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Desperation --- Roleplay of Pairs

Started by Taichii, January 18, 2012, 02:48:37 am


   Mama smiles his usual smile. "Alright then, dear Anita. You know the rules~~ I'll count to 30, alright?" He pokes her nose.

   "Yes, Mama!" she giggles in response. He covers his eyes and she immediately takes off. Without even looking back, she calls, "Mama, no peeking!" just to be sure.

   She considers for a moment that, in previous games of hide and seek, she had been in situations where it was best not to reveal her powers. Of course, against normal children, she would never dream of cheating like that anyway. But, like her, Mama was definitely not normal. Maybe she can use her abilities this time.

   Without another thought, she teleports, leaving her double to run strait into the swamp. It splashes noisily around for a few seconds before dissipating. Hopefully, it will serve as the distraction she intends it to be, fooling Mama into searching for her in the muddy filth. Silently summoning her wings, she takes to the air, seeking a suitable hiding place. She knows Mama can see through her invisibility, so she does not bother, she will have to find actual, physical cover, and quick.


   A stand of trees, blooming with brilliant white flowers! It was perfect for hiding her clerical vestments, since she lacked the time to swap to her other outfit that likely would have been easier to hide. Teleporting down, among the branches of one, she quickly gathers several blossoms before moving to the next one and taking more.

   "Twenty one... Twenty two... Twenty three..." Mama is still counting aloud, leaving precious little time.

   One last mystical jaunt and she starts sticking stems, leaves and branches in various places in an attempt to conceal the gold accents of her garments. Charon and her belt prove a bit more of a challenge, but she believes her work is satisfactory for the time allotted. In hindsight, she probably should have left both back by the chocobos. Oh well.

   "Thirty~~!" He calls, louder than his prior counting.

   She stills her breathing as he begins his search for her. She has had plenty of practice hiding over the years. Be it running from bandits, guards or monsters, hiding has proved a very useful survival skill in countless situations. Even if this is just a game, her aim is not to be found very easily.

   He is apparently fooled by the duplicate as he begins to search the swamp. What is this? He found one of the bad mans she had dropped there earlier. Odd, she thought they sunk. Oh well. Wait, he seems to be panicked at the sight of the bad man. Why? Now he is doing a faceplant? When he gets up, he glances around frantically before drawing his weapons.

   Mama sure has a strange way of seeking...
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Taichii frozed in hgis steps at a moment.. he keenly observed his surroundings.. he t hen looked back at the bodies..  He observed their facial expressions...
"Pain...Intense pain... They died fighting but they fought hard i guess.... "
He then turned around and shouted...
"Anita dear... Where are you? There's been a bit of a problem...."
Taichii searches for anita but there was no response ..
He got worried...
"Is she still playing? This is bad.. really bad...."
Something rustled from the thick bushes...

"Who's There?!"
Taichii sheathed his blade...turned around and walked slowly towards the bushes...
"Anita....? Is that you?"
Taichii's suddenly got nervous.. Cold sweat poured down his spine... Maybe it was because he always wore thick clothes? but no.. this is different.. he senses that something is familiar but is not...
He suddenly got double thoughts if he is to move the bushes out of the way...
"She might be in danger... I can't let them hurt her..  not another one..not her..."
He whispered..
He then decides to sway away the bushes but just as his hands were about to reach... A White Beast with a dog's head ...
It was a werewolf... Taichii got pinned down.. the werewolf's claws grabbed taichii's arms... Taichii can't move.. He closed his eyes....

"No.. It's this.. one of the creatures that dad was talkin about..Creatures that i was supposed to avoid..."
Taichii was startled as he felt hot..wet, slimy substance poured down his cheeks...
"Eww.. dog saliva..." Taichii whimpered in disgust..
As he kept struggling the werewolf raised its head a little bit and lunged a bite towards Taichii's head.. Taichii's reflexes works and he tilted his head to the right... making the werewolf hit the ground nose-first...
The werewolf flinched and withdrew a little.. Taichii used this chance to roll back and held the blade's hilt...
The were wolf jumped in the air... Taichii could not explain this feeling of awe that crept from the blade towards his hands.... He looked at his enemy... The werewolf is falling slowly from above.. below the bright full moon, Its eyes filled with rage.. Its claws, ready to grab and ravage him...
As One of the werewolf's nail claw shined from the bright moonlight, Taichii came back to his senses... He drew his blade and pointed it at the werewolf.. The Werewolf got surprised... He held back his claws and crossed it at its chest.. The Werewolf fell straight into taichii.. The tip of the blade pierces The werewolf's arms and penetrated its chest...
Taichii got shocked at what happened... "Why did you... Stop?"
The werewolf could only look at Taichii's eyes... A single tear streamed down at the werewolf's cheeks.. The werewolf looked at the blade which is now glowing white... The white glow follows the drips of blood that falls down to the cobble stoned area of the swamp...
Taichii withdrew his blade and stared at the dying werewolf.... " I am sorry..." Taichii felt guilty as he saw the werewolf screamed his final howl... The moon fades and the werewolf slowly transformed into a man with a hole in his chest...
The blade lost its white glow... He then hears a faint sound of a female crying....
"Is it just me or did that just come out from the blade?"
Taichii shook his head and shrugged it off...
He then pulled the bodies from the swamp and buried them under a pile of soil...
After that , he searches for anita yet again...
"Hey dear anita? are you there? We have to go now.. to a town.... Anita are you there?"
Taichii Jumped in the air and saw a pint of shadow that doesn't match a white flowerbed...
He then sprinted and looked at the figure... "This is... her things?"
Just as he was about to look what is inside anita's stuff.. A Shadow jumped from a tree, few yards away from him.... Another shadow passed by his back... Taichii turned around and saw 2 huge cats with violet fur... He then heard a screech from behind and found two more ....
"Anita.... Is she okay? I am not liking where this is going"
Taichii thought as he gulps down his saliva...
"I guess i have to use you..."
Taichii raised his hand and drew his scythe from his back...
He jumped in the air and twirled his scythe like a helicopter... He landed on one of the violet cat's head.. He kicked it downwards and somersaulted three times .. His eyes turned slitty, he stops in the air and raised his left hand... red lightning generates from the pendant towards the center of his palm....
The violet cats then rush left and right zigzagging their way towards the vampire in the air....

-to be continued- XD

OOC: next post still after anita cause i want to keep the official time warp as night time... meaning that we are 6-8 hours advanced from dokurider and quint and the others... please do care about the time warp guys thanks :D
Please do share your ideas and suggestion for my project:

Join our RP :)



   The juravis pecks painfully at Felicitous, gouging out a chunk of her abdomen. The young woman grunts in pain and clutches her side, but after a moment, she smiles at the bird.

   "Good news." She intones. "I figured out what that thing you just pecked out did. It was a center of morality a mediator talked into me after I killed everybody with a deadly poison, to make me stop killing everybody with a deadly poison." She holds out a bloody hand. "So get comfortable, while I warm up the poison spell."
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


   John woke up and realize they were sleeping too long. He walk over to Mirthean and woke him up. They couldn't tell how long they been sleeping but something was different Michael was gone. They didn't see him or hear him get up and leave. Kojo was asleep still so they rush the chocobo to get up and then they saw a note. The note was from Michael.

   John sat down for a minute and started reading it. John if your reading this I should be heading towards Limberry. I left you guys so I could figure out what my father left me. I needed to do this alone.

   Mirthean look towards John after they finish backing up. "Well what was it?" John put the note in his pocket and turn towards him. "It nothing lets head towards Goland Coal City. It should be near hear. They left without even wondering where Michael went. Maybe John new what was going to happen and wish to not know the truth.

   Micheal was walking aimlessly towards the direction of Limberry but he didn't knew how long until he will get there. He gripped his sword and ask for guidance to Limberry and and continued to walk. His movements slowly changed as he continued to the city, there were still no sign of anything man made. His grew weaker and weaker with every step and decided to stop. He wrote one more note to anyone who finds his body. The desert began to engulf him slowly, but then he saw shelter, it was a small ruined hut but there was still some sort of shelter he could stay. Michael decided to stay. All he did was sit and stared at his fate. He doesn't know if he can make it. He sat down quietly and let fate take him away. Slowly he closed his eyes....

OOC: Michael is in the Bed Desert and also If you couldn't understand whats happening read this.
If you couldn't tell whats happening. I'm letting my character die. I been sick to long and cannot keep up with him. But I won't quit this. I still have John alive and someone new is coming. He will be around very soon.
  Check out my sprites


May 06, 2012, 03:19:39 pm #244 Last Edit: May 06, 2012, 03:52:16 pm by Taichii
Meanwhile at The mountain path behind lionel...
"Hurry up! It's almost time!"
Ignias said at the Ardin, Carl and Lucious while carrying Rai who is critically hurt and unconcious....

"Kupo, wait for us.... Dont' kupo leave us.. kupo behind~~"
Ardin said as he maximizes his speed .... While Carl stopped at a moment to catch his breath...
The two white moogle brothers stopped for a while and panted...
Lucious ,the priest, stopped too and sat for a while....

"What are you all doing? We only have thirty minutes to get at the temple of lionel!"
Ignias shouted...

"Hey! we're not as vigorous as you Ignias..being a veteran swordsman and all... let us rest for a while..."
Lucious complained...

"Sorry kupo..." Both ardin and carl said...

"Well.. I guess it cant be helped then... Lucious.. Cary Ardin adnd Carl then hop on my back.. We have no time to spare.. I'll do the rest today and i'll leave it to you all later.."
Ignias said as he lowered his back...
Ardin and Carl jumped into Lucious arms... The priest meanwhile catches the two moogles by cupping them above the arm's sleeves
Lucious then climbed into the big man's back...
Ignias got up and ran towards the temple....

After a few minutes which seemed like an hour for them...
They finally reach The lionel temple...
Ignias dropped down in a corner and sat like he has no energy left after he placed the team down....
He catches his breath and decides to meditate....
Meanwhile... Carl picks ups stones from the temple's ruined parts... Lucious tears a piece of red cloth from his robe's sleeves...
Ardin... picks up the chroma sword and pokes it a little...
"Orb kupo? Where is it kupo? I think kupo its somewhere.... Oh!" Ardin shouted as a piece of orb fell from the sword..
The orb floated in the air slowly and mysteriously glowed in deep green...
Everyone gathered beside Rai...
Carl gave Lucious the three pebbles....
Lucious then prepares the Angel's incantation....
He wets the red cloth with the holy water and places it below the floating orb... He got the three black pebbles and arranged it in a triangular point shape at the cloth's edges.....
Lucious prepares as he saw that the stars are arranging a rift path towards Rai.
Rai's eyes opened... "It's Time..." Rai said in a girl's voice.. it was Rune... The mysterious spirit living inside Rai's Mysterious mind....
The whole temple became barricaded inside a blue barrier... "Nothing can come inside and no one can come out.... If you manage to save Rai, The barrier will disperse.... If you don't... I've said enough about that....
Lucious became a bit nervous....
He gulped and then started chanting spells in foreign language....
"azuro momento quistis de valle menmerodon trosique syendrem rifao howen sumit angelus do valle!"
An angel with yellow har suddenly emerged above Rai's body....
"tes mefique sagipus rendro mayfra no skri de angelus!" Lucious raised his left hand
The angel sang a song which rendered ardin, carl and ignias asleep.
"frundias melfestis husanto santis jukrais fristintos de valle montiel~!" Lucious Raised his right hand...
The angel Touches Rai's chest.... and began to cry....
"Focus Priest!" Rai shouted in Rune's Voice..
The Barrier closed in as if to crush them... Everything shaked... Oxygen is slowly fading...
"Vrad murtok lindialle riftris hospelenia nonde angelus! merfreya angelus! Grande angelus sanktuario!
Lucious fadingly chanted as he joins his arms and closed his hands into a praying state...
Everything went white....
Carl, Ardin, Ignias and Lucious fell asleep as the barrier faded away...
"Good job guys.... It is done.. System reboot.. Mode : Defend while resting"
Rai said in rune's voice as he too... fell asleep..
Inside Rai's mind... Rune smiles happily after shedding a tear... then turns around and walked towards the room with books and a black stone that has green lightning sparks in the middle...
Please do share your ideas and suggestion for my project:

Join our RP :)



Slowly, the remaining defenders closed in on the injured Juravis, following it's every move. The Juravis' speed boost from it's pre-battle pruning ritual had worn off, losing the edge that the Juravis flock had used to utterly dominate the cult. When the defenders were only 10 feet away, the Anisuasor gave the signal for the rest of the non-fighting cult to start the attack by throwing rocks and whatever else they had handy. Those with crossbows also contributed on the attack on the Juravis.

Even with it's ability to sense oncoming projectiles and skillful wing deflection, it's injured wing, loss of speed and the sheer volume of attacks on it ensured that attacks were getting through. The rocks didn't hurt all the much, occasionally bouncing off it's beak and rattling it's entire head, but the bolts stuck themselves loosely into it's vulnerable thighs and torso, narrowly avoiding getting punctured in it's face.

While it was distracted in defending itself from the onslaught of bolts and rocks, the defenders charged in, piling on the beast to stop it from flapping over them and getting away, and a desperate battle ensued. The Juravis was constantly shaking off the humans who trying to hold it down, by beating and throwing around the humans with it's powerful wings and legs, occasionally ripping any flesh it manged to get it's beak on. The humans were trying to hit the beast with their weapons, but the sheer amount of frantic tumbling and moving about only produced misses and grazes. As the Juravis shook one off, another human jumped on and it's beak, while still leaving significant wounds, was no longer fast enough to eviscerate the humans as it had done before.

Despite the Juravis' lost advantages, the cult was still losing. They were already ragged and injured from the invasion and the Juravis was wrestling it's way to freedom, when a defender had picked up a nearby lantern, lit and filled with oil and smashed it over the Juravis, spilling oil all over the avian and lighting it on fire. It had gotten on some of the defenders as well, but most of the burning oil had hit it's main target.

Now free, but on fire, it was wildly hopping and flapping around, magically disengaging and throwing its feathers blindly at it's attackers in a vain attempt to defend and put itself out simultaneously, effectively achieving neither. Seeing this as it's last chance to take the monster down, the defenders rushed it one last time, ignoring and rushing through the barrage of needle-like feathers that were accumulating on their flesh like they were growing feathers.

Once again, the Juravis tried to fend off the attackers, but the pain from the now dying flames had made full motion of it's wings difficult. People were getting just around and through it's ever more desperate defenses, scoring solid hits and successfully contain it's movement. Finally, someone got behind the beast and scored a decisive blow, ripping across it's back. The Juravis arched it's body forward on reaction, opening itself to being grabbed and wrestled to the ground.

Now on it's back, the Juravis desperation had reached it's peak, but the defenders piled on with all of their might and began attacking. It had initially blocked some of the onslaught with it's wings, but soon, they had managed to grab and pin it's wings to the ground, painfully compressing it's wings with their knees and feet. They had tried to pin it's beak to one side, but the Juravis was continuously freeing itself, biting and cutting the hands of whoever laid it's hands on it's razor sharp beak.

Free as it was, it's beak could not defend the Juravis from the attacks now raining down on it's exposed torso and head. The Juravis' body grotesquely shook and shuttered and squawked and sputtered and struggled in it's last attempts to escape the entanglement that held it in place. Suddenly, one of the men that was holding down it's wings lost his balance and was flipped off the Juravis' wing. The Juravis exploded upwards to it's feet, sending everyone reeling. It finally had it's chance to escape. But it could not take it, as it had taken too much damage. All it could do was lamely move foward as the humans picked themselves up and took it down on last time.

The battle had been decided now. It's struggles had grown softer now, as the defenders flipped it over on it's back, pinned it's wing and beak down, and the real beating started. Feet and stick, axe and hammer, sword and scythe, rocks and bolts rained mercilessly down on the bird, smashing and ripping and slicing and crushing it's body to a increasingly bloody pulp.

They never stopped beating the beast's body. Even after blood started casting off their weapons and arcing and trailing into the night. Even after it's skull and torso caved in from the sheer fury of the blows. Even after blood started to pool around it. Even after it had long stopped moving, each post-mortem spasm sent them into a renewed fury, wailing on the corpse some more.

They continued to beat the pile of flesh until it could not have been recognized as a Juravis anymore. They beat into it as if they could beat the memories of this horrible night away, beat it right into the ground with the rest of the blood that permeated into the earth. They continued to beat it because it was the only answer they had. They beat it because it was the only thing they could do. They beat it because if they stopped, the battle would end and time would start again, and they would have to face reality.


"Er... I must be leaving now.  I'll call upon you one day, and that shall suffice as our payment.", and with that, she left Clayton in haste. He barely had time to turn around to say something to her before she was already rounding an alley. "Huh. She left in a hurry. Maybe it was something I said? A favor? I'd rather have paid her an arm and a leg." Having finally retrieved his money and items, he set out to complete his final task of the day.

He had been walking for a while now. His mind was reaching that familiar daze, that his mana supply was starting to run low. The combination of suppressing his pain and maintaining invisibility was draining. What's more, his sleep last night wasn't as restful as it could have been. Looking back, it was a miracle he could even get to sleep. Were it not for the state of his body, he probably would have been up all night in a panic. As he thought of why he would panic, the myriad of ways he could fail had struck a nerve inside Clayton, and he could not ignore the weight of his situation anymore.

Overwhelmed at the monumental task ahead of him, his mind and heart began to race and he sat down behind a crate in the alley. "What am I thinking?" Clayton thought. "What am I doing? I can't do this. Why did I think I could ever do this? Everything seemed to just click together, but now nothing makes any sense." He closed his eyes and held his legs to his chest, trying to make himself feel less vulnerable and fearful. As he regained control of his breathing and heart rate, he realized another sensation had gripped his chest and stopped his throat. It was a sensation that had gone on, but refused to be ignored for any longer and was making itself known now. He stood up and wandered out to the street and saw an empty city. There was no one, not even guards around. He wanted to just bang on the nearest house and beg to be let in from the rain. To sleep in a warm house full of people and to eat even warmer meals and hope life would forget about him.

"Warmer meals..." He needed to eat, his body demanded fuel or it could not keep going. All he saw in the way of food was coming from the nearest trash bin between buildings. Hesitantly, he moved towards the trash. It was a combination of food scraps, mold and rot, blending together to create an repugnant sharp odor. The things he had to eat in survival training made this trash look like a 4 star dinner. But he was never able to readily consume the garbage they feed him like everyone else did. He could just pretend that this is actually a delicious rare behemoth steak in a can. He could make it look, smell and taste just like the real thing. But somehow, eating raw garbage was less pathetic. But shame made him most hesitant. It wasn't just from having to eat from a garbage can. It was from having to eat from a garbage can again.

His shame was finally overridden by his hunger. He had managed to take the first bite of a rotten apple core, going for the most edible, then working his way down to the more disgusting scraps. He had taken most of the rancid edge off, his illusion of taste being developed primary to help him eat the unedible, but it did nothing to stop the bitter memories from coming back. He could no longer hide the observation he silently made: "My life hasn't changed at all, has it?"

He looked up to the sky. All he saw was a brown overcast and rain appearing from out of nowhere. There was nothing human or caring about the rain. No one was pouring the rain down on him. It was just water falling on his face. "I didn't even get that girl's name..." In his introspection, he almost missed the sound of a carriage coming...


May 09, 2012, 09:37:11 am #247 Last Edit: May 10, 2012, 10:45:50 am by Ryqoshay
   She thought it before, and she thinks it again; Mama sure has a strange way of seeking...

   He calls out for her, but she does not respond. It isn't any fun if the seeker gives up so easily. She will let him search some more before deciding if she will reveal herself.

   He inspects some bushes. Suddenly, a large wolfy-man jumps out. Hey! No fair bringing in new seekers to help! Oh, no, wait, they're playing a different game. Mama made a new friend! But what about hide and seek? He didn't forget, did he?

   The white wolf-guy-thing must be bad, because now Mama is attacking it with his sword. Of course he wins, because he is awesome like that, and the doggie man collapses onto the cobblestone. Was there stone there before? She cannot remember. But why would there be cobblestone in a swampy area like this anyway? She dismisses the thought quickly, for it doesn't really matter anyway. Even from this distance, Anita can see the transformation as the bad wolf becomes a bad man and goes away. Bye-bye, new friend wolfy.

   What? Now, he is retrieving the other bad mans from the swamp? Why would he do that? She thought it was a good place for them. Mama calls for her again. Hrmph. It is still too early to give up. He hasn't even begun to search seriously!

   The girl slowly becomes more and more impatient with Mama's continued delays in their hide and seek game, but she maintains her silence. She has hid for hours on end before, so this is nothing.


   Pretty purple kitty! Pretty purple kitty is going to go away when Mama's lightning gets it, however. Anita watches the show with excitement, though careful not to let it betray her position.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


May 10, 2012, 07:42:59 am #248 Last Edit: May 10, 2012, 09:07:08 am by Ryqoshay
   "It flew off..." Felicitous comments after her poison spell strikes, but the target retreats. "Good... for it. Alright, back to sleeping."

   The sounds of battle continue, however, and the young woman turns to see the others swarm a disabled Juravis. Even hopelessly outnumbered, the bird is valiantly holding its own. At least it does so right up to when someone shatters a lamp over it.


   Felicitous' eyes widen. Fire is good. She can make fire as well. The evil birds may have all retreated, but there are still plenty of targets to be had.

   "You will be baked," she says flatly, preparing the magic, "and then there will be cake."

   Suddenly, a strong hand clamps down on her shoulder from behind.

   "Calm yourself, Felicitous." The Anisuasor's voice reaches her ears. "We do not want a repeat of last time, do we?" His words are measured and are carried on a soothing tone. "You are a valued scythe of our clan and we will need you to attack our enemies, not our congregation. Will you do that for us, Felicitous? Will you do that for me?"

   "Yes, sir, Mr. Anisuarsor." she replies slowly before blinking as though coming out of a trance. "Why did I just? Who is that?" her voice returns to normal as she blinks and looks around, confused. "What in St. Ajora's name is going on he..." She collapses to the ground, sound asleep.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Taichii unleashes his red lightning spell as he shouts "Crez Ventez" while he continues to fall from his high jump...
The red lightning generated strikes down to the ground and strikes the front violet panther in the head causing which was caught by surprise... the shock delivered by taichii's scythe and the violet panther's charging collision sent it to a shock which made it stop in its tracks..
The three other violet panthers dodged the lightning strike and rolled to their side....
The 2nd violet panther was big... the 3rd one was thin but long... and the last one seems old and has many battle scars and seemed to be the leader...
The leader of the violet panthers signaled a screech...
The big panther ran towards the left.... The long one at the right... The leader kept charging forward...
Taichii keeps falling and recharging his red lightning strike...
The violet panthers then rolled and headed towards taichii...
The big one leaped and grabbed taichii by the foot....
The long one managed to leap and grab onto taichii's butt....
Taichii struggles as he sees that the leader with many scars, is about to leap...
He tries to draw his blade... but the big long panther bites taichii in the right hand...
Taichii screams as he feels pressure on the bite on his right hand...
He tries to kick off the big panther on his legs but he is too heavy... he can't move...
As he looked back to his front... a huge shadow appeared and it pressed on him...
The violet panthers pinned Taichii down... The leader of the panthers scratched Taichii on the stomach...
the big one keeps on biting Taichii's legs.... The long one also proceeded on biting off taichii's right arm..
tearing taichii's skin and soft tissues .. Taichii screams as he feels pain on different parts of his body...
"I can still feel it... Pain... I'm still a human....  Wait is it a good thing at this moment?"
Taichii spaces out and hears a familiar voice... "No.. You're not... HAHAHA.. That's what you think... !"
The face of Taichii's Ancestor appears as an apparition above the three violet panthers that are feasting on his body...
"You have to face reality sooner or later.." The ancestor fades away.. his evil laugh echoing throughout taichii's Mind...
Taichii's Chest pendant grows bright red... An inverted star forms on his eyes... The Scythe melts... And crept into his left hand... all the way through his back....
The Scythe joins with taichii's body making his left hand turn into a big flaming hand with sharp claws and his back grew fiery wings...
"Wha-What is this?!"
"As i have told you.. i'll let you borrow my powers... You have to learn them... you can't avoid your instincts...in the near future..."
An echo of his ancestor said in a low tone.... Taichii has had enough.... His anger towards his ancestor and the burning fury of the scythe made him snap....
His overgrown arm grabs the surprised long panther in the head... The leader and the big panther tries to free their comrade by attacking the  hand but it only made taichii put more pressure at the trapped creature's head... Taichii gathers power from inside of him... and crushes the long panther's skull....
The leader and the big panther attacked Taichii's weak spot... his exposed, injured arm... The big panther scratched the wounded part of his right arm... Taichii's fury made him more agitated.. He grabs the big panther at the back, raised him in the air and pile drives him on the solid ground... the gravity, the force and the heavy weight of the big panther made the head-first attack break his spinal column...
"Stop!" Taichii thought... "No more!!!!" He kept screaming in his head... The leader of the panthers circled Taichii...Taichii attacks it with his hand but the scarred violet panther is very agile... The panther finally decides to stop dodging... It rolled beside Taichii and jumped in the air.. it landed at taichii's big shoulder... The panther then started scratching Taichii's head and neck....
Taichii struggles and tried to get rid of the panther but he fails.... As the Panther landed a solid scratch which lead Taichii's forehead to bleed... The enraged Taichii then decided to get rid of it in another way...
His wings burned hotter and grew more bigger... They flew to the sky and whirled round and round ....  The panther fell as it could not handle the velocity....
As   the panther fell down.. Taichii opened his left arm... a huge glow of light appeared at the center of his hand....
Seconds later, a beam of white hot flare streamed towards the falling violet panther...
The burning stream ate the leader of the panthers and turned him into ash...
Taichii's power dies out as he keeps bleeding .. from his arm and forehead... he falls from the sky...
He couldn't move his body... He keeps falling.. and falling...
until he landed on something soft....
It was the other violet panther which was still stopped... Taichii was lucky... his heart skipped a beat... His throat felt dry... His eyesight is focused on the panther's unprotected violet neck...
His eyes glowed red.... He couldn't stop it... Everything went black... Taichii sinks his fangs unto the motionless panther... He slowly drinks its blood as he slowly recovers his wounds.....

Moments later.... Taichii stood up and looked at the thin corpse of his victim... he also looked at what he did when he became one with his weapon....
"Oh Ajora no... I've done it again..."
Taichii walks forward slowly.....
"I.. I don't know.. who is more... dangerous... the people who want to hurt anita..... or... is it me?? "
Taichii kept his head down... He looked back at the flower bed where he saw Anita's vestments...
"Even so.. i still have to fight it.. i have to do it at any cost... no more family members of mine.... should die... and anita... anita'll be my daughter!" I have to protect her no matter what!"
As Taichii stated his words from the heart.. a tear fell down his cheeks... And his blade glowed light blue...
"I will never give up great great old man! I am me! You won't take over my body with your evil intentions! I will never back down..."
The Blade glowed more radiant... Taichii draws the blade....  "What's happening?" Taichii then looked at his surroundings..
"Light! Thanks Crimson!" Now i will be able to find her easily.. i have to find her.. before they do..
Taichii swings his blade left and right as its radiant beam lightens dark areas which is completely hidden from the moonlight...
Please do share your ideas and suggestion for my project:

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In Magic City Gariland...

As the gang neared the room, the leader leaned on the door frame of the room. "We know you're in there. We got eyes watchin' this house at all times. Ya got one chance to come out or we're comin' in after ya.", he called out to the darkness coolly, inspecting his machete. "And don't think ya can hide in that lil' hole either. We can just ice ya out." he added matter of factly, motioning to the group's wizard. "Just come on out, and we'll talk about lettin' ya go."


The leaves start to rustle from the trees located at the temple on mount lionel...
The rustles somewhat became too eerie that it woke ardin up...

"Kupopo...Hmmm nm nmmm.." Ardin hummed after he yawns...
The rustling trees' noise scared Ardin a bit.. "Big Brother .. kupo.. carl..." Carl moans as Ardin tries to wake him up..
Ardin felt a cold wind touch his shoulder... "Kupooo~!!" Ardin shouted and hid his face at Carl's back... "Kupo brother Ardin what is it?"
Carl asked as he was still half asleep... "I.. I felt something ... touch me..." Ardin said between sobs...
"It's probably nothing kupo brother.... " Carl said as he went back to sleep....
Ardin decided to just close his eyes.. that maybe if he ignored it.. it would go away....
The wind releases another eerie tone... A shadow appears behind Ardin...
Its hands.. reaching for him... slowly...  it goes closer... and closer.... until...
"Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah~!" Ardin screams again and cries... The hand grabs him and hugs him... "hrrmmmm.. teddy..."
Ignias sleeptalks while cuddling Ardin....
Ardin's face imprinted in shock.... He slowly passes out unconscious and goes back to sleep....
Please do share your ideas and suggestion for my project:

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May 12, 2012, 01:56:26 pm #252 Last Edit: May 13, 2012, 12:16:23 pm by Dynablade
"When it rains.." Quint thought, cursing audibly. His greed overrode his caution, and now he'd pay for it. Not many options, and he really didn't want to test that threat of a mage, lacking a long range technique. At least now he had a small priority list, with the leader letting slip there was a glass jaw in the group. A quick plan was formulated, but how to execute it would depend on the enemy's makeup. Not even for a second did Quint consider that the guys were just going to let him go, with the possibility he put down one of their kin.

A tight spot, and punching his way out didn't seem like it'd work at this moment, so with an exasperated sigh, Quint yelled up. "Alright, I'm coming out!" Taking steady heavy steps Quint would backtrack his steps and before long was a few paces from the leader, palms up at chest level.

He'd try to keep the mood light, "What, did I find someone's stash? I know Malborophiles are looked down on, but I don't judge people.."


"Don't play us dumb. It ain't makin' this better." the leader shot back.

As Quint stepped out of the darkness of the room, he can see the group's composition. They were mostly thieves: in addition to the machete-wielding leader, a tougher looking henchmen gripped a well worn set of brass knuckles, another brandished a solid oak blackjack with a nice reach to it and even in this lighting, it showed a nice sheen and looked well cared for, and the other 3 thieves wielded knives, ranging from one that just short of being a short blade, to a normal dagger, belonging to the seemingly most junior member. The Junior member seemed to be rather quick and on his feet more however. The one with the knife with the in-between blade length actually had a shield with him. And then one hovered in the back of the group, a wiry, very mage-ey, but not quite a Black Mage, looking man. He keep everyone else in the group between him and Quint at all times.

The lead thief thought to himself for a moment, then put his machete away. "Alright. If ya explain to us just how ya found out this stash was here, we'll let you go. It doesn't seem ya ain't workin' for them Northers or anything." he said as he patted his hand on Quint's shoulder in an overly friendly manner. The rest of the gang held their ground.


Quint would keep his nervous smile, taking a quick inventory of his captors. Seven in total, way too many to take out in an ambush, especially with the meek mage in the back keeping his distance. Beyond that there were enough blades in the group to discourage a sudden bull rush on the magic user, forcing him to stay put. The situation did look okay though, perhaps after a good explanation he could be thrown out with his head still attached.

Giving a few of the lesser members a quick glance, looking for nervousness or plain weakness, finding none. Seven vs one was good odds, and even those in the party who might have been more opportunists found bravery in their numbers. Quint's answer would be quick, but he'd add a bit of unnatural pausing, trying to appear as if he was just some guy in the wrong place at the wrong time. "I...f-found it. Was just lying on the ground near the city, and I took it." He'd raise one arm to scratch the back of his head, either a bad tell or genuine caution. "Didn't take jack though, couldn't even open the damn thing.."


The weight of the leader's hand increased on hearing Quint's excuse. "Son, I told ya not to lie. It ain't helping you at all. Search him." Quint found himself immediately flanked by the thieves as they searched his clothes. They found the note Quint obtained from the crazed man from earlier. They handed it over to their leader.

When he looked at it, his eyes shot open. "This is, the instructions I gave to Fritz...I..." the sheer shock of this news had completely taken him off guard. Even the rest of his gang had dropped their guard, wondering if the boss was going to be okay.

Just within reach of Quint, among the piles of junk, was a solid oak ladder. Tables and chairs were also present, but not in immediate reach.


Quint would give a small struggle against the men's rummaging through his pockets but still gave up the note, his elbows now at head height. He wasn't fond of fighting without at least a 50-50 shot, but today would require flipping a lopsided coin. Though his spot looked bleak, with thieves in a tight circle around Quint, he gained one advantage: range. Perhaps the group's size gave them too much confidence, since at this immediate proximity those with blades would take longer than usual to get at the ready, and Quint's fists were always good to go.

He wouldn't have to wait long for his opportunity, a stunned silence gripping the room as the leader of bandits stammered the name of his comrade. His palms were sweaty, heart pumping to an excited pace, his nose flaring with a sudden rush of air. Throwing his right arm out, Quint striked at the one unsuspecting thief with a powerful elbow direct to the bridge of his nose. With a crack the man's nose started to gush blood, and he fell to the floor, suddenly more concerned with his leaky faucet. In a scramble Quint got over the kneeling thief, running his way to the far side of the room for anything to use. Not wanting to break his contact on the eyes of the men who were likely double pissed now, he paced backwards with a hand out, looking for a weapon when he bumped into a small table.

Though the enemy's morale probably rose after that cheap shot, Quint was now back in a favorable position, with the enemy having only one way to engage, from the front. Here it would be easier for him to strike, but an equal hindrance to the opposing force, who could engage only two or three at a time instead of all at once from every angle.


"You bastard. You killed Fritz on his way to Igros, didn't you?" The leader spat out. The longknife thief managed to get on his two feet, clutching his nose to try to stop the blood from running everywhere. The pain made it difficult for him to concentrate on Quint completely. Despite wanting to get back at the monk for that cheap shot, he had to bide his turn, as Brass Knuckles, Blackjack and Machete were already rushing down Quint, backing him against the wall of junk behind him. Machete already whipped his machete out, apparently being quite fast on the draw, and was in range to slash Quint. The wiry mage was completely ignored, still in the back, not sure when he should strike.

In addition to the table nearby, there was also a dresser. One of it's drawers was slightly ajar, revealing it was full of tarnished silverware. Scattered around the room, there were also planks of 2x6 wood, a shovel, a tattered old couch, and a bolt of cloth.


One down, at least incapped, a good start. Though the leader looked pretty pissed, a serious problem with a sword already in the air. Quint's body would roll to the opposite side on the table, barely missed by the blade, it chopping deep into the wood.  In the brief intermission while the leader would again raise his machete, Quint darted to another end of the room where a ladder partially draped with a thick piece of cloth stood. Acting before the others was Blackjack, closing the distance in quick fashion, weapon high.

Finally, a favorable engagement. His first few swings were dodged by Quint, the dim light and tight space around the ladder assisting. But he wasn't so lucky with the next couple, catching them to the ribs. Sufficiently upset, he ducked out from the latest strike, Quint delivering his signature body blow, just below the solar plexus. It was here that Quint noticed how soft his opponent's chest was, nothing like the sparring partners in that crazy guy Fritz, the goblins, or even the other students back home. The way Blackjack doubled to the floor, gasping for air made it seem like these guys were more used to intimidating and robbing people than actually fighting them.

Quint would back off a couple paces, still keeping an inventory of his opponents, putting the cloth over his shoulder. Soon after it was wrapped around his left arm, preparing to use it as a sort of shield against the enemies' blades. Perhaps it couldn't take a direct stab, but deflecting one shouldn't be too difficult. It would also show he wasn't trying to really hurt anyone here, the enemy group easily able to hear Blackjack's impression of a fish out of water. Before there was another sharp edge looking for his face, "I didn't want to hurt him! The guy came after me, I didn't have a choice!"

"..And I don't want to hurt you either." His eyes fixed towards the leader. "But if you still want something I got.." Quint referenced loot in general, money or possessions. "Then you'll have to come and take it." He smirked then, a mischievous curl coming to his lips. If he couldn't punch or talk his way out of this paper bag, how would he even dream of taking down a dragon, let alone the king?


Quint's plea/quip fell on deaf ears as Shields, Junior, and Brass Knuckles closed in on him, with Shields naturally leading the way shield first, knife at his torso, ready to strike. Both Brass and Junior waited until Shields made an opening to strike. When he finally was in range of Quint, he made a quick stab aimed at Quint's torso, shield still raised to deflect Quint's counterattack. Blackjack was still curled up on the ground, making every effort to breath. Skinny was still in the back as always, indecisive as ever. Machete was behind the three, waiting for his turn to spill Quint's guts. Longknife's nose has not gotten any better.