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Messages - Durbs

August 26, 2012, 10:16:35 am
Quote from: MiKeMiTchi on August 26, 2012, 09:49:15 am
Front Mission 3:

Darn it Mitchi, now I want to play that game again. >_<
Resmu lands on Noremu's shoulder. "Oh? What did you find, my friend?"

While no one saw any form of perceptible communication from the two, Noremu understood everything quite clearly. It helped that they were able to communicate with a sort of picture-language through the void and back.

"Hmm. So here's what he found... to the north/northeast, about... hmm... perhaps a four hour's walk away, there's a goblin camp. Looks like he saw two captives there, but nothing else aside from a horde of goblins. Unfortunately, he tells me that he couldn't find any traps. Seems like he was too high up."

"There's one thing else, though. Something about the captives seems... off. Resmu doesn't quite understand it and frankly neither do I, but there's something fishy about one of them. I can't place it, but best be on our guard."

Noremu looks back up to Resmu and asks him to elaborate more. Resmu sends him what he's seen; Noremu sees a picture of a mildly attractive young woman and an older lady, but something seems wrong with the younger one. She and the older woman are clearly not getting along, but it looks to run deeper than that. She looks almost to be assisting the goblins in more ways than a hostage would.

Noremu's neutral expression drops to a frown, but he says nothing to the rest of the group.
Spam / Re: FFT - Bloopers
August 23, 2012, 01:11:29 am
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Saw this about an hour before you posted it here. :mrgreen: 1st like!
This place did seem peaceful. Very... safe. But Noremu knew better. The collective voice of the woods whispered to his attuned ear dark words and curses that would make any grown man shutter. He already felt an itch to call across the void for one of his summons, but he knew the folly in that decision. Noremu drew his staff and took reassurance in the glowing, clear jewel that adorned it. At its bottom was a pointed metal edge, just in case anything got too close. Noremu looked at it and chuckled, vowing to get himself a true sword for the next mission... perhaps with the same, clear crystal composing the blade so that he might use it to channel magic.
Help! / Re: How to disable orgASM hacks?
August 21, 2012, 11:29:13 pm
Quote from: Elric on August 21, 2012, 11:28:01 pm
* Elric coughs


...damnit Durbs

Why is there a second post then? 0.o
Help! / Re: How to disable orgASM hacks?
August 21, 2012, 11:22:15 pm
As far as I know, they're permanent. Best bet is to just make a new clean iso.
Noremu frowned as the man asked about the bolt. This was a far more dangerous and important matter than the extraction team seemed to be taking it. It didn't help that this 'Cedarfalls' looked like he had never seen a battle in his life.
While Noremu surveys the carnage in front of him, he spies a family portrait on the ground. It shows a father and mother with their son and his wife. They seem to be some sort of nobility. Noremu realizes that the men in this portrait are the one and the same people now dead. The women are missing, however.

'More hostages?' Normeu asks himself. 'And of rich folk, too. I thought they were only interested in the smithies... after all, what did they need money for? They take whatever they want and have never suffered themselves to buy.'

After a pause, with a flick of his hand, Resmu, his familiar, lands on his arm.
"Go, Resmu... find out where they are keeping the hostages." Resmu flies off.

Noremu takes one last look before leaving the scene. "Hmm?" Noremu looks at the items left scattered around. Upon closer inspection, something about the items stands out to him: they are all fake. Knockoffs. He bends down and grabs a vase of sorts, broken and shattered from the attack. Sure enough, it was a clear knockoff.

Noremu looks up to the rest of the group, unsure what to make of this new development.
The Lounge / Re: Dude.
August 19, 2012, 08:26:29 pm
Quote from: Nereus on August 18, 2012, 03:42:44 am
Alright I'm going to go ahead and warn you now - I have absolutely zero hacking or modding experience. So I apologize in advance if I annoy anyone with seemingly rhetorical questions.

Go on IRC a bit; people there will be quick to answer your seemingly rhetorical questions. :mrgreen:

//Generic introduction banner
The Lounge / Re: Hello There!
August 16, 2012, 10:52:00 pm
Quote from: Kokojo on August 16, 2012, 10:09:45 pm
Welcome to FFH! May you become insane and drool words.

If that's his dream, FFH will make it happen.

Haha. Welcome to the forums, Heat!
Noremu nods. "Must admit, I'm a little disappointed that we'll be needing to carry our own things, but I can see the value in it."

"I do have one suggestion though... I can easily use Shiva to draw the goblins away from camp. If I could do that, you would be able to easily evacuate the hostages with minimal difficulty. Once Shiva leaves us, they will come back, and you can use their own camp defenses against them."

Noremu looks up at Nicholas.
Help! / Re: New Weapons
August 13, 2012, 05:43:30 pm
Hmm... you said you added truly new ones (new / unused slots) instead of editing over old ones? Because if it was the former, then you're already in trouble. That's more than likely the reason why you're having the problem. From the sound of it, you didn't make a corresponding patch to fix the item palette (and by extent define the item). Just do that in Patcher, under the Items tab.

EDIT: Sorry, misread a bit a lot; did you use a pre-existing save to load onto the patched iso? It'll be buggy in many cases if you load a file that doesn't match what iso you are playing on (e.g., best solution is to start a new game). If an existing file and a new file are on the same save, basically, it may screw up.

EDIT #2: For future reference, this is best placed in the help section.
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Journey of the 5 DEMO!!
August 12, 2012, 06:54:43 pm
Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz on August 12, 2012, 02:29:58 pm
* Raven whaps Durbs.

* Raven goes to make Journey of the 5 into My Great Teletubby Adventure just to spite Durbs now.

Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Journey of the 5 DEMO!!
August 12, 2012, 10:05:14 am
Quote from: Dome on August 12, 2012, 10:03:03 am
The battles were pretty easy, even if enemies with the "Item" command sometimes turned them into a stall-war

Don't worry, it'll get a lot harder. ;)

* Durbs coughs and chuckles.
Noremu, listening to the commotion, gets a light smile on his face. These soldiers were all green, he realized. This was some of the first real combat many of them had ever seen. Both of the soldiers' talk proved that. The sergeant's inexperience was quite clear, but the lieutenant's blind faith in their hastily assembled monster hunter team was its own proof.

Either way, he was ready to get the operation started.
Quote from: Elric on August 11, 2012, 02:52:45 pm
EDIT: Also 1000th POST!! \o/

Oh, stop showing off. >_<
(Grumbles about being here longer)

jk, we all love you.
Best part is that this is just scratching the surface of the game. :mrgreen: Now we just need to power through and finish this thing.
The Lounge / Re: FFH Community Picture Gallery
August 10, 2012, 02:00:27 pm
Figured I might as well do this. I'm not very photogenic, so bear with me. Doesn't help that this is poor quality.
Spam / Re: HOLY SHIT!!!
August 10, 2012, 11:48:17 am
Quote from: Eternal248 on August 10, 2012, 10:48:05 am

Running a coup to overthrow Dome and instate Celdia? I'm in.
Quote from: Elric on August 08, 2012, 04:09:45 pm
Due some bugs tht had raven and i raging hard yesterday, we are going to try tp release the demo today, provided we can get the rest of the bugs squashed lol

Just so you guys can put the magnitude of these bugs into perspective, Snake was a werewolf for awhile. :mrgreen:

Basically, he's not kidding. There were some pretty bad ones.