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Final Fantasy Flashtics [*** 0.6 Available ***]

Started by dbp, December 30, 2010, 01:13:41 am


Will there be mouse support? Also, being able to increase the game speed and being able to shorten/skip animations would be nice.


Hi Dokurider ! Thank you for your participating.
Very nice questions, in fact, i have to think about Mouse Support for the future releases.

But Mouse interactivity and Keyboard interactivity are totally different, so it will be really tricky to implement i believe.

For speed, again, Flash is very limited, if your computer is very powerful, i may give to the user the possibility to run the game faster than 60 fps.
For Animations skip, i may be able to do that, but really later.

I think that the next, next release : "1.7" will focus on Map Editor and Enemies AI, so all people will be able to create easily their own scenario/battle for other people.
Final Fantasy Flashtics v0.6 --->


I may be able to release the 0.6 Tonight.
But it will be 90-95% complete.
So in order to achieve 100% i will release very soon after that a 0.6.1 (A kind of patch to fix the eventual glitches and things like that).

So why i hurry you may ask ?

The reason is have a lot of stuffs to do for this week end and my plan to work on the release have been shortened a lot.

Anyway if i can get some feedback from you guys during this week end, it will help me to fix the details to give the 100% complete 0.6 demo.
Thank you very much.

Stay tunned !
Final Fantasy Flashtics v0.6 --->


Refresh, Refresh, Refresh.

Still nothing.

Refresh, Refresh, ...

(Cycle continues)
Current Projects:


Finally the 0.6 is done !!! (Don't expect too much out of it hehe).
As Always, check the bottom of my first post to play !

Additional notes :
- This may be not perfect and bugged.
-  because it is still.
- Every comments and suggestions are welcome

Please remember that everything has been made from scratch.
I may release the 0.6.1 next week end.
Final Fantasy Flashtics v0.6 --->


Just 1 thing: Enemy's Corpse still block the path

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Not being able to cancel threw me for a loop.

1. Cannot move over corpses, as they are treated as obstacles

2. Cannot move cursor over corpses/obstacles, either for attacking or moving.

3. Cannot attack the same panel that a corpse is on

Other than that, it's seems all very excellent.



Yeah what Doku said, especially the need for a cancel button. The little direction bubbles when you choose which direction to point when waiting looked great while rotating the map. I thought for sure you wouldn't have implemented that haha.

Some of the attack animations, specifically the weapons, need some work. But that is just tweaking over time. Though let it be known that swords and daggers are handled differently in FFT I believe.

Really great work dbp, this is amazing progress.

Next it would be nice to see character stats. Do you need help recreating the FFT character status thing for in battle?
Current Projects:


Hot damn. This is truly impressive. Every community member needs to help this project along. One more thing, the music needs to be cut so it repeats without a pause. Still though, very, very nice.


Just finished the latest demo! Absolutely amazing! It seems to run a little slow in places, but I think that's just because Flash is pretty slow, no?

Anyways, along with what's been mentioned above, I think this is coming along very nicely! This is much better than you made it sound. :P
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


This is sooo smooth and the possibilities are endless!!!
checked it out.. didn't  get a slowdown just the music cut thing. the sound quality seems good though. Thief's knives weren't looking too good otherwise a cancel button.
  • Modding version: PSX


Thank you for all the informations.
I will try to fix everything in the 0.6.1

QuoteThe little direction bubbles when you choose which direction to point when waiting looked great while rotating the map. I thought for sure you wouldn't have implemented that haha.

Me neither haha.
Yeah, it took some times but the effect looks nice.

Anyway so much improvement if you compare with 0.5
Final Fantasy Flashtics v0.6 --->


Yeah this was a huge improvement over the last version. Seriously we were attacking and there were a whole bunch of people on screen. I also think that we all don't appreciate how complicated that event stuff that you have in the opening is. I'm very much looking forward to the next release.

It was cool playing as King Delita btw.

For the record though, I still stand by my opinion that your time would be better spent working on two-player capabilities instead of enemy AI :).
Current Projects:


  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?


Alright, i have an idea.
Let's try to make this game Multiplayer !

Since a long time, i always have been attracted by multiplayer games. But i never had the opportunity to develop one.
In fact it looked quite complicated so i just read some article about it.

Multiplayer is my missing skill, so i need to learn it to be a complete Flash developer !

This project will be the good opportunity for me to try it !

But because multiplayer is quite difficult when you don't have any multiplayer knowledge, i will not be able to implement multiplayer it in the game immediately.

So, first, i need to do a simple multiplayer application in order to understand how it work.
I think that a chat is a good first multiplayer application.
Then why not making something more interesting and using some characters or something like that.
Then, if i feel comfortable with it, i will try to implement it in the 1.7 !

What do you think ?
Final Fantasy Flashtics v0.6 --->


I think a chat would be a very nice start. You can just go from there. :)
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


WOOT! I'm super excited. You wont regret this dbp, it will work out excellent for you. You will have even more community support now and plenty of beta testers.
Current Projects:


Using a chat as a stepping stone sounds simple enough. If it ends up leading to a multiplayer FFT online then you'll be fulfilling the dreams of just about everyone here. ^_^
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


I've been lazy about it, but I said I'd make it so here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/jm6uc1

Red Power Ranger full sheet, if you still want to include it.

As for multiplayer, I agree making that first would probably be better.  Everyone wants multiplayer FFT so that would make this project serve an immediate role.  You should still get a proper AI into it eventually for people who want to make things like two player Co-op (which this should support if possible) and single player campaigns.  There are people around who know how the exact routines the FFT AI uses actually work for when you get to that point, just don't forget that single player and two player co-op both need an AI and both are/would be very boss components of this in addition to PvP.

It's good to see this is coming along quite a bit.


February 26, 2011, 10:25:32 pm #139 Last Edit: February 26, 2011, 10:26:32 pm by dbp
@all : I see,
Its clear that everyone want some multiplayer actions hehe.

@RavenOfRazgriz : First thanks for the file !!
Secondly, Co-op idea sounds very great and exciting ! But yeah, it need really a lot of work before being possible.

@all : As i said before, i cannot reproduce FFT by myself, this just ridiculous.
I know that playing FFT in Multiplayer is the dream of a lot of members here, but i just want to remind to everyone that FF Flashtics  is not FFT and will never be FFT.
This may sound very sad or whatever you want but this is just the sad truth.

But, to defend this project a little bit, i would say that if we found together the adapted ideas ans solutions for this project, i believe that we can make something very fun out of it.
Even if it is supposed to be a very light and limited version of FFT.

To finish i would say that i believe that we are going in the good direction by choosing Multiplayer or Map Editor stuff.
So let's continue together and give this project a sense !
Final Fantasy Flashtics v0.6 --->