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Kyousukeee's sprites ^^

Started by Kyousukeee, January 29, 2010, 01:49:02 pm


Yes, what Sir Cheetah said.
Here's what I've set:
2 reds
2 yellows
2 blacks
2 whites/grays  (Use for hair highlights)
3/4 skins
4/3 hairs   =   15 colours
Kindly upload the images to other image hosting sites. I can't view imageshack. Thanks.


That there's a great portrait! Thanks for the advice on mine.
And what a great character. Thanks for making Alucard!
  • Modding version: PSX


Hmm, try giving him angry eyes on sprite, it will go well with portrait and it will be the same as in reference
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


@ Cheetah
I barely have any colours left for the clothes , the skin and hair take away most of 'em =(

I'll give it a try and post the results .

No prob , if I can help you in any way let me know .

Nice idea , I'll change it when I start to work on the sprite sheet again this week or next week .
( He has a pissed off expression , indeed ^^ )


u might wana try making the colors a lil darker his colors look a lil too bright. still looks good though. =)


Quote from: "Cheetah"Having the skin tone and the hair color the same is really taking away from this portrait.
This is true. Some spriters may not like what I'm about to say, but I suggest intentionally going over the color limit. If you can get it looking nice at 20 colors or so, it shouldn't be too tough to reduce (I've had to reduce from some 30 or 40 colors and still managed to maintain some decent quality).

The sprite looks gorgeous. Great work.


@ Oberon
It looks normal on my laptop and dark on my desktop so I'm not sure if it's too bright . Making it darker gives me the impression that the colours are saturated .
If you have the time , change the colours and post here how it looks . That would help me a lot =)

I'd rather use more than 16 colours to start the sprite portrait too since I have a lot of trouble to find the proper colours . . .

Gor rid of 2 reds ( wasn't even using one of them and didn't notice :P ) added another black and the datails in his clothes are back , now it won't be a plain black shirt . Added another hair colour for the highlights which is a bit lighter than the skin tone .
Overall it wasn't a big modification but I'll keep trying to give the skin and hair tones distinct colours ( white-ish for the hair maybe ? or a darker colour ? ) so they won't blend too much . Also changed the eyes .
Let me know if it looks any better .


my fault :p, i was looking at my screen the wrong way and it made it look a lil brighter. ;)


Have you considered leaving his neck uncovered? If you remove the clothes that are covering his neck, you could drop the two blacks and the gray; then use one of those open slots to add some depth to the reds and the other two to darken the hair. I dunno, it's up to you though. If I get some time, I'll fiddle with it on my own and post the results.


Great Alucard sprite! I'm looking forward to more sprites from you.
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


In all honesty the portrait is very good, but you took very little of the advice provided and there was very little to no improvement. The extra shading on the shirt is nice, but could likely be achieved using the background color. Try posting some 100% previews as well. I still think you need to differentiate between the hair and skine tone more, having additional light shade for the hair didn't do anything for you either (it isn't even noticable).
Current Projects:


Np ;)

I haven't considered that but might as well try .

Thanks ^^ Nice update in the custom sprite page .

I didn't put much effort in the last update mainly because I didn't have enough time to do it and wasn't in the mood , sorry about that .
I'll work soome more now and post something next week .


Quote from: "Cheetah"Try posting some 100% previews as well. I still think you need to differentiate between the hair and skine tone more, having additional light shade for the hair didn't do anything for you either (it isn't even noticable).
Kindly upload the images to other image hosting sites. I can't view imageshack. Thanks.


It's been a while and I've worked on the hair colours , messing around with it to see the results .
The colours aren't 100% but you can have an idea of how it'll look like .
Top left is the original one . As for the clothes I'll definally change it to the less saturated one ( bottom right )
Personally I liked the second one but I can do the others if anyone likes it .


The second, third, and eighth look the cleanest, in my opinion. It's a tough call, cause the eighth one looks too desaturated and the second and third don't look saturated enough. My main gripe with this sprite is the clothing--not enough golds, blacks, or reds. If you can manage to fix that, it'll pull the whole portrait together. Great job.


Managing the colours has been hard -.- I'll take a short break from the portrait and work in the sheet and something else .
Like this for instance :
I dunno what clothes I'll put on her ^^


I actually agree on all three: 2,3 or 8. All very nice!
  • Modding version: PSX


2, 4, or 8 are good. Well honestly it has become a very nice portrait, good work. I'm liking the progress on this new one as well. Are you making any headway with your sprites?
Current Projects:


This new portrait is shaping up to be quite interesting. I have no suggestions thus far...


New portrait looks good. You are basing her on Dancer, right? I can see that face and clothes are somewhat similiar.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown