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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


Happy belated birthday Barren, and thank you for the match.

Only a slight Mime backfire and not a single Spellbreaker. GG Dol


I have a quick question.
Can Mimes mime Mimes?


Quote from: Fenire on October 21, 2014, 04:57:09 pm
I have a quick question.
Can Mimes mime Mimes?

No, because that would be an infinite loop.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


The game checks for the base class. If anything is done by Job 5D (Mime), it is ignored by Mimic, or as Reks said, it would cause an infinite loop. In fact, by disabling the check, it would likely cause the Mime to Mimic itself forever. Don't even need a 2nd one.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


That is what I thought. This means that with the ability to equip mimes with abilities in 1.39c one could make and all mime team. Challenge accepted!

The Damned

October 22, 2014, 03:55:53 pm #3546 Last Edit: October 23, 2014, 07:46:56 am by The Damned
(Belated 365 Survival Day, Barren. As a lazy e-gift to you, since it is an unusual word, I will impart to you this knowledge: Since English is a totally sensible scavenger from other languages with such obvious linguistic cues in its alphabet for unusual words, the "cra" in "Macrame" is pronounced "kruh" rather than "kraw": "MAC-ruh-may".

...Sometimes I wonder what would be weirder about certain English words: if they were spelled how they were pronounced or if they were pronounced how they were spelled.)

That said, thanks for doing videos like always and I legitimately hope you've enjoyed this week so far. I'll comment on my match with silentkaster next time, though belated GG to him; I'll probably do it tomorrow or if/whenever I wake up next given how long I've been up.

In the meanwhile, I'll comment on the eight other matches currently posted after Barren's latest Pokemon video to get those out of the way since I need to catch up in general. I probably should watch Otabo vs. Anima Zero again because I can't really much in detail that happened from three days ago--damn crappy memory.

There's really nothing much to say here between Severe Weather Alert still being a more than decent team despite not changing much, if at all, in the past year and Fenire just getting really, really unlucky this entire match. I mean, geez, he's giving me a run for my unlucky money in this match.

This was a horribly lopsided match-up even before the (rather obvious) realization that reinoe's team might as well only have 3 units given Mimes can't mime Mimes. On top of that, this match was basically already recorded when formerdeathcorps "broke the news" about Quickening not working on Mime teams suddenly unless even more specific conditions are met. As such, reinoe's current concept for this team is literally unworkable at present, especially since it basically no offense against any team or unit that absorbs Dark, which is decent amount of them still even with the needed Cursed Ring nerf.

I guess I can see why Barren was so surprised this wasn't at all close, but luck, especially with Charm, can easily have that effect. I mean, formerdeathcorps would likely have lost in Colliery had that first Charm not hit given his team oddly lacks anyway to cure the Undead Time Mage of Silence. Charm caused the Geomancer to heal that away alongside Charm and then get stabbed to death as thanks. Shintroy's not-male Blue Ranger also couldn't dodge Draw Out worth a damn despite all the M-EV she had; formerdeathcorps's Bard literally did over 1000 HP worth of damage with that Chirijiraden in the second round. Yeah. Not being able to dodge high damage and Dual Cutter procs that keep going off tends to result in getting killed and units die when they are killed, so....

I'll be honest and say that I remember this fight the least of all nine that I've watched recently. I just remember being surprised that Otabo's current version of Divas includes two male units, though they're effective, so I suppose I can't argue (much) with that false advertising. I vaguely remember Otabo's Archer having a rather marked map advantage on the second map and poor Anima Zero's team getting rushed down before they really could get much started, but I don't remember specifics. Sigh. I should really watch this again I suppose.

I spy an Earth Absorb team. It's a shame that Titan is still so outclassed that it has no place even on an Earth team as a likely strengthened attack, especially with Quake (and Tornado) still so powerful.

Not really much to say about this match beyond that rather match-neutral commentary unfortunately since Dol's team had basically had no resurrection and was trying to do too many random things at once. It is at least nice see someone try to use Ultima and Houkouton and Ice Bow though.

I honestly think the new Masamune the Katana is better on Knights than on Samurai if only because, as TrueLight's set-up shows, you get Zephyr Shield/Swift Plate to offset one point of reduced Speed. This unlike Samurai who have to either use Sprint Shoes to get back to 8 Speed or use Equip Shield to use Swift Plate even though that undermines innate Double-Grip Two Hands and eats up at least 500 JP. But, anyway, I'll save that for the Balance thread as well.

Damn. There was hell of a lot Flare going off in this match; I'm so tempted to make a pun right now. It's so good to see it back to (arguable) usability, though the Spell Edge adding Faith sure helps.

Speaking of things that help, oddly, despite still losing the first round decisively, Fenire's team was somewhat helped by being stuck in a corner just because TrueLight's team doesn't really having any damaging AoE. Fenire's team was also helped by not getting quite as hideously unlucky as it did when it fought Reks, though Charm status still kicked its ass as Charm is wont to do if it lands on a unit that can't heal itself of Charm.

Speaking of Charm, gods, there was so much of it in just the second round due to Fenire's Thief and TrueLight's Thief constantly Flirting with each other. Fenire generally got a hell of lot more of a break when it came to status rather than getting steamrolled by it as Macrame Pants had in the last three rounds it fought. The still absurdly overpowered Decapitate proc going off on the TrueLight's Paladin also helped.

Of course, Macrame Pants's luck then immediately tanked again with Mimic Daravon basically hitting everyone and Faith on the Wizard from Spell Edge backfiring in the third round. It might not have backfired as much if the Mediator had slightly more MA or was a different class with higher MA given how close she was to killing the Wizard with Shiva. I can't even blame the other issue with the team that Barren kept harping on--Fenire's Paladin having Cure spells without the MA to back them up--given the female Paladin didn't even try to heal anyone else but herself in three round.

Funny how Reks is the one with the Earth-based team despite Leif1991's team's name; doubly amusing to me how both rounds took place on the two of the only four icy/snowy maps in the game. It's a shame that Reks team couldn't get anything going since it's actually pretty decent, but Leif1991's team was just a bad match-up between the (severe) speed advantage, Comet not caring about Innocent and the Time Mage having Projectile Guard (actually work when it mattered).

That said, as good (read: possibly overpowered) as Atheist Bow is, it seems a bit...odd to have on the same team as a Scholar, especially one that wants to use a map-wide spell to pick off the injured. Maybe another Longbow or even a Silencer and a shield if the Chemist is supposed to be breaking armor anyway? Shrug.

Good to see you back (?) Andante49; I can't remember if you were around when the latest tournament started up. Funny how we both used the same armor for our Mimes for completely different purposes. Long Bow is an interesting idea, especially with Execute, that actually ended up working out well even if Spellbreaker didn't go off once for reasons that I suspect that I know. The self-targeting Shell Mimic was also interesting to see, even if it didn't get around Reflect and the accidental Don't Move Mimic onto the Bard in the second round was rather amusing.

As for the match-up in general, it was kind of weird. Neither side's ultimate plan of attack really worked out between neither Spellbreaker going off nor Houkouton doing that much surprisingly. So the match as a whole basically came down to Faith-based magic, surprisingly, and Andante49's team simply had more AoE and more instances of it between Odin, Slow 2, Magic Song and Mimic. This versus Dol's Wizard being the only real source of offense despite Dol's Time Mage also having Slow 2 as well as much-improved-despite-already-being-good Stop.

Fret not, Dol. Most of us have had slumps at one time or another. Not that you can't take time off, especially in frustration at the feeling of (the A.I.'s) ineptitude. Gods know I have.

Still, try not to beat yourself up too much about it.

Quote from: Fenire on October 22, 2014, 03:07:06 am
That is what I thought. This means that with the ability to equip mimes with abilities in 1.39c one could make and all mime team. Challenge accepted!

And now you're trying to give me a run for my masochistic money as well. [/yes, everything is about me]

As bad an idea as this seems in concept, oddly it does basically solve every problem that formerdeathcorps found--okay, maybe not the weird Quickening thing; it's impossible to tell about that one without testing it. So, ironically, it's maybe the most sound idea for using the current version of Mime as more than one unit on team. Hunh.

I still think they should have innate access to Shields or something, but that's something to bring up in Balance thread, so I'll wait until later to talk about that issue and others.

P.S. I'm currently verging on being up 23~ hours, so my proofreading skills are probably (even) worse than usual. I'll go over this again when either I've undergone the illusion of resting or finished sleeping, whichever comes first.

Coherence EDIT: With that now done, I can only say that I'm surprised I didn't make more typos.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


October 22, 2014, 04:13:29 pm #3547 Last Edit: October 22, 2014, 05:04:56 pm by Otabo
Quote from: The Damned on October 22, 2014, 03:55:53 pm
I just remembering surprised that Otabo's current version of Divas includes two male units, though they're effective, so I suppose I can't argue (much) with that false advertising.

Divas was never meant to be an all female team; it has always had two males on it since it was first created like 3 something years ago; they (the males) have always been the "double trouble". Just like how Dudes That Bring Double Trouble has two females on it, again, the females being the "double trouble". Same deal as Divas basically, only reversed.  :lol:

Mid-week matches. Also, moves get shown.

FFT Arena 1.39c - The Damned (Flurry of the Dancing Flames v2) vs. Silenkaster (Protect The Queen)

FFT Arena 1.39c - Barren (Thunder Absorb) vs. Andante49 (Try Outs)


Thanks Otabo for the match!!!

That was a great match...RNG didn't heavily favor either side...which are the types of matches I love to see. I think our teams were very close. I will only change a couple of abilities (like giving the Thief Steal Accessory over Angel Song since MP didn't seem to be a problem). VGG The Damned and congrats on the win!
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


Many thanks Otabo for the match, you and the other uploaders here are amazing  :D

I like the Iron Fan for some colorless damage, really scary team there. Spellbreaker can throw out some pretty big numbers but, give a Bard Chiri and multiple targets and it'll do much more in total. Still satisfying seeing 400+ though. GG Barren


Thanks for the matches, guys!

I need to stop getting distracted and just make my team. It's half-done already.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Dual wielding Healing Staff Kagesougi. Sounds pretty angry on paper, but the Squire preferred hitting teammates for low healing instead.

Oh man, those Spellbreaker shots are insane. Who the hell thinks to stack Bard with that much MA as a melee killer? The Mimic Magic Songs with Summons is a really nice idea. Those Hawkeye shots from the Mime stopped Barren from doing what his team does best. Andante, killing single units causes a ton of disruption to the AI. If the enemy tries to revive, your Summons will knock the revived unit back down and punish them even more. It's a solid strategy.

Both physical heavy teams, which focuses on a lot of defense as well. Originally thought these battles would last a long time(I never look at the video duration). Some really unlucky problems for fdc. Using Berserk to get the Mimes into good positions near the enemy is a good idea though.

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

The Damned

(...Hunh. I must have confused Divas with one of your other all-female teams then, Otabo. My apologies. Shows how I was even more out of it than usual.)

As it is, I've edited that last post and tried to proofread this one as well as one mere read-through can do.

Regardless, thanks for the videos as always, Otabo and CT5Holy. I really need to see if I can get Camtasia and my Internet working on this new laptop so I start doing videos again. That would at least make feel semi-productive and give me something to do around here other than destroy people's eyesight. Speaking of which....

Well, this went about as well as expected given my team never even once tried to really attack the Queen. At least your team lived up its name while kicking my team's ass, silentkaster. If that had happened though, I might have won given how Raise 2 would have been basically negated.

As it is, I feel rather dirty for the huge advantage I had in first round, especially since I managed to lose even with it due to lacking AoE to "clean up" or really even attack from a distance, at least with my Monk and my Lancer. That's generally what allowed Protect the Queen as a whole to build up such power and cave my face in with it, though getting Charmed never helps.

As I said though, that wasn't unexpected even ignoring my pessismism about everything. I rather expected this team to have issues against teams that don't really rely on magic to attack, which is part of why I went "overboard" to on the Gokuu Rod on Sister Sister the Lancer in addition to the two Atheist Bows. I just wanted and still want to see if 100% Innocent on another weapon is going to be as problematic for most mages as I think it might be, even with Flash Hat having changed.

As it is though, Sister Sister the Lancer is definitely the weak link in Church of the Atheists currently. Still, I think I'll keep her the same for another (lost) match or two to see how things work with Gokuu Rod. As far as potentially changing to focus on maximizing Ninjutsu damage with more than one unit, meh. That's more incidental than anything and Otabo's "Divas that Bring Double Trouble" already do the "Innocent + Ninjutsu" schitick well enough. I'll consider due to how my luck tends to suck though, so having Steal Heart on two units is just asking for (double) trouble, especially since it kept missing for me here.

This may be the best match I've ever had with someone; it certainly is in recent memory, even if I have been gone for about a year. Great game, silentkaster. I figured this team would do better against Protect the Queen than Church of the Atheists did, but I didn't expect to win, much less for the last round to be that damn close.

I also figured that I'd get screwed over on that first map given how small it is, even with damn orrery still in the way, but getting rather unlucky with hitting the Queen sure didn't help either. At least this team actually targeted her unlike with Church's issues against the Protect the Queen team and this team still did decently well until that Steal Heart hit a Wizard surprisingly enough. That same Wizard needlessly charging forward to get murdered by the Thief when she could have still fallen back for her fatal Flare just made me want to facepalm though. Sadly, that urge is common-place with the A.I.

Speaking of Steal Heart, I actually credit that missing as the Thief's second action in the second round with the chief reason for my being able to win in the second round given how toothless Nameless Dance is right now. Due to not having to worry about the Priest (not) using Esuna, my Wizards were generally able to focus on pounding silentkaster's team with AoE, which led to his male units being focused more on sandbagging than attacking me for the most part. That's basically a rather downhill scenario against the majority of teams in general, much less a team with Pilgrimage (or Warpath). Silf being unavoidable, which I feel is part of why it's really underrated even if Tornado is currently slightly overpowered, helped me finish up round two, especially since it's far faster than Flare.

Flare's still sluggish speed is part of why I thought I'd get screw over in the third round given the relatively small space and getting unlucky with Ancient Sword again; ironically, getting Petrified prevented Red Nocturne+ from taking Jump damage though. I probably only survived the initial onslaught since Red Nocturne+'s shield actually came in handy against Thieving Jester quite a bit after she got un-Stoned and their flirting at each other was generally unsuccessful, first round aside with its Don't Act-adding Silf overkill. The Squire also made a rather weird move early on after getting immediately Death Sentence'd by Secret Fist since he chose to use Heal on The Queen to rid her of Oil rather than do anything more actively constructive. He also did some questionable things later on, like not using Throw Stone as much as he could have, as did the Thief with Singing a bit too much.

After that, it was way too many back-and-forths for someone who normally has crap luck, especially since HP Restore proved that it continues to loathe me by never activating for me and since poor Axel(+) got Decapitated twice. I honestly thought I'd lose when silentkaster's entire team got back up just because Red Nocturne+ decided to get hit by Sleep at literally the worst possible time and Green Requiem+ frustatingly decided to not bother to Esuna her over Dancing. I mean, for the most part, the only reason I came back at all after that particular debacle was because I just had more AoE and got relatively lucky with avoiding status from Steal Heart & Kagesougi thereafter. I would have definitely lost had the Squire hit Don't Act (which shouldn't still be on Kagesougi anyway) on the Priest while she was charging Raise 2.

Even with the (almost inexplicable) win that was at least somewhat helped by Slow from Nameless Dance, I'm still really tempted to switch out Dance secondary for Talk Skill or Time Magic since the (needed) nerf to Oil makes that skill even more unreliable. Hmmmm.... That's another issue for the Balance thread as well I suppose.

As it is, besides a bit of luck, I think the main reason I won is because the Queen spent most of her non-revival turns uselessly casting Protect, which only means something against Axel+ on this team rather than helping to wall (heh) the Church of the Atheists as it did. So for the most part it was a 3 vs. 3 match-up with both sides having a support unit that occasionally attacked people.

Still, even as much as I wanted to smack my team on the back of their collective heads (as usual), it was an excellent match, silentkaster. Your team is quite well-made. I'll admit I'm surprised that your Squire never triggered Counter from the Queen when healing (staffing) her, but that may be my own notoriously bad luck; I suppose it's entirely possible that Healing Staff can't proc Reactions even when elemental absorb can. Hmm....

(P.S. Otabo, the Flare that got stopped by Kagesougi towards the end was targeted on The Queen the Paladin, not Royal Guard the Lancer. It would have killed her had it gone off, which is why I figured it wouldn't since Flare is still acting like it's holding the old Phoenix Blade. So slow, though I suppose it does somewhat need to be. The Tier 2 spells are arguably "meh" enough as it is without having to compete with Flare as well, but, again, Balance thread issue.)

Ouw, I hadn't realized someone was actually finally using an Iron Fan now. Interesting. As I suspected, it actually does pretty damn good damn even if it can't be used with Two Hands like Whale Whisker.

The first round ended rather quickly despite Summoner getting off Sinkhole on the poor Scholar twice, in part because the Bard went down so early and Lancer was generally on Andante49's team pretty early, in part due to Float from Feather Boots. The Don't Move Mimic backfiring (again) didn't help either given it got the Priest killed. I'm not sure if it's because of the (needed) nerf to its range, but the Blast Gun Archer actually didn't do as much as I was expecting of him. Andante49's Mime also held out longer than I thought, though that Stop on said Archer from Hell Ivy Counter Flood helped.

The Bard was a lot more useful in the second round despite against taking Iron Pole to the face for 200. He just flew forward and fatally hit the Scholar for a crit 415 like it was nothing. Gods. This is why I've been saying Spellbreaker is (understandably) overlooked. Handing out 327 damage to one unit like it's candy is something that even Draw Out Bards can't do. Calm down. It's not Halloween quite yet, Forward.

It looks like Spellbreaker was just oddly not being used last round just...because, rather than for the reason I suspected.

Anyway, the second round in general went immensely better for Andante49 despite the Scholar getting Thunder Flare off since basically of all of Andante49's crippling status hit and the Summoner and Bard mopped up. The third round mostly went the same way, with the only real differences being that Barren's team killed off the Summoner briefly and Andante49's Bard proved that he could he hit for even more damage by hitting the Lancer for 450+. It seem like either going need to stay away from that guy entirely or break his Phoenix Blade if you want to live apparently, even if you have heavy armor on.

Thank you for resisting the urge to go Pub or Graveyard of Airships, CT5Holy, as much as I like them as well. Poor Orbonne Monastery rarely gets used.

As for the actual match, even though I figured it would work given that formerdeathcorps has obviously been looking into how equipment & Secondaries affect the new Mime, I was surprised to see that Mimes can indeed still Mimic while Berserk. I was also surprised to see that the Monks didn't try to "helpfully" cure them of Initial: Berserk with Stigma Magic; I wonder if it's because of they're Mimes and thus have no abilities to lose in the A.I.'s eyes. Of course, that happened accidentally anyway in the first round after Ancient Sword went off on the first swing. The first round was just a clusterfuck of bad luck for formerdeathcorps in general between various crits on himself and hard-hitting Mimics on himself as well as the Monks dying at the same time, one to a crit and another to Counter Decapitate proc of all things.

The second round went a lot better for formerdeathcorps's team in general, with less backfiring and a great start as far as Battle Song's (still too high for my tastes) hit rate was concerned. Ironically, he ultimately ended up losing this time just because his team got too spread out, which is the exact opposite reason, horrible bout of luck aside, that he lost the first round. For looking rather straightforward and being utterly hampered by verticals, Berserk A.I. and Don't Act, Darkness/Blind & Don't Move and having two Mimes & two sets of clones, formerdeathcorps is indeed a lot more fun than I expected. This even though Mimes continue to occasionally just outright not Mimic things, though I think it only happened once in this match in the first round.

It looks like I can leave testing the new Chirijiraden the Katana to Barren given there's no way I'm touching that thing currently. Still, it's good to see someone (else, who isn't me) using it. Also nice to see random.org get some on-screen acknowledgement, even if it was a bit by accident.

Unsurprisingly, Chirijiraden the Katana was more helpful without Berserk, especially given that it seemed to be weirdly doing the same damage without Berserk as with it. Hunh.... Actually, it may just because the only unit Mad Samurai hit while Berserk in round first was the Cherche-wearing Geomancer unlike in round two where the only unit he hit was the Paladin without Cherche, whom he hit for about 140 more HP damage.

Regardless, this match lasted a lot longer than I expected given how unlucky Eternal got in the second round despite the early, seemingly commanding lead he had from all of the Mimed Grand Crosses flying around killing people. Ironically, I'd say it was the very first Mimed Grand Cross that screwed him over somewhat significantly due to it Blinding the Bard. Despite hitting often even while Blind, the Bard ultimately missed when he needed to hit, especially since Barren's team has (much) better revival, and only got healed of it when he died...while Undead; I frankly surprised he got back up given how downhill Eternal's luck was going by that point.

Speaking of which, despite Barren's Paladin basically becoming nigh-useless after a certain point in the second round due to no MP, it was really the Geomancer missing Revive twice in a row on the Mime and then just giving up on the poor guy that ultimately doomed Eternal. I'm not sure if he could have won had the Mime gotten back up, but it would have likely have been closer than it ended up being. As it was, despite being a rather protacted battle, Barren's Oracle generally had free reign to ressurect and then zombify everyone since she never really got damaged.

All that said, it was only when silentkaster fought formerdeathcorps that I finally noticed how silentkaster's Thief is actually using Thief's innate Flee rather effectively since the Thief has no choice but to run off and Sing rather than healing himself out of Critical and then moving less far away. Quite an interesting set-up there.

That said, I've also finally noticed how lucky said Thief has been getting with Ancient Sword. As such, I'm beginning to wonder if its proc rate is accidentally bigger than it's supposed to be (now). It wouldn't be the first time it happened after all and it would be rather...worrying this time given how powerful Petrify can be (when it comes with damage).
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Very good team andante, that oil proc is annoying and spellbreaker did really high damage. GG man, I need to redo my ele absorb teams to avoid oil in the future.

Close match my friend, the samurai was good enough, I wish the chiri katana added move + 1 instead so I would switch with salty rage but eh, the madman did solid damage overall. Still unsure if I consider my team to be complete but may need to further evaluate my team. GG eternal, battle was fun.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


New team is up with some appropriate Halloween/Dead Honor Day themes, as well as something The Damned might create for names.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128

The Damned

October 23, 2014, 11:57:22 pm #3556 Last Edit: October 24, 2014, 06:30:20 pm by The Damned
(*checks out Rek's newest team*)

Hmmm...maybe I should make an Edgar Allan Poe-themed team since I don't think anyone else, even RavenofRazgriz, has ever made one surprisingly. Still, I already have one other team in mind and I hadn't wanted to make than four (so quickly).

That said, I actually quite dislike Romeo & Juliet, though that's perhaps not surprising. Stupid teenagers. Stupid love. Stupid everything. [/angst]

I'm more of a MacBeth guy and I think that might be the only other Shakespeare play I've actually read besides the above. Hunh.

Speaking of references, I'll admit that I did kind of expect your Underwhere team to a reference to Paper Mario if it's actually be a reference to anything, which apparently it is. Shrug.

*goes off to catch-up on all the videos for 139, backwards, starting with page 176*
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Quote from: The Damned on October 23, 2014, 11:57:22 pm
(*checks out Rek's newest team*)

Hmmm...maybe I should make an Edgar Allan Poe-themed team since I don't think anyone else, even RavenofRazgriz, has ever made one surprisingly. Still, I already have one other team in mind and I hadn't wanted to make than four (so quickly).

That said, I actually quite dislike Romeo & Juliet, though that's perhaps not surprising. Stupid teenagers. Stupid love. Stupid everything. [/angst]

I'm more of a MacBeth guy and I think that might be the only other Shakespeare play I've actually read besides the above. Hunh.

Speaking of references, I'll admit that I did kind of expect your Underwhere team to a reference to Paper Mario if it's actually a reference to anything, which apparently it is. Shrug.

*goes off to catch-up on all the videos for 139, backwards, starting with page 176*

Huzzah, you DID catch it!

I still need to play that game, though. I only read about that.

Romeo and Juliet were because they, well, DIED. They have best compat with each other for obvious reasons and for team purposes.

Marie Antoinette? Off with their heads! Queen of Hearts would have been better, but eh.

Edgar Allan Poe's unit was initially named after an assassin, but Poe made more sense with Death Sentence.

All in all, I expect the team to do quite badly. It IS based off of luck with Death, Petrify, and Death Sentence.

And you know how my luck tends to go :P
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Please use a team that uses Demi 2 on Demi 2 Better Happen please. I'll also accept a team that uses Dark Element primarily