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September 20, 2024, 09:10:27 pm


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Started by Taichii, January 17, 2012, 02:02:12 am


Tonight, I shall explain the Poison Ninjas' special innate, Poison Null.

So basically, all it does is that all poison damage up to a certain point is ignored/rendered to 0 damage. So the status Poison wouldn't do anything to them because it only deals 1/6 damage and the threshold is higher than that. As a result, Poison Ninjas can be and are always Poisoned. It also stops poisons that add status from working unless they are above a certain concentration, so they can walk through smokescreen without getting Blinded. The purer the breed of Poison Ninja, the higher this threshold gets to be. There are items that imbue this effect, but it obviously has a lower threshold. If a poison attack goes over the threshold, the damage will be reduced, but not by a whole lot.

Any questions?


So if anyone else wants to create a character in the cult that'll last longer than a post, now would be a good time to hop aboard.


Beak: ([Br/100]PA) * (PA + [0...SP/2]), standard physical attack

Feather Bomb: MA * Y; unevadable

Pruning: Increases Speed by 25%, self only.

35% P-Ev and M-Ev
6 Move
Really fucking fast
+PA and +HP, -MA
Reaction: Projectile Guard
Weak against Earth
Immune to Wind

Juravis are the best close quarter combatants of the Crane family. They use their razor sharp beaks with precision and accuracy. More agile and stronger that the rest of their family, they are a nightmare to go up against toe to toe, masterful evaders and being able to identify and snipe out weak points on armor. Before an engagement, they like to prune themselves, which makes them even faster. They tend to forgo their Feather Bomb attack, as they lack the magical aptitude of their relatives, using it mainly to drive off enemies or finish weaken targets.

The same ability that allows them to sense air currents allows them to detect oncoming projectiles and using their hardened wings to deflect them. Their feathers are thatched together in a way that further reduces damage from projectiles, especially ones without a cutting edge. Attack from the crane family get especially vicious during the spring time, where they have to gather food for their chicks. Being avid man eaters, Juravis and their ilk are considered among the most dangerous monsters of Ivalice. In spite of massive campaigns to eradicate them, they continue to thrive and remain a massive threat to travelers everywhere.


I just realized I just technically killed my first PC. Blood's in the water you guys, Anyone Can Die.


lol its okay... monsters everywhere watch out for the next post ;)
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May 06, 2012, 01:15:23 pm #564 Last Edit: May 06, 2012, 03:58:23 pm by Taichii

so micheal went the wrong way , darkshade?
he went north instead of limberry in the south east?

just posted a part of the plot and released Rai, Carl, Ardin, Ignias, Lucious and Rune... ;)
if any of you want to know the backstory...
feel free to read at http://www.fftrealm.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=14961&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0
anyway this is not required.. but it is interesting though you can see how it got linked.
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May 07, 2012, 03:22:10 pm #565 Last Edit: May 07, 2012, 05:52:39 pm by Dokurider
As Taichii readies himself in front of the mirror for another day of looking handsome and smoking in between his job of taking pictures of cosplayers and random women and posting them all over FFH IRC, suddenly, a brick goes flying through his window, landing behind him. When he manages to break his gaze from his own reflection and turns his attention to the brick, he sees a folded note attached to the brick:

QuoteDear Taichii and concerned company:

It has come to our attention that you have killed four of our members. Now that is not a problem in and of itself. In fact, this is expected outcome when heroes collide with monsters. We build up heroes and we serve that role proudly. However, the relationship between man and monster is a give and take kind of relationship. We do not ask for much; no tributes of money, power, high grade cocaine, or anything like that. All we want is respect, and that means our inevitable clashes should be battles, as in there should be a struggle involved.

That means the slaughter of our members is strongly frowned on and is considered bad form. We are not wildlife and we are not cattle. We have fought and preyed on humanity on a regular basis since the dawn of time. We have evolved to counter and exploit the tactics and weaknesses of man. Simply put, we are not pushovers and we do not take being disrespected lightly.

The members that were slaughtered were Juravis. They've had a difficult time in reestablishing their image, thanks to the initial release of Final Fantasy Tactics. In the original version of the game, the only move they could use on their own was Scratch Up, a very basic attack-type move. This was due to a combination of creative disputes and difficulties in time management. They have since gained a proper set of attacks to better serve them. But to this day, they are still very defensive about their reputation and will strive to ensure that no one gets the wrong idea about them.

So when they heard about the circumstances of how four of their members were destroyed, they were quite displeased and set out to head off a potential misconception. They knew a direct attack on Mr. Taichii himself was ill advised, so they sought to attack the Blade and Scythe organization in hopes of sending a message to all heroes in the world of Ivalice. They were to only kill 8 members of the Blade and Scythe, but the members conducting the raid got carried away and killed quite a few more. As compensation, the Blade and Scythe and all associated will be exempt from any future ambushes for a yet to be negotiated period.

We cannot approve of one sided slaughter of our members, but at the same time, we do not wish that every encounter between monsters and heroes to be potentially deadly for the heroes. We work with heroes to accommodate their skill levels and personal needs. All we want is to maintain an image of menace and dread. If we let our image go to the wayside, our livelihoods will be jeopardized, as well as the status of being a hero. We monsters serve a crucial aspect in the journey of a hero. Without us, much of the danger of traveling around Ivalice is diminished greatly and the hero's journey loses much of it's appeal and excitement. Our role is, has been and will be very essential to the development of heroes.

There are exceptions to the rules and each suspicious incident is reviewed on a case by case basis. Many factors are taken into consideration. For instance, ambushes initiated by the monsters themselves can be killed more readily. But in general, we do not approve of dying without a struggle. Juravis may be the 1st tier monsters, but they are by no means pushovers and they are not walking thanksgiving courses. They have taken direct hits from Holy Explosions and not only lived to talk about, they continued to push the assault. They have taken on entire squads of soldiers, and won. They are only fragile for monsters: their vitality rivals that of the strongest humans and they can certainly take more punishment then those ninjas in Dorter. If you wanted food, there are plenty of pheasants and ducks out there that will supplement your dietary needs.

We look forward to working alongside you and all heroes. Each time we encounter one another, we push each other to become better heroes and better monsters. But we also demand respect. We do not expect to take up a hero's time in fighting us, but it must be understood that we are as big a threat as any human. Do not underestimate us. We are strong. Humans are weak. You have twigs for bones and baby flesh for muscles. You are an insignificant speck compared to the wrath of Nature Corrupted. You have more weaknesses than you can ever know. Fail to heed this letter and we will be more than willingly to help you understand just why we are called 'monsters'.

We hope we do not have to send another letter of this nature again. May this letter find you in good health. Condolences to the Blade and Scythe. Good luck for the rest of your journey.


World the Malboro of Dolbodar, Hero Service Representative
Department of Hero-Monster Relations
Monster's Union


i teared up a little :")
sorry monsters..its my fault/./ next time i'll try better :D
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No Michael and them (John, Mirthean and Kojo the chocobo) left Dorter heading east and ended up near Araguay Woods and then Michael left east and hit the bad desert. he wasn't able to travel past it and died. But my new character shall be here soon. I'm having trouble with the names though so I'm asking if anyone knows any good names.
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Mirthean Ascael

omg im back lol. toobusywith stuff. xD *reads*

             Click for Character Sheet


name it gustave or alfonse darkshade lol :D
(saga frontier)

welvcome back mirth o/
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Quote from: DarkShade on May 08, 2012, 11:53:38 pm
I'm having trouble with the names though so I'm asking if anyone knows any good names.

I'm good at coming up with names... just ask Celdia.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


I got it now. once Taichii said Alphonse, it stuck to me. But when I need more names I'll ask you okay. So here is my new Character sheet.

Name: Alphonse

Nickname: Ghost

Birth: September 24th Libra

Origin: Born in Goug Machine City

Weapon: Mythril Cutlass, Mythril Lance,  Mythril Gun

Armor: Leather Armor, Gauntlet, Bandana

Physic: Slender and tall, Able to get around fast and through tight areas. He is also handsome looking.

Info:  Alphonse  is an adventure and treasure hunter, he travels around Ivalice in search for treasure and exploration, he has a lot of fun adventuring and meeting new people. He is a honest and good working man, trying to help everyone who is in danger. At a young age of ten(10) his house was burned down and his family died within. Having to survive he learn the arts of thievery and meet new friends. Some of them were to weak to do anything so he stolen money to get them some food and shelter. At the age of  fifteen(15), a military veteran named Carmine,took Alphonse  in and trained him to become a Lancer for the military. But around the age of seventeen(17) Carmine died of a stroke and soon Alphonse was then kick out of the house and was living on his own just after inheriting Carmine's Mythril Sword and Lance. He began searching for lost treasure and a new beginning around the age of twenty-three(23). Anything before the age of ten(10) was unknown.

Complete Jump skill set
Complete Thief skill set
  Check out my sprites


great great old man = taichii's ancestor
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Hmm, I sensing that the Odyssey is starting to influence me writing somewhat...


very well said doku :D
where will you go next?
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Hey, just popping in while I got a couple seconds to say that I'll be posting soon, been so busy its retarded, luckily I got today off..


In Desperation, Silence is a status that removes the ability for words, thoughts, feelings and other internalizations to trigger magic spells. You are still allowed to talk freely and otherwise communicate, but otherwise, you simply cannot cast spells. Think of it as removing the trigger from a gun. You can pull the trigger as much as you'd like, but that gun is simply not going to fire.

It seems this is how Final Fantasy in general treats Silence, ergo it should be how Desperation treats Silence. A prime example of this in action is in FFIX, when Dagger is rendered mute by the events in the game. She is not talking and completely silent, but otherwise perfectly able to cast spells (aside from the occasional failure caused by her failing to concentrate).

To remedy this definition with the classic definition of Silence, I propose a new status called Mute. Mute actually renders you unable to talk or in fact communicate at all. That includes no acting out stuff, no drawing, no writing, no singing or dancing. Unless words are a specific requirement for incantation, i.e, Talk Skill, Mute does not interfere with spell casting at all.

I support this definition because currently, out of all the magic users in the RP, only st4r says chants with his spells aloud. If we were to go with the traditional definition, it would have a minimal effect on this RP. While what mechanics from FFT is ultimately up to our digression, the tradition definition would make it's effect irrelevant to this RP barring a complete and utter recon to everyone's spells and abilities.

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions, shuffle off and deal with it speak now, before some serious silence action goes down in the near future.


Heavenly wind, carry us to a fountain of power! Esuna!



hoho then what about don't act?
so mute is just a mini version of dont act? :)
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don't act is its own status effect. Mute targets the speech, don't act targets the bodies movement.