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Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Let's get ready to rumble!

Started by Celdia, November 01, 2011, 06:21:40 am


November 10, 2011, 04:13:03 am #80 Last Edit: November 22, 2011, 08:12:45 pm by Ryqoshay
   "Watch Out!" Yvonne says just loud enough for Rhyhorn and Eila to hear.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


November 10, 2011, 04:16:13 am #81 Last Edit: November 10, 2011, 04:59:34 am by RavenOfRazgriz
Bonus Action 1: Turn right and use Stomp in the direction of the tree, hitting the tree's trunk and Hobgoblin in the hopes of sending the Hobgoblin prone and sending the Orc from the tree.

Free Action: Slip out of my Cart harness and dig my foot into the ground.

Bonus Action 2 + Action 1: Charge! at the tree to my left, containing Orc 1 and Orc 3, aiming to smash into the base and send both Orcs toppling out.

Action 2 + Action 3: Turn back to the right, again Charging!, this time toward the Hobgoblin I attempted to topple with my Stomp earlier.  I let out a powerful Roar as I descend upon him, striking him with the full force of my Horn Attack.  (Focus Lost.)

Action 4-A: If the Hobgoblin remains alive, hit it with another Horn Attack.

Action 4-B: If the Hobgoblin is defeated, pull back to defend the Cart and the front of our formation.  (If Cart, Oxen, Wagon, or an ally in the vicinity of the front of our formation is under attack while on this Acton, move to attempt to intercept the enemy's attack instead.)


November 10, 2011, 06:48:32 am #82 Last Edit: November 10, 2011, 06:49:51 am by Ryqoshay
   "Look!" Yvonne calls, loud enough for the rest of the caravan to hear. "There's more orcs behind those four trees!" She points at the outermost orcs. "Right then," (B1, B2) Snapping her wings, the pixie flies strait up. "I'm lookin' to the sky to save me!" She pauses for a fraction of a second to survey the battlefield below. "Lookin' for a sign of life." (1) As she positions her hands as though holding an invisible sphere at its north and south poles, ashes fall from her upper hand and a tiny, molten pebble appears at its center as though she had summoned a fragment of Sephyr's own core. The heat it produces warps the air around it and the fire Lirai can't help but grin. With a loud crack, the rock bursts forth towards an orc, dragging a trail of sparks behind it. "Lookin' for something to help me burn out bright!" (2) Without even waiting to see the results of her first spell, the fey woman swaps the position of her hands and repeats the small ritual, this time with a new target. She laughs, "Fly high!" (3,4) as she increases her altitude.

B1, B2: Fly strait up 12 squares
1: Cast Kelgore's Fire Bolt at Orc 1
2: Cast Kelgore's Fire Bolt at Orc 3
3, 4: Fly strait up 12 squares
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Xun gives the oxen behind him a firm pat on the head to stop it and then darts off, sandalled feet barely leaving an imprint on the grass as he rushes towards a lone orc (bonus).  His sword comes free with a rasping hiss while his footwork suddenly shifts, his attacks coming fast and aggressive (1-2).  A quick flurry of cuts, a feint, and then a downward slash to the orcs leg followed by a spinning backhand cut at its face, and Xun holds hsi blade out to the side, as if inviting the enemy to strike him.

bonus actions) move towards the orc, to B9
1-2) draw sword and enter Punishing Stance
3) Word of Binding
4) Regular attack.


November 10, 2011, 04:52:24 pm #84 Last Edit: November 10, 2011, 05:15:26 pm by st4rw4k3r
Elia takes note of Yvonne's warning.

1-5) If at any point an orc is taking an action on me, or the cart. Go to them and punch(non-lethal).


November 10, 2011, 06:04:02 pm #85 Last Edit: November 10, 2011, 06:05:18 pm by formerdeathcorps
"I didn't sign up for this!"

Seap scampered away (1), clutching his fife in his hand.  "Why are orcs even here?  They're a terrible audience with no taste and horrible manners!"  His eyes now staring into the distance, Seap began to sing in his mezzo-soprano voice (2-4).

"March of the men
Strike of the blade
Watch as the beasts
Flee back to their glades
Tell me ye men
O why do you fight...

1) Retreat to K2
2-4) Sing Inspire Courage.  If anyone tries to attack, Seap will climb into the wagon.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


"BLOOD AND THUNDER, COMRADES" howls Hogarth, running towards Orc 5 (Bonus Action 1) and unsheathing her axe (Bonus Action 2). Upon arrival, she leaps and cleaves the orc (Action 1). She hacks at the orc again for good measure (Action 2). She hurls a throwing axe at Orc 3 (Action 3) and another at Orc 1 (Action 4).
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


Turn 1 Resolution

          "Look!" Yvonne calls, loud enough for the rest of the caravan to hear. "There's more orcs behind those four trees!" From the middle of the caravan Seap cries out, "I didn't sign up for this!" as Rhyhorn turns to the right and strikes the ground with a thunderous force, rattling the tree there causing a rotten orc-fruit to fall to the ground with a satisfying thump, though the Hobgoblin steadied behind the trunk seems unaffected. Xun barely pauses as he darts away from the caravan to a distant orc, drawing his hand-and-a-half sword free from the scabbard, the evening sun making the blade glow like fire in his hands. In the opposite direction, Hogarth's long stride is devouring ground as she brings her huge axe up and around to bear down on another orc, her battle cry heralding death, "BLOOD AND THUNDER, COMRADES!"
          Elia takes a defensive stance, awaiting anyone foolish enough to come into her reach as Rhyhorn makes a full-about and charges the orc-filled tree. "Right then," Yvonne mutters and shoots skyward, "I'm lookin' to the sky to save me!" Seap on the other hand is retreating to the rear of the wagons, fife in hand, "Why are orcs even here?  They're a terrible audience with no taste and horrible manners!" Finding himself a safe space backed up against a wagon he begins to sing a war chant, "March of the men, strike of the blade..." Xun closes the gap between himself and his target just as Hogarth brings her heavy axe blade down and clean through an orc, bifurcating the animalistic creature from crown to crotch, rewarding her with a spray of grey-black blood across her body.
          As that orc topples into a pair of inanimate pieces, Rhyhorn connects solidly with the tree, forcing both orcs to fall from its branches, knocking one out cold on impact with the ground. From high above, Yvonne conjures up a ball of fire and stone, aiming it at the still-moving orc that fell from the tree, saying, "Lookin' for something to help me burn out bright!" as she hurls the conjuration down and clean through the orc's back. With a laugh she begins to cast another spell to follow the first. Nearby the fallen orcs, the Hobgoblin shouts something harshly in Orcish and points at Rhyhorn as he does so, then lunges forward towards the stony beast, sword held high. A pair of orcs still up in the trees lob javelins down at Rhyhorn, one missing completely but the other grazing his hide, taking a small chunk of stone with it.
          Across the field, Xun takes a dangerous stance with his blade held high above, leaving his sides open to attack. The orc he is engaged with tries to take the opening, but his heavy blade only glances off the young man's armor with no ill effect. Meanwhile, Seap's song continues to drive his allies on through the battle, "Watch as the beasts flee back to their glades..." Spurred on by the Talent infused in his song, Hogarth brings her axe around in another arc, mutilating the orc corpse beyond any hope of even magical aid.
          Turning suddenly once again, Rhyhorn roars defiantly and charges the Hobgoblin but is interrupted by the same who brings his sword down and he sidesteps the beast's deadly horn, only chipping the granite hide. By now the first fallen orc has regained his footing and begins to close the distance between himself and Rhyhorn only to completely overlook Elia, getting cold-cocked with a fist to the face for his efforts. Beside her another tiny ball of flame strikes the unconscious orc beneath the tree, killing it outright. Above her the pixie continues to laugh and shouts, "Fly high!" as she ascends even higher above the battlefield.
          As the still tree-bound orcs climb to the ground, Xun makes a few hesitant motions with his sword before he strikes his foe with bone-splitting force, hacking the orc's legs out from under it and following with another cut across the beastman's throat, ending its life with no more than a quiet gurgle of blood. A brief moment of stillness covers the battlefield as the bard's song continues, "Tell me ye men, O why do you fight..." But that stillness is not meant to last as Rhyhorn and the Hobgoblin continue to battle. A sword swing goes wide and Rhyhorn quickly drives his horn up into the goblinoid's side with enough force to puncture both armor and flesh. However, the last pair of orcs have advanced and now the stone beast finds himself facing off with them, three on one...

Objective: Repel or destroy the gang of bandits.
Bonus Objective: Keep the wagons, oxen and gnomes from taking any significant damage.
Weather: Dusk, clear.
Terrain: Grassland, some trees.

X = Unconscious
X = Dead
Posting for this Turn ends in about 72 hours (Monday, Nov. 14th, 4am EST). As stated in the OP, if you don't have your actions in by then you'll forfeit your Actions for this Turn.

Allies Condition

HP: 14/14
Defense: 13
Movement: 4 (Burdened; Natural 6)
Endurance: 2
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Defense: 7
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 39/43
Defense: 18
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 20/20
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 5

HP: 42/42
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 21/21
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/8
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 13/13

HP: 11/11

  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


November 11, 2011, 03:36:52 am #88 Last Edit: November 11, 2011, 03:47:53 am by SilentB
Hogarth, getting into the full swing of battle and infused with the power of the blood of an enemy,no longer speaks and just screams incoherently. She rushes in on Orc 2 (Action 1), swings her axe in a wide circle (action 2), and uses the momentum to hurl it at Orc 6 (Action 3). She flings her throwing axe at the Hobgoblin, hoping to catch him off guard while it is dealing with Ryhorn (Action 4).
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


November 11, 2011, 04:06:16 am #89 Last Edit: November 11, 2011, 04:07:37 am by RavenOfRazgriz
Rhyhorn shrugs off the Orcs' and Hobgoblin's feeble weapon attacks, his sturdy natural armor holding fast against their assaults.

Action 1) Rhyhorn quickly shifts backwards to K13, trying to create some space between the three enemies threatening him.

Action 2) Quickly after stopping moving, Rhyhorn Stomps the ground again, unleashing a diagonal shockwave toward the Hobgoblin and Orc 6 with an angry snarl.

Action 3-A) If Hobgoblin has moved into my melee range, Horn Attack him to death.

Action 3-B) If Hobgoblin is not in melee range but an Orc has moved into it, Horn Attack the Orc to death instead.

Action 3-C) If Hobgoblin is prone from Stomp or otherwise alive and no units are in melee range, rush up to that Lord of the Rings reject and doesn't afraid.  If the Hobgoblin is somehow already dead, rush the nearest Orc instead, they're all rejects too.

Action 4-A) If Hobgoblin is alive and in melee range, Horn Attack him.

Action 4-B) If Hobgoblin is dead, KO'd, or otherwise not in melee range but an Orc still is, Horn Attack that instead.

Action 4-C) If no enemies remain in melee range, use 1 charge of my Healing Belt to restore some HP.


November 11, 2011, 04:12:54 am #90 Last Edit: November 13, 2011, 10:57:26 pm by Ryqoshay
   "Do it if you dare" Yvonne chants, "Leaping from the sky" (1, 2) she lets gravity help her decent. "Hurling through the air" She stops short just above the rocky rino, while white-hot sparks dance among the fingers of her right hand. (3) The arcane energy leaps from her pointed index finger to strike the her intended target as green ooze forms in the palm of her left hand. "Exhilarating high!" (4) Switching hands and choosing her target, she lets the viscous puss slip through her fingers and drip down upon her foe. Grinning wickedly, she holds her right first digit in front of her lips to blow away the acrid smoke rising from it. Turning up her left hand she casually brushes off the residue, causing a spray of harmless goo that dissipates before falling more than a few inches. "You guys done down there?" she asks as if suddenly bored now that the battle appears to be nearing its conclusion.

1, 2: Fly down to hover 3 squares above J,14
3: Cast Electric Jolt*
4: Cast Acid Splash*

*Target priority: Hobgoblin, Orc 6, Orc 2, Orc 4 If prior target dead, choose next. If all dead, do not cast.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Quote from: st4rw4k3r on November 10, 2011, 04:52:24 pm
Elia takes note of Yvonne's warning.

1-5) If at any point an orc is taking an action on me, or the cart. Go to them and punch(non-lethal).

not much of an eventful fight for me :D


Xun bends down and cleans his blade on the fallen orc, finishing by wiping the blade clean with a small piece of cloth.  He turns to watch his companions deal with the few remaining enemies as he moves back towards the wagons.  They are surprisingly skilled.

(( Looks like the rest of the team has this all locked down, so Xun is taking it easy. ))


  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


November 14, 2011, 05:39:15 am #94 Last Edit: November 14, 2011, 05:42:26 am by Celdia

Turn 2 Resolution

         Roaring like an untamed beast, Hogarth leaps the corpses of orcs between her and one of the pair circling Rhyhorn as she closes the distance to her target. Hearing his ally approach, Rhyhorn quickly steps back and raises himself up to strike the ground again, sending another thunderous shockwave at his foes, felling both the hobgoblin and one of the orcs. High above, the pixie chants a little poem in sing-song to herself, "Do it if you dare, Leaping from the sky, Hurling through the air..." while plummeting towards the earth at a slight forward angle, magical sparks of electricity creating a comet-like trail in the sky behind her. Below her, the fallen combatants slowly regain their feet while the unaffected orc steps forward, swinging his heavy blade around to strike at Rhyhorn.
         However, unfortunately for the orc, Hogarth runs like a cheetah and strikes like behemoth. Her axe comes around high in a murky sweep of blood-coated steel, decapitating the pig-nosed orc in a single clean sweep, the head spinning high up into the hair and getting caught in the branches of the nearby tree. The orc's sword clatters uselessly against Rhyhorn's stony hide, having lost any kind of guidance to strike meaningfully as its owner lost his head. The remaining orc, hesitant to advance with the seemingly insane barbarian charging across the battlefield at them seems to have made a fatal mistake in doing so as the elven-made greataxe is loosed from Hogarth's hands and carries forward and clean into his side, toppling him over and spilling his guts out onto the trade road.
         Seeing the last of his underlings subdued so easily, the Hobgoblin curses in Orcish and turns tail and runs. Rhyhorn begins to give chase, horn lowered to skewer the cowardly highwayman, but the Hobgoblin begins to quickly open the gap between them as he bolts, giving no thought to his own defense now. A burst of light from above and behind Rhyhorn heralds the end Yvonne's decent as she cries out, "Exhilarating high!" and a tiny bolt of lightning leaps from her extended hand to strike the fleeing goblinoid in the back, singeing his armor and evoking a howl of pain and sending him tumbling to the ground. Without missing a beat, Hogarth draws one of her throwing axes and hurls it at the fallen beastman but in trying not to hit her ally, the axe passes just high over the Hobgoblin's body.
         With his quarry temporarily fallen, Rhyhorn lines up his horn and drives it deep into the Hobgoblin's body, lifting it clear off the ground with the force of the blow and rending the torso asunder, causing the body to look as if a storm giant had taken a bite out the side. When it hits the ground, the bloody mess moves no longer. Behind him, Yvonne applies an unhealthy dose of caustic acid to the last unconscious orc in a show , ending its suffering before she quips, "You guys done down there?" with boredom coloring her tone.

Battle Pane Complete!

418 GP
3,412 SP
3,876 CP

A silver chalice with tiny zircon gems embedded in the stem.
A pair of heavy black leather gloves of exquisite quality, with metal studs set over the knuckles.
Jade gemstone
Amber gemstone

Objective Bonus! - 600 GP

(The remaining gear used by the orcs is either damaged beyond use or of such poor quality you'd likely not even be able to sell it for more than scrap.)

~Stat Bonuses~

Elia: No bonus.
Hogarth: Melee Skill +1!
Rhyhorn: Stomp Power +1!
Seap: No bonus.
Xun: Melee Skill +1!
Yvonne: Electric Jolt Power +1!

(Don't lynch me if you didn't get any bonuses. Things like defense and performance skill advance slower than combat skills.)

Lejun hops down from his wagon to inspect both of them and to calm the oxen while those of the party minded to do so look over the corpses for anything of value. The gnome nods appreciatively and grins, "I can see you lot will be worth every coin I promised you. A job well done and I thank you. Now, let's not hang around here too long. Last thing we want to do is answer a bunch of questions should anyone else show up. Grab your things and let's be on our way. There's still daylight left."

Consider the travel time to a camping site a short Scene. Feel free to roleplay while walking on the trade road. I'll probably leave this open for the next 24 hours or so for posting, then I'll fast-forward to the next major Scene/Pane as the dice or your actions dictate. (This might also be a good time to heal up for those of you that took any damage.)
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Rhyhorn grabs Hogarth's thrown Throwing Axe in his mouth, bringing it back to her and dropping it at her feet before slipsping back into his harnesses. He begins leading the wagons down the trail again, using a charge of his Healing Belt to heal the small chips in his hide from the previous battle.  (2 Charges Left)  Rhyhorn closes his eyes as he walks, taking a minute to regain his Focus as well since the path currently seems safe and easy enough to navigate.


November 14, 2011, 08:09:52 am #96 Last Edit: November 14, 2011, 08:19:14 am by Celdia
(Noted: Healing Belt 1 charge used - HP restored to full. Focus regained.)

(Ruling Idea: When not in combat, you can choose to have healing rolled like normal or just take the average outcome for whatever healing ability you activated. Sadly for Xun, because of the nature of his abilities I have to say he has to be IN battle to make use of his healing. Otherwise its endlessly broken no matter how I rule it. I'll take a vote on this Ruling Idea: Yea or Nay?)
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


November 14, 2011, 01:20:16 pm #98 Last Edit: November 14, 2011, 03:38:38 pm by Ryqoshay
   Yvonne starts to descend to help the 'larger-folk' look for things of value among their fallen foes, when a shadow passes from something overhead. She looks up quickly. "Kyaaa!" she squeaks. "Bird!" She points at a hawk circling lazily above. "Kill it! Kill it! It must die! Make it die! It's evil!" She continues to shriek as she makes a beeline towards Rhyhorn's cart. In her panic, she misjudges the angle and impacts the bottom of the 'ALL THE THINGS' sign, ricocheting back a full foot as she tumbles the rest of the way to the ground. "Ah!" she cries in surprise. However, the pixie recovers quickly and scrambles to her hands and feet. "Loose your arrows and fire your bolts! Make it into a pin cushion!" She scurries along the ground to get under the cart whereupon she quickly assumes a duck and cover position. Her hands cover her downturned head and her wings provide feeble protection to her back as she attempts to make herself appear smaller than she already is.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Walking over to the sign, Seap retrieved the curled up pixie.  "There's nothing to be afraid of."  Cupping the pixie in his hands, Seap returned to the merchandise cart and gently placed her inside.  "You'll be safe in here."
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.