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Messages - Squidgy

FFT Arena / Re: BETA 129 planned changes *DISCUSSION*
December 15, 2010, 12:11:04 am
If Conc gets the axe (which it should), I suggest revisiting weapon evasion stats. I foresee lots of Abandon/Awareness Gauche/Defender... and it would be annoying. Sunken State would make a fine Conc substitute for people who really want it.

EDIT: That gives me a sweet idea. "Setup" Add: Charging, to take out enemy evasion.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
December 14, 2010, 02:21:59 pm
In that last Squidgy vs Pokeytax... Wow, just wow. Does Nameless Dance secretly prevent all casting? First turn my priest doesn't cast Haste 2, second turn she doesn't cast it when 2 people are slowed, nor Esuna when two are poisoned. GG though, I do love Nameless.

Yay, go Counter Cowards! Brave and Faith are for weaklings.
FFT Arena / Re: BETA 129 planned changes *DISCUSSION*
December 13, 2010, 08:28:18 pm
Thief Awareness looks neat, but I wonder if Abandon Thieves will be too much. Thief + Gauche = 52% evade, but maybe that's a problem with Main Gauche. (It'd still be loved at 25%.)
Bad Luck has some sweet 2 vert, so it needs a "nerf"... I'm thinking add more status, to truly emphasize "bad luck": Poison, Slow, Don't Move, Chicken, Silence, Blindness... hell, just toss 'em all on. (Maybe even Protect, Shell, Haste? The AI might use it on allies though... lulz.)
Quickening... wow. Though Accumulate isn't doing much, so I doubt this would either. I foresee Iron Boots + Quickening + Shuriken + Hi-Ether... (That sounds hilarious! Don't change it 'till I can test it!)

Breaks are back! Yay. Now 2Swords has a use... I mean it did before with Arm Aim, and... Leg Aim... 2Swords, aside from archer skillset, nothing amazing. It's worse than 2Hands due to phys evasion being so prevalent. Only upside is double W-Ev and stats. (2H/2S books and harps? Maybe crossbows too? I bet this was already tried, and some problem arised... because it's too cool not to try.)

Any new ideas on Equip X? Movement slot didn't work, right?...
Grand Cross: I QQ about this skill so much. Elemental gimmick to the max.
Don't worry about Hawk Eye being so awesome LightningHax. Concentrate is so powerful because it transitions to special skills based on P-Ev. It'll make Execute obsolete unless you're using a dagger, but that's about it.

EDIT: Oh, Genji Shield having Santa Outfit stats bug! I miss my PA Shield with no absorb Ice so I get extra Saves...
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
December 11, 2010, 05:48:01 pm
Wow... Petrify to the max. Good thing I'm giving the hastebot Esuna... think I'll change Niko back though, and accessories back too.

EDIT: Requesting battle of the Grand Cross teams, just for the lulz.
It's a minor thing; I consider keeping Lore fixed of more importance.

Archer: I think the DA/DM makes it unique... Cover Fire has a place for secondary use, but the MP cost lessens that a little. If you want different stuff, I'm thinking steal some of Cloud's abilities pretty much directly, but make their damage PA-based. A Braver with range 5, similar to old Charge, but can be Short Charged... Climhazzard is the suggested execute change by pokeytax, which I agree with, but maybe 6-7 CT instead of 4.

Thief: Steal Heart was all I ever Thieved with, and still all I care for. In the 1.3 tourney Cherry has Steal Weapon since it's a stall team... but I really dislike Steal/Break Equip vs Maintenance. I'd love temporary equip removal, if possible, but really doubt it's so (via a status?) Also... Innate Two Swords... or Innate Awareness? I'm thinking physical Oracle mentality, but only in the uncommon oracle/mediator aspects.

"Heretic" Self: Innocent. High mp. 300 jp.
"Setup" Self: Transparent + Quick, if the AI doesn't go mad using it... Low mp. 80 jp.
"Break Status" Wep range, Phys%: Remove Reraise, Haste, Regen, Protect, Shell, Float. (Steal Status possible?) 200 jp.
"Noxious Gas": Range 0, Area 1 vert 1, Add: Confuse Sp+50 (Melee Mimic Daravon for Confuse) No mp. 300 jp.
"Distract" AoE 2, vert 3, (Draw Out area/range) CT: 00, Sp +20 chance. (Oh, Persuade could use a buff since Mimic Daravon or Blackmail trump it easily.) 200 jp.
Ruins back to Breaks, based on weapon, no mp cost, except Speed Ruin, unless that can be wep% Add: Slow?

Throw Stone... don't like the cancel: Charge version. What about just ranged single-target Houkouton (PA*8)? I always liked the knockback... is that able to come back?
Do Scholars have innate Throw Item? Wouldn't let me set it in-game... minor thing. I'll edit more in this post with skill suggestions... Thief lovin' and such.
EDIT: OMG I just saw my Scholar use a Hi-Ether on herself! So it's possible... phew.
I haven't noticed the 2 jump drive me insane yet, but I haven't played too many different maps, and Franz has 6 range...
Grand Cross does so much awesome with Elemental Absorb and looks so pretty, yet costs only 6 mp, when everything else is 10. I'm just thinking the costs are off based on the effect.
That's if you consider Nurse, Dia, etc. akin to high level spells. Transfusion is good enough to warrant a higher mana cost... in fact, wasn't it 20? I'm still in the mentality of highest HP possible with equips (unless you got a team gimmick like elemental absorb, or... I still need to make an all immune to DA Paralyze team)... but might as well test out the Cross Helmet, since I don't think anyone else has used it.

EDIT: Oh, little minor thing... notice Scholars don't care to use Hi-Ethers on themselves. Back when the spells were recurring they did, but now for some reason the AI just doesn't have incentive.
19 MP Paladin?... I mean, it could work, but the Paladin skillset is now barely usable by Paladins. Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of nerfing Paladin... but isn't this shoving them in the Salty Rage corner?
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena: Item Discussion Thread
December 08, 2010, 04:07:27 pm
Genji Shield lost its PA boost awhile back... and I think it absorbs Ice now... and no more Immune: Dead/DA...
I'll check the image data to confirm: Ah... Sleep immune now. This is the same as Santa Outfit I assume? Yep, same location.

EDIT: Oh, right... was gonna throw up a random opinion thing on all items. I'll just say Defender WP (-2 perhaps) nerf, and Elemental attribute shouldn't cost so much WP (or any).
My Black Magic team is quite potent... I haven't tested summons since the buff awhile back... and I should try out Oracle more, and Scholar is used a ton for stats, so its magic will be tested too, naturally.
About reactions: If possible I suggest some based on Faith, some flat chance. Phys units can drop faith to 40 and not lose anything, but magic units drop their fury to survive longer, and also lose out on their reaction (unless it's Abandon). If it's possible to make caster reactions (like Counter Magic, Absorb Used MP...) Faith based, it'd be a good boost to casters... And generic boost or generic defense reactions (like Speed Save, Damage Split, Auto-Potion...) could be flat chance.

If that's too crazy, flat chance for all would be a nice change, assuming you can make the chance different for each reaction. Speed Save could be down around 35%... Auto-Potion 100%... Wha'cha think?
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
December 01, 2010, 09:52:53 pm
ZOMG, you mean my silly Black Magic team beat your insane Terrifying Throw Stone and Dash of Doom team? Why did I replace you! (The Bolt team is back in that slot, btw).
Equip X has no contest vs other supports... except Shield and Armor. If Equip Armor and Move-HP couldn't be shared, that'd be pretty spiffy... except there're the classes who can innately equip armor. So... I "support".
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
November 30, 2010, 03:18:13 pm
LOL!... I should really learn how to upload vids just for this: Did a Scholar all-magic which triggered two Critical Quicks, ally one and enemy one. The Ally goes first, and kills the enemy, then the enemy corpse gets a turn, and runs back! No action... but... lulz... I was expecting him to Phoenix Down himself.

EDIT: Love the team, pokeytax. Was gonna do something similar, but your version is def' better than what I was planning.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
November 29, 2010, 02:12:56 pm
My first version used elemental guns and Shuriken, but the element carries over, so immune/absorb units ruined it a bit. Also the WP was lower...

GG Barren. Scary Monk... and strange AI regarding Stop. I'm thinking Repeating would be better than Wave on my Punch Pally...
Quote from: "The Damned"...though I think it's more a problem of Concentrate, Paladins and Speed Save all being overpowered individually...

Yes, yes, and yes.

Concentrate: really kills part of the game. I don't know what nerf would be possible. Can it consider all attacks back? Ignore W-Ev/Abandon? Due to Weapon Guard innate, this support just wins for any phys unit. I was going to put it on my Paladin Puncher, but he ran out of JP. If Conc gets axed, then Abandon would be stronger, but I don't know if that'd be too much a problem.

Paladin: HP + Innate armor = lots of HP. Can set PA Save/Speed Save to make up for other stats if they're bad, but Pally PA is still nice. I'm thinking Paladins should lose the heavy weapon equips. Most encourage not using a shield, which doesn't seem very Paladiny... Or could just make Paladin skills require a Shield, but Paladins aren't well known for their skills. Could make Knight Swords only equipped by people using the support, and balance accordingly.

Speed Save: Hmm... it wouldn't be as bad if there was no attack which scaled with speed, but that's a boring solution. Reduced chance to work with armor equipped? Too abstract? I blame Scholar all-magic on making these saves even more powerful than they already are. Would there be a way to make certain skills trigger counters 50% of the time?
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
November 26, 2010, 02:04:58 pm
Yay... after 5 minutes your Counter Blood Sword Paladin was blocked from my Shuriken user, forcing him to use something non-counterable.

EDIT: Oh, and it was probably the Scholar All-Magic stuff which caused nobody to sandbag.
Bah... back to the old gag team then.
Never tested, but I heard Fly negates falling damage if you're knocked off a cliff, which makes it more potent than Teleport in an AI setting unless it's one of those rare settings with two heights. Same cost imo, up near 500. Move-HP Up could use a cost raise since it's a definitive best-in-slot... Unless we're trying to make all move skills on par... and nerf HP Up to the ground.

Critical Quick: should I try to break this? It's just asking for it... thinking double Sage + Mime + Crit Quick Conc Pally... or MA Up Squire. I'll replace my gag team with this.