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Messages - beawulfx

Spam /
September 06, 2009, 01:30:30 pm
My heart doth cry out for the fruits of the earth that I may fill myself with their nutritious blessing

I walked a few miles to the cabin
Spam /
September 05, 2009, 03:31:34 pm
I was going to say 'I think he is only preaching to the converted' as well and sum up Jake's entire post, but then I thought so what, because there is no harm in getting more information out there and more pieces of evidence. It may not help much, maybe not at all, but it certainly doesn't hurt in the fight to educate those misinformed on the subject (not that I'm anti-religion but I do think denying evolution is taking it too far)
Mercenaries Spriting Forum /
September 05, 2009, 03:29:02 pm
It's these little details that really impress me as much as anything. It's so great how you are really making a complete overhaul, and not at all half-assing it.
Spam /
September 04, 2009, 08:12:37 pm
Just saw Moon today; it was orgasmic. I loved it. So unique. I crave unique, and it delivers.


An example of unique choices; the robot does not turn evil and want to kill people. That amazed me. It developed in the complete opposite direction, feeling sympathy and wanting to help Sam in its own way. I was just waiting for Gerty to turn on them like in every scifi movie ever made, but I'm so glad they chose to avoid that!

That's not like the best part of the movie or anything, just something I was very pleased with :)
Mercenaries Spriting Forum /
September 04, 2009, 02:51:35 pm
That's really amazing. Really professional. Wow. I am just in awe. That is going to look beautiful, really, this is so cool.
The Lounge /
September 03, 2009, 10:30:48 pm
I loved Wild ARMs 3 and 4, they were both fantastic (four had problems, but I did really like the HEX battle system, I know some people hated it), and I have Wild ARMs 1, 2, and Alter Code F on hand. I should get around to those soon.
Mercenaries Spriting Forum /
September 03, 2009, 04:04:14 pm
That's beautiful, really impressive. The only thing odd I notice is that it looks kinda like a hankerchief is sticking out of Gafgarions... rear end, but I'm guessing it is something that is in front of him, hanging down?

I love your style though, it's fantastic.
News /
September 01, 2009, 03:01:16 pm
I hope this is a bad joke, while other projects showed more promise 1..3 was obviously the best thing the community had completed. I don't know how hard it could possibly be to ban stupid people once in a while. If it was that hard on you just give someone else the power to ban them, like Arch or Asmo or whatever who will not hold back on banning stupidity.

And if it's a matter of 1..3 getting "too much attention" (what an arbitrary conclusion to draw), Mercenaries is getting way more creative attention than 1..3 by far. Many great spriters, artists, and ideas are culminating their while the 1..3 forum is more about battle logs, discussion, and attempting to 'perfect' the total rebalance already in place. It's not drawing from any other project and eliminating it from the site isn't going to divert attention elsewhere. This won't have any beneficial effects (for anyone other than yourself), I can pretty much guarantee that. If anyone disagrees I'd love to hear their reasons though.

Anyway, again hoping this is a bad joke and not just a bad decision.
Mercenaries Spriting Forum /
August 31, 2009, 02:04:47 pm
Incredible art, I really love it. Can't wait to see Gaf in there as well. Thanks for contributing such great stuff.
Mercenaries Spriting Forum /
August 30, 2009, 03:14:58 pm
Very nice! Another great artist joins the Mercenaries fold. What good fortune that all of these people are showing up and adding so much to the board. I love it.
Mercenaries /
August 30, 2009, 01:48:15 pm
I hate saying this when input is requested but really Voldemort nailed my thoughts on the matter perfectly. I love how serious, deep, and engrossing Mercenaries strives to be and when I see Pieke's name that really draws me out, even if only for a second, and I would prefer to avoid that.

It's a testament to the quality of work that you guys are doing with this game that I say this, because I love it so much that I don't want to be drawn out of the world you are creating.
Mercenaries Spriting Forum /
August 28, 2009, 10:16:24 pm
They look really great. The other ones were massive, these definitely seem to fit well, but I guess it all comes down to the in game. I hope for the best!
Symbols of Rage /
August 23, 2009, 11:33:36 pm
This (and rage) are excellent ideas. Reminds me of why I love this project. Very innovative and totally shakes up the traditional game.
Mercenaries Spriting Forum /
August 23, 2009, 02:42:53 pm
Nice, I really like that. I am a sucker for any new sprites though, they really look great when done well. I think that's a winning concept, but LD knows much more about the job I suppose!
Mercenaries Spriting Forum /
August 23, 2009, 02:01:27 pm
Ooh, I like that. He looks pretty cool. I assume Orlandu pops up somewhere in the game, if so it might be better to throw the hood down and distinguish it a bit, if it can be made well. I think that might look better, perhaps.
Spam /
August 22, 2009, 11:39:06 pm
I'm a big fan. Only place I come to with any regularity. I love the work being done and pretty much everyone who shows up. It's a pretty awesome place and I love to contribute and be a part of it.

I think a big part is Zodiac's no nonsense banning of people who disrupt the good vibes or who are just here to mess around and stir up trouble. Most sites are plagued with trolls and the like because they have such intricate rules on how people are banned or removed. Here if you are an idiot you are gone ASAP. Sometimes it seems harsh to me but all in all I think it's a major part of keeping the boards as functional and overall intelligible as they are.
Mercenaries Spriting Forum /
August 22, 2009, 03:50:35 pm
I dig that. With an awesome portrait showing exactly what is going on with the mask it would be great, because I think it might be a bit hard to tell IF you had no idea what it was.
Spam /
August 22, 2009, 03:44:49 pm
Watchmen had a kickass opening and some really great parts but I didn't like how he amped up the violence and made them like 'superheros' and not real people dressing up as superheros. It was an overall solid movie IMO but not anything mind blowing.

The actor who played Rorschach was fantastic as well. I thought aside from Ozy it was cast extremely well, which is another plus.
Mercenaries /
August 21, 2009, 08:44:35 pm
This is so late in coming LD, but I finally got my new computer and recorded the last of the demo battles at Dorter! I could do the demo justice now since I can record such better quality videos!


It's an awesome fight, went way too smoothly because of Blade Flurry though :P
Spam /
August 21, 2009, 05:57:06 pm
Good to hear, I am excited to see this. Sam Rockwell is pretty bitchin' and it's finally coming here next month along with the Hurt Locker which I expect to also blow my balls off with its awesomeness. Add in District 9 a week ago and these two movies and the end of the summer movies should prove to be way fucking better than the rest of it was.