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Original Jot5 Thread

Started by 3lric, October 24, 2011, 04:53:34 am


guess not :( lol well let us know when its released and where to download it at!!!


The demo is finished. I'm giving my team a day to play it first before i release it to the public, since they all worked very heard and deserve first crack at it.

(and i don't wanna get stabbed)

My next thing to release will be KnT episode 4, while more Jot5 stuff for chapter 1 gets finished up
  • Modding version: PSX


cool. so when is the official release date? and what is KnT?


Barring a game-crippling error, the Journey of the Five demo should be released tomorrow at around 5-6pm PST, just in time for people to give it a whirl over the weekend.

KnT is the Adventures of Kagebunji and Twinees series that Elric makes on the side.  You can find Episode 1 here, and there's currently 3 episodes total.


sounds good, thanks for the info.


Wow, I guess it's been a while since I posted here. I'm aware that the OP is very much out of date, and as many of you know there
is a Jot5 Section of the board that is hidden to everyone that is not part of the team, this keeps everything nice and spoiler free.

Since most of the talking goes on there or IRC, I often forget to post here, then when I do remember I'm nowhere near a PC.
So I would like to let everyone know that (as long as Raven gets the damn balancing done) we plan to release Jot5 Ch1 for Xmas.

Looking forward to finally releasing it you all, stay tuned!
  • Modding version: PSX


Blame yourself.. or God XD but durbs :)))
Please do share your ideas and suggestion for my project:

Join our RP :)



What did I do? My stuff was done months ago! +_+
  • Modding version: PSX


Looking forward to the full release of chapter one!


Glad to hear it, we are on day 6 of bugtesting, and i will start fixing all the bugs my team has found (event wise) tomorrow.

Raven, Choto, Xif, and Pride have been working very hard to get all the ASM's playing nicely together.

And so far my console tests prove positive that it will work on a modded console. I can play it on my Wii, PSX, PS2, PSP, Phone (all modded) and obviously my PC.
  • Modding version: PSX


For anyone wondering why there was no Christmas Release:

To put it short, we weren't happy with the product we'd be releasing since it would have required rushing the ending parts of the Chapter as well as some balance/bug testing.  We've consciously decided to cede the Christmas timeslot to Celdia and work on being ready for a release closer to New Year's Day or thereabouts.

After making everyone wait this long, we've decided Journey of the Five Chapter 1 should be the best and most polished product it can be and for that another 1-2 weeks is needed.  Just know that it is very close to being ready and it WILL be released in the near future.

For now, I hope everyone enjoys the Celdia's Class Patch 2nd Beta Release and supports her on that, as she's been working on making THAT the best it can be for a long time as well. 

Merry Belated Christmas to everyone, and have a Happy New Year if we end up deciding to take two weeks to refine Chapter 1 instead of only one.


Release will come later, true, but trust us, everything is almost ready to go. We are working hard to make this the best it can be. Hopefully you guys will like it as much as we do, heh.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


No worries. Rushing to release an incomplete, not fully polished, not fully bug-free or at least minimal bug will lead major disappointment. I rather have the Chapter completely done with later date release than an incomplete one with committed to date of release. Looking forward

Cheers ~
Kindly upload the images to other image hosting sites. I can't view imageshack. Thanks.


Take your time, its been great so far and we can wait


very exciting looking project!
Just curious, by Ch.1 do you mean just the first ch. of the vanilla game is converted (so there would still be 3 other ch.s to go) Or do you mean that you plan on releasing Jot5 in more of a sequel manor - like ch.1 is a full length game with story, as is ch.2 etc etc?

I'm assuming you mean the first rather than the later which makes me sad because this looks so awesome and that would mean its going to be a long time before its complete and that makes me a sad panda lol


Quote from: Luc on February 05, 2013, 09:12:38 am
very exciting looking project!
Just curious, by Ch.1 do you mean just the first ch. of the vanilla game is converted (so there would still be 3 other ch.s to go) Or do you mean that you plan on releasing Jot5 in more of a sequel manor - like ch.1 is a full length game with story, as is ch.2 etc etc?

I'm assuming you mean the first rather than the later which makes me sad because this looks so awesome and that would mean its going to be a long time before its complete and that makes me a sad panda lol

Unfortunately, you are correct, due to the fact that Jot5 is completely custom we will be releasing 1 chapter at a time.
Also due t the size, Chapters 1 and 2 will be on 1 iso, while 3 and 4 will be on their own iso's.

I'm glad that so many people are taking interest tho, it makes all our hard work, sweat and blood very worth it.

Also I want to mention (even tho I'm going to make a recruitment post) that we are looking to take on a couple more event editors. There are ALOT of events in Jot5 and me doing them all alone is not an easy task.
  • Modding version: PSX


Wow this looks like a really cool project you are all working on. I never knew there was a huge underground game-creating community! If you need an extra tester I can play along and look for balance issues and bugs, let me know. Quick question, I just started using the FFTPatcher... whats the fastest way to jump from the Patcher to in-game to test the changes I make? I'm using FFTPatcher version 482 and I know how to save changes to the ISO but how do I jump directly into a specific battle to test my experiments for balance and bugs? Thanks!
  • Modding version: PSX
Every word man speaks is a plagiarism.


The easiest way is just to have a save directly before the battle you want to test.  That's it honestly.

Fantasyanime.com is a good place to get memory cards before every battle in Vanilla.