketplace, looking for a fruit vendor for apples, so that she may throw the apple cores at the Mages' Guild.
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


November 17, 2011, 06:22:52 pm #174 Last Edit: November 17, 2011, 10:14:35 pm by Ryqoshay
   "Ro~~ight..." the supposed 'firebug' says with a raised eyebrow as the barbarian departs as well. She makes a mental to have Elia's room on the other side of Hogarth's with the others in between.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Elia walks over to Yvonne after her talk with Hogarth. "Madam Incendam, is there a plan in set yet for all of us? Such as to get money, or goodbyes?"


November 17, 2011, 07:46:51 pm #176 Last Edit: November 17, 2011, 09:55:23 pm by Ryqoshay
   "G'bye?" Yvonne stares, confused, at Elia. "Who said anithin' 'bout g'bye? We still gotta divi up the loot!" She laughs before turning towards the tavern. Her mental note is promptly forgotten as soon as she flies through the doors. "Ooooo... Fancy..." she marvels at the decor in the lobby. "I'll bet they got baths here..." she says softly to herself meandering towards the innkeep's desk. She sniffs her arm and wrinkles her nose. "At least I hope they do..." She looks up and finds a smiling young women behind the counter. "Hello!" she greets warmly but doesn't wait for a reply before immediately announcing, "I'd like five rooms for the night!"
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


November 17, 2011, 08:33:49 pm #177 Last Edit: November 17, 2011, 10:10:56 pm by st4rw4k3r
Elia looks around, to see what the town looks like. Nothing to interesting... Elia then remembers she hadn't prayed to Odinn all day! She quickly rushes into the Inn behind Yvonne. "I'll pay for my room Yvonne." Elia says to her.


   "Suit yerself." The sparkling pixie giggles. "The rooms are... uhm..." She turns to the innkeep. "I di'n' catch how much they were..."
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


          The woman working reception at the inn informs Yvonne that five rooms will cost a total of 20 gold pieces for the night and that since you are new customers at the Silver Coin you will regrettably be required to pay for the rooms ahead of time. She does note that with the rooms come both dinner tonight and breakfast in the morning as prepared by their cook who was awarded a small honor by the city council for the quality of dishes he prepares.

          Elsewhere, Rhyhorn slowly navigates his way across town to the Northeast quarter where the marketplace is. After a while of following simply labeled signs, he finds himself in front of a tall and narrow brick building that seems to almost support the buildings on either side of it, both of which are much shabbier by comparison. From the signage over the door, there can be no doubt that this is the local branch of the Traders' Guild.

I hope nobody minds me kind of glossing over generic-NPC interactions for this bit.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0