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Messages - Guru

Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Can't wait :_:
October 27, 2016, 04:34:12 pm
You should spoiler tag that KingUrameshi before the spoiler free ppl get mad  ;) (I just noticed your name too, is that from YuYu?)

Yeah I completely agree though, this looks badass!

  :shock: so much going on here lol. LOVE tournaments! Round 3... so round 5 should be the final showdown. And who is this prick with Link's sword, and how the hell did he manage that!? So good possibility he is from link's world, I don't think Dark Link is gonna appear here so not sure who it would be... I was thinking the same thing about the master sword, although he does have a TON of swords. Plus not just anyone can wield he master sword. Maybe it's the wooden sword  :mrgreen:

I always liked the idea of having to work for ultimate weapons too, instead of: here, take an OP orlandu who happens to be the best character in the game, and comes with one of the best weapons too!.

gotta love the dante and snake dialog too.
I just noticed this now, I haven't had a lot of time lately to keep up with things arounds here. Wow man, I'm really sorry to hear this. I wish you the best of luck and hope things work out for you. Always been a fan of your work, I was just looking at your sprites and some of the sweet summons you came up with. If I ever get around to making a hack, which is still planned someday, I will definitely be using some of your stuff!
Works in Progress / Re: Souls of Destiny January 4 2016
October 27, 2016, 01:01:51 am
Ha I never found frog. I'm gonna have to go back and kick his ass now...

Quote from: CONMAN on October 23, 2016, 12:45:29 am
He's just there for fun! He and Crono pop on that location every once in a while.  I intend to have Magus, and perhaps more pop up in chapter 4 eventually.  You can't invite Frog.  I have considered some sort of weird scenario where I might let you control him and other stranger characters that will pop up.

This sounds cool, I'd love to see more you do more of this. Hope you bring out some OP badasses that can kick my ass! Being able to control some of em for battles would be neat too.
Sad that these things have to be posted. I can understand people getting in over their heads, but 100% not posting back....that's just shitty.

I've really only played I think 3 mods here, and I'm pretty sure I have offered to do testing for all of them, since there is not much more I can do... and I would still be more than happy to do so for any of the dedicated modders . I don't want my time wasted either  ;)

I am in no way a professional bug tester, but the effort is there and I am always willing to learn and improve though. I also have a rl and I'm sure most everyone here knows how that can be.
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Can't wait :_:
October 27, 2016, 12:10:31 am
Quote from: Elric on October 26, 2016, 10:27:33 am
I did used to do this, and even have not long ago, but the turnout is never more than one or two people who actually comment.

Those 1-2 ppl always enjoy them though! I'm sure there is a ton of ppl who just don't comment too. But yeah no big deal if you'd rather not, I'm just glad to hear progress has been going well. Don't really care how long it takes either. Just plz put a spear in the remastered ch1 so I can do some Dante dragoon pwnage
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Can't wait :_:
October 21, 2016, 11:08:14 am
A hint from elric!? :shock: Blasphemy! 

Glad to hear progress is going well. Hype :v/:
Works in Progress / Re: Souls of Destiny January 4 2016
October 16, 2016, 01:30:21 am
No biggie man, been swamped lately anyways.

QuoteI agree on the Katana use. The only way I would consider "equip knight sword" would be if it was only for one special.  It's one of the few decent perks of regular knights.

Not sure what you mean by this, one special character or one special weapon? I was thinking it would be a nice special perk for the paladin lady ( what the hell was her name... :oops: ), Especially since she is likely the only character who will use knight swords, since the only 2 classes that can equip them are knights and paladins. I know I at least don't plan on putting any characters as knight class for a base, at least by the time great swords are available. Either way you should at least ditch the equip sword ability she has in her paladin class, since it is already available in the knight class. Although chelsea and lala both have skills that are available in other classes, which is kind of nice....

Speaking of the draw out skills, I got an idea from one of the bugs someone mentioned in JOT5, where draw out was unintentionally damaging the user. A really strong "darkness" like skill that compensates for it's awesomeness by damaging the user. Would be cool for the Muramasa, because I believe it is considered a cursed blade? I just looked it up, it is not the cursed blade I thought it was, but all swords made by Muramasa are considered cursed demonic blades. In contrast swords made by Masamune are considered holy swords. The one I was thinking of was forged by a chinese couple who forged swords, and were both killed, and their spirits are said to dwell in the last sword they created (or pair of swords?) can't seem to find the name of the couple/sword(s) anymore. The chinese have the coolest legends lol :cool:

QuoteOn purpose- Buddy adventure!
The goug sidequest was one of the hardest battes I think. Really enjoyed the challenge, even had to restart a couple times.

It's a lot easier to point out bugs and things I either don't like, or have suggestions on. So don't get the wrong idea cuz I obviously enjoy the hack  ;) If you ever want more feedback on something specific just ask. I'd be more than happy to go back and test different things too. I meant to go back and test out balance on some of the new characters since I didn't use them all, but yeah life can be a pain in the ass sometimes lol. Hopefuly soon!
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Re-Release Info and Changes
September 20, 2016, 11:35:24 pm
Quote from: Tempest on September 20, 2016, 08:49:17 pm
Post frequency may not indicate it, but there are a lot of us waiting and checking frequently :p

Definitely! Been very busy myself, but I always pop in to check things out. Hope all is going well on the game, and IRL.

Quote from: Elric on September 08, 2016, 07:49:15 pm
not quite.

Dante with gun pointing out and sword on his back

That actually makes a lot more sense than ramza being a spaz with his arm in the air  :oops: Suprised I missed that. I'm pretty burnt lately, and not in the good way (yet).
Works in Progress / Re: Souls of Destiny January 4 2016
September 18, 2016, 04:04:13 pm
BAM had a day off the other day and killed CH3 lol. Overall it was awesome :mrgreen: I agree it gets better the further you get, I can't wait to see ch4! Anyways here my notes so far, sorry they got a bit out of order.  I'll mess around a bit with random battles and comment more on balance stuff later on.

First battle of the new content ...man that priest can jump!, in same fight if Jenna dies or goes critical, she starts talking like rafa then runs away :lol: This was actually pretty challenging, most my characters had low jump so it was like a death trap with those archers. Then they jenna got critical and left lol. Plus the priests are all badasses. The main enemy though, forgot his name, but he was pretty much useless.

I like conners new sprite, he starting to look like a noble  :cool:

Nice queen portrait!

In umaro side quest, the yeti are black dragon sprites. Also in the second battle conner asks the same question (if anyone has seen a yeti with white fur), and there is nobody there, then another yeti appears, and a chemist answers from inside the mine. The last battle the sprites are correct.

Goug sidequest is just conner and mustadio at first, then conner, mustadio and besrodio. Not sure if this was intended or not. Definitely made things challenging (which is always good IMO)

zero recruitment sidequest, he dives into a deep spot so it looks kinda odd when he talks. Also shadow attacks the other ninjas too

draclau no portrait

Queklain -bio spell animation is glitchy

First esperella battle, weigreif has conners portrait during conversations

Equip katana is named equip knife(it works and desc is good though)

doguola pass stays red after battle, as does bervenia, but there is no battle at bervenia?

hawkeye is supposed to be a more powerful charge attack, but does not inherit weapon element, so if I have say a holy lance, with 108 gems(boost holy) it actually does less damage.

Barrage doesn't display damage, I also didn't check to see if it inherits weapon element

Zero's move ability (silent) does not make player invisible on move

Zero comes with secondary ability steal, but has not unlocked thief yet and has no steal abilities

Snow blade, fire blade, and wind blade all have the same range and effect area in description, but they are not the same.

Also snow blade does more damage than fire blade, even though it's an area attack

Fencer MUCH more balanced with new dmg formula, but I still feel like it needs a little bit of a boost. Not too much, I mean they are instant attacks, relatively low MP cost and they did decent damage with equipment that boosts the element but still feels like they are slightly lacking

No green cherry for umaro? He only has north wind and head cracker. I still think you should give him the moogle summon too, so he can summon his pal mog  ;) Also umaru can unlock other classes, was this intentional?

I think it'd be nice if holy sword could be used with samurai swords, and have a equip great swords skill for paladin since there is already a equip sword skill for knights. That way I can use great swords in other classes, and if I have her as a samurai she can still use holy sword ( plus it makes sense since they are still swords )

Also in holy sword description, it still lists the element(like lightning stab is lightning element and etc.) even though I think they are all inherit the element of the weapon. Not sure what your intentions are with them, I know there is a quick asm fix for it somewhere around here, but honestly I prefer them to inherit the element of the weapon

I also would like to see a couple of the draw out (samurai) skills get an upgrade. Especially the first bunch of skills, they just do a little more damage than the last one. So once you get the next one it becomes useless. The only one even remotely useful out of the first 3 is the MP damage one.

can't view descriptions in loki battle, and beginning of ch4 really glitches out if you try to view descriptions
on any equipment gained in the loki battle (see attached screenshot)

Also sage is unlocked in ch4. I know your not there yet, but figured I'd mention it

Works in Progress / Re: Souls of Destiny January 4 2016
September 08, 2016, 01:10:53 pm
Hey conman, I finally made it to the end of ch1!!! lol I've been really busy but I'm chugging along, my schedule this week is even worse so I figured I'd post a bug report on ch1 at least cuz it will probably be a while till I get all the way through.

Animation glitches and blue smurf portraits are GONE!!! nice!

Still not saving exp/stat and ect. after first battle ( DID save after second battle this time )

Igros castle first visit inventory resets, and during the scene inside the castle alma says a bunch of jibberish
Second visit to igros after alma is taken, inventory resets (this one REALLY SUCKED)

Rubber shoes explains everything it does in the description ( "bouncy", negate lightning and don't move ) but the only effects it says in red are jump + 2

magnet glove does not say it increases lightning damage as an effect in the description.

flame burst description just says hadoken! and in battle the ability name is listen as hadoken! instead of flame burst
Outlaw skill luck no description
Ace skill blaze no description
One of the thief reaction skills is named pocket sand(it's not the actual ability one), but says receive gil for damage received

In a random encounter in mandalia plains....There was a monk and I wanted to crystalize him... so I was save stating until he appeared as a crystal. Whether it was a crystal or chest...the image was all distorted ( crystal was just black and chest was black with a red background) and if I tried to learn the abilities the game just froze( it didn't really freeze... it just wouldn't let me do anything). I will let you know if I encounter this again. I do have screenshots if you want me to send them to you.

Elidibis encounter( the one with the dragons ), his sprite is just a black conner sprite ( portrait too ), and not a dragon. The battle itself is MUCH better this time. Actually had a little trouble with this one, he was 1 hitting everyone and I was starting to run out of phoenix downs =P. No need to change anything though, it was just the right amount of challenge for this stage of the game IMO.

Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Re-Release Info and Changes
September 08, 2016, 12:25:22 pm
Looks good as always Twinees! I like how ramza is just having a little moment to himself lol and for some reason I just picture snake being more realistic if he was just a box with smoke coming out of it  :roll: Even the shadows in the back are custom, took me a min to figure out char one was which ( besides ramza who kinda sticks out with his hand up and cape blowing in the wind  ;) ).
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Suggestions
September 06, 2016, 12:49:01 pm
QuoteI really recommend if anyone has not played Ch. 1 that they do so before the rerelease as to satisfy the urge to keep the 5 in their base classes and to save effort for the official play through.

Yeah, it's nice to get a feel for the characters and see what builds you like too. Shit I played till level 70 just trying to figure out what I want to do for each character. Now level 70 monsters in ch1 are tough  ;). But when it comes out again I already know which direction to go, depending on the changes anyways. Plus I never had concrete cloud/link builds.... don't get me wrong though cloud is my second MVP. I was gonna make cloud a samurai but I might make him a summoner instead of link if he is more compatible reviver. Cloud would make an OP samurai though, since his limits are magic based attacks as well, plus buffs and healing!

You can't steal weapons in jot5, otherwise I probably would have save stated to be honest. FFT stealing = broken computer for me  :roll:
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Suggestions
September 06, 2016, 01:21:34 am
QuoteDon't forget, this is only Chapter 1! :P

I like the sound of that!  :twisted:

QuoteWell what i can say, is this "I didn't find any impossible fight.." well off course you didn't otherwise there would be a problem.....

Well the not "impossible" fights I meant weren't a literal impossible, more like there was no broken computer rage fest battles. Definitely game overs, I fought the rock beasts on my first random encounter. A good lesson on saving lol. Even after you figure out the strategy for them, the higher tier ones can even counter that strategy, which caught me by surprise and pwned me. One of the bosses absolutely destroyed me, after the first few fights led me to a false sense of security. The other boss is a beast lol. Like I said it's a strategy rpg, you gotta expect to go back to the drawing board once in a while. Those slaps in the face are most the fun of a game for me.

QuoteThen you should have made a video of your VER YFIRST run

If ya ever need me to make a video to show you how to beat anybody, just let me know  ;)

QuoteIMO, it's kind of meant to serve as a slap to the face that breaks you of some bad habits in regular FFT where your actual Tactics involve recklessly zerg rushing your enemies with little regard for positioning or keeping near your support units

Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Suggestions
September 05, 2016, 03:27:49 pm
Sorry I have to completely disagree with JOT5 being too hard. As someone who thinks it's not hard enough...I think it's a great middle ground. It's challenging at times, but no fight is ever impossible or boring. Sometimes you get crushed and have to rethink your strategies. That's good! It is a strategy RPG and, well requires strategy and thinking. I would cry if they completely nerfed the difficulty on the normal mode. Once there is an easy mode it would give you the option to play an easier mode first, then play normal mode on second play. Plus with the new marks and crafting system you will be able to make the game easier, all you'd have to do is spend some time collecting materials. I definitely don't think this is impossible for people who have never played FFT, I mean it's the same concept as FFT. Read skill descriptions, experiment and think before you act.

I don't remember you guys talking about a new game+ either, but hey sounds awesome! I would love a hard mode ( hell mode  :mrgreen: ) someday too, but yeah I'm a challenge junky. You could even work on it years after the final release, if you decide to.

Vanilla, IMO, was broken. I didn't go out of my way to break it either. It's just some characters and classes were better than others ( a lot better ). All it really took was leveling up in few OP classes(or vise versa), and vanilla was no longer even a challenge any more.
Sweet CH3 is out  :mrgreen:

I'll be starting fresh from CH1 again, so it'll take me a while with the little free time I got, but I'll keep ya posted on my thoughts.

Thanks for the hard work!

Quote from: CONMAN on August 20, 2016, 01:22:12 pm
I actually keep feeling that the heavy vanilla mirroring of the first chapter might turn people off.  I feel like each chapter grows and changes directly in proportion to my own understanding of modding tools.  While I am obviously biased, I feel like the chapter 1 finale is worth the build up (and hopefully excites enough to play through it all.)

I was a little reluctant to play the game at first, being an alternate version of vanilla, as they just tend to turn me off. Once I started actually playing, it didn't take long before I was a fan.
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Chapter 2 Progress Log
August 15, 2016, 01:42:17 pm
No worries here  :mrgreen: Glad to here everyone is getting some well deserved time off, and hope you got to enjoy it!
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Chapter 2 Progress Log
August 12, 2016, 03:04:10 pm
Awfully quiet around here lately. How's everything going guys?
Quote from: CONMAN on August 02, 2016, 04:04:33 pm
Sounds rough man! I hope life eases up on you!

Yeah it's always something lol, I hope everything goes smoothly for you too. Looking forward to playing this soon (Take your time though!)

I just realized you already mentioned recruiting zero before  :oops: Ha apparently I missed the gigantic post you had discussing changes  :roll: I think it would be cool if you eventually made some of the random encounter uniques recruitable too.

So when you mention emmy's asm hack for the counters... is it just formula changes or how they are triggered? Just wondering because iirc she has made quite a few counter hacks.

Also I think it would be cool to see the reptilians get a bit of a story, even if it's not until CH4. Maybe even have a unique reptilian that is recruitable or something. Could always have them live on the island temple, if you don't have plans to it, and make a cool map for the inside of the temple ( I always wanted to go inside it on vanilla lol ).  I'm sure whatever you decide will be cool though!

I still plan on working on a website too. I did start one a while back but as I said a bunch of shit came up, and now I have a ton of new stuff I learned that I'd like to implement. Plus I'll have a bunch of new content when you release CH3. So will probably end up starting over, but that probably won't happen till I go back to school in a few weeks. I'm stuck taking horribly boring classes this semester so I figure it'll be perfect time to start working on my websites.
I just realized I totally forgot to post anything on the new content  :oops:. This last month for me has been a nightmare. Trying to get a car ready for inspection in NYS is like opening Pandora's box. I do all the repairs myself, this was not a good year with all the salt damage from winter and my lack of funds/time.

Anyways, CH 3 in a couple months would be sweet! If you ever need help testing just let me know, Hopefully I will get my schedule back on track here shortly. I wouldn't mind if you scrapped the brave story, could always add it later, or just warn people not to view it and them re-point it later too.

Videos look interesting, looks like things are getting heated. Nice to see the new characters are in the mix now. I never realized you could recruit zero. Can you actually recruit any of the unique characters from the random encounters? ( I never actually tried   :mrgreen: )  That background image looks pretty slick too. But yeah looking good man, I didn't really notice any mistakes besides a few typos, looking forward to your next release!
The Lounge / Re: TacticalRPG Engine
August 02, 2016, 01:45:02 pm
Everything is looking good man. Nice to see your making good progress! Female sprite came out nicely, and the flying bug monster looks just as awesome as the mantis. Keep it up man, look forward to seeing more.

QuoteAny suggestions for a forest or swamp monster?

Hmm how about frogs/toads? Phantasy star has 2 different sprites that I always liked for these
http://shrines.rpgclassics.com/genesis/ps4/monsters.shtml (abe frog and sand newt)

lizards, alligators, crabs for swamp

forest I'm kinda striking out on right now. Spiders would be cool. AH some wolves, werewolves or bears too.