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Ivalice: Rebirth - FFT Fan RPG

Started by Lydyn, May 26, 2010, 08:44:23 pm


May 26, 2010, 08:44:23 pm Last Edit: May 30, 2010, 04:55:07 pm by Lydyn
As many of you know, I've been in the works of making an RPG that is set 30 years after FFT had taken place. It focuses on Esteria, a Holy Blade of the church suddenly finding herself questioning her loyalty to the same church she serves. King Delita Hyral had just passed away a few months ago and his grandchild, Prince Clemence, has taken the throne. Many still don't know of Ramza's tale and the church holds power ...

Dowload link (it is 151 MB); Ivalice: Rebirth Demo
RTP (Needed)
Game.ini (Just incase you need it)

• Z is select
• X is cancel/menu
• Q is previous
• W is next
• Alt + Enter is Full-screen/window


Sorry Dukorider ... you'll need the Game.ini file I forgot to upload. I updated the original link.


This looks cool, once my net will be workin properly again, I will download this. And I have question, dumb probably, but still a question:

On what I play this pearl?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


On what? Nothing? No emulator required.


  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: "Kaijyuu"RPGmaker I presume?



Saving the guy without any evidence at all that he's truly innocent, especially killing what seemed to be military or town guards... is extremely questionable.  Perhaps you should extend the beginning of the conversation and have the main character witness the charges being trumped up rather than just going on the guy's word?

Why is she doing more damage with melee attacks than he is with magic?  What's the point of magic if it isn't worth using instead of a sword slash?  That warlock buff costs more than a basic attack spell and doesn't seem to make big enough a difference to justify using against anything other than a boss.

The cloaked man's portrait shouldn't be there when it says what he does.  It looks like he's narrating his own actions.  Good for a spoof, but I don't get the impression that you're trying to make it funny.  I suppose it does fit with the rest of the writing style, but... just leaving off quotation marks doesn't really remove the impression that the "actions" are being said, at least not at first.

Being able to run out of Potions and have a character get KOed just by following the path while not permitting the player to go to town to buy items or buy items before the game automatically forces the characters to move to the next area is really screwed up.  I suppose it was bad luck the first time, but still... should the beginning of the game be so luck reliant?

Is there any particular reason Goblins aren't weak to ice like they are in FFT?  If you're going to put magic at such a disadvantage, you could at least make elemental weaknesses more common.

Spending the night before the fight with the boss the next day without actually being healed is just mean.

Why do you call it magicite when they've only been called either "Holy Stones" or Auracite?

I'm fairly certain I've heard both boss fight songs before, but I can't remember where...  Second one reminds me of Kingdom Hearts for some reason.


Quote from: "SilvasRuin"Saving the guy without any evidence at all that he's truly innocent, especially killing what seemed to be military or town guards... is extremely questionable.  Perhaps you should extend the beginning of the conversation and have the main character witness the charges being trumped up rather than just going on the guy's word?

Why is she doing more damage with melee attacks than he is with magic?  What's the point of magic if it isn't worth using instead of a sword slash?  That warlock buff costs more than a basic attack spell and doesn't seem to make big enough a difference to justify using against anything other than a boss.

The cloaked man's portrait shouldn't be there when it says what he does.  It looks like he's narrating his own actions.  Good for a spoof, but I don't get the impression that you're trying to make it funny.  I suppose it does fit with the rest of the writing style, but... just leaving off quotation marks doesn't really remove the impression that the "actions" are being said, at least not at first.

Being able to run out of Potions and have a character get KOed just by following the path while not permitting the player to go to town to buy items or buy items before the game automatically forces the characters to move to the next area is really screwed up.  I suppose it was bad luck the first time, but still... should the beginning of the game be so luck reliant?

Is there any particular reason Goblins aren't weak to ice like they are in FFT?  If you're going to put magic at such a disadvantage, you could at least make elemental weaknesses more common.

Spending the night before the fight with the boss the next day without actually being healed is just mean.

Why do you call it magicite when they've only been called either "Holy Stones" or Auracite?

I'm fairly certain I've heard both boss fight songs before, but I can't remember where...  Second one reminds me of Kingdom Hearts for some reason.

Well, I'm going to start this post off with this; I hope you don't just have negative things to say in the future. While this is posted for this community, it isn't exactly a FFT patch.

In either case, the first issue is that you haven't learned Esteria's character yet. That's all I really feel the need to say. Second, and this pertains to any other issues of yours I might 'seem' to skip - I'm still working out the balance issues. Do remember this is a demo and not a complete game. Just point out the issue politely and move on.

The writing style ... well, it's different, sure ... but go ahead and read a book - it follows suit.

The goblins being able to beat you up - well, it's the first time I've heard of it. In fact when I was going through, I thought it was a little too easy, so I'm not entirely sure if the RNG is just making you miss a lot or what. As for the weakness ... I guess I could include it, but I'd rather be given a reason or a logic as to why.

You do get healed before the Luvaci, but not before Doga.

Also, Magicite is seen in the WotL script and ... well, the reasoning for it may be better explained down the line.


QuoteWell, I'm going to start this post off with this; I hope you don't just have negative things to say in the future. While this is posted for this community, it isn't exactly a FFT patch.
Dude, he's pointing out issues that should be fixed to make your game better, learn to accept constructive criticism.
<JoZ> I'm not Wiz. Even if I were, I wouldn't be narcissistic enough to go under an alt and comment on my own team.

PGF: "You are ignoring this user. Click to see their post."


Indeed. Criticism is the most valuable feedback you can receive.

About the characters... if personality is the motivation, generally you should reveal such character traits before they take rash actions. Unless of course the character is intended to be mysterious.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: "Lydyn"
Quote from: "SilvasRuin"Saving the guy without any evidence at all that he's truly innocent, especially killing what seemed to be military or town guards... is extremely questionable.  Perhaps you should extend the beginning of the conversation and have the main character witness the charges being trumped up rather than just going on the guy's word?

Why is she doing more damage with melee attacks than he is with magic?  What's the point of magic if it isn't worth using instead of a sword slash?  That warlock buff costs more than a basic attack spell and doesn't seem to make big enough a difference to justify using against anything other than a boss.

The cloaked man's portrait shouldn't be there when it says what he does.  It looks like he's narrating his own actions.  Good for a spoof, but I don't get the impression that you're trying to make it funny.  I suppose it does fit with the rest of the writing style, but... just leaving off quotation marks doesn't really remove the impression that the "actions" are being said, at least not at first.

Being able to run out of Potions and have a character get KOed just by following the path while not permitting the player to go to town to buy items or buy items before the game automatically forces the characters to move to the next area is really screwed up.  I suppose it was bad luck the first time, but still... should the beginning of the game be so luck reliant?

Is there any particular reason Goblins aren't weak to ice like they are in FFT?  If you're going to put magic at such a disadvantage, you could at least make elemental weaknesses more common.

Spending the night before the fight with the boss the next day without actually being healed is just mean.

Why do you call it magicite when they've only been called either "Holy Stones" or Auracite?

I'm fairly certain I've heard both boss fight songs before, but I can't remember where...  Second one reminds me of Kingdom Hearts for some reason.

Well, I'm going to start this post off with this; I hope you don't just have negative things to say in the future. While this is posted for this community, it isn't exactly a FFT patch.

What, are you saying you don't want any criticism about your game?

In either case, the first issue is that you haven't learned Esteria's character yet. That's all I really feel the need to say.

Okay, we don't know how this story is exactly going to pan out. I'll buy that. After all, who knows? Maybe the priest kid isn't so good after all, and would turn out that Esteria just killed her childhood friend for nothing.

Second, and this pertains to any other issues of yours I might 'seem' to skip - I'm still working out the balance issues. Do remember this is a demo and not a complete game. Just point out the issue politely and move on.

I really don't see why we need to be reminded that this is just a demo. To me, Silvas was being pretty reasonable about pointing out the issues.

The writing style ... well, it's different, sure ... but go ahead and read a book - it follows suit.

Well, this isn't a book. What works for a video game doesn't work for a book and vice versa. The story  should have been built around the sprite limitations. At the very least, keep actions and dialogue separate as in different boxes and maybe have actions in asterisks for good measure. Otherwise it comes off as awkward.(See Wild Arms to see how it can be done well.)

The goblins being able to beat you up - well, it's the first time I've heard of it. In fact when I was going through, I thought it was a little too easy, so I'm not entirely sure if the RNG is just making you miss a lot or what. As for the weakness ... I guess I could include it, but I'd rather be given a reason or a logic as to why.

I think it's Turn Punch. I'm a little hazy, but I think it's doing too much damage for a multiple target attack. And, well, Goblins are weak to Ice in FFT, why not in it's sequel?


Look guys, I appreciate the feedback ... but the thing is that it doesn't always need to have the tone of, "this is wrong, fix it." I know the community likes to think this way, for a reason I've yet to figure out, but there are ways of saying, "hey I saw this problem" without making it seem like I have failed at the endeavor.

I've taken two weeks to get this demo out for you guys, this community. This wasn't entirely for me. Sure it's fun, but ... I can just as easily create a different story, but I choose not to. Rather than meeting my efforts to bring a project that most FFT fans have always wanted with strict judgment, try to consider what's gone into this and the time spent.

I don't mind someone pointing out faults and saying they think it should be done differently, but I don't need to be met with a lack of respect for what I've put into it. If you want to continue like you have ... so be it, though I'd ask that you direct the issues to Eternal or Lasting_Dawn, whom have much more patience for it than I do. Thank you.


Well, it's not like we don't respect you for doing this or anything. I LIKE what you are doing. Sorry if our tones are rough, it's our nature. It's just the way we talk. We are like New Yorkers. We're always calling each other cuntbuckets or what not. We know you put a lot of time and effort into this and we appreciate that. We don't mean any disrespect, okay?



There's two reasons people point out problems in a work:

A) They want it to improve, so they point out things so they can be fixed.
B) They want to insult the author but are running out of ad hominem attacks.

Granted, not everyone always knows what they're talking about or is willing to word it "nicely," but I'm preeetty sure everyone here is in group A. If there's anyone in group B, I'll gladly punch them in the face for you.

EDIT: I guess there could be a group C for people who hate stuff because it's popular/changed/in a certain style/associated with someone they don't like/heard it sucks from their friend's friend/ect, but I doubt that's happened to this yet.
  • Modding version: PSX


I played the game from beginning to end.  Obviously I didn't say these things because I hated it.  I'm eager to play more.  The A reason just given is exactly why I gave the feedback.  Don't be so sensitive.

I'm also well aware it's just a demo or I would have been harassing you to add the other jobs so the characters aren't stuck in just one.  Some functionality isn't there yet.  I get it.

Speaking of jobs... I really do think Warlock is underpowered.  A knight just hitting attack really should not be doing more damage than a straight damage ability that costs MP.  There's no point using a Warlock if Knight trumps its damage without the MP loss.  Forgive me if that's too negative a way to put it, but I have never been good about sugarcoating simple fact.

Also, I assure you that I did NOT get a heal before Zalera.  I used my remaining stock of ethers to get everyone healed up almost to full.  Speaking of which, once you get the cleric, ethers become much more valuable than potions.  I'm not sure how to balance that without overpowering potions or underpowering Cure though.  Maybe just make ethers harder to get?


Thanks Doku and Kaijyuu, it helps me understand a little better, but I hope I was able to communicate how that comes across to me.

• I may work on Athesh's scene.
• Balance has been addressed a little, namely Turn Punch. I just toned it down some.
-- I may include an option when saving that your party is recovered.
• I'll look into Wild Arms, but I'd rather not use asterisks [li] since combined with speech, it looks awfully messy.
• Classes will be unlocked via sidequests, so you will only have one class to mess with at first.
• I'll look into the ether issues, but you're right, it does seem that way.


Quote from: "Dokurider"Well, this isn't a book. What works for a video game doesn't work for a book and vice versa. The story  should have been built around the sprite limitations. At the very least, keep actions and dialogue separate as in different boxes and maybe have actions in asterisks for good measure. Otherwise it comes off as awkward.(See Wild Arms to see how it can be done well.)

Mind finding me an example? I can't seem to find one. Thanks.


I don't know the limitations of RPG maker, but I found that FF6 conveyed emotion remarkably well with it's sprite graphics. All actions were done through animating the sprites.

...Least I think that's what's being talked about.
  • Modding version: PSX