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My Patch (Unamed)

Started by formerdeathcorps, April 02, 2010, 01:42:45 am


June 29, 2011, 07:51:36 pm #80 Last Edit: August 30, 2011, 11:15:07 am by Lijj
Looks like you just f'd up the colors and drew circles on it.
I see what you mean inside the red circle... but what happened to the palette?

Corsa Update:

  • Modding version: PSX


Here's a spritesheet of Sixe.


1) Portrait still looks too much like Cyan.  I'm contemplating changing the shape of the head, but I'm not sure.
2) The face on the sprite makes him at least 40 years old, 10 years older than he should look.
3) Sixe's cloak should be black and his main vest should consist of mold green, mold purple, and dirt brown.  I just can't seem to get the portrait to correctly accept these colors (it keeps defaulting to gray).
4) Obviously, I only have two frames done, but that will come in good time.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


Speaking of which, here's Sixe's battle theme.  It's in MIDI format for easy insertion into FFT.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


woah sixe.. you can change music in game now? O.O
Please do share your ideas and suggestion for my project:

Join our RP :)



We've been able to change the music for some time but its really tedious in the current method...
  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?


can you teach me how sometime in the future? XDD
it would be really great if LoM's soundtrack can also be put into fft XD
Please do share your ideas and suggestion for my project:

Join our RP :)



This project stands at a crossroads.  For the time being, ET, move this to New Projects because it needs to be completely remade.

The current plans are far too complex for me to code and I have a far simpler (every piece of ASM in it is stuff I can currently do) and coherent (but much less complete set of plans).  For those of you used to other patches, it's a good mix of Arena, CCP, EGCC, Raven's patch, and some old ideas by Vanya and Skip.  However, it is incomplete and probably too reductionist.  It is included in this post.

After reading my plans, please help flesh out the following matters:
1) Monsters -- Monsters have no skills right now and since the human jobs are changing drastically from my previous designs, I must change the monsters as well.  Also, redoing monster species means redoing animist as well.
a) Shortlist of things to add
i) Tonberry
ii) Wolf
iii) Turtle
iv) Fairy
b) Shortlist of things to delete
i) Uribo
ii) Cougar
iii) Skeleton
iv) Ghost
c) Should monsters equip items?  I don't specifically know this ASM, but I'd imagine it'd be little different than the one that allows mimes to use equips.
d) Change Archaeodemon/Apanda/Ultima Demon to Gargoyle/Succubus/Vampire
Gargoyle (Skillset is Archaeodemon + Ultima Demon + Skeleton species)
Succubus (Skillset is Assassin + Apanda + ???)
Vampire (Skillset is Elmdor + other assorted magic + Ghost species)

2) Obviously, equips need to be redone from both where it stands now and the current list of plans.  Veils will no longer exist.  I see no reason to have more weapons or more equips than in vanilla, but the distribution will be different (so please, don't stint your imaginations).

3) I personally like the fixed JP/EXP mechanics of EGCC, but no random battles makes it hard for animist to be a functional job.  However, if random battles are allowed, I'd probably have to nerf some of Animist's attacks.
4) Some jobs seem to be way too minimal.
5) JP/MP pricing

Also, the story elements are increasingly diverging from what I originally planned.  It is becoming increasingly impossible to have one storyline or even follow FFT's event sequence.  Besides the obvious amount of custom eventing necessary (and necessary ROM hacking to increase space), Ramza is increasingly irrelevant in many of the storylines, prompting me to consider switching main characters altogether.  Anyone who wants to help me will receive a PM (I'm not attaching this to avoid spoilers).
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


01[11:26] <Dokurider> So fdc
[11:26] <formerdeathcorps> yes?
01[11:26] <Dokurider> It just occurred to me that every plot idea
01[11:26] <Dokurider> could be combined into one
[11:26] <formerdeathcorps> Probably
01[11:26] <Dokurider> Although the spy one might be harder to do
[11:27] <formerdeathcorps> Can you make a post on what you mean?
01[11:27] <Dokurider> Yeah, ok
[11:39] <formerdeathcorps> You and that newb mekk_pilot's got me thinking
[11:39] <formerdeathcorps> what if we make some more radical mechanics changes?
[11:39] <formerdeathcorps> Brave => Morale
[11:39] <formerdeathcorps> Faith => Constitution
[11:40] <formerdeathcorps> Jump => Agility
01[11:40] <Dokurider> Well, I don't know what Morale would do
01[11:40] <Dokurider> But I'm for striking out Faith
01[11:40] <Dokurider> For whatever Constitution would do
[11:45] <formerdeathcorps> Morale is Brave except without the positive effects
[11:45] <formerdeathcorps> 0 morale means your soldier leaves and never returns
[11:45] <formerdeathcorps> Each turn a unit is inflicted with a negative status effect
[11:45] <formerdeathcorps> they lose 1 morale
[11:45] <formerdeathcorps> double for death.
[11:46] <formerdeathcorps> *dying loses 5 and each turn on the ground is 2
[11:46] <formerdeathcorps> every time a unit kills someone, they gain 5 points of morale
[11:46] <formerdeathcorps> higher morale = more status resistance
[11:46] <formerdeathcorps> Constitution is the amount of weight a unit can carry without being encumbered
[11:46] <formerdeathcorps> meaning after that...the unit takes proportionate losses to move/jump/speed
[11:47] <formerdeathcorps> however, higher CON reduces SPD growth
01[11:48] <Dokurider> I suppose I should ask then, what do reactions run off of then?
[11:50] <formerdeathcorps> I'm not sure yet
[11:50] <formerdeathcorps> I may just delete them
[11:50] <formerdeathcorps> but I'm thinking this
[11:51] <formerdeathcorps> all units have innate weapon guard and caution (triggered at 100%)
[11:51] <formerdeathcorps> it'll be an evasion heavy game...
[11:51] <formerdeathcorps> but...here's the thing
[11:51] <formerdeathcorps> if you use an offensive counter
[11:51] <formerdeathcorps> you forfeit the right to use weapon guard
[11:51] <formerdeathcorps> or caution
[11:51] <formerdeathcorps> ditto with abandon
[11:52] <formerdeathcorps> wait no...abandon stacks
[11:52] <formerdeathcorps> but I'm obviously nerfing the power of these skills
01[11:52] <Dokurider> Maybe all reaction should trigger 100% of the time
[11:52] <formerdeathcorps> No
[11:53] <formerdeathcorps> Counter + heavy tank + AI not knowing counter = DEAD
01[11:53] <Dokurider> good point
[11:53] <formerdeathcorps> Actually..no
[11:54] <formerdeathcorps> we can use this to classify
[11:54] <formerdeathcorps> heavy counters
[11:54] <formerdeathcorps> i.e. good ones
[11:54] <formerdeathcorps> override BOTH weapon guard and caution
[11:54] <formerdeathcorps> things like abandon override caution
[11:54] <formerdeathcorps> obviously, I have to differentiate between defend
[11:54] <formerdeathcorps> and abandon's effect
[11:54] <formerdeathcorps> but that's easy to do
[11:55] <formerdeathcorps> actually...no
[11:55] <formerdeathcorps> abandon overrides weapon guard
[11:56] <formerdeathcorps> because think...abandon is what a ninja does...even when his weapon isn't out
[11:56] <formerdeathcorps> or unshielded
[11:57] <formerdeathcorps> Here's what I'm thinking
[11:57] <formerdeathcorps> abandon doubles C-EV and turns it into A-EV
[11:57] <formerdeathcorps> but negates all other evades
[11:57] <formerdeathcorps> defend status doubles all your evades
[11:58] <formerdeathcorps> but evade is capped at 75% in the game
[11:59] <formerdeathcorps> Nah...that's too high...I think
01[11:59] <Dokurider> So abandon negates everything, including mantles?
[11:59] <formerdeathcorps> Yes
[11:59] <formerdeathcorps> Wait...no
[11:59] <formerdeathcorps> it doesn't
[11:59] <formerdeathcorps> not mantles
[11:59] <formerdeathcorps> but everything else
[11:59] <formerdeathcorps> yes
[11:59] <formerdeathcorps> it should just add 30 to C-EV
[11:59] <formerdeathcorps> and turn it into A-EV
[12:00] <formerdeathcorps> meaning that you have to check it twice
01[12:00] <Dokurider> And more than just Ninjas and Thieves can get some use out of it
[12:01] <formerdeathcorps> yeah...so here's what we do with abandon
[12:01] <formerdeathcorps> +30 C-EV
[12:01] <formerdeathcorps> turns into A-EV
[12:01] <formerdeathcorps> meaning that ultimately, the display screen shows the new A-EV and C-EV as zero
[12:01] <formerdeathcorps> so if you have...say 20% A-EV and started with 30% C-EV
[12:01] <formerdeathcorps> you get
[12:01] <formerdeathcorps> after abandon
[12:02] <formerdeathcorps> 68% A-EV
[12:03] <formerdeathcorps> yeah...doubled evasion sounds way too strong on defend
[12:04] <formerdeathcorps> especially when caution is 100%
[12:04] <formerdeathcorps> wait...should we do caution in reverse?
[12:04] <formerdeathcorps> as in...100% if hit from behind
[12:04] <formerdeathcorps> 50% if hit from side
[12:04] <formerdeathcorps> 25% from front?
01[12:05] <Dokurider> I still don't get how you got 68% from 20% and 30%
[12:05] <formerdeathcorps> 30% C-EV
[12:05] <formerdeathcorps> becomes 60% A-EV
[12:05] <formerdeathcorps> stacked on top of 20% A-EV
[12:05] <formerdeathcorps> so the overall A-EV
[12:05] <formerdeathcorps> is 1 - 40% * 80%
[12:05] <formerdeathcorps> or 68%
01[12:06] <Dokurider> Oh, so you're adding 60% to A-Ev
[12:07] <formerdeathcorps> I add 60% to C-EV
[12:07] <formerdeathcorps> and turn it into A-EV
[12:08] <formerdeathcorps> so what does defend do now?
[12:08] <formerdeathcorps> doubling evasion on something like this...
[12:08] <formerdeathcorps> is broken
01[12:10] <Dokurider> ah, lunch time
01[12:10] <Dokurider> brb
[12:10] <formerdeathcorps> see you
01[12:20] <Dokurider> and I'm back
01[12:20] <Dokurider> Okay, how about this?
[12:20] <formerdeathcorps> mm?
01[12:20] <Dokurider> We reduce the amount defend just gives
01[12:20] <Dokurider> From doubling, to just 1.5?
01[12:20] <Dokurider> Or lower
[12:21] <formerdeathcorps> actually...we could just have defend do something else
[12:21] <formerdeathcorps> you get into a defensive stance
[12:21] <formerdeathcorps> right?
[12:21] <formerdeathcorps> that means you are prepared block an incoming attack
[12:21] <formerdeathcorps> what if it doulbes hand evasions only?
[12:21] <formerdeathcorps> i.e. W/S-EV?
[12:21] <formerdeathcorps> obviously, this means abandon now overrides it
01[12:22] <Dokurider> That
01[12:22] <Dokurider> could work
01[12:23] <Dokurider> Just anything but what 1.3 did with defend
[12:24] <formerdeathcorps> that was awful
[12:24] <formerdeathcorps> and made no sense
[12:24] <formerdeathcorps> defend as a command
[12:24] <formerdeathcorps> is retarded
[12:24] <formerdeathcorps> I agree there
[12:24] <formerdeathcorps> but caution is good
[12:24] <formerdeathcorps> if innate
[12:24] <formerdeathcorps> 100% caution is nice.
01[12:26] <Dokurider> So about Consititution
01[12:26] <Dokurider> What adds to encumberance?
[12:27] <formerdeathcorps> all gear has weight
[12:29] <formerdeathcorps> if total weight exceeds CON, you take penalties to your SPD, JMP, and MOV
01[12:30] <Dokurider> And I'm guessing Armor is heavier than clothing
[12:30] <formerdeathcorps> yes
01[12:30] <Dokurider> And once again, armor has to better superior to clothing
01[12:30] <Dokurider> or die
[12:30] <formerdeathcorps> oh...don't worry
[12:30] <formerdeathcorps> it will be
[12:30] <formerdeathcorps> here's how it works
[12:30] <formerdeathcorps> hats cap at +70 HP
[12:30] <formerdeathcorps> helmets at +180
[12:31] <formerdeathcorps> clothes at +100
[12:31] <formerdeathcorps> armor at +250
[12:31] <formerdeathcorps> max level is 50
[12:31] <formerdeathcorps> so armor literally is adding another layer of HP
[12:31] <formerdeathcorps> to a unit
[12:32] <formerdeathcorps> Armor will be the only things that add protect/shell/elemental resists as innates too
01[12:32] <Dokurider> that's good
[12:33] <formerdeathcorps> oh right...
[12:33] <formerdeathcorps> for each 3 points over the encumberance limit
[12:33] <formerdeathcorps> err...no
[12:34] <formerdeathcorps> each point over reduces your SPM by 1
[12:34] <formerdeathcorps> wait...that's dumb
[12:34] <formerdeathcorps> that doesn't work
[12:34] <formerdeathcorps> I'm thinking this
[12:34] <formerdeathcorps> every three points over
[12:34] <formerdeathcorps> loses you 1 SPD
[12:35] <formerdeathcorps> every ten points loses  you one move and jump
01[12:36] <Dokurider> Oh yeah, if you're using Jump = Agility, you better adjust your evade numbers accordingly
[12:36] <formerdeathcorps> No, Doku, here's how it works
[12:36] <formerdeathcorps> all units have innate 4/4 move/jump
[12:36] <formerdeathcorps> but since equipping too much stuff reduces it...
01[12:36] <Dokurider> I'm referring to Abandon
[12:37] <formerdeathcorps> Oh right
[12:37] <formerdeathcorps> of course
[12:37] <formerdeathcorps> I'm norming everything at 4 Jump, of course
01[12:37] <Dokurider> Abandon + Stacked Jump = Havoc
[12:37] <formerdeathcorps> Right
[12:37] <formerdeathcorps> I'll look at your formula again and see what I need to adjust
01[12:38] <Dokurider> I use 8 as a divisor
01[12:39] <Dokurider> But you can use 10 if it proves too dramatic
[12:40] <formerdeathcorps> Right...there were the other oddities I was hoping to add
[12:40] <formerdeathcorps> Nature elemtn
[12:40] <formerdeathcorps> (Because we consolidate water/ice)
01[12:41] <Dokurider> Heretic, Eternal will let his passive aggressive rage rip thoughout FFH
[12:42] <formerdeathcorps> I don't care
[12:42] <formerdeathcorps> This is for my patch, afterall
01[12:42] <Dokurider> Steam isn't it's own element, why should Ice and Water be their own elements?
[12:43] <formerdeathcorps> I know
[12:43] <formerdeathcorps> it's something particular to Japan, I think
[12:43] <formerdeathcorps> Pokemon does the same thing
[12:43] <formerdeathcorps> I know for a fact China does not.
[12:43] <formerdeathcorps> Water is water.
[12:43] <formerdeathcorps> Ice was considered simply a mix of water and metal
[12:43] <formerdeathcorps> as was...mercury and some other stuff
[12:43] <formerdeathcorps> if I recall
[12:47] <formerdeathcorps> Should we have MP mean something even for physicals?
01[12:50] <Dokurider> I like to think everything in FFT is supernatural in some way
01[12:50] <Dokurider> Or to be more lax, magical
[12:50] <formerdeathcorps> No, I mean MP be your mental reserves
[12:50] <formerdeathcorps> the way HP is your physical reserves
01[12:51] <Dokurider> So if either drops, you go down?
[12:52] <formerdeathcorps> I was thinking if MP goes to 0
[12:52] <formerdeathcorps> your unit falls asleep
[12:52] <formerdeathcorps> and each turn while asleep
[12:52] <formerdeathcorps> *and each clocktick while asleep
[12:52] <formerdeathcorps> you gain MP back
01[12:53] <Dokurider> Each Clocktick?
[12:53] <formerdeathcorps> so literally the sleep spell in the game is a MP destruction status
[12:53] <formerdeathcorps> yes
[12:53] <formerdeathcorps> So the idea is that you remain sleeping
[12:53] <formerdeathcorps> unless you take damage
[12:53] <formerdeathcorps> or MP is restored to full
[12:55] <formerdeathcorps> also...sleep is the only negative status
[12:55] <formerdeathcorps> that doesn't reduce morale
[12:55] <formerdeathcorps> (NOTE: critical is a negative status that reduces morale)
01[12:56] <Dokurider> Welp, better stock up on archers and range demoralize the enemy
[12:56] <formerdeathcorps> You can try that.
[12:56] <formerdeathcorps> except it's probably faster to just kill them
01[12:57] <Dokurider> But then I'll end up losing less moral myself
[12:57] <formerdeathcorps> Except you gain morale by scoring KOs
[12:58] <formerdeathcorps> lest you forget
01[12:58] <Dokurider> rez kill moral loop farm
[12:59] <formerdeathcorps> Point taken
[12:59] <formerdeathcorps> need to set a flag on a unit that has already died.
[12:59] <formerdeathcorps> so you can't gain more morale if you already killed them
01[12:59] <Dokurider> Or
01[12:59] <Dokurider> You could gain moral
01[13:00] <Dokurider> When you take a crystal/treasure
[13:00] <formerdeathcorps> oh...good idea
[13:00] <formerdeathcorps> that works too
[13:00] <formerdeathcorps> of course, mediators can raise morale too
01[13:00] <Dokurider> Might want to include something to counter cannibalizing
[13:01] <formerdeathcorps> Palette colors
[13:01] <formerdeathcorps> first of all, you can only gain it from human crystals
[13:01] <formerdeathcorps> and if the crystal is the palette of the player
[13:02] <formerdeathcorps> you gain 0 morale
[13:02] <formerdeathcorps> Notice that the enemy always has crystals a different color
[13:03] <formerdeathcorps> obviously move-gain-morale would be a nice move
[13:04] <formerdeathcorps> I could call it...happiness or something
01[13:05] <Dokurider> Bravado
[13:07] <formerdeathcorps> should I use the mechanics form Sybmols of Rage
[13:07] <formerdeathcorps> ?
[13:07] <formerdeathcorps> I.e. endurance for HP/MP?
[13:07] <formerdeathcorps> meaning that the lower your HP...the less your damage output
[13:07] <formerdeathcorps> and the lower your MP...the less accurate you become?
[13:08] <formerdeathcorps> lower as in % of maximum?
01[13:08] <Dokurider> Nah
[13:08] <formerdeathcorps> Yeah...though not
[13:08] <formerdeathcorps> it was too drastic
01[13:09] <Dokurider> It's a good idea, for a support or something
[13:09] <formerdeathcorps> That's not a good idea for a support
[13:09] <formerdeathcorps> unless you start at like 4/3x
[13:09] <formerdeathcorps> at maxHP
01[13:10] <Dokurider> but not how the system works
[13:10] <formerdeathcorps> and fall to 2/3x at near 0%
01[13:10] <Dokurider> yeah, like that
[13:11] <formerdeathcorps> actually, Doku
[13:11] <formerdeathcorps> I may just not tweak jump
[13:11] <formerdeathcorps> and instead create moves that boost your hit chance
[13:11] <formerdeathcorps> essentially, you can have above 100% hit
01[13:12] <Dokurider> You know, I was thinking about that the other day
01[13:12] <Dokurider> And I wondered how it could be implemented competitively
01[13:12] <Dokurider> versus concentrate
[13:13] <formerdeathcorps> here's the idea...
[13:13] <formerdeathcorps> if you are faster, you should get a boost to hit%
[13:13] <formerdeathcorps> slower does not mean a reduction, mind you
[13:13] <formerdeathcorps> but being faster should make it easier to hit
[13:13] <formerdeathcorps> that stops evasion tanking from becoming ridiculous
[13:14] <formerdeathcorps> except on ninjas...sadly
[13:14] <formerdeathcorps> because they'll have 7 jump and a ton of SPD
[13:14] <formerdeathcorps> the idea is that if the multiplied total is above 100%
[13:14] <formerdeathcorps> between evasion and hit chance
[13:14] <formerdeathcorps> the excess is your critical chance
01[13:15] <Dokurider> neat
[13:15] <formerdeathcorps> units start with 105% hit chance
[13:15] <formerdeathcorps> to simulate 100% + 5 crit
[13:16] <formerdeathcorps> the problem is that we're making speed too important
[13:16] <formerdeathcorps> I kind of want to avoid that
[13:16] <formerdeathcorps> mechanically
[13:16] <formerdeathcorps> even if it makes sense
01[13:17] <Dokurider> more penalities for speed
[13:17] <formerdeathcorps> Yeah...it's called crap HP
[13:17] <formerdeathcorps> and poor damage.
[13:18] <formerdeathcorps> so...we still need a way to increase hit chance
[13:18] <formerdeathcorps> and I want to avoid the "I'm at a higher level so I automatically get a higher hit chance"
[13:18] <formerdeathcorps> because that's not FFT
[13:18] <formerdeathcorps> that's what made Fire Emblem and TO really stupid
01[13:19] <Dokurider> Well, if you have a higher Jump, you get better hit chance
[13:20] <formerdeathcorps> Well...yeah...the ninja effect...but the problem should be obvious
[13:21] <formerdeathcorps> what if we gave lower morale a perk?
01[13:21] <Dokurider> Okay, then moral can do that
[13:21] <formerdeathcorps> namely...you get hit chance pluses if your morale is lower
[13:21] <formerdeathcorps> but you are more liable to status effects
[13:23] <formerdeathcorps> speaking of which
01[13:23] <Dokurider> As long as my units don't bitch after every battle when they're low on morale
[13:23] <formerdeathcorps> Constitution should be fixed
[13:23] <formerdeathcorps> you can't increase/decreat it or change it during battle
[13:23] <formerdeathcorps> except possibly by Innocent/Faith
[13:23] <formerdeathcorps> which will now become...uhh...
[13:23] <formerdeathcorps> Giant and Mini?
01[13:24] <Dokurider> How about Unburden and Heavy
[13:24] <formerdeathcorps> except wait
[13:24] <formerdeathcorps> in battle...100 CON is a great thing
[13:24] <formerdeathcorps> you can equip a thief with armor
[13:25] <formerdeathcorps> use 100 CON and bam, you have a super-knight
[13:25] <formerdeathcorps> because recall, the effect of CON was on SPD growth
[13:25] <formerdeathcorps> on SPD in battle
[13:26] <formerdeathcorps> I'm thinking it needs to cut your move and jump in half
[13:26] <formerdeathcorps> to be fair
[13:26] <formerdeathcorps> err..just set it to 2/2
[13:26] <formerdeathcorps> and then mini gives you encumberance, but makes your move jump 6/6
[13:26] <formerdeathcorps> meaning that the encumberance is to SPD only
[13:27] <formerdeathcorps> but the effect is so much worse than slow
01[13:27] <Dokurider> Unless you come in naked
[13:27] <formerdeathcorps> or close to it
[13:27] <formerdeathcorps> yes
[13:28] <formerdeathcorps> but then your HP and damage is crap
01[13:28] <Dokurider> A cracked out Naked Ninja
[13:29] <formerdeathcorps> That will be Celia and Lede's new skillset
[13:29] <formerdeathcorps> for sure
[13:30] <formerdeathcorps> The 100 COn idea is fine
[13:31] <formerdeathcorps> the 0 CON one isn't
[13:31] <formerdeathcorps> because...well
[13:31] <formerdeathcorps> the speed reductions are too punishing
[13:31] <formerdeathcorps> virtually everyone will have like 1 SPD
[13:33] <formerdeathcorps> We need to cap SPD somewhere else
[13:33] <formerdeathcorps> how about at umm....4?
[13:34] <formerdeathcorps> recall slow is -33% SPD now
[13:34] <formerdeathcorps> and haste is straight up +3
[13:34] <formerdeathcorps> so it's like being level 1
[13:34] <formerdeathcorps> and slowed
01[13:36] <Dokurider> that would work
[13:37] <formerdeathcorps> Concentrate, I'm thinking...cannot be straight up + Hit
[13:37] <formerdeathcorps> because that boosts crit
[13:37] <formerdeathcorps> +100% hit
[13:38] <formerdeathcorps> is broken on all but the most evasive of unit
[13:38] <formerdeathcorps> because you're giving your units a 60% critical chance against normal evasion
01[13:39] <Dokurider> Remove the ability to crit, you give up crits to never miss
01[13:40] <Dokurider> A flat +50% accuracy
[13:40] <formerdeathcorps> or that...
01[13:40] <Dokurider> Or ignore all evasion except C-Ev
[13:40] <formerdeathcorps> yeah
[13:47] <formerdeathcorps> But I think we should do something different
[13:47] <formerdeathcorps> reducing evasion is nice.
[13:47] <formerdeathcorps> because it is different than just adding accuracy
[13:47] <formerdeathcorps> and makes overspec'd setups
[13:47] <formerdeathcorps> like 30 morale ninja
[13:47] <formerdeathcorps> with 15 SPD, 30 CON, and a ton of SPd gear
[13:47] <formerdeathcorps> with abandon and jump +3 useless
[13:48] <formerdeathcorps> that way...people make more reasonable and less extreme setups


July 16, 2012, 04:57:53 pm #89 Last Edit: July 18, 2012, 06:33:36 pm by formerdeathcorps
Here's an updated version with Dokurider's concepts worked in.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


July 17, 2012, 11:07:50 pm #90 Last Edit: July 18, 2012, 04:28:04 am by formerdeathcorps
All right, a couple of things on the TODO list.

1) Should I add back sunken state?
2) Awaken + Guardian seems almost to be too broken a combination.  Should I allow wiznaibus to bypass Guardian?  (Decided in favor of this.)
3) What of Blade Grasp, Catch, and Arrow Guard?  Should I reintroduce them?
4) What of EGCC's no-grind mechanics?
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


About the crystal argument in the first page, in Persona games there has been many instant death skill that once hit main character, it's instant game over. So I would say that It would be nice to have crystal move that has certain chance of hitting the target.

PS. I still believe in fake difficulty.

ps. I miss Arch.... (on these forums, before he came jackass towards the forums)



Instant crystal = Instant reset = No fun

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Or you can force equip ramza with an item that makes him immune to crystal.

you guys are thinking too much of banish from 1.3



The risk of instantly lose a character is not fun, no matter what
And you are the only one who is talking/thinking about him, Shade

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Make better tactics or reload


Quote from: Dome on August 19, 2012, 06:05:24 pm
The risk of instantly lose a character is not fun, no matter what
And you are the only one who is talking/thinking about him, Shade

Who said instantly lol? You guys are still thinking of banish.
You could give it meteor CT and have abilities that cancel charge.



FDC's not even active at the moment, so there's little use arguing in this topic. Locking this thread until he comes back.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


i don't like the whole Instant Crystal Idea , if there was a Spell that could Undo the Crystal it wouldn't Bother me as much, but i get the Feeling Crystal = Gone never to return...
im sorry i restarted the V-FFT for the Real PSX in 1993 at least 40 times so i could say i finished the Game with all 24 of my party members All Special Char's...
that would never be possible if there was instant Crystal
if you really must add this skill , then at least make RAMZA immune to it  , this is a Requirment , if u don't then your basicly dooming anyone willing to try this too hours of resetting / resentment. and im not sure that it would be pointed at Ajora
