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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


i think swapping Fly for move HP up will probably be your best bet,  her job seems to be backup revival and  slow/oil on the opposing team  and she's pretty good at that job as long as she doesn't decide to charge forward into the enemy group, trading mobility for more tankiness should help.

The Damned


So...I checked last night and I apparently only have four matches left already:

1. DarkxFatal [Fervent Sniper] vs. formerdeathcorps [Sniper]

2. Reinoe [Seven Samurai-3] vs. DarkxFatal [Quatro Magi]

3. Otabo [Innocent until Proven Guilty] vs. Dokurider [Air Krieg] [Both versions before their latest update.]

4. Reks [Reks's Pirate Crew] vs. formerdeathcorps [TestB]

I thought that I had 6 teams left, but then I remembered that both Barren and Ahong didn't want their un-updated teams recorded, which means that Dokurider misses out on two matches. Since Barren has actually updated his "I Like Books" team, I'll just ask Dokurider for a "re-match" there; we'll see if Ahong updates before Friday.

As for the order of these, I'm not sure yet outside of the fact that Pirate Crew will fight last because that match-up takes longer than I thought it would despite TestB's ridiculous damage potential between the Monk's focusing on Singing and self-Reraise. I'll probably split up DarkxFatal matches between Saturday and Sunday though.

Speaking of DarkxFatal....

Quote from: DarkxFatal on February 04, 2013, 03:12:02 pm
Edit:: At risk of sounding poorly, wouldn't it help to copy down the teams you'll be making a video of in case they happen to update?  But anyways, thanks for making the video.

You dare?!

...Just kidding. There's no risk of sounding poorly since you have a point. I don't really need to copy anything, though, since I can just copy from the game if need be and the revision date is rather unimportant.

My point of the request is far more that, at present, unless I check every day, it's difficult to tell when you update. Like I said, I can understand not wanting to re-post every time you change something, but you should probably try to make people who want to record things more aware, especially since you're toward the beginning of the thread. AeroGP had the same problem until recently, which is why I was the first person in months to record any of his teams.

Just...put updates in your signature or something if you're not going to re-post, please.

P.S. One reason I haven't just copied things down is because I'm currently doing all of this on my laptop except for posting up the videos since the laptop doesn't have Internet access still. Another reason is that I don't have one document for all this right now, for a couple of sub-reasons. When combined with the fact that I have to currently rely on bugging Dokurider to make cards for me due to Excel issues, yeah....

Still, it's not an excuse ultimately and I'll try to solve that soon enough.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


No problem. I could always just repost if I remake any teams after this point in time.

Also: Setting Fervent Snipers against Snipers? That'll be interesting.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Tristan#9682


I updated my team, not a new post, but editing an old post. Check it out. :D


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?



I should start make adjustments to my swordmasters sqaud


Oh wow. Other than maybe one or two revisions, I think I'm enamored with Madness Ensues now.
GF/GG Domie, I really just got lucky there. xD
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Tristan#9682


Quote from: Dokurider on February 06, 2013, 04:27:48 pm
The most ironic way to die ever.


my horribly unbalanced team won because you were vunerable to its one trick (although it is a good trick)

The Damned

(Surprise, meatbags! Red Volcano is back!)

Hmmm...so it would seem to be a good thing I "waited" to post these since Barren uploaded what appears to be an hour long video. I look forward to my horrible loss contained somewhere within it.

Not getting ahead myself though, last night--well, more Monday--I decided to record the last four videos I had and get them up by Tuesday or today at the latest. This so that the people involved could make any last edits to thanks before Friday if they wanted rather than my of course idiotic initial plan of not posting these until the weekend.

This is for the best since at least a couple of them definitely need revision:

1. FFT ARENA 138d - Otabo (Innocent Until Proven Guilty) vs. Dokurider (Air Krieg) Both 2nd Last Update [9:04]

2. FFT ARENA 138d - reinoe (Seven Samurai-3) vs. DarkxFatal (Quatro Magi): 9 Rounds [39:53]

3. FFT ARENA 138d - DarkxFatal (Fervent Snipers) vs. formerdeathcorps (Sniper) [18:02]

4. FFT ARENA 138d - Reks (Reks's Pirate Crew) vs. formerdeathcorps (TestB) [23:14]

With those done, I think I'm "out" of fights on the memory cards I have, though I'll double check.

When it comes to the matches that I'm probably going to ask (read: bug) Dokurider about, I only have 3 really definitive ones and 6 other "general" impressions between all the updating people have been doing:

1. "Rematch" between Barren's "I Like Books" and Dokurider's "Bulletproof"
2. "Rematch" between Ahong's "Bard & Dance" and Dokurider's "Ultimate Magic"
3. A worthier opponent for Reks's Celestial Stasis Team.
4. A video with Angelus's new team.
5-7. At least three videos of Otabo's teams, though there's only really one that's up in the air since "Spellstorm" and "Shroom Squad" definitely get to fight. (Maybe. I have to see if they show up in Barren's video.)
8. Probably another video of Raven's lesser used teams.
9. Maybe another video of Wiz against units that actually have AoE & don't all get auto-shut down by Berserk.

It should noted that some of those things could end up being one fight instead of two, like say one of Otabo's team vs. Wiz's.

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions or requests, please PM me. I'd rather not clog up the thread.

With any luck (and an immense amount of presumption), I might be able to get up five new videos on Sunday, and then I'm taking at least another week long break, if not more, between everything else I should be doing yet haven't for one reason or another.

P.S. Thanks for the notifications, DarkxFatal and Ahong.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


February 07, 2013, 12:20:50 am #1970 Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 12:26:16 am by reinoe
What was I thinking putting rez' tech on a berzerked unit?  Why didn't I realize how dumb that was unti AFTER I saw the units in action.  Jeez, I had like a week and a half to realize how dumb that was.  Maybe it was stress at work?  Either way, as potent as 7 samurai-3 are, I think the fix simply involves switching out skillsets.  Nothing actually too major.

I knew Squinjas were going to lose the minute I saw charm go off.

I'm not worried about what happened with Lazytown getting curbstomped.  They aren't a serious team at all.  In fact I'd say that Lazytown can be one of those benchmark teams.  Like "if you can't beat LazyTown then your team needs major work" kind of benchmarks.

Did I really give the Chemist on Windswept V2 Earthquake and not Tornado?  What the HELL?

Ok I did give the chemist Tornado, but it looks like Barren accidently swapped that with Earthquake.  It didn't have any bearing on the results though.
My dreams can come true!

The Damned

(So it would seem there were three humiliating losses for me, not just one.)

Well, it was more like one extremely humiliating loss, one utter curbstomp despite having Esuna on two units and one match that was a lot closer than I thought it would be.

1st Battle - Angelus vs. Dokurider (Protagonist) - Angelus basically got screwed over as soon as he missed that first Raise 2 at 5% since then he was unable to keep ahead of or even even with Kagesougi Archer. This especially since for some reason the Bard blundered into Slow 2 when he didn't have to.

2nd Battle - Otabo (Spirit Cleansers) vs. reinoe (Squinjas) - Honestly, I never thought Spin Fist would prove itself to be useful, but that's pretty much what ultimately won it for Otabo after reinoe's great start. Well, that and the nigh-instant, yet extremely powerful Holy. Can't wait until Golden Hairpin loses that +1 MA and Holy itself may gets weakened a bit....

3rd Battle - DomieV (Sword Masters) vs. DarkxFatal (Madness Ensues) - I now see why DomieV put up that ASCII facepalm. There isn't really anything else to say except that Ninja as a whole were kinda...dumb in this video.

4th Battle - Malroth (Going Nowhere) vs Reks (Celestial Stasis) - Despite being a "joke" team that Malroth has had unused for more than a month, I've always been wary of this, especially since I tend to use (read: lose with) mages. This showed why.

5th Battle - Vigilanti (Sobriety) vs reinoe (Seven Samurai-3) - Hunh. Having just done a bunch of battles with Seven Samurai-3 and seeing its problems, I was admittedly surprised to see it win so handily, especially since Sobriety is a generally solid team. I suppose it helped that Vigilanti's Thief was extra stupid & cut himself off and that reinoe's female Samurai got to live this time.

6th Battle - The Damned (Flailing About) vs Otabo (Step Into My Palor) - Ugh. Why is my luck so shit? I seriously think I've been Slowed en masse by Nameless Dance all but maybe one time that I've gone against it. Not to mentioning randomly getting what's probably the worst "medium-sized" map against this team. Double grating since it took so long to lose the obviously loss, especially since it was a mostly joke team and Item-bot Ninja went totally braindead at the end for some reason.

7th Battle - Barren (Edible Oils) vs reinoe (Lazy Town) - Not much to say except from the obvious: even without Kagesougi, Ninja (that aren't used by me, obviously) are incredibly dangerous and annoying, if primarily due to Hidden Knife stupidity.

8th Battle - CT5Holy (Mono-Squire Midrange) vs Dokurider (Strangers from the Lake) - As much as I've come to dislike Phoenix Blade, this was easily the best match of the set because of it. Even with Recurring Squire ending up huddling near the corner towards the end, I still don't necessarily agree with Phoenix Blade getting Immune Critical if it has to stay around given that, at the very least, Phoenix Blade units still make great damage distractions if within range since they're eternally "wounded".

9th Game - The Damned (Holy Defenders of Orbonne) vs Barren (Six Move) - Shitty luck + Petrify + neither of units with Esuna deciding to use it = quick loss. Next.

10th Game - formerdeathcorps (Heresy) vs Gaignun (Magical Fingertips) - ...I was admittedly especially distracted around this time, so I think I missed this entire match. I'll have to go back and watch.

11th Game - DarkxFatal (Quarto Magi) vs Otabo (Slick Chicks) - Yeah...Quatro Magi's kinda of frail and "Slick Chicks" having both a spellgun and Oil...yeah.

12th Game - Reks (Nanten Thieves) vs Dokurider (Bomb Squad) - Hey! Bomb Squad finally managed to win a battle! ...If only because of an 80% spear shot getting guarded and an early Frog spell sticking for the entire match, especially making it 3v4. I still think Chivalry is a bad choice for Mutagen Bomb, but, meh, I guess it worked here. Maybe.

13th Game - LightningHax (Old strat, new game) vs SoySauceMaster (Smiles and Frowns) - Outside of that hilarious moment that Dokurider linked to, this was easily the most annoying match (beyond my own versus Otabo) given that SoySauceMaster's units kept resurrecting like weeds just went the match "should" have been over. This would have dragged on even longer if Critical Lancer had been smart enough to stay under the Archer way where he killed the Scholar since then none of the other units would have been able to attack him and his buddy would have gotten up again. Sigh, AI....

Match 14 - Otabo (Its Mighty Warm Is Here) vs Dokurider (Ultimate Magic) - Really nothing much to say here since, like with formerdeathcorps's apparent match, I wasn't really paying attention here. Unlike formerdeathcorps's match though, I actually did pay attention towards the end, so I know that Dokurider lost...somehow. It was likely some combination of Blaze Gun being a spell gun and Scholar having all that power & AoE.

Match 15 - reinoe (Windswept V2) vs The Damned (Cassandra Truths) - Honestly, given how little time was left, I was surprised that this wasn't more "curb-stompy", especially since I was going against a spellgun. I might have actually won had that Charm hit, but whatever. Regardless, it seems like outside of that one time I bullshitted someone instead of Lionel Castle, whenever I Petrify anyone, it never sticks. I when I get Petrified though, even if I have cures for it? Done.

I'm beginning to wonder if, come 139, I'll have a moratorium on (certain) mages considering I just get murdered by AoE if I don't go in swinging with my crap luck and the AI largely being a blind idiot. Hmmm....

Regardless, thanks Barren.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


I could explain why I gave my Wizard Chivalry, but I'll just let my team do the talking!

Yeah, I can get you that memory card. I even got a few sure fire candidates to kill Wiz's team with ease.

The Damned

(Very well. Thanks.)

Please PM me the candidates when you have the time so that I can see if we have the same ones in mind.

I'm "going to bed" now, though that really just means I'll probably fall asleep without meaning to in the middle of ordering my receipt drawer finally.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Three losses as well, Damned. One surprising curbstomp, one inevitable curbstomp, and a bit of bad luck.

I can't really complain, though with how I've felt today these consecutive losses disheartened me greatly.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


So here are the matches the Damned has slated to record:

Playground Pioneers (RavenofRazgriz) vs Air Krieg (Dokurider)
Great Cocaine Expeditionaries vs Secret Krieg (Dokurider)
Sword Art Online (Ahong) vs Gesusank (DarkxFatal)
S1 (Wiz) vs S6 (formerdeathcorps)
S1 (Wiz) vs Stone Frog (Dokurider)
Celestial Stasis (Reks) vs  Madness Ensues (DarkxFatal)
A Very Strange Team (Angelus) vs Four Fangs Redux (DarkxFatal)
Slick Chicks (Otabo) vs Broken (formerdeathcorps)
Step Into My Parlor (Otabo) vs S5 (formerdeathcorps)
It's Mighty Warm In Here (Otabo) vs Rave Masters (RavenofRazgriz)
Spirit Cleansers (Otabo) vs Holy Stones (CT5Holy)
????? vs ????? (Mystery Match)

Just so that our fellow bookies don't film the exact same matches/teams.


Round 5:...took...forever..
Round 6: That block. That 12% block. :O
Round 7/8: Berserk Priest with Healing Staff. :I

All in all, gg/gf rei. (also like the 7 samurai reference)

Uh.....ouch. Hawkeye being +Poison and Oil /and/ 100% acc is pretty rough..
Not to mention my team doesn't have high % revival options.. Kinda expected this
from them though, so it's not all bad. gg/gf fdc
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Tristan#9682


For those who changed their teams over the weekend I did another batch of matches before you updated them so I apologize in advance. My questions for this next video pertaining to Arena 1.39: Should bards equips robes again? Will nether guns finally make its debut? And what's with Javelin II being there?

FFT Arena 1.38d Mania 3
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?

The Damned

(Meh, as much as I would like for Bards to be able to equip Robes again, they are already better than Dancers presently, so I'll have to go with "no".)

Ugh. I am such an idiot. I come all the way to the library just so that I can post videos finally since my Internet at home is currently out (again), but it would seem that, in my usual brilliance, I completely forgot the fucking cable to charge things with when this thing is at only 34% power. So they'll have to wait until tomorrow at the earliest. My apologies.

That said, I have recorded seven of the fifteen matches already and I do have a couple of things to say:

1. Dokurider: None of those teams were the teams I had in mind to fight against Wiz's team. I suppose that's all right even if I'll be "gone" (now without much of a choice) from FFH for about a week or so since 1.39's going to take a while to come out. I'll just say this about that: you never get to pick who fights Wiz again. <3 (Also, I may find way to strangle you over the Internet for that last match. I am only recording one match of that because it's going to take at least an hour.)

2. RavenofRazgriz: Give your Monk on the Rave team a Secondary even if nothing is in it. To use your parlance, he's acting extra "derp" and doing literally nothing half the time and I'm not sure if that's part of the problem, but it's not helping. So, luckily for you, I'm not going to record the hideously unfair "match" between you and Otabo's Fire-based team because of it.


I'll try to have the videos up before 5:00 P.M. PST tomorrow.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


I think there's something wrong with my lancer. I put ninjitsu in there? :O, forgot to change that. Btw, GG Reks your archers damage is good against my bard. Uhh.

hmm, i dunno what to comment there, since no 1 died. For speed saver, maybe you can make it "High damage with high speed" because of speed saver can make your team turn fast. (just my opinion) Btw, GG reinoe

*I'll re-construct my 2nd team since my lancer still not good enough.
*I got an idea for my 4th team ^_^