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Messages - Twinees

Awesome stuff Seushiro, keep up the good work.
Spriting / Re: ZOMG iron giant
March 18, 2014, 10:00:03 pm

You seem like you want some edits to push you in the right direction so here you go.

He needed more muscles and less of a shine on his arm. The colours you had were great, all that was needed was an extra skin tone slightly darker than the brightest to really make it look like skin (also make sure you dont share colours with the skin and hair or you'll have a bit of a pain make alternate palettes later [furthermore you have 2 colours unused so use one for the darkest bit of the hair]). His face could probably do with some improvements but its up to you whether you want to keep the blasphemous nose. The boots need a little bit of touch up as well but you are definitely on the right track. Interested to see more that comes out of this :)
Spriting / Re: Celdia's Sprite Swaps
March 14, 2014, 09:38:35 pm
(Just wanted to say that I made an extremely minor edit to the portrait of the original Lysay sprite, so Mr. Bunji really deserves all the credit)
(Also great palette choices, love the green, white and teal combo)
Spriting / Re: Saber - Arturia Pendragon (WIP)
March 14, 2014, 09:34:22 pm
Keep up the good work Fox, just giving spriting a shot (as a lot of FFHacktics members have learnt) is the best way of learning and getting better. The most important thing is to keep trying and not give up. Seushiro has shown you the best way to do things, find parts that look closest to what you want then make edits from there using other sprites as references :).

Good luck
Spriting / Re: Atma's Sprites
March 14, 2014, 09:29:01 pm
Awesome some Atma, keep up the great work. Can't wait to see more cool ideas :)
Welcome back Seushiro, you were the person that pretty much got me started in all of this to be honest, so I thank you for that :). Back in the day you were just extremely bold by doing something different, and you are still doing that which is great. Rather than giving critiques, I usually prefer to give an edit to show you what could help, its up to you whether you want to use it or not. And it addresses some of the critiques that Mr. Bunji had.

Anyway, keep it up. Stick to FFT colours and use references and you will be fine  ;)
Spriting / Re: New Blue Mage Sprite
June 01, 2013, 09:41:23 am
Smash, i think you've over simplified somethings to the point of it not representing what you want properly and theres also some things you need to chance because its a job class. You've got a dark gray in the turban in places and also the robe bottom but it is sharing colours with the pants, so it wouldnt work well when doing new palettes. And really, its 12 colours so theres no need to simplify the palette so much :P. And the turban on some frames is a little unrecognisable, like the back and side view. Also the skin palette could probably be separated from the shoes if you want! I'm super nitpicking because honestly someone has to do so, so it looks even better! :P
Spriting / Re: 7 portraits in 7 days
February 03, 2013, 09:44:34 am
Oh wow, cool stuff guys. This is great. I will have to work on my day 2.

Smash: The pale blonde is just beautiful, I love the skin tone and the blues especially. Venusaur is just lawl because its so great, and I love how you handled the petals (though the nostrils seem slightly off center).

Lijj: Rydia's update to her neck looks so much better <3! Grendizer is cool, not sure where hes from but the mouth reminds me of a predator. And Renza is cool too, I love how you handled the reddy colours.

Croz: The improvement from your first to your second portrait is substantial and you are definitely on the right path (not to mention the last airbender is a favourite show of mine)! The eyes are much more FFT style and the bald head is cool, you really are on the right track.

Mr. Bunji: Zeiss looks cool, though the armour reminds me more of clothing rather than metal. You probably could've worked some browns in his hair colour to open up the palette for the skin but nonetheless, nice.

MikeMitchi: All your portraits are great! I love the blue palette of Eliezer's hair, though Gazelle's face angle compared to his body angle confuses me. But Selena is so cool, the green palette is great but I'd like to see more done with the beret if possible. Love how you are making original characters.

Celdie: Much improved from the old, what you've perfected though is the face shape, it really is perfect. The hair palette and shading in some areas is okay. I'd really like to see more from you~

Jimmy: Garnet is great, the shading and choice of colour is what caught might eye. The face position is okay, it was bold and you pulled it off I think. You could probably remove the slight smile from her mouth and it would work better. Great job with the yes.

More to come from me but I'm undecided on what to do next.
Spriting / Re: Yetti's Arts
February 02, 2013, 01:37:26 pm
Welcome to FFH, Yetti.

The eyebrow edit and beard looks great. The best thing you can do for help with shading the clothes is using existing FFT Portraits and luckily Lijj put together an entire reference sheet to use. So the best thing to do would be to look for something similar to what you want to do, and try and make your own version of what you want. Good luck man, starting small and working to bigger stuff like you are doing now is a good idea.

Fixed your spoiler tag. -Celdia

Spriting / Re: 7 portraits in 7 days
January 31, 2013, 09:03:02 am
Lijj asked me to join in but im pretty sure I wont have time to do 7. This one took me several hours to do :'(.

Its Fran from FFXII (14 colours~).

Heres the old Japanese portrait someone made for comparison:

Edit: Also, Lijj I freaking love that Leonardo haha, so cool.
And Phillipe, welcome to FFH :), I love a lot of your work on PJ.
Spriting / Re: Jon's Sprites
December 20, 2012, 06:57:54 am
Doesnt resemble Cecil that much to me, keep working on the hair and body. If you want to get as much likeness as possible, you are going to need to custom everything except maybe gloves and boots.
Keep working on it
Help! / Re: portrait color mumble jumble.
November 12, 2012, 11:02:05 pm
The portrait colours are loaded from the 9th row of the palette. If you want to edit the portrait exclusively, replace the first row colours with the colours in 9th row.
Help! / Re: custom sprites added to fft?
November 04, 2012, 01:56:12 am
Yes, on the main page go to tools in the downloads section. Download FFTPatcher Suite, and extract the .rar. And inside that, there will be Shishi sprite editor. This is what you will use to replace existing sprites with (note: a lot of the custom sprites only have one palette so try to avoid replacing job sprites). The rest is fairly straightforward, load the iso, and import the .spr or .bmp.

Also, I'll move this to the help section.
All said posts about Hitler were removed. Furthermore, I have removed the post Kage used to enter Hitler.

As per Rule 8) Submissions need to loosely follow the general competition topic. The Sprite contest is titled: Heroes From Other Worlds, implying that Heroes from a world different to Final Fantasy Tactics. But it also implies Heroes, an anti-hero is not loosely a hero, therefore this, and this alone was the reason why the post regarding Hitler was removed. Furthermore, as stated in the rules, the Darth Vader made by Jon will not be considered as a valid entry.

Seriously guys, this is the second time in a thread, that is supposed to encourage the community to make sprites, where some sort of conflict has occurred. If something happens you don't agree about in the spriting section that you think may cause an issue, send me a pm.
Entry Name: Mario and Yoshi
Sources: SQUARE - Mustadio, Goltana, Male thief (for Mario)
Character Art: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3, Image 4

I promised Celdie I'd do an entry before she'd even put the contest together so here is Mario riding Yoshi.

Jon, read the rules list :P
This one in particular answers your question :P

10) There is NO limit on the number of entries per member as long as they are significantly distinct.
I deleted all the posts concerning the matter, and no further talk of this shall continue henceforth. I previously stated that critiques aren't necessary for this thread, its about introducing new people to spriting, having fun and seeing what crazy thing you can put together. And it is great to see new and old members posting some pretty cool looking stuff.

So back to topic, if I see anymore over the top critiques in this thread I will remove them, if this matter is mentioned again in this topic, I will remove the post (this includes even saying: "yeah I agree with Twinees, let's move on").
And that is all.

I hope to see some more entries from people and see what cool stuff people come up with.
Jon, you should probably try to go with a different version of Kain rather than the bright teal version on snes. If you think about it, there is probably a good reason why they decided to change his bright colours into darker colours in subsequent versions.

The colours you are using at the moment are really saturated, and could probably be toned down a bit. And man, why are you using the Dark Knight sprite from wotl as a base? :P, that's a nightmare waiting to happen, the creator of those sprites did a pretty bad job of them so its really not wise to use them, try something else.
The helmet doesnt really scream Kain, you gotta make it look like his helm rather than the lancers somehow, whether that be changing the the dragon fins/wings at the back of his helmet or changing the general shape of the helm or both.
Another thing that is happening is overdoing detail. I mainly think that is to do with you using the Dark Knight as a base once again, the Dark Knight is notoriously bad for its over detailing, messiness and terrible palette. And I think that is influencing how you are going about it. However, if you were to look at the newer versions of Kain you would also see a ton of detail, which is why you need to simplify things as Lijj mentioned you should do with the belt. The same thing should really be done over.
The hair at the back... Erm, I think it shouldn't be that visible really, and the colours you are using for the blonde hair are fairlyrety saturated making it look bad, in my opinion.

Well, that is probably what should be done for now. (p.s. you said you wanted crits and here they are :P)
New Project Ideas / Re: Red Wings Project
October 04, 2012, 09:33:23 am
I'm pretty sure Mike only meant the part with making sure everything is exactly how it happens in FFIV. My only concern was you getting side tracked with inventing your own version of what happened and what was said that actually happened in the games.

You pretty much summed up my point when you used the word, imagine here:
Quote from: Jon on October 04, 2012, 03:51:17 am
So its not too hard to imagine he was there when Damcyan gets attacked and Anna gets shot with arrows, etc.

If Kain isn't mentioned being there, you'd be better off assuming that he was still being brought back to Baron or being brainwashed at this point. You should be googling stuff to find out what actually happened here rather than assuming it all, that was my point.
New Project Ideas / Re: Red Wings Project
October 03, 2012, 09:05:26 am
Kain is already the commander of Barons Dragoons, so it would be weird if he suddenly ordered the Red Wings around.
When you are doing a story like this, you will need to get everything right for what actually happens to Kain for this part, for the FF4 fans. Just have a think about that :P