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Original Jot5 Thread

Started by 3lric, October 24, 2011, 04:53:34 am


December 14, 2011, 09:59:16 pm #240 Last Edit: December 14, 2011, 10:05:49 pm by Durbs
Quote from: Elric42 on December 14, 2011, 09:51:05 pm
Adding Slow to Red Mage Set now  :mrgreen:
And the Rouge has already been added Durbs :P, unless we arent using those ones?
The only Generic not done as far as i know is Guardian

Durbs if you could put this into a spreadsheet i will bow to you, it would make it much more organized. And if you like i can get all the tiny job pictures to go with it as well, since i still have them all

(Slaps self on face). Yeah, we do, don't we? Yes, we're using MD's. I forgot about that.

And yeah, once everything is finalized I'll make a spreadsheet then.

EDIT: This should help.

1.) Holy Strike- Holy damage to one unit; two range
2.) Shield Bash- Disable on adjacent unit if equipped with a shield (not sure if this one is possible)
3.) Defensive Stance- Add: Defend, Protect to one unit; two range
4.) Cover- Take physical damage for unit for one turn (if possible; I know this is a difficult ASM, I'm just not sure if it's been accomplished yet)
5.) Sanctify- Turns fallen undead units into crystals (won't revive, basically)
6.) Focus- Moderate self-healing spell (no MP)
7.) Recharge- Mild MP restore to one unit (considering this is almost the only one of its kind, this is meant to be a major strong point)
8.) Stop- Add: Stop to a group
9.) Reraise- Add: Reraise
10.) Reflect- Add: Reflect to a group
11.) Aura- Add: Regen, haste to adjacent units (not self)
  • Modding version: PSX


December 14, 2011, 10:06:08 pm #241 Last Edit: December 14, 2011, 10:34:30 pm by Elric42
Quote from: Durbs on December 14, 2011, 09:59:16 pm
(Slaps self on face). Yeah, we do, don't we? Yes, we're using MD's. I forgot about that.

And yeah, once everything is finalized I'll make a spreadsheet then.

Woot! That will make organizing the main post only about 1.5 million times easier

Damn Durbs! your giving me information faster then i can update it :P

NOW we just need

Cloud's 3 Skillsets, we really only need a second one
Dante needs 3 skillsets (can be based on Swordmaster, Gunslinger, Trickster or Devil Trigger if need be)
Tesnya (Will have 1 of Ramza's moves from his first skillset)

EDIT..AGAIN: All generic classes finished and Set to Complete in main post
  • Modding version: PSX


Kind of an odd place to throw the 'Stop' spell, into the Guardian skillset? The rest of his and Agrias' skillset is fantastic though. If I played any of the Devil may Cry series I totally would try to come up with a skillset. Sadly, I haven't.

For Ramza, I was thinking something more peasant-like,  such as Huntsman or Traveler, so as to reminisce of his time spent with Delita, or just some skills that he picked up along his journey with a little help from Mustiado.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Holographic #1363


Quote from: MountainDew~ on December 14, 2011, 11:07:21 pm
For Ramza, I was thinking something more peasant-like,  such as Huntsman or Traveler, so as to reminisce of his time spent with Delita, or just some skills that he picked up along his journey with a little help from Mustiado.

I really like this thought, especially with the great reasoning you gave to support it, which could be transformed into the job description
  • Modding version: PSX


December 15, 2011, 03:28:34 am #244 Last Edit: December 15, 2011, 04:37:50 am by Taichii
just a suggestion on the side quest area :)
why don't you add a quest for each of them to upgrade their weapons..
surely if the good guys automatically win the fight early on.. the story will be short ;)
to add more story.. i think that they got beat by the final enemy and that whatever attack they did, they would do like 1 or 2 damage..
and then they got beat up.. and an old sage or someone maybe custom made or a character that is linked to the characters can tell them a myth about the "hidden weapons" that sparkled and burst out from stones when the characters first arrived at ivalice.

and also.. you can link the proposition/history/relics from the original fft game and put them into action in this patch :)


another suggestion if you want to add another job for dante:

Dante - Demon Vampire - Blood Crest
"Dante's Ego form. Awakened by a dreadful memory."
(sprite suggestion : Dante with black coat.)
reference: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsHI-d1bT_M

1)  Seduction                Charms an opponent (midrange)
2)  Crimson Sword          (Dark or fire damage?)(like Night sword with out the drain hp maybe?) (long range)   
3)  Demon Charge          Pa + 1,brave + 20
4)  Energy Drain                 Drains MP "looks in the eyes of the prey, consuming its energy"
5)  Blood Drain                   Drains HP "Bites the enemy and sucks its blood"
6)  Dark Beam                  Significant dark damage (linear)
7)  Inferno                      Significant fire damage to an area
8)  Blades of Hell             Normal Weapon Damage (mid range)
9)  Blood Pact                 Shares Hp with an ally
10) Demon Eyes              Add : stop/dont act/dont move and brave - 20
11) Devil Combo              attacks 6 times. 1/5 of normal physical damage in every strike. add: stop (mid chance)
12)  Vampire Combo         attacks 6 times. 1/5 of normal physical damage in every strike. add: undead and confuse (mid chance)
13)  Pandora's box           petrifies undead enemies (mid chance)
14)  Vermilion Stab          1.5 weapon damage. add don't move and slow to self at the end of the turn.
15)  Lucifer's Destruction  1.7 weapon damage. add don't act to self at the end of the turn.
16)   Demon Sparda         Summon Odin (massive damage)(add stop to self after turn is over) (odin will serve as his demon daddy because he kinda looks like him LOL) "summons the spirit of dante's father to bash the enemies in the field"

Can equip: Katana, ninja swords, Swords/Knight Swords
Innate: (Two Swords or two hands?)
Innate: damage split
Please do share your ideas and suggestion for my project:

Join our RP :)



Quote from: Durbs on December 14, 2011, 09:29:28 pm
Sorry L_Z, we've already pretty much worked all of this out. We already have skillsets to match their respective roles, except perhaps the Rouge, but you have the same general idea I had.

Relax, i´m hre only to throw up some ideias hping they benefict you guys on some way ^^
My english sucks... and i know this.

Currently playing:
- FFT +, by Dome
- CCP, by Celdia


Have you guys thought about adding a female character (other than Agrias because shes already in) to balance out the male characters more? Although that probably can't be done in Chapter 1, you could do it for Chapter 2 or something. It would add some diversity and might improve appeal to other players. This could however, remove the feeling of five people together but then again, you could make her role minor so she doesn't stand out too much.
  • Modding version: PSX


December 15, 2011, 04:22:31 pm #247 Last Edit: December 15, 2011, 05:16:55 pm by Elric42
Quote from: Twinees on December 15, 2011, 06:52:03 am
Have you guys thought about adding a female character (other than Agrias because shes already in) to balance out the male characters more? Although that probably can't be done in Chapter 1, you could do it for Chapter 2 or something. It would add some diversity and might improve appeal to other players. This could however, remove the feeling of five people together but then again, you could make her role minor so she doesn't stand out too much.

Very good catch Twinees, and yes there are 2 female characters being added in chapter 2  :mrgreen:

Quote from: Lucifer_zero on December 15, 2011, 06:43:10 am
Relax, i´m hre only to throw up some ideias hping they benefict you guys on some way ^^

Lol he wasnt saying anything bad Lucifer_zero, just that the skillsets have already been chosen, most of which were YOUR ideas and MD's ideas. So no worries,
we just are working on other skillsets that you are more then welcome to help with since all the generic skillsets are complete now  :mrgreen:

Quote from: Taichii on December 15, 2011, 03:28:34 am
reference: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsHI-d1bT_M

This video is an excellent example of Dante :P, Durbs seems to like it enough so we will go ahead and add it to the main post but as for the part of Odin representing his demon father.. We already have plans for Sparda :P but otherwise great job  :mrgreen:
  • Modding version: PSX


December 15, 2011, 04:41:52 pm #248 Last Edit: December 15, 2011, 05:30:06 pm by Durbs
I like the set. I might change a bit later, but for now you can just put that one on the main post.

And actually, MD, that is sorta what I was thinking of too. Ramza would go out and hunt to get away from all of the stresses of being a Duke, much like nobles of almost any time period. As for Stop, it is there primarily as an offensive tool. Yes, it's a little odd, but it fits the set well enough to keep, added to the fact that it adds a measure of attacking capability to the unit.

EDIT: Here's the first bit of spreadsheet for you, Elric. Note that only the first sheet is done (moves have not been done yet) and blanks mean we need to solidify the class.
  • Modding version: PSX


Apparently something's wrong (please excuse the double post while I try this again...)

EDIT: Can anyone tell me if it works? I tired to download it to test it but something's wacky.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Durbs on December 15, 2011, 05:32:22 pm
Apparently something's wrong (please excuse the double post while I try this again...)

EDIT: Can anyone tell me if it works? I tired to download it to test it but something's wacky.

This is looking very nice so far Durbs and yes i can confirm it's working :D
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Elric42 on December 15, 2011, 04:22:31 pm
Lol he wasnt saying anything bad Lucifer_zero, just that the skillsets have already been chosen, most of which were YOUR ideas and MD's ideas. So no worries,

Oh, sry about that, i didnt mean that way, i´m always bad at chosing words and get in confusions for it ^^

Anyway, i reeeeaaaaallly wish to have something more next week, this weekend going to be busy for me, got some job to do all day from tomorrow until monday...

Also, i´m sooo curious, what cameos you guys can tell that will be on guest time on this hack ?
My english sucks... and i know this.

Currently playing:
- FFT +, by Dome
- CCP, by Celdia


December 15, 2011, 06:51:11 pm #252 Last Edit: December 15, 2011, 06:57:00 pm by Elric42
Quote from: Lucifer_zero on December 15, 2011, 06:42:20 pm
Oh, sry about that, i didnt mean that way, i´m always bad at chosing words and get in confusions for it ^^

Anyway, i reeeeaaaaallly wish to have something more next week, this weekend going to be busy for me, got some job to do all day from tomorrow until monday...

Also, i´m sooo curious, what cameos you guys can tell that will be on guest time on this hack ?

Well without giving away too much, most people from Ivalice will make at the very least some kind of short appearance but very few are going to be as permanent as Agrias, I know one of which that will as well as another one that you can make a skillset for, I will PM you right now. There may also be someone else in chapter 1 that may need a skillset as well, i will have to consult Durbs regarding that tho

EDIT: @ Durbs. Who = Romar? The other character we discussed for the side-quest pertaining to Ramza? (you know what im talking about)
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Elric42 on December 15, 2011, 06:51:11 pm
EDIT: @ Durbs. Who = Romar? The other character we discussed for the side-quest pertaining to Ramza? (you know what im talking about)

  • Modding version: PSX


I'm really looking forward to seeing this patch make it! It's made so much progress and continues to progress at an alarmingly fast rate.

// I worry that the proposed Demon Charge skill might be a bit overpowered. PA+1Br+20 seems a bit overwhelming, unless it comes with a decent MP cost and/or charge time.
Ignorance itself is a crime! - Miluda


Quote from: Pierce on December 17, 2011, 04:44:01 am
// I worry that the proposed Demon Charge skill might be a bit overpowered. PA+1Br+20 seems a bit overwhelming, unless it comes with a decent MP cost and/or charge time.

I will have to take your word on this lol, I'm no good with formulas :P The ability making department is definitely sometime we will need some assistance with. We have all these awesome abilities they just need to be made. I believe DarkShade was going to work on this but i don't hear from him all that often
  • Modding version: PSX


If DarkShade is on it, I'll leave his work to him. He probably doesn't want someone constantly second-guessing his work and throwing in opinions if he knows what he's doing and whatnot. I might just throw in some comments here or there if I feel something might've been overlooked or something though, if that's okay with him.
Ignorance itself is a crime! - Miluda


This is not directly related to FFT: Tjot5 development, but me and my friends rated all your videos and subscribed to your YT channel
If you want/need some suggestion to make your channel look better, pm me

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Quote from: Dome on December 17, 2011, 05:39:55 am
This is not directly related to FFT: Tjot5 development, but me and my friends rated all your videos and subscribed to your YT channel
If you want/need some suggestion to make your channel look better, pm me

:O thank you Dome! thats awesome  :mrgreen:

EDIT: Haha holy shit you weren't kidding  :mrgreen:
  • Modding version: PSX

Joseph Strife

Quote from: Pierce on December 17, 2011, 05:37:18 am
If DarkShade is on it, I'll leave his work to him. He probably doesn't want someone constantly second-guessing his work and throwing in opinions if he knows what he's doing and whatnot. I might just throw in some comments here or there if I feel something might've been overlooked or something though, if that's okay with him.

Well, we haven't heard from him a while, i guess we'd better leave him some time to show up.
Gaffgarion: It's in the contract!
Ramza: Does your contract says: "When you find a former squire, that now is a Holy knight that has kidnapped a princess, in a bridge by a waterfall fighting a brigade you are supposed to kill everybody that helps him!"
Gaffgarion: ... Sure!
Ramza: ... Let me see your contract...
Gaffgarion: ... No...